Stella Dimoko Chronicles Of Blog Visitor Narratives.....



Sunday, April 05, 2015

Chronicles Of Blog Visitor Narratives.....

Wow,so its not only cows that are milked?


Hello SDK,

I read your blog and appreciate it a lot

My marriage will be two years soon.few months into my marriage I was diagnosed of fibroid.i have never felt pain or any discomfort within me before my hubby was not happy with this and so hew he became cold towards me.he went as far as telling me that if I don't have kids it will be problem.the doctors at the hospital refused to give me drugs as they said since it was not disturbing me there was no cause for alarm.

My hubby and I went native and in the process his sperm analysis was requested for.The result came out with low sperm count.with this,we had peace at home.we began treating it. The result finally came back positive after much forward to today,his sperm again came back has been fluctuating and the doctors have insisted for a surgery.

I am really scared.The native woman has insisted I shouldn't touch the fibroid and a doctor also said surgery is not a guarantee that it will work out.without the fibroid the doctors would have referred us for IVF because the sperms are abnormal.

he has been given fertility drugs but still it is not a guarantee because I have been told that after the surgery if his sperm doesn't improve then we will have to go for Ivf.

Please SDK,I am very confused bout everything and I need advice on what to do.before his last sperm analysis,he was already acting like i am the only problem.i just started with a lady that does massage and I believe it will work but my hubby wants the surgery. please what do I do?

Going in for an operation is something both couples and the doctors should agree on..If the docs say its not necessary and you dont really want to,then you shouldnt!...why is your husband putting pressure on you?He should face his low sperm count abeg!
I have gone under the knife for CS and i know the fear that grips one,it can even kill not knowing whether you will make it or not.



Hello Stella please can you post this on your blog. Thank you .

I have this cousin, we are really very close, she has this boy friend who is just using her and she cannot see it, they have being dating for 3years  now, and anything the guy tells her she does, she pays all his bills, no be small be bills I dey yarn o, big ones.

Last year she bought a land for the guy's mother worth 4million in Ajah area, she didn't tell me o, somebody very close to the useless boy friend told me, I asked her and she denied it, later she said it wasn't that expensive.

This is a girl that has not bought land for her own father, she takes care of her dad no doubt, but the dad is in a rented apartment, I cannot say all, but the recent one is the boy friend came and told her he just gained admission in Edinburgh to go for his masters and needs both accommodation, school fees, feeding and some other things which I cannot remember and will cost 7.5million, and  my cousin is planning to give him the money next week.

 I just cannot believe it, so the same guy that always tell me things about her called up on Monday, and gave me this latest gist and more, that the boy didn't gain any admission to any university, that he as already done introduction for another girl and he is planning to do the wedding from the N7.5m, and use the rest to start a business. Can you just imagine that Stella?

 I was so pained, I went to her house, told her she said i am jealous bla bla, like 30 mins after I arrived the boy friends mother came, she now told me to excuse  them she wants to speak to my cousin alone,I enter one room put ear for door they listen, Stella the mother is shameless, she told my sister that she want to start building in the land and everything will cost her N10million, and that she won't mind having the money before May ending, that she wants to finish the house by the year end, I don't know when I came out of the room and told the woman she was a thief,that if somebody is doing that to her own daughter if she would like that, that did she not follow her son for the introduction, me and my cousin almost fought, she asked me out of her house, the woman denied every thing I said Stella.

The guy that gives me all this info said he would try and get me some of the introduction picture so that I can show her, that the boy,s mother, father , In fact all his family were there and that my sister gives money and take care of, family of 419. 

The annoying part is that she doesn't see it, I plan on telling my uncle(her dad),since i am the only one that is aware of all these things, and she is addicted to your blog so I know she will read this and people's comment. Please BV's help me to advice her o, before she transfer the money, apart from the money self she in is for serious heart break, i am just so worried for her. When a woman starts taking care of a man, it doesn't always end well. What else can I do apart from telling my uncle?.
Thanks Stella this what they call Jazz?
Make i sit down and read comments oh.


  1. Poster 2,your story is a clear case of forge-forge.

    Poster 1,fibroid surgery?

    1. Buhahahahahaha!!
      Thank you Irene,i was going to say that..hehehehe

      The icing on the cake was "she is addicted to your blog" kikikikiki. Poster 2,i see you don't have problems, but my major issue is why you will take up space here knowing some people are going through shit and will like their chronicles treated asap!!! Fear God ooh!

      Poster one
      The lord is your strength. 2years and your husband is already frantic. Please listen to your doctors so that you won't go there and die away ooh. Trust me, he will remarry.

      You will conceive,there are worse cases God has solved.. this one right here na child's play.

    2. Abeg, how come sincere guys don't come across girls like this? Seriously, it baffles me. The other time we read a one sided story of a guy who has milked his wife dry if not that she came on to SDK family and told us the truth of how he's planning to escape.
      Babes, please open your eyes o. Find good guys who you can help but who wouldn't try to be smart.

    3. Poster, abeg, be careful how u confront these people o. They don't mind taking you out of the scene if you threaten their livelihood. And that your informant, you guys had better be careful or na die Una dey.
      7.5million ke, he should apply for a scholarship joor. Nddc dey there. Lol.

    4. Poster one,my friend is currently pregnant and yes, there's fibroid in her womb. Her doctor is taking good care of her, so let your husband face his low sperm count. If u were the only one with the problem now, that your husband sounds like one who wouldn't hesitate to have a child outside.

    5. Yes Oh! The story looks like tales by moonlight

    6. This a strong case of jazz. Chei, I wish I can see how to do this kind for my maga. Anyway, asking us for solution won't solve the problem, people saying tell her parents are not helping u. I can bet u when jazz is in operation, there is nothing u can do. If u and her family disturb her too much, the babe go run leave una. Pls trust me, na experience I'm talking from.
      What u need now, If u know any strong man of God or spiritualist,only such person can undo the jazz. U think if ur cuzin reads this your chronicles she will change den my sister u don't know what juju is. She will cut u off her life for this and nothing u will do and say will change her. U use spiritual to fight spiritual. I'm anonymous today.Shikena.

    7. N2, the guy and his family has arranged the babe. She doesn't know what she is doing anymore. Na Benin pple sabi do this kind one.

    8. Poster 1: Most women hv fibroids n still carry viable pregnancies wit d fibroid.....we do nthn abt fibroids except it is if it starts gvin u 'big stomach',abd pain,excessvv bleedin....etc....but in ur case I don't think. It's. Any of pls jus relax n enjoy ur marriage.....pray,mk love at least 3ce a wk thru out d month and most importantly hv faith n trust God.....Hubby's fluctuatn semen profile might be our worry buh if he cuts off habits like alcholism n smokin n eat healthy foods n tk his vitamins,u both will surely smile God willin.....infertility is usu worsened by stress,anxiety,alchoholism, additn to d inherent problems might be dre.....God help n grant ur desires dear.... Poster. 2: ur cousin seem desperate or under some sort of influence.....pls pray for her n try to alert her folks even tho she might still not listen to dm esp if she's under any influence....try to advice her to hv. Her own personal investments or get involved in charities since she seem to hv wit dt....cheers

    9. Poster 2, abeg how much this your cousin dey earn??? If she is taking care of the dad, that means she is not from a rich home. Am confused here oooo. Even if she is working with an Oil&Gas company, it won't be enough to easily squeeze out this kind money.

      4Million, 7.5million??? Na wa oooo Abeg na contract she dey do?

    10. P2 pls aw much does d lady earn or wat work does she do 4 her 2 be sharing money as if she's organising a charity home or she b father xmas? Enuff said

    11. If she works with a multinational she can spend that type of money especially when she doesn't have so much responsibilities at home. Even if she does have.. I know that for sure

    12. At poster 2....I don't know how ur cousin makes ha money... who knows..maybe becos he knows ha source of income..he has a strong hold on ha or jazz.. but I tink u shed get D PICTURES OF THE INTRODUCTION N TELL HA PARENT (Pictures as evidence )den ha eyes wld open

    13. Anon 18:39. Alcoholism is a sickness, it is not synonymous with drinking alcohol.

    14. The friend is saying the truth because what will she gain from writing a false chronicle?my own advise to u not to confront them make they no kon go kill u....they re not to be trusted.

    15. The friend is saying the truth because what will she gain from writing a false chronicle?my own advise to u not to confront them make they no kon go kill u....they re not to be trusted.

    16. Poster 1. I'm sorry for ur predicament dear. But I wish to concentrate on the abstract... so let's assume ur hubby isn't suffering from low sperm count, he would have continued to pressure or threaten u about not getting pregnant, right? But because God is bigger than him, he also has health issues. I'm sorry but u married a selfish man, look at how u are worried for both of u, but he's more about himself alone.

      Are u sure he doesn't exhibit this self centredness in other areas of ur marriage? Madame please relax, do ur best and leave the rest to God. Fibroid or not, ur case is NOT a hopeless one. But pay attention to that ur husband, I don't trust him.

      Poster 2. I wish to plead the 5th amendment on this ur matter. E get as e be

    17. Poster1.....May the healing hand of the lord rest upon you. And what kind of man is your husband

    18. Wow she should come to me so I can teach her sense. That man is only using her and it's scary that she cannot see the handwriting on the wall. Even his mother has no shame - I hope she reads this post and realises how stupid she is

  2. Jesu mi oh!
    This jazz strong gan!
    Na this one dey make sugar daddies build houses for babes no be only power of toto oh

    Abeg tell her parents ASAP! Because nothing wey u go tell that babe wey she go hear. Ha ji the babe na oru big time!

    1. P2 this ur story get as e be.
      Ur cousin na politician?
      Or na d papa get seplat?
      Cos some kind amount u wud mention, jazz go clear from d victim eye one hand.

    2. Help me ask her oh Blackberry. Shelling out millions left and right and her father lives in rented apartment.
      Moreover, I thought rich people sef dey fortify theirselves, so how jazz catch your cousin? Na someone tell me oh, don't know how true the fortification story is oh, no quote me on that.

    3. Is she working for her money? If she and this story is real then they are blackmailing her..

  3. Juju is working,and the guy mother is the one who has made the juju,na wao and your cousin won't even give a dime to poor people

  4. Poster 2,
    The jazz they used on your cousin no get part 2...
    Biko go ahead and tell her father and every members of her family...
    The guy and his family are very wicked people...

    Poster 1,
    Go ahead and do the surgery....
    I did mine after I had my first child and am a mother of 3kids today...
    Just do it for peace sake...let the whole fault not be on you...

    1. Narr1) I love d way God exposed ur hubby, if not ur punana for don dey blow heat.

      Narr2) okokobioko.

    2. Okokobi wetin?...Chai *ROTFL

    3. Poster one listen to yourself and the doctor.

      Poster two, not sure if your story is true, but I have to do this.....BWUAHAHAHAAHAHAHA, women think say na only them sabi chop Chicken from Iya Dolphine. Make una bundle am report to the nearest MFM.

    4. Poster 2, it's not everything you do openly, the boy and his family are bad, so act carefully. And don't mention the source of the info you get, the guy's friend should remain anonymous.

      Get the pics, send it to ur cousin and uncle anonymously, you can send it thru post and write "from a concerned person", or via mail, a new email account tho.

      I pity ur cousin coz the heart break coming is gonna be terrible. If you can get the other girl's mail addy, ie, the wife the guy wants to marry, please leak all these to her, tell her everything going on. Still go anonymous, please don't confront her, you have no business with her. This is not for you to get the guy back to your cousin, but to let the other girl know what shit is happening.

      Also I feel you should take your cousin to see a Pastor, to be counseled and prayed for. Let a neutral person talk to her, let's see if she will listen. Always put her In your prayers.

      Ronalda, waiting for your comment on this. *side eyes*

  5. Poster 2-better take your cousin to the nearest mountain of fire church for serious deliverance ,this is pure african science,what

    1. Hahahahahahaha...MFM deliverance....Good idea!

  6. Hhnnnnnn see Jazz on a high level. Seems like there is a Papa Dolphin somewhere who prepares the chicken for this guy.
    This is too much abeg.

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    1. Which jazz? Babe be lying!!! 4 mill, 7.5mill, 10 mill... hahaha is it in kobo or pennies! Hissss

  7. Poster 2.Juju is at work.Tell her father.and get d pics.cos a pic is worth a thousand words.

  8. Poster 2.Juju is at work.Tell her father.and get d pics.cos a pic is worth a thousand words.

  9. Poster 1: just try to pray and tell God to guide you through every process you wanna take.
    Poster 2: Is ur Cousin not educated, can't she ask for the admission letter and the likes, also she shld follow up on the who student visa thing... The guy is hardcore and wicked and what kind of mother is that sef?

    1. It's obvious it's African magic that's working on her.

  10. Poster one, having fibroids in itself is not such a big deal, we r blacks and the statistics is almost 7/10 for females over 30 who are yet to have babies so dear not a big deal, wat matters is the size and location of the fibroids. Four of my closest friends were diagnosed wt fibroids few months to their wedding, they all were worried and I was the one reassuring them that time that all will be well. Anyways they all have atleast one or two kids now, none is barren. Me sef was diagnosed with fibroids just one month to my wedding, babes I have four but they are all on the outside of the uterus and do not give me any symptoms whatsoever...I am 18 months married now but hubby and I only just decided to start having babies from next month, I am so confident that all will be well.
    If the doctors have said no indication for any surgery babes rest ur mind...d surgery can make things worse because as they r drilling for the fibroids sometimes the uterine lining (endometrium) comes out with it, that means that person can never have children again, also fibroid surgeries involved a lot of blood loss, babes don't risk ur life. I am a doctor and I know what I am saying.
    I think the only obvious problem at the moment is ur hubby's sperm count and morphology, that needs to be sorted ...let him know u r not infertile , even if ur fibroid is inside the uterine wall, it has very little to do wt conception, only problem is it myt affect the size of the baby if it's big.
    Men sha! If u guys haven't done a semen analysis now he wl be claiming u r the problem...if he is in doubt he shld let u play 'away match' and see if u won't come back 'full' the very same month.
    I pray God visits you guys and grant u the fruit of the womb, same for me and hubby (Amen)!
    All the best!

    1. Wow! You have 4 of em and you waited for 18months to take in? I love your faith!

    2. Exactly. I have a friend who had 4 kids in quick succession because she had fibroid and ppl told her it grows with each preg. If the fibby is not in a bad place,have ur kids.
      You ppl shud take care of oga's LSC first

  11. Poster 1.May God grant your heart desire and heal you from that and hubby should come to a conclusion on what step to take Poster2.even if it's not jazz,your cousin should open her eyes hmmmmmmmmmm.

  12. Poster 2. Aunty Stella that's a serious Jazz coz women don't surrender money easily like that. I hope she have extra money fixed for herself coz the end of the story will be bad oo

  13. Dem don jaz her oh tell her dad make una find way oh to destroy d jaz oh

  14. p1: I am a pastor, what I will advise you now is you need to put all your hope on God,because he is a God of miracle.To every problem their is a solutions and their is nothing impossible forGod to do.I will advise you to be committed to God words..Read the bible about Hannah who was childless and finally God opened her womb.So trust in the Lord and lean not on what the doctors has said.God has spoken to me to tell you that you must have a child.Believe in this report it is God report.
    P2: your cousin has be charmed.The family of her boyfriend is manipulating her.She is not herself and need to be delivered. You need to report her to you uncle so they can take her to any bible believing church.PST.chekeleke

  15. Why are you wasting time poster2 in telling your uncle? Infact tell the whole family o your cousim isnt doing all these with a clear mind tell everyone you can tell also u guys should break fervently for the juju to clear from her eyes

  16. If this is true... Then I advise that you take her to a bible believeing church for deliverance.

  17. N1, I don't no y in Naija if pregnancy delayed, every1 will blame d woman, can u imagine? He. Even told u b4 he discovered his own problem dt if u can't av a kid, den dia will be problem? N now he is leaving his own problem n putting pressure on u? If I talk now ppl will say am jealous bc am not married. But hell no, dt ur husband is not only selfish but self centred n heartless. U self u de try. Don't go for any operation, u may die, since d doctor said is not a problem, den leave d operation, let him work on his own low sperm count bc dt one is more serious dan d fibroid self bc I av seen many ppl wt fibroid dt gave birth to bouncing babies. Goodluck. N2, is like dt ur cousin is not only stupid but foolish. First how many investment did she av in her name dt she is spending all her money on a guy n his mother? Upon all d Nollywood movies on dis kind of story, yet some gals still fall mugu? A cousin of mine sponsored a guy to abroad to study. N wen d guy came back, he returned with a white gal n told my cousin to chill dt its true her money got him to abroad, but d ladies connection got him a green card. Can u imagine? So am still surprise dt some gals re so desperate to marry dt de re stupid. If ur cousin is so blindly in love, y not let her insist dt d guy should marry her first b4 any money is given out? In dt case she will no if d guy is for real or not. But as for me, let dt ur cousin run b4 she will write us suicide chronicle soon. Goodluck too.

    1. Insist that he marries her? Is it not her money that will be used again??

      The guy may do that and 2moro dissolve the whole thing. This kinds guy doesn't have conscience....forgerrit!

  18. Men these days no get breeze for nyash. Women pay their bills and the men shamelessly dress up and be chasing other women. Useless lot.
    Father lord, cripple every plans of a blood sucking boyfriend and his draining agents (family).

  19. Poster 2: Chineke nna God. Please do all u can to extricate ur cousin from that situation biko.

  20. N.2 My question to you is where is your cousin getting that kind of money from? I hope she's not holding this boy so tight because she's fucking men for money & hopes he will marry her at the end of the day. Hmn. Lerrus see.

    1. What's ur business with her source of income?

    2. So a single lady can't be successful again???

    3. Successful with 4 million Naira at Her disposal? Then 7.5 million loading? It depends on what you define as success. Isn't Dabota Lawson successful now? This money is NOT pure. If she worked real hard for that money she won't be spending it on this lying sleazy son of a bitch.

    4. BrokenEnglishmandey5 April 2015 at 20:15

      Yes, where's she getting all that money? How old is she and what is her profession? Abeggii, all these Klegs stories... imma slap your lying ass.

    5. Please not everybody earn 100-300k as salaries. Some people earn more. Some of them happen to be single.
      When you work with a reputable oil and gas firm, multinationals they pay can take you to the car shop all the time to shop for brand new cars.

      Because you earn low doesn't mean everybody does.
      I hate it when people say figures are high so not possible when people are actually working their asses off for that.

  21. Poster 2: pls without wasting further time, report that ur sister to her dad. She obviously needs a hot slap from her father to reset her brain back to factory settings. Am sure she is desperate for marriage and dat is why she is allowing the useless family use her as their ATM.

  22. Poster 2 maybe ur cousin needs to learn de hard way but I really really hope she realises she is in a serious 1 chance relationship before its too late. De mistake we ladies make is to think dat we can keep a man with our p*** or money. It never ends well. Poster's cousin please get smart and teach dat ur gold digging bf a leason he'll never forget.

  23. Your cousin has been jazzed...pls inform her parents now before its too late, cos when ur cousin comes back to her senses she will commit suicide

    1. Man mi dese comments tell me not 2 take naija babe 4 granted o,dem like jazz pass prick

  24. 1. You have a little fibroid issue he has low sperm count, you guys are even. Remember still that there is nothing GOD cannot do. A woman that used to have very big malignant fibroid in her womb was told by my Pastor to go and be pregnant. The lady got pregnant and the docs told the lady the baby will not survive cos the fibroid was growing at a fast rate. This lady testified to GOD that fibroid instead of killing the baby served as food for the baby. The most beautiful part was that on the day of delivery this lady birth her child and a very big fibroid. My Dear there is nothing the LORD cannot do.
    2. Am always team mind your business but this one water don pass garri. This is not ordinary love. Pls report her to her dad, report her to her village head, her uncles, aunties even her priest.

    1. Fibroid served as food for the baby in the uterus????? What will I not read on Strlla's blog? Absolute nonsense! Baby survived mainly because of the position of the fibroid, not because it was feeding on the fibroid! People are so gullible!

  25. Chineke!!!!!

    This second narrative open my eye o,ehhh
    You mean a chic can be dis generous and foolish at the same time! Is this jazz,love,or sheer stupidity! She is in for gobe(if the guy is saying the truth o) even if he's lying,shes foolish all the same,to be doing such things for a man that is not her husband!

  26. Money cannot buy a real husband. By the way, what does your cousin do that she has so much money to throw around. On a man for that matter?! Na wah o. Is it jazz or stupidity plus desperation? Her eyes go soon clear.

  27. Poster as the doctor has suggested and madam you are just coyly digging your own grave,which one is goin u know what sort of nonsense is mixed in those concussion you get to drink huh? u might be doin yourself more harm dan good...abeg i no dey use ear hear herbal drugs dt shiiiii ain't 4me

    Poster2---tell your uncle and if yet she doesn't listen,y'all should leave her be.experience they say is the best teacher,she prolly wants to learn the hard way mtcheeeew foolish girls of nowadays,a dude that hasn't paid your bride price and your already acting like a foolish wifey.ok o continue

  28. P1, God will intervene in your productive body both you and your husband. P2, this one pass 419 this one na wickedness. When you get the pictures call all your family members and go to the police station. Na wa o.

    1. I was thinking the same thing, the police should be involved. She needs to get that land back if possible and all the money she gave the guy. Bastard guy like him. To think his whole family is even involved, people are wicked oh, but what goes around comes around.

  29. N2 abeg does your cousin do girls I can like to be her girlfriend ooooooo

  30. Just give her 2dirty slap to restore her brain to normal. what is it sef????

  31. Everything tire me what can I say @poster two she wants to be a Maga leave her to pay the guy rubbish. ..

  32. poster 2 Na wah ooo Me wey i be very good man no meet this kind of lady na soso bloody sucking babes I dey meet too
    Oh Lord have mercy connect like minded man and woman together and let all this users hook emself up Ijn
    If you're a successful pretty young lady with good heart please contact me
    please ladies struggling with their lifes or school babes keep off .

    1. Make I hear word mister billionaire

    2. Lmao @shirley

    3. Rotflmao! Look for your type a 'chimpazee' kwakwakwakwakwa!

  33. Poster1 pls bear and follow wat Stella said. Moreova make ur husband know it not a one way problem. He also has his issue to solve. Pray a lot too. God knows best

    Poster2 tell her dad. Pole are wicked o. How can a mother do DAT. Haba. And try getting d pix fast. A pix wld explain a lot to her. But afterwards pls don't do dni told u so tin. Shez in luv dat y.

  34. poster 2 Na wah ooo Me wey i be very good man no meet this kind of lady na soso bloody sucking babes I dey meet too
    Oh Lord have mercy connect like minded man and woman together and let all this users hook emself up Ijn
    If you're a successful pretty young lady with good heart please contact me
    please ladies struggling with their lifes or school babes keep off .

    1. Pls scram...besides how can anyone even contact you when you are anonymous

    2. Stingy lazy broke ass!
      Fly away...

    3. Anon 15:48 I 'll so open your stinky ass here next time u mention my family.
      Isn't it a good thing u know d history, I was disvirgined by d same man I'm married to, which of your useless sisters has such history? None of them marries without dropping one or two bastards.
      You assume you r a man, u have my contacts btw, why don't u contact me if u r so pained. No wonder 'progress' in an enemy of your family.
      Bloody FOOL.

  35. No2:Please tell her father..this is not marriage that people would say mind your business. Tell anyone you know can stop her. Bring the guy that gives you all the info to meet her and tell her all he knows.

  36. poster 2 Na wah ooo Me wey i be very good man no meet this kind of lady na soso bloody sucking babes I dey meet too
    Oh Lord have mercy connect like minded man and woman together and let all this users hook emself up Ijn
    If you're a successful pretty young lady with good heart please contact me
    please ladies struggling with their lifes or school babes keep off .

    1. @ anon, idi ka umu nwoke ndi 'audio money'

    2. the queen i no blame you na every comment you dey reply as na ur papa disvirgin u so i can understand the taboo curse working in your life and it must be permanent

    3. E don do oga we don hear

    4. olori western union5 April 2015 at 19:32

      Anon shut the fuck up, bloody gold digger like you anuofia. Na if una won talk bad thing una dey go anon, I notice the most insultive and judgemental people on this blog are Anons, I never see the person wey I no fit insult for here oo, don't need to go anon to speak my mind. Useless fool. That Anon that always masturbate after my comments, if you come here today talk rubbish ehnn, that hand wey you take type, you no go use am do any better thing for your life. Ozuor. #holy week don finish no time for rubbish#

    5. Imagine the hooligan? Anon 15:49, u call yourself a man? which money? U don't v a job let alone money. D school u manage go Na mistake, if not for that family that rescued your dirty ass, u 'll be an illitrate just like ur siblings. As u r throwing tantrums, remember ur mum is dying of hunger in d village useless ape like structure. Oh! Btw no successful young girl/lady 'll look at u twice. Carry your frustrated dirty self outta here m u m u!

    6. Imagine the hooligan? Anon 15:49, u call yourself a man? which money? U don't v a job let alone money. D school u manage go Na mistake, if not for that family that rescued your dirty ass, u 'll be an illitrate just like ur siblings. As u r throwing tantrums, remember ur mum is dying of hunger in d village useless ape like structure. Oh! Btw no successful young girl/lady 'll look at u twice. Carry your frustrated dirty self outta here m u m u!

  37. Poster 3...Dis one is jazz on another level..Na wah oh..Call a very prayetful man of God to conduct a serious deliverance on ur friend..Pls dis is d time to show her u are a true friend..She will thank u tomorrow for what u did for her...Dis kind girl wont even give shishi to her relatives but will dole out money to gold diggers in d name of stupid love..I pity her already.

    1. # No poster 3 nor is she a friend buh cousin# I read she also care 4 his dad buh not as much as she does to boo's folks. Try n read bf u comment.

    2. @chizoba, na narratives 1 and 2 ooo. No poster 3 ooo biko abeg except you want to add your own 3 and they're cousins not friends. Big dummy.

    3. olori western union6 April 2015 at 10:55

      Learn to correct with love Anon, it won't cost you a thing.

  38. poster 2 Na wah ooo Me wey i be very good man no meet this kind of lady na soso bloody sucking babes I dey meet too
    Oh Lord have mercy connect like minded man and woman together and let all this users hook emself up Ijn
    If you're a successful pretty young lady with good heart please contact me
    please ladies struggling with their lifes or school babes keep off .

    1. Oga we haff heard you now, now bounce. If your money is burning a hole in your pocket, go red light district abeg.

    2. Don't mind the useless nonentity, why won't he post hundred times when he can't boast of common GPRS phone. Every thing is so glaring in ur comment dude. Broke ass frustrated gold digger.

  39. Poster#1
    Look into these supplements. As in research them and start on them if you choose.
    -NATURAL progesterone cream
    for more detailed information go on this website

    As for removing the fibroid do not be afraid or pressured into any thing. If the doctors are not suggesting you remove them maybe they aren't big enough. If you decide to get them removed, find a reputable doctor with good track records of successful conception after surgery and go in with prayers. I had mine removed and I now have two children. Planning a third soon as I have been told the fibroids are growing back. Hence how I started doing the research I have shared above.
    Good luck!

  40. Poster#1
    Look into these supplements. As in research them and start on them if you choose.
    -NATURAL progesterone cream
    for more detailed information go on this website
    As for removing the fibroid do not be afraid orpressured intoany thing. If the doctors are not suggesting you remove them maybe they aren't big enough. If you decide to get them removed, find a reputable doctor with good track records of successful conception after surgery and go in with prayers. I had mine removed and I now have two children. Planning a third now as I have been told the fibroids are growing back again. Hence how I started doing the research I have shared above.
    Good luck

  41. Lmao to all the pictures. Stellz me I have church lag kwa

  42. Jazz in d making....she no go know wetin dey until d tin clear for her eyes.

  43. OMG poster one you are still in that marriage because your husband has low sperm count else he would have fustrated you out of that marriage by now! God will see you through AMEN
    OM heavens your cousin has been jazzed may God repay that family exactly what they have done to this lady
    I feel so hurt like I know her,please get the evidence and show it to her kai I can't just imagine the heart break these lady will go through. And thanks for looking out for her

  44. Chai I have miscommented o pls disregard the previous one. For poster 2 all I see is serious jazzing here o just tell her people to take her for serious deliverance or else.......

  45. This story sounds fake abeg . How old is this your cousin? And what does she do to have all these millions to throw about ? Try and get the intro pics and I support telling her dad and hopefully he can convince her to at least stop the cash flow if she doesn't want to end the relationship .

    1. Exactly o! Where is she getting all these millions from that she herself hasn't taken care of her folks like that?

  46. N1.. Why are u disturbing yourself ehn.. i wish God will teach all these selfish men lessons like this.. This night sit him down and tell him that u must be doing your baby dedication by Easter next year if not there will be problem.. Tell him to bring moni for IVF today today.. Infact if you know how he shaped his mouth to talk to you do the same to him too.. Haba.. he had better do abracadabra and correct his sperm count if not ehn.. As for your fibroid if your Dr said you sldnt worry aboout it then you shouldnt bcos it depends on the size and position sometimes.. One of my sisters gave birth to a 4kg baby even though she had fibroid before conception so pls listen to your Dr and stop going to native whatever before you will disorganise your womb biko Nne.

  47. Poster 2,

    What kind of work or business does your cousin do? Does she own an oil well?

    N4m? N7.5m? N10m? Na wah!

    Do EVERYTHING YOU CAN to get those photos from that guy. That's the only thing that will clear her eyes.

    And when you get it, send it to her dad then tell him everything. God willing, he will call his daughter to order.

    She has already started calling you jealous so she has COMPLETELY lost control of her senses.

  48. Poster 2, your friend is under a serious influence. Her boyfriend asks her for 7.5 mil and mother in law to be asks her for 10 mil plus, ultimatum? If you know what is good for you and your family, get a proof, tell her father, get a pastor to pray and break the influence. This is wickedness in the highest form.

    If the claims that her boyfriend is defrauding her, and it eventually gets out, I don't know what will happen to your cousin. To be for warned is to be for armed.

  49. @N2 pls tell her dad. Your cousin is so stupid. Very stupid at that. How can a woman be takin care of a man that she's not even married to? It beats me how desperate some ladies can be and when u advice them, they term u being jealous. And d stupid boyfriend and mother are so shameless. Or is it jazz? U neva can tell. Help your cousin outa this mess since u'r d only sane person around. @least let her have hrt break and save her hard earned money

  50. @1, kpele, plz don't let ur hubby give u HBP abeg, make everybody go solve e own problem, try deal with ur fibroid and free itself.
    @2, tell her dad abeg, I think she's jazzed oh, how many plots of land has she bought for herself, that guy is a thief, gold digger and heartless, he's a lazy fool depending on a woman to foot his bills, the mother is a she devil, infant God will punish that family.

  51. oh my God!!!!!! dey have jazzed her. pls tell her father fast. get the pics so dat she will be convinced. heartless mother and son, dey want her money but don't want her. dats a demand of abt 22million. na wah wat does she do for a living? sad! madam beta run to mmf for serious deliverance sessions. dey have turned ur cousins head. aresst both mother and son nd dnt release dem till u recover everything including the land. terribly sad!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. @P2.. You pwe it to your cuzz to tell her dad since she is not listening to your. If you can get pictures to back it up it will be better. Let's see if the pictures will clear her eyes if its jazz. Why wiouls she spend such an amount of money on a guy that has not wifed her. She better wake up from her slumber henece nah hospital her enemy go land if they guy dumps her and marry another wit her money.

  53. My sister I beg u with d name of God don't give any more money to the guy or the family. Pls he should be taking care of d effect it's an obvious scam I feel like crying for u. Pls breakup he doesn't love u. Investigate if u ask him he will deny investigate and make sure I beg u in d name of God cut all ties with that family

  54. Poster 2, you have tried Ur best. Let her be. When she eventually wants to cry, kick her out of Ur house as well.

  55. Na wah ohhhhhh
    Open ur eyes uf u re reading dis,if not don't knw if u will survive wen d hrtbreak comes,cos dis guy doesn't luv u a bit,be wise gurl

    ********LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS*********

  56. May the scales on the poster 2 cousin fall off in Jesus Name,Amen. She is just transferring her gold to swines. It's Amadioha that is using those people to destroy the girls life.
    That's why I don't play with prayers, May all my enemies die in my place. Ha, only MFM members will understand the deep scriptures behind this short prayer.

    All the pits that any evil person digs for me to fall into, na them go enter the pit. Every evil arrow sent to me will be sent back to the sender. This her situation needs special prayers Abeg, she is just entering all thier evil schemes. I dey vex, on top all the stories she reads here.

    1. Amen o my sister! I follow you pray and say amen!

  57. Poster2,is ur cousin older than d guy?as in like a sugar mummy? Co's he's treating her as such.!shes just like a tap he and his miserable family open and water(money)gushes jazz!dem don tie her inside bottle,till it's broken,she will remain a zombie for them.smh itss a pity.
    Surprise her and take her to a strong man of God for deliverance and put her in ur prayers too

  58. Laughing so hard @ post2. Pls let her b experience dey say is d best teacher!

  59. P 2. You are a true friend and sister. If your cousin is reading this, please dear, tell the guy you won't be able to help him financially anymore. If he goes, he never loved you

  60. God will rescue her from the claws of that family. the boys mother is a serious witch. get those pix asap .nawaooo.#Just Glamour.

  61. Irene B no be small case of forge forge. Before u give somebody millions of naira, u must have like hundreds of millions in my opinion oo. So it got me thinking; how old is this gf? Is she Dangote's daughter or Bill Gate sef but both are not living in rented apartments so that's out of it. D story no just just gel at all.

  62. Poster 2: what does your cousin do? She's just doling out cash here and there... 4m, 7.5m, 10m hian! I think this your story is forged abeg.

  63. # 1 Get d pics 4 d intro as evidience n show her first if the jazz persist, den involve family. D million million in ur chronicle sounds so fake, just ope I didn't my energy 4 a cock n bull story.#2 follow ur doc advice plz, n rely less on native means abeg and pray bc prayer works wonders n dnt let the medical challanges take away marital joy n peaceful atmosphere that will facilitate conception. God bless

  64. Poster 2:dis happened 2 a lady I know don't fight or quarrel with her.she's under major diabolical manipulation but I pray 4 her now in The Name of Jesus the resurrected Christ that the manipulation ends NOW.let d wickedness of d manipulator come upon deir own heads n Her eyes of understanding are open in Jesus Name.

  65. Hmm dis life Na wa it's very possible for a man to abandon his two children?? After all my sufferings of been a good wife,he took all our joint savings to care for another woman, d story is too long for me to tell as I cant stop crying...please sdk help me beg girls on dis blog to be very wise....please I beg u with all my soul!!! Finally we went to customary court ND he clearly said he doesn't want d two kids again both boys,now I believe story I read here dat a goof man is a good man,vice versa* tears*

  66. Poster 1:
    God has disgraced that your husband. If it weren't that you guys are even, health-wise, I'm very sure he would have frustrated the life out of you.
    Imagine, he was already acting cold at the beginning when you were diagnosed, as if you brought the illness upon yourself.
    Abeg tell him to face his sperm and co-operate with his treatments, and let you breathe.
    I've read cases where women with fibroid get pregnant and give birth eventually.

    Well said Anonymous 5 April 2015 at 15:20. It is where and the size of the fibroid that will call for surgery. The doctor told you it won't affect you in anyway, why are you stressing? and also going to the native doctor for goodness safe.
    Regarding your husband low sperm count, have you guys search the internet regarding any vital information? Like taking folic acid, eating healthy and exercise etc.
    Most of all, both of you should pray to God and declare his promises in your life, lay hands on your tummy and his sexual organ and ask God to perform his miracle instead of passing blame left and right.

    Stay blessed.
    Anonymous B

  68. Poster1n2 both should pray for God to deliver u

  69. Let me start with poster 2: its easy to say jazz but she just may be brain washed. Behind closed door, you don't know the things he tells the girl; promises of how colourful the future can be, the love he shows her with his hmmm! Don't ask me the "hmmm" but sincerely, until concrete evidence is given, she isn't buying nothing else.
    Poster 1: take a bold step of faith and seek God out concerning your issue. And try to understand your husband point. He probably wants the surgery, then he'd feel its one person(him) problem that needs taken care of. Afterall, he has being undergoing treatment. There's no harm if you also give it a try. #Godwin in all of these. Easter Eclectic Question(hilarious and touching) - Who Did I Marry? Kindly visit

  70. Poster 2 Ogun Abe nu gone gon is at work. Please tell her dad now so that she can get help also pray for her.

  71. POSTER 2.. This your story cant be true... Your cousin bought a plot worth 4m for her boyfriend parents.. This is super story part 1......
    Then they need 10m to build super story part 2.. Then he needs 7.5m for sch feels super story part 3. In Total 22 million..IDONBILIVIT..

    iF its true please report her to all your family members this night.. call your pastor and all her friends.. after that stay clear of her relationship to save your life..

  72. Poster 1,you r just uninformed that is the reason you and your husband aren't focusing on solving this matter do not have a disease.

  73. Hello Poster2 I have to commend you for your love for your family. May God bless you and open doors of opportunity for you. May your heart of compassion never cease in Jesus Christ name.

    Before I could say Jack Robinson while reading your post. I discern she was under evil manipulation. May it's stronghold be broken in Jesus Name. Amen.

    I wouldn't be quick in calling her stupid like some commentators. But I have to commend you for your continuous tancity to put an end to this exhortation. The reason I have so much praise is that I put my family before any ethics and my own family betrayed me. They are so rude and disrespectful. They sit and side with the manipulators. After that betrayal I just have respect for you that despite fighting with your cousin. You re still trying to warn her. It's those with discerning eyes that can tell all these strange women/men that infiltrate family and steal/destroy with wickedness. There are even false pastors prophets that manipulate people. They all fall under the banner of witches and wizards. they are so wicked. The circumstance that surrounded to severe my relationship with my rude cousin. I no fit shout. I plan on not wanting to comprehend. I leave it to God. I just sit me quiet.

    poster 1 please stress one of those reasons for fibroid. by the way please focus on Jesus Christ and ignore all those detractors. Let me not call your spouse names. Fear=Fear. Spoke out of fear and you are also trying to act out of fear.

    God bless

  74. Poster no.1 plz don't touch ur fibroid. It is not the solution to the problem. I had two sons with big fibroid in my womb, doctors warned me not to touch it. The problem u hv is ur husbands low sperm count.

    Poster no.2 your cousin is under the influence of a charm. The earlier u tell her family so they find a solution the better. The boy will will not marry her at the end of the day.she is just their meal ticket.

  75. Some family are devilish, mother and son are the same..may God help ur friend.

  76. #2: Sometimes the truth can be stranger than fiction so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. After all, someone reading this may be going through something similar and may find this helpful. However, in spite of the benefit of doubt tilting in your favour, a part of me feels like there are a few embellishments, especially with regard to the amount of money being siphoned from your cousin.

    Honey, love has been known to stupefy and mimic the manipulations of spells and charms, especially when a naive individual falls in love. They go to the extreme. Charms and spells have been known to mimic love, as well. The line between both is pretty thin and because of the society we live in, it is a safer option to believe in spiritual manipulations. One thing both have in common is the negative outcome. So whether the love is real or induc‎ed, your cousin needs help but I think you're going about it the wrong way. 

    If this is spiritual then your "voltron-ic" moves will make you a soft target and trust me, honey, it isn't fun fighting spiritual battles let alone someone else's. People who engage in such acts do whatever it takes to rid every "obstacle" off their way. A better approach would be to appear neutral whenever the boy or his family members visit for whatever reason(s). Then in the quietness of your room, intercede on your knees. It's good you point out her ridiculous decisions but not in an accusatory manner or with any form of hostility because that will only make her defensive and attack you, she will eventually shut you out and withdraw. That's the natural reaction, even if she knows you are right. If you come to her letting her know you love her so much that you can't stand it whenever you feel she's being taken advantage of. Let her know whatever happens, you'll be there for her. People open up more when they feel loved than judged. There's a time for tough love but this isn't one of them. 

    My darling, as painful and helpless as you may feel, the sad truth is, there are some people who wouldn't learn until they hit rock bottom and get an indelible scar. They learn best from personal experiences. She is an adult and you must learn to respect her space and privacy. You are her cousin, not her mum nor dad. They have the discretion whether or not to bring the roof down. Letting her father know may be a helpful, it's better her dad intrudes into her private life than you. That's what parents are known for anyway, regardless of your age, your parents reserve the right to call you out whenever you step out of line. That she doesn't spend as much on her parents as she does her boyfriend, doesn't mean she doesn't respect them, she may just be taking them for granted without knowing. It may just be misplaced priorities. I hope it works well for all of you. 

    1. Hehehehee. Was waiting to see your comment

      Lol @few embellishments

  77. This is not Jazz. This is plain STUPIDITY.

    The babe herself must be a runs babe.
    Not only 7.5 million!

    People who work hard for their money don't spend it like that. Not even Dangote I'm sure.

  78. Some mothers are useless.Same thing happened to me. I always gave my bf mother money, clothes etc. Sending money to her account without her expecting. Not knowing that this iya oko bonrvita will betray me. Her son brought in another girl to the house(she lives with him)and this woman was aware. When I called her to ask, guess what the witch said," dat her son is a single man''. To think that this woman lives all her miserable life in church. I was shell shocked at her behavior. Right now, I cant spend my kobo on any guy or his miserable family.


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