Who says God isnt great!...He does what he says he will do ...EKWUEME!
Dear Ma, may God in his infinite mercies take you higher and higher.
Aunty stella pls help me. I have been mailing you for a month now. My
parents can't afford to pay my fees of 35k as I speak. I have forwarded
you receipt of my acceptance fee last month, as I write this my mom has
cadiormiopathy disease of the heart, if I send you her picture you will shed
tears. Stella I don't mind working as a servant or errand boy
for anyone who helps me pay my fees after my exams next month. I'm a
hard working 17yr old boy. Ma please help me please, please help me forward
the message to angel blaze or help me post it in IHN. I can't sleep, I
cry, I'm sad please ma. I can provide all details. The money can even be
sent directly to schools account, I'm in delta state polytechnic
ogharra, electrical engineering.
Ma I don't no what else to say again for you to believe me! Please help me
please ma please, please you are my last hope please ma take me as
your son.
Thank you God bless you
Are you the one angel blase refers to?
Hmmm a 17 year old crying to secure his future.this is really sad because if one person pays now,who will pay the next one?I am begging anyone who can employ or adopt this boy till he can finish school.this is the stage we help or break them.he wants to be in school and not in the streets stealing.please i cannot do this alone.I need any blog visitor who has the financial means to step in and contact this young man.God bless you as you take this up...IT IS NOT BY FORCE THOUGH.
Hi stella
God bless you always.I am in dire need of a 2 bedroom flat around ladipo, oshodi area,or ketu side for a 200 to 250k at most.i would be so grateful
i can be reached via email tanwabetterlover2000@yahoo.co.uk
God bless
Stella the Kork,
It wasnt completed yesterday so here goes again
This the concluding part of my mondays amebo gist, on the house that has inhabited 6 tenants under 2 years.
At least, of the 6 tenants, 4 of them had accused the landlord of being randy. And when they turn him down, he makes life a living hell for them. Secondly, his tenants had often complained of him coming to their windows at odd hours of the night, flashing torchlight. Especially on the nights, their husbands are not around. To watch them sleep, hoping to catch them naked sometimes.
The 5th tenants wife(Mrs B) had issues with the landlady(Mrs J) after she told Mrs J, that Mr J made passes at her. Angered or so, Mrs J started gossiping Mrs B round and about the hood. That Mrs B is an in-house asewo, who brings men home during the day. When her kids & hubby are away to school & work respectively, for romps. An accusation which may not hold water, because Mrs B has down the road and is always there, especially during the time in question. Even to the face of Mr B, who so always ignores her rants.
Then again, on those days Mr J is not around & as house owners, have no fuel, Mrs J does not allow any tenant to have their Gen active beyond 7:30pm. So, on this champion league tuesday night, Mr B came back to watch match at7:45pm. Mrs J came down, turned off the Gen, unplugged it and whisked it away. A furious Mr B restrained himself from descending on her and went to bed angry. The next morning the generator was returned. And from work Mr B brought with a big chain, which he later strapped on the Generator to the burglary-shield of his door. And went out to a nearby super-mart to get stuffs, while Mrs J watched from her balcony. Only for to get down, followed Mr B to where he had gone to buy things and gave him resounding slaps. Restrained by people, he hurried home to tell his wife. The waffi woman changed into 3/4 and a sprint vest, waited at Mrs J stairs offensively. Mrs J who just walked into the compound fuming on sighting her, got into a fight; body slaps,blows, karate kicks and she tore Mrs J's blouse. Who was now left to the mercy of her 4 daughters(12, 9, 7 & 5). They helped her up in bruises onto the stairs and into their flat. The other tenant was not around at that time, so no referee to pacify her.
Fast forward to 7:45pm, with a parched face and bruised body Mrs J came down again, insisting the Generator must not be turned on. Another drama ensued. Mrs B came out and ordered the landlady away from their front space. She turned on the Generator brought out a chair, asked her husband Mr B to go watch his match while she kept watch.
Around 11pm when Mr J came back from work by then sanity had returned temporarily. He dashed down from the stairs, used a club like wood to hit Mr Bs Generator, calling him out. Mr B came out offended, he asked the landlord to explain why he smashed his Gen. That after all, the only warning Mr J gave him regarding the use of Gen, was not to leave it on anytime past 12am. Why the disturbance and intimidation. That he regretted renting the apartment and that Since he moved in things had practically stopped working for him and the other tenants. That if everyone is afraid to speak, he's not and doing so on their behalf. That the bus and car he brought to his compound are both dead. The bike the neighbour bought nolonger works, blah blah. Before he could finish, the landlord woozed him, another round of fight started.
The other neighbours watched, from the comfort of their window in disbelief. Or perhaps for safety from stray punch and objects.
More people climbed to their fences in peeps and glare to feed their eyes and ears to a show of shame.
Like a WWF tagteam match-up, the women on one side and the men on the other. Crates of bottles crashed, window louvres and panes smashed. There were shouts and echoes to the effect of a fight.
Mr J was on Mr B, who was trying turn over or get up. Mrs J held unto Mrs Bs throat, while kept hitting the landlady heavily blocking watchers view. Then a loud cry, groaning and further screems, ''dear, e je yi po.'' Mr J had swung a bottle at Mr B, who swerved below to dodge the bottle from swaying his way. Miffed, he instantaneously picked up his own, still bent and buried it into Mr Js right thigh, who screamed. Pulled it, stabbed him again and finally leaving it there. The wife rushed to his side, onlookers jumped down the fence to help.
In that state of confusion and panic, Mr B ran away into the night and never came back. Mr J was taken to the hospital. 5 weeks later Mr B came to pack his belongings with police escort.
From august 2014 Mr J was at home on clutches until early last month. And lost his job as a result. His kids sat at home all through last term. Only to change to a cheaper school this term. They have been humbled, they were so full of themselves. The irony of all this is that, the landlord is an intellectual, an editor who has worked for popular daily newspapers, including his last job. 18months ago, he was locked for 3weeks by a tenant and wife 4 days. They dare not go to the police station, they are tired of his case. Virtually all their tenants had reported them one time or the other, in the course of their stay.
Na wah ooooooh.
I read about it last week, while reading through stories I missed when I was away. She should contact me - the real her, e jo o!
Thank you Stella for your foresight and the delivery. Great work. My million hugs and kisses.
I have a baby shop based in Abuja and will like to extend our goodwill towards all bvs.
Any pregnant women or people buying things for their children will get 30% instant discount once they mention Stella And if they open the blog page to show us, its 35% discount.Offer last till end of April 2015.
To get description of the shop, please call these numbers 09-2908415, 09-2918666,09-2918667, or 08186881410.
This blog is really touching lives and saving souls, it's our own little way of giving back.
Please take care of yourself and ignore haters,
This blog is an Avenue that has made lots of people to achieve some of their desires. I pray Stellos that your blog oil never runs dry.
I have 2 plots of land for sale at Okoto Ikorodu off Ijede road.
One plot is available at 800k but if both plot is bought by one person it will go for 1.5m.
Family and Omo onile fees has already been taken care of.
For enquiries I can be contacted through bojola@ymail.com.
Attached are small Richard cards for the house.
Thanks Stellos.
Good evening dear Stella sugar. Hope you and your family are doing wonderfully well. I pray that God continue to strengthen you so that you will continue to do this good work that u are doing.
I want to say a big big thank you to the benin giveaway bvS who gave out Pregnacare. Even though my mail got to her late,when she has given it out to bVS around benin(cos she specified the location) she asked for my Acct number and like magic fiam the she sent me money to buy 1pkt for my baby. May God continue to bless her and her family . Thanx so much. I always comment as anonymous
Hello Stella,
Hope you are great today? Im a regular BV. I was the one that posted the mail about ATM dispense error in march 2014. Till today them no return my money (20k). Please help me post this in IHN. I have EXAM STANDARD TABLES for rent for the organisations who do professional exams e.g ICAN, ACCA, NIPM etc. I can supply up to 500 pieces anywhere in Lagos and its environs. I promise to always give back to the house whenever its rented. Attached is a picture. I can be reached on; examtables4rent@yahoo.com. God bless you.
Dunni's Ebbage Recipe
So I decided to send in a more detailed recipe for the "Dunni Ebbage "...
1) get half a cabbage
2) 50 naira ugu or any vegetable of your choice (chopped) .. you can use half of it or all of it
3)wash cabbage, cut in chunks and place in a blender
4)wash green and place in a blender
5)Add a little water.. As little as needed to make the blender move. Grind till smooth.
6)place in a pot and boil (you know like when you're boiling tomato and waiting for it to dry up)
7) when it's almost dried , pour in 2 handful of garri or wheat or oatmeal (whatever you want)
8)keep stirring with a spatula till its firm like Eba
9) Make into a tangerine shape and down it with any soup of your choice.
This is very healthy, and cleanses the system because of the raw vegetables in it. Eat eba and maintain a flat tummy
Gooday Stella Ukwu sugar,Kedu? God bless you immensely for this platcorm.please I have an uncompleted building (4 bedroom apt,lintel) for sale at ikorodu (agric side) for 4.3million..interested person can reach me here Stellla90@yahoo.com .(serious buyers only)sold I promise to pay my Tithe here God willing.
Thank You and God bless...
Stella Dellavega
Hi Stells, kudos for the good work you are doing. I admire you greatly. My hubby and I are looking for a one bedroom apartment around Lekki phase 1, phase 2 or Ajah area. Any Bv who can help us get a decent accommodation in these areas should please send me a mail on uksyke@yahoo.com. Thanks
Stellakork stellostical, Alpha? better people of sdk how una dey oo.. i get time to knack una the story wey i promise una today..
I got a call on Sunday that Monica as been arrested, wetin come consign me i said to the caller
Me: hello sisi pelebe awfa? kilarigbo? (wetin we wan hear) lol i nor know maybe that translation correct
caller: Vera them don arrest Denny girlfriend monica
me: shuooo wetin happen, and who arrest her?
caller : Denny noni.. na him arrest her..
me: eehnnnnn for what na?
caller : oni pe oun o fe mo, o de fe joye takuti jesu ( the guy say he nor do again and the girl wan become mario)
me: hahhahhahahha but sisi pelebe you nor well oo, so na wetin you call me dey tell me on a sunday morning be this abi..
ok are you guys lost? lemme help ya out as a certified gbefila that i am, yes i have upgraded from gbeborun to gbefila, very soon i will teleport to gbe anything gbe able.. lol
Denny has a wife but he is a cheat, and oh yes he is a very Godly person he can quote bible from Genesis to Revelation but he has a cheating problem.. He got married to a beautiful lady, we were all in his car the day he met this monica, he stopped the car approached her and "boom" love affair started... Monica on the other hand knew denny was married, but she dosen't give a damn .. the marriage never reach 2 months old at the time of all this oo.. The new bride started suspecting the husband.. 4 months of marriage na one wahala or the other.. One fateful day Sun dey roast people outside, i was coming and was sweating like ileya cow, as i just open door na monica and dennis dey inside A.c for office dey kiss, mtchhhhhhhhhhhhhhew which kind nonsense be this one inside office? i just slam door back go stay for downstairs.. when my oga come i approach him and tell him to tell his friend to stop such irritating act in an office that dosen't belong to him .. i think my boss talked to him i just noticed whenever Denny is around and Monica comes she dosen't greet me, wetin dey worry this girl i said to myself? i just boneeeeeee..
One day she came to the office and Denny was not around na me and sisi pelebe dey, she nor even greet she just said where is denny? i sharpaly replied bia monica you kiss craze? what is worrying you? who you dey form for? see i don't work for denny oo so if you like you can report to him, i nor send 2 of una.. she just made a face and walked away and sisi pelebe was there laughing all through....
7 months later Denny wife died, she nor sick nothing do her she jus died just like that? haaaaaaaa!
we were all sad, the marriage was not even up to a year before the poor woman died..
Na only God know oo .. when the wife died monica thought she will become the new wife and she tried everything possible, but then Denny don dey get eye for another babe, well the thing lead to hot fight and argument and denny decided to end things with her, as he pursue the girl sotey she nor gree go, na so him arrest her, the girl is cooling her ass in the cell, i heard she got released yesterday.. so i will be visiting them soon to go and do this gbefila loju parlieeee... lmaoooo.. una dooooooooooooooooooooooooh!
Please i wanna use this oppourtunity to beg the Government or whosoever is responsible for not giving us light for the past 1 week abeg e noooor funny again, the heat is too much and the mosquitoes in my area can impregnate someone, as a matter of fact gaaan awon efon (mosquitoes) yen won le ru eyan lo.. (them if carry person go)
Stello biko publisheeeeeeee..
Blog visitor Mama nnuku a.k.a Gbefila
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.I love you this babe!...cant stop laughing and pondering over the gist..abi na Monica kill Denny wife thinking say dem go marry am?
I am in need of 2 or 3 bedrooms flat in Lekki, anywhere before chevron roundabout or immediately after (not Ajah) or Surulere environment. In a nice compound that has not more than 4 units of flats in it, (upper flat needed). Tiled, all rooms en-suite with visitor's toilet(rooms and living room should be spacious), good bathrooms and well structured kitchen with good kitchen cabinets in place.Balcony and back door in place. Good parking space, good water, good access to road network and general security. The house should be situated in a well structured estate. Price should range from N750k-N1.3m. If you are a landlord or a friend to a landlord that has such as stated above please contact 07082296330. Thank you.
House vendors over to una oh
A very good day to you Aunty Stella. I find the work you do on your blog really amazing and inspiring and I hope to use my talent and self discovery to purposeful use in humanity, as well.
Today is my birthday and I'm a frequent reader of your blog, but I rarely comment. Let's just say, I enjoy listening to the comments of your amazing BVs.and it makes my day.
Well, here is my picture, if you find it nice enough to feature on your blog. I'd be glad if you could and if not, I'd still keep enjoying your style of blogging and the 'comments' section, that always crack me up.
Keep making impacts and finding fulfillment.
Chris Nomjov
You ''LISTEN'' to comments on this blog?wow wow wow!!!
happy birthday to you.
Hello Mrs SDK!
A dry land measuring 3,243 SQM is up for quick sale at Abijo GRA. Lagos. Approximately 5 plots.@650sqm/plot. Though at Abijo GRA, the lands are smaller than 650sqm/plot.
It is less than a minute walk from the Lekki-Epe express way! Very good location.
Title- C of O. Discounted Price for Stella's BVs- N28M. You can't find a better deal! Interested buyers should please call Mr Williams (owner direct) on- 07085247836 or email- rawill2000@hotmail.com
As usual, a soft copy of the title can be sent via email to prospective buyers to conduct a search/confirm ownership at the appropriate Lagos State Government Agencies.
**We do not charge BVs agency fees.
A fairly used 30KVA Mikano Generator (maintained/serviced by Mikano) in top condition and low mileage is up for quick sale too. Location- Lekki, Lagos. Interested persons should pls send an email to wills.wills01@hotmail.com for further info or call 08056351870 (Owner Direct)
Price- N1.2M
Find below recharge cards as promised (since we sold the first land through your blog)...
-Mrs W
Please I need advice and information from my fellow BVs on how to start a hair business in Owerri. If any BV knows how I can register with the company that produces attachments (eg, expression etc) because I want to operate as a sole distributor in owerri whereby I will be selling at company prices. Also if there is any BV abroad that can help me to buy human hair, I will send the money and they will help me and buy it and send to me here. Please BVs help a sister as am planning to relocate to Owerri and I don't want to start looking for jobs now I want to be doing business before job will come. Please any body that has information on how I can start should kindly reach me on chinagorom99@gmail.com
Stella love... thanks for being there for your BVs, your reward is in heaven.
Now this is for my fellow BVs: Ever felt sooooo bad about your inability to find a shoe of your size? If "yes", then you'll know exactly how I feel now. I use to wear a size12 (i.e 43) before I had my son and since then,I now wear a size13(i.e 44/45). My "shoe-life" has really been hard n embarrassing(I hardly find my perfect size in the market). All I have are under-sized sandals and slippers. My most embarrassing "shoe-moments" was when I joined the choir in my church.. We had to wear suits n cover-shoes. Guess who walked into church every sunday morning with a suit and a flat T-sandals? ME!!!!!! Lol.. That's how embarrassing it is for me. Please my sisters... are there BVs who are willing to giveaway my shoe size? Its a size13 but I can wear a size12 slippers/sandals.
You can contact me via cherrielatty@yahoo.com
Thanks and God bless you already..
Dear Stella,
How are you doing today?
No Chronicles today o. No giveaway. Please I have a small request for you to post for me in IHN.
I need a baby walker. My child is learning to walk and things are a bit tight now. I cant really afford to buy one. I also need a high chair for baby to sit during feeding. I would appreciate if any BVs who have used ones in good condition can help a sister out.
I am not asking for money, just if they have used ones lying at home not being used.They should contact me on chigurl247@yahoo.com
Thank you and God bless your good heart Mrs. Kork
Good day Stella. I must say you are doing a good job.
I have 2 shoes to give away. They are both UK size 10. I'll give them to the first two people who send a message. Interested people should be in abuja and should send a mail to cococrissle@yahoo.com

Good day Stella, my Company is urgently in need of an Accountant and so we decided to place this advertorial to help fellow BV's or their associates who qualifies. The said person should be Smart, Organised and able to handle Office Budgets,Accounts,Taxes and others efficiently.
Requirements include:
# BSc in Accounting.
# 2-3 years experience in Accounting.
#Knowledge of SAGE.
#ICAN /ACCA certification or in view.
Interested applicants can forward their CVs to jgirl4c@yahoo.com
Please Help ifeoluwa adeoye Return Back To School.
Good morning Stella, I appreciate how God is using you to solve
peoples problems,may almighty God reward you greatly.I am writing on
behalf of ifeoluwa adeoye, Stella please help save this little girl
from dropping out of school. she's seven years old,brilliant,very
outspoken with bright future but her parents are not financially OK.
They have sent her home from school over two weeks now but her parents
don't have money to settle her bills of N15K. her
mother is a petty trader and all what she's selling is not up to five
thousand naira while her dad is a clothe designers and the little money
he makes are being spent on her mother who is a sickle cell patient and has
crisis often. she's their only child and this not the first time she's
been sent home from school and won't go back to that school till term
end. they usually drop her with me every morning so their
neighbour won't mock them.I had applied for scholarship for her on SDK
last year when a blog visitor who owned a school at Ibadan promised to
to give out scholarship to some Ibadan residents but what disqualifed
her then was that the distance between the school and her house is
very far. that time also she's was with me when they could not afford
her fees. please Stella I know you have kindhearted blog visitors they
should please come to her rescue. i am uneployed so there is nothing I
can do to help her . for confirmation and to speak with the girl I can
be reached on 08133598281. thanks
Stella Bae,
I say a big thank you, and love the title you gave my write up. Good
and dearest BVs I a big thank you to all. The opinion was quite deep
and I concur with the majority. I share the same opinion with my Dad -
it's too soon to get back into marriage but my Mum encouraged me.
I'd heed and go into this weekends family meeting with my final
verdict on the marriage. He could have finished the rites but I called
time off to think it through. Now I know better.
Though, I didn't mean he is jobless but unemployed. Because he has a
business( 2 I meant) he does, just still looking out a formal job.
As for my ex, I'm not holding anything against him. I've forgiven him
already not with the grace of God that has seen me through. I just
don't want to have anything to do with him. As for having feelings for
him when he comes visiting, believe me I can't remember the grave I
buried his feeling.
And he would be making his visits to our son at my parents place. I'd
take my son there a day before. Besides he doesn't know my name.
And I have changed my line this week, just kept the email where he
could reach me regarding our son. I couldn't just write what I went
through, at the hand of my inlaws, just after 2yrs of marriage. To
extent that visiting my husbands village became a nightmare. I admit
as a human I have my faults, just as he. But a marriage can not exist
without arguments and disagreements. Afterall, we are not zombies but
in my case that was a non-issue. The koko was a masculine me, so they
call me. Trust me, not being able to conceive was the brickwall. When
all things failed, there's always a great God to look up and I did to
HIS glory was blessed.
Thanks once again all, for your objectivity. I'm grateful Stella.
A woman with a heart of gold, I bless God the day I was introduced to this blog early 2013, believe me, it has turned to a habit. I enjoyed spending my time on the blog and do comment with Cynthia and sometimes Fanta.
My darling Stella, I went for an interview last time with faith, not minding that I have not collected my result owing to the fact that my clearance was still outstanding. As God could have it, the interview was conducted first before documentation. So my interviewer noticed a unique boldness and the zeal in me, they considered me, but when it got to documentation, I wasn't qualified. But I relied on Gods word of not of he that willeth nor runneth, but of God that showeth mercy. Stella, I cried out to you concerning my clearance and you came to my rescue. After spending much time at school for my clearance, I got a provisional result, went back to the company, and as God could have it, they employed me.
Stella, my mails alone cannot express the joy in my heart. I really really appreciate you. This is to notify you that I have resumed,my shoki will come when I get my salary.
God bless you Iya Michael.
Please I want to plead with my fellow bv's in the house. Am in dire need of a breast milk pump.Am a single mom and I have a sore on my breast.i cannot afford to get an automatic. I have been told that it would go if my baby continues suckling on it,but it is getting worse.i went to the hospital,the doctor said I should apply olive oil and nothing else so as not to harm my baby.
please if there's anyone that can help me with an automatic breast pump,i will be ever grateful because I go through serious pains each time I breastfeed.i don't mind a used one.please help a sister out! Stella God bless you for posting.
That sore breast is not a joke oh.when i was breastfeeding my first child i had it seriously and was always crying,i couldnt even use the pump cos my nipples were too sore but God is wonderful,if you hold on the babys mouth will numb it all and his spittle will heal the wound and you will not even believe that it used to be sore.I will advise you to be patient and not use the pump but if you must then you must.take care darling.
Like for real?what am i supposed to enjoy sef?okay okay i notice you now!
I like the hustle,i like the name but i go like to know wetin i go enjoy so i can tell you if i want or not.
''Stella there is a young chap from Wednesdays in house news who claims to be at Delta state poly Oghara,can you check if he is legit and forward his details to me?
Secondly there is another person who claims to owe landlords rent of 30k,can you check this out with the person and get back to me?
Please if you are any of the two aforementioned persons,munch the part of wednesdays in house news where you left that comment and contact me inbox.if i get more than one response for each person,i will abort mission.please try to stay truthful and stop trying to bombard in on other peoples blessing,your time will come,please ya all be patient!!!
Stella Kork,
Please I have one little ambo to encourage all of us. I boarded a bus while going home yesterday. The passengers discussion went from politics to Church, from Church to family and from family to the omnipotence of God. People started giving testimonies, Stella trust Nija bus, anything can happen there. The driver gave us a testimony. He said he is a witness of the Mightiness of God. He said his elder brother got married for 18years without a child. When their marriage was 10 years, his parents and uncles called a meeting and mandated him to marry another woman. The man said he started with his wife from the scratch and cannot afford to leave his wife now because of childlessness. He walked out of the family meeting. 15 years into the marriage yet no child, the family connived with village people and sent the woman out of their family house. The man followed the woman to her place and stayed for few weeks, and relocated with her to another place. Family members did all manner of things to separate them to no avail. 18years into the marriage, the woman conceived and gave birth to twin boys. Stella, see shouting and prayer inside the bus, The bus was on fire for God. That is how we started praying for this unique/unknown man that is ready to stay with his wife despite all odds. People started collecting their this unique man phone number to thank him. Yours sincerely collected too. I need to tap into this rear kindness of God Almighty. Who says there is no God?.
His name is called EKWUEME(say and do) He said he will make Abraham the father of many nations.hahaha, childless old man.. Yes he did it... He divided the whole universe with the pillars best known to him.. For anyone going though one difficulty or another, Just hold the dial, he will soon answer you.
Please those people sending mails for in house and abbreviate that writeups should know that as soon as i read the first line and see ''nd'' ''aw'' or anything shortened i delete it cos it makes my work more difficult.if you cannot take out time to type your words properly,then i cannot take out time to read..its that simple una hear?
Please send in all your in house materials for Friday well written out and with clear pics if any with your headlines attached to the mail,i don taya to think of unique headlines..lol
but thats not a problem sha....una dey cuss me say i no sabi write,make una try write una own news make we see,fro now on i will post with all gbagauns.
Send in house news from 5pm..any one that comes before 5pm i go ignore am.LMAO!
signing off
IHN rocks always, God bless the givers they shall not lack....
ReplyDeleteLMAO@ the pishure, stella be like "side eye" God bless the givera
DeleteMake way ... Make way !! Happy birthday to our very own Mamie ** drum rolls ***
DeleteWishing you heaven on earth Gorgeous !!Stay blessed ..
IHN always representing !! Have a fabulous day SDKB family ... Iamfredalove
♣️Peace Ambassador ♣️
welcome ihn
ReplyDeleteCool. God bless the givers and those that don't even have to give. God bless everyone
ReplyDeleteWhere are those bitches and whores?
DeleteTime to fight babes
All the cards gone???
ReplyDeleteAnd that was how I didn't get Richard card...*sad*
ReplyDeleteWow! Fastest fingers..
ReplyDeleteAll da cards have been used.
Thinking I could win something 2day.
Well, may God bless all da givers.
Come on mehn!!! All loaded again???
ReplyDeleteGeeez...they haff loaded this richard cards just now now. It is well ooo.
ReplyDeleteGot in here right on time but still missed the airtime,my hands come they shake as I dey type,lol.The struggle is real
ReplyDeleteGod bless all the givers and HBD to the bornday BV
Am out too!!!!
All the pple loading dis card....dere is God o,i opened immediately and d card is gone.
ReplyDeleteI was lucky today,got credit. Hahahahahaha. Thanks to the giver.
ReplyDeleteAll the cards Loaded.
ReplyDeleteThat girl wey dey say Stella u must enjoy me head no correct!
Lmaoo. The thing tire me
DeleteAbeg all these amebo gists get as e be jor. I guess I'm the one who's hard to impress with comic relief.... **side eyes**
@sisi Eko me sef didn't enjoy d gists.
Delete@sisi Eko me sef didn't enjoy d gists.
DeleteOsheyyyy @SiSi boring as f**k
DeleteStella blog rocks. Enjoying the the house now.
ReplyDeleteHello fellow BVs......
ReplyDeleteLmao IHN loaded. Good afternun every1
ReplyDeletemtn done block me o choi
Angel blaze! Weldone! Congrats to d lady who got a job.. God is indeed great. Stella do u know it must occurred to me dt these people can stl send in used recharge cards? Tho its on paper.. Looooool.. How is everybody doing? This blog is gradually becoming like a social network. I'm expecting a miracle soon... Within a week.. Please pray for me BVs that it'd come to pass. Amen
ReplyDeleteIt's true o,they will load it nd snap picture to send to u
DeleteMay the grace of the Almighty God,avail much for you in Jesus name...Amen
DeleteTanx to the givers...
ReplyDeleteIhn rocks...
Please who owns that dog...
Nawao for people oh. Just now now and the whole credit don finish? Make Una dey use Una church mind nah. If you don load recharge card before abeg allow others to load small oh. Sylvia
ReplyDeleteomo dis new pattern of shoki time na die e don tay I load card here o since November
I wonder who loads all dis car just 2mins after stella post Ihn...I started loading from the last mtn card posted bcos I knw d first ones wld av been used, yet no luck..anyways next time go be by luck...those shoes r gorgrous bt size 10?! Too big for me..
ReplyDeleteWho else if not d conductor
DeleteThe sender
DeleteChizoba take it easy the way u cuss a single lady. U once said when u were 28 if no husband comes for u when u reach 30, u will give birth and became a single mother but luckily you got married. Have you forgotten you where single before hubby wifed u?
ReplyDeleteYou've forgotten u can be 'single' again like sdk bouncer. You don't know Tommorow. U don't know if hubby may die (God forbid ) or even leave u. Only difference. U will be termed a 'widow'
Be careful the way u throw insult. Woman are truly there own worst enemy. It's hard being a lady. And u know what it takes rather than encourage your own female. U bring her down simply because she isn't married.
Never cuss someone for being single or childless. You don't know Tommorow. you've heard of Dana plane crash abi? A man lost his 4 kids and pregnant wife all at once! This is someone that was 'married ' and not single. But now he is single only difference, he is termed a widower'
Don't let the anger of God be on you. Ignore ppl. The general wife is ALWAYS BEING CUSSED OUT. She has never for once replied them. Even when she comes back to reply. She only replies her friends iphie, genie, gs and the rest and ignore the anons. Take a chill pill.
You use ur real name, pics husband pic. Yet other people hailing you are using pseudonyms and nicknames. You can go for a job / visa interview tomorrow and be 'googled'.
Also let mayors wife mourn him in peace! He is married and have kids. Don't keep calling his name in ur post. Let the wife and family mourn in peace! I wish u the very best in life dear.
General's wife why did u use anonymous to write this one? U had to go anonymous to advise chizoba then u rubbed ur back urself by informin us that u dnt reply ppl cussin u out. There r so many examples u would hv used but being vain brought u out.
This is God speaking through a being!!! Chizoba.... Just listen(especially the second to the last paragraph). Peace be still.
Deleteinasmuch as i never like to use someone's predicament to insult them but we all should know dat d aim of a fight is to hurt d other person, shey they are all insulting her with painful stuffs, why shouldnt she. abeg, no one should paint her in a bad light just cos she is using dat, havent they said a lot of awful things to her as well. that being said, chizoba, e don do, u gain nothing from fighting except unnecessary tension
DeleteI really hope the mistake of a lady listens, very uncouth nd her unruly behaviour, better dnt infect ur son with ur lousiness, mayor this ,Uche elendu that, dnt u have sense or shame? U want publicity but it's bad publicity u have, dnt let this put u in trouble u wnt come out from, hide urself woman!!! Stop bin bitchy, u are far from wat d bible calls virtuous woman, even ppl who support u will laff at u behind u cod they dnt behave like u, stop barking like a dog,decency is far from u, woe to ur parents,husband for a woman like u, u turned out bad,rily pity ur mum,she tried but u were destined to be lousy
DeleteYou just spoke my mind
DeleteThe Internet never forgives. Some companies go through prospective "employees" social media handles before they deem it fit to employ people.
Wisdom is profitable in life.
I taya 4 chizoba oh
DeleteYou have spoken well. I just hope some of her comments won't be used against her in future. Google never forgets!
DeleteMay thunder fire u anonymous idiot..When did i tell u i'm 28yrs? Na u born me? Next time use us ID..or are u afraid of me? U dey pray make my DH die? Na ur entire family go die..Ewu!
DeleteWish urselr d very best cos u need it more..Gerrrrrrrowway from here with ur useless advice!
@Anon 14:17 give it a rest. U too little quarrel. Tufia. I get ure trynna gv advise. But its on with ds topic. Bikoooo
DeleteChizoba is a very beautiful name.
DeleteBut the Chizoba in this blog is making that name fall short of its meaning. Chi please adjust your ways. Change for the best and you will love yourself even more. You don't have to reply everyone or say things that are mean about people. You only cause more harm to the poster and to yourself.
My name is Chizoba too but I get sad when i see that nice name in almost every hate comment.
DeleteTHELMA ENEMUWE said...
ReplyDeleteHoty Hoty IHN....
*faithful BV enemuwe thelma*
HBD Chris, but i really don't understand what u meant by u enjoy listening to the comments, i thought we all read comments here and not listen, plz don't confuse me with ur grammar.
ReplyDeleteTHELMA ENEMUWE said...
ReplyDeleteHoty Hoty IHN....
*faithful BV enemuwe thelma*
Awwww...God is great.
ReplyDeleteThis time last year I was lying in state
Womb almost removed
Blood everywhere
Baby blue
DH calling Jesus!!
And h answered.
Now Hazard is 1
Mamie is plus one today...
Happy birthday to me and Hazard
Many more years to us
Guess what!!
DH didn't remember my birthday and that of Hazard today
Somebody might commit murder today
Watch this space
HBD mother and son, God bless you guys.
DeleteHappy birthday sweet heart ,God bless your new age ,happy birthday to lil man hazard ,God will make him greater
DeleteI now knw who u are
DeleteLol odiegwu! Happy birthday drama queen . I wished u already on d Mariam Abacha's post but e be like Stella's pot needs meat n my comment is serving dat .......
DeleteThank God it all ended in praise mami. I wish you and your son a very happy brithday. Please don't commit murder oh. Hahahhahaha hubby might just be planning a surprise package. So enjoy your day with your loved ones
DeleteHBD to you and little hazard. Maybe DH just wants to surprise you. Before you commit murder, remember they are no bleaching creams in prison. #just saying#
DeleteAwww, happy birthday m-amie and hazard. God bless you and your family!
DeleteHazard ke?HBD mum and son
DeleteHbd To u both,
DeleteHappy birthday Mamie and hazard.
DeleteBtw, I wonder why you refer to or call your baby "HAZARD"
Happy birthday to you and your son dear!!!
DeleteHBD to you and your son
DeleteHbd mam
DeleteHbd to Mamie and son God bless u too
DeleteHbd mamie n little hazard
DeletePlease don't commit murder ooh lol
Happy birthday to my handsome Hazard..Better pikin from a first class mom..M-amie d prettiest..Ma-amie d fairest.Love u like kilode..Plenty homo!!!!
DeleteHappy birthday to u M-amie..Omalicha nwanyi..Asampokoto! Achalugo nwanyi! Pls no vex for DH..Some days are like dat.
DeleteYeah, this time last year, you were ushered into motherhood.
DeleteI read the post last week. Happy birthday to you Mamie and your son (I'm sorry I won't join you in calling him hazard. What a terrible nickname to give a child). Enjoy your new milestone.
Happy belated birthday to Cynthia Iyede. Dearie, do not pay cyber bullies any attention.
You must be BEAUTIFUL as Chizoba said.
DeleteHope you have put the PIECES of what troubled you together?
Happy birthday Hazard and mum. Maybe husband has something planned for later as a surprise.
DeleteHappy bday Amaka
DeleteHappy birthday M'amie,thank God for your testimony!!
DeleteHbd crazy one and harzard.
DeleteAwesome is our God,may His name be praised.
DeleteHappy Birthday to you and your son Hazard,many more years and God's favour upon you both...Amen
Please go easy on hubby...lol!He might just want to surprise you.
Happy Birthday Mamie and child. May God grant you both long life filled with good health.
DeleteHa hahahaha please oo my fair lady don't commit murder oo . Happy birthday once again ����
DeleteSome wives do have them !! *wink*
Happy birthday to lil hazard too .. Thank God for your testimony !!
DeleteHappy birthday dear and ur son Hazard... Plz calm down for DH lool..
DeleteBreast pump lady.....You don't need breast pump but you need to buy lanolin ointment. It works wonders and it is safe for babies. I don't know how a dr will tell you that olive oli is safe. Please go and buy lanolin ointment. Apply it all the time and squeeze out some breast milk after each feed and apply on it. It wil go away. Also help the baby to latch on well by making sure that the baby mouth is fully opened before putting the breast in. Make sure the baby is not latching on just the nipple.
ReplyDeleteU also need to make sure u dont have breast thrush.check ur babys mouth,if it has white patchea lik food but its too thick to be food den u and d baby have yeast.it happened to me and d pain na die.d wound wont heal oo.i had to stop bfding at 7mnts. Someone introduced me to nystatin ointment and tablets.also nystatin oral drops for my baby.it was a blessed relief. Although d ointment is scarce.if u or ur baby was given antibiotics when u gave birth it might trigger a case of thrush.
DeleteCheck very well and dont use breast pump as it only opens d wound more.it might become infected and a danger to ur baby.
Wish u all d best.as for me..i dread breastfeeding again.*shivers*
ReplyDeleteAll dis half half amebo gist no follow abeg
Mama nnuku and her stories please start writing scripts for movie producers
ReplyDeleteHi, now that JayEm is no longer commenting, how does it make U feel???
DeleteJayEm, U fall Ibilibi Ogada hand aswear... see d thing wey pursue U comot for SDk, U no dey shame???
U gave in too easily and U broke my heart... I mourned Ur absence and refused to comment because of U, but I can see it wasn't worth it because U don't care...
Come back and let's see d baggers that will rubbish about U... I will bring out 5 mins from yabaleft and bring them down to their knees...
Ezenwanyi Alusi N'ejelu onwe ya Ozi misses U and just wish U can come back for just a minute.
U up there, I can tell U for free, that am uterly shameless, useless, heartless.... so U can bring it on but JayEm must and will be left alone.
Goldscent, Ur silence on this matter is disturbing, where is JayEm???
Nooooo Iyalode!
DeletePursue ke?
No one is capable of running Jay off this Blog. You should trust her. She can hold her own anytime, anywhere.
I cleared the air on a previous post.
After her trip round the world, she landed in Australia mid February. Since then, it's been a roller coaster.
She's moved from Sydney.
Gotten a new house.
You are a woman of excellent tastes so you know how time consuming furnishing can be if you're doing it yourself.
And she just got in for her Masters.
She was a bit behind schedule and has to catch up.
So you see, she's doing a lot of things at the same time.
In a few days, she'll start showing up here.
The ugu n cabbage recipe sounds like it will have a laxative effect...
ReplyDeleteLol! Goodluck eating it.
Dunno if giving out a used breastpump is wise!
Automatic/electric pump is waste of money!
To me o! Manual is d best.
I have a tommee tippee (electric)..if u were in ph, I wuda given u.
Am in ph,please send me a mail!
DeleteIt's good for cleansing the system after eating Yama Yama.. Lool
DeleteGod bless the givers ohh
ReplyDeleteStill no news about the telecoms job?
I submitted my CV but yet no reply
Abi dem don take people finnish?
It is well ooo
Aproko......i get am gidigbam for ground.Have a nice thursday bvs
ReplyDeleteAmebo gist one, dis ur gist dey one kind. all this fake amebo gist u people are sharing....... thought u just got a job?
ReplyDeleteeven me,tot she just got a job and she has acquainted wit her oga and other workers so fast dat she can even be talkin to d oga and others like dat?
DeleteI tiya for mama unuku lies nd General 's wife lies ,their lies got wake dead body
DeleteAfi listen to comment on the blog
ReplyDeleteThis style of "uncle recharge" no gel at all
Ihn making sense for the sensible
Drama in comments section na I'm I dey wait for
ReplyDeleteNa wa ooo. Una don chop d shoki finish
ReplyDeleteIHN so hot. Thanks to all givers Especially Angel blaze. May God bless you, replenish you, and enlarge your coast. You are highly blessed and always favoured by the lord.
ReplyDeleteThe story of that childless couple after 18 years moved me to tears, who says God does not answer prayers. He makes everything beautiful in his own time.i tap into that miracle in Jesus name.
Are you sure you cried? As in speak the truth and shame the devil o. Sometimes I'm chatting, I go 'lol or lwtmb' meanwhile my face will be very stony.
ReplyDeleteIHN always da bomb.
DeleteMama nnuku well done ooh!!
Angel Blaze may your blessings never cease to overflow.
God bless all the givers in the house.
Happy birthday to you bros.
Welcome in house news!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe new mom that needs breast pump for her sore breast, you don't need pump for anything. Just continue breastfeeding your baby, it will heal, pump would only make it worse.
ReplyDeleteAll these recharge card consumers...there is God oo. Didn't even leave one for me. Chai.
ReplyDeleteAnd the puppy is giving us side eyes. Hahahahahaahah. @Bv that says Stella will enjoy her oya we want to know what she will enjoy oh.kikikikikiki
ReplyDeleteOh oh oh! IHN all fun. Dt Amebo gist, it's really interesting. God bless all d givers, remain blessed.
ReplyDeleteGod bless u stella,God bless ur gud heart.angel blaze God bless ur gud heart.i wish I hav a angel lik u in my life
ReplyDeleteDeacon Tony Onyedika,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your ordination.
Unfortunately I would not be able to make the 2 hours flight to Sydney to attend. You know how big Australia is with the states flung far apart from one another.
I wish there was more notice, JayEm and I would have planned and attended. JayEm has recently moved from Sydney to my state.
Happy ordination. God bless you.
For those who think carrying drugs is the best way to make money, you would do well to avoid Indonesia.
Despite the wide media coverage on the 2 Australian men convicted of drugs related offences, Indonesia is going ahead with their execution. Australia enjoys a very cordial relationship with Indonesia and gives them millions of dollars annually in aid; but the new Indonesian president says no clemency for drug offenders.
The Australian Prime Minister has begged and threatened, the whole parliament has sent enough memoranda and communique, Australians have protested and marched alongside the convicted men's family but it seems all hope is lost now.
I understand there are at least 2 Nigerians to be executed alongside them (no one is even talking about those ones) and some more Nigerians on death row over there.
Lmaooo jayem aka goldscent so u conveniently won't be able to go for the ordination. How is the beach house? U r ur own mouth piece.
DeleteGoldscent Diamond and JayEm are one and the same. As sure as I am that the sun will set, that's how sure I am if this. Compare they way 'they' write. It's the same. Why? Cos it's just one person.
DeleteMumu,Wetin concern us nd ur congratulatory msg? Always showing yourself like staying in Australia is a big deal,before u would scream jealousy , I stay in the UK so go sleep abeg
DeleteHmmmmm.....a word is enough for the wise!
DeleteShe moved to Ur state????
DeleteWhere in fucks name is she???
Wow wow wow ... This sends shiver through my spine . Poor Nigerians !! A word is enough for the wise!!
DeleteI appreciate your concern, Iyalode.
You are a true mentor to Jay baby.
Your concern will be passed to her immediately. She must acknowledge you at once.
Happy Birthday Chris Nomjov,more blessings.
ReplyDeleteGod be praised for the awesome testimony by the driver,feel strengthened by it.
To all those looking for apartments,I pray you get the ones hoped for.
To those selling stuffs,may God bless your hustles.
To those in need,may Almighty God send help in Jesus mighty name...Amen
Mama Nnukwu aka gbefila(lol),I hail o!
Please how can i send IHN on this blog,i'm new here and i dont have an account
ReplyDeleteYou have an Account o, Nafeesah.
DeleteAnd your account is irrelevant as per sending IHN. Send a mail to Stella's advertised email address.
Send it to sdimokokorkus@gmail.com. When you say you don't have an account, what then is Nafeesah? A bank account? Hian!!!
DeleteYou don't have an account you say?
DeleteAnyway, scroll down to the bottom of the page, you'll find Stella's gmail.
Note: whatever you're sending, send to only the gmail.
You're welcome
I want to say a special THANK YOU to all bvs that wished and prayed for me on my special day yesterday. God bless you real good. I'm grateful.
ReplyDelete-Happy birthday Chris, God bless you bro and perfect all that concerns you.
-Stella don't worry you'll enjoy great things not only from the said bv but from us all cos we are family.
I love what you are doing and may your reward begin even from here. God bless you
-Congrats Cynthia on your new job, I'm so happy for you like its mine. I pray you'll attain greater heights in life. Below aint yours but the TOP IJN. Enjoy dear
Angel Blaze, you are really an angel. God who sees in secret will reward you greatly for wiping hot tears from the faces of those in need. God bless you sir/ma.
Happy birthday Cynthia dear. I couldn't wish you that yesterday. God bless you and add many many many more years to your age.
DeleteIHN rocks.......
ReplyDeleteContinuation of Amebo gist .......I was really waiting for d conclusion of dat ur gist
Second Amebo gist......dat man side chick na she kill Danny wife...ntorr Danny no marry u....some women can do all sort of tinz to kip a man
Congrats to d BV dat got d job
Amebo gist...abt glorifying God's name......hmm dat is how God continue to surprise people.....dats y we as humans nid to continue to trust in him
Stella we don hear....no more abbreviations abi...hope say na for only mail ohh cuz I no wan find my comment oh..lol
You were actually waiting for the conclusion? Abeg I didn't bother reading it. The amebo is boring. I only managed to read the first day's amebo and was bored so yesterday sef I no even look the continuation 2 times, because the more I looked, the less I understood.
DeletePlease i wanna use this oppourtunity to beg the Government or whosoever is responsible for not giving us light for the past 1 week abeg e noooor funny again, the heat is too much and the mosquitoes in my area can impregnate someone, as a matter of fact gaaan awon efon (mosquitoes) yen won le ru eyan lo.. (them if carry person go) Damn This cracked me up I swear...
ReplyDeleteHappy Bornday to the guy that LISTEN'S to comments on SDK,
To The girl that got a Job, You may not be there yet, but you're closer than you were yesterday. Happy For You..
The Recipe for Ebbage, Nice one dear, I'll try that out this weekend..
To Every other person, God Bless Y'all.. And For Stella, I can't Appreciate you enough dear, YOUR SIMPLY AMAZING. LONG LIVE SDK..
.NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
ReplyDeleteI like the expression on the eyes of this stella's oke bekee abi puppy
Angel blase pls I take God beg u.Make u na come to my aid too o abeg.Av bin posting since 3weeks ago but not everyday.Am owing d landlord 144k and we av gotten 74k remaining 70k.pls I don't mind if I can get d fraction of it,it will really go a long way.d landlord az given us 7days ultimatum which has already pass since last week.pls am on my knees pls any good samaritan bvs should pls help me as I don't want to b thrown out wit d kids.I can show u proofs to know am not lying.thanks
ReplyDeleteHah, why don't you move to a cheaper house? If angel Blase pays for this one, who will pay for next year's own? Will you also ask the angel to pay your light and water bills? Cut your coat according to your cloth. They are houses of 3kmonthly I'm sure. Let people in genuine need benefit.
DeleteCreate an I.d so that people can know who U are. God Bless Sdk
DeleteWhen you beg under anonymous,no one ought to take you serious
DeleteY go under anonymous to beg for alms i really don't get
Except u wana be dubious and beg for alms more than twice even when help has been rendered
You're owing the landlord 144k? For how many years rent? Please move to a cheaper apartment already.
DeleteAngel blase pls I take God beg u.Make u na come to my aid too o abeg.Av bin posting since 3weeks ago but not everyday.Am owing d landlord 144k and we av gotten 74k remaining 70k.pls I don't mind if I can get d fraction of it,it will really go a long way.d landlord az given us 7days ultimatum which has already pass since last week.pls am on my knees pls any good samaritan bvs should pls help me as I don't want to b thrown out wit d kids.I can show u proofs to know am not lying.thanks
ReplyDeleteSDK, your blog wants to turn me to a mad woman,Chukwuaju! Lmaoooooooooooo.
ReplyDelete'Stella you must enjoy me' I just set my room on fire with laughter now now.
Abeg leave the person make he/she enjoy you na,na so you stingy reach ni? Hahahahahahahahahahaha.
Good to know you are feeling better.
Deletecongrats to all. amebo gists, am not happy that the landlord is out of job and sick but wickedness does not pay.
ReplyDeleteTawa looking for 200-250 bedroom, na for ikorodu u go get that place or alagbado.
Necho... you no send recharge card as you fine reach like dis.
winchy winchy people for recharge cards una do.
the lady that listened to us.. God will bless you and try and get some work to do or better learn a job.
those shoes are beautiful. goodluck to the winner.
Im an 18 yrs old girl.i ve been diagnosd wt urinary tract infection...i ve spent my little salary on drugs yet no improvement...i work as a sales girl and reside in bayelsa...plsssss i am pleadin wt fellow bvs to help me wt drugs...im jxt an orphan plssssss save my live
ReplyDeleteIt is well with you..God will heal you. Go and buy ciprofloxacin. Its just 300 to 400 naira. I wish I could do more. You can still mail me anyway. Remain blessed.
DeleteI hope u not avin multiple partners. Or ur partner has long dick?. Buy doxycyline, flagyl and paracetamol. Use 1 of each morning and nite. Dats 1 doxy,1 para and 1 flagyl for morng and repeat same in evening. U mite feel woozy, so eat well even if u got no appetite. Also stay off Sex for atleast 1 week. And wash well with water. Use d drug for five days.
DeleteAll I c is Angle blaze n d twin story
ReplyDeleteLol@ Amebo gist by Mama Nnuku. Your gist today is really hilarious. Receive the anointing to continue giving us more and better hilarious gists today (did I hear amen?). You are trying babe
ReplyDeleteHBD to Nomjov. Wishing you da sweetest things of life. Meanwhile,Nice pix and that your smile is infective and healing too (yes oh,some smiles can grant you instant healing).
May God bless the Givers abundantly.Amen
Meanwhile,seating back for usual In house Drama to unfold. 'Drama Queens'( u know yourselves) am greeting you all.
SDK rocks.Long Live SDK BVs...
Mr/Mrs/Miss R, have u received your ebook?
DeleteI dey greet u too.
DeleteAfi gba te je ki MTN Bar mi bi Barr de ni..
ReplyDeleteOlorun wa oo..Eyin fastest finger,mo de ni kin e fun igba akoko ni oo!
Speak English pls.
DeleteGod bless d givers o.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Chris. God will bless your new age. That mama nnuku gist is sad o. What could have killed the wife?
ReplyDeleteMama Nnuku has changed after bv bashed her
I thought I was the only one who noticed the Stella must enjoy me
@Temi, EVERYBODY noticed it.
DeleteMR EDDY said this heat wan kill person o.
ReplyDeleteMay the good lord continue to bless you Stella.
Oh Lord, that puppy, side eyes hahahahahah.....BV that's "listens" to the comments here, I bet it "speaks" Life into you....Happy Bday Chris!!!
ReplyDeleteBrother Denny and Sister Monica, chaiiii*in PEJ"s voice*
What else???
IHN sweet as ever,Stella this your dog no be here o.
ReplyDeleteGet novels for FREE
Visit cynthiakalubookclub.blogspot.com
IHN seen, stella, d babe wants to enjoy u and u r asking wat u want to enjoy? U be learner? Lol
ReplyDeleteHehehehe no be small thing
DeleteMama Nnuku aka Gbefila, I hall you this your Amebo na one and only.
ReplyDeleteSo no husband for Monica now na wa oh. May the soul of the wife rest in peace. Amen
Click on my name for top quality unprocessed virgin human hair that looks and feels great. Thanks
God bless you angel blaz(s)e
ReplyDeleteYou want him to notice you with your yellow face ashawo.! You know see any other news...Blaze is married bak off...
DeleteMama nnuku bag u b real gbeborun ooo,haaaa laugh wan kill me ooo,kikikiki.
ReplyDeleteKai dis ur side eyes eh! Lol, Angel blaise, God bless u plenty oh.. To oda givers y'all rock, BV whose ex is chooking head, I'm glad @ur decision.
ReplyDeleteAnother ashawo....leave blaze he is marrid
DeleteStella, your rule don plenty for this blog joor. Please can you put up all your mailing instruction on your home page. They are too may instruction to follow with you. Your shakaraa is too much (side eyes)
ReplyDeleteu tink say d tins wey she de do easy?na wa 4 una o,dont u knw she reads all stories,digest dem so as to give a suitable headings?she even edits,is dat easy?how many of us reads IHN thorougly 4rm beginin to end?
DeleteNice suggestion, wrong approach.
Delete@SDK Prayer Lady, phahahahahaha. Stella's rules aren't too much. If you have an idea the kind of workload she handles daily, you will understand where she's coming from. If I were her, I would give stricter rules than that. You want her to post your mail, then send her a STANDARD ONE with no abbreviation.
DeleteThanks to the givers, especially Angelray. May God bless you. Me sef dey wonder at that commenter that says Stella will enjoy him abi na she. Biko wetin e wan enjoy make we know too?
ReplyDeleteI was lucky today,got credit. Hahahahahaha. Thanks to the giver.
ReplyDeleteI'm mourning the loss of my phone... i cried, lol. It might sound funny but it's not, it was my baby and my friend, my mini computer. Well it broke when i was trying to view IHN. If any BV can bless me with a new phone. God will surely provide for you at the point of your needs.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous E
Eyaaa, cry me a river. It broke but you still commented on IHN. I'm mourning the loss of the use of my 'H' key. It has become very stiff and most times when I write in a 'urry', I don't notice that H didn't appear in the word, like the 'hurry' I spelt above is without a H. #strolls away.
DeleteFear God oo..how many weeks u don de mourn dis phone?nawaoo
DeleteIt broke but didn't get spoilt right? Please manage it till you gather enough money to either repair or get a new one.
DeleteI thought I saw this comment last week or did your phone break twice while reading in-house news? What a coincidence.
DeleteI'm mourning the loss of my phone... i cried, lol. It might sound funny but it's not, it was my baby and my friend, my mini computer. Well it broke when i was trying to view IHN. If any BV can bless me with a new phone. God will surely provide for you at the point of your needs.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous E
Make I reach office first.
ReplyDeleteI'll read every every.
so what's the big deal about that '50 shades of Grey' sef???
I've read something more romantic/erotic than that.
Miss Gemini Thankchu.
Then you need to read the sex God
DeleteI'm a sucker for erotic/romantic novels
DeleteSo if uv got a copy,i wouldn't mind sending an email,if ud write out ur email addy
M/yl i always knew 50shades of grey was highly overated,although I'd want to join in the convo hence d desire to read d novel
So please,if uv got the copies...i'd like to send u a mail...thanks in anticipation
Abeg send the more erotic one mbok.
DeleteYou're welcome
DeleteNothing spectacular about it. And to know that I'm still receiving mails requesting for it even as I type this. Mtchweew!
My God shall fight my battle for me and the truth shall set me free...
ReplyDeleteWhat did you do?
DeleteI thought mama nnuku bag lady just got a job? This ur amebo gist don dey open ur yansh. Abi na fiction?
ReplyDeleteGod bless the givers
ReplyDeleteStella the hustle is really real and ur fans love u die...some of them went to freeze my Internet ooooh...but I thank GOd for Jesus Lools.. Well it's u and ur blog visitors ,fans and haters...I'm prepared for them all., who says this blog no go hammer beyond your expectations would live long enough to see it happen...and yes.......Stella u must enjoy me
ReplyDeleteIHN always d best.....superb... Stella kork may God continue to bless n lift u high.....Angel blaze may ur LIGHT continue to shine ...happy bufdae Chris... continue "LISTENING" to SDK lmao. God bless d givers n receivers and also those dat doesn't have, its well. Luv Y'all
ReplyDeleteJuiceee Stella has noticed you ans her wetin she wan enjoy. IHN rocks
ReplyDeleteGod bless you angel Blaze . You are truly an angel. Happy birthday Chris. Your listening to comments reall cracked me up. @my benin santa.....E.. I wish you a very very happy birthday. Bigger you in Jesus name. I tried calling to wish you a happy birthday but your line is not going through. Enjoy you day.
ReplyDeleteIHN on point!!! The guy that needs help with school fees, don't worry help is here, God will heal ur mother IJN amen! God bless you all.
ReplyDeleteStella You must love me!!!!! Lmao
After tying that long comments it just disappeared na wao
ReplyDeleteHow are u today Lovelace Darling?
ReplyDeleteHope u r good today Hun....
Just wanna let u know u are in my thoughts
Would give anything to see u right now and give u a hug.
I am a Miracle Child....I get on ma knees and Miracles start flowing...
And i have talked to my Miraculous God concerning u...
All ma Surprises of this year,take some buh pls dear God,give My Lovelace whatever it is she wants.
Surprise her dear God.Give her Infinite Joy,Laughter n Happiness....Amén.
I love u Lovelace...Sending u a very big hug...
@ Iphie Nwa Nma,The Diva,Ma Fellow Muskateers,Bloggie and Goldscent D,Roseflower Beautiful,Chi Exotic,Chy Jesus,Adaorah(where are u o?)Gifted n Beautiful,Oil Money,Genny La-la,MOI SugaSugar,Don Davido,Kehinde Boy,Betty,Whirlwind Baby,Viva Ciara,Quicksilver,The Queen N Boss,Segolese,Odus and To my Madam at the Top Irene B and to u,u,u,u and u.....Much Love!
Seriously LMAO @ "No one looks cute in ma eyes"
My love, keep shining.
DeleteSadists will keep crying
To the woman with sore breast...breast pump will only worsen it as it will suck the nipples tight.....only the baby can make it OK....just make sure the baby latches to the areola of the breast not the nipples alone,trust me u will feel better in one week.
ReplyDeleteAmebo on point.
ReplyDeleteMaamie...Happy Birthday girl
Chizoba, there are certain issues i would like to correct you on, don't take it the wrong way.
You told us you had an Ex who is late(May his soul rest in peace). Why did you exclude the fact that he was married?
You went ahead to talk about how his wife got pregnant for him bla bla...
Are those details necessary?
For crying out loud, there is a wife who is still mourning the death of her husband.It seems you are deliberately rubbing it on her face.
Could you be a bit sensitive?
If this is coming from a single girl, its quite understandable.
You are married, you are married. I am not asking you to respect the sanctity of your marriage,i am asking you to have respect for this young widow who is mourning the death of HER HUSBAND. Emphasis clearly stated.
If he loved you enough, he wouldn't have cheated on you with her, he wouldn't have married her.
Pregnancy or no pregnancy, he married her, he is the father of her kids, they shared special moments together.
Respect yourself, respect this young widow.Put a stop to all this.
BTW...you were clearly pregnant during your marriage registry so dont throw stones.
Please stop pretending to be that woman's friend. No matter how many times you speak with her on the phone...both of you aren't friends.For you to shame her that she used pregnancy to tie the man, you have grudges against her that is why you can publicly mourn another woman's husband here.
You have your lovely family, concentrate on them.
One more thing, please leave SDK Bouncer alone.
By the way, the queen... You called out SDK bouncer on what she is completely innocent of.
Maka why na?
HBD mamie and Hazard. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm! Ekwueme (talk and do). I just got my faith lifted. God's delay isn't His denial.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the person who got a job.
Happy birthday Chris, Mamie and li'l Hazard (Iru oruko wo ni yen?) *shrugs*
Mama Nnuku, like play, like play you don dey turn to SDKB comedienne.
The BV with big feet, pele, I can relate to your issue. I have big feet too; I wear size 11/12 and it can be frustrating getting beautiful shoes in that size. It's getting better now sha. I pray you find solution pretty soon.
Angel Blaze, God bless you real gooooooooood!!!
ReplyDeleteHBD M-amie and Hazard
Mama Nnuku, I gbadun your gist oooo, I look out for your amebo gist ooooo.
The BV, when wan enjoy stella, don get wetin him/she want, abi Stella seybi you don notice am. Na him brand be dat, loool
IHN hot as ever
When I go win richard card sef ooooooo
Ekwueme the covenant keeping God!!
ReplyDeleteHbd Chris
God bless Angel Blase and all other Angels on this blog including the blog ceo SDK.
Happy birthday Chris. Enjoy your new milestone.
ReplyDeleteOh this life is so unfair to some people.So my child won't partake in exams because of fees?Mid-term is over & she is still at home,hmmm I know the school has tried but the fact that she won't continue breaks my heart.Its really hurting me & my Bp is gettiing high.Oh God help me.You are my only HOPE
ReplyDeleteGod bless u angel Blase and u stella u two will leave to see ur children children isee e
ReplyDeleteGod bless u stella and angel blase may God replenish u both I appreciate ur good work and may u live to see your children ,childrens
ReplyDeleteMamie Happy birthday to u and lil Hazard. God bless y'all. Don't worry, DH is probably planning a surprise, don't murder him before the surprise.
ReplyDeleteMissy thanks for my discount, I will surely patronize you again.
ReplyDeletei will visit missy shop with my pregnant neighbour on saturday. i called them and tjey gave their address to me. i will report back here.