Stella Dimoko Tell Tale Signs Of Cheating.....



Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tell Tale Signs Of Cheating.....

.....You began to suspect that your partner was cheating and started snooping to confirm right?.....OK!

What are the tell tale signs that made you suspect that your partner was up to something?

What are the tell tale signs of cheating?


  1. Replies
    1. Stella if u ask me,na who i go ask?

    2. Less calls as against d frequent calls b4,low sexual libido, strange fone calls @odd hours, more late nights out. Etc

    3. When they start acting strange, for guys though.

      If a lady decides to cheat on you, you can only find when she wants you to

    4. Well if u no snoop, u no go know lailai

    5. The behavior changes.

      He/ She begins to suspect the partner. When they begin to suspect, its because they feel you are doing what they are doing.

      Those that have sense don't tell people they have it... People tell them.

  2. Shuo? SDK which kind assignment be this? I thought you were going to be tips? U don turn am to interactive session. Make I siddon look....

    1. Alright
      Will just read comments
      Ok bye

    2. Hahahahahaha exactly my thought

    3. ....reminding u dat that their pones are private property' so u should not touch or read their chats.lmao!

    4. I want to read comments oo. People have become so dynamic with this cheating issue jare

  3. If she is hiding her phone often,she might be up to something!!!

    1. I will like to see ur pic before i saw what i want to say..U sound like a cool guy..have been monitoring ur comments...hmmmmmmm!

    2. Yea if he's hiding his phone. Also putting security codes on phone. If you have nothing to hide then why hide your phone?

    3. I think its mainly instinct. You just know sumfin ain't right. It could be God tellin u. Also, wen u see that ur partner's behaviour is departing from the norm "ding dong" a bell rings upstairs & if u're #teamsnoop like myself, u begin to pay close attention & investigate.

    4. If she always keep her phone on Silent Mode

    5. Are you Jane and Victoria's sister? OGUDU GRA?

  4. Lol stella and this side eyes of a thing snoopers in the house this post is meant for you guys


    1. Women hide their affairs a lot better than men do. With guys, it's easy to sense when they're stepping out. They tend to change their behaviour and pattern . Point to take into consideration:
      1. If the conversation is getting shorter with you, it's getting longer with someone else!
      2. If he suddenly loses interest I'm sex or isn't intimate with you .
      3. If he stops caring or doesn't make out time to see you, he maybe seeing someone else .
      4. If he doesn't take calls around you or keeps receiving calls at odd hours of the day; he maybe getting calls from a particular number early in the morning and late at night......that's his bae calling to say good morning and good night! Lol!

  5. The Holy Spirit will let you know when something is amiss. There are no defined tell tale signs.
    When you see the phone is free and he isn't around grab the thing and go thru it. With what you find u will be pleased u ddnt miss that opportunity.
    #teamsnoop all day everyday.

    1. Lmao. @when you see the phone is free and he isn't around to grab the thing.
      So dats d holy spirit at work abi.

    2. So na holy Spirit way be that? Lmao

  6. Haaa Stella today that I came early for IHN. I want to scream aarghh lol

    About the post...hmmm I just sigh

  7. This should be interesting


  8. Snoopers please tell us oh what are tell tale signs?

    I want to learn because i dont even know when one is cheating on me,but i tend to know about other people that are cheating is that normal ?
    if not for amebo why would i know about others and not mine.

    1. Its bcos a lot of the time, we feel that what happens to others can't happen to us, like the ostrich, we bury our heads in the sand to our own problems. Sometimes we are oblivious to our own problems bcos we feel we've covered all the bases. This leads to complacency, which leaves the door open for the devil to do his work. In reality anything can happen to anybody at anytime, so we always have to be alert and prayerful.

    2. Its bcos a lot of the time, we feel that what happens to others can't happen to us, like the ostrich, we bury our heads in the sand to our own problems. Sometimes we are oblivious to our own problems bcos we feel we've covered all the bases. This leads to complacency, which leaves the door open for the devil to do his work. In reality anything can happen to anybody at anytime, so we always have to be alert and prayerful.

    3. Snooping has never favoured me. A man who ll cheat ll always cheat,the one who will be faithful ll be faithful. Snooping isn't worth the stress abeg. And @ this stage in my life na my personal happiness sure pass...

    4. I absolutely agree with u

  9. I don't know(or I do and decide to read comments)

  10. All of a Sudden she started Speaking Yoruba to all her Caller's cause I don't understand Yoruba haven spent 10yrs in Lagos.. Later found out she was cheating with an Alhaji who got a BlackBerry Bold 6 I couldn't Afford..
    .NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

    1. Lol@start speaking yoruba.
      10yrs n u can't hear not 2 talk of speaking
      U dey sleep 4 bicycle oooh

    2. Eya sorry.... next tym hv money before asking a gal out... dont be enemy of progress ya

    3. Even till date @Portable but I think I can understand a little..

    4. Yes my gf dose that too,you can't afford a blackberry bold 6,

    5. Hahahaahahha
      Dis got me in stitches....hahahahha

      @ Mrs D that ur comment about u looking at Bloggy and I with puppy Eyes have Bn making me laugh since today....hahahhahahaha

      I jus Bn dey imagine ur puppy Eyes....
      una no go kill me for dis blog abeg....

    6. Lol, as una De hoard gist....

  11. Wen he is always witj his fone smiling and giggling,not showing less concern

    ********LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS*********

    1. Showing me less concern

    2. That one follow. And luk @ her/his eyes, there is a part that is trying to hide the obvious.

  12. When he is no longer comfortable taking his calls in your presence or he will practically be giving excuses anytime a particular no calls

  13. Yea,i did and confirmed dis morning.....i saw a dirty chat and ever since then,i've nt been myself....thinking of calling the useless gurl bt I want to calm down first.It's so painful.

    1. U want to call d gal y? Was she d one dat asked ur dh out... its high tym wives know dat if dere husbands cheats dey should get angry wit d gal its ur husband...

    2. See you! Did the girl offend you?Face your man. He is the one disrespecting you by chatting with another woman

    3. Your problem is not the babe... Your hubby/bf is the problem. How many women you wan fight??? And if he is not your hubby, leave his sorry ass biko!

    4. Leave the girl alone.. face ur cheating partner and sort it out with him..

    5. @Anonymous 13:11, sweetie, I'm not certain if you're male or female, going by you comments. The "useless girl" could be your girl (if you're a guy) or the chic chatting with your man(if you're a lady). In spite of the obvious ambiguity regarding your sex, I'll give you a general advice. I hope you feel better after you read this.

      Betrayal of trust hurts more than the actual knife in the back plunge because, usually, it takes you by surprise. A physical cut definitely heals faster than an emotional cut which can linger for years. Of course, you can't be your usual self because your brain is still trying to process the  information you just got and this is the worst time to react because you're far from making rational decisions. So, honey, please try to calm down. What's done is done and can't be undone neither can you "unsee" what you've seen. However, whatever you decide to do, please don't call the person your partner chatted with. I find that demeaning. It's possible your partner gave the impression that he/she is not in a committed relationship. Rather have a talk with your partner and channel whatever emotions you feel towards your partner. The chat happened because your partner encouraged it. Even if the person is aware of your relationship, your partner is still to blame for disrespecting whatever both of you share. Never lose your dignity when faced with an undignified situation. Keep your chin up, love. Trust should be earned and not given out lavishly as a matter of  course. 
      #e-bearhugs darl, TTSP!(this too shall pass).‎

    6. Is he your husband if not you are useless

    7. What useless girl abi ur bf that might b acting single.

      If only we ladies know how men go out of their way to lie to us just to get BTW our legs.

      My dear, if u Dont face ur bf nd u eventually get married. He ll turn u to a frustrated housewife who calls /fights every Lady

    8. You see? Sometimes leave it as it is.

    9. @ Ronalda tnks a lot,@tayantaylor tnks 4 d insult.

    10. Ronada shut up you talk too much

  14. When he starts hiding his phone or sudden use of password on his phone, something is fishing especially if he has been d open type. Again wen he starts receiving frequent call frm one particular number or person, n u notice he is always uncomfortable while on d call, dts wen u shud join team snoop before u stay inside water n soap enters ur eyes

    1. Fishing????

    2. Lmao @ something is fishing. It is:"something is fishy".

  15. Yea,i did and confirmed dis morning.....i saw a dirty chat and ever since then,i've nt been myself....thinking of calling the useless gurl bt I want to calm down first.It's so painful.

    1. Don't bother to call d girl, call ur man, he is the one misbehaving, in my next world, if there is any, I can never, I repeat, I can never trust a man. Most of them are created like dogs, always going back to eat there vomit. Rubbish, my dear anon pls and pls don't bother ur head about the single girl oooo.

    2. Lick, I thank myself later.

    3. Lol @i thank myself Later

    4. Lol,the last time I checked, dogs are loyal**

  16. Stella u Don hear say Oge okoye Don find love again? Wedding bells soon

  17. welllll,tell tale sign's.......He was not calling as much or sending pings as much. This was smone that called me atlst 3times a day and pinged 1st thing in the morning. I started feeling a bit of distance,even dou we were not staying in the same state but I felt a sudden distance. There was just smthn off which I complained abt and offcourse he denied there was anything wrong. The talks of marriage started reducing and visits even reduced. unbeknown to me he was planning his wedding to someone else that lived where he lived. Most times women can feel it when a man is cheating,atlst now I know the signs. Before I was innocent and believed in minding my business, but it is actually good to thoroughly investigate whoever you are with, especially if you are living in different states.

    1. Exactly......
      Snoop again
      More of snooping
      Snooping saves you from lots of things eg being taking unaware
      It will hurt but at least, u found out the truth.

    2. You are better off without him. I pray that God will send a better man to bless your life

  18. 1 : Never let his phone out of his sight/putting it on silent or vibration

    2; distancing himself from you /not performing his duty in bed as he use to.

    3; Doesn't value your company or conversation anymore.

    4:Telling you to go to bed that he will join you later.

    5; Always having a reason to get out of the house.

    6:buying new clothes, , shoes, cologne and taking extra care of his look and appearance.

    7: picking unessesary fight with you simply because need an excuse to get out of the house.

    1. I Think I Know Your Husband...
      .NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

    2. I dont agree wit ur number 6.....

    3. Anonymous 13:12, you nailed it Gbam, hope you not talking from experience. When you seem to be an irritant unlike the apple of his eye. before before because of a side chick OR the babe cares less about your touch, cringes. When you have battered her self esteem and suddenly she does a 360 turnaround maintenance, its a red flag boo cos there's a stimuli somewhere gingering her swagger. TO EVERY ACTION; THERE IS AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION! Kyla!!! Please SOL, enable my comments, chaiii, you have been cooking jollof rice with my comments, Continuuuuu

    4. I think a combination of several of these signs together is an alert o!

  19. When the mumu carry face as if he/she dey smell mess or shit.

    when he/she will answer your greeting through nose.

    1. Useless comment..Olodo! Ewu!

    2. Why are you insulting him?you really lack manners

    3. You are very stupid for insulting chizoba

  20. He no longer pound ur toto as he used to.He no longer buy you gifts.He no longer call often as he used to.He no longer smile and laugh with u as he used to. As for the ladies;She no longer give u toto to fuck often as she used to.She no longer call often.She no longer dress sexy around you.She dont answer phone in ur presence.

  21. He no longer pound ur toto as he used to.He no longer buy you gifts.He no longer call often as he used to.He no longer smile and laugh with u as he used to. As for the ladies;She no longer give u toto to fuck often as she used to.She no longer call often.She no longer dress sexy around you.She dont answer phone in ur presence.

  22. He no longer pound ur toto as he used to.He no longer buy you gifts.He no longer call often as he used to.He no longer smile and laugh with u as he used to. As for the ladies;She no longer give u toto to fuck often as she used to.She no longer call often.She no longer dress sexy around you.She dont answer phone in ur presence.

  23. He no longer pound ur toto as he used to.He no longer buy you gifts.He no longer call often as he used to.He no longer smile and laugh with u as he used to. As for the ladies;She no longer give u toto to fuck often as she used to.She no longer call often.She no longer dress sexy around you.She dont answer phone in ur presence.

    1. OMG fresh whatever, we haff hear, o gini biko, all dis ur toto stuff, pls tone it down. Mtcheeew

  24. Giving excusing alot is a major sign

  25. He no longer pound ur toto as he used to.He no longer buy you gifts.He no longer call often as he used to.He no longer smile and laugh with u as he used to. As for the ladies;She no longer give u toto to fuck often as she used to.She no longer call often.She no longer dress sexy around you.She dont answer phone in ur presence.

    1. J'obo j'obo,e don do na...we don hear

    2. PREACHER'S WIFE19 March 2015 at 16:36

      LMAO @ 'jobo jobo ' bitchplis, u don't cray seriously! Lol

    3. Haahahhahahahhahaahaha!!!!' Bicthplis has killed me ooooo!!!!

  26. A Cheat wil Alwys B A Cheat, the sings r dia

  27. OK, my partner isn't cheating and I pray he doesn't get to cheat forever and ever, so imma just read comments and see if I am on the right lane with my thinking/assumptions

  28. watch how he/she react when you are with their phone.

  29. You don't need to suspect.
    You are just doing rounds.
    Check ups!
    Making sure your territory is in order

  30. This will be interesting.

    Aint tied d knot yet so let d comments roll in..

    Bvs, make this interesting and don't forget to

    Even out ur skin tone,treat ur skin issues at PoshTee skincare Arena....


  31. Coming back to read comments frm Matured minds nd xperts

  32. I ve never had any cause to suspect my boyfriend , so I go jump d Q passs

  33. I've never been cheated on, but from what I've heard and observed, a woman's intuition alerts her first once any thing funny begins or is about to go down.

    Women are blessed with good intuition.
    It's left for us to listen to what our instincts tells us and act on it.
    It's better you act (snoop) and find out it's just false alarm (mood swing things) than keep quiet and things get out if hand.

    Anytime my dear hubby acts different, even if it's something as little as not finishing his food, I snoop all the 'snoopable'.
    Phones, sms, call logs, phone contacts, FB, WhatsApp,car, pockets, files, name it! Eve his bank alerts(I activated all his emails accounts on my phone and I see all his mails and alerts sometimes before him).
    I of course mark them as unread after doing my once in a while snooping as the spirit leads.

    I hate to be caught unawares.
    I can't be caught unawares.
    Before he thinks anything funny, my sharp antenna must up the signal (I'm a monitoring spirit,*tongue out*)
    I'm sensitive like that.
    I'm very very observant like that.

    Kee yourself in my matter my dear anonymous troll.
    I've been seeing your senseless rants, tho I chose to ignore cos you are a cockroach.
    Show your face by using your ID and I'll crush you on this blog.
    You'll die on top my matter very soon.
    I even saw where you dropped a comment that I'm the cheating wife in the other post.
    That comment cracked me up real good.
    Please continue.
    I've given you the attention you've been seeking.
    I'm doing so cos it has come to my notice that many people are sad I've not put you in the dustbin where you belong.
    I'm sha enjoying all the attention you are showering on my humble self.
    *kisses for that*

    Eka I saw the comment you directed to me the other day.
    I'll let it pass....
    Till next time....

  34. @anon13.12 . Spot on . U must be a man .

  35. If you think he's cheating, then he is

    Majorly when communication drops

  36. I used to date this guy, who never allowed me to hold his phone. Infact his phone had a password which he never told me. If he's not using his phone, even if its just to pee, he will lock the phone. Even if its to pick something up and he has to drop his phone, he must lock it. There was this day I got hold of his phone, the guy snatched it from me. I never went thru his phone even to look at pics! Anyway the relationship didn't last cos I got to realise I was dating myself. Me and this guy lived in different cities, so there was this day I travelled to another city by road, I got there late that evening and I called him to say hi and tell him I had arrived, he didn't pick my call only for him to send me an sms saying 'sshh I'm at the cinema watching MI4' that was all, no hi, no welcome, no how was ur journey and the guy didn't call me till like 3 days after, infact I was the one who called. This guy can stay days without calling me, one day I asked myself, come did I ask myself out, is it not this guy that asked me out, was he not the one disturbing me for a relationship, so why is he now behaving as if he didn't ask me out. I had received enough of his nonsense and I had to end the relationship. Infact if I begin to tell u about this guy, I will not finish it today.

    1. Mtcheeeeew you sound stupid like your write up in fact you are crazy,that is why he he treat you like a garbage,i will rather stay single than be any idiot side chick

    2. Tayan what has she said that makes a sound stupid???


  38. No partner yet pls contact moi

  39. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    SterraKORK,this ur piggy sideeyes pix cracks me up in laughter weneva ΐ see it..lololzzzzzzzzz
    tell-tale signs..errrm
    1---drastic reduction of calling,always claim BUSY
    2---nags and compains over everytin
    3---always busy chatin with different gurls and don't give a crap about you
    4---becomes cold and no longer cares about you
    5---compares you to his exes
    6---compains about ur figure(too fat,too thin)
    7--takes special cares in choosing his outfit
    8---keeps late night hour
    9---moves around with condoms
    10----embarrases/slaps you in public
    Ladies pick race if ure in sux SITUATIONSHIP
    Tried of typing jawe
    Eku osan oo eyin eyanmi
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

    1. Honey, sending hugs to you. I feel you need it😘

  40. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    SterraKORK,this ur piggy sideeyes pix cracks me up in laughter weneva ΐ see it..lololzzzzzzzzz
    tell-tale signs..errrm
    1---drastic reduction of calling,always claim BUSY
    2---nags and compains over everytin
    3---always busy chatin with different gurls and don't give a crap about you
    4---becomes cold and no longer cares about you
    5---compares you to his exes
    6---compains about ur figure(too fat,too thin)
    7--takes special cares in choosing his outfit
    8---keeps late night hour
    9---moves around with condoms
    10----embarrases/slaps you in public
    Ladies pick race if ure in sux SITUATIONSHIP
    Tried of typing jawe
    Eku osan oo eyin eyanmi
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

    1. Dia r some exceptions....some people love their girlfriends/wives so much n still cheat....they have side chicks n nothin changes in their attitudes towards their real partners,it's when deyr no longer in love dat dis signs begin to show....been there done that.

  41. its always out there to know

  42. U sure? Y not try snooping n see for urself or ur partner is too smart....

  43. You don't need a sign!
    Pussy expires!
    Yes, it has an expiration date.
    Whether you are a wife, side chic, girlfriend or a baby mama, your pussy expires at exactly 3-4months after they first hit it.

    Then he moves on to another pussy that'd stimulate him mentally like yours did when it was considered "new pussy".

    Disagree with me all you want.
    Reality is cold!!

    Now, you know when to begin your "snooping" business.

    1. True that... there's no pussy like new pussy!

    2. I don't agree with expiration for my baby. TogetherForever

    3. Shey u jst got enagaged, ur pussy too will expire after 3months, after 3months ur man wil start tasting new pussies

    4. Boyfy and I were a year dis month and my pussy hasn't still expired to him, don't ask me how I know so that point really isn't valid. If he loves u, ur pussy can never expire at least not that soon

  44. Hmmmmm. i'm going to read comments.

  45. When your boo is over protective of his phone/ when he doesn't make out time for you/ when he is fond of making silly excuses/ when he doesn't return ur missed calls most times etc

  46. lol Stella nwunye Kork ds ur side eyes no get part two. Lemme sit bak n read comments...

  47. lol Stella nwunye Kork ds ur side eyes no get part two. Lemme sit bak n read comments...

  48. Hides phone,wants to experiment new stlyes with u,wants u to dress a certain way,carry a certain hairsytle..the list goes on and on..#TeamSnoop day and night

  49. Someone should drop the name of the trending BV na. Haba!!!

  50. Maybe if he has a text and I am beside him ...before I turn my head he go change the phone page from text to something else...hmmn and I stole the phone jare ..found out he was cheating I am dumping his ass very soon

  51. Time to learn...time to keep refreshing comments!

  52. As a lady,
    your instincts will always tell you

  53. STELLA can't u c d name fresh toto eater pls blog analyzer warn her to change d name it dosent sound good Biko kene nu!moralss

    1. Hian! Wet in concern u, ma fi lo mi, n dasi

  54. There is no definitive sign per se,to show your partner is cheating on you..I doff my hat for some people,they are smooth operators(men&women inclusive)
    However one of the few tell-tale signs could be if he finds it uncomfortable picking a certain number in your presence,or sometimes when you are not with him and you call at night,he cuts off..
    Or when he doesn't call you on phone as much as he used to..
    However in a relationship/marriage its not always good to read too many meanings into something that might mean nothing!

  55. He stops calling,texting and he starts guarding his phone jealously when hes with you

  56. Am #teamsnoop# o once he starts hiding he's fone, going every Where with his fone something is definitely fishy and am always right will def see something.....hIan

  57. Let the comments roll in.....

  58. When he says his church pple r coming to his house for a church program meeting or he is praying n fasting

  59. His phone is the best device you can use to know if he is cheating on you.
    Snoop every time you have the opportunity
    Calls, SMS, Chats, etc...there must be an evidence if he is a cheat.

    My colleague not only password his phone, he password each application on the phone. His level of cheating is out of this world and the wife can"t touch his phone. Plus even is she does, she can't enter.
    Men ehn...

  60. Make I sidon dey wait comments

  61. When a man does not give a heck abt U again,he is definitely tapping smwhere else,he is cheating.
    Symptoms: reduced calls,comparing U with his mama,sister n exs,he gets irritated at everytn abt U,things he never used to get irritated abt b4,concious of his outfits n looks infact carries mirror in his pocket like idoma boy lolz. Straight to d point style wen in bed with U, I.e no romance,just like a farmer harvesting corn,lolz. Wives in dis position,sori,because u have no choice,but babes no get wahala,find ya way.

    1. So y d emphasis on Idoma guys? Were u dumped by one?

  62. Na una sabi I don't snoop and am not married

  63. When someone u r deeply emotionally involved with begins to drift, there's no way u won't kno cos it will start from the little things such as reduced calls, unecesary anger, always having ready made excuses for u every time u complain abt this attitude, u no longer have much to discuss... And then they begin to nag..

  64. Stella don use my comment prepare jollof rice...choii

  65. Reading comments mode activated.

  66. When he stops caring, keeping late nights .etc

  67. hian, onye choro icheat ya cheatibe naa, ogbasarom, as long as o ji CD. My bf is handsome, tall n very rich and above all very good in bed. So how do u expect that he will not cheat? that kin guy? hian, amam na ona emecharu outside mana nna men na hin business oo. Make i kill my self? as long as he's doing his duty. He give me, he give other girls and everyone is happy. Afterall i canr finish it, the thing no dey finish sef so wonder why everyone complains of cheat cheat cheat. Ike di unu biko.

    1. Seek help dear....What did u pass tru as a child? Going through life with that kinda mentality, i sympathise with u dear. It mustn't be easy

    2. My dear I didn't pass tru anything at all. I have just realised that nothing should hinder me from being happy not even a cheating man. U leave d first guy cus he cheated n move to d nxt guy n then he cheats again u leave, and d 3rd one is cheating n u wany make continue to leave till I date d whole Lagos?? Mba nu, as long as he doesn't do it infront of me. That's his fucking business. I'm a very happy girl and can't be bothered if he's cheating or not. Too many things to do to keep my self busy than to be looking for who's cheating on me. Lai lai I no fit.

    3. I agree totally abeg. I careless as long as the guy doesn't give me a clue. I can't bother my self about cheats in this beautiful world when there are so many places to visit n see the world.

    4. Obviously u r a small and very deprived girl. Oh and bush too

    5. Hahahahaha I bet you can't stand this small bush girl when you see her. LMFAO!!! Internet sef. Maybe my manner of writing and my opinion made you to classify me as Bush, ok naa, *TUSH* gey ndo oo. Iwe gi adina oku. Forgive my manners. Broke ass bitches come and hide on Internet be insulting people mtchewwww.

    6. Anon 16.43, anon 16.25 is right, as far as I'm concerned 95% of men cheat/will cheat. So what's d assurance that wen u leave d next won't cheat. Abeg, inasmuch as I pray not to marry a cheater, I just hope dat if he does, he should do so far away from me dat I don't have any reason to suspect and pray he always uses a condom.

  68. PREACHER'S WIFE19 March 2015 at 14:47

    Lol....., mine would put his phone on silent mode as soon as I'm around, press the red button when some calls come in, or pick and pretend the network is bad.

    Wake up very early and drop a note that he has gone out( no location). Come back very late at night and snore away.

    Lock a particular room constantly and keep the key in his pocket at all times even when going to the toilet.

    Sneak to make midnight calls etc etc etc.

    1. Lock a particular room constantly u say?? Is he doing jazz? Human wey carry calabash for head de d room? Hmmm, oma wa ga ke!

  69. Wen you are sitting next to him and his phone rings den he picks and uses his left ear just so u don't hear the conversation

    1. That left ear bullcrap doesn't cut it biko....there's a reason for it scientifically abi na medically i go talk

  70. In my case it was instinct cause guy man did not reduce anything at all in fact we were getting stronger(or so i thought) but thank God i listened to my spirit they already deep all the while i was thinking my instinct were wrong. I just help myself carry my kaya waka. Now i heard the girl is married, but wetin concern me.

  71. Who is cheating on who ?
    All this cheating business is becoming boring, though.

  72. Uhhh, once had a lady I dated for a 18months and was about marrying her. Before I pulled the plug. These are a chronicle of what gave her away. I must admit she was good at it.

    1: Stopped being a friend and became a lover.
    We used talk about anything and everything but detached herself and rather listens to mine.

    2: When the phone becomes their best friend.
    She started having high call traffic which her job does not entail. Chats longer with unidentifiable or familiar names.

    3: When they became fond of movies that dwells on cheating. 4 out every movie collection she brings has a story of unfaithfulness.

    4. Your company and conversation became less affectionate.

    5: Always having a good
    reason to get out of the
    house to visit one friend/relation or the other.

    6: Sudden new hunger for parties and events.

    7: Having spotaneous new items at will over prudence. And
    becomes crazy about look and appearance with extra panash.

    7: Starts complaining about bedroom atmosphere, performance and craves or suggestive of weird ways.

    8: An unnecessary new level and pattern of nagging, always creating a perfect excuse to out longer.

    9: Having excuses for private answering of calls.

    10: Improtu reaction to calls.

    11: A changed attitude to the way and manner of calling you or receiving your calls - more unanswered rings.

    Phonebook contains odd or funny names. Especially with numbers and signs.

    13: No new messages in the sms or email inbox, except those of network & from familiar relatives, for common events & greetings.

    14: No chat history on bbm or whatsapp except broadcast message & unharmful ones from familiar names.

    15: Starts comparing you to the spouses their friends (more of the unknown than the known one)

    16: Sudden criticism of your person(habit, attitude, hygiene, physique etc.
    figure(too fat,too thin)

    Being in possession of condoms
    /conceptives every now and then.

    18: Becomes difficult, incorrigible and attitude problems.

    19: Uncomfortable when on an outing with you or when in possession of their phones.

    20: Core of friends are unmarried especially for the married.

    21: Becomes less caring, romantic and passionate.

    ***Just taking a walk***

  73. Uhhh, once had a lady I dated for a 18months and was about marrying her. Before I pulled the plug. These are a chronicle of what gave her away. I must admit she was good at it.

    1: Stopped being a friend and became a lover.
    We used talk about anything and everything but detached herself and rather listens to mine.

    2: When the phone becomes their best friend.
    She started having high call traffic which her job does not entail. Chats longer with unidentifiable or familiar names.

    3: When they became fond of movies that dwells on cheating. 4 out every movie collection she brings has a story of unfaithfulness.

    4. Your company and conversation became less affectionate.

    5: Always having a good
    reason to get out of the
    house to visit one friend/relation or the other.

    6: Sudden new hunger for parties and events.

    7: Having spotaneous new items at will over prudence. And
    becomes crazy about look and appearance with extra panash.

    7: Starts complaining about bedroom atmosphere, performance and craves or suggestive of weird ways.

    8: An unnecessary new level and pattern of nagging, always creating a perfect excuse to out longer.

    9: Having excuses for private answering of calls.

    10: Improtu reaction to calls.

    11: A changed attitude to the way and manner of calling you or receiving your calls - more unanswered rings.

    Phonebook contains odd or funny names. Especially with numbers and signs.

    13: No new messages in the sms or email inbox, except those of network & from familiar relatives, for common events & greetings.

    14: No chat history on bbm or whatsapp except broadcast message & unharmful ones from familiar names.

    15: Starts comparing you to the spouses their friends (more of the unknown than the known one)

    16: Sudden criticism of your person(habit, attitude, hygiene, physique etc.
    figure(too fat,too thin)

    Being in possession of condoms
    /conceptives every now and then.

    18: Becomes difficult, incorrigible and attitude problems.

    19: Uncomfortable when on an outing with you or when in possession of their phones.

    20: Core of friends are unmarried especially for the married.

    21: Becomes less caring, romantic and passionate.

    ***Just taking a walk***

    1. Chei this describes my hubby to a tee when he started cheating. From no 1 to 21. Everything. Very good summary.

  74. I have learned so much from BVs comments eye Don open. I'm taking that necessary walk of life today. Thanks guys.

  75. @queen haddash: #justbeingcurious# hope we aint dating d same guy ooo. Hahaha me sef don give mysef brain bfor i invest my all into it. D r/ship is nt even up t a yr. I"v dumped him in my heart wt d attitude i av bn dsplaying lately. Hmmm i dnt want t spell it out t him verbally or in black n white. Am hopeful, I knw som1 who wud value my worth wil locate me soon. I hate CHEATS cos Faithfulness is lyk d air i breath; am nt d type dt wud date multiple guys@ a time. #singlenenjoyingit

  76. Genny la baby you can lie through your yansh.....u have never been cheated on indeed.....anyway maybe u married your first and only boyfriend......#okbye#


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