Stella Dimoko Nigerian Girl, Oghosa Shares Her Experience With Porn Addiction


Monday, March 09, 2015

Nigerian Girl, Oghosa Shares Her Experience With Porn Addiction

'I started watching porn at 14, and at 21, i had watched over 400 hours of adult content...' -Oghosa

Law graduate Oghosa Ovienrioba, 22, began watching porn at age 14. In her late teens, she developed a serious habit and watched films daily. At age 21, Oghosa found Christianity and decided to kick the habit and now helps others kick the habit.

Bubbly Oghosa Ovienrioba is a 22-year-old vlogger and law graduate who used to have a dark secret: she was addicted to online pornography.

It was an addiction that first kicked in when she was just 14 years old and sneaked a look at online porn on her computer.

And from the ages of 18 to 21, she would lock herself in a dark room and watch adult movies endlessly.

At her worst point, Oghosa would masturbate between five and six times a day - and watched a total of over 400 hours of adult movies.

But now Oghosa has become a hero to other sufferers after bravely speaking out about her porn addiction on YouTube - in a series that has amassed over 800,000 hits.

Oghosa, from London, says, 'When I uploaded that video in February, I had no idea how phenomenal the response would be.

'I received hundred of heartwarming comments from women who were going through the same thing for years.

'Lots of people don’t think girls can suffer a porn addiction but it’s a problem for both sexes. I hope I can help others out there - talking about your problem is the first step.'

Oghosa Ovienrioba explains how she became addicted to porn

Oghosa, who began watching online pornography in 2006, says that it was dangerously easy for her to access.

She said: 'I was 14 years old when I went to find porn on the internet. It was out of curiosity and it was just a simple Google search for me to get hold of an adult movie.

'When I first watched it, my reaction was shock. But gradually over time, that shock becomes excitement and I would use any porn that I could get my hands on.'

Her habit started to become a worrying obsession by age 16 when she began watching adult movies as often as she could.

She said: 'I was watching it so much that I started to get bored by the "normal" soft porn movies.

'I wasn't getting the buzz that I felt when I first saw it - in fact I was almost desensitised to that content.

'I went from watching soft pornography to dodgier stuff to get the kick I needed.'

Oghosa's addiction briefly stopped when she had a six-month relationship with a boy at age 18.

But when she started university and found herself single again, the downward spiral of her addiction recommenced.

She said: 'I was at a university and alone in a new city. I guess it was a trigger and I just went downhill from there. 

'For a period of two to three years, I was watching porn on a daily basis and sometimes masturbating over six times per day. It was all I could think about.'

'I didn't see people as people anymore - they were just sex objects to me,' admitted Oghosa

She continued: 'I didn't see people as people anymore - they were just sex objects to me.

'The simplest things could set me off such as a girl unbuttoning her blouse or a boy taking his top off. Everything made me want more.

'I would sit in my room alone for hours, with the lights off, watching porn. I felt lonely and ashamed of myself.'

When Oghosa turned 21, she found Christianity and knew it was time to confront her problem. She made several lifestyle changes so she would not return to old habits again.

She says: 'I spoke to a friend about my addiction and that was a huge release for me. It was a first step.

'Talking about it made me realise how much of a problem it was - you're only as sick as the secrets you keep. 

'As a Christian, you have to be quite controlled about what you let into your heart, in terms of what you see and do.' 

When Oghosa turned 21, she found Christianity and knew it was time to confront her problem. Now she doesn't read sex scenes in books and tries not to listen to oversexualised music

She continued: 'So now, I don’t read sex scenes in books and I don’t listen to oversexualised music. 

'There are some artists that just sing about sex and it’s best to avoid that, I also try to avoid inappropriate programmes on TV late at night.'

As part of her recovery process, she posted a YouTube video in February 2014 in which she revealed her porn addiction to the world. The response from viewers was overwhelmingly positive.

She explains: 'When I read some of the comments on that video, it brings a tear to my eye. People have told me how alone they felt with their addiction until they saw my video.'

Oghosa believes that there should be age restrictions on online pornography to make it less available to children.

'It’s heartbreaking to know that children can still access pornography so easily like I did. There are age restrictions on drinking and smoking - the same should go for porn.' She said. 

Culled from DailyMail

Thank God for her!

I a curious about something though,If it a crime to watch porn alone,is it also a crime to watch it with a spouse?


  1. Replies
    1. Yes thank God for her; addiction to anything is never healthy.
      @ Stells, it isn't a crime to watch porn alone or with a consenting adult. However, watching or possessing child porn is a crime and punishable under the law.
      In her case, i guess the problem she had was the fact that she couldn't do without it.

      Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

    2. May God be praised
      As for me am addicted to watching gay porn, and I am a female oo. I don't know if it happens to anyone else too!! *big sigh*

    3. Porn and erotic films/books like 50 shades of whatever isn't meant for single and lonely ladies. Let's embrace horror movies/novels, they are life savers. Thank you.

    4. Ain't nuffin wrong with porn.
      We watch.
      We practice.
      We are stronger.

    5. Stelly Stelly, While reading this story I had a feeling that @ the end of it, you must ask a question, Oya which one do u do? The One with ur spouse abi?? Hehehehehe

  2. Of course. It's only Christ that can save you from any sinful addiction
    All things are possible through Him.

    1. OMG!!...
      This girl is so beautiful...
      Exactly my spec...
      Please who has her contact?...

    2. Preachers wife
      I replied you o
      But you know na
      When the comment get more than 200 it becomes
      Here is d re
      Preachers wife
      Am not a pastors wife
      Am not yet married
      I just love much....dats all.

      And be strong...God's got your back.
      And don't allow the devil steal your joy!
      * straight face *
      I love you ma

    3. Hahaha, linda Eze o...u will not kill somebody here o

  3. Oboy. It takes the Grace of God and personal determination to scale through Pornography. The internet has too many explicit images/videos. 21st century children are prone to this kinda stuffs. If one doesn't learn this bad habit alone. School, friends e.t.c can easily induce such a Habit.
    Oghosa, i can relate with you on this.

    1. I don't get turned on by porn aswear. I dunno why but I see it as every other movie

  4. Don't really think watching porn is healthy for anyone, just my opinion.

  5. I love porn

    I eat porn

    I dream porn

    I drink porn

    Porn is good to check yourself

    To know if you are still responding to stimulus

    To make sure if your body dey kampe.


    1. Clap for yaself Galore. Omo ire bi iyan!

      Thank God for her life.

    2. Hmmm meaning I actually have a problem,cos no matter how many porn I watch,it still doesn't turn me on.God abeg o

      Click my name to order for your well stocked soups and stew in liters(abuja residents).

    3. 50 shades of Nsogbu. ':( :'(

    4. May the blood cleanse you.

    5. Once you are addicted to it, its so hard to stop so its better you don't even start it

    6. I thought your a winner??
      * just asking *

  6. Rotflmao
    Abeg some1 gimme d title of an erotic book worse than 50 shades of kak.

    No time.
    Make I no watch watch porn say who die!!
    Even if it's once a month I will watch!
    Every addiction is a bad thing,
    Church/bible addiction,
    Smoking,fucking,etc etc!

    Lord help me(in madea's voice)

    1. Na attention she dey find let those who wanto watch watch .... they even counted how many hours she watch porn for... Hahahaha

    2. @BB, check It has a lot of short stories bothering on all things sex and sexual fantasies. Bdsm, fetish, ectetra...

  7. Ehen! That was a very bad addiction but thank God for letting go and following Christ

  8. Oh and she had to be a benin girl lol. Thank God for u

  9. Six orgasm in a day!
    Hmmmm,I watch porn when I feel the urge to make love when the boo is far away but I'm not addicted...
    Indeed too much of everything is bad
    I thank God for Ur life Oghosa

  10. it is not bad to watch it with your spouse. After all that's what spouses no big deal watching it with your spouse

  11. I can relate with her, I understand her situation. Thank God for Jesus.

    Porn is bad, lol. Ok porn is bad when you take it over-board and it takes over your imagination. Like she said you don't see people you see them as a sex object.

    Porn bad, bad bad porn.

  12. Thank God for her! Someone in my church gave a testimony on how he was addicted to masturbation and how it started destroying his life. Some of these addictions have demons attached to them. May God continue to help us and deliver us from the claws of the devil.

    1. Shebi in winners church?
      It's a spirit
      People don't seem to understand

  13. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Porn is like drug, yu can hardly do with it but thank God for her life though......

  14. Hmmmmm it's everywhere, just self discipline dts all.

  15. Oriegwu...if u dnt watch porn,hw u wan take learn beta sex styles to nack DH???
    I agree too much of everything is bad.In that case,pastors who recommend kamasutra videos shld be caned abi??? Mtcheew!!!

  16. Honestly, I don't see anything wrong in watching porn as long as it isn't an addiction. na my second home (side eyes). At least, I won't kill myself na.

    1. And finally, she speaks out

    2. Jasmine, hope no problem? You said some things about me on Lailas blog, but I paid you no mind. Please, free me shogbo, inugo?

    3. Oluyommmmmiii. When you horny and wet....pornhubs!

    4. Fake anon 20:10 fake sisi eko ... all hail the substandard being who will continue to carry my burden till eternity. Continue, ur life will not.remain d same. Let confusion warp ur existence henceforth. Low self esteem is what makes ppl like u hijack others identity. YES!!

    5. I know at least 4 people friends call sisi eko! its not a unique name .. stop this childish behaviour.

    6. Collins or whatever. Congratulations on ur achievement of having friends by the name sisi eko. Oh what a day. Even if ur entire township go by it, the fact still remains that I go by the moniker sisi eko here, unique or exclusive, ain't my cuppa... all I know is that there are other names to go by in a faceless forum to avoid confusion. So keep proving nonsense to yourself ok? Childish behaviour indeed. Copycating of the highest order. Am out

  17. It is wrong to watch porn. Every sin one commits starts from the mind. Porn corrupts the mind, gives you inappropriate imagination and can make u either masturbate, become promiscuous,cheat on a spouse or imagine what sex with same sex will feel or taste like. If you watch porn with your spouse, you both are obviously not born again. Thank God for the holy spirit that kills certain desires in us bcos by strength shall no man prevail.

    1. Exactly,even if u watch it as a married person it's wrong bcos the ppl involved in the porn are not married couples,nobody holy pass but watching porn is a sin

    2. HaaAaaaahaaaaaa
      Saruman's bae


      **Bonaparte NN

    3. Port is bad and should alw be categorised as such.
      You just spoke my mind dear

  18. Thank goodness she has found that man of Galilee, In HIM old tins re passed away&all things becomes new again.#JESUS

  19. As a married woman,i sometimes watch porn.
    I practice some of the moves and i always feel like a superwoman when dh says,wow that was something else,U wan kill me,
    It gives me joy to hear him say that. That means my porn-induced moves touched his masculine g-spot(or worefa)

  20. Edo!!!!! Why am I not surprised? They too like to do............ lol

  21. thank God for her life

  22. @Stella, answer to your question: watching with a spouse can just be the set off to life time addiction. The scripture says that we should; flee every appearance of evil (1 Thess. 5:22). . . and a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him (2 Pet. 2:19). Also see Phil 4:8. Think about whatever is noble, . . . pure of good report etc. Porn is neither noble nor of good report; it is not pure it will enslave you in the long run! And it could potentially make especially a male spouse misbehave because men are more gripped by what they see. You could just be setting off the stage to lose your husband by so doing.



  23. Please, she hasn't watched porn if she didn't watch snuff porn.
    Though it has been banned, it's still available on some websites.
    Most of them are fake.
    This one is a learner where I am.
    I'd buy 100MB and download porn. I get tired and delete after the first watch.
    I don't do 4 minutes. If it aint 20minutes and above.
    Started with reading sex stories @ 12.
    Someone bookmarked the site with 'stories' on his phone.
    Curious me opened and saw it. Started reading. Made sure I read all categories be it Incest, Voyage, First time, public etc.
    Thank God for her though. It's not a nice thing.
    The urge to watch comes once in a while.

    1. Hmmmmmm
      At 12 you say? Bookmarked "stories" on his phone?so how old are you now, and how many years has gsm been introduced in Nigeria?
      Make una sofri sofri dey lie for this blog o

    2. Useless corrupt goatgoat.i dont know why I hate yorubas.sunshine you are a bastard.

  24. Please, she hasn't watched porn if she didn't watch snuff porn.
    Though it has been banned, it's still available on some websites.
    Most of them are fake.
    This one is a learner where I am.
    I'd buy 100MB and download porn. I get tired and delete after the first watch.
    I don't do 4 minutes. If it aint 20minutes and above.
    Started with reading sex stories @ 12.
    Someone bookmarked the site with 'stories' on his phone. That Nokia phone that has 'headlights' beside it. LOL
    Curious me opened and saw it. Started reading. Made sure I read all categories be it Incest, Voyage, First time, public etc.
    Thank God for her though. It's not a nice thing.
    The urge to watch comes once in a while.

    1. Please go on Sunshine, don't stop!lol
      Voyage,First time?????

    2. Isn't snuff porn where they kill the person during sex? Ah! Repent oh!

    3. @ Sunshine, it's Voyeur. Voyeurism and exhibitionism.

  25. Thank God 4 her but even with ds I know some people will still go and check it out.

  26. Gw hope u have destroyed the TV. Wink.

    1. Hahahhahahahahahahahahaaha
      The TV no gree destroy o!
      Nne rapu that thing.....
      Porn? Oh la la....

    2. LOL @ the Tv no gree destroy ohM hahahahaaaA I remember that your gist GW. Hahahhahaaha. How far una never do another deliverance

  27. Oh please.... say age restriction, who told her there's no age restriction on porn?... let her park well jor she's just seeking attention

  28. Good for u girl

    Na dangerous obsession esp if u are stil single.

    Thank GoD for some Pastors!

    Thank GoD dey don't "see" into the Future....

    Give me some *xha******** baby!

    1. Onye ala!!
      Na here I go find you..lolzzzzz

      Jbaby dey ask of you for up ooh..

    2. @ Iphie,Ehen,Asikwa m!
      Knew I'd be here.....

      Sending u Something in a bit..
      *super wink*

      @jbaby,... Nne kedu Ije?
      are u cooking rice on d 12th Omalicha Engr?

    3. Xhamster....Chai married bad babes full here o...i think say na only me....Tyra Mo...and Alia St....kills me!
      Linda Eze u should check out those babes...Di two of them bu ur specs for sure!
      Bikonu, we still dey lent o.

  29. Dem TGW people. hope you got the YouTube link ma? Just Negoduing

    1. Look who is here!.
      The General is looking for u...
      With a Beretta that has a silencer.....
      Shebi na him u just dey do anyhow...

      Itogo Don....

    2. Bwahahahahahahaha.......

      Don de Don, my belle oooooooooooo


    3. Lazy old

    4. Lazy old

  30. As much as some people will take this lightly... It is a serious issue.

    I think about how much our kids will be affected as porn is easilly accessible.

    Infact, you don't have to look for it nowadays... It pops up everywhere you go on the internet.

    God help us o.

  31. I can't imagine wasting my data watching porn

  32. I can't imagine wasting my data watching porn. Thank God she's been saved.

  33. Good.Sexual immorality is one tough habit difficult to break away from.
    People should kp away from seeing other people's nakedness.It shameful.


  34. Thank God for Oghosa. Porn addiction is serious and terrible. When you eat drink and think Porn it has control over you.
    It's a bad habit cos it is done in the dark in the hidden. You don't come out and tell people one of your habits is watching Porn, why cos its bad. I can relate to this poster. You feel dirty and like you have done a terrible thing. You can't control yourself. Cos you can't weigh the volume you take in per time. She said she saw people as sex objects. That is why it's not good for couples, you begin to see your partner as that, you begin to expect your partner to behave likewise. The image of what you have seen fills your mind. A person is suppose to give herself freely the way she feels not out of the books. It should be spontaneous.
    One is not to be controlled by anything. God has given us power to control everything around us. When you watch Porn it gains control over you. You therfore are a slave to it . When you load your modem or ipad with say 3k, and the next day you are buying more airtime for Internet cos you ran out of airtime cos of Porn then there is a problem.
    And sin should not have dominion over you. Thank God for His deliverance. This strictly my opinion.

  35. Thank God she overcame her addiction to porn and embraced Christ. So happy for her.

  36. Watching port is not good with or with anybody . It corrupts the soul and body. It is a sexual immorality.

  37. Porn porn porn, ur name no even good, lord of mercy help ur children oo

  38. no stella i dont think its wrong to watch as a couple since you too are just trying to spice your sex life, counsellors recomend it for certain sexual dysfuctions. Thank God she is free of the addiction and pray she is free indeed.

  39. She's not in Naja na. Little wonder. Dem for stone am here

  40. Even adults re addicted to it..i just see t as something dirty n diminishng someone's two cents!

  41. I think i have just been porned...

  42. I'm a girl and I don't joke with lesbian porn. It turns me on big time and I see nothing wrong with it. And no am not a lesbian

  43. TGW, na you dey inspire her abi na she dey inspire you??
    Oluyomi I'm going to wwww.that thing you just typed.
    Kehinde, please I know you will open this post. Kindly send me part 2 and 3 of 50 shades of grey.
    Thank you.

    1. The best part is that you can download it and watch anytime you want. Na your data e go consume. I subscribe to 2GB every month and most times, I rarely use it up. So, I'd rather allow pornhub to use it up.

    2. Download watt app from Google store
      Then type 50 Shades darker or 50 shades freed..

    3. Hahahahaha
      Viva Viva!
      No be small Kehinde wil open dis post.Lol

      Hmmmmm.....Dat Oluyomi site na learner o!
      I need to know u are married first before I give u d site dAt wil change ya life....

      WARNING:Pls DO NOT be carried away like our sis Osas.
      Be good good.

  44. Stells post my coment nah!abi u never aprove finish?na so u go welcome me?abegi

  45. Thank God for your life.

    Be tempted this evening,rent a novel for free

  46. Is watching porn a sin? Someone should answer me cause i watch porn at times when i have more than enough MB.

    Though it is more like torture as a single girl but i still watch it to keep body and soul together.

    1. It is a sin becos it's plays on your mind and imagination, sooner or later you get addicted to it.I was in your shoes before but through the help of the holy spirit I was able to overcome the urge to watch and wanna practice. I pray that may the Lord help us all.

    2. dear Chi Exotic,i read from a book that is not a sin depends on ur mindset...but bible said anytin lust is a sin...but can someone watch porn without a lust??heheheh...for me I have had very weird and bizzare experiences...and besides porn addiction goes in hand with masturbation....evrytin is all about our mindset..if you think clean u do clean things..if you think dirty definitely u do dirty I lying chcichi?? *smiles*

  47. She should watch gay porn as well,Mtcheeeeeeew

  48. I watch porn to get off. I mean how else can one stay single and relatively celibate till they find a guy who's decent? Porn is there to get me off but not addicted to it. Good she got off her addiction. Good for her! Porn is so fake outside of the whole I'm horny and want to get off so weird when people are addicted to it.

  49. Viva cara
    Stop begging, go to
    and read all your 50 shades of grey or yellow.

    Porn ke
    Unu emebichala

    Umum bikonu
    Sex cannot make you fat, Amstel Malta can...hahahahaha
    Can we discuss something fruitful

    The joy of drinking garri with millo and milk
    its inspiring
    I can write a book on it.

    *On my way to Alaska inside the train that passes through Chizoba's open teeth*


    1. XOXO thanks hun.
      But was I begging??

    2. XOXO thanks hun.
      But was I begging??

  50. I watch porn with my DH and i don't see anything wrong with it.

  51. Anony, I'm not up to 25.
    And yes, I am telling the truth.
    The site was
    And the last time I tried opening it, the first message I saw was that the site has been sold and that we should repent and give our lives to Christ.

  52. Iphie Dearie, leave me alone oh.

  53. Pornography is terrible. It stains your soul. Once you stary watching porn, you can never see sex as natural. You start from watching normal hetero porn, then it stops turning you on. Then you move to lesbian, then anal, then gangbangs, then fetishes then gay pornography all just to fill a growing urge for satisfaction that you can't contain. It trivializes sex and takes away its purity, sanctity and honesty. It damages your psyche. Not to even mention the things you invite into your spirit through porn and masturbation, incubus and succubus, all the so called wet dreams people have after porn are simply spiritual possesions and attacks. Spirit husbands, wives etc. Porn is an evil terrible lure the devil created. I was once a victim so I know very well how this girl feels and I thank God for his victory in our lives. For all those who watch porn, don't think it is harmless.

  54. Guilty of watching porn myself, especially wen my bf is away, nd I don't want my punani 2 b on fire with his 2nd loooong round. I stay away, nd stay glued 2 my fone...abeg I can't shout.

  55. Hi Stella
    I hope I am able to explain this. Sexual fantasy isn't real. It means you are providing for yourself. Making yourself a god. God said he provide for you. Well these sexual fantasy always stem up from the need to be loved. Only the love of Christ can complete us.

    Now rest on the wisdom of God for sex.
    Voyeurism is basing your marriage on sex. The ultimate goal is sex. Each spouse will want that appetite to be satisfied. Is this the foundation of your marriage. Notice this leaves an open door to adultery.

    This also builds images in your mind. Subconsciously and consciously. Notice she had to renew her mind.

    Another aspect of these familiar spirits getting via sexual perversion.These sexual perversion come with strongholds of familiar spirits and there are various baggage.
    There is more revelation on sexual positions. I use to say it's a lie. Until I got a personal revelation from God. You might be surprised what influences sexual positions.

    God bless you.

    So it's best to fellowship with God and let God reveal to you.

  56. you know most times when you watch comedy movies they have a way of changing ur psyche and best movies are comedy and horror movies,i feel it more than any other type of movie.....pornography is a thing of mind..just change your mindset and you will be free.also ask God to help deliver you from such dirty habit cos sometimes it is spiritual and demonic....*pensive*

  57. Just thinking, how many dicks did she suck, cause the way all these girls be sucking dick nowadays.
    It don't use to be like this in the old days, now I see why, these girls are professional.

  58. Omg I thot I was d only one.

    I watch porn but i'm not sure i'm addicted to it. Can go without it for long periods of time. I Watch mostly during my ovulation when i feel soooo horny!

    Funny enuf, watching it doesn't make me want to experiment, it makes me even want to remain celibate till marriage coz it sometimes shows how sex is overrated. Am I nuts for saying this?

    Also, I have mixed feelings about it, sometimes I think it's awesome, other times, I think its disgusting.

    I do want to quit for the sake of my love for God, but just can't find the strength.

    God help me.

  59. May God save our youths especially now that access to the Internet is now very cheap...
    For those who wanna stop apply Google safe search on ur browser to eliminate all nudity from ur search results.

  60. thank GOD for u! I use to be a very strong porn addict till GOD delivered a pastor now, I will like to partner with u in the campaign against pornography.


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