Stella Dimoko GMB's Speech At Women's Town Hall Meeting in Lagos today



Thursday, March 19, 2015

GMB's Speech At Women's Town Hall Meeting in Lagos today


''Nigerian women have always played a visible and competent role in nation building. In addition to their various activities, which sustained communities in pre-colonial times, they also played key roles in the struggles for independence and the political processes that followed. However, these very important roles, whilst widely documented, have not been fully appreciated.

In 1995 the 4th United Nations World Conference on Women took place in Beijing, China. The conference was unprecedented, both in terms of its sheer scale, and in its outcomes. It represented a new dawn in the search for gender justice and equality, and it gave women around the world a serious political, technical and analytical tool with which to demand for accountability from governments and institutions responsible for advancing gender equality globally.

Twenty years after Beijing, women in Nigeria have not fully benefitted from the promises made by governments at the Beijing conference. There is still discrimination against women in public institutions and in the private sphere, and women still lack the same freedoms as men, particularly in the fields of education, economic empowerment and political participation. Nigeria still has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, and there are now very alarming rates of violence against women and girls. Due to the activities of agents of the Boko Haram insurgency, we have seen hundreds of our daughters and wives kidnapped, killed and displaced.

I am on a mission to restore Nigeria’s fading glory and reposition our great nation on the path to greatness. I am however aware that this will not be possible without addressing the needs and concerns of those who constitute half of the population of this country – women. No nation can prosper without a commitment to the empowerment of women and girls. As the father of a number of beautiful, promising young women, I should know what it means to want the very best for my own daughters. I do not expect any of my daughters to live unfulfilled, with their talents wasted and ignored, suffering discrimination at every turn, and rendered second-class citizens all because they happen to be female.

An APC government, under my leadership, is therefore committed to the following:

a)          Ensuring that gender is mainstreamed throughout all the government’s commitments in key areas such as the economy, education, health, security, good governance, power, agriculture and other areas of national development.

b)          Implementation of the 2005 National Gender Policy, which serves as a roadmap for the promotion of women’s empowerment and gender equality in Nigeria. So far, there has been no political will to implement this very critical framework.

c)          Promotion of anti-discrimination legislations and policies to afford women equality and equity, especially in employment, education, housing and entrepreneurship.

d)          We shall commit ourselves to merit based Affirmative Actions to level the playing field for women, and provide them with opportunities to be part of decision-making and governance at all levels.

e)          We will include Gender as a component of the Federal Character.

f)           There will be strong political will to promote Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality through dedicating the required financial, human and technical resources toward this goal.

g)          We will make a concerted effort to empower women in rural areas, who constitute the majority of the Nigerian women.

h)          We will insist on legislation to ensure a woman’s right to own and inherit property on an equal basis with men.

i)            We will enforce legal protection for the rights of the girl-child in all areas of religious, social and economic life, protecting her right to dignity, shelter and choice.

j)            My administration will have zero tolerance for violence against women and girls.  We will provide women with greater legal protection from all forms of violence and sexual harassment, and there will be a commitment to the implementation of all existing legislation on violence against women.

k)          We will improve and strengthen support for women in all sectors of the economy, through access to capital, training and skills acquisition. We will also ensure that women have better access to capital and credit facilities for their businesses.

This is an abridged presentation of what I have in store for Nigerian women; there are, of course, many other important issues I am sure you would like to see addressed. I believe that the most important commitment I can make to Nigerian women is that they can count on strong political will from my administration, to ensure that women’s rights are safeguarded and protected. We will not be an administration that only empowers a token number of women who are in no way representative of the vast majority of women in this country. Ours will be an administration that will consciously and consistently provide opportunities for as many women as possible, bearing in mind that our nation’s development depends on this strategy. We will promote a culture of peace and a respect for the fundamental human rights of women and girls.

Ours will be an administration that firmly believes that women hold up half the sky.

My vision is for my daughters, and your daughters, to enjoy a world in which discrimination will be a thing of the distant past. It might be a long journey, but with your support and votes, we will be on the right path together. Nigerian women have been promised so much for so long. I stand before you now to make a solemn promise that I will not take you or your votes for granted. After all, it is impossible for me to clap with one hand.

Thank You.

Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (Rtd.), GCFR
APC Presidential Candidate


  1. Replies
    1. Repeated tails. He should think of something else cause GEJ has done all these he mentioned and even more. Women have gained tremendously politically and otherwise under GEJs administration. Maybe till the wise young and vibrant young men in nigeria stands up for their right to rule this country, at times I just ask myself why didn't they bring the likes of the former crossriver state governor to contest for this presidential seat? Till then, I think GEJ should continue till the young men of this country will come to their senses.
      how can we allow a man in his late 80s xome back to rule us again? If u like come here and remind me he told u he is 72. Jonsers!!!!!

    2. God bless Buhari, God bless Federal Republic of Nigeria

    3. Buhari has nothing but Sharia to offer nigeria.How can a semi-illitrate rule nigeria in this modern age?

    4. Buhari promised to increase the price of oil in the international market if elected.I want to know how he is going to do this.Only foolish people support Buhari

    5. Would have so much preferred Atiku as a choice than GMB....this man will do nothing but watch looting done under his nose with no idea of what's cooking.....yes he's not a corrupt man but he's clueless ,,(sorry to say)

    6. Once again nothing about child brides

  2. Replies
    1. Can't wait for my President-in-waiting to be declared winner on the 28th or 29th of this month so I never ever have to open this blog again and join issues with stomach-infrastructure dimwits I.e eka,chinyelu,stella cockup and the rest

    2. This is a speech written for Buhari by the APC.I know it look him two months to learn what is written inside.

    3. What actuallly happened to buhari's sec sch cert?He need to tell nigerians the truth.

    4. Why is uniport equally hiding information on Gej's Phd degree? It's simple, IT IS FAKE!..use your head. All you knw is how to eat toto. Stupid Retard

  3. I really hope U mean all these Gmb.......Stella u must enjoy me

    1. Reading out a script written for him. Listen to him live and see he has no clue of what he has read.

      Ask him follow up questions, he would start blabbing.

      Desperate Buhari
      Desperate APC

      Buhari will enjoy you my dear

    2. Of course the speech was written for him! There are people working for him whose sole responsibility that is.But listen to him well.He's very intelligent. More than your clueless 'brother'.

  4. Replies
    1. Ok sir we need heard. Pls visit

  5. Story fr d African God's GMB has nuttyn to offer dis country!!! GEJ till 2019

    1. What has Gej offered us?Corruption, unemployment, bad roads,no electricity,Educational system is zero,insecurity.

    2. It wasn't GEJ that offered that, it's the likes of obj, ibb, abacha, buhari, etc that ruined our great nation. Not GEJ....XxxbarbieXxx

    3. Did u say he didnt do or touch these things u jst mentioned? The u must be a lier.! Gej till 2019

    4. Buhari has something to offer nigeria;strict form of SHARIA

    5. passionate about Nija20 March 2015 at 06:00

      To you who said it wasn't Gej that offered us unemployment, etc. Was it that the. Spoilt our currency from 120 that he met it to 210+ that is it today? Was it them that finished the money in Nigerians reserve that Obj left behind? Was it them that found pple stealing and decided not to arrest them? Was it them that allowed Boko haram go out of hand until the last minute fight all for election tactics before he decided to fight? Was it them that renewed Nigerians licence in that if Muslim countries? After babangida who else has ever attended the meeting for Islamic countries if not Gej? Was it them that signed an agreement with Olx to watch over pipelines with 9 b knowing fully well we have navy? This religious and ethnic discrimination become so bad during their time? Did Nigeria loose so much respect in the international community if not them? Plz give me what exactly they did that stopped Jonathan from performing. You are there dying of hunger and Gej and his fools are canvassing you to vote for them when they are chopping the countries money with their familiesband you are there suffering. Get your facts right before you cone to social media to talk shit. I know Gmb can never perform so bad because all states Apc are they hve performed and making the states better than it use to be. We need integrity, we need honest, we need decency, we need disciple, we need good life, we need Gmb.

  6. Story fr d African God's! GMB has nuttyn to offer dis country!! GEJ till 2019

    1. Buh gej has a lot to offer abi..

      U people are so ode

    2. You are more ode for thinking this old weak man acvompanied with the likes of thiefnubu will bring the change u so wish for. Try get sense if ur sense no dey work again run to yabaleft. Ode oshi! Gej will win Amen!

  7. Akuko!
    Story for the gods.
    Na so them dey talk.
    When they enter they do the opposite.
    Who cares who wins BTW, definitely not me.
    They are ALL The same in my opinion.


    1. Madam! Have you seen the gist about you? Abi no be you? Dis ur silence on d matter make me dey suspect you o.

    2. Arrrrgggggggg!!!!!
      Another Apc post?????
      Pdp people will come now and ........

      To whom it may concern, Ezenwanyi Alusi N'ejelu onwe ya Ozi wasn't referring to GB when she said I will bang G husband oo.....

      U guys are possessed aswear...... is GB, d only G on this blog????.....
      Is General's wife not G????
      Hmmm....... @ Galore nko????..... Gpharm?????

      U guys quickly attributed d mess to GB, Y??? .....
      GB, has always been a role model on this blog, what changed????.....

      Is it because GB is morally sound????
      Has a good upbringing.... it's not hard to tell, U can see and feel it in her comments....

      There are different types of people on this blog, d beggars, scammers, fake giveaways,morally bankrupt, hoes, rapist, infact people of questionable characters.....

      These people Ve tried time without number to run themselves outta this blog not Ezenwanyi, they came with different antics, they stalk my comments, go anon to praise, insult Ezenwanyi then come back and say Ezenwanyi is seeking for attention......

      D truth is that this blog is filled with junkies needing fixes every now and then.... jealous bloggers, who are competing with Stella but also BV, who are always ready to give her unsolicited advice, and tell her how things should be done......

      What about Ronalda, she was an ideal BV, till she crossed her lane to mine, poor her, thinking she was educating "people" commited d biggest blunder ever by telling minus zeros of her life, and how good it was.... and hell was let loose..... well, it's no news that Ronalda has haters now and most are not anonymous.......

      BL, U coulda Ve cleared d air, or is it GB????

      Half gist is dangerous, even if U come back and say otherwise, it wouldn't make a difference.......

      @ Bonaparte NN, U made my day, with Ur comments...#Respect#

      Lastly,GB, stop wasting Ur emotions on piles of rubbish people jare.....

      When I log off,none of U exist, and there is nothing anyone can say or do here beyond pounding on device angrily!!!

      This Is Ezenwanyi Ibilibi Ogada, I don't write for anyone's viewing pleasure and I am a Whore!!!

    3. Ezenwanyi my respect for you just quadrupled.

    4. Respect @ Ezenwanyi.
      My respect for you has just tripped.

      Been observing since to see who will emerge the noble/honourable one here.
      You my lady is a noble somborry.
      You've won my heart.
      I'll add Honourable to your name from today on, hope you don't mind?

      Thanks for doing the right thing even when you could have turned a blind eye and enjoyed the show,like the rest...

      Blog family indeed!
      May God continue to bless you babes.

      Honorable Ezenwanyi!
      Nnukwu mmanwu!
      Anu kporo nku n'eju onu!
      Idi too much Nne.
      You are a good person despite all.
      I can feel it in my bones.
      Keep being you babes.

      Lots of love from me to you.

      As for the haters, don't worry dear, I find them amusing.
      I'm glad I'm making them lose sleep.
      Their hate cracks me up a great deal.
      They should keep it coming please, let's see who'll get tired.
      Na today???

    5. Anon 18:00,
      You can suspect all you want.
      You think I care what you or anyone thinks about me?
      Hello? Do I know you?
      Sorry dear, you go grow grey hair where you are waiting for me to defend myself.

      Get a life!
      *scratch that*

    6. Foolish Ezenwanyi do you know how many times Genny baby has bashed you anon?
      Support evil.

    7. Hmmm na wa o. If I say I understand all these, I'm lying o. People are just raising accusations here and there, makes me wonder how they know all these since we all converge here anonymously, except for a few....unless u guys are friends outside here, ehn ehn. If no one is willing to clear the air then drop the matter na. It's somehow having to suspect innocent people for what they didn't do. It's no longer a joke if stories are made up just to destabilize any bv. We all love gossip but then again... na una sabi o. Ok bye bye

    8. I still think it's Genny Baby because bloglord knows her very well. Wideye told bloglord and Bloglord told tgw because they exchanged emails . bloglord dosen't lie and that is the reason she cant come and say Genny Baby is innocent

    9. Dat Bloglord iz a hypocrite n it's like u guys r just knowing. She shud av been d one to do what eze is doing now. Instead she kept quiet to allow ppl think it's Genny dey talking bout. Was watching her too n an not surprised cos itz her ways. Genny u see naw? Gud it happened so u knw dat bloglord is a fucking sly hypocrite n die hard I must belong. Eze I like u for dis


    10. Bwahahahaha..........

      .....And just like that, Bloglord is being thrown under d bus!!!!

      She never said d BV was GB, GB wasn't even pained cos she wasn't d one..... I set d record straight because Ezenwanyi was thrown in d mix!!.....

      Adaorah, do U ve any ish with Bloglord before now?????

      See another twist, Wideyed in da mix!!!

      Genny Baby, I'd like Distinguished Honourable ... Bwahahahaha.........

      Sisi Eko can like Amebo sha ... Bwahahahaha.......

      This blog eh.....
      Una can join heads together oo.....
      Ok Bye in Sisi Eko's voice bikonu.

    11. @anon, refer d foolishness back to d fools who birth U!!!

      Is there any hard/ soft evidence to back up Ur claim of GB bashing Ezedollar under anonymous?????

      I can't be roped into any rubbish jare.... I come here to Ve fun and not to join issues with faceless people.

    12. Distinguished Honourable Ezenwanyi.
      Oke Mmanwu!
      I dey hail ohhh.

    13. Lmao Ezeanwanyi u don kolo finish. As in the amebo na die. When u people want to drive us nuts nko, na hin I say make I ask wassup na? Lolll. The matter don tire me o. Shuoooo see Adaorah again. Biko let me dive comot for here

    14. Bwahahahaha......

      Genny, I'm walking on air as I type too..... Choi!!!!.... Praises can sweet me sha... Osondi Owendi!!!

      Sisi Eko, it seems d fake Oniranu has dropped d Sisi Moniker and now trolling via anonymous....

      LA Katie surprised me ooo..... She begged Stella not to publish d explosive thinking it was a yanah opener ooo...... I saw d sincerity in her comments, in fact, I started feeling for d BV oo... I don't arrange my schedule sef... Cos na voltron I wan do for whoever only to see d tasteless story.

      Goldscent Diamond, Ore Iyalode to sexy gan, bawo nio????

  8. Nonsense and ingredient...

    Continuity for @Good luck


    1. Buhari this is a fine tune well written script, Tinubu asked you to read.
      In your first campaign at Rivers State your said you will scrap off the office of the first lady, that women are suppose to be in the Kitcheen.
      Now talking of Gender equality its a Lie because you don't believe it. Why promise what you don't like. GEJ has started this your new found mentality Gender Equality, in his Cabinet women have been given 35% in his Re election he will step up. He has created lots of Empowerment programme for Women that is why we his supporters love him.
      Stop deceiving your Supporters.
      This new Converted Democrat that is just lying anyhow.
      During your time as Military head of state how many women did you appoint.
      Pa Buhari abeg easy dey lie

    2. @chinyelu d imbecile,scrapping d office of d 1st lady's because it's unconstitutional.U can hardly string 2 words of english together from all I've seen of ur comments.I bet u can't bring d link to where GMB said women should be in d kitcheen,better qualified women would be in his govt than d female thieves/sluts jona has in his own govt.Looking forward to reading ur obituary on d 29th of dis month,same 4 d idiot dat his galore

    3. Pussy Galore & Chinyelu.I understand your keenness to hold on to don't want those govt parties to end where you go to do your runs.sorry to burst your bubble.The vehicle called Nigeria is changing course. That entire rubbish shall stop.We would have a true & proper country devoid of looting

    4. Spot on chi girl!!! I thought I was the only one that read/ watched that news o. This old man can lie for africa sha. Yes! He's not a man of his words. I can remember the last time he lost the presidential election, he cried and said he will never come out again for presidential contest. Chai! All this old people dont respect white hairs again o.

    5. @Mr Kunle, you're bashing someone's English yet you have the H-factor? Misusing "is" and "his"

      Sorry, you're not only half educated, you're bitter and uncivilised!

      You don't refer to women with dirty words!

    6. Ode @d top, read again :)
      Women u say?Even the hipopotamus dat's ur 1st lady said certain females're not worthy of being called women.
      We'll leave d quality of my education out so as not to put ur ill-health in further jeopardy.

    7. I still conclude you're bitter and uncivilized!
      Because she calls names, you call names too, two wrong make right to you?

      I don't write like someone with health issues, you rather write like someone with mental issue been triggered by prolonged depression. Seek help quickly!

    8. Ooooops!!! So I missed this insult @ Shameless hopeless, stupid,foolish, Uncouthed fool. You are a beast and a lowlife. Stay on your Lane.
      Look at this tout talking about my English when you can't use your h and i.
      I refuse to notice you because your a Swine.
      Look at this Child that still get money from his parent.
      You are very silly for this unneccessary outburst

  9. Sai Buhari. I give you my vote plus 100..

  10. Bla bla bla bla and more blas

    1. Stella please post my comment i have the right to respond to this nonentity called Eka joy same way she abuse others.

      @Eka Joy, You have been running under my comments the past weeks/ 2 months with your countless abuse on me, you abused me in the past weeks,today another abuse. You abused sisi eko and lovelace & other Bv weeks ago, today you call some Bv who do not agree with on a post fools and other countless abuses as if you derive joy abusing others.
      I know you are mannerless, lacked proper upbringing,angry and frustrated girl. You abuse anyone who doesn't support Jonathan by drooling under people's comments, you seem not to know how to address people without abusive words, i have my opinion likewise others.
      Is it your ovulation period that triggers your attitude or you are having serious home issues? seriously speaking you an example of bad apple "undateable"young lady, you are a "SIMPLETON".
      You can attack me or others with reasonable argument but next time you abuse me, I will personally BLOCK your google accounts not one but both missneky115@& msneky115.
      I promise you that. Enough is a word for the wise. I will prefer intelligent argument than unintelligent rant/abusive comments under mine, you are free to go under anonymous to rant more.
      I have warned you in the past to stay off my comment and Please kindly face your fellow women. I don't know how to exchange words with your type but if you continue to disrespect me or others i won't hesitate to put an end to your blog account.
      No time for your type but you really need to put an end to your attitude.

    2. Oh,you can block people's account?.
      Pls teach me how to cos I want to block these ppl's accounts
      Chinyere Jonathan
      Charismatic Diva
      Thank you as you coach me on this

    3. Pls run fast and go block my Google acct, idiot. Who dyu think u are.

    4. U want to garner sympathy by adding list of people I insulted instead of facing urs, that's very cheap of u. Pls d list is way longer than that, OK? Fool, u want to block my Google acct, what kind of nonsense threat is that one on top blog. I'm undateable but I've been in a loving relationship for over a year. Who will date a biased person like u??????? Mtsheeeew

    5. Dang!!!!!! Here we go. So u noticed too Jaymoore?? Oh la la.. let her keep insulting everyone, it shows she's weak and can't carry on a reasonable argument or conversation without being uncouth. I don't mind you disagreeing with me, but why the insults? That's how she called me 'dumb' the other day and I laughed.. now I see why she's constantly bashed here.
      Who has time to go under anonymous to respond to people?? Only a COWARD does that. Pathetic upbringing and mannerisms people show here tells us a lot about where they came from, no matter how u try to cover up or front, it will always come out even when u choose to go anonymous.

      That u don't know people here doesn't exempt u from being shameless, your comments represent ur mindset, family background, orientation, and ur general disposition. no matter what name u choose to go by on this blog, u can't cover ur mystery and/or frustration.

      Charity begins at home. Stop disgracing the breast that fed u or the pennies and dimes ur parents gathered to school u.. if at all u were invested upon.

      Jaymoore thanks for bringing this to light yet again.

    6. Jay kindly ignore the Eka thing.
      Small girl that doesn't know her level...
      Talking to her superiors anyhow.

    7. Genny, like seriously. You know na..who has time for rubbish. Lolll

    8. Irene u just cracked me up with this
      Aswear u no well at all,at all
      cant STOP laughing

  11. My incoming president has spoken, let haters think deeply

  12. Nothing is stopping dis positive change, anybody dt tries it will die like fowl(IJN). Sai Baba

    1. By your "IJN", you're an infidel
      How do you feel about that?

  13. Sai Buhari all the way...

  14. Wat a fantastic speech by our president. Sai Baba

  15. You people shouting Goodluck. Biko how have you benefited from his gvt in d last four yrs?? Its a piri

  16. Abia!

    Buhari is a on Read Only mode.

    Simply reading words after words that was written for him, ask him follow up questions, you'll notice a blank memory. APC struggling to sell bad market.

    A pig will forever remain a pig, bath it with Calvin Klein Obsession, it returns a pig!

  17. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Lets give this man a chance abeg....

  18. Strolling away. Show all working

  19. I will love to see pic of the women town hall meeting or was it just him and his speech their?anyway #whobuharihelp? GEJ2015 and beyond!

    1. My dear, the hall was filled to capacity with women with clout ooo( not rented women type) very insightful and informative. It was on Channels TV live yesterday. I am sure you can find it on channels TV link online.

    2. @mumsy,d broke joy couldn't ave watched it na...bish'd no light yet comes here 2 act d fool.

    3. @Anonymous the broke joy? Smh a broke ass will always refer to people as broke ass so I understand!! Empty drum make the loudest noise! GEJ still infinity mumu go and die (in oshiomole's voice)

  20. GEJ till 2019 ... APC is just telling us want we want to hear

    1. Who's us?Gej forever in d myopic lives of u n urs amen.

    2. @anonymous get a life bahari can never be president of nigeria! Idiot faceless fool!

  21. Sai Buhari!!!

  22. Hohohoho i laugh in Ukwani so now he knows what women need n how hes the one to give them abi okey but i know the leopard can bath in the atlantic ocean if it likes its spots remains kankpe. I have lend my voice bfore VOTE wisely Nigerians.

  23. Can't wait for CHANGE and a new Nigeria

  24. Sai Buhari ojare. Iya yi po ju. In this age and time, folks are still buying water from mallams

  25. You try. Nice Osibajo speech.. I know you didnt write this.

    TO other matters, kai you will CRY ehnnnnnnn./ kai

    1. Does he have to write it? The one your GEJ reads, did he write it? Compare the quality of write-up of these 2 people's speeches.i t would tell you a lot about the quality of personnel around them.

  26. Nigeria is badly in need of Buhari at this time in our nation's history. Someone who talks straight, shoots straight and has discipline. If he doesn't win, we all will wish he had. Including so many who keep preaching continuity now, based on ignorance of the serious economic recession that is approaching.

    1. U better open your eyes. Wch change? From which people? This people are coming with abrakatabra, the more u look the less u see and collect 100 give 2. Aka tinubu and his likes. Gej till 2019

    2. PVC= P-lease V-ote C-hange

  27. Very insightful and intelligent. We need a man as buhari to liberate the women from the kitchen front into the main stay of our democracy. We need change for the female graduate. Your future will be secured if you give Buhari a change. I am a pastor and non-partisan# Buhari will Build a new Nigeria#-Pst.Chekeleke

  28. *** listening to you make me feel like a natural woman*** ��
    Hey blog fam !!! What's trending here ??
    Freda love loves loving you lovelies lovingly!!��

  29. I can never forget that under this man and idiagbons rule in Nigeria while I was growing up, they introduced street co-operative society. You pay a stipend and is subsidized, u get omo,rice,vegetable oil,milk,sugar etc every month or every other week. My aunty used to send me with the evidence of payment then to queue on her behalf and collect these items . So when people keep hammering on negative side of this man ( according to them) without remembering the positive part of his regime is rather sad. After collecting brown envelopes that our almighty is giving ( u know their name) what can u buy with it? When the value of naira has gone down drastically. We should all think right and vote wisely not all these puppet show we are experiencing. I am a beneficiary of awolowos universal free primary education ( primary-secondary school level) these are leaders with vision and foresight. Stella if u like drink my comment like ijebu gari. I'm from delta state but grew up in Lagos. These are facts that can be confirmed.

  30. Father lord,give us this man & remove the wolves who loot our country while claiming to be your disciples.They have crippled our economy yet enter your various temples seeking for our votes.Lord open the eyes & ears of young Nigerians who in their millions do not have jobs, still live with their struggling parents & have to task their relatives in the entire country before they can go back to school but still blindly say " GEJ till 2019".Father pls.loosen them from the bondage of "the more you look the less you see" in Jesus name.Amen!

  31. Well he spoke very good but he is still an housa man that respect woman right nd woman education not,,but if he can stand on his words then i fears his death from his fellow hausa kingmen,,from swiss

  32. Anybody that want GEJ to continue as president till 2019 God Almighty will run their lives the same way GEJ has been running Nigera, GEJ fans shout Amen!!!

  33. stella thank GOD least u post one buhari news today,abi the dollars dem share u from oga jona dollarization don finish so ur eye don clear small?So tey you use GEJ campaign take do sign board for ya blog.....anyway we thank you for being fair for once in a very looooong time,keep it up...its your blog but remember your readers are from diverse backgorunds and belong in different political camps.and about the dollarization stuvs abegi I jus dey joke o before you comot knife dey chase me for dream

  34. Ezewanyi you are simply my favourite ,respect

  35. As far as am concerned ,Nigeria is yet to produce a leader ,recycled same people ,politricks

  36. If I am to famz anybody on this blog, it will be Ezenwanyi. I thought bloglord and tgw were Gbaby friends, see how they abandoned her

    1. U dey mind dat shameless bloglord. She's jes a hypocrite dats one of d reasons she fell out wiv linda ikeji. She came to famz Stella buh was always abusing Stella to linda. She will com to Stella to do same. Making her think linda cut her off cos she now visits sdk, which is a lie. It's cos she's 2faced bitch. She'll go anony abuse linda abuse Stella, only her, See she don show herself here na. I pity those who r calling her friend


  37. Sisi oloshi go and sit down ashawo.

  38. @Sisi Eko Olobo Town Council, bet you are hoping your looter Aristos win so you can stop being an illegal immigrant, oloshi alatenuje, Bigoted yoruba bish, I know who you are, forming insider, wannabe social climber oshi.

    1. Buahahahha see this one o. Lwkmd!! You never see anything darling. You just dey start. Picking on the wrong bitch. Why go anonymous? All yea beggars and desperate loners.... Lmaooooooooo!!!!!! You wish I was yoruba, ohohoh.. and you wish I lived abroad Eheheh Lmaoooo!!! C'mon go and gather better info cos this one no enter ooo. You shooting blanks mate. **ntoiiii**** Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh see painment o. Oya naaa

    2. Which kind yeye abuse be this one naa.....
      If U must, pack lethal punches Ojare.....

      So Sisi Eko, U no be Yoruba??? Na wa oo......

      OK Bye.

    3. Ezeanwanyi u dey mind this raving mad lunatic. If it's not that thing called Eka abi whatever, it will be the fool that was begging for bag inside IHN wey I say she be next mama inuku bag. Na wetin I talk be dat o, I was even joking sef, see as dem dey follow me bumper to bumper. U never see anything. I gat time cos it's weekend mate. Bloody twat

  39. @jahmoore what right do u have at blocking someone account?????or are u having problem in d middle of ur career??was it not u dt went to someone facebook to check for her husband pic calling her names and spoiling her birthday mode...mmmetchew did she even bother to block u ?hell no so don't even try dat here cause of ur miserable giveaway dt u gave out,my dear dt does not not mean u can voltron for sisi jungle o u hearso aword is enough for d wise.supid mofo only u here and there stay in ur fastlane before u receive my wretlmania

    1. eka take several seats

    2. Ur fadaaaaa!!!!! If u lik type upside dwn u can't hide oloriburuku no hussy to marry frustrated cow like u. Undateable biatccchhhh!!!!

  40. Gathering women 4campaign cnt solve d problem or make u(Buhari) win dis election so go nd wait 4ur death cos we cnt allow am old man lyk u 2cum nd rule Nigeria,abeg no go der die 4d


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