Stella Dimoko Chronicles Of Blog Visitor Narratives.



Thursday, March 19, 2015

Chronicles Of Blog Visitor Narratives.

Nosey Parker Mother in law....!!!


Hi,my name is Sandra and would  like to share my story with you guys and ask for the correct steps to take.
I met my husband 2012,then he was staying somewhere  around Wuse 2....then along the line,his mum asked him to move in with her since their dad was late and he was the closest to her.

Well he discussed the whole issue with me and I had no beef in the situation since the woman liked me and we had no wahala......
Then we did our introduction late 2013,then mama started telling  me to get pregnant bla bla bla.i told my Hubby about it and he was very mad at her saying she shouldn't interfere in his marriage o.

So we got married legally 1st quarter of 2014 and God answered me,i was pregnant But lost it around May when it was like 9weeks or so....we were all sad an all,then mama started again around late June that I Should hurry up and get preggy again.....can you imagine? 

Oh well,God Almighty answered us again,i took in again August and lost it mid October.hmmmm that was the 2nd pregnancy i lost in less than 8 months of my new marriage.its so heartbreaking But I believe sooo much in God and my Hubby is just the best gift to me.we pray together and we believe God does His things at his own time.

So I went for an hormonal profile to know what was really going on and found out that my progesterone was very low and that might be the cause of the miscarriages and all.
The thing now is that,My mother in-law has been taking me to this man that gives me different powder to lick every time and it's against my belief cos I wasn't brought up that way,but I Just use them because I  feel it's the love she has for me that is making her so concerned but I get soooooo worried every time because I know I will get pregnant and have my kids because I really love children.

I told my Hubby I don't like all this idea but he Just keeps begging me to be patience and Just do all she says I Should do that she can't harm me bla bla bla.

My people...please what do you think I Should do....I am very worried.

Is something wrong with you?you want to birth a convenant child from darkness?
STOP GOING TO LICK ANYTHING AT ALL...only God knows how far this has gone,please stop it right now!
How can you serve God and Mammon?
The ways of God can never be understood by man and though it may tarry,it will come.



Hi Stella! Howdy? Please help post this on chronicles. I want to know what makes men pull away from a relationship without any warning cos my man has stopped talking to me for a couple days now. 

He neither picks or returns my calls anymore and I've decided to leave him alone(maybe he needs some space). But then I'm wondering if I did something wrong? Cos we've had no issues lately. Last time we spoke on Thursday, he was his usual self acting all lovey-dovey and now dude just disappears without forewarning. Well, I've decided to move on. 

Please I need advice from you and blog readers thanks.

PS: we've dated for just two months.

I have always wondered myself.Make i siddon read comments and learn.



Hi Stella! Good morning , you doing a great job ma keep up the good work. My name is Isi (scratch that out) I need your advice and that of the BVs.  Lemme just go straight to the point. My boyfriend likes sending me nudes of him every time. I complained several times that I don't like it, that anybody could pick up my phone and can see it. 

Anytime I complain, his response is always "I'm your boyfriend, I have the right to send you nude"....I don't know if I'm over-reacting..he just sent another one this morning that is why I'm prompted to write to you.

Thank you! people make una come hear oooh.Just make sure you do not send him yours okay? pervert!


  1. Someone please help us.


    1. Poster one: u can't serve two masters at a time...if u know wat ur moda inlaw is giving to u is fetish den stop taking it and ask God to forgive u..God will give u children wen d time cums...God is ur strength

      Poster two: most men do dat wen dey find an attitude in a gal dat dey don't like..
      Most of dem don't know how to approach d gal so dey just stop communicating

      Some men also display dis attitude wen dey ask for something and u don't give dem like s* x

      Poster three: babe he Shud kip sending ohhh ..... don't try to send him urs....cuz he is really up to something...but y does he send u his nude pix always...he must b irresponsible...wat rubbish

    2. Poster 1. Please stop leaking powders. You can't serve GOD &mamon at the same time. Do you even know the real cause of your problems? Look for a bible believing church and table your case before the Most High. He will not disappoint you. Remember she is your mother in law and not your GOD.
      2. Sometimes all a man wants is just sex. He got it. He is satisfied and now he is tired so on to the next conquest. A man has got nothing to lose so girls needs to stop jumping into bed on first dates.
      3. Ever heard the saying birds of the same fearther flock together?

    3. Poster 2. Your mother inlaw wants to carry her grand Children but abeg stop licking. Haba!!!!. Na force to lick? Take your Medication seriously and leave the rest to God Almighty.
      Poster2 you are a side Chick, Main Chick is around.
      Or if you have started sexing him is not ok with your Skills, Maybe u don't turn very well. Kikikikiki.
      if you haven't given him sex, that means he sees you as a STINGY Babe. Men Mentality.
      Or he found himself a better Chic.
      Poster 3 Pls oooooo don't dare send him your nude pictures ooo. Since he is sending his and you have warned him to stop him nuh gree, Leave am before he twist it that you don't care or you are having another Affair. The good thing you will do for him is to delete his whenever he sends his before someone picks up your phone.

    4. Poster 1 : pls be very prayerful...

    5. Poster one, better stop licking what you don't know. What is wrong with you. Because you fear her is liking you abi wetin? Better stay focused to God Almighty. Let me tell you eh, I am still struggling to get out of the covenant my mum did on my head before I was born. It's now I am grown that I am hearing all sorts of things done when she was pregnant for me. Don't endanger that your kid on what you don't know.

  2. Poster 1 abeg stop right there, whenever she gives u the powder, tell her that u will kick bit pls don't, God will definitely answer u soonest.

  3. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    Stop licking powder madam!
    Men for u,open ya eye
    Don't even send him urs,inshort password ur media(photos)

    ********LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS*********

  4. Poster 1- I suspect your mother in law.
    She knows why your are having miscarriages.
    Do not let her use u as a tool for whatever sacrifice she is doing with that licky licky man.

    Poster 2- you are a side chick to your boyfriend that's the reason why he is blowing hot and cold with you

    Poster 3- you are over-reacting. When he sends such nude pics to you, send him a smiley emoticon and delete the pic immediately. You know how people type lol meanwhile their face is so squeezed like sucked orange. That's what you should do to avoid quarel or whatevr

    1. Hahahhahahaha no be small smiley emoticon hahahhahahaha

      U have said all i wanna say
      In addition,dear Póster 1,DO NOT GO A-LICKING AGAIN!

      That Licking ends here and now.ok?

      Be Strong hun,ur Children wil come dear.and wen dey do,dey wil STAY.Ok?
      Sending u d biggest bear hug.

    2. Gbamest@comment for poster1

    3. @bloglord, thank you ooo, tell poster 1 ooo

    4. Narrative 1, WHAT YOU ARE LICKING IS CREMENTED HUMAN FLESH! Some are black some are ashy like color! You have entered a convenat unknowingly! I will advise you to go for deliverance and vomit all you have ingested and you and husband should go and rent another flat. Treat your case medically and back it up with prayers. Don't ask me how I know, just know that I know! God deliver us from fetish families! How spiritualy strong is your mother? I am.not trying to point accusing fingers, be careful of your Mil. Is your husband her only child or son? Why not have tenants in the house, then she won't feel lonely.

    5. Chikito a.k.a FinalSay19 March 2015 at 21:44

      Na wa!

    6. Chikito a.k.a FinalSay19 March 2015 at 21:45

      Na wa

  5. N1: Am sorry for you. Your problem can be corrected medically. Leave that juju man and your mother in law before you give birth to a lizard.
    N2: Speechless
    N3: So sending you his nude pix is part of the right of a boyfriend? Its obvious you are dating a sick boy

    1. your comment on N1 just got me laughing. lizard! really?

    2. Not lizard, but lizzybaby.

  6. poster 3 mine is d oda way round, my bf is always requesting for my nudes just yesternyt we were skyping n he asked me to turn on my video n strip i refused he was soo angry callin me stubborn.

    1. Skyping is safer, u can't save pictures. So I think though.

    2. i read that post i just realised i wasn't alone...diff is mine was just a friend o...for two whole years he sent me his nudes...we would fight over it, i would stop talking to him for months and after much begging and promising to never do it again he would start again...i literally watched the thing grow an day, while on hols, during gurl talk with my sisters i realised he was doing the same thing to them...that day...hmmm...imagine our shock...

    3. i read that post i just realised i wasn't alone...diff is mine was just a friend o...for two whole years he sent me his nudes...we would fight over it, i would stop talking to him for months and after much begging and promising to never do it again he would start again...i literally watched the thing grow an day, while on hols, during gurl talk with my sisters i realised he was doing the same thing to them...that day...hmmm...imagine our shock...

    4. Lol..cos she is licking she'll birth a lizard? BVs are so funny

    5. Skyping is not safe. The other party can take pictures of their screen. Depending on the type of device they are using.

  7. Poster 1: continue to lick powder o
    Very soon, you will be licking foundation, plus concealer and eye pencil.

    Poster 2: never happened to me, but I've been wondering as well, from stories I hear/read. Some tend to pull back after sex. Whether the girl isn't good in bed, or has a wide pussy, infact, I dunno jare.
    Please bench the motherfucker and live your life. All the best.

    Poster 3: your boyfriend sha. No comment!

  8. NN1
    Most mother-in-laws do this alot, they will not give u breathing space if you havent given them grandchildren. My advice is you collect what ever stuff they give u to avoid trouble, but do not lick them pls.

    Simple, he doesnt love you, you are his side chic. Any man who is in love with you will never give you atitude, no matter how busy he is.

    just dont send him yours.

    Please click on my name for Fashion/Fitness/Beauty tips

    1. I agree with u,collect whatever she gvs u but don't lick it and if dey ask u to lick just pretend u r licking it and hide it sumwhere. Since u know d kind of person she is. Na wisdom dem dey use for marriage

  9. Poster 1, stop licking powder from the dark wold! Pray an have faith. Try to make her understand u don't need to see anyone that she should just have faith.
    Poster2 you were prolly his side chick and he is through with you, but you can call him and ask what really happened.
    Poster3. Continue to play along when he is tired he'll stop. Pele o

  10. P1, so u followed ur mother in law to a spiritualist, hope u know that the devil cannot bless u, even if he gives u a child, that child will be from the marine kingdom. u have started licking some fetish substance which means u have been initiated already. Right now u need to go for deliverence to flush out every diabolic substance in ur body and so that u won't get pregnant and deliver a possessed child.

    P3, ur boyfriend is weird. Don't ever make the mistake of sending him nude pics of u. And pls delete his nudes from ur phone and any other device u stored them in

  11. 1 stop licking
    2 he might be going through a rough time give him time
    3 make him stop as your boyfriend he should respect your wish

    1. Tah! Rough time my shapely ass! He wasnt having rough time when he was chasing after her and got what he wanted. Rubbish! Poster 2, don't mind this nwakego o, drop the idiot and move on

  12. Poster1. You actually join your m.i.l to a man that gives you powder to lick is not enuf,you still go ahead to lick the powder,so you are using your own hands to invite issues for yourself! How can you be praying to God to conceive and at the same time you are going elsewhere,dat actually means you do not trust God,you just want a child in any way that you can,please desist from such!

    @poster 2 na so some guys be o,maybe he has eaten the stuff and does not love you...some guys are like that sha,they would be all lovey dovey,but once them chop clean mouth,them go tell you bye bye(just forget him)

    @poster3 I just dislike guys sending or asking for nudes,like why do that,even if he's your husband sef(others might disagree),if you don't like it tell him,stop pretending...abi you too dey send give am?

  13. Narrator 1 .. you and your husband should move out of the home you are staying with MIL. Na oshofrey dey worry both of una. cant you guys pay rent and get your own place.

    Narrator 2 ... your husband must be igbo man. always calculating and thinking of money.

    narrator 3... you can send us the nude photo make we see before i comment.

  14. P1 u sound like, I don't know what to call u.
    U had low progesterone hence d MCs,
    Y not ask dem to prescribe cyclogest or gestone for u?
    It will prevent ur MCS sharp sharp..
    Haba, y u dey do like person wey no dey exposed?

    P2 u r a side-chick jor
    U need prophet to tell u?
    Dunno how some pple reason.
    After 2 months he's distant,u b sidechic hoohaaa.
    Guy has fucked to his satisfaction.
    Or he's married?

    P3 if he sends, deletem
    How old is ur bf?
    Enjoy d nudes.

  15. Poster 1,stop going with your mother in law to lick anything.respectfully tell her its against you belief to do so.

    Poster 2,unfortunately you'll never know why..

    Poster 3,talk to your boyfriend..he should respect your decision since nudes makes you uncomfortable

  16. N2,
    That is so me. Why do people suddenly lose interest in a relatioship?

    I really like this guy asking me out, i do, but afraid to enter a relationship with him becos of this.

  17. #2....d spark in d relationship is gone,probably there's anoda babe somewhere getting his attention or something is taking his time

  18. 1] Nne pls stop licking that shit they're giving you. Are you not a Christian again? Don't youtrust God again? He will do it in his own time!!

    3] My dear so long as you're not sending your own nude pictures to him, I don't think you have anything to worry about #my opinion

    2] I don't understand your story abeg

  19. Poster 2, have you had sex with the guy? That may just be the reason why. Majority of guys don't make the same effort they made to get you, to keep you. No matter how busy a guy is, when you guys just meet, he is all over the moon and showers you with calls. Amidst his busy schedules, he remembers to text you.

    But for some weird reasons, after a while, everything begins to dwindle. They don't get sweet again. For most guys, they are as nice as they can be just to have sex. Once they get the sex, they stop caring and leave you wondering what went wrong. Most men are always like that, and i wonder why. I have been there so i can relate what you mean.

    1. Then we ladies should stop giving the sex,and even if u do,be d first to act like u don't care abt d relationship,when u make him start feeling played,he turns around and starts to take u crious!*whispers*dats a player's code,'lol!but criously,it seem ladies are too eager to be in a serious relationship,and it overwhelms the men.
      Disclaimer:this is my personal opinion!

  20. Poster one careful with ur mother in law. Poster two don't be in a haste to make any decision. Poster three as long as u don't send him nude pics no problem

    1. Lol. U avoided poster 2 coss a married man impregnated u n denied u acess to his home. Hahahahaa. Aunty gwegwegwe

    2. See who is giving advice! Why didn't you advise yourself when you were dating a married man and gave birth? Mschewww.

  21. Narrative 1: when next you get pregnant, please register for antenatal ASAP cos you need close monitoring and constant check-up.

    Having two miscarriages calls for alarm. Stop licking grind-ed chalk (powder) and take your daily folic acid, please.

    Narrative 2: I guess you were close marking your man. pls give him breathing space. i suspect you are the problem. How am i not sure you started talking about marriage the following day after you met *side eyes*

    Narrative 3: Pls send Stella the nude to attach, lets view his cucumber.

  22. Poster1 please stop taking all those things,pls don't you like yourself,how can be licking anything to please your mother in law,infact I hate the idea of your husband staying with his mother
    Poster2 is it not obvious,he has gotten free sex for two months,he is tired probably he is unto the next woman
    Poster3 I hate guyz that ask for nude pictures,it makes me mad when a so called boyfriend will be sending and demanding for nude pictures don't ever send him yours okay

    1. Exactly, what are u still doing staying with your MIL, there's no blessing in that, pls leave, is your husband her only child?
      Start looking for an apartment ASAP, if mama is lonely get one of those grand uncle sister brother's children from the village to keep her company pls.....
      You con go Lick chalk for baba place again to make matters worse.

  23. @Poster 3.....Ur boyfriend is d male version of HOE! I'm sure u are not d only one he is sending his dick to..Dump dat idiot fast..He will never marry u and wont make a good husband..Ashawo man!

    Poster 2......Has ur boyfriend of two months slept with u? If d answer is yes then u need to move on..He was after ur body and he got what he wanted..Move on and dont bother why he stopped calling...I dont know why girls of nowadays cry anytime their boyfriend stops caring and calling..During my spinster days,i no dey even notice when a guy stops calling..Its will take another call from him five months later to realise i havent spoken with him for a whole 5months..Sometimes i will even forget their names..Dem plenty nah
    .Girls stop putting all ur eggs in one basket..Una no dey hear..U are single and available to mingle with others till u say "I DO"..Stop being stupidly faithful to ur boyfriends who will end up marrying another..Let him put a ring on it first before u become faithful..

    1. @chizoba:your sense dey there
      Good one

    2. Chizzy baby, well said, over correct mehn

    3. Girls don't realise they are single until they get married. The only thing the law recognises is your marital status and not your relationship status. Your are either single, married, widowed or divorced !
      Whether your engaged or in 1000 relationships, YOU ARE SINGLE!

  24. N2,
    That is so me. Why do people suddenly lose interest in a relatioship? It's been long i've been in a relationship, just casual flings. Could this be the reason?

    I really like this guy asking me out, i do, but afraid to enter a relationship with him becos of this.

    1. Casual flings with married me I suppose. You will grow old n single. Continue sleeping around.

  25. POSTER 1: you and your husband should leave that house. You should also stop all diabolical acts with that you MIL. stop licking rubbish and hold God strong. I mean, very strong. Go for deliverance, and sometimes keep your husband out of it since he's that close to his mum so that she wouldn't know your actions.

    POSTER 2: talk with him. Effective communication clears all assumptions. If you've made efforts to communicate with him and to no avail, then stay on your lane. someone who's worth it will come. But also try and check yourself.

    POSTER 3: Your boyfriend also sends his nudes to other girls. Just know that! He's a pervert and unserious. Never succumb to pressure of sending yours cos it dosn't end well.

  26. N2,
    That is so me. Why do people suddenly lose interest in a relatioship? It's been long i've been in a relationship, just casual flings. Could this be the reason?

    I really like this guy asking me out, i do, but afraid to enter a relationship with him becos of this.

  27. Narrative 1...why do I small foul play in your case? My dear you need to be very prayerfuuuuuuul and b very diplomatic so ur hubby wnt misunderstand d picture or what is going on when he eventually knows d truth. That ur mother in law ways no pure at all. narrative dear I think u r a side chick oo. Ur guy has gone back to his main chick/fiancée/wife. They were probably having issues. Or maybe they have been apart for a while. Narrative 3...babe nne ur matter is red ooo. I Dnt know wat to say. Just apply wisdom sha and Dnt b moved to send nude pics of urself cos he is doin same. It might just be a trap. Best of luck to u all. ....chika

  28. 1st post his mum want to see her grandchild b4 she die

    2nd post check yourself if you have odour such as mouth odour and body odour my advice sha

    3rd post that guy own done too much abeg what does he mean by i am ur bf


  29. Poster 1 : use style and not be licking those stuff in her presence again

    Poster 2 : forget that guy and move on

    Poster 3 : Don't mind your guy oh! Make sure you dont send him yours and you can warn him to stop that nonsense.

  30. Poster 1...Less drama when you live alone as a couple.Stop being sentimental beg DH to move out if you don't enjoy mama's company anymore.Pray for spiritual cleansing of whatever that thing you licked has done to you or will still do to you.
    Poster 2...Some men are just as complicated as women...good thing you have decided to move on;your happiness is all that matters.
    Poster 3...Lol@Stellz calling him a perv.This your BF must be a HUNK ooo;try to delete the nude pics ASAP whenever he sends it and like aunty Stellz has "spak" never send yours for any reason.

  31. Nude fotos poster: tell him if he sends you again you will send it to sdk blog. Tell him your fone is a holy fone and no unclean thing shall enter it

    Interfering mother in law poster: did u write your hubby moved in with his mum? That means you guys are married and still live with his mum?
    Oriegwu! Gtf out of that house and stop following her to lick any useless powder abi are you trying to be mad?!

    Dumped for no reason poster: your bf is a spirit. He has finished what his master sent him to come and do so he has vanished without any reason abi wetin u want make I talk again?
    If he dumped you with no reason move the fuck on. Is he the only man in Naija?
    8billion people in this world and you are letting one miscreant get under your skin

  32. N1- Continue Pleasing Her Against Your Wish Ok?? Clapping for you..

    N2- Have You Explored Other Options Before Moving On?? Pay him a Visit and make your decisions afterwards..

    N3- Your Boo is going overboard by sending you his Nude when your not in the mood for it, I think I do too but I dare not send out mine until I receive her's first, I also delete those pics IMMEDIATELY it doesn't last 5 mins on ma phone.. #ThatsMeJoking..
    .NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

    1. hmmm...are you sure?

    2. Fear of cloud is the beginning of wisdom. Your pics are never deleted.

  33. Poster 1,
    Na wah ohh,this story is a delicate one...
    Poster,since those substances has not killed you,why don't you continue going with her and taking that shit...
    A key to most men's heart is through their mother...I don't joke with my mum in law and I think it's one of the reasons why my man don't joke with me...
    I just pray you get preggy ASAP...

    Poster 2,
    Haba nau,poster,is it everyday that you like talking with people???....
    I think you should ignore him and leave him alone...when he is done with his mood,he will start talking with you...

    Poster 3,
    You no get wahala abeg...
    Let him continue sending and make sure you delete after...
    This your gist is so childish....

    Abeg make I go chop lunch jare...

  34. P1: stop licking powder. Relax & pray. U've proved ur fertile. Maybe u should tie ur cervix as soon as u get pregnant & don't stress urself.
    P2: some guys are gold-diggers. He has probably moved on to the next prey.
    P3: what sort of freak is ur bf? Can't deal.

  35. Nude fotos poster: tell him if he sends you again you will send it to sdk blog. Tell him your fone is a holy fone and no unclean thing shall enter it

    Interfering mother in law poster: did u write your hubby moved in with his mum? That means you guys are married and still live with his mum?
    Oriegwu! Gtf out of that house and stop following her to lick any useless powder abi are you trying to be mad?!

    Dumped for no reason poster: your bf is a spirit. He has finished what his master sent him to come and do so he has vanished without any reason abi wetin u want make I talk again?
    If he dumped you with no reason move the fuck on. Is he the only man in Naija?
    8billion people in this world and you are letting one miscreant get under your skin.
    Wtf is wrong with you people?
    #cant deal

  36. N1.. Can u move out to ur own place?? Am sure without the pressure of your MIL breathing down ur neck things will fall in place.. In the meantime pls DO NOT go anywhere with her.. ever again to lick anything..
    N2.. Pay him a visit.. wen he goes to take his bath check his fone, calls to a particular number often, chats etc etc.. den look him in the eye and ask him what the problem is.. if he doesnt have a good explanation then let him be..
    N3.. When he sends pictures to you.. Reply and tell him how handsome he looks, he's a stud, u feel like being in ur arms right now blablabla... he just wants u to massage his ego.. Then delete or send to your email.. do not keep the pictures in your fone.

  37. Stella you get mouth shaa na real convenant child from darkness. Anyway,poster1: pls wait on God and stop licking things,don't let her keep giving you things to lick or drink take a stand now.
    Poster2: Hmmmmm.
    Poster3: your bf needs help.


  38. @poster 2 mayb u whr jst a fling or he is actin on wat pple av bin tellin u(my opinion)
    @poster3 pls dnt send ur nudes

  39. Poster 3: The devil is dancing shoki on top of ur boyfriend

    Poster 2: men pull away when they are we tire d of ones egusi soup. They tend to change to the next one. Jus move on.

    My God is still in d business performing miracle. Hold on to him n he will never fail u. He wants to know how firm u can stand with him pls do not compromise. Shalom

  40. Poster 1... I aassume u r a believer and u should know u cant believe in God and go and lick something given to u by a herbalist or whoever. Just put ur trust in God and things would fall in place. The bible already assured us no one is barren. Dont give up and stop licking that thing

    Poster 2... I wonder too. It has happened to me too. I just ignore and move on

  41. Poster one.....ur mother in law wants the best for u...but she is ggoing the wrong way....Wetin u dey lick up n down? go born the pikin wen u go regret later in life o

    Poster two......that is men for u....let him be by force

    Poster three..... Your boyfriend is Gay......all ds vain n pervert men everywhere
    Don't send ur own nude ooo...leave him with his stupidity


  42. Poster1.pls do not lick any thing from any body,Gods time is the best.let your mother in law free you... Poster2.your boy friend might be dating another girl Poster3.any time he sends you nude pic of him self just smile and delete it.Lmaoooooo

  43. Poster 1: pls stop whatever u are locking from the so called man. You can't serve 2 God's at once o. Be warned plus pray like never before and ask God for mercy.
    Poster 2: Don't even bother calling him again. If the time period elongates to a long period 7 days etc pls just take a break and walk away 'm sure he will come back with excuses just listen and decide for urself.
    Poster 3: It doesnt take anything to delete it once u recieve it since u've asked him to stop and he won't just keep deleting them. Please don't ever make a mistake of sending him nude photos of u.

  44. 3. Na wa. Please don't send him yours o. What won't one hear?

  45. @poster 1, most men dont like to say it when they want wana break up.Action speaks.I will advise you move on.This happened to me few months ago.

    God will provide someone who truely deserves you.I am a happier person now.

  46. @poster1 : please stop liking d powder asap
    Is not that something is wrong with you
    Please don't complicate issues by licking what you don't know
    @poster2 : he did you a favour
    Just move on already
    just 2mont n he is giving you head already
    Hope u never fuck am,if u did,dat was 2 early......he don chop belle full.
    4get abt,even if he comes back, don't accept him.
    @poster3:what kind of bf is dat
    Very soon, he start demanding 4 your own.
    Pervert alert.

    1. Chai
      Make una 4give my mistakes
      Didn't prove read

    2. We forgive you again. It's proof read.
      Thank me later sweetie

  47. Poster1...Lick what?
    Some MILs sef, lost a baby in May and in June she's on your neck....Lord have mercy

    Poster 2......Maybe my guy don chop belleful. Did u say 2months

    Poster3....If he's the one sending the nudes no problem,don't ever send yours.

  48. Poster 1. I understand your plight but please stop licking any powder. God will make a way at his own time.

    Poster 2. It's still a mystery. Men can be funny.

    Poster 3. Let him keep sending. Please don't send yours

  49. Poster 2 u Dnt wanna know what God has done for you... Just simply let him go... He's not ur... My ex use to do that den.... No fight and he wnt pick my calls for days... Or Wks nd call later to say I miss nd love you.... That's not love but stupidity of the highest other... Pls move on.... He ain't urs boo.... Urs Wld want to talk to u at every slightest opportunity..... I met a guy recently and we clicked .... But I realized that we clicked for all the wrong reasons... Den he talks too much .... Baby u not fresh, ur dress is tight u dis u dat.... Wen I cld not take it anymore.... I told him of hw short like a dwarf he is and hw he drags his feet like a gorilla on the floor whenever he walks... Cos no1 is perfect.... Pardon my gangan.... Hi stella I love u die

    1. Ahhaahhahahahahahahahahahhahaahhah
      Your mouth bad gan
      Short like a dwarf?????

  50. Poster 1,I beg u in God's name stop following that woman to places to lick anything.Your doctor have told u the problem,take the necessary treatments.The Lord is your strenght.
    Poster 2,forget that guy & move on like nothing happened.If. U had sex with him,maybe that's why he's acting up because he has gotten what he wanted but just forget him.
    Poster 3,that guy is a very unserious person & an unrepentant pervert.Pls don't make the mistake of sending him your nudes.

  51. poster1, stop licking any nonsense it's not good 4 u, some Mother in Laws are so desperate, dey don't care where d child comes from, all dey want is, u should just birth children, wen anything starts happening in d future dey ll either not b dere or they Ll blame the woman 4geting d role dey played, take ur medications n wait 4 God's time. Poster2 just 2months n he has started his "dis appearing acts" abeg 4get d relationship to. Avoid story dat touch. Poster3, Hian some guys can b found of dat, anyway as soon as he sends, after seeing it pls delete so some else won't see what u r enjoying lol. But pls don't send urs

  52. Poster 1- Please & please stop going with her to lick any nonsense. A woman that was pressuring you to take in less than 4weeks after loosing a pregnancy does not have your best interest at heart. Is he her only child? Does she lack grand babies? Why is she on your case like fleas on a dog? As long as its not in the house of God or a bonafide man of God please stop. Why don't you meet with someone your hubby looks up to spiritually, tell the person what is going on & let the person talk to your hubby the dangers of doing unbiblical stuff all in the name of looking for the fruit of the womb (without mentioning mama's method oh) & also pray about it. Form sickness anytime she wants to drag you to the place & drop hints that it might be what you have been licking. Wisdom is profitable in all things my dear.
    Poster 2- Did he sleep with you? If he did, then you have your answer. If he has not maybe he asked & you said no so he feels you are wasting his time (if dat is d case then bid him good bye & add tfare to it) or he heard a funny jist about you. So why don't you ask him instead of us doing guess work on your behalf?
    Poster 3- Look the nudes, admire them & delete them as they come in since you don't feel comfortable leaving them in your phone but do not STUPIDLY send yours oh. Even if he says "but I send mine to you, if you love me as my gf you will send yours" tell him NO to avoid stories that touch. It's his decision to be posing naked & sending nudes not yours & its also your decision not to send any nude pics to any body.

  53. p2 u may have a spiritual husband, pls go to mfm for deliverance or any other leaving church, bcos I am presently battling same,its so draining, ppl are crazy abt u one minute and d next dey forget u like no man business, I av loosed a lot b4 a proper I have not seen b4 told my mom to pray dat I have spiritual husband

    1. Lol which spirit husband? U girls just love d wrong guys. Stop being sidechics n ur life will never remain the same.

  54. No.1: I'm with Stella D'kork on this. U can't serve two masters. Go for deliverance & ask for forgiveness from God. Trust, believe & hav faith in Him whole heartedly. His time is the best.
    No.2: You have already done the right thing by walking away. Thankfully ur time wasn't much wasted. I guess u ar seeking closure, which is natural, but my dear don't waste ur time, just try to move on. Think of all the possibilities out there.
    No.3: Your guy's a freak, & from ur write up, u're not like him. Can two go together if they don't agree? Ans dat 4 urself. If u force urself to change & be like him, u can end up degrading & hating what u've become in future, not to mention if things go awry & ur nude pix & stuff hits social media. Ur instincts ar already givin u red lights my sister. Cheers.

  55. Let me read comments.

    Feeling so sick. Pls God heal me. Amen

  56. Poster1. Mrs Kork has said it all! Do u want to have a child tomorrow and regret because d source from where u got d child is wrong and then start facing all kinds of problems??meanwhile go and do serious prayers/deliverance in a living church e.g MFM or u go for Tuesday deliverance service @Dunamis, I have friends who have lost their pregnancies like dat and they had to take prayers steps cos it wasn't normal. As we all know faith without work is dead, u can't be having faith without being consistent with ur prayers. Pls use the blood of Jesus to purge urself from every satannic contamination or deposits in ur body, ask God to open ur spiritual eyes so u can see the battles confronting u, ask Him for revelations. We should try to be spiritually sensitive so d devil doesn't take us by surprise. It is well with u. Note:tell ur MIL in a very subtle way that her believes are against urs and so u can't continue with d native medicine.

  57. Madam nude, delet afterwards na.
    Madam powder licking. Please give your body time to rest. I'm sure you were put on drugs so relax and take them. Meanwhile stop licking powder before you have a child that starts acting like dusting powder.

  58. Narrative 1
    I believe you're not a little kid, therefore you can decipher wrong from right. Did your MI drag you to that place? Did she point a gun @ you to lick those substances??......... you better take yourself to a strong man of God and get delivered...... A word is enough for the wise.
    Narrative 2
    You said you guys just dated for two months right! Did he chop your ibongi? If yes, the guy don do you chop and clean mouth. Most times, guys ask a woman out just to sleep with her (some get hooked after chopping)..... My advice? Pick yourself up dear and learn from your mistakes...... I learnt from mine.
    Narrative 3
    As long as you don't send him yours, no wahala
    Your man is so irresponsible, am sure you're not the only one he sends nudes

  59. Poster 1,pls stop licking things,stella is right,U can't claim to be a christain and U are doing wat devil children do.hmmmmm.
    Poster 2,the things U said abt Ur gone off bf sounds familiar oh,coupled with d fact that u dated two months,I dnt want to mention his name here,forget him pls,a beta guy will come,he is a facebook,instagram,bbm,whatsapp,badoo,blog guy,forget him.
    Poster 3,so na only d guy dey send nude pics,holy nwa eje,u no dey send nude pics?? Story for d gods,use am do dp na. Bwahahahahahaahahaha!

  60. PREACHER'S WIFE19 March 2015 at 14:37

    @Poster one, make your stand known to both hubby and mother-in-law and be firm about it. God would give you kids sooner than u think.

    @Poster two, I dunno, some guys are just like that. Meanwhile, I hope u haven't been too choking? Some men can't just cope with that and tend to withdraw. There is also a possibility he has started seeing someone else and he's enjoying the moment.

    @Poster three, u are not over reacting. And do u know what? I hope you do not hope to make that relationship progress into marriage? Cos, since he sees nothing bad in that, I assure u he would definitely do same with other girls if or when u get married. Good luck!

  61. Poster1...stop licky licky som ppl can b annoying y lick or follow her!abegii stop licking it's nt gonna take u anywhr God is wth u!u wil b pregy soon just believe in God!poster 2...mak I read comments joor drinkin orange juice*

  62. Poster 1... Pls kindly follow stella's instruction... Stop d Licki Licki... Poster 2... Your man na Jonzer, he hadn't spoke to u in a week nd he is comfy with it dat means u no more bring d vibe. Poster 3, Abeg never for one day send urz ooo... MY TWO CENTs

  63. Poster 1, please, stop following your mum-in-law to all those places and stop licking that rubbish. Some things are behind it which you are unaware of and they may have adverse effects on you. I don't trust that woman judging from your write-up. In fact, go and look for your own apartment. Move closer to God and be more prayerful. It is well with you!
    Poster 3, nude pics kwa? Abeg o.

  64. Narrative 1: your mother in law is an agent of darkness. Keep licking trash you hear? By the time you birth a child that laughs and cries @ d same time @ night, ur eye go clear.. Narrative 2: if you know you didn't do anything to deserve the cold treatment you're getting, just break dance outta the relationship.. Bsidez it is only 2 months.

    1. Narrative 3: you're dating a pervert! Delete dose useless pics or when he sends don't save them.. Don't try sending him yours because SORRY would be your name.

    2. Spot on! By the time you give birth to a child that is already possessed from the womb or whose destiny is already tampered with, you will start to reap the consequences while your MIl might have left this realm. Some children are suffering for the mistakes of their parents.

  65. Poster 1, take Stella's advice and be wise!! That you get pregnant alone is enough proof that you are fertile! Think about it, if you die same mother in law will approve another wife for your DH. Be wise girlie, if your problem is fear of not hurting her feelings then accept the powder from whomever and, promise them that you will be taking it, when you get home through it away, get another healthy substance that has same color as her powder and be taking that because, she or your hussy would want to confirm that you are taking it.

    My elder sister too went through same Ish... her friends took her to many places, she did countless midnight prayers, she drank different colors of herbs, licked different colors of powder, got cleansed in the Ocean by different pastors all in the name of stopping miscarriage whenever she gets pregnant... the more she took those herbs and cleansing the worse her miscarriages became until finally she gave up!! Just after she let go God blessed her with a daughter. When she was pregnant for the daughter she didn't tell anyone as she thought the pregnancy would wash off as usual, she didn't buy any baby wear, she didn't go for checkup until her 8th month (the longest she had stayed pregnant) that she told her husband.

    Moral of this lesson:- God gives children not herbs, not massages, not cleansing because my sister did all and non worked for her, non has worked for countless women I've seen, everything has a season and time, let your mother in-law off your back, next time you conceive take a holiday, go to a place where you know you can have peace! At the end,, it's your life, when you die only you will leave this life not even a child, a husband or mother inlaw!! Take care of yourself darl, all the best and whatever you do, DON'T RUB GOD OF HIS GLORY!! Goodluck (without Johnathan) of course.. hehehe

  66. Narrative one I agree with Stella 100% you need to stop licking whatever it is that your mother in law gave you to lick, most of these things have consequences and besides your marriage is barely up to a year, allow God to do his work now! You need to put your foot down and tell your mother in law that you will not do anything contrary to word of God in your quest for a child. Remember that our God is a jealous God who will never share His glory with any man.
    Second narrative me too will join Stella and read comment and as for narrative three biko anytime he sends you nude pics just delete them from your phone shikena so far as you don't send him any of yours, dis one na boyfriend o not husband to avoid the fear of getting cheap publicity in the future like one certain actress yoruba actress that made a sex tape with her then boyfriend in 2013.... Be wise!!!

  67. Poster 1, the truth is not everything is darkness. God gave us herbs and leafs for our use and consumption. I have a cousin who did CS for her first child. Years after her delivery, she was always complaining of her left leg paining her. She visited the same hospital she birthed her daughter, but they couldn't diagnose anything. Now there's this woman who sells apple in my neighbourhood. She noticed my cousin was always limping and asked her what was wrong with her. After telling her, she convinced her to go with her to her grandmother's place at mile 12.or is it mile 2. The woman deals with women issues. Anyway, we (my cousin, my sister, me and the apple woman) went there one fateful day. The old woman tested my cousin and told her her womb had shifted and it must have been during the CS she did years ago and that's the cause of the leg pain. Anyway, she inserted her finger into my cousin's vagina and gave her some powdery substance to drink with water. My cousin conceived barely 2 weeks after our visit to the woman. This was someone who was trying hard to conceive and guess what, the leg stopped paining her. What am I trying to say? It's not all concoctions that are bad or evil. Nevertheless, since the poster isn't comfortable, she should persuade her husband to speak to his mum.

    1. U are on point jare, my cousin womb shifted also, now she is looking native person that will help her correct it. She see blood every morning, but not too much

    2. Oluyomi you always share your experience with us and most importantly the efficacy of traditional medicine, i remember you once shared how your aunt cure her fibroid condition with trado-medicine for less than 10k naira but i wonder why you dont want to help your fellow BVS who have issues with fibroid? Pls help BVs sisters dont neccessarily need to share your aunty ' details but you can give the details of whoever sold the trado-medicine for fibroid to Stella to post in IHNs . Alot of people want to get rid fibroid by trado medicine.pls help us,some of us BV are waiting on the lord for fruit of womb and need

  68. The tyme u waste visiting herbalist wif ur mIl should best b spent in a hospital getting drug 2 solve ur prob..
    2)Wen he z ready 2 talk he should find u...
    3)If u don't like em,delete em as soon as it gets 2 ur fone...

  69. P2,don't mind him,move on with your life. Mine did same to me since November till date.its creazy esp when you don't kW your offence. Just leave the matter for God table.

  70. My dear,u cnt serve 2 gods @ a time,only GOD gives children and urs ll come @ d appointed tym.

    Guys dis days u dnt even av 2 wrong dem b4 dem carry go,I av also experience such,but my dear maintain d ryt attitude and luv ursef,if he come bck fine if he doesn't,live ur live,na only GOD dey giv pson sometin wey go last.

    Don't mind him ooo,he is trying 2 lure you in a coded way,if u send urs ur own go leak...



    @Poster 1: What sin did Eve commit? She ate. What sin did King Saul and his sons commit? They visited the Witch of Endor and ate! And what "sin" did Satan want Jesus to commit immediately he wanted to begin his ministry; eat? Yes convert "THESE STONES" to become bread; Eat. Yes it all starts with eating; that's the journey to the kingdom of darkness; a bona fide citizen of Hell!

    I know a lady who was looking for fruits of the womb and was given a "cat's meat" to eat in "a prophet's" house. After the meals, she took in (and of course they took her in). Her baby cries exactly like a cat and indeed grew up to be a wild cat. He fights any and everything. It was this boy that first killed his dad by strangling him with his bare hands. Eventually, he killed the widowed mom. No police could arrest him; his powers are just extraordinary. His stock in trade was rapping; both girls and boys and married women. And how did he eventually die; yes it always ends in death. He raped the wife of "a bigger cat" and he simply ripped him apart. The whole family buried in one place all because a lady was not patient enough and ate "ordinary meat".
    Solution to the one you've eaten so far: Confess, fast and pray and participate in the communion as Jesus taught (yes that's the only allowed eating; unleavened bread and grave vine juice) and see your liberty. Please read Luke 22 and do this before you become pregnant again. And like we read in the scriptures 1 Cor. 11:26, Acts 2:42-47 do it as often as you can while pregnant and afterwards. Please tell your husband the scriptures and politely let them know that the only care provider you can visit is your gynae!

    @Poster 2: Howdy? How many times have you opened your legs for this man within these two short months? Yes, the man has "conquered" and moved on to the next potential conquest! Ladies close your legs. Sex is not all a lady can offer a man. A man looks at your character if he wants to marry you!

    All the best to all the posters.


    1. Lady Igho!
      Make you fear God with this script ture you don write!
      The big cat and other stories...

      Pls, stop sharing blood in these your stories


  72. Poster,please stop following ur mother in law to the man that is giving u powder to lick.You didnt say it but we know the man is a native doctor.Even if u get pregnant through this diabolical means u will later regret it.The devil can never give u any thing for free.Visit ur doctor and pray to God.Be patient.u are still young.wait for Gods time.its d best.And tell ur husband that u dont like visitng d native doctor.tell him ur mind did not accept going to d native doctor.and be happy.

  73. Poster one, stop licking any powder. Take your medications and keep on praying....

    Poster two, thank God you have moved on.

    Poster three, No comment.

    Those that have sense don't tell people they have it... People tell them.

  74. Poster 1: pls stop d powder licking in order not to complicate issues, God'll surely come thru for you. @least u'v taken in twice, worry less dear
    Poster 2: hmmm,I'v asked myself same questions, thank God its just 2 months, you'll get a better dude. Relax
    Poster 3: nude pix drama, don't send urs @all oh to avoid stories dt touch

  75. ‎#2: Darling, just 2 months? Wow! That's a bit unusual because the 1st 6months of a new relationship is regarded as the "honeymoon phase" where both parties are all lovey dovey and still putting their best foot forward to impress while basking in blissful ignorance that this feeling will last forever.

    From what I know about men and relationships, there are many reasons why a guy may pull away from a relationship without an obvious explanation, however, your guy is the only one who knows the real reason(s). So I am afraid, we may have to speculate.

    1.It's possible he's falling too fast for you and is scared of commitment. ‎
    2. He may be going through some personal stuff that requires all his attention.
    3. He may have realised you aren't what he wants or something about you puts him off.‎
    4. A blast from the past may have resurfaced and rekindled their love affair or he just met someone he is more into. Perhaps, he already has a girl in his life but wanted to have fun with you (Awww! I know, my love, that's hurtful)
    5. He may feel you're being too needy and feels smothered by your affections and needs his space.‎
    6. It's possible he just needs some alone time due to no fault of yours. (Though in my opinion, 2months is rather too soon for such withdrawal)‎.
    7. He may be ill or involved in an accident.(God forbid) 
    Sweetie, the list is endless! It could be one or none of the aforementioned reasons.

    I think you should be sure of the reason he withdrew before you move on so you don't end up feeling silly if it turns out his disappearance was legit. It's good you've stopped calling and texting. You've done your part, allow him reach out to you. You can find out from a friend or via another channel, if he is really ok but try not to be so obvious. If he is ok, then relax and let things play out. Don't mark time waiting for him to resurface but don't move on by rushing into a new relationship. Resolve this one and find closure before starting a new relationship. I'm hoping you aren't in too deep, though. 2months is too soon to be emotionally invested in such a way that, should he remain gone, you wouldn't be too demoralised. Better he bounces now than  have you locked down for years only to waltz  away with your heart tucked in his back pocket. 

    1. Your post is even longer than the poster. All this Grammer for small matter? Joblessness na bastard.

  76. POSTER 1
    I am writing you as someone that had similar encounter with my MIL. You can not serve 2 masters, your MIL is loving u now because you are obeying her and following her around like a puppy...You are in serious danger and so is your marriage.

    If you truly belief in God, you will 1st ask for forgiveness of sin, because you have gone to worship another god, you have gone to seek another god. You and your husband needs to cry to God to have mercy upon you.

    You need to spend time with God's WWord, prayer and worship...make up your mind that whatever JESUS can not do for you, let it remain undone but note when you take that stand for GOD, He will show up for u in a grand style.

    You need to create some boundaries with your MIL by 1st, moving out of her house. You think your MIL loves u? you are deceiving yourself. I have been married for 9 yrs, if u see myself n my MIL relate outside, you would think we are best of friends, but we both know that light and darkness can not co'habit. Shes also very diabolical and i have told her to her face, that i would rather die than bow to any other God...she has NEVER mentioned any baba or prophet to me...everything she has tried to do to me and my children, God reveals to me in the dream and i pray n cancel underwear that she stole d last time she came visiting has been neutralised by the blood of Jesus.
    Give your MIL a lot of space, be respectful and cordial but cut off any over familiarity.

    Pray that God should open the eyes of your husband. That God shld reveal HIMSELF to your husband. Because cutting your MIL off will make her fight, yes she will fight u so you need to have your husband's backing....but which ever way, stand your ground and dont go to anyother god.

    The woman will go and do jazz against you when she notices that u are cutting her off, you will make ur husband fight for no reason, she will make him dislike...but be rest assured that : Those who trust in d Lord shall never be ashamed.

  77. Poster 3 just relax with him my boyfriend does that too I use to fight about it with him but with I just stop complaining and living with it. We are dated like 2 years now is just the of telling u he misses u.

    1. "We are dated like 2 years now is just the of telling u he misses u." What does this mean mbok?

  78. my mind told me that the mother inlaw has a hand in what she is going through but what can i say. make she still leave that place with the husband

  79. P1: Stop licking and go for deliverance, to clear the ones you've already ingested. Put your focus and faith in God.

    P2: It's obvious he doesn't want you anymore.

    P3: You are dating a gigolo, soon he will ask you to send yours.

  80. Poster one u r my business. Dont you have a mother or some one elderly that is like a mother to talk to, in this age and time of wickedness some obe hurries you to get pregy and you miscarry not long later and now you have started licking powder omo shine your eyes sharpen your brain think wide and deep. DONT LICK THAT POWDER AGAIN I DONT CARE WHAT YOU TELL HER BUT DO NOT LICK EAT RUB OR DO ANYTGING FETISH.

  81. Poster 1 your mother in law donates your unborn children @her sacrificial alter through what she gives you to lick,she does not urge you to get pregnant bkos she wants carry your children but bkos she wants to keep donating them. So wake up and shine your eyes. She has her reason for asking her son to move in with her not bkos she is lonley but bkos she wants get you closer to herself so she can use you as it pleases her. Girl be wise... poster 2 I bow for you oo just 2 months and you are already sure he is your boyfriend? That is not flings he wants with you? Ok now. Poster 3 no word for you toung out.

    1. Spot on! Your unborn children are used as sacrifice. Where is your own mother?

  82. P1-You better stop that rubbish
    P2-You have officially been dumped
    P3-Your bf is a gbef. He is probably sending you and 10 other girls pictures.

  83. Poster 1 stop licking d powder, am sure your mother in law has a hand in this ur miscarriage first she said u should get pregnant b4 u married and now hw many miscarriages in how many months maybe she's using your children to get promotion in d coven

    Poster 2 I had d same issue oo my bf of 3yrs woke up one day blocked me from Fb, called him asked him what happened he said nothing, stopped calling me totally till today I asked him what happened and he said I won't understand so my dear u need to move ahead ok

  84. @Oluyomi Odukoya: Lady, that something worked does not mean that it is right; these are two different things. Have you gone back and checked the baby conceived through that "drinking of powdery substance"? Lady If you smoke "Ganja" today, the thing will work very well. If you push in heroin into your veins it will work. Devils give kids; but they are not good and perfect gift (which only God can give). Like in the story I told earlier, the young lady that ate cat meat at a prophet's house had a baby boy for that matter. Why not? When Moses threw down his rod, didn't the Pharaoh magicians produce multiple snakes more than Moses'. The scripture is clear; the sorrows of those who seek other gods multiply.

    Good wishes.


  85. Poster 1 - Stella has said it all, what you are doing is obviously diabolical

    Poster 2 - leave the man alone. Evn if you are not a side chick, it is the kind of marriage you will get into and he will be keeping malice with you.

    Poster 3 - when the pictures come, look and delete it. If you want to be naughty, create a folder in your mail and save the pictures there in case there is a bad break up and he tries to blackmail u, you have something to fall back to. lol

  86. Poster 1, you have entered one chance o. I'm sorry to be blunt, your mother in law does not want you to have kids maybe they have told her if her son should born she wil die. All that pressure talk na just eye service o, she is the causer of your miscarriages. Only God will let that your marriage work because she has shut her son's eyes to the point that you guys live with her and her son is encouraging you to continuing licking. My advise is that you pray to God to open your husbands eyes, convince him to move out of your mil's house which is dangerous cuz he may tell her if his eyes are not open to her ways o. Where is your own mother, go to your mother and tell her everything and follow your mother to a bible believing church o or prophet o asap. If your not close to your mum find a strong prophet that will deliver you cuz your mother inlaw is like my mum and her sister.i speak from experience but my eyes are opened I left home go married and had a baby before I went back home o. I'm female and my mum and her sisters tried to spoil my life, lucky for me I met a prophet that stood for me in prayer and going on the mountain my eye see fire but I thank God today I won the battle with glory to God.

  87. poster1-why will you stay in the same house with your mother inlaw,even if its a face me i face you apartment its beta dan staying with your mother sure she knows whats happening to more prayerful nd stop following her to d place where dey give u tins to use.
    poster two-pay less attendion to that guy.God has a beta plan for you.
    poster3-becare with him and dont send yours

  88. Poster 2 and Amaka Kazz;
    Please come here and drop his initials.
    Is it S.A ?
    Amaka, that description you have detailed up there fits the profile of the person I have in my head.
    Please, do the needful. Let's know.

  89. Poster how old are you? After you have finished licking God knows what you are now talking? Please stop u know what constitutes what you are licking? While am not saying she is responsible for your miscarriage you still cannot trust anybody......pls stop licking anything, just tell her plainly that I cannot that is if you must lick it in her prescience.......ask God to open your spiritual eyes to see who she really is.....sometimes some people show u love openly while killing you spiritually.....Gods speed

  90. Stella, I no see my comment o. E be like say the thing don get accident for road.

    #1, Some mother-in-laws believe in the efficacy of herbs. She may not have any evil intention. Tell her you have found out the cause of the miscarriages and that you have started treatment and would not want to be taking both orthodox and unorthodox medications at the same time. Be polite and respectful. I don't know why people are very suspicious of their mother-in-laws.

    I thank God my mother dey respect herself. She doesn't go stay with any of her sons. Rose

  91. Posh baby when you learn to close your legs then u will start having lasting relationships......not all should lead to marriage but u wont have had a string of flings before you marry......girls of these days are so loose.....a guy says hi, next thing u have removed least get to know yourselves more and build friendship..if at the end of the day he leaves, u don't feel used and it's his loss anyway....

  92. Dear Poster 1,
    Since you miscarried both pregnancies in the first trimester, it makes me wonder if the substance you are consuming is teratogenic I.e interfering with the normal formation of a fetus. Please note that the most common cause of early miscarriage is when the developing fetus is abnormal.
    Do yourself a favor and stop taking the substance. Rather, replace it with folic acid.
    E go better.


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