Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of HOPE - 13


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Chronicle Of HOPE - 13



For weeks, I have pondered on whether to send in my story as a chronicle of narrative or of Hope. I see it as a chronicle of hope and I pray it gives hope to someone out there.  But how do I tell my story? I do not wish to recount my ordeal, coz I no longer want to dwell in a place that I have left behind. But how can I tell you how far I have come, if you don't understand the journey.

I met my husband, now ex when I was 19. I was a student at the university while he was already working and we were just friends. He was much older than myself and I related with him as an older friend. Besides, he had a girlfriend he was seeing then. After a few months, he started visiting me in school, asking me to date him while promising to break up with his girlfriend if I agreed to date him. I didn't have a good intuition about him neither did I like him that much so I kept rejecting his offer. I remember the day he broke up with his girlfriend (I was in my final year then) and he drove straight to my school to tell me about the break up and ask if I was now willing to be his girlfriend. 

It was the weirdest thing I had ever witnessed in my life. I found it difficult to understand why he would not give himself time to grieve the end of the relationship before jumping into another. Off course, I still said no. We remained friends.

Fast forward to when I started my NYSC and I was posted to a place for my primary assignment which was just a walking distance from his office. He would visit me almost every day at work. Soon, he became a known face at my office. Very friendly and nice with everyone. No one could understand why I refused to date him. He met my family, and even my dad fell in love with him. I started thinking perhaps I was wrong about him and agreed to date him. He was the best boyfriend ever, very caring, attentive and extremely generous. I was happy. Less than 3 months after we started dating, he asked me to marry him. I was excited and I accepted. So we started planning our wedding. Barely, 2 days to the introduction, we had a major disagreement while we were out together. He insulted me so much. He even walked out on me and left me to find my way home. He later called to tell me he was canceLling the introduction and wasn't interested in the marriage anymore. 

Although the introduction was cancelled, we somehow managed to reconcile and he came to apologize to my parents and a new date was fixed. The introduction came and went and a date was fixed for the Nikkah. At this point, I began to notice very subtle changes in his attitude. He became increasingly demanding, questioning, aggressive and very controlling. He would flair up at the slightest thing and accuse me of not being submissive. A week didn't pass without drama. He began to threaten me that he would call off the marriage.

 Whenever I tried to walk out of the relationship, he would call, plead and cajole me back into staying with him. I became unsettled. I knew something wasn't right but I wasn't sure what the problem was.

Three days to the wedding, we had another heated argument. We were in a taxi and he asked the driver to stop and ordered me out of the taxi. I had to find my way home again. At this point, I felt I have had enough. I was not going forward with the wedding. I refused his calls. I got home and explained to my parents. My mum was ready to stand by me and cancel the wedding but my dad was against it. He came to my house that night and apologized to my parents again. 

They all talked and pleaded with me to let it hold. I was advised to be more patient and prayerful and to put more efforts into understanding him. He promised that he would be a different person going forward blah blah...

The marriage came and went, nothing changed. Things turned from bad to worse. I found out so many things about him I never knew before. He was a liar, a manipulator and a fraud. He was way deep in debt owing millions of Naira. Some loans he had to lie using me to obtain them. I don't know when he collected it or what he did with the money. He drained my account till the last penny. He graduated from verbal abuse to physical assaults at the slightest provocation. If I was silent it was a problem. It meant I was upset that he corrected me for doing something wrong and that warranted beating. 

If I spoke back, I was rude and not submissive. It was a no-win situation. He would later cry and apologize to me. Promise never to do it again and we say we should keep it between us. Yet he will go behind my back and report to my dad that I was "misbehaving" and he was just tolerating me cos of the age difference. It went on for months..., he would have his girlfriend send insulting messages to my phone and insult me on the phone with his number. He would ask me to borrow money from friends and family and I would refuse, that made me a bad wife. He was already in debt, I don't know what he does with the money, so why would I borrow on his behalf? He started going behind my back to ask my relatives for money. Luckily, they would refuse him and come back to tell me about it. Trust me, they all became fed up with him but where only accommodating him cos of me. 

The beatings never stopped too. During pregnancy and even after birth. Neither did his lying or deception of others. It became unbearable. I was never happy. I lost my smile. I was depressed and just going through normal daily functioning. I was walking on eggshells around him. If I narrate my entire experience, trust me it will take too long and appear unreal to most people. 

Anyway, we had a terrible fight one day, I was carrying our baby and he still beat the hell out of me. I do not remember what happened to the baby. Did I put the baby down? Did my baby fall? I can't remember. I decided I had had enough. This was it. I started packing. I was leaving. He even threw my baby's things at me. I packed and went home. I received the best support ever. My family, both nuclear and extended were amazing and supportive. Without any exception, they all stood by me. Then he called, and started to beg after a few days as usual. I didn't bulge. He then started to threaten. Gave me 72 hours to return, then the next day. Then I had to return that day. Kept buzzing my phone with calls. Came to my house but my family prevented him from coming into the house or near us. He said the marriage was over and I could keep the baby, he wanted nothing to do with us. No money, no job, no upkeep from him. Nothing!

I accepted to end the marriage and have custody of my baby, no argument. I was tired, I was exhausted. Finally I had peace, yet I felt so empty. I could now go one week without any drama or fight? Really?! Then 2 weeks and then a month and I could feel I was gradually falling into depression. I had become so accustomed to trouble I began to have panic attacks. A door jams, and I would jump. I'm asleep and you walk into my room, I'll jump startled from my sleep. There was no passion left in me, no excitement. Nothing. 

My family and friends wept for me. I was a shadow of my former self. Anyway, I started to pray. My parents prayed along with me. O, how I prayed and fasted. I would pray till I couldn't even find the words to pray. I would begin to cry. Then I started to have 2 same reoccurring dreams. I would dream that it was Friday, and I rushed to the mosque to observe jumat. Suddenly, I would realize that my hijab is too short for praying and I have to take it off and wear a longer one to cover me properly. The second dream always had me reciting Surah Ad-Duhaa in a very sonorous voice and people will sit close by to listen. 

The first dream was interpreted to mean my marriage. For in Quran 2:187 Allah says : your spouse are your garment and you are theirs. It means your spouse are for support, comfort, protection, fitting into each other etc. Obviously, there was something wrong with mine that was why I didn't feel covered and always had to change it before praying. And Surah Duhaa was revealed to the prophet (pbuh) during one of the most trying times of his life. It was Allah's message to him that he is aware of all his sufferings and the future is indeed better than the present. This was one of the toughest times in my life.

Life gradually returned to normal. My baby grew older and I picked up my certificate and began to search for jobs. I also started applying to schools for my masters. Within 3 months, I got a good job. Life was surely looking up. Along the line, I received feed-backs from my applications. I had won both a partial and a full scholarship from 2 top universities abroad for my masters. Off course I accepted the offer with the full scholarship (winks). My masters year was great. Gave me the freedom and break I needed but also the money and exposure that came with it. I got the opportunity to go on all expense paid trips to 4 different countries. I made new friends, found myself and worked a lot on self-development (both career wise and in my personal life). I returned home after my masters, and in less than 2 months I landed 2 great jobs.

 On the day I picked up my offer letter from one, was the same day the other called to offer me the second job. The pay was in the same range so I chose the one I felt had a better opportunity for growth. Less, than a month after I started my new job, I was called for another. I had to turn it down. Do I have all that I want in life, hell no! But I am definitely a happy person and proud of the woman I am today.  

It's been 3 years since it all happened. I have my beautiful baby and things keep getting better. I will be turning 28 later in the year but I feel I have lived and experienced so much more than many ladies my age. I look even more beautiful than before and you will never guess I have a baby if I don't tell you myself. I am under no pressure to remarry and have chosen to live my life one day at a time. Would I rewrite my story again if I had the chance? My answer is no! Alhamdulillah, for the good, the bad and everything in between.

In all, I have felt pain, I have endured hardship, I have memories I want to forget. However, these things have made me stronger and today, I face the world with a smile because I know things will always get better and those who love me will always be there for me. 


This is a real story although I really had to summarize it so it doesn't become as long as the lady who was tricked into marriage. Trust me, I can relate with her story. I am using my original email address to send this. Please keep my details private. 

Sweetie thank God that you walked out when you and picked up the pieces of your life.I hope this story encourages someone who has given up on their life because they walked out of an abusive situation.


  1. Wow!!!...
    Please don't marry again...
    Live your life to the fullest...thank God you have a child....
    So what's up with your ex?? he still single or what???...

    1. Wanted to really know about the Ex too. Happy 4 U Dear

    2. Wow
      Thank God u left that looser on time.
      Sometime the signs are usually there but we choose to ignore it.
      Please love your daughter n focus on your job.
      Kisses 2 u

    3. U wan marry am? Bizzy body

    4. oh God!! answer me nd wipe away this tears...
      I have similar abuse story like this one nd its a yr nd few mnths old of freedom from him... Stella but i am stil sad because himself nd his family took away my baby who is now 2yrs nd sme mnths and they denied me access to her... hmm

      Because Every where i go to seek justice will b manipulated by him nd family with money...NIGERIA IS NOT FAIR ON CHILD MOTHER RELATIONSHIP!!! *tears*.. My parents have really tried for me bt are advicing that i should keep calm that d baby will come for me whn she is grown oh Stella i knw they would have done much more for me bt they cant finance this fight for justice nd i dont have a job to help myself out of this... STELLA, I FEEL SO TIRED as am typing because my heart is weak nd my eyes heavy with tears...

      All the gift i got for this wonderful gift was turned down nd this man is telling ITS OVER HIS DEAD BODY FOR ME TO SEE MY BABY AGAIN... nd if i must i should find my way to d COURT!!! choi my seed of 9mnths???
      All because he knws i dont have any support system to see me through this battle... Of all his ill treatments to me, he knws with-holding this baby frm me will get to me ...
      Its been heard for me to move on as pretty as i am.. if someone says to me am pretty, i just look at them nd fake this smile nd stil die inwardly.. WHAT A LIFE!!! Hmm

      Even with all d evidences nd withnesses of my abuse ... they will still believe their LIES nd turn their back to the TRUTH...

    5. Hian! Why should she not marry again?? Poster please fall in love and marry again. Your story just sounds like mine exactly but I ve remarried and expecting my second baby with my new hubby, I never knew marriage could be this blissful, I believe sometimes we go through stuff so we can appreciate life better. All d best to you dear, just know that with God, d best is yet to come. I shld consider sending in my chronicles of hope 2 *shines teeth*

    6. She 27 and you r telln her not to marry again. Na wah for you o!

    7. U av rily seen nwi @ your young age. I'm glad u are where u are 2day.

    8. *sigh* God is able. But I wouldn't support the 'please don't marry again' if she finds happiness elsewhere, why can't she? It's well

    9. Please if someone wants to marry you and you are at peace with it, go ahead and marry him but if you don't want to marry again, there's no qualms. Thank God you are happy now.

    10. Anon 15:20,
      Omg.....Omg.....aren't there ngos that can help?

    11. Na wa o. Why shouldn't she marry again?

      Anon 15:20. I'm so sorry. I'm sure there are people to help if u make the right connections. Whether they are rich, influential or not, you'll still meet with justice if u pursue it the right way. If you are in lagos take a trip to Alausa and ask for the children welfare and social services department, or whatever else the ministry is called. Tender your case and you'll find one to put u through at no costs to yourself. Good luck.

      At poster, glad you are stable now. Couldn't but notice how well you write. You sound an intelligent woman and the sky will be your starting point.

  2. The way men pretend before marriage thses days. I thank God for your life will only get better. We women suffer in marriages because of societal pressure. We don't want to be seen as a failure as a result of a failed marriage. But if I may ask is a man suppose to be all that defines us???

    1. They really pretend a lot oo!may God give women the spirit of discernment and strength to leave at d right time.
      @poster,urs is truly a chronicle of hope dat God never forsakes those who seek him.u are still very young sef,trust me there are a lot of better options out there u will wonder why u had to marry a lunatic first(but den dats destiny as designed by God and we can't question him).God will reward u with a good husband,keep ur head up and ur trust in God unwavering.

    2. Love it, very inspiring my darling. God continually keep you safe.

  3. Hmmmm...thank God for U dear poster

  4. Thank God for you dear, for having the courage and boldness to walk out from that marriage, some people won't want to take that bold step cos of what the people will say.... Who is this people if I may ask??? Are they the ones wearing this shoes???

    I always say this, marriage is not a do or die affair... Don't try to endure once you see the signs from day one. May God continue to protect and direct our foot steps on the right track. Cheers

  5. Waohhhhh! Marriages of nowadays scare d hell out of me! God plz help we single gals IJN.

    1. Amen
      But we the single girls also need to work on ourself
      You have to meet the requirements of your requirement
      God dey shall

  6. seems I'm just reading a chronicle from a Muslim BV for d first time. Am happy for you honey, and thanks to your family for understanding and accepting you when d going was tough. Very totful of them to see through d whole ish and not being judgemental, some parents would have taken it to be that you're impatient and all.
    And your success/ achievements afterwards, this is surely a chronicle of hope, Aliamdulilai!

    1. Same here name sake, just reading chronicle from a Muslim BV

    2. Same here too Lara, this is the first.
      Alhamdulilah robil-al-ameen for you poster. It sure ended in praise.

  7. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    This chronicles is simply WWOOWW....its truly contained both the good,the bad and the ugly...
    Am happy u took the bull by the horn and walked out of that bondage u were in....
    Walking out of an abusive rship is neva easy BUT its always worth it when one leaves sux toxic wud dscover a new definition to life and enjoy peace beyond words!!!
    It can only get better for you POSTER..
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  8. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    This chronicles is simply WWOOWW....its truly contained both the good,the bad and the ugly...
    Am happy u took the bull by the horn and walked out of that bondage u were in....
    Walking out of an abusive rship is neva easy BUT its always worth it when one leaves sux toxic wud dscover a new definition to life and enjoy peace beyond words!!!
    It can only get better for you POSTER..
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  9. The bible did not say 'thou must marry'. If ur marraige is abusive, get out fast. Don't wait until u are killed. Couples in abusive relationship raise violent children who grow up and continue the cycle of domestic violence. Women, for the sake of ur children's sanity, run from an abusive marraige. It is not worth it. Men who are abusive are not sane. The not wired correctly upstairs. Marraige is btn 2 sane people and not btn a monster and a sane woman. Be wise and courageous. Stop,bothering abt having the stigma of a divorcee. Stop bothering abt wat the world will say. It's one life. No duplicate.

  10. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    This chronicles is simply WWOOWW....its truly contained both the good,the bad and the ugly...
    Am happy u took the bull by the horn and walked out of that bondage u were in....
    Walking out of an abusive rship is neva easy BUT its always worth it when one leaves sux toxic wud dscover a new definition to life and enjoy peace beyond words!!!
    It can only get better for you POSTER..
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  11. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    This chronicles is simply WWOOWW....its truly contained both the good,the bad and the ugly...
    Am happy u took the bull by the horn and walked out of that bondage u were in....
    Walking out of an abusive rship is neva easy BUT its always worth it when one leaves sux toxic wud dscover a new definition to life and enjoy peace beyond words!!!
    It can only get better for you POSTER..
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  12. Thank God you had the courage to walk out, hope other victims would follow suit before they die inside that abusive situation.

  13. Truly chronicles of hope.welldone .

  14. Thank God for u poster. U are a very strong and brave woman. Indeed it will always end in praise for those who believe and hope.

  15. Sister I say Alhamdulilahi for your life, your happiness will never turn to sorrow again Inshallahu.
    When I remember I will be 27 later this year without a man and not in any serious relationship, despite keeping myself for my hubby, I do feel very sad but I still thank God because what he have in stock for me is the best. Lord I want an everlasting joy, happiness, wealth, good health and beautiful kids in my life, so bless me Allah

    1. Insha Allah we will. Allah never fails! Steadfastness n patience is d key

    2. God is truly great. In all things, give thanks. Remember, He said, "Fa Inna mal usri yusra". Verily, with all hardship comes relief. Alhamdulillah for the poster. Seek Him and He shall surely hear you. My marriage is an ongoing testimony, In sha Allah, I will write my own chronicle of hope soon.

    3. In shaa Allah. Screen munched the part about the dream you had and the interpretations... May Allah continue to bless, protect, guard, guide and keep you!

    4. Hmm and am turning 37 this year too with no man in view. I want to be able to recite surah Duah too both in my dreams and in reality. Would av done something drastic if not for my faith in Allah. I know I will be happy soon In Sha Allah.

  16. God bless you, and your testimonies shall remain permanent. Amen

  17. Alhamdulillah my dear sis...rilly encouraging story. May Allah grant u ur heart desires.amin. Dere is no need puttin up with a heartless man n a rocky marriage

  18. This is definitely a hope chronicle but then again, it still makes d that of marriage alone scary.

    1. Honey you will marry well don't worry. See, if you ever feel doubt...any doubt LEAVE. Forget these women that say all men are the same,it is a lie. Just like you would tolerate a mans flaw, he should do same for you. There is no excuse for a man to hit his wife, does he hit his mother or boss when they annoy So my dear look out for a man with a good head on his shoulder and a true fear of God. Make sure you have the same.


  19. Thank God for your life and where you are headed as well.

    Poster what schools did you apply for a full scholarship?

  20. I don't know how people can be this gullible. Pls visit

  21. Thank God you walked out,his a stupid are lucky he did not kill is well ma you will find love again trust me

  22. Thank God for your progress and happiness, I am a single mum of one too, I am trying to get my life back together, it's not easy. I am praying for God's strength each day,.......I am really depressed

    1. Don't worry dear, just be grateful and God ll surprise u. Some women like u died during childbirth but u are alive to raise ur kid. Stay thankful

  23. My ex too was like that . No win situation . U keep quiet it's the worst he'll say ur rude. Appears very nice and caring to the outside world but inside he's a beast and a demon.may the heavens and the earth punish u .

  24. Alhamdulilah....The worst mistake a woman can to marry the wrong husband..

  25. Thank God For you, you are A strong Lady. Some men are just Cowards.

  26. Thank God for the courage He gave you to walk out of that marriage. People do not know thatmmarriage is not a do or die affair. If you are not happy please pick up the pieces of your life and take a walk . Don't stay and think of what people will say while you remain miserable. My dear God has blessed you, live one day at a time and enjoy every step of it.

  27. Thank God for the courage He gave you to walk out of that marriage. People do not know thatmmarriage is not a do or die affair. If you are not happy please pick up the pieces of your life and take a walk . Don't stay and think of what people will say while you remain miserable. My dear God has blessed you, live one day at a time and enjoy every step of it.

  28. Na wa o. Sometimes I really wish we could write down the full names of these evil guys so others can dodge them to avoid becoming the next victim

  29. Hmmmm! That man has a problem that even he might not be aware of. There were some red flags before the wedding though.
    Thank God you left when you did, if not, na your dead body them for comot from that marriage.

  30. Thank God for the courage he gave you. The thought of marriage scare the hell out of me. Nawaooo.

  31. Good for you. Now if only my Sis-in-law will have the courage to walk out on my brother but hell no. She would rather be beaten, humiliated and spat on like a dog. Then pack her bags and come to my house complaining and crying; eating me out of food and wearing out my furniture. For God's sake leave him already. He is my brother but he is a monster.

  32. Its only in nigeria dat women are saints.
    SDK women are virtuous,
    Yet na dem dey suffer pass frm man hand.
    Is dia no man on dis blog wu a woman has shown hell?
    Cos I personally no women too don't mk men's life easy,esp an unapy 1.

    @ poster
    U need to reread wat u wrote,
    U ddnt tk a single blame for ur own actions not even 1.
    It was ur father wu eventually made u marriy dis man.
    U paintd dis mans so bad, dat d only time u mentiond his good attributes was wen u wanted to give an excuse for why u eventually married him.#Smiles.
    And ofcus u were a saint true out ur marriage. Hehehe.
    U claim not to love dis guy frm d bgining of ur tale , but ur acct was drained by him(how do u give details of ur finances to a man u neva loved?).
    And ur parents don't av pride at all, infact over humble dey worry dem. How can u cancel a marriage 2ce n u still av d audacity to goan face d ppl wey u disrespect, to ask for dia dauta's hand in marriage?(is dia smthg u aint saying here)
    Lmao, and d old man wz goin to beg money frm ur relatives?(Dis story get as e be?)

    Am apy u left a relationshp u weren't apy in doe.goodluck to u.

    1. Pink Shell, pray none of this happens to you. You have no clue what women and men pass through. She never said she was an angel but no one deserves abuse. Please keep silent and listen to the married people respond before you judge an institution you know NOTHING about

    2. Pink shell or whatever u call ur name, soo ur not even married and u hv the guts to table silly opinion, even laffing, u need slap to reset ur brain n remove that smirk on ur face, idiot, am soo pained cos I know what am going thru in mine even after 15yrs, anyway no need to write much, tmrw will be ur turn, lets see hiw u handle urs, anu mpama

  33. Dear poster, I thank God for your life. Only if Titilayo Arowolo had done this too. I smh.

    1. I remember her story,I was so angry and sad. How can one be so wicked *sighs*. May her soul rest in peace.

  34. Wisdom is always profitable to direct...

  35. Its not even easy taking that walk,but when u do,you realise uve been living in hell.
    Thank God for that decision.Enjoy your life!

  36. Omg! Omg! Come here lemme hug u tight! You are a strong woman , God bless ur family too for standing . Wow! Wat a story!

  37. PREACHER'S WIFE14 March 2015 at 15:19

    Thank God for you poster. I'm still trying to figure out why men tend to develop cold feet whenever its a few weeks to the altar.

    God will give u the grace. And please I won't say don't consider marriage again, but take your time and focus on your cutie. It is well with you.

  38. Jeeeezz....Just wen I tink I had cin and heard it all....Thank God for the grace to pull through Poster.

  39. All because of money... Stella is it possible to love again???

    So many questions rolling in my head everyday without answers...hmmm..Are there still people with conscience alive??

    if there are... y cant his mum nd d Dad tell him the truth of the trauma he is subjecting their grand child to?? they instead join hands to this evil...God strengthen me nd hear my secret nd open plea... Wipe this tears frm my eyes and lift this burden because its heavy.. Lord, Aleast a good MIRACLE JOB in this era of WHO U KNOW and ur CONNECTIONS will b highly apreciated because i knw u...Amen

    and i keep asking myself whether Staying with abusive and cheating partner d best??? because i need to b happy again in my life and move on...
    Anyway, its chronicle of hope and i am Hopefully positive that God will see me through it all and bring smile to the pretty face again... Amen

    ~Deprived mother~

    1. You will smile again. Save your child from an abusive environment or you will scar that child.

  40. Well done! Nothing like a supportive family when you need them the most. Off course you will love again. This time around, listen to your instincts and not what anyone tells you. To other women in abusive relationships, what are you still waiting for? Death?

    1. Even an identity thief as yourself feels the need to advice? C'mon now get off the substandard ship u are rocking. This tells us how u incomplete ur life must be, as u can't even create a REAL identity of ur own but would taster steal someone else'. Shame on u.

  41. Stella if this lady did not talk of a Nikkah, I would have said someone sent in my story, plus and minus some issues. Ladies if you feel reservation about a man, DO NOT MARRY HIM. Same goes to you guys, do not marry a woman you bave reservations about. Thank God for this lady

  42. This brought tears to my eyes..
    I seem to be shading alot of tears
    You are a strong woman for leaving hoarder sorry as behind and proving to him that you could do well without him. Please take care of your child. Do not be in a rush to go into another marriage.

    Follow your instincts.. From the start, you never wanted all these, you instinct warned you but then the mistake has been made

    Once there is life, there is hope

    1. ** You are a strong woman for leaving his sorry ass behind and *****

  43. This is what I call "Chronicles of hope".
    I'm happy for you poster.
    I must commend your family for being supportive.
    God will bless them for standing by you through your trying time.

    There is nothing like having your family and loved ones stand by your instead of cast you away to die in marriage because they want to save face.

    I hope your story will encourage someone to do the right thing.
    May God continue to bless and protect you.

  44. Am very happy that you gave your life a new meaning poster.
    Thank God you summoned the courage to walk away from that monster. May God's will be done in your life my sister.

  45. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...

  46. Thank God for d courage He has given u to walk out of d abusive marriage, I now u are leaving life at d fullest, don't let man nor marriage bother u, u ve gotten a child which is y most ppl got married.

  47. hmm. i have a little friend who deasnt believe human can change! God is our helper in this world of marriage

  48. May God bless u for having d courage to walk away n may God bless your family for supporting your decision n not pushing you back into his abusive hands....marriage is an absolutely beautiful thing with d right person n I pray the right man comes along for u soon.

  49. Funny world, no wonder people around me always told me that "what happened to u has happened somewhere b4 even worse, u are neither the first nor last" wow!!! Had similar if not same experience. If not that she's Muslim, I would say someone put my story here. But thank God for his mercies and grace upon my life. I got my groove back. #happysinglemom. In my case, I didn't go for masters o! Lol.... my sponsor turned me down last minute plus my family refused to take baby. #sad. but it made me strong. Cos what dosent kill u makes me stronger. So I went to a fashion school since I have great passion for sewing. And in 3months I was cutting and sewing already. Now I'm a designer plus I have a fed govt job. I'm now happy. Relocated to abuja whr I now live alone with my beautiful daughter and househelp far away from home.

    1. God bless you. My story was very similar. Mine was a case of emotional abuse, tricked, and he called it off. God sees the heart of everyone. I couldn't even hurt da fly , all I did wrong was love this man. I shared all I had with him without complaining , how Can a man be so heartless.
      I thank God my Mum is looking after her in my absence while I'm away doing a master's in the UK . Will be done in September , miss my baby. And family a lot.

  50. This story reminds me of a beautiful and strong lady I once knew in a university down in southwest UK. I am glad you had the courage to walk away when you did. Jennifer

  51. I'm happy you are fine now poster. God's blessing are on you always. Just wonder why some men are wicked or choose to be wicked. One day, they are all loving and nice n the next they become devil's incarnates. God have mercy.

  52. Tank God for ur life

  53. Tank God for ur life

  54. Abusive relationship? ????? Please I cannot deal....Abeggggg.....

  55. Wowww.. These chronicles becoming a movement, a movement for hope, to give hope to the hopeless in marriage. I think stories like this should be grouped.

  56. Pink shell you are just a stupid fool.....


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