Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section



Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Doctors In House Section

Why does the breast produce milk?


Hi Stella....Hi fellow BVs.....I wanna share my problem with the Doctors in the house.  I'm Jessica,a young girl in her early 20s. I just finished my menses for this February. Just last week I started noticing breast milk gushing out of my nipples ( not really much sha). But it tends to soak my top and this is so uncomfortable....I'm still a virgin so pregnancy is definitely out of the question...... please I'm really scared. Please help me Doctors.



  1. "Gushing out" and "not so much sha" shouldn't be used in the same sentence. I was scared for a second.

    1. Must be hormonal things...

      Trust your gut. It's right more often than you think

    2. Prolactinaemia is a possibility.

    3. Same with me oo. Poster, its not much and its soaking ur top...hmmm. It is well!

    4. @Gd..lolzz
      I guess is hormonal imbalance see a doc swt!

  2. Chai ! ! !

    Doctors Where art thou?
    Wetin u na go call this one naw !, Hormonal Inbalance ???????

    I will come back to read comments.

    God is still the CEO of miracles ! !

    1. Its either galactoriah or hyper prolactinemia (hormonal imbalance) there nothing to worry about. Go see a gynocologist and u will be given drugs after some test to balance your hormones. But the ealier the better love.

    2. Its either galactoriah or hyper prolactinemia (hormonal imbalance) there nothing to worry about. Go see a gynocologist and u will be given drugs after some test to balance your hormones. But the ealier the better love.

    3. Dear poster...lotsa things could be a triggering factor

      Since you ain't sexually active,automatically abortion has been ruled out

      However, you've got lotsa circulating prolactin in your system and most of the common causes are

      1-tumour in the pituitary
      *Go do a CT scan

      2-Hormonal imbalance
      *Go do a hormonal assay

      3-Polycysttic ovarian syndrome
      *Go do an ultrasound

      4-could be an early pointer to infertility,although infertility in itself ain't a disease
      *cast and bind

      5-it could be normal...ah yes! You heard me right!!! Although rare!!!
      *Do nothing

      My point is,You wouldn't know what the underlying factor is unless you see doctor

      So please go see a doctor for proper check and please don't self medicate on bromocriptine,that it worked for Miss/Mrs A doesn't mean it would work for you,your body ain't same and your triggering factors might not be same...goodluck

  3. Could be an infection who knows go to a laboratory and do what is right ..

  4. Hormonal imbalance triggering the release of oxytocin.....go see a doctor.

    1. Everything seems to be hormal imbalance for u guys...Na waa o

  5. U have hormonal imbalance. See a doctor so u will be given drugs to stop it

  6. Na wa ooo too much problem in this world self. i don dey tire for all this am hearing. God will help you ooo. you better look for a boy to suck your breast for you. it is well

  7. its either hormonal imbalance or early signs of cancer.go see a good experienced doctor immediately

  8. Tell that person to stop sucking on your breast...
    You and I knows what am saying...

    1. Hahahaha Queen u no well, Poster I'm not laughing at u oh, God will heal u

    2. Foolish old hag

    3. You and I knows true true...

      Meanwhile I concur, cos all these Ayam a Fagin, na dem loloX pass for this life and they don't even loloX with one person cos for their minds dem be Fagin dem go loloX 1gazillion pple in a year and still be claiming virgin, if I heaaaarrrrr! Suck prick, smooch n squeeze bobbi like no tomorrow, virgin my yansh!

      Some do anal and marry their husbands n be forming virgin for d guy.

      I'm not saying this is the case for this babe o, just talking generally cos I knw peeps like that. I even lived with one. She be virgin but different guys dey come sleep over dey smooch smooch loloX lolox but no togi togi so that one come mean say dem be virgin.. smh

    4. Madam gagool, you no lie. My friend did anal with one guy for eight years. Married her hubby a 'virgin'. The guy worships her for it. If u ask me, they are smart.

  9. Its a hormonal imbalance


  10. Infection and hormonal imbalance could cause that. Please go to the hospital for proper examination.

  11. go consult in an out patient clinic. the condition is called galactorrhea. causes may vary. before treatment u may want to be sure thru investigations y u have it (so you are sure its not the scary reasons)

    all the best


  12. Hian.... Doctors Oya Make una Help.. This is Serious..
    .NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

  13. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Woman things.....

  14. Go for a mammogram quickly. It may be a symptom of breast cancer. Have you noticed other changes in your breast too? Early detection is key. Goodluck.

  15. Its hyperprolactineamia.ur prolactin level is high.go and see a doctor. I experienced the same tin. But after taking som drugs prescribed by the doctor it stopped. But it takes time before it stops

  16. 1-sign of infection

    2-high level of prolactin in ur blood can cause breast milk leakage.

    3 change in hormones ( taking cows milk) can cause u to produce milk

    4 lumps in breast too

    Lastly....My dear see ur doctor ASAP

    *Grabs can of pure Heaven*
    guys send ur stories too...ladies can't be d only humans having problem everyday

  17. Go for prolactine test, is not really a big ish.

    1. It's not really a big ish u say???

      Please if uv got no idea whatsoever bout causes of hyperprolactinaemia then just shush it

  18. I do not understand this mid 20's, early 20's, early 30's etc. I mean we do not know you, what's stopping you from mentioning the real age? We Africans though. Btw I'm 25. (See? Not so hard )

  19. Poster go see a GYN u probably have high prolactin,which is a case of hormonal imbalance. If is not treated, it won't stop and chances of taking in is zero. U will be most likely placed on bromocriptine but don't self medicate. Is good to have hormonal assay before treatment so u will know when the case is reducing.

  20. neva heard of dis b4,i wil jx read comments but b4 dat wld ask a questn.Wevever am seeing my period or ovulatin, it always seizes one of my legs. Anybody experiencing same problem?

    1. Not only you leg go jst dey seize coupled with back ache and waist pain..periods tho..we will be fine

  21. I am a mother my breast is wounded
    i went to the hospital..
    people are saying i shouldnt use hospital that i should go traditional.. they say is kokoro oyan..
    please am begging any b.v who can help me with 2,000 naira please.. as i am not buoyant atall and my husband is very broke.. please help me..
    i had to go annonymous to do this please help me

    1. By what means pls???? Indicate something we can reach u through

    2. U go annonymous to beg, then time for coursing out, u use your real name forming Ben10. May God see u through.

    3. U go annonymous to beg, then time for coursing out, u use your real name forming Ben10. May God see u through.

  22. Thats hormone inbalance dear ,maybe you added weight .sometimes not about weight though ,many things can be the cause of hormone inbalance thou ,you can just cut down on carbs eat more of veggies . Doctors here will help you more .

  23. use bromocrptine.

    1. pls don't go about prescribing without no proper investigations to know the cause of the problem. Hormonal issues are not handled this way. @poster pls read chyachebe's comment and pls go see a doctor. Don't be scared u will be fine.

    2. pls don't go about prescribing without no proper investigations to know the cause of the problem. Hormonal issues are not handled this way. @poster pls read chyachebe's comment and pls go see a doctor. Don't be scared u will be fine.

    3. Ain't u silly!!!

      So you want her to go and self medicate

  24. Am guessing hormone imbalance, since you say you are a virgin.
    my mom started producing breast milk as soon as she had her first child and till now it still comes out she went to many doctors and they said it,s a one in thousand stuff, sha go and see a doctor.

  25. I guess u are suffering from Galactorrhea. Doctors over to you.

    1. Your guess is as good as ours

      Although let me state galactorrhea ain't a disease itself

      So words such as you are "suffering" from shouldn't be used

  26. Ur boyfriend don suck ur breast too much na y...

    1. You would know all about stuff like that wouldn't you?

    2. If that was meant to come out as a joke,my dear twas an epic failure

  27. Tell d guy to stop sucking ur breast

    1. U jst sounded lame..more like a serious illitrate..if na guy talk this thing u talk now, I for jst laugh pass.

    2. U jst sounded lame..more like a serious illitrate..if na guy talk this thing u talk now, I for jst laugh pass.

  28. Please, go see a Doctor. It is well with you. Pele!

  29. Hello Stella Bae,fellow Bvs, stella I must commend the job you are doing, I always read your blog but "I comment as anonymous".

    :P.s : I'M STILL A VIRGIN(this is the most important aspect of the write-up) Lol, we are all VA-GINS Hia *in Jay'em's Voice"

  30. This one pass me ooo.....over to the elders

  31. Well I don't know if it is bad but I have come across someone with the same issue. Although it stopped after a while.

  32. No idea, but I think its an infection.
    Oya doctors wey una?

    *Rmn blessed*

  33. its an hormone issue. you have hyperprolactinamea. Go to a reputable lab. please not road side to check your prolactin levels. better still if you can afford a good hospital please do. it also makes it difficult to conceive too.

  34. Na wa o!! U better go for treatment cos dat tin dey block womb o!!!!

  35. I was diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia and was prescribed bromocriptine by my doctor, I finished the dosage but still lactating with decreased menstrual flow...I'm confused and dont even know what to do

    1. My dear since u have taking bromocripting and it didn't stop, then u have to start helping yourself by taking your mind off it..cos most times 'ansiety' is the major cause. Stop thinking too much if u are. One love.

  36. Lactating virgin
    May God heal you

  37. Ur prolactin level has gone overboard!!!
    Go see a gynae b4 it poses itself as a big problem wen u r set to get of luck sweet

  38. See ur doc 4 advice, no need 4 panic, evrytin wil be aiit

  39. My dear you are suffering from a sever case of hyperprolactinaemia. You can google to know more about it and the treatment to take, or better still visit a gynaecologist.

  40. Is a hormonal issue...plz go to d hospital ASAP

  41. Run to lagoon hospital in Victoria island or ikeja for check up!!

  42. Hmm!
    Virgins errwere
    Neva knew Nigerians were dis decent.
    *side eyes*

    1. Even male adult virgins, don't be surprised. Sex is overrated, if it guaranteed happiness prostitutes would be deliriously happy. The diseases, pregnancy, heart ache, cheating etc dodged

    2. Teacher that's an awesome response, and i totally concur

  43. Replies
    1. Nawa for this question. If she was okay, would she share this?

  44. Go see a doctor. Its infection or hormonal imbalance, it also reduces mentral flow, n can block ur womb. Run to a hospital. It will. Even make u to add weight.

  45. Its high prolactin levels. Bv can talk rubish, see wat al u ppl r saying jst bcos she say she b virrgin, I'm sure if she had nt said it una for say na abortion cause am. Tufiakwa. D way ppl reason on this blog sickens me.
    Swetheart, go see a dr, ul b prescribe bromocriptine or u can do it d natural day. Take ewedu soup morn and evening, pls don't add potash, along with vit b6, try it for a month ul see d diff in ur prolactin level.

  46. Is that virgin part neccesary?
    Just asking*side eye*

  47. So many virgins on this blog, which is a good thing if they are all telling the truth..

    Pls see ya doctor...

  48. So many virgins on this blog, which is a good thing*tongue out*if they are all telling the truth..

    Pls see ya doctor...

  49. Your prolatin level is up. Go see a doctor preferably an ob-gyn.

  50. You are probably suffering from high prolactin level, I will advise u see a gynea ASAP, u can also take ewedu daily as dis can be a natural remedy to help reduce that high prolactin level.

  51. Wat's d fuss about r being a virgin?Its non of ur business if she is or not.That u gave up urs when u were 13 doesn't mean there ain't virgins anymore in this country.Mtchewwwww
    Meanwhile,poster u have galactorrhoea 2 to hyperprolactinaemia which can be due to several causes resulting in the excessive secretion of prolactin.
    My advice is, go see a gynaecologist who wld assess u in details,run some investigations n place u on medications
    Avoid self medication please n don't take bromocriptine yet.that it worked for miss A doesn't mean it wld work for u.If it's prolactin secreting brain tumor causing it (not saying u av a brain tumor),no matter the quantity of bromocriptine u take the galactorrhoea won't stop unless the tumor is removed.So the best thing u can do is see a gynaecologist.
    A feedback on how far u've gone would be nice.All the best.

  52. U go Annon dey beg for N2k but you dey buy MB comment. As she said when pple started cussing u, u go form Ben10. hahahahaha make una fear God o and stop making this platform a beg beg place.

    Poster pls go to a govt hospital. God will see u thru.

  53. Its depends, smtime its hormonal bt try and see a doctor and take whatever prescribe to u bcos it happun to friend which she tried a prescription from doctor bt nothin works until she used an herbal drugs (from dis network pple like health care or so) dat dey insert through d vaginal and after some wks, it stops though she's not a virgin and she guess it was an infection dat causes are own prob.


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