*side eyes*
what are you up to today?
Hi Stella,
Love your blog like crayyy..You are one unique lady and I love you
I am a 26 years old lady ,got married some months ago and moved to London to be with hubby.I would like a friend that stays around east London precisely and preferably married also .I am still job hunting and always at home for now when hubby goes to work.
Interested ladies should please contact me through my email address specifically opened for this purpose*wide grin*.
Compliments Stella.
I want to express my sincere and imponderable gratitude to Davidballer for the lipsticks and Stencils, I was a recipient for the giveaway. When I received a call from the courier service saying I had a mail from Uyo, I was taken aback and almost told them they had the wrong number as I didnt expect this gentle man would take the pain of getting these adorning items all the way across to me.
May God continually Bless the works of your hands and increase you in all Ramifications.
May God continually Bless the works of your hands and increase you in all Ramifications.
And Stella, sit tight as you've provoked Heaven's Blessings with your inexplicable/unimaginable acts of kindness.
I apologise for acknowledging the receipt of the items late, been incommunicado courtesy of your Blog, the screen of my phone is still in shambles.
I have attached pictures of the lipsticks and Stencil..I found your favourite colour-no 9. Hehehe

Dear Stella good day, please I am sending this in because of the Ebook please anyone who can help with the book should please help me with it and God will miraculously bless the person.my email is chickito1@gmail.com.
Thanks alot
Chick felix
She didnt specify which but i guess it is the one that has to do with PCOS?right?
Hello Stellz,
Please put this up in the in house news section for blog visitors.
Vacancy is open for experienced fashion designers. Either male or female.
location is GRA Benin.
interested people can contact me on
Stella Sugar sugar. Stellacilous stella, Stella nwanyiobioma. I am yet to recover from overjoy.
Davidballer posted a shoe size 37 giveaway. I applied for my passing out corper member. He replied that he will rather give her a make-up kit that will help her in future than shoe. Lo and behold. The make-up kit just arrived. The young lady couldn't hold her joy when she saw it. She has been showing everyone that cares to listen how angels exist on this Stella blog. Stella even unborn babies are praying for you.
David. May God almighty reward you abundantly. Every prayer request you put to God will NEVER go unanswered. If you are not married, God will give you a wife that will give you so much joy. If you are married, your marriage will never experience any storm In Jesus Name.
Mrs Taiwo has put a new song in my mouth
Dear Stella,
It is with joy and happiness that I write to you .
Stella, I am so happy tears are rolling down my eyes,
Ever since my story was published, Mrs Taiwo has been of immense help to me, just as if I am her younger sister, she calls and texts me, she is the rarest of gems.
And today with her loving and kind assistance, my 3 year search for a job has come to an end, she has helped me get a job. May God be praised.
God has already blessed you ma, God will bless you so much more . May all your dreams and wishes come true and you will always have cause to thank God. You will never know lack ma , you have brought laughter to my face. You will call on God once and he will answer you a thousand times. God will never be far from you when you need him. I am very grateful ma.
Oh Stella,your blog has been a channel of blessing to many, I pray that God will bless you even more abundantly, may he reward you for your kindness in posting people's problem despite criticism from some quarters.
To all Bvs believing God for one thing or the other, God that did mine will meet you all at your points of need.
Sorry for the epistle, I'm just overwhelmed.
My shoki ahn is loading, it will be ready soonest.
Thank you Mrs Taiwo.thank you for believing and sharing in my dream of helping those who are down.
Ediye Korkus, I had the fun of my life last night.
So i have an exam this afternoon and complained to my younger sister yesterday that I hadn't been reading (thanks to your blog, lol). She suggested we went for night class cos she also had an exam. Mind you she is hearing impaired. Na so we go class dey read dey gist using sign language. (we all learnt how to sign). Next Thing an under grad boy and his friends sitting at the table before ours decided to chat us up. He Carried pen and paper so he will communicate. Asked us if we will sleep in class, if we had exams the next day (today) what my name and friend's name was, bla bla bla.
He was just making plenty noise sha. My sis was happy to answer them cos she was bored after 3hours of reading, but I was still reading so I was giving funny answers and one liners, still without uttering a word.
He will then turn to his friends and gossip, saying ' if these girls were talking we for get their name and number since, this black one(referring to me) dey form for us o, she too stubborn, if she dey talk her shakara for plenty (lol).
We became the centre of attention in the class and I was finding it amusing. I later wrote to him and that I had to go back to my books. They were now pitying us, saying how can two pretty girls be deaf ,lol.
He even called another friend of his to come and talk to me if he likes me o smh. That we are his friends. Each time my phone rang (it was on silent mode) I went out to take the call, and asked my sis not to tell them I wasn't deaf. Next thing Satan come spoil our groove o. A distant cousin of ours saw us, and came to say hi. He Was asking what I was doing in school again and bla bla bla. I had to talk na to answer his questions. I turned to look at the boys.
The look on their faces was epic.
They were so confused. They couldn't believe I wasn't deaf and I had heard everything they had said about us. They felt so stupid. My sis and I were in stitches by then. Na so the guys come dey yab their friend. Dey tell am say him don make a fool of himself. People for class dey laugh them. But it made him and his friends shut up and read their books sha. End of amebo. My exam is by 3pm. So is my sister's, Bvs biko wish us luck iyooo. #runs back to books#
Baker urgently Needed In PH.
Dear Stella,
Good morning.
I am a regular blog visitor though I seldom comment. Day I try comment sef you go use my comment take do firewood. LOL
I live in Port Harcourt and I need one of us (Blog visitor) who's based here too and makes very good and modestly priced cakes for business.
Kindly publish this mail in today's IHN if possible. I can be reached VIA this mail. beautifulamazon007@gmail.com
Best regards,
You can earn an average of 60k to 70k monthly by working for 2 hours a day between 4pm to 6pm or 5pm to 7pm. Log on to www.eduteachtutors.com and apply as a tutor. We have about 400000 parents in our database throughout Nigeria who are looking for your service. Once we have your parameters in our database, we will connect you with clients that are very close to your home free of charge. We can also be reached on 07036701858 or you send your CV to tutor@eduteachtutors.com
Parents who need Lesson Teacher for their kids can also visit our website and request for a tutor or send us a mail at info@eduteachtutors.com.
Our cusson baby has made it to top 10!
she is at number four.
I am yet to hear from her mum,another blog visitor sent this in....
Blog visitor Almost Got Slapped by Stranger For telling a
Driver to vote GEJ
This was sent yesterday.
Stella Bae, how was toady na, hope you had a nice day 2day? Mine was going well until I almost got slapped by a stranger for saying vote GEJ. See how the story goes!
The evening while coming home I. Boarded a bus along with my friend, my friend deciced to be funny 2day so I. Joined him to enjoy myself, see as the. Entire passenger was laughing from every angle Of the bus,fast forward to half way our journey a lady asked my friend who he would vote. And he replied her his forefather and another laughter ensued, thats How we started discussing politics o! When it comes to politics I have a lot on me to say thats how everybody paid attention as I was talking, I never supported any party I Just presented reasons for all to consider and so we discussed till I got to my bus stop.
Coming down. From the bus the Driver shook my hand in acceptance to all I have said, I was smiling uncontrollably enjoying the moment while it lasted and I jokingly told the driver to vote for Jonathan something said turn back and say the opposite so I quickly turned. And said no Driver vote Buhari I was still laughing when I turned to see a figure behind me saying" guy you be wan f**k up, I for lite U now" so I quickly said haba. bros na Buhari na!
This guy was so close to that if I had not change my statement I would have turned to the slap and he was smelling drink and weed.
Fellow BVs make una help thank God o na so I for collect slap when nor be my own o!!
Abeg Stella bae post it in IHN so dat fellow BVs should Learn to use discretion in this politics mata o. Thanks
LOL,you sound like person when go sabi fear oh!..loooool
Good day to you Stellakork(lol) .Thank you for the wonderful job you are doing,you are making wonderful impacts in people's lives.I pray God will continue to bless and enlarge your coast. I need help from blog visitors who by chance have a baby cot to give away.My baby is fast outgrowing the small sleeping net she's using and i'm not buoyant enough to get her a cot. If God lays it in your heart to help us i can be reached on kem1.adeyem04@gmail.com. Thanks and God bless you all.
Stella good afternoon,
May God continue to bless you and bless your family Amen. Stella I am the lady you posted her cry for help last time on in-house news about my daughter's school uniform and her shoes. Oh God Stella, words can not describe my happiness. I didn't know God loves me this much, May his name forever be praised .He is still the God of old. His mercies never end and I promised him I will serve him all the days of my life.
I Am typing in tears, he embarrassed me so much that a lot of Angels on your blog blessed me with cash gift, in the sense that the amount became more than the uniform and shoe. To all the angels who blessed me , may your cup never run dry,may you be favored in all angles, may everything you lay your hands upon prosper, unmerited favour and longevity will be your portion in Jesus name, no evil shall befall your household in Jesus name . You all shall grow old and see your children prosper and feed you in Jesus name Amen.it is well with you all, thank you everyone am so happy. Thank you Stella ,thank you, you are indeed an angel from heaven sent on a mission. God bless you all.
please let bvs manage these cards...
Stella this is the pic of her new uniform, socks and shoe and the last pic is that old uniform
Stella please help me thank bv Oyinade, I received the sum of 10,000
on the 26th from him for my son's fees. I don't know who this person
is,but God will surely bless him for helping me with a child. I'm so
over happy that my son is back to school. Thank you so much and God
bless you
Please patronize blog visitor's business
Good day stella sugar and fellow sdkers, i must commend you mrs korkus for the wonderful work you are doing on these blog, putting smiles on people's face in your own little way. Please help me post this on your in house news . I need fellow sdkers to patronise a young single lady for their social and home service deliveries such as Ayamase stew, Jamaican sauce, agonyin sauce, Efo riro, Edikang ikong, Oha, Fried rice etc. .
Soup is available per bowl plus delivery, i also train people on how to cook different soups. Discount for sdkers. Phone No:08144820934
huh?please what is ayamase stew?
Stella dearest, what would I do without you! After my Tuesday IHN post about needing baby items, my mail box was bursting with such overwhelming response as I've never imagined! Most of the offers brought me to tears. I had to turn some down because I had already accepted a similar offer, while I couldn't get some because of distance and shipping costs (I live in Abuja and majority of the response came from Lagos). Some even shipped the items free of charge for me, while some sent me cash, including from "obodo oyibo" sef (western union things, hehehe)! Me, I never see dis kind generosity before o. SDKers are definitely angels in disguise!
I'm so overwhelmed, I just can't find the words to express my gratitude. My knees have gone down countless times before God for these wonderful people and for you too, Stella, for this beautiful platform of blessings. May God reward y'all immensely! I'll definitely let you know when our bundle of blessings arrives.
Hi Stella.
Thank you so much for this interactive medium God has used you to create.
I also want to say a big thank you to BV pinky berry for the soft copy of GMAT she sent to me even though it was someone else she wanted to send it to.
Thank you very much. God bless Pinky berry, God bless Stella, God bless the SDK family and God bless Nigeria.
BV Prisca
I get amebo for you today
(pidgin tins)
I dey office when my colleague come dey give me gist.
His neighbor has been happily married to his wife for 20 years, only for her to come home one day with a grown boy to tell the man that it is her son.
Chei..see gobe
Some women can keep secrets ooo
Hi stella.i want to refer to yestedays ihn post about the vacancy at the school masters academy ajah.am just coming from there and there is no vacancy for a biology teacher.please people should get their facts straight before wasting other peoples time and transport fare.anyway,the principal said they are in dire need of a CHEMISTRY teacher not biology.so if u have the qualificatilns please apply.
Vacancy for an experienced Biology teacher preferably with B.Ed (Chemistry) exist at
School Masters Academy
25, Addo-Badore Road, Ajah. Lagos
( opposite Ecobank, after Ajah Roundabout on Lekki-Epe Expressway )high flying school for Graduate Teachers at a new Junior Secondary School in Mojoda Epe, Lagos State
Call in person or make enquiries to ; folabifrancisca@yahoo.com.Thanks
sorry about the error,i have changed it.
The school fees post will be up tomorrow.
I pray that GOD moves people who have tp participate and help those
who dont.Someone has paid in 10k to support this cause..Thank you for believing in this blog.
I dey hungry...The lady that makes my jollof rice is outta town...wetin i go do ?Mscheeeeew!
just me,
Hi Stella sugar the name they sweet oohh Lol. I sent you a mail towards the end of last year on how to use a million naira to start a restaurant well I have decided to start an online food delivery service first before opening the restaurant, so I have a delivery bike but no driver don't know if you can help me put up the vacancy for a bike driver am based in abuja so the driver must live within Gwarinpa or its environs must be humble and hard working. Whoever is interested can mail me on genevieveohale@yahoo.com
The school fees post will be up tomorrow.
I pray that GOD moves people who have tp participate and help those
who dont.Someone has paid in 10k to support this cause..Thank you for believing in this blog.
I dey hungry...The lady that makes my jollof rice is outta town...wetin i go do ?Mscheeeeew!
just me,
Is there anyone who can sublet a flat for me in port harcourt. At least a room will be appreciated. Draw a mail or number under my comment so i can reach u.
ReplyDeletePls someone should sow a seed of 1000 glo recharge card in my life ooooh.......
DeleteAm not fast in dancing dis shoki aahh dance
Pinky berRy, I snt u a mail 2 times but didn't get any reply.
Thanks 2 all d givers
Choi!! See as i just quickly scrolled down to see if i will find Etisalat shoki ahhhh, nothing. lemme now go back and read properly. I think today IHN is berra dan yesterday's.
ReplyDeletePlease click on my name for Fashion/Fitness/Beauty tips
obwoi... Today that i didnt leave hauz wid ma Mtn sim see as Richard Card plenty.. God bless the givers. God will one day or another bless those begging to give. Amen.
ReplyDeleteMake i scroll up read IHN jare.
Lord bless all d givers!!!
DeleteAnd they have loaded all the cards. Mchweess. Today that I need this richard card like blood. Let me go back and read the IHN.
ReplyDeleteyou need it like blood?hmmm!..ok,click on my name and send me your network....it is well
DeleteGod bless all the givers and receivers
ReplyDeleteAmebo gist, lmao but may God not make you deaf in Jesus name.
Amebo on Vote GEJ. who send you message? you don't know the masses are full of anger for Jonathan's.
you get luck.
ATTN: Don Davido!!!
Ref: Sunday laughs
I laughed my ass off looking at that pic. That my ‘palazzo trouser’ and that of Nwuye General no be here oh! Be like my own na ‘camo’ sef! See my pose naaa….Iphie be like correct mgbeke feeling funky. chai! BLOGLORD and the gang rocking it…kikikikikiki. I showed my hubby the pic and he burst into laughter asking me ‘so baby how did you manage to transform?’ hahahahhaha
Make I catch you first Don, I shall deal with you.
Amboh ooooo Amboh!
Ambohhh oooo Amboh!
Eko se se bee re ni o
Amboh ooo!
Gba gbe!
So! unto the business of the day….
If you hear your name, stand up and move to the right.
*adjusts glasses and clears throat*
Cute shawty,
Debbie me,
Jesus baby,
xclusive esther,
babyface assassin,
peach 1,
ammy becky,
Queen Arabella,
ada onyema,
ileola omosekeji,
pink sunset,
beautiful and gifted,
Dr Ennie
Kenny Suleiman,
frayna jean,
frances chesca,
Chummy cho cho,
Olarinde Juliet,
The only controller G,
aisha jane,
preacher’s wife
crystal and splendid summer.
*clears throat again*
If you hear your name move to the left
Oluyomi odukoya,
chick felix,
Dr Orela,
Goldscent Diamond,
Stella Asemota,
Nuvi Honey,
Genny baby,
Nwuye General,
Irene B,
Healing Rain,
Chi Ada Jesus,
Olivia silk
Tayan taylor
my blog daughter-cynthia iyede,
Kehinde Ake,
Don Davido,
Jay moore,
sdk first son,
Mrs bitchbiko
Charismatic Diva,
Bianca Bruno,
Chizoba ibebuike,
Miss ess
Tetrina Diaries,
viva ciara,
patt ogar,
Anonymous-Blaqi…..(you know yourself)
Linda Eze-the queen and the boss of the blog reloaded.
All of you to the left!
Now to these set of people…
Mr Fantastic,
Aboki Na Mallam,
Yomslaw the Teethus
Dr Okechukwu,
Martins Aboy,
Mrs Zulu,
N Dr Agwoturumbe
okija wife,
Ewu somebody,
Pepper ose oku the eygptian neck
Mrs D
Y’all. ….Remain in the middle!
If you did not hear your name at all at all, form two groups: A and B!
All anonymous form group C.
iamcalm biatchez, stand aside and alone, your case is different.
Everyone remain in your positions, I shall be back to tell you all something!
BBC, hold brief for me. I de come.
Why am I moving to the left?
DeleteU are a clown, what is the meaning of this.
Deletepresent ma.....
DeleteJayEm, so you have grown wings to be questioning a whole class captain? Kneel down and fly your arms!
Delete*Bites fingers in anticipation* #GroupA LMAOOOO
DeleteLol. I hope i'm safe
DeleteOkay, holds position and checking ma time. Clocks ticking...
Present anty....I've moved to d left..is dat where dey are sharing gold plated iPhones? Hehehehehehe..Bloggie Bloggie..I raise nyash for u!
DeleteHmmm....this left I'm on...lol
DeleteI don't think I like to be on the left with some certain people in that group. Lol.
DeleteCan you pls move me to the right or middle.
Choi....I cannot find my comment ooo.
DeleteBloggie do and come back o, I am very curious...lol
Bloglord y I no hear my name for attendance list,ok my comment nva plenty reach for sdk blog?or as I nva sabi b attacker and defender? Abeg add my name for the list oooo,i no wan hear say anything dey happen for SDK blog I no follow.i am a qualified member of this blog.u all take note.
DeleteChai! Rev sis. Bloggie you just remind me of judgment day, you go hear your name to go either to left or right or remain where you are, your heart go come dey beat as you dey wait to hear where you dey go.
DeleteI dey wait oh!
Seriously? U av d list of all BVs?? Wow!! Where is my name ooo??
DeleteAm here already waiting for d koko...lolz
DeleteBlogLord, Present ma. I dey stand with my hands behind me until u release me. Lol
DeleteBlogLord, this one na roll call abi na staff position?
I'm sha present oh.
Hope better dey for us?
I dey wait.
*Shines teeth*
BlogLord, Present ma. I dey stand with my hands behind me until u release me. Lol
DeletePresent Ma
DeleteCome, blogie you don turn to traffic warden abi na soldier? All these left right tins so
DeleteLol, you are wonderful (something else).... Wetin won shele...I pity that person whose case is different, don't want to be in your shoes....
DeletePlease quickly come o Bloggie...
As I no hear my name where I go stand now?
DeleteMake I join group A jejely
Deletelol...bloglord abeg o!..i guess those at the middle are the missing bvs..present o!....it is well
DeleteBlog lord this is cheating oh, cancel that list, my name is not there
DeleteHahahahahaa! I'm standing o! To remember all these names??? Babez, u try! I doff my hat mbok.
DeleteHahahahahahahahahaha .....
DeleteBloglord,left ke...hmmmm...me am not going...
Btw,where is Okija wife,pepper,sweetest pussy and Julit???...
Dint see my name ooooo!!!*crying *
DeleteHian i didnt hear my name oo..
DeleteMoving to the left to join mrs d lol
Bloglord, where I go stand ?????
DeleteEvery1 move left right centre, while I move to the Top with Stellasticokoyummysizzling *wide grin*
DeleteBloglord Where Me I Ho Stand As I No hear My name? So una neva still notice me reach?
Deletechai...hope say Bloggie never share the goodie finish sha. Ahaaaaa I just pray I'm not late oo.
This sickness eh,it is well.
Present ma, bloglord hope we are safe? I don Stand for my line since ooo! I want to go and wee-wee now sef.
DeleteAnything coming,madam you be number 1 clown
DeleteBloglord present Ma! This one wey our group dey left kwanu? OK oo. I dey wait, hope say better dey. *shines teeth*
DeleteHa GD! Knees on the ground, hands on the air!
DeleteIt won't repeat itself again.
DeleteRev sis bloggy you don cray seriously!
Oya na, as i no hear my name, make i hang for air, if i mess e go circulate.
Awww! That make-over kit is so lovely! I wish I won it! I really need like need that ryt now...may God bless all the givers, u'll will never lack!
ReplyDeleteGod's blessing are always with the givers in here and those that received will have enough to give someday too. Amen.
ReplyDeleteStella God bless your kind gestures. All will always be well with you IJN. You dey try abeg.
Also had one mad delicious jollof rice today, prepared by mummy **** Mennnn! She's good.
Shout out to Bloglorg. God bless you dear.
Okay. Seen.
ReplyDeleteZero inspiration to share a story today.
I'll be back to observe.
Observation mode today!
DeleteBecause of Eesah's comment concerning Bloglord, I went to read yesterday's IHN. I can't keep up theses days.
I stumbled on your NEPA story. Hahahahahaha
Who was the "last zero" Mummy not jailed nah?
It's Naija nau, when Nepa was Fed govt owned then. Who wants to follow the case up?
DeletePeople just pitied her.
Lmao @ amebo gist, that slap would have given you enough stars.....
ReplyDeleteStella sugar, ur the best.
Okay brb.
ReplyDeletePheeeww! Feels good to be back home(SDKB).
DeleteIHN still rocks and so do you all.
God bless all the givers in the house.
Stella keep up the good work.
@ roseflower ! Missed you
DeleteGood to see you
welldone givers and receivers....it is well
ReplyDeleteeach time i see men that claim to be secretive, i just laugh cos women are secret personified.
ReplyDeleteLoaded as usual
ReplyDeleteCute babies
ReplyDeleteIHN making sense since 1400,ll come bck to read carefully
ReplyDeleteThank you Linda for not sharing those pixs of Tuface and mad Pero.
I just luv you too much.
Please bring me some Kardashian news oh Jare.
Someone like Oliversilk will come here and tell stella that she loves her guts,hypocrites everywhere!
DeleteShed more light please
Our OliviaSilk?
DeleteThese BVs are not loyal...
Genny baby, come and see our *inside gist*...lol
DeleteHmmmmmm Oliviasilk fear God oh...All these asslicking and eyeservice u are doing from blog to blog,diaris God oh! Fakers everywhere...
DeleteJust like people who hails u with their name but goes anon to cuss u out..SMH!!
DeleteHiller are you sure it's our own Oliviasilk?
Na wa oooo
DeleteYou see?! These BV s ain't loyal at all.
DeleteHmmmm....... we dey observe.
Ass lickers are bound to embarrass themselves one way or another. Dunno if ppl can't be normal and be themselves for a change.
DeleteHahahahaha @ Tetrina.
DeleteBabe, I knew BVS will bring this gist here.
I trust them.
@ BV dt almost got slapped, u better thank ur stars for it's wasn't some1 like me that u were jokingly telling 2 vote Jonathan. I'd hv fired ten gun shots straight in2 ur skull.
@Bloggy, saw ur comment yestday, and I gotta say na u biko. The hatchet was buried a long time ago that's if there's any hatchet 2 begin with.
Anyways, ur blog bro still dey humble and loyal.
#one luv 2 ya
I like you!!!!!
DeleteBv that almost got slapped, I'm not surprised, buhari's supporters are always violent just like their leader
DeleteHmnn... Nice make up kit. Davidballer, I want too
ReplyDeleteIHN making more sense .God bless all givers.Stella i dont know what is difficult in making jollof rice ,is as simple as abcd.
ReplyDeleteMrs Taiwo God Bless you and other givers.you people are wonderful. IHN rocks
ReplyDeleteIf I were the man that his wife brought a grown up son, that the end of the marriage. Better tell me at d beginning so I can decide if I can bear or not
ReplyDeleteI pray God to bless me soon so I can bless others. Can't wait to give even though I haven't been lucky with the giveaways. God bless u Stella
ReplyDeleteGetting ready for an exam I'm not even sure I'll be allowed to write. I have to study though
ReplyDeleteOk, I don read finish.
ReplyDeleteDear David Baller, Biko Nwannem, I wouldnt mind that makeup kit oo
Cry for help BV, happy for you dear, I can imagine your joy,
Our cusson baby, im happy my vote counted *shines teeth, I pray u win.
Omo, I love that short amebo gist oo, some women sha, after 20 years, you decide to trow a bomb, nawa ooo
Please click on my name for Fashion/Fitness/Beauty tips
God bless you Stella.
ReplyDeleteThe 1st Amebo gist abt the ladies gistin wt sign language got me laffing out loud.
ReplyDeleteGod bless the givers. and u too stella kork!
ReplyDelete@Ediye korkus...."beautiful Korkus"
ReplyDeleteEar impaired ladies are always pretty by the way......ur story funny... I read till the last,unlike lazy me.....
Abeg my blog FAM...make una take thing election.thing small small....some.people are just crazy......
I don't discus politics in a taxi or even on bike.....not even in class..... I only do that with my room mate or here on line
Bcos some mad people no wan ear @Gej name at all....likewise some mad people no wan ear @Buhari name... ..at timea in d bus..dem go talk tire...if u no answer....dem go say...u don get ur PVC?....eeh eeh....who u go vote for?.....if u talk d one wen no favour their ear.....na fight be that
Lets be wise!!!!
Kai Galore, as u are supporting PDP wey 2 slap u dey hungry me so, if we enter the same bus and political matters arises, jes kno dt u are not safe. Believe me!
Delete*rapping in Lil wayne's voice*
I'll hit ur a55 with my chopper, all I'll leave is ur legs..
Let me complete it for u..
DeleteHeaven on Earth...Wonders without end..that is our new realm..
My Winners sister..howdy
heaven on earth. winners family i hail o!...it is well
Deletewhich network?
DeleteAll rechard use!
ReplyDeleteDear BVs, I have a word for those that beg unreasonably on this blog to desist from it. I'm not trying to pick on anyone but the lady that ask for baby cot, buy 1000 naira mosquito net and put around your bed. Let your baby sleep on the same bed with you if the baby net is too small. It's not as if those that give have in excess, so let's not abuse this opportunity. Thanks
ReplyDeleteLet them keep begging shamelessly since the blog is now a " Beggars Forum".
DeletePerhaps if Stella's blog didn't exist they would have all died by now.There are some items you don't even collect from strangers no matter the level of poverty.
Instances:It is my wife's birthday, blog visitors please i need presents to give her.I will rather happily drink garri on my birthday with my husband than receive gifts that he practically begged for.Is it my last birthday on earth? Who says subsequent ones won't be bigger and better?
Dear bvs i need a phone as if i had a phone in the university and it prevented me from graduating.
i need a laptop, nonsense!!
i need baby things, i need human hair..
i need to pay my rent, i need 150k, just like that? You think the ones that chose not to beg have no problems?
i need a hand bag when you can get a used one for as low as 1,000 but you can buy data?
I need toys for my baby,
i need pampers, how many of you wore pampers as babies? Buy nappy and be washing it, isn't that what most of you wore?
i am pregnant i feel like eating cake, una no dey shame? Please beg only if it is a life and death situation or absolutely necessary.
Surprisingly, all these "association of beggars" can always afford to buy data on their phones.
it is blessed to give but the way it is done here is sickening.
if this blog didn't exist what would you have done?
Watch people concoct incredible stories tomorrow, i will rather go to a motherless babies home , those ones glaringly need help.
I am out, truth is bitter than Bitter Kola!!
God bless u,even me dat has a cot ,I used dat net thing till he started sharing my bed nd I had to put up d big normal net to avoid malaria. Some ppl will never cut their coat .rubbish
Deleteyea i concour with above peepz. abeg, (some)begging get me sick in my belly..this should not be everyday thing. we should take this blog to another level, so that, companies can advertise more here...some blogs don't even have half of comments generated on any post here, still, they have more adverts than SDK. we should limit it please!. my 99cents...it is well
DeleteBitter soul, giving brings blessing and I must continue to give cus it is the source of wealth, move away here with your devilish heart. Aka super glue. Yet when you wake up you beg God for life.
DeleteI'm a regular BV seeking employment for a while now, so about two weeks ago I saw an add for a "MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE" for a "PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY" on the newspapers so I applied to my greatest amusement (and suspicion) I got a call that same day around "10pm" (again I say suspicion) from the employers, a male called saying he wanted to confirm what state I'm applying to, I told him and he said he will get back to me. Two days later or so I got an email saying I've been short-listed attached to the mail was a form to fill my personal details, previous working experience, academic records etc (with where this is going now I regret filling my personal details into that form). I filled and submitted, in the column of "when will you be available for appointment" my spirit told me to put a far date so I obeyed my spirit and put a date about 5months away. Same day at about "10pm" (again!) same number called same person saying he got my mail but that I made a mistake in the date available for appointment that he wanted to get the real date I told him it wasn't a mistake that that's when i'll be available to resume work he said ok and hung up. Fast forward to yesterday that's two weeks after I initially applied for this position I got a text at "11:30pm" (*rolls eyes*) saying I've been short listed (again) and should indicate preferred time for phone interview from "10pm" Tuesday to Saturday this week (Interview or coven meeting?) and here comes the good part, the text also says I should send my "FULL PHOTOGRAPH" along with my response to their email. Now ok maybe I'm paranoid hence I'm on this platform to be un-paranoid but I just feel deep down in my spirit something is fishy. I left out the name of the company just in case they're real. Fellow BVs abeg any of una don pass through this kind of interview before?
ReplyDeleteFull photograph?
DeleteYou are being interviewed for "olosho" work?
If they had certain physical attributes they were looking for, a reputable company will wait till you come for the interview and assess you discretely.
Hii M.I.A, you can try a research on the company, check if they've got an official website and if they do, try and verify its authenticity and get in touch with them via any available contact section. Ask necessary questions regarding their on going recruitment process and compare their response with your recent line of communication with this man. It sounds fishy tho.
DeleteObvious scam
DeleteThis is scam. Which HR officer calls someone by midnight and asks for a picture not even passport sef...
DeletePray and cover your data's which you submitted with the blood of Jesus.
Too obvious a scam, no respectable company will call u by 10pm. Sefini.
DeleteAll rechard used!
My sis is gona love that tutor opportunity
ReplyDeleteI need a Mrs Taiwo' in my life at this point..wow! God bless your heart Ma'am
God bless every heart,you all make IHN lively and interesting.
Wow! God bless all the givers. Congrats to all the receivers. God bless you too Stella for doing this.
ReplyDeleteIHN making more sense .God bless all givers.Stella i dont know what is difficult in making jollof rice ,is as simple as abcd.
ReplyDeleteAyamase is Ofada stew
ReplyDeleteI love n make it very well.
DeleteGod bless the givers.
ReplyDeletePlease pink berry i would be grateful if i can also get a soft copy of G-mat. Thank you!!!
Stella please can I post my email address.
Blessings everywhere
ReplyDeleteMy Giveaway loading
2015 is a good year
Awwwwww. IHN! Where do I start commenting today?!
ReplyDeleteToday's IHN for me, is all about Mrs.....
-The generous heart on this Mrs Taiwo though. Testimony about her is always a bomb. You are just too good madam.
It is my pleasure to announce to you that you win the heart of God already. And HE has perfectly perfected your ways. It is super well with you madam.
Mrs Taiwo, I wouldn't mind a queue on your lists. (My greatest concern is JOB).
God bless you more as you reach out...
«Jealous SDKer«
David Baller pls I'm in Uyo and i love the lipsticks.
ReplyDeleteDnt mind paying for them.
What's ur email addy?
Stella please kindly repost his email.
@oliviasilk, i hear you are a SELLOUT?i also read that you are a traitor!..how true are all these accusations? you better defend yourself....it is well
DeleteMe three. Lol
Waiting for the mail too.
Aww!! God bless all the givers!!!
ReplyDeleteGod bless all d givers,planning a huge Suprise for the motherless babies in my area this valentine.
ReplyDeletechaii... see that make-up kit o. i love it like kilode.. i wish is for me as am about to go into make -up things. the last time i price it, it was about 16,000+. God bless all the givers. givers never lack. mrs. Taiwo God will meet u at the point of ur needs o.
ReplyDeleteIn house news making sence since 1912.SDK bigger you i pray and to all the givers God bless u all am so happy for the little girl she got her new uniform The lady in uk looking for frd why don't u attend church and make new frds
ReplyDeleteBombastic IHN
ReplyDeleteGod bless David Baller
God bless Mrs Taiwo
Madam come and adopt me too na.
Happy for our Cusson baby...
I remember the day I wrote
Goodluck till 2019 on my dp,
my bbm contacts finished me that day..
And she has started adding signature to in house news??? Stella u too funny. Ha! God bless all the givers and receivers, amen. God bless u too stella
ReplyDeleteBLOG ANALYSER: SDK Saving lives since 1900
ReplyDeleteGod bless all the givers. I need make-up kit too.
ReplyDeleteFor real? Exam don finish?
DeleteThere is no dull moment with IHN.
ReplyDeleteAll the blessed givers may God reward you all.
Ndi asiri una ministry is moving up to the permanent site.
Stella well done,
Aww pretty girl wt the new uniforms.God continue to bless u and ur mum and answer ur prayers. Amebo bv success in ur exams! Dnt mind nyt class guys! They never read! (uniben faculty of social science and law was their base during ma sch yrs)
ReplyDeleteStella n jollof rice! Kikikiki
ReplyDeleteYaaaayyy..I am so happy for "our" cusson baby.
ReplyDeleteAbeg come employ me make I b ur personal jollof cook,if I prepare jollof for u,u go ask 4 more,am in 9ja,can send it through DHL for u,or if that not ok,you fit kuku ma send for me to come stay with u for obodo Germany as Niger don tire person,God bless all the givers,and also bless me to to b a blessing to sm1 soonest,amen.
ReplyDeleteIHN sure rocks!
ReplyDeleteGod bless all the givers and receivers as well.
For the guy who almost got slapped, hmmm, people need to be extra careful during this period, I particularly do not involve in 'public transport gist' no matter what. If u must talk about politics, do so with people u know and are familiar with cos these political thugs are not smiling now o ehen.
@eduteachconsults, I would send a mail asap. I hope you would have clients outside Lagos.
I read comments under my post in IHN yesterday @TGW -hugging u ryt back... I love it so much when u write 'This too shall pass' its very encouraging, thanks dearie.
@Chizoba, YES my hubby is a preacher (pastor)
@MOI- thanks my love, no job yet but still hustling. #hugs.
OMG what kind of pastor is dis? U better report him to the church elders.What an irresponsible man he is..SMH!
DeletePreacher wife,God bless u. Ur story is touching, I read it also, d lord is ur strength. IHN Always fantastic, God bless d givers and d receivers. But d lipstick dey my eyes, how do I get my own or even buy.
DeleteD person in need of delivery bike driver. My dad can ride and he was sacked from work recently. My phone dsnt permit me to send emails. And i cnt drop my number here. How do i reach u?
Me no no wetin I do stella o! Wey she no wan post my own post! Shuuu aunty stella biko
ReplyDeleteStop discussing politics amongst crowd b4 u find urself in anoda planet. BV'S, plz be careful o
ReplyDeleteLol Bloggie what did we do?? Auntie pls I'm not among oh, I did my duty this morning *sobs*...
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Ronalda Bae pls where r u? U've been MIA for a while. Hope u didn't let anything that was said on this blog get to u? We're all faceless people, no ones opinion of u should matter. I like ur persona, and ur diction. Pls come back inugo? E-hugs!
That ewu called Ezenwanyi has obviously put her off with her omoalata gutter attitude.
DeleteI am yet to know Ronaldas crime, she didn't abuse her,only said she was harsh on Dera.
Next thing she declares war on Ronalda and starts abusing her like the tout she is but i thank God Ronalda reduced her to nothing and finished her.
One of the few people wey get head for here is Ronalda, she has a lovely blog personality and is quite intelligent.
Awwww am so happy for that little girl in her uniform and new shoes
ReplyDeleteGod bless everyone.....Busy at work..okbyeee
IHN rocks!
ReplyDeleteGod bless the givers n receivers.
*Rmn blessed*
Please only. The recipient of David Ballet's lip colour , can you dash me one from it. Ejooo
ReplyDeleteI really want to learn sign language. I love it a lot. Been extra busy, running up and down. My dad's 10th is on Sunday and everyone is busy preparing. Bloglord, this one wey you call me, it had better be you wanna make me a millionaire o cos as I dey now, I dey para. Hiller, na today? I'm not moved by oh I love you Stella, you are the bestest.
ReplyDeleteI really want to learn sign language. I love it a lot. Been extra busy, running up and down. My dad's 10th is on Sunday and everyone is busy preparing. Bloglord, this one wey you call me, it had better be you wanna make me a millionaire o cos as I dey now, I dey para. Hiller, na today? I'm not moved by oh I love you Stella, you are the bestest.
ReplyDeleteThank God for that girl... IHN rock.. I Waka
ReplyDeleteGod bless all the givers, I love you stella, u are my naija Oprah. We the BEST
ReplyDeleteIHN rocks
ReplyDeleteMarried woman in East London, you wey newly come wan make your husband come dey look for who to blame anytime una argue? Because imported (DHS) wives are best avoided, don't worry when you start work, you will have plenty friends. I leave in East London but from experience, I don't get involved with newly imported wives. Watch sky!
ReplyDeleteStellacoco sugar & jollof rice,,,ihn rocks always no 1..
ReplyDeleteIHN Rocks
ReplyDeleteThank God for all the givers, God bless you all.
Come you this stella you no sabi cook jollof rice abi na wetin? Because you don do one decade plus some years for obodoyibo you don forget as your mama teach you to cook rice? Park well joor
ReplyDeleteAwwww mummy stella jbaby has already forward d Ebook to me and immediately she did I sent u a mail.... Thank you very very much jbaby thanks dear I really appreciate.....
ReplyDeleteChick Felix
Yaaaaay. Ediye Korkus, I see you. #Runs back to take exam#
ReplyDeleteam tired of my marriage..too many issues.i am so tired.
ReplyDeleteIHN rocks
ReplyDeleteSo many lives are been touched and it gladdens ma heart.
I observed that some people are seeking for what to do at their leisure time, am sure you will like to cease this very opportunity and add a second pay check or have another stream of income, anybody can participate not minding where you reside and its free to join. Visit my blog www.loisyassat.com and get started immediately.
Hey! Beautiful Amazon, I make very unique beautiful and tasty cakes in Port harcourt. I sent you a Mail to Check out my blog name for some pictures.
ReplyDeleteGod bless all givers!
ReplyDeleteGod bless Stellastica Sugar!
God bless SDKers!
God bless Moi
God bless the beautiful souls of sdk'ers. Uncle David baller please don't leave me out in the lipstick give away
ReplyDeleteMadam Taiwo u are already bless and u will forever remain bless. Thank you to all the givers..........
ReplyDeleteIHN news!! Thanks to all the givers. Madam hope u didn't buy just one set of uniform for ur beautiful girl. The amebo gists are quite funny.
ReplyDeleteInhouse news is as dry as harmattan but we gon make it wet.
ReplyDelete"Invokes hurricane on Inhouse news*
It must be more than wet.
Bloggy...i don move left
abi na right
Oops ,my name dey for left
I don move sharpaly
Anything for the gurls??
Oya everyone follow my lead
March like soldiers and chant
*left* *left* *left
Bloggy...is left for PDP or APC?
Make i know ooo .
Inhouse amebo
You are trying ooo
But u never reach professional amebo status.
Naughty Jayem
Reading your comment makes my day.
Nwunye General
I look forward to your gist oo
You should be contributing to SDK.
Catwalk with PAT...hallo
G_PHARM...Have you stopped seeing dead people?
Sabongida...How far?
Angela4something...your bad mouth reduced this year, it seems you have a boo now?
Pinkshell...where u dey?
Are you the first person to write exams?
Wait a minute,
Is the name of your school "school of life"
You have been in school since the days of Lord Lugard.
Onu m shuttup
Before they will say, i said.
I was going through Singles and Mingles post to see i i can select some BVS for "wife material connection"
And i became weak
Girls are single mehn
I started thinking
O dikwa somehow
Are you sure SDK will not organize mountain prayers for you guys instead of singular&plural post.
Very soon mature girls will start wedding fetus male
Na waoh
Preachers wife...I am giving you a hug right now
Uniki Daniel...where u dey na?
Kehinde...idikwa scarce? i don't blame you mehn, you are busy mailing 400 single girls on S&M post.
These days,
Men have babymama, wifey and sidechic plus reservoir
Wifey misbehaves, back to Babymama
Babymama misbehaves, back to wifey
Wifey packs and goes, back to babymama and sidechic
Then he marries babymama, and impregnates sidechic
Babymama becomes wifey, sidechic becomes babymama, reservoir becomes sidechic
Its like a ladder.
If you don't get it, don't force yourself
The name of the Nollywood films i just typed are
"Flavor in the sugarcane"
" Scrawny -in my bed"
"The wandering penis in the land of Danjuma"
"His innocent side revealed"
"Confused prince of the Iceland"
"The many lies of Peter"
"The bliz of wannabe Jayz"
"Story of the Chidi and the empty skull"
This is so funny
Deletenne you are mouthed..am right here gathering what makes women happy.two fingers in the air...it is well
DeleteI'll love to watch 'The bliz of wannabe Jayz.
XOXO..... Hmmmm work wan keee me.....
DeleteI need full body massage this weekend , XOXO fix that for me pls .
Lol. U have made my day. I am no longer sad. Thank you
DeleteXO XO my love kisses back to u.
DeleteIn house news rocks!!!
I'm surprised u didn't have a word of insult for me today. Bravo. Clap for yourself. U do well!
DeleteFunny woman.
DeleteMay God bless all the givers and the receivers. May God continue to bless u too Stella for touching many lifes positively evryday.
ReplyDeleteBlogy, I dey wait patiently for ur something o. How are u doing?
tnk God my name is not there so am not yet recognize in this family. God is watching u pple in 3G
ReplyDeleteWe love you and you are more than recognized.
DeleteThat doesn't mean she doesn't love Stella kork too. People should stop creating unnecessary problems between both bloggers. Its not right.
ReplyDeleteStella,i love u more than love itself. one of a kind..God bless u and ur home
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBlog lord am here o!
Why am I on the right side.
God bless all d givers.... IHN rocks. Stella dear, tnx a lot 4 all u are doing with dis platform. U are blessed already...
Mrs Taiwo has been putting a lotta smiles and BV's Face. God Bless you for all of us. May your pocket never run dry. Please, I need you in my life too dis period ehn. Stella, I am earnestly looking forward to the School Fees post wait tomorrow. I wish you know ho much I need this.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless all givers and I will definitely do a giveaway on this Blog someday.
To those richard card's Loaders, Una well done ooo ehn. Make una dey do Air BV dey go. God dey.......
Keep the good work going stella. God bless you too
U made me shrill with laffter @ shola. Ogini??? hahahahahahahah. E reach that level abi na joke? Make e b joke ooooo abi wetin u talk Stella???
ReplyDeleteAll this trekking under sun in abuja searching for jobs na wao.
ReplyDeleteBetween 5th of January n yesterday, I have dropped 18 CVs if not more, yet not even 1 invite. Today I have submitted atleast 10
Currently sitting in 1 RCCG church after much trekking. Just tired and stressed out. Even when there's no money to go out, I just take my bath and find a church close n stay till noon, cos sis in-law aint smiling. This blog is all that has been keeping me company.
I pray I get something doing soonest no matter how little.
Hold on ...keep trusting God . God is cooking something great for you.
DeleteI have never had to stay without a job since I graduated. I change jobs almost every 10months. The same God that has given me multiple well - paying jobs everytime I desire even the ones I turned down this month just because I want to stay up to a year so as not clear doubts in my future employers minds as how frequently and less months I stay in jobs will locate you soon.
His grace will be your portion.
His light will shine upon you.
He will cause kings to work for your favour.
He will fill your mouth with laughter
He will give you jobs to choose from soon.
Thank him in advance dear daily and stop asking him for a job.
This is your time to exercise your faith by practising your victory dance over joblessness.
All this trekking under sun in abuja searching for jobs na wao.
ReplyDeleteBetween 5th of January n yesterday, I have dropped 18 CVs if not more, yet not even 1 invite. Today I have submitted atleast 10
Currently sitting in 1 RCCG church after much trekking. Just tired and stressed out. Even when there's no money to go out, I just take my bath and find a church close n stay till noon, cos sis in-law aint smiling. This blog is all that has been keeping me company.
I pray I get something doing soonest no matter how little.
Auntie Derah... God bless d givers o.
ReplyDeleteThe bc that almost got slapped. Next time don't mention anybody's name to vote for the person oh. There is serious tension in the air that this election is almost like Chelsea and arsenal fights. Or before your own go pass the ibo and akwa ibom men of alakija.
ReplyDeleteOk someone sent 10k can't u source 4 the balance? Na wa o, Must u beg?
ReplyDeleteGod bless the givers, Mrs Taiwo, you are recognized in heaven, kip it up. IHN hotter than akara oku mama Nkechi.
ReplyDelete# east London lady, please be careful making friends here o, especially Nigerians, keep to yourself and don't rush in making friends with just anybody, i know say u no ask for my advice, but please be very careful...
ReplyDelete# the ayamase lady, r u in London or Nigeria, i am really craving ayamase ( stells its made with green pepper, green everything in short, lol. Its called green stew) too weak to cook that stew, it takes forever..
*am out*
Bloglord am still standing because i did not hear my name in A B nd C! Mean while,correction! Blog visitor NEARLY got slapped 4 telling the driver to vote for.........[i don't support any body so no name from me]
ReplyDeleteStella please me I moved to Ontario last summer with my 2kids oh and boredom has finished me as I don't know anybody here, please any BVs in ontario,canada? Preferably mississauga or environs
ReplyDeleteGod bless the givers in Jesus name.
ReplyDeleteI'm just never luck with the giveaways.
Mrs Taiwo biko help a sister I dey find job too.
oliviasilk the traitor,you go to the other blog to cuss out stella and come here to lick her ass.pretender olosi
ReplyDeleteCorrect In House News.
ReplyDeleteSDK no deny your kids jollof rice o. You better enter google asap.
God bless the givers.
SDK I sent u a msg of my son's birthday via facebook n nothing nothing. I vex shah but I drop ma vex inside my jollof rice pot.
Walahi there're Angels here.
Election fever don hold almost all non indigenes wey dey NORTH so, see me dey plan to travel come East sef. God I need your favour.
Must u ppl make friends. Read,go to shops,church,bang,anything
ReplyDeleteThose babies are soo cute!! Me want!!
ReplyDeleteLol@ amebo abt Jona...
Dnt mind dem.
Sai Buhari!!
Tunyere Jonathan!!
@Hiller, What exactly do you mean by saying all that about Oliviasilk? And you are a man ba? So because she said that makes her a traitor a hypocrite? you cyber bullies will not rest until you meet your end, You cyber bullies are just like ants,centipides,wall geckos that needs to be fumigated i swear...Trouble makers.
ReplyDeleteIts in house news again. Always making my day.
ReplyDeleteGod bless all the givers. Recievers enjoy.
Beautiful lipstick.
I asked my dad last night who will he be voting for? And he said what's my business. Politics this year is a very delicate one everybody is been careful. Me I never get PVC abi na voters card. I don't even know who to vote 4.
Ihn rocks. God bless all the givers and receivers and God bless aunt Stella. Migwo
ReplyDeleteIHN is always Wow!!! No dull Moment.
ReplyDeleteTo all dose Beefing those that need help, Pray you never experience need/want cos your begging mood will be pathetic.. Read and Go if you dnt have nothing to give but bad mouth. Chai. Anonymous Bitter Kola. Well Done ehn
Bloglord Biko. People are still standing, U want make dere leg Swell???
@ Job Seeker, U no dey Tire ooooooooooo. God will make a way ehn. Lol
God bless you stella;
ReplyDeletePresent ma bloglord I heard my name.
God bless every one giver on here. Steller Kork, God bless you much more
ReplyDeletejbaby your name is the 10th name on the 1st list moving to the left. oya! join your group!
ReplyDeleteEesah my newest blog crush...chai we need to celebrate...we need to drink champagne not alcohol.
JayEm, nor let me kolorbi you oh! my friend obey before complain.
Kenny sulaiman, scatter leg. release!
the Queen and the boss, no let me tell BBC to tie and drag you oh.
oya sufri move..
xoxo!!! kai, your epistle can make my head scatter like pop corn. see word twist with wife/sidechic/babymama. kikikiki.
Anony 14:53, chop knuckle abeg. some beggy beggy matter for here nor get head. infact you said it all..
all you listed is the truth!!!
let those with real needs be heard ohhhh fake beggars! we take God beg una! clear road for the genuine ones. too much of everything is rotten.
ehennn! okkk! I asked you people to stand in your groups abi?
leftgroup... clap for yourselves
right group....clap for yourselves
A and B group.clap for yourselves
anonymous group...clap for yourselves
ya'll chop kiss+hug+knuckle.
one size fits all.
those in the middle, my torchlight battery don de die ooo where I de find una.
rolls eyes. I hope all is well with you guys?we miss you. re-appear!
y'all make this blog what it is.
I went for a meeting...while all the official talks were over and on a lighter note, this big oga(as in big name in Naija o,) said he is retiring for the day, that he needs to relax..
what is the relaxation you may want to ask.
my eyes popped out. I say choiii!
ds man dey reach here too?
his next comment while reclining on his chair was 'aha! stella and her crazy fun-filled BVs.'
(be like e don open one post that time, cos I couldn't see his screen again as WE were already leaving)
una clap for una selves again jor!