Stella Dimoko In House Testimony On Sunday



Sunday, January 25, 2015

In House Testimony On Sunday

This is the Testimony from a blog visitor...

God isnt sleeping and delay doesn't mean denial . I believe a testimony is a public declaration of a positive event that glorifies the name of GOD and this is it!

If you woke up to read this,thats a testimony!
Come on,step foward!

''God has really been wonderful to me, I thank God how far he has brought me, although i'm not where I wish to be presently, I am where people think it's impossible for me to reach. 

I got pregnant at 17 years, became a mother at 18. I just left secondary school then, it was a time when teenage pregnancy was a taboo. The whole world was against me, I was ashamed of myself, I was stigmatised and humiliated even my my siblings. My world was at the end, people even said it to my face that nothing good can come out from me, the father abandoned us along the line, but I give glory to God for my life today. 

I managed to gain admission into a great university(OAU) six years after and graduated with 2:2  ‎despite having to do menial jobs to care for myself and my daughter. Also I have been able to complete a professional masters and I won't stop until I get my Ph.D . 

I have suffered numerous humiliation and heartbreaks , I even lost hope of finding a man that will accept me the way I am but at 33years, God surprised me middle of last year and gave me not just any man, he gave me a good man, tear rubber man that loves and adores me. Had my introduction last year November and the wedding is March this year. Although I'm still seriously looking for Job, I believe God will give me a wonderful job.

I want to use this medium to encourage everyone that is in this kind of situation I was that there is hope. The mistake has been made, start up on your feet with determination to face the consequences and be a better person. Make efforts to right the wrong, work hard, don't make the same mistake twice and most of all believe in God. When I look at my beautiful daughter and how well she has grown into a good and God fearing person. I'm always happy I kept her, she has really helped me in becoming a better person.

I hope this e‎ncourages someone today.
 God bless you Stella''.

She wants to load BIS for three people

she has dropped her email at the comment section as well,please mail her if you are interested in BIS....3people and not more oh



  1. Replies
    1. BLOG ANALYSER: God is faithful!!

    2. The sort of story that gives hope to the seemingly hopeless situations. God is grt n worthy of our praise.

      What are u up to? BORED? Need a gud laugh?
      If you need a pick me up, click this link

    3. Thanks for your testimony but sorry to say, you dont deserve a tear rubber man.

      By the way if the man is tear rubber, what does that make you???

    4. Thanks for your testimony but sorry to say, you dont deserve a tear rubber man.

      By the way if the man is tear rubber, what does that make you???

    5. Thanks for your testimony but sorry to say, you dont deserve a tear rubber man.

      By the way if the man is tear rubber, what does that make you???

    6. Thanks for your testimony but sorry to say, you dont deserve a tear rubber man.

      By the way if the man is tear rubber, what does that make you???

    7. Thanks for your testimony but sorry to say, you dont deserve a tear rubber man.

      By the way if the man is tear rubber, what does that make you???

    8. Tnx 4ur testimony bt u dnt deserve a tear rubber man.

      By d way, if he is tear rubber what does dt make you???

    9. One comment 6 times??? Tufiakwa!

    10. Awwwwwwwwwwww congratulations madam. My God has just started with, my testimony is about to manifest.

    11. And you had to post your dumb comment multiple times, abi?

    12. How bitter can someone be. Its more frustrating that cowards choose to comment under Anonymous..@poster,m so happy for u. God will continue to put people like d anonymous above (who by d way might be someone who knows u) to shame. Psalm 86 vs 17 has never failed me. Haterz gonna hate.

    13. Stupid anonymous. Appreciate God. What is your business with she has tear rubber man. Ewu like you

    14. Wow... There is light at the end of the tunnel.. I waka

    15. Hian. How horrible can this anon be. You can't be happy for somebody at least? Are u dt bitter with your life? Cos ppl like you spread bitterness wherever they go. Poster I thank God for your life and pray dt God will perfect everything for you. I believe you will make a supper wife and dts coming from a fellow woman.

    16. Real tufiakwa, 6 times, u dey vex.. take am easy and be happy for d postet.

    17. Anony 12:21
      You appointed yourself to be Judge and Jury

    18. Shut up Anon 6times warefa! Who're u to determine if she deserves a tear rubber man or not! Pple are so quick to judge, Hisssss

    19. God is awesome. @anon 6time why are you so bitter. Are you GoD. Learn to be happy for people so that God can do your own for you

    20. God is awesome. @anon 6time why are you so bitter. Are you GoD. Learn to be happy for people so that God can do your own for you

    21. That is why you are not God Anon. Who are you to say what she deserves or don't deserve. If man were to be God..... Thank God for His grace that is sufficient to all.

    22. PD Young Billionaire26 January 2015 at 00:20

      Anon 12.19...u must be high on something.....u comment is so annoying!
      @Poster....congrats jor,better person.Our God is a good God,he specializes in hopeless situations.I pray he finishes the good work he started in you,amen.

  2. God's goodness in my life is just so unbelievable. I can't count his blessings in my life.

  3. Awwwwww.
    Congratulations ma'am.
    God bless you and yours in Jesus name, Amen.
    Wishing you a happy married life.

    1. What an Awesome God we serve .
      Congratulations dear. God bless ur union.

  4. I don here wat is the moral lesson nw

    1. Being able to bounce back irrespective of the mistake(s) you might have made or how hopeless your situation might appear to be.

  5. Thank God for your life.....
    That it worked out fine for this poster does not mean you should start knacking without condom...

    1. Lol @ Linda.
      I thank God on your behalf. And looking up to God to grant me all of my hearts desires this 2015. So I can come back and testify to his goodness in my life. I am still Thankful for all that which you have done. Manifest good things and greater things in my life and put the devil to shame. Amen

    2. Why are some of you like this? Who will read a story like this and start sleeping around without condoms. Do some of you think before posting

  6. Awww
    God is awesome. He will deliver is from tthe valley of the shadow of death.
    Say Amen someborri!!!

  7. God is awesome indeed!! Please I want the BIS my subscription ends today kemi

  8. Sister you are blessed, thank God for your life.

    My own testimony is to taste the money, owo ni koko.

  9. Trust in the Lord, lean not on your own underdtanding! In all that you do acknowledge him and he will open greater doors for you!
    Even the bible says that the rejected stone will end up being the chief cornerstone!
    God bless your testimony in Jesus Name and answer all our prayers!

  10. God is the doer of all good things in His own time,for His ways are not our ways and His thots not our thots. As you have testified,God will continue to do greater things in your life in Jesus name,Amen. And any woman that dares even wink at ur husband will receive serious spiritual koboko,in Jesus name,Amen.
    I have spoken,just coming bk from power packed service with extra extra spiritual power.

  11. Replies
    1. His grace changes everything. Thank God for the poster.

  12. God is the doer of all good things in His own time,for His ways are not our ways and His thots not our thots. As you have testified,God will continue to do greater things in your life in Jesus name,Amen. And any woman that dares even wink at ur husband will receive serious spiritual koboko,in Jesus name,Amen.
    I have spoken,just coming bk from power packed service with extra extra spiritual power.

  13. Thanks poster. I have read too many marital troubles so much that I decided never to respond to them again. I really needed this. I was once married to the wrong man, I left the marriage when I realised my life was in danger. I met another wrong person. Now I have given up on love and marriage. I sometimes feel like all the good men are taken. But your message is encouraging. I need to try and get this negativity out of my head first but I think it has eaten deep into me

    1. Baby, re u sure u ain't d bay one? Married 1,2, Haba! Ask urself questions n retrace ur step. Just an advice. Ok bye! *I'm out singing nwannem jue onwe gi ajuju*

    2. Wow! Only you how come? Maybe its just your behaviour. Iron sharpens iron, good begets good ... Gerrit!

      Why not look into your mirror and say "I keep attracting them folks cos of ME"

      Good, now start working on yourself! God bless...

    3. Please do!, i just remarried... to an amazing young guy, we r both 29, i broke up with my ex at 25 jus after 2 yrs of marriage, some pple had written me off but man is not God, i see d shock on thr faces wen they see d young rich guy i married, to crown it all, his mum loves me n accepts my child as her grandchild, wat more could i ask for? God is truly amazing.

    4. Juo onwe gi ajuju kwa!
      Why do mischievious people comment with Anonymous???

  14. Thank for everything.Am most is well.

  15. Awesome God,you are the reason for our living!!!may God keep you and your daughter safe in Jesus name,congrat dear on your up coming wedding

  16. Oyes,God is so wonderful,...congrats,so happy for u dear

  17. Love dis testimony. God is ever faithful. Wishing u a happy married life dear. May God bless ur marriage.

  18. This is a real testimony. HML in advance poster: God has already perfected it.

    Hapi sunday Stella

  19. Thank you Stella for posting my testimony. The email is

  20. Praise the Lord, I want to thank the Almighty God for making me and my family to see the light of this day.

  21. Praise the Lord. Loving this new style of in house testimony.* Sdk Iri three much

  22. God is really great!!!

    Happy Sunday u'all...

  23. Thank God!
    Our God is faithful I know, only if we can wait on him though cos his ways are not our way.

    I bless God because as at a week ago, I was so scared of how I will manage for 2 weeks b4 payday! No dime at hand or in d bank. The few people I could approach said this is January so no money. I felt like a failure, I work yet no savings, THEN I opened up my heart to God and ask for help! I bless the name of God now cos i got someone to borrow me money.

    Though its not a gift but borrowed, yet I feel so blessed cos God came to my rescue!

    Thank God for dear Stella and her family! Thank God for d SDKER family! May we never be put to shame. When we call, may we get answers when we call! Amen.

    1. Don't try 2beg on dis lovely sunday plzzz

    2. LOL@ don't try to ..God is awesome indeed. ..

  24. Wow....Thank GOD for ur life nd dat of ur Dota. ..The Lord will perfect everything that concerns u nd urs in Jesus ñame. Amen

  25. Thank God!
    Our God is faithful I know, only if we can wait on him though cos his ways are not our way.

    I bless God because as at a week ago, I was so scared of how I will manage for 2 weeks b4 payday! No dime at hand or in d bank. The few people I could approach said this is January so no money. I felt like a failure, I work yet no savings, THEN I opened up my heart to God and ask for help! I bless the name of God now cos i got someone to borrow me money.

    Though its not a gift but borrowed, yet I feel so blessed cos God came to my rescue!

    Thank God for dear Stella and her family! Thank God for d SDKER family! May we never be put to shame. When we call, may we get answers when we call! Amen.

    1. Our God is too faithful to fail!
      PalominoGeh,drop your email address...hopefully SDK would post it.
      To the poster,HML in advance,God would grant you your dream job!
      Sarafina,chai...I bless God for you and your family,your babies would be a source of joy and blessings...they would bring glory to the so happy for you.
      Bloglord Dear,God would meet you at the point of your every need.

  26. No matter how small it may be, give thanks to God. Even for the breath we draw!

  27. God has been so faithful to me and my family
    In my academic life, he has been so so kind n worthy
    I thank you lord 4 all the things you have done n the ones you doing
    I believe that my miracle is on the way

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. hmmmm. Stellasko. E get as ma testimony be oo. But na saturday e happen. I nor too sabi pidgin but i go try mix am with Engrish.

    I came back earlier by 4PM. So i went to ma course mates house to ask for some materials since school is still on strike. The nect thing she started gushing about how she had wanted me to see some things since from last semester. I didn't understand what she was saying. So while i was pretending to search for things in their living room. She switched on the television. The next thing ma eyes saw gobsmacked and confused me. It was porn. I wasn't thinking wid ma head any longer, i was thinking with ma Blokkos. She slowly started unziping ma zipper. She almost brought out the huge something. Then ma fone rang. Ma Elder Brother wanted me Home. Haah. I thanked the stars. There and then ma senses came back. I started thinking logically again. I raaan as fast as ma legs could carry me home.

    Forgive ma Typos. Ive not still gotten over yesterday's saga. #NoSexTillMarriage.

    1. Thank God you ran G_pharm.
      She for dash you free HIV and AIDS.

    2. Kikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikiji.... You no well @G_PHARM... Lol

    3. You are such a JEW man. C'mon gerrout of here!

    4. You crazy child focus on your studies and stay safe.

    5. Is this Kevin happiness remix?? OK bye

  30. hmmmm. Stellasko. E get as ma testimony be oo. But na saturday e happen. I nor too sabi pidgin but i go try mix am with Engrish.

    I came back earlier by 4PM. So i went to ma course mates house to ask for some materials since school is still on strike. The nect thing she started gushing about how she had wanted me to see some things since from last semester. I didn't understand what she was saying. So while i was pretending to search for things in their living room. She switched on the television. The next thing ma eyes saw gobsmacked and confused me. It was porn. I wasn't thinking wid ma head any longer, i was thinking with ma Blokkos. She slowly started unziping ma zipper. She almost brought out the huge something. Then ma fone rang. Ma Elder Brother wanted me Home. Haah. I thanked the stars. There and then ma senses came back. I started thinking logically again. I raaan as fast as ma legs could carry me home.

    Forgive ma Typos. Ive not still gotten over yesterday's saga. #NoSexTillMarriage.

  31. God is great,thank God for you
    Your testimony shall be permanent in Jesus name

  32. God be praised. I admire your resilience and determination and I use your testimony as a point of contact. I am encouraged by your testimony.

  33. Please BV I just meant a guy and while we where out on a date,he told me he loves women who. Squirt and he would do anything for such a woman. The guy is so cute and rich,pls I want to know if there's anything I can do or take in order to be a professional Squirt so I will be able to keep him,so that I can come for my testimony as well

    1. This is what I call dating for the wrong reasons.

    2. Princess Scheherazade25 January 2015 at 11:31

      Are you seriously asking for help to squirt during sex just so you can keep a man? Or is this part of Sunday laffs?

      You obviously do not know your worth as a woman. You just met the guy and you're already discussing sex? And you want to do anything to keep him because he is cute and rich?

      I'm sorry to disappoint you my dear, if you plan to do all this with a man you just met in order to keep him, you may just end up in the wrong chronicles.

      Better wake up and empower yourself in positive way and stop all this nonsense.

    3. SMH @ your stupidity...
      Your come back to share your chronicles soon.
      Madam Nzuzu.

    4. He should love the YOU in YOU not what you can offer to him..... Once he no love you, if you like squirt till tomorrow, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN....

    5. Anon 10:32 it seens you don't know what you want!!!!!!!!

    6. Hahahahaha....Lol@ be a professional squirt. Na wa o, so squirting now is a profession?Someone please help this

    7. Dear poster,do u know how many babes that r squirting for him?next thing he will ask u for annal sex,before u know it,u r done for

    8. Which one be squirt again?u better look 4 better person who would love u 4 who u waoh

    9. Mr Kehinde Ake abi na Akhe you help is needed here.

    10. This anonymous is obviously being sarcastic !! And you all are taking him/her seriously.

    11. Anony, as everyone has already stated the obvious, let me add that you are either clueless, or just downright stupid.. Forgive me because I don't mean to insult you.. How can you not know your worth as a woman biko? You think that would make him love you any more than his other 'squinter women'? Someone you just met.. Oh I forgot, you wanna learn because he's cute and rich.. Misplaced priorities clearly.. I wish you all the best dear.

    12. Squirt,hop,cat style,et al, since sex is the fundamental thing of dis ur new found dating madness,nne,o ga a dump kwa gi still! Dem dey fit kip man??? Its just ur decency and if its destiny that a man stays.

    13. @Sabongida thank u jare. Am amazed that people take her serious and are even advising her. Isn't it obvious she's messing about? SMH

  34. God is great... Am alive and healthy,its God's doing.

  35. I thank god for you dear..
    Our God is an awesome God indeed..
    Me .wants that BIS biko lol

  36. God is ever faithful and so mindful of HIS own,,,,,,,,,,,,,kip TRUSTING!!!!

  37. tank God for u dear.....pray my own testimony shall come soon

  38. Awww!Touching it is.

    Starting today,I chose to make the most of my past mistakes,it will definately define me for good rather than mar me.

    #Thank you Jesus for your mercies thus far.

  39. I want to thank God for my life, he has being so faithful, if I start counting my blessings, its too numerous to mention, being in n out of the hospital but he has shown himself mighty, am totally fine. Thank you lord

  40. So thankful and grateful for the gift of life, for the battles fought on my family's behalf. For what you have done in our lives, what you doing presently and what you are still going to do. Am thankful for the best job and the perfect man specially designed for me which I know is on the way. Thank you Lord for my 'Bestest and Sweetest Mum' and also to my wonderful siblings, their individual families and lastly to my friends.
    Am forever grateful for you have been Faithful to us Lord

  41. May your testimony be permanent IJN...#yourNo1fan

  42. God is faithful but make una dey use brain abeg.
    What business do you have with sex at 17, i'm sure you were fucking from age 15.

    1. Preach bitchhhh!!!

    2. Agro- nonsense, I'm sure you started fucking earlier than d's not by force to comment......if you have nothing good to say, then shut ur hole.....BITCH

  43. These are the kind of posts I love reading. It gives me hope that God is still God. I know He's seriously working on my case and that of my lovely younger sister. In fact, he's seriously working on my family's case. God loves me, that I know and yes, He loves you too. Be strong. He's never late.

    1. He is still God,he will do thhat which he says he will do.we shall testify

    2. Give it a break fatso!

    3. God bless you and give you your heart desires Oluyomi

  44. Cool. Very inspiring piece. I thank God for my life, my family and his countless blessings upon us . Happy Sunday blog family. I love you all.

  45. Awww! God is an awesome God
    Check it out:

  46. These are the kind of posts I love reading. It gives me hope that God is still God. I know He's seriously working on my case and that of my lovely younger sister. In fact, he's seriously working on my family's case. God loves me, that I know and yes, He loves you too. Be strong. He's never late.

  47. Yes!! He is the God of Miracles. Stella am coming to give testimonies on this blog very soon. I know am a WIP,watch out world!!!

  48. Wow... God is good, there is still hope

  49. God is forever faithful, He proved Himself in your life, GLORY BE TO HIS NAME!!!! I'm still expectant and I Believe in miracles. SOMBORRY SHOUT HALLELUJAH! *In d spirit man*

  50. I have a testimony. I woke up this morning very happy. I have finally graduated from school after staying for an extra year. I graduated with a third class but I know better things are coming. Do u know how I know? I was feeling so bad when all of a sudden I saw the words "Better things are coming" on a guy's shirt. I knew immediately that God was talking to me. I know it sounds crazy but sweethearts, I know God was talking to me.
    I am going to start my fashion training immediately oh. No time to waste. I am going to be a famous fashion designer someday. Remember, you heard it here first. Hehehehe.
    I really thank God for everything. Plenty kisses to you Baba God oh. Mwaaaaah*

    1. Good luck Frayana.
      I like your positivity.
      Keep it up dear.
      The Lord will see you through.

    2. Yes, yes start that fashion school thingy ASAP cos with a 3rd class you have shoot yourself in the foot before your journey even began. Goodluck

    3. Congratulations dear, and all the best in your future endeavours.

    4. AMEN. Thank you very much. God bless you.

    5. it does not sound crazy!God speaks to us in ways we can only understand!!Good luck in everythingh.

    6. Lady koikoi u are unbelievable!!! Did I read u right? Why relegate her morale? If she didn't share with us that she graduated with a 3rd class, would u have known? SMH

  51. God has been so faithful and good to me o,sometimes I ask myself what's so special about me?I travel a lot because of my business and yet,I have never encountered any form of accident(water,air or land),robbery or rape.God's favour upon my life makes me love him even more,where others go and get nothin,I go and get almost everything.My boss sees me as an asset and sometimes she allows me to "do anyhow"lol.When my colleages ask me how come,I tell them its God's favour.Thank you Lord!!!

  52. Omg! To think i never oPened Sarafina's Post yesterday... WOW! Congrats my dear, i rejoice with you. This is Just the beginning#Hugs!

    Here comes another overwhelming testimony, congrats BV, the Good Lord who started these good works with you will continue to suPPly all your good desires in life forever. Congrats in Advance as you grab your Phd.

    *Lord i thank you so far for all you have done for me, even in the midst of hoPelessness you restored my hoPe, the life alone with good health uPon my family and i is enough to fill the entire blog sPace thanking you. You alone is God and worthy of my Praise.

    ***My TESTIMONY of FAITH goes thus*****; By this time 2016, i have my quadruPlet. Thank you Jesus because i know you have never failed me!!! Other testimonies to be Published later if time Permits me.

    Yea, good work at Bloglord, if only other BV's can borrow a leaf from thee i'm sure this Place will be a better and sweeter Place. God Bless you for reaching out and restoring hoPe to our sister, mostly for standing in gaP in the Public of igwe mmadu in church for a comPlete stranger for the fruit of the womb. Omg! You are really that sweet? Oh well, enjoy your Blessings hence!

    Bigsis of life aka SDK, your Platform has been more medicinal than herbs, injection, tablets et al... God Bless you for this, trust me, i have made more wonderful lovely sweet friends from this blog, sweeter than Bloggie herself***side eyes**
    S/O to these lovelies, of course you all know your selves#kisses!!!

    *Prayer For Nigeria in Distress x10 Daily*

  53. Omg! To think i never oPened Sarafina's Post yesterday... WOW! Congrats my dear, i rejoice with you. This is Just the beginning#Hugs!

    Here comes another overwhelming testimony, congrats BV, the Good Lord who started these good works with you will continue to suPPly all your good desires in life forever. Congrats in Advance as you grab your Phd.

    *Lord i thank you so far for all you have done for me, even in the midst of hoPelessness you restored my hoPe, the life alone with good health uPon my family and i is enough to fill the entire blog sPace thanking you. You alone is God and worthy of my Praise.

    ***My TESTIMONY of FAITH goes thus*****; By this time 2016, i have my quadruPlet. Thank you Jesus because i know you have never failed me!!! Other testimonies to be Published later if time Permits me.

    Yea, good work at Bloglord, if only other BV's can borrow a leaf from thee i'm sure this Place will be a better and sweeter Place. God Bless you for reaching out and restoring hoPe to our sister, mostly for standing in gaP in the Public of igwe mmadu in church for a comPlete stranger for the fruit of the womb. Omg! You are really that sweet? Oh well, enjoy your Blessings hence!

    Bigsis of life aka SDK, your Platform has been more medicinal than herbs, injection, tablets et al... God Bless you for this, trust me, i have made more wonderful lovely sweet friends from this blog, sweeter than Bloggie herself***side eyes**
    S/O to these lovelies, of course you all know your selves#kisses!!!

    *Prayer For Nigeria in Distress x10 Daily*

  54. His mercies never comes to an end. He is forever merciful,slow to anger and does what pleases him at his own appointed time.

  55. I thank God for you. he will finish what he has started in your life.


  56. God has been so faithful and gracious to me. From a very poor family, He sent an angel into my life and he took me abroad. Now am here married, have my child and living a very good and happy life. What more could I ask for? Isnt He a good God?

  57. the problem is not how many times we fall but how many times were you able to get up.the ability to find your strength and rise above your mistakes;makes us outstanding from others. poster I thank God for your life.I pray that others in this type of situation or any type of problem; will find the strength to carry on.

  58. God is faithful.
    He will give a Job soon.

  59. God has not written anybody off! A sinner has a future and a saint has a past! No matter the mistakes one has committed, the most impt thing is to stand up on your feet again and say I CAN MAKE IT. It is well...please does any1 hv an idea how I can dwnload the ODM daily manner, for jan_march, can't seem to find it whr I reside in lagos, maybe it's because I just relocated here, plz if any1 can help me out i'll be grateful

    1. Visit for more details. That's what written in the hard copy of our daily manna. Cheers

    2. Aii...tnx rainbow. am grateful.

  60. Gracious God I thank you!

    I'm happy for you dear
    The LORD will give you more reason to celebrate, HE will keep you and push you to that place where you wanna be in Jesus name Amen!

    @Stella, HIGH Favour and Great Grace is you and yours portion in Jesus name.

  61. Gracious God I thank you!

    I'm happy for you dear
    The LORD will give you more reason to celebrate, HE will keep you and push you to that place where you wanna be in Jesus name Amen!

    @Stella, HIGH Favour and Great Grace is you and yours portion in Jesus name.

  62. I thank God for changing my story...for many years I moved with the wrong click of friends that changed my character and I became a "fighter" on the street at every instance and was encouraged to make every wrong move. Funny enough this so called "friends" go to church oo which made me hate church cos I have a different perception of attending church. The most one am grateful for was God's direction from seeking "mallam" for money sake and making covenant with the devil himself which a particular friend was almost trying to influence me into. Am a changed person and don't joke with my creator for he alone is worthy of my praise. I am more contented with the little I have rather than having "fake money"

    1. And I pray that God will perfect that which concerns u totally. You will never have any reason to return to the Egypt that u left behind. It is well with u dear

  63. Wow. Congratulations to you ma. He's a God who turns our mess to messages. A God of many chances.

    I thank God for you.

  64. Wow. Congratulations to you ma. He's a God who turns our mess to messages. A God of many chances.

    I thank God for you.

  65. I also want to thank The almighty God, few year ago I tested positive to hiv,thought it's all over,but my God took over, and gave me my desired hubby, who is negative, n also 3 wonderful I can say I'm free from the disease forever, thank God for my salvation, n I also thank God for my daddy, bishop David olaniyi oyedepo, for the encounter of the power of the world to come

    1. Brilliant please send something more on this issue to the chronicles of hope. People need to learn...

      God bless you

    2. Huh?*confused face*
      Happy for you all the same.

  66. I thank God for things he has done,what he will do,and what he is. About doing.cos I know he has great plans for me and mine.

    Pls click on my name.

  67. Please is any Bv here addicted to nzu(calabar ,white clay).i need help oh. My own don pass me oh ,the rate I eat it am so scared. I love the salty ones. I can eat 20 pieces of nzu at sitting. The woman that sells nigeria foodstuffs brings in nzu for my sake oh ,I have been addicted since am scared for my self right now ,the salt ,the clay .i need help ooooh.

  68. Thank God am alive today wch is a great priviledge. I rededicated my life to christ once again. Just received a message as one of inec adhoc staff for d Election, and got a word today from church of a job this week by his grace. Amen.

  69. Thank God am alive today wch is a great priviledge. I rededicated my life to christ once again. Just received a message as one of inec adhoc staff for d Election, and got a word today from church of a job this week by his grace. Amen.

  70. I want to thank God for what He has done, what He will do and what He is doing. Woke up this morning without a dime to go to church but God touched my sis to not only pay for me and go with nme as well. Praise God!

    Always thank God for the little goes a long way

  71. He is a miracle working God!!!

  72. I thank God 4 the gift of life upon I n my family.

    *Rmn blessed*

  73. Please you all should rejoice with me

    Yesterday I took bleach(hypo) from someone(wanted to use it for something)and turned it into an empty can of water. Few hours later my daughter(15 months) brought a can of water for me to open so she can drink. I was arranging the table so I opened it for her hurriedly and gave her so she can drink on her own.

    She drank it and there and then started throwing up, I looked at her direction and noticed she was choking and throwing up, It then dawn on me that it was the jik I opened for her to drink and not water. I rushed her and gave her palm oil, took her under the shower but she was still struggling so I ran outside and ran into my neighbour and we both took her to the hospital. They treated her and all glory to God she is fine now.

    Please as mothers we should be very careful and vigilant, I am very careful when it comes to things like this and I cannot explain how I could be so careless yesterday. A lot of what if's kept running through my mind last night after the incident.

    I am not going to go anon to post this, I'm using my I'd because yes I know I was wrong by keeping it where she could reach for it and I have flogged myself mentally all through last night but I want all parents to learn from it hence my post.

    Please rejoice with me!!!

    @Poster, Congrats!!! It can only get better.
    Happy married life in advance

    1. OMG! Mama D say wha?
      I'm short of words.

      Glory be to God it all ended in praise.
      I'm so happy your baby is ok.
      You wouldn't have been able to live with the guilt had anything happened to that child.
      Indeed God is merciful.

      Thank you Jesus.

      Please ma'am, be careful next time ok.
      Lesson learnt. Thanks for sharing.

      Kisses to your daughter.

    2. I rejoice with you.
      I thank God for your child.
      Stop beating up yourself.
      It is well.

    3. Jesus!!!! Mouth wide open. I not only rejoice with u Mrs D, I shout Hallelujah to God and praise Him for u.

      Please ensure u take her back to the hospital for a full test x-ray to check her heart and stomach. If I know what hypo is, it's bleach and highly acidic. Ah this is a great testimony and could have happened to anyone o.

  74. YThank you dear poster, your testimony is a testimony to God faithfulness & mercy to us. One comment said you dont deserve a tear rubber hubby. Yes its true, God Never gives us what we deserve, reason is some of us would have being 6ft below. And again some of us would just think it was because of what we did & how intelligent we are. And would in turn take the glory that should go to the Lord. Poster rejoice, cos He has given you beauty for ashes.
    I also thank God for Sarafina's testimony I key in to it. Gods name be praised for all the wonders he makes us see with our eyes.

  75. Thank God for the year 2014. The year that opened up a floodgate of miracles in my life. I look forward to seeing many more of God's goodness this year in Jesus name Amen

  76. I speak in faith for my great testimony that is on the way. This month will not pass my family by without our mind shattering testimony of financial breakthrough in Jesus Name AMEN!

  77. I thank God for having mercy on me and my family. It's just by his grace that we are where we are today. I honestly don't know how he does it. But he's always there for us. Although we are passing through a phase now. But I believe him and trust he will do way beyond our expectation. Thank u heavenly father.

  78. God is good and his mercies endureth forever. He hqs been beyond gracious to me

  79. Thanks Genny baby, lesson learnt!

  80. I just want to thank God for total healing, he healed me of a growth in my body, he worked on all of the abnormalities in my body, regularizing my period and Detoxing my body....The great DETOXER, so much to be grateful for, he really put the devil to shame, even though i know i caused some of the illnesses i suffered. He never fails.
    I thank him for a successful exam i wrote...kos i know i will be called for the next stage.
    He is a great God, Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty Father, The Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. What can i do without your love???

  81. Some kind of careless attitude, God s Faithful.

    @Poster - THank God for ya life

  82. Believe in God...Everything will go well.


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