is what it is!.......
Dear Stella,
I must admit, it isn't funny o. I got 18 respondent emails, regarding
my little offer. Most of them were very crazy bogus formats. Some seem
genuine but desperately unlikely.
Considering someone who has gone through housing issues, I could tell
in-between the lines. That's a story for another day; how a Crazy
fradulent landlord took my money, to do easter, pay his children
school fees and stock his wifes shop.
Well, back to the issue. The BV I was looking out for, got in touch
with me this afternoon. With his response, I sent a text to meet me at
an eatry only a lady to turn up (all the while I thought it was a he).
Initially I suspected set-up. But after discussing, I sense
So I decide we pay the care-taker a visit and try to resolve the issue
so I pleaded on behalf of she and husband. Who had travelled to source
for help from family members, has been out of job for four and the
half months. The wife on the other is an anonymous regular SDker and a
teacher. Whose little salary is used mostly for the younger children
The husband, I admire. On losing his job, he stocked up food at home.
And had paid for her daughter's SSCE Fee including school fee as well,
which is beyond the wife's ability - as with most private secondary
schools in Lagos. Regarding SS3 students, a parent pays up total
session fees plus their WAEC fee.
So, I sent #45,000 into the wife's account from the ATM this evening.
As against the 20k I supposedly had in mind.
Please dear SDKers, if have at least a thousand which you could give
out. Kindly donate to Mr Micheals rent course.
He said he could come up with half(#150,000) his rent. By this month
ending and first week of february.
Morning Stella,
Kindly help post this thank you message to one of your generous blog reader, Mr Solomon. I got the money he promised. The divine blessing of it was that, he gave more than twice what he had promised. Such a simple young man, even without a job(so he told me) he was still able to give.
I was skeptical when I met him, on behalf of my husband who was not available. I wasn't comfortable with him at a table, considering my status. I had to excuse myself to call my husband. On getting back I guess, he sensed my shyness. And speed things up.
To him this morning, I say you are a golden angel. Especially, for persuading the caretaker to rescind eviction for now, until husband is around.
May God who gave such a beautiful heart, bless you with a job that could carter your needs.
Thank you so so much. And to you Stella, I say A BIG THANK YOU. For providing the platform, may your good work be rewarded abundantly. Thank you fellow blog visitors. Thank you, Lord, for the divine help.
Hello Stella, There is still vacancy for a teacher in my place of work. Quaification. Must be a graduate( B ed) / NCE. Graduates with diploma in Education can also apply. Thanks
Hi Stella, I'm a new member with blog ID "ikokore", I've been addicted to your blog since October last year but I just had to get an ID, lol. The love on sdk blog is palpable mehn, it feels like home.
Make una show me love o......
hi Stella,I was introduced into this blog by my sister 2weeks ago. and
I'm addicted to it like its 3years.I love this blog,especially how it
touches and changes the life's of people. I'm haters-slayer I slay
those with bad and abusive tongues,so BVs watch your mouth.
Hi hi Stella. Happy new year. My name is Joan. Boarded your blog ship late Nov last year. I don't really comment but I think I have to start. your BVs all interact like they are all related and thats 1 unique thing about your blog. I'll be commenting with my blog id Miss Joan or my email jodibendi
Compliments of the season to you Stella.
A friend introduced me to this blog and ever since I have become addicted to it.
I must commend the work you are doing here. You are using social network to enrich the lives of people. God will truly bless you.
I want to officially inform fellow BV that I would be using my name CHIOMA to comment henceforth, so if anyone has anything to say, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Hello Stella,
Good afternoon and thanks for having come up with a blog this cool and entertaining.
I was introduced to this blog by a friend and for weeks now i have developed
to be an ardent reader of this blog who can't stay an hour without
going online to check if you've posted something new.
Well, i have gotten a conviction that i need to be a part of this family
and i will be commenting with the ID "Emmanuel Wilfred". Mbok, meh una
welcome me well oh....fufu and afang soup will be a beta option.
Thankz Stelz and thanks err'one here
Dear Stella,
I cannot really remember how I bombed into your blog few months ago, but what caught my fancy then was the saturday laughs, then the sunday laughs, then the IHN, then the chronicles of blog visitor, though I dont comment but I loved them. Now here I refresh your blog more dan 20 times in a day. Wow! Addicted already? Love your blog. I recently started commenting with Pamela Ugochi Orji. I pray I do that frequently from now on!
Hello Madam Stella,
I love your blog and i,m so proud of you!
Please permit me to announce my presence on your blog as (Mother Teresa). Been on the blogosphere for long,so i decided to come out with pride lol.
Thank you!
Happy New year Aunty Stella..I have been an ardent reader of your blog since 2013 but always comment as anonymous..Am familiar with all the regular BVs and SDK slangs..Just got an ID,Chianuri..Hope to contribute my own quota to this wonderful inspirational blog..
May God Bless you and widen your coast..Amen..
NB..Hope am welcome...#smiles#..Bye..
Hello stella.. I am a 'new' bv though i have always been a silent observer and most times my day isnt complete till I visit your blog..thanks for the good work. This is really a family blog. I was redirected to your blog(mama dolphin's issue) when i was searching somthing else on google.. I comment as MAYORESS. I am a youth corper, single and ready to mingle..
dear Stella,
Compliments of the season to you and your family.
I'd like to introduce myself as a new member of your blog although i have been an ardent reader in the past years and comment once in a while. My name is Temitope and i must say i have come to love your blog and don't go a day without visiting it.I will be commenting under the name xoxotop and to my fellow members i wish God's blessings this new year.
Good morning stella, my name is Ayo and I'm a new blog visitor, based in lagos. I've actually commented a few times (with the name baibay) but did not know I was supposed to do a formal introduction. I love your blog so much, was actually introduced to it by my sister (Saturday and sunday laughs), but I now read everything. Your BVs are so lovely, intelligent and good hearted. Love you guys plenty. Plus I don't know the rules o. Thanks
Hello Stella
I am a blog visitor,i rarely comment but when I do, I do so as anonymous. This is a bit awkward for me but I just want to get it out. On Sunday the 4th of January there was a girl you wished a happy belated birthday and her name is Okegbe Geraldine and blog I.D is noob friday 28. Please help me post this. I really like her and I want to get to know her better. Please Geraldine I really want to get to know you one on one. If Stella posts this and you get to read this, please mail me Please mail me I beg you. Thanks Have a wonderful day My Dear Thanks Stella ![]()
If your name is not geraldine and you reply this mail eeenh,cos i know some babes will reply and beg him to forget geraldine and try them.please stay on your lane and if God will it,your boo will locate you here.
Chai,i love this job!
Hi Stella,happy New Year To you and Blog Family.Stella I'm Based In Aba.I Dont Have Anything I'm Doing For Now.I Dont Want To Go Back To the Place I Worked Last Year Cos They Dont Pay
Salary.I Want To Start A Small Business Which Is Tomato,groundnut Oil,spices,beans and Rice.I Dont Have A Dime but I Believe That Before I'll Fnish Learning the Business that Help Will Come.Please I Seek For Help.If Someone Can Help Me In Any Way.
I Can Start this Business With N10,000 Or Above.Bvs In Aba Please Help A Sister .Thanks.
If you are interested in helping her to stand up again,her email is
Good morning Stella. I was an ardent reader of your column in encomium newspaper till I stumbled on your blog in December 2014 and believe me SDK is what drains my MB now. I don't know if giveaway is still on but I would love to give out these 2 lovely pair of heels to a blog visitor that truly needs it. I have worn both on just two occasions and they are still in perfect shape. They are both size 38. Anyone that needs it should be in Lagos and preferably on the mainland. Those interested should send a mail to

Dear SDK blog visitors, You are hereby formally invited to the maiden edition of our "BAKE FOR CHARITY" Bake sale Event.
This is a special event geared towards raising funds for Charity as we enjoy various cookies and bakes from our reception stand.
Please show us some support just by being present at the event and may God bless you immensely For your time. I cannot wait to take SDK group pictures as the 10th is also my birthday. Yay
Thank you soooooo much Stella and blog visitors for the opportunity to share the beauty of this amazing event with you. Godbless Youuuuuuu.
Date: 10th January 2015
Venue: Metro Park / Crystal Lounge, no 6b Sani Abacha Road Gra phase 3 Port Harcourt
Time: 9am - 4pm prompt
Adaora Uzuegbunam
My company is currently recruiting for the Post of a Field Sales Representatives for secondary school holders. Candidate should possess these requirements;
Completion of Secondary School is required. Excellent brawl edge of different areas in Lagos is required( a vehicle will be provided to take the team out).Excellent Communication skills are required. Experience of working in a conflict environment is a plus. Good working knowledge of English is required.
Location: Lagos, Victoria Island
Application Closing Date
15 January, 2014( we need people who would start working immediately)
Method of Application
Interested applicants for this position should send bola a mail
Please Submit Application to:
Applicants are entitled to:
A fixed salary commission Plus transport allowance
Hi Stella, (that Stella wey I call you no sweet for my mouth ooo but, ano want memo from I've been on your blog for a very long time but i have never commented not even under anonymous. Straight to the matter, I was in my daddy's office on the Island yesterday cold monday morning ooo and thats how we started hearing' shouts and at 1st, we all thought it was the normal passenger and bus conductor ish.
Lo and behold, it was this cult boys or whether na political thugs sef, we no know. Mehn I saw *shooting gun* for the 1st time in my life. Imagine a fine looking handsome young guy that you think cannot kill an ant bringing out a gun and shooting. I was shivering all over and, I said to myself, where is our Police? The funniest part of the story is that, Lion's building is a stone throw away from where these thugs were. they were shooting and displaying their madness right in front of a police barracks and, when my dear police came Stella,
1. Their siren was on (I think it's to notify dem to run oooo that they're on their way cos I stil dont understand why that siren was on.)
2. They caught nobody I mean, these guys were very easy to catch if they really wanted to. Some of the guys still had their cutlasses and guns with them while th police were around.
Another funny thing is that they didn't make any attempt to chase or catch any of these thugs ooo. Isn't it a show of shame? How are we sure the police are not being bribed by these people? NPF has failed us. Sorry for the long epistle. Hope I did north west ya time *in SDK's voice*
Hi Stella,
Compliments of the season to you and ur family. I am a committed BV although i comment as anonymous my ID name is Kelly. I just want to appeal to any BV to please assist a sister with a wedding dress. I will be getting married in April and I don't have wedding dress to use for my wedding. I am a graduate but haven't gotten a job yet so I just use my handiwork of bead making and hair styling to support myself. I will really like to support my fiancée with the wedding preparations by getting my wedding dress even if it means i will borrow it from sum1 and return after use. Please anyone who can assist me should please contact me on
*Something old,something new,something borrowed and something blue is recipe for a perfect wedding day.
Aunty Stella please come to my aid I always comment as MISS MAE I am
dying slowly I am a student and since November I have been trying to
raise money to get a laptop and it's not forth coming.. I really need
this laptop in school without it I have been denied lectures and my
exam is so close.. I beg you ma I don't mind if it's even used
already.. Please ma I don't know if any BV has any to part with.. I
don't want to fail this course please... Please help me share this
I am hopeless and frustrated.
Lecturers now stop students from taking lectures because of a no lap top situation?ADONBILIVIT!.....i took out the email address until this is proven to be true.If you believe and want to help then contact me for her email address.
Hello Stella.
Thanks for putting up our vacancy ad.
Since the year is just beginning, we will like to give back to society. In doing this, we are offering Free photography and Videography training to two BVS who reside in the City of Warri.
Please contact us via- or
Kapture It Photography.
Hello Stella,
A happy new year to you and yours.
Am interested in finding a lady through your SSM platform. Am 25, working, still trying to settle in Lagos (just got transferred), dark and not especially tall, quiet and shy. I'd like a calm, not too tall lady. Physical looks arent so important but at least she should be presentable. she should be between 19-25, patient and very matured.
Sorry for the long story but the person i'd like to meet on your blog is PATT OGAR only that she might be interested in marriage soon and i am not really looking at that immediately. However, you can pop her my email addy and if she replies I can dance shoki till next week.
Thanks for using your blog to bless thousands of God's children. He wont forget you in your time of need. my email is
Tony Pat ogar is married oh...Pat over to you,please defend your status with more than one
Hi Stella, I am a reader of your blog though anonymous. Its like family. I've gotten my ID tho I want to change the name, but I'll be regular.
The giving spirit on your blog has endeared me to it. And I won't lie sometimes I wish I was a beneficiary at least for once, but I've never won anything on your blog. Besides its more blessed to give than to receive.
So I have some used clothes to give to a bv who needs them or if you know someone that needs them. I am a size 10, and the clothes are neat, I not even worn some of them before. I also have a few bags to dash too.
Interested persons can contact me via
Also Stella and bvs, I am a student but would like to give away Richard cards monthly, they may be small, but my own way of making somebody smile.
Would it be wrong to add here that I need a saxophone? Anyone who can help me with a low cost one at least for beginners. Thank you.
Stella, I refuse to believe you are human.Something says you are an angel. Its only angles dispatched by God Almighty himself that can do what you are doing with your blog for unknown people. God bless you sweetheart. My greatest wish is to see you someday. Hug you and bend down to clean your shoes with smiles on my face. You make me cry each day with your love and rear kindness, God bless you once again. God will surprise you Stella with every good thing more than you have ever imagined
LOL abeg make una answer am cos i dont think everyone shares this opinion.
Good day Stella my name is Doris, I just thought to share to this write up
With blog visitors. Who knows someone might need this right now.
Sometimes you just need to hear you're better off SINGLE than dating a person that treats you like crap. While you're chasing after that person that makes you an option, God is tugging on your heart to remind that you have a purpose OUTSIDE of a ring and you don't have to SETTLE and marry someone because you're getting older or your clock is ticking. Let them Go, give God back his place in your heart. Things won't get better Until you make a change.
Writeup by Heather Lindsey
Have a wonderful day Mrs Stella
Stellaaa, it's my birthday today. You know me already...(the two tries yam lady aka tetrinasdiary...haha) God has been so good to me and I just have to bless him. I was born with a hole in my lungs and growing up in Nigeria, I always missed class on Tuesday for injections. I have used everything from ventolin tablets to intravenous injections to oxygen cylinders but still I am here.Haven't been to the hospital in yearssssss, well, except when I had my bambino.
33 years in this world today with a family to call my own. I mean, I may not be where I want to be but my heart is full right now. I'm not rich and could actually do with the money I want to give but I know the amount I am expecting from God since i told him I want to live my life as a blessing to others. So, today, I would like to sow a seed into the life of someone who truly needs help and give that person £170 (specific because of my covenant with God).
Please don't email me. I will read comments in silence and who the spirit leads me to bless is who will receive the money. Thank you Stella for this blog cus even though I haven't been to Naija since 1994, you make me feel like I only left yesterday.
P.S.: .....take it easy on the cussing but what the heck! It's my birthday and I don't currrrrrr...

Please contact her on her email if you are interested.
*tongue out at tetrina
Angel Mrs. Stella,
I'm lost of words to show my gratitude and appreciation. I simply say "thanks for the honour"
A big shout-out to everyone who took their time to lionized with me yesterday, those that called, sent gifts, text messages, BBM, Whatsapp, posted on my 'walls' and of course the love I got from SDK. Appreciate it all. May the good LORD continue to bless
and enrich you all. I feel so lucky and blessed to have you guys here.
It’s amazing how two words that mean so much can seem so little. If I could show you how much your presence, gifts and wishes mean to me yesterday, the simple phrase of "THANK YOU" would pale and diminish in the sheer enormity of the gratitude I owe. Here's me saying ~THANK YOU~.
Quote: He who find SDK has find a good thing -Dauda Aliu-
O boy, the yabing for the black and white picture no be here oo. Chai!
Well, here's another one to cleanse yesterday's CURSES and bouy up the heart of the 'cursers' LMAO.
Shoki ehn shoki
771616587914984 Etisalat
270932123059361 Glo
Best Regards
Dauda Aliu

New BVz welcome
ReplyDeleteHappy birthdayTetrinialzdiary, you are beautiful.. God bless your new age
happy birthday to the celebrants...God bless everyone
DeleteMr Solomon. Thank you. Hope you are ready for the big big blessings coming your way?! The Lords is meeting you soon. Be prepared for his wonders.
Ikokore, sharap, you got our love already, the bottom ceremony you had up there is not necessary. Muaaaahhh.
Attitude gini? Sounds vogue. You had better preference a better mission.
Ms Joan, three e-kisses for you.
Chioma, sharrap. Not a good way to start. I welcome you with half-pass eyes. Muaahh
Emmanuel, something tells me you're here for the richards. Well, time shall tell. Muaahh
Pemela, I smell great friendliness in you. You wouldn't want me to be wrong on this.
I welcome the rest of the otondos.
He who find SDK has find a good thing -Dauda Aliu-
Geraldine responses. That dude looks like someone that suffers heartbreak for long. Well-luck anonymous.
Stella is an Angel: thought I was the only one that noticed. That's what I call her secretly too. LOL.
Tetrinasdiary is such a beauty. I'm so happy for you darling. Bigger you I pray.
£170 na money oo. I never got lucky applying for this kind thing. So, I just chill out. If you decide to give me, fine.
But your level no be here oo.
See as you carry Christmas flower poss like USHER for church. Lol.
Have fun darling. Muuaahh.
»Jealous SDKer«
patt Oga is married.... she showed us her wedding pictures on dis blog on her birthday.. last yr..
DeleteSDK u pass angel now..
Stella please I have been waiting for the business advertisement post for this month. God bless you.
Deletegeraldine na only u waka come?lolz
Deleteehen stella so u tink say u b human being b4?abeg i share d same view wit her,u an angel,leave earth nd go to heaven,dats ur place,tnx again!
happybirthday tetrinasdiarie,u a convenant child o,u make sence at 33years o,shuo
new bvs u guys ar welcome o
welcome bvs.....
Deleteplease BVs please help my hubby with an electrical/engineering job in abuja so we can be together. plsssss
stella(at least thats what you asked us to call u) }pls dnt use my comment to cook soup again,i really need my hubby around pls SDKERs.
BVs in abuja how do u sleep at night knowing that my hubby needs a job in other to relocate to be in abuja, be ur sisters keeper
hes an eletrical engineer
God will perfect ur healing Tetrina.
DeleteINW... awesome as always...
ReplyDeleteanyways just want to give a shout out to ronalda....I have been having trouble sleeping so I decide to vist some post I missed... damn ronalda.... u re just another me... damn... the way u analyze things.... the way u see things from a perspective only brilliant mind would... ur attention to details... just blows my mind away... I just finish reading ur break down on the post " Relationship Rules Every Couple Should Break In 2015" it was as If u where in my head... dis is not de first time u have have analyze a situation and gave it ur own point the way I would... am just really glad to see someone Who thinks the way I would Or do...
from ur silent admirer....
and Yeah Yeah I know she is married... as some 'bv' will like to quickly point out....
another blog visitor I admire is Goldscent Diamond.... her silent humor tickles my fancy *in Stella's voice* and she does have a way with words....
let me stop here... before it becomes an epistle... happy new year y' u all... y'all always make my day...*kisses*
saved at 3:45am
Brilliant mind? Ronalda is sure brilliant but he doesn't type where in place of were, you just finish instead of finished? Madam please did you mean to compare yourself with someone else?
DeleteSo my pidgin does not 'tickles' you abi?
DeleteOK naaa....
If you live in the Uk (East London)and you need a tailor,call this number for your contemporary African designs 07940271162.Business only please.
DeleteBVs in abuja how do u sleep at night knowing that my hubby needs a job in other to relocate to be in abuja, be ur sisters keeper
Deletehes an eletrical engineer. chai there is God ohhh
You pple want me to beg in in house news before you hear me. ok oh
I loooove Ronaldaaa..
DeletePeople are vexing oooo 1:00pm dem don load d card
ReplyDeleteHBD 2 tetrinasdiary,may God continue 2 bless you.......mallam dauda aka jealous SDkers may God continue 2 kip u, pls way my cake @dauda n tetrinasdiary??
DeleteI'll DHL your cake to you :-)
DeleteHappy birthday dear!!!! Way to go
DeleteI celebrate lthe gift if life for u
God bless ya'all
ReplyDeleteNo jane. Aku gist today.
DeleteWelcome to all newbies, but Stella I think you should put a hold on this welcome stuff. Maybe a general welcome to all new comers, not naming them individually. It adds nothing to IHN. My opinion though, your blog.
DeleteErr....down to business. Where is lady stark's expose'? I thought it was all going down today. Abi it was all empty threats?
Come to think of it, I'm sure I've come across that name b4, but for the life of me, can't remember where.
Come out with your incriminating evidence against Ezemoney, or forever remain silent. Stop disturbing the peace joor!
I folo folo BB ask you Stella, no Jane Aku mail today? Any rejoinder from Kehinde Ake? Yesterday's IHN was off the S-H-I-Z-Z-L-E mehnnnnnn!
DeleteBLOG ANALYSER: HBD To all celebrants, God bless Mr Solomon and oda givers. New BLOG visitors, u all welcme to a great family.
ReplyDeleteAwww Tetrina, your story touched me, i celebrate with you today, you shall not die but live to declare the goodness of the Lord, Happy Birthday dear.
DeleteLet this recharged card be free and fair I feel it's been rigged as just one person would load all the cards. ..haba in house news I dey one corner dey read
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Tetrina's Diaries.
DeleteWishing you many happy returns in good health.
God bless you.
Welcome to all the new BVS.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TETRINASDIARY i wish you more prosperous life and also look pretty
ReplyDeleteGod bless the givers.please i need a commercial printer
*love first*
It's true very true Mrs korkus... The particular course is WEB DESIGN... Hmmnnn
ReplyDeletehappy birthday tertrina nice shoes tho
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Tetrina's dairy
ReplyDeleteHeaven bless your new age.
Dauda sorry ehn! lol
Dauda, don't you ever look at d camera. You are always looking away. Anyways happy belated bday to u.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Patt Ogar will just respond 'married' and that will be all
ReplyDeleteKikiki patt and her one word.
DeleteGbam Gbamer Gbamest!
You don get am!
DeleteGod bless all the givers...
ReplyDeleteCongrats to d receivers...
Dose shoes r rili cute esp d red one, tho im nt a size 38.
HBD tetrina diaries... cute profile name, God bless ur heart...
Got no story dat touches, all i ask for is airtel richard card for subscription... Please help...
U keep asking of recharge card without going back to your comments to see if anyone responded.I asked on one of the weekend IHN how to get through to you but no response,instead,an impersonator cropped up.give your email address with your blog I.d. You should always do a follow up when you apply or seek for something,you never can tell
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHappy birthday tetrina
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the family all new sdk s
Stella no be ass licking u be angle biko
Stella, you really must be a vindictive person. What you did to Laila ijeoma was horrible. You did it to linda when you guys were friends, now you guys are no longer friends. Now, Laila too. See the comments on that FFk post. You're a generous person but I don't think you're a good friend. You need to change. Tufiakwa.
ReplyDeleteOh goodness Stella!!!...mehnnn the emails. God give me the spirit of discernment..
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday ma'am Thank God for your life.... Please I sent you a mail.. Please consider me ! Thanks . God bless you .
DeleteHappy birthday sweerie.
DeleteHappy birthday tetrina...Wishing u God's abundant blessings..
DeleteGod bless you all especially the givers....unlimited favour is what I wish you all
ReplyDeleteIHN rocks. God bless d cheerful givers.
ReplyDeleteHbd tetrina'sdiaries and God bless your new age
ReplyDeleteThe new Bvs welcome on board,God bless the givers too.
@XYZ, so on ysday's IHN, u were claiming that I msgd u saying that u like sex abi? What sort of BS/lies is that? Pls I'd like u 2 send d screenshots of my mail 2 Stells so she can post it if ur claim is right or forever remain silent. What namsense!
ReplyDeleteStella plz don't delay in posting comments 2day o, coz ur delay took away the shine of yesterday's IHN. Lady Stark's reply and all. We want d messages and punches dilivered as e dey hot 2day.
#sits back and relaxes
But you can do it though
Deleteeesah thank you for mentioning it
DeleteTake up d Challenge @ Stark raving lunatic Lady oo.........
DeleteEesah is seriously waiting oo....
You see yourself? You did James bond with Jane,
Deletenow XYZ has done jack Bauer with you.
You see yourself?
Ghen ghen...
DeleteGoodday ma'am, I am a final year Student in one of the State Universities in Nigeria (LAUTECH) currently writing my project but funds is delaying me. My mom is a widow who has been the only person supporting me and my 3 siblings, I just want to reduce the burden on her. I don't mind if I don't receive all the money but I will make do with any amount you decide to send. God Bless you ma for your kind heart.
DeleteYou all shud give this project begging style a rest... it haf do
Deleteihn news rock.happy birthday tetrinadairy and dauda aliu.pls bvs I nid help oh.its January already and my parents Havnt been able to raise 45k for my younger sister acceptance fee.she gained admission in uniben..Without it she can't do clearance and d date for the clearance is dad told her yesterday dat he can t raise d money.she had been crying off n on since den.dis is a girl dat has been searching for admission for 3yrs now.
ReplyDeleteIHN always the best! Happy birthday to the celebrant. Stella you are the bomb! Ride on with your good work.
ReplyDeleteIHN making sense since 1900...all I can say is happy birthday to those celebrating. God bless d givers and receivers. God bless me so I can also be a giver.
ReplyDeleteGod bless u stellz, u are an angel in human form.
Don't know why but after going through the solomon's story, my spirit keep telling me it's scam that the giver and reciever are one and same so please if you are moved to give verify how, i don't really know.
ReplyDeleteAboki dauda the b&w was even better, c your chewing stick legs
D girl needing lappy i understand your plight
Welcome to all the new bvs
U just 'wowed' me.I thought I was the only one that noticed the insincerity in the messages of the Solomon and Mary.I may be wrong but that was just what struck me when I read d posts
DeleteOo Chim nwa eneh! You may be right anony. Who knws? Givers should be careful. Alotta 'scammers'.
DeleteA lot new BVs..happy birthday tetrina ure beautiful...hope d spirit leads u to my syd even if it z half d moni cos I reali need it nw. I cnt start posting d reason here...I still really need a job in Enugu pls..I am currently waiting for youth service and really really need a job plsss can anybody help??
ReplyDeletePS: studied Economics
HBD!..Daudu e be like say you take style dey find girl friend? I may be wrong though.:)
ReplyDeleteI say a big welcome to the new comers, please this is to the new comer that want's to give us attitude, please park well you met us here so you can't give us the omoniles orders thank you.
To the birthday girl that some 1 want's to meet i say shine your eyes and think with your head not your pussy o. Good luck
I'm here for lady stark illiterates comment. I borrowed the illiterate from ezenwanyi because how can someone come here and say she does not know Stellas email? I am suspecting that she is either qutie or her very close friend. Whoever it is, please pick a struggle
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's Qutie,Qutie is an Engineer and highly reserved.
DeleteThis Stark raving lunatic Lady illiterate does not even know me.
She compiled my comments,put two broken pieces and BAM she thinks I ve got Ezenwanyi Ibilibi Ogada.
Me that wanted to be entertained sef.
Godbless you Mr Solomon! You are far too kind. Your reward is not far fetched
Welcome New BVs. Oya get ready to answer present. We go soon mark register.
Shoe giveaways..
Those shoes are beaurifulll..especially the red. The winners will he so proud of their newly owned footies.
Pat ogar is married ohhh Oga! Go front abeg.
Stella, Miss Mae comments here often. I've seen her comments on several posts
Stella is an angel? Taaa! Stella na winsh, big kpiance.
Geraldine boo incoming
Despes please stay clear ohhh!
Good luck Geraldine. SDK wedding loading...
Wedding dress
Sorry I may come out as harsh but mehnn, whara hell! Its your wedding madam! Your big day! And you are begging for a dress to wear??? Arghhh.
Happy birthday beautiful Tetrina. I love your LBD and shoes.
May God heal you and may long life joy and blessings be yous for the taking.
bloglord you don cray...@stella na
DeleteBloglord no talk like that oo my fellow winsh(lol)maybe na matured single wey just wan answer Mrs;...I don't it's bad if she borrows.
DeleteNa Stella Dimoko U call winsh?????my hand no dey dey there ooo....wait till she tells U to fuck off..!!!
Thank you bloglord :-)
Delete@BLOGLORD I copy and paste ur comments. iHN rock jor.
DeleteKikikikikikiki......Stella know every every naaa.....
DeleteIhn changing life since 1900
Happy birthday Tetrina darl..God bless you..Lmao@Patt Ogar na person wifey o.The lady that need a wedding dress,you didn't state your size.
ReplyDeleteMy fellow Bv's,help me tank God ooo,I don't knw wat i'ld have to if wat I tot had happened!!!.....I was home alone,browsing,refreshing Dis blog till 12:45,den d devil sent his agent in form of my friend to come and engage me in gist,mumu gist for Dat matter,I was so engrossed!!!SUDDENLY,Sumtin snapped in me and I checked d time,only to discover Dat it was past 1,1:15 precisely..... I almost fainted,I refreshed SDK again,clutching my chest,preparing to cry,only to discover Dat there was NO Richard kard give personally grateful to God cos I dunno wat i'ld have done if there was Richard kard and I missed it again today, ild just kill Dat my friend!!!!Looooolzzzzz..
ReplyDeleteNow,lemme go and read d post properly!!!
Stella, this new visitor welcome thing should be scrapped off. In my opinion, it is totally unnecessary, uncalled for and will only result in dulling the inhouse news. You are going to have 500+ new visitors mailing you one day. Would you be able to post that high amount of data? If any new visitor needs a special welcome, let him or her send a recharge card along with his/her post as I will be waiting to recharge my 4 sims. Thank you
ReplyDeleteSeconded,and also hilarious
Let is be scraped abeg
DeleteFunny you, Richard card =introduction
DeleteGod bless you mr Solomon @birthgirl if u're meeting with this person do it in an open place oooo Goodluck like the name of our presido.
Tetrinadiaries happy birthday to you, more fruitful years ahead(sent you a mail already,hope you yget to see it). To all the givers God bless
New BVs una welcome ooooo
IHN la'hot
@Ememjune spot on, let dem add rechard cards to it.....ehehheehheje
DeleteHappy birthday Tetrina darl..God bless you..Lmao@Patt Ogar na person wifey o.The lady that need a wedding dress,you didn't state your size.
ReplyDeleteLol...@stella, theye r free 2 mail him o. Thr is LOV in sharing
ReplyDelete*runs away* off 2 check out my prince charming
Oh goodness Stella!!!...mehnnn you tried it. God, please give me the spirit of discernment..AND peeps, please stop calling me "Ma" in your e-mails.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday. God bless u
DeleteGeraldine, your market don sell oooh......congrats in advance.
ReplyDelete2day lHN is 4 d new bv that wants 2 be noticed by force.....u guys are welcome by d way.
@d Oga looking for pat,so u are looking for a lady 2 wait her time abi???
BV in need of wedding gown what size are you pls?
ReplyDeletehbd tetrina long life n prosperity....... am in for ur gift....cheers n hav fun
ReplyDeleteNo blog like SDK! Thank God for using Jim Iyke's saga to bring me here. I'm so addicted.
ReplyDeleteIn house news oh
ReplyDeleteTony, patt ogar is married wit kids
Happy birthday to Terrina diaries
Me love some red shoes but d high heels always scare me.can't walk well onvery high heels,maybe I need a lesson
U r welcome. Dauda
Welcome on board d new bv's
Stella u are doing a great job
ReplyDeleteEhnnn,nobody bin welcome me when I come this blog o..*side eyes.The charity bake event in ph,i will be dere with Manna bee n some anony..loool
ReplyDeleteOh I'm so sad, we have our MPR meeting that same day. I wouldve loved to meet PH BVs. #Hottest Chic
Deletewelcome all new bvs...and pls o i really need money for my project...pls u guys shld hlp me
ReplyDeleteBiko change Ur name.
DeleteDo U know what Miss World is??????
Pls help her oooo.......
Is this not the woman with the mouth odour???
DeleteStop begging
DeleteHian Odiegwu..isi nor miss world?
DeleteYes she oooooo.........
Awww.. I love this blog...
ReplyDeleteGud afternoon everyone and how is your day going?
ReplyDeletePeople are really kind oh, an unemployed person out of d little he has payin a part rent for another, Mr Solomon d God i serve wil bless u wif a gainful employment and uplift ur financial status dis yr, IJN, amen.
@Tetrinasdiary, Hbd to you, May your birthday blossoms into lots of dreams come
true! Wishing you courage, respect, wits, success and lots of love on this magical day. #Flex tight n my cake! very important.
loaded and the new face of in house ,una welcum new bvs,In house news making sense since 2014
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to all BV's celebrating.
ReplyDeleteA bigger and better you *in oluyomi's voice*
Tetrinadiaries, please consider me for your giveaway. I am tired of staying idle and want to start a small business(I intend to grow it). God bless you.
If you want me to forward the details to your mail, I'll do so. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteSee as @Dauda resemble "Teacher chike"
@Dauda u don load ur card..come send empty wa for u ooo...
Abeg anybody wen load ds card make dem signify with a known valid blog I'd....Bcos today today I go catch @Dauda d knackson"
God bless you bv for paying that woman's rent. Your heaven on earth blessing won't pass you by IJN....
ReplyDeleteThis is January and the month Is still very young, Bvs please help a sister with a job. I really do need it to assist myself and my widowed mum. I'm a graduate of Business administration and I'm based in lagos.
Please I beg of you my blogFam, help me out. I done submit cv tire.
Thanks stella for being a blessing to me especially.
Dauda you no go kill person, thanks for your shoki though I didn't get any oooo.....
ReplyDeleteMay God bless and expand your coast Mr. Solomon... And to all the givers, may you never lack.
To all the new comers, you are all welcome in the name of the lord, one love...
Happy birthday beautiful Tetrina......
Patt Ogar's hubby go kill person ooooo....
Geraldine, rereply sharply because Oluwa the Boo provider don hear you
@SDK FIRST SON welcome back ooo happy new year. ....
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Tetrina. You look bombastic! Thank GOD for healing you years ago.
ReplyDeleteTo Dauda Aliu, bros you sha want make person notice you for SDK B. Well, you have been noticed. Enjoy the fame.
You come across as a "by fire by force" I must be noticed guy. You will be the talking type as well. I could be wrong though.
Happy birthday in arrears and wetin you dey look for that ya phone sef? This ya yellow nikka na *****.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIN HOUSE NEWS MAKING SENCE SINCE 1920,to all the new BV's una welcome o
ReplyDeleteIHN rocks
ReplyDeletePat ogar is married now ehe
Geraldine your pictures have paid off
Dauda when I saw your pictures yesterday I was carried away,today am back stop dressing like those Aboki on sallah day joor
Tetrina happy birthday and God bless you,i won't mind you giving me the money oh
So stella new BV need to send emails to notify us abi,as for the hater_slayer newbie you will get more than you bargain for here,
God bless the givers and the receivers
Am out
Thanks to the givers on dis blog.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the new Bv's ooooooooo make una behave unaself ooo.
Happy birthday tetrinasdiary may God grant u Ur heart desires.
Why do I have this feeling lady stark is the woman from that other blog?
ReplyDeleteWas it Ezenwanyi's fault your blog is now extinct?
I ran to IHN to check whether a memo will be released to this effect but nah!
Okay make I go shop again, my 'old guy' wants to take me shopping again. Oh my! I love this life i'm living.
Dauda, e don do! From black and white picture to side picture? You're not fine, give it a rest. Se sei bello, sei bello.
Jayem chopping life. Hook a sister up na, wetin sef
DeleteDon't I just U @JayEm!!!
Thanks for not advertising that kini.
Wa nibi JayEm, where you go this time again. Cos I never here your noise for a while though I went MIA. How is blooda old oyinbo too.
DeleteNope, it can't be the woman 4rm the other blog. She ain't got time 4 nona that!
DeleteJayem same here! I was actually expecting a robust memo but was disappointed.Enjoy your life jare! Nah God give you.
DeleteEesah go and sit Ur ass down!!!
DeleteShe dosen't ve time for what????
Wasn't she d same lunatic that called me a witch in her blog????
Guy stay for Ur lane abi U know more than U are letting on????
IHN making sense... God bless everyone
ReplyDeleteHappy. Birthday beautiful tetrina.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to all the new visitors...behave yasef....
Jehovah Jireh, provide for the is well
The birthday girl is very good looking..God bless u@Mr Solomon, Bvs, and Stella
ReplyDeleteThe Love I have for IHN ehn..acent explain
ReplyDeleteLmao @oluwaboo has been located..
Happy Birthday Tetrina...God bless your new age.LLNP
i wonder why there re no Male Bvs that can give out male's only the ladies that re nice wa i need a 2014 Tag Heuer wristwatch.anybody?thank u#sipsMoetnChandon#
ReplyDeleteJust dey drink your moet de go....
DeleteNobody ntoor
DeleteBiko IHN today no de interesting. What's with the announcement of new bvs? Na new system be this?
ReplyDeleteAll these cards,na spirit dey use dem nii?
ReplyDeleteDauda Aliu,don't tell me you had to take another pictures coz of the yabbin.
ReplyDeleteLovely write up Doris, it really touched me. With the rate my friends are getting married, the write up brought me out of worryland. Thank you Doris
ReplyDeleteWelcome new @Bv
ReplyDelete@Geraldine don see husband
@Pat Ogar...Abeg answer am ooo
@Tetrinasdiary....happy birthday.... That pound go fit me
Look me well give me d covenant seed....
Tetrinasdiary happy birthday, you are one Hot Mama...... Mr Solomon God bless you plenty, may God bless you in ways u never imagined.Jealous sdker Happy birthday in arrears. Many beautiful years ahead.
ReplyDeleteHmmm new BVs welcome . Have a nice day y'all.
Like play like play, Geraldine don find le boo. I hope it ends well.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday dear... Many more yrs..
ReplyDeleteDauda stop trying too hard abeg. U can't take Alloy's place with ur bad mouth..*itaintenoughthatyouarehandsome*.. U can't be SDK
People with fast fingers Sha. Na wa
ReplyDeleteOxygen and magnesium! In house news loaded as usual...God bless the givers
ReplyDeleteIHN is da bomb
ReplyDeleteIts more blessed to give than to receive. My prayer is to be a blessing to others. The BV that helped pay part of the house rent, you are blessed always.
Blog visitor tetrinasdiary I would like to receive the seed you intend sowing so that I can support my family by starting up a business. I entered for the various giveaway in December but I was not fortunate enough to win, I v got some business in mind but no money to finance it and I need to support my family and then be a blessing to others through the business
@ Dauda this your pishure na powerful. A warm welcome to all the new bvs. Enjoy your stay here forever, i can bet you'll be addicted, addiction with no regrets. Pat Oggar is a happily married woman o. Happy birthday Tetrinasdiary, may Jehovah Rapheka the great healer perfect his healing on you completely in Jesus name, amen. God bless mr Tony o, I can feel the woman's joy. Yes I agree with that bv 100%, I do sing it as a song always that Stella you are an angel on assignment but you dont know. I mean, who does this? If you start to count people you have made people help, and the ones you have assisted and still helping financially then you would know that you are a CEO of a company with hundreds of staff on your pay roll earning salary, but in your own case the staff are doing nothing for the company. That is how I see it. May the Almighty continually bless and keep you and yours in Jesus name Amen. God bless your heart.
ReplyDeleteThank God for the countless blessings on this blog. This is a special plea to the lady that wants to sow a seed into a life. My case is serious walahi, crayfish done bend. I havn't been paid for several months as a mother of 3, things are not moving well for hubby, depression want to finish me. Plssss help a sister biko.
ReplyDeleteYes I have been officially welcomed.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Bv Tetrinasdiary. Hope I got your name correct.
I am publicly announcing that I am intrested in your seed sowing.
I pray, hope and wish that you sow that seed into my life. AMEN.
Girlz are not smilling
Happy birthday to u Tetrinasdiary, u look so beautiful, God will continue to keep u till ur old age after leaping the fruit of ur labour.
ReplyDeleteI wish I can win ur giveaway to pay up my mum's rent.
All the new fam memberss una welcome o.
Welcome to all the new Bvs,keep your chargers very close cos trust me your battery go die on top SDK blog hehe...Happy birthday Tetrinasdiary,God bless your new age girl. God bless u richly Mr. Solomon,Geraldine we watching you o *side eyes*,@ amebo gist/naija police na today? Tony abeg leave married woman oooo mbok...all the best to all applicants IHN rocks and Yes Stellz is a confirmed Angel
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to our very own Tetrinasdairy, I wish you good health, prosperity and even more reasons to be thankful and happy next year.
ReplyDeleteGod bless all the givers and Solomon you are a Godsent to that family, your shame will also be covered and your dream job will locate you.
Hmmm...I am so happy today, it is amazing how little things can lighten up ur heart, My friend knocked on my door this morning with some priceless agbalumo(udara). Kai I felt like heaven just embraced me. I have been dreaming of agbalumo for months, haven't tasted one. I woke up this morning with a good feeling, I just knew something good was going to happen to me and here it is. As far as I am concerned, I am the happiest person on this planet now. God bless you Lola for ur priceless gift. Pregnancy has it's way of making you see life in a different light. #thankfulheart
Happy birthday Tetrina! You look gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteHappy BD dear!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to all d new bvs
@ Mr solomon, god bless you and all the givers on this blog
Yea! Stella, you are an angel!
Richard kard!! Richard kard!!! Reichard kard!!!
ReplyDeleteOne day na one day sha...
I keep trying....
Keep hoping...
happy birthday tetrina's diary. oluwaboo...side eyes.
ReplyDeletepls visit my blog...
thanks Doris for that write up, Birthday Girl Tetrina you are beautiful i love your shoe HBD.
ReplyDeleteBia! Jealous SDK wetin be that combo I saw ehn!
ReplyDeleteTo the undergraduate with laptop, biko what school is that? and I graduated a computer Sci student from a reputable Fed uni and dem no chase me for school till I got my laptop.
My advice once you need something no need to Exaggerate
I just love IHN. Thats one post i always can't wait to read. Stella my big friend, truck load of loves for you.
ReplyDeleteThanks Stella for posting my wedding dress plea. More Grease to ur elbow
ReplyDeleteChimooo! Pat Ogar is happily married with kids mbok. Toaster, u must be a newbie here. Hbd to d bd gal, Dauda, u dey fear to face camera when snapping? What else? Ermmm! D dude dat gave out 45k may God bless you. Keep veing a nice day y'all.
ReplyDeleteIHN rocks.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Tetrina, you are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteGod bless Mr Solomon.
IHN always sweeting me.
@kcee004 where do you reside??
IHN Repping as usual.
ReplyDeleteGoD bless all the givers.and receivers too.
The BV that helped Mary and her hubby with d deir rent,mark it today,Heaven has arisen on ur behalf.amen.
Happy Birthday TeTrina baby.....u rock!
Hahhahahahahahahahha,I am waiting for Patt's reply to dis memo.
I am happy for u Geraldine.I hope dis leads to something very Beautiful and permanent in Jesus name.
I knew dere was something about u wen I first saw ur pic...I actually looked through each and every one of ur pix like twice....
U ooze loveliness,gentility,humility,kindness and honesty.....go Babyyy!
And yes,I agree wit u....GoD bless u Stels baby.u are indeed a kind-hearted person.may GoD bless u.heal ur Dad and make all ur dreams come true.amen.
Amen to ur prayer nnem.
DeletePhew..... so much to digest. but let me start by wishing u Terian dairies a wonderful birthday. May God add more sunshine to ur life.
ReplyDeleteTo d all d wonderful givers of this blog, may ur pockets never go dry.
Stella ure God sent really. Continue to do u ok. God bless u and urs.
In house news Na baba! Bwahahahahahahaha
Stella i beg you in the name of God can you kindly cut out this new blog visitor announcement , it is monotonous and tiring to read, new bvs should join and start commenting like everyone did, they are always welcome.
ReplyDeleteWe all joined without public announcement and if they wish to , they can introduce themselves in the comment section.
True truly! How many are we gonna welcome? I think no need to welcome them till they pass their probational period (i.e their comments must have been noticed for at least three months) then we can welcome....
DeleteNo be tmrw now, dem don lost finish meanwhile they have enjoyed the welcome party.
Dauda Aliu you still ugly boo. I love those shoes but too shy to ask. God bless all the givers.
ReplyDeleteI'm just here to read comments. Looking for my Johnny.
MY IN HOUSE NEWS....So i have started seeing BVs in my dream.. last night i saw BBC in my dream with her twin sister(i dont even know who she is or if she has a twin).. the other night it was General's wife and Bloglord. People i don't even know. Odiegwu oh, now i'm certain this is a problem. I don't understand how these blog characters come to life in my dream. LOL..abeg ooh!
ReplyDeleteBuahahhahahahahaha...its because you love it here that's why.
DeleteI have seen Linda eze in my dream before.
I have seen Ezenwanyi chasing me with a cutlass in my dream before.
I have seen nimasinachi at a wedding in my dream before...
Na normal thing when you are in your favourite hangout joint.
DeletePeach u took Irish Cream right before bed time,right? LMAO
DeleteStella Bloglord is bullying Ezenwanyi Ibilibi Ogada ooo.......
..The General’s Wife is my" weakness"
I did not chase anybody inside dream ooo...ehen
Solomon God bless you, for showing love to this family,God wil not fail to
ReplyDeleteput smile on your face.
Welcome to this great family of love all new Bvs. The new BV with an atitude that is out to shut people up, i hope your are watching your mouth already. Why are you announcing your presence in such a controversial way? Easy abeg,no be today nyansh begin dey 4 back.
Happy birthday to you tetrina, you re beautiful,may the lord that healed you heal my mother too in IJN.
IHN.....whoop !
ReplyDeleteStella that person is right ooo, you're an angel. I dreamnt of you while on hols at illorin o,it shocked me! in the dream you were just "urself" lol, am honored to have met you, i think i need to get the ID officially, after-all iv been here while pepper was changing and exchanging ID's .maybe datz what you were trying to tel me,lool
Thank you Solomon,God refill you. Truth is if you've not suffered housing issh, you cant relate with others.currently live in ph and entered one chance landlord after nysc just to survive in the town,so i got stuck in a bad house, you don't need the details sef, well like play i don manage am till now.
THat red shoe doe! well i don't live in lagos and don't do heels"bites finger"
God bless all the givers.apy bday to today celebrant.wot else oooo
ReplyDeleteWelcome here new bvs, IHN fully loaded today.
ReplyDeleteSDK blog is indeed a blessing to our generation. One major lesson I've learnt from this blog is the BLESSINGS IN GIVING. I pray for grace to give more. Amen
ReplyDeleteLol....erm see as dauda do photoshoot for sdk.....hbd tetrina....u are fine o...
ReplyDeleteStella abeg kehinde ake never reply that babe?
The blognalist has spoken!
DeleteMrs korkus, someone asked me to drop my mail address on read and be encouraged of sunday but you're not approving it. Abeg na mrs korkus
Delete@shola, send it to IHN...stella na case sometimes and you have to deal with it
DeleteI was not among oooo........
DeleteI didn't say anything ooo.......
it's all Bloglord's fault.
Tongue out @ Bloglord.
ReplyDeleteThe BV who needs a wedding gown for april nuptial,what size are you? I still have my wedding gown with me,never really made up my mind on what to do with it.
Stella may God continue to uplift u in everything u do,u have such a beautiful heart! I want to be like u wen I grow up *smiles*
ReplyDeleteWonderful day to you all.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to the fine lady with a heart of gold. Many happy years to you.
'Welcome wey bread' to the new comers.
Have been down since morning but I thank God for every. There's hope once there is life! I believe God.
#Uyo JobSeeker#
Happy birthday Tetrina,God bless you.God bless you also Mr Solomon
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Tetri. God Bless You. 170pounds, the money is appealing but i think the students among us need it most.
ReplyDeleteWish the people finding love all the best.
INH is ok, welcome new bvs. Pls Tetrina hbd, pls consider me.
ReplyDeleteGod bless the giver and the receiver and God u stella u too much,and also may my destiny helper locate me ,Amen
ReplyDeleteGod bless all the givers. May they never lack. B_day celebrant, I Pray our meciful God to send ur early rain and grant u whatever u ask in His name. I pray for everyone on this blog, that poverty will be far from us in this year 2015...Amen! There shall be testimonies instead of lamentation...Amen!
ReplyDeleteGod bless the givers.HBD Tetrina... God bless and continue to keep you.Stella don't mind the people posting hate.comments they are the ones that will still be doing begy-begy on all blogs.Pat ogar oyah answer oh.
happy birthday tetrina
ReplyDeleteHappy bday to u terinasdiary,may God bless u n keep u times3 of ur age.u ll neva knw lack ijn.av a blast beautiful woman.bube
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Tetrinasdairy, may God bless u n grant all so desire. I will be happy if you can bless me with that money biko! I live in the UK and things are really tough at the moment, as I just relocated here, and yet to get a job until I got pregnant. No coy will employ a pregnant woman. Hubby has been d only one caring for d house, bill e.t.c. I need it badly to assist hubby in buying some of the baby's stuff, as I will be due early April. Pls help a sister in need. God bless u.
ReplyDeleteIHN rocks.......welcome to all d new BV's u will never regret being part of dis family....sdk rocks
ReplyDeleteHappy BD to u my sister, IHN rocks n am happy am part of dis blog bc I really enjoy reading ppl's story. It helps me shapen my life, learn new things n always remember dt whatever I pass tru in life, dt dia is still hope n giving up isn't an option bc am still better dan someone somewhere. Keep it up Stella, I love ur work. God bless u.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday tetrina
Welcome new Bvs
Stella, maybe miss mae is a computer science student.
*Rmn blessed*
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday tetrina
Welcome new Bvs
Stella, maybe miss mae is a computer science student.
*Rmn blessed*