Did i hear you say Thank God its Friday?
*side eyes*
SDKers, I just passed through the worst moment of my life. I was in my
office, waiting for customers when I received a call from this number
07068608917 saying there had been an accident along Apapa and my
number was retrieved from one of the victim's phone. Honestly, the
description of the victim fits my eldest brother completely and
knowing he works at Apapa threw me off balance. He even described my
brother's car, which is actually a jeep.
I cut him off and called my brother endlessly, but he didn't pick any of his calls. I was afraid that the worst had happened. I called the man back and told him to
call me on my brother's phone and he said my brother doesn't have
credit on his phones. That got me suspicious because in this day and
age, how won't someone have at least flashing credit of one naira on
his phone.
I cut him off and called my brother's wife. She told me to ignore the caller that my brother called her about 30 minutes ago thate was about to step into a meeting and won't be going with his phones. I called the stranger and decided to play along. The idiot said the man (cos I know none of my family members (and yours) won't witness accidents this year in Jesus' Name, amen) had just beenadmitted into Goshen hospital, apapa and they are demanding for
N20,000 if not the victim would die. The mumu now said I should send
N25,000 worth of recharge cards that he would sell them for N20,000.
I've had enough. I cursed him and cut off. I won't lie, dearies. I was
really scared that something bad had happened.
*Side eyes whilst sipping tea*
Stella my landlord is a bad man, before my husband and i moved to the house he collected our names,my husband liked the house i did not so i
started doing midnight prayers and after one week the landlord called my husband and confessed to him saying he is in a cult that the people his agents don't want us in the house and that we should leave.
Every night my son screams and cries in his sleep, then we started seeing snakes and he later on sent his driver to bury something in the
compound we caught him and sent him away and since february 2014 we have been going to court but i know for us to be alive today GOD is doing something great in my family.thanks.
what is all this?pack out of the house nau?ah ah.
Hello Stells .please I am an expectant mum, who needs help from blogfam. anyone with an old babycot which they are not using anymore, can please use
it to sow a seed to a sister. I can be reached on
Hello Stella,
Please you and BVS should help me thank Tetrinadiaries.
I was among those that sent her mail on tuesday. Although i sent my
mail late. but she responded to me.
She just bless me with a whooping sum of 10000 naira o. for me to
start a trade.
May God bless her and her family. Her generation shall be called
bless. The Lord shall grant all her heart desires. She and her family
shall know no lack.
I wish i could send shoki anh now. But when i start making the profits
i shall surely send my own shoki ahh.
Thanks Stella for this platform you are really saving lives. you are
just an angel sent on a mission. God bless you.
if you cant send shoki,then lets dance shoki aaaanh.
Good morning Stella. I hope this mail meets you well. I wasn't able to give anything during the Xmas giveaway cos I was kinda broke. I just want to do a little giveaway for BVs. I have these lip sticks. They are waterproof lipsticks. Stella when this lipstick dries on your lips, no worry, grab your husband when he is wearing white and scare the hell out of him by kissing him on the white, you won't see a single stain. it's also very easy to wipe when you want to clean it. You just use a wipe or damp clothe and it will clean off.
This will help the ladies who are tired of re-applying lipsticks over and over again in a single day and the ones who can't kiss their lover in public because they don't want to stain his lips or wipe their lipsticks off.
It contains 6 pieces of different colours in a pack and I will be giving 3 packs away. Coupled with the lipsticks, I will also be adding eyebrow stencil to the package. Eyebrow stencil is a tool you can simply use in painting your eyebrow such that you have a perfect eyebrow lines that are equal on both sides. The eyebrow stencil contains 8 different styles in a pack. I will just simply pick the first, second and third people who asked of it.
To BVs who wants both the lipstick and the stencil but couldn't win in this giveaway, please patronize your brother abeg and I will be giving plenty discount. Instead of #4000 for the lipstick and stencil, I will sell to you at 2700 with free delivery to wherever you are.
For guys, make una no vex, una stocks never enter now. I will soon do shoe giveaway for guys but in the mean time, I have just this one floral shirt left and it is XL. Anyone who asks for it first gets it too. Abeg help me show your wives, girlfriends and sisters the lipstick and stencil too.
My contact: davidballer100@gmail.com or 08133624854.
Thanks very much Stella. Pictures below

I love number 9,has the same color shade with my YSL and its so cheap,wow.
I have three small bags of rice to give to those in need . However I don't know how to select because the last time sdk people jammed my phone finish . What's your take on how to select. I can only give people that reside in lagos and stay either around Lagos island, Magodo or Yaba .
Email is olutobi_89@yahoo.com
Aunty Stella(pardon me BBC),I want to start by posting d comment I dropped on the 31st of december to apologise to BVs about my comment;
bitchplis (BentOuttaShape)31 December 2014 at 14:12
I don't think I owe anyone an explanation or apology about d comment I dropped a few days ago n d previous ones but I'l explain/apologise nonetheless...a lotta ppl misundastand u wen u say some things,like d person dat said I was bragging about sleepin wit a minor n some of my previous comments...far from it,I wasn't bragging about it,dis blog gives me d chance to blow out some steam about some past episodes in my life...d girl in question had d body of an adult n she told me she was 16 n'l be 17 in a few months(still too young I know)..it was later I discovered her real age...I knew I messed up n I regret dat act...I apologise to all dat got offended by d comment,I av a 15year-old niece I care so much about n can't imagine any guy coming close to her..d last time I saw d girl(used to call her juve)I apologised to her n she even said I did nothin wrong to her cos she was d one disturbin me n dat was wat she wanted @ dat period. I apologise for d
insensitivity of my comment(s). Happy new year in advance y'all.
Thanks to Goldscent,bianca bruno n Sabongida ora cutest for acknowledging my apology
I want to use this opportunity to apologise once more to everyone who found my comment(s) offensive and also let people know am not bragging about it. I know there are parents here and I can imagine how pissed off they might have been with what I did. I thought I was doing the right thing at that period cos I was having serious advances from the girl n a married woman...(no,I'm not feeling like Kehinde Ake d ladies' man,and yes,I'm cool like that *as cool as d other side of d pillow *in scott stuart's voice*) and I felt the last thing I'l ever do is sleep with a married woman n it was better to do a smallie than someone's wife(guess i'm wrong).
I can't express how sorry I am.
@genny with a capital letter 'G',I found myself praying for God to have mercy on u in church yesterday evening while we were sending back curses to anyone cursing us(be careful who u curse cos the bible say 'those who bless us shall be blessed n those who curse us shall be cursed).AM SO SO SORRY.
Am not going to say anytin further after this.
Your sins are forgiven you Bae,now go and sin no more.
I am in serious need of an office space for my business in Port Harcourt. I own an Event Managing firm, the company offers services ranging from decoration, photography, catering etc.
I have been working from home for some time now and need to take the business to another level.
Any blog visitor in Port Harcourt who owns a space (just a small room) will do for now and is comfortable taking between monthly rent payments to one (1) year rent should please contact me on the email below.
Hi Stella!
How you doing? *in Wendy's voice*
Hiya BVs, throwing kisses your ways!
In the spirit of giving, I ..... hereby want to offer make up services to three fellow BVs having their weddings between March and April for free! Only on saturdays, please. (Tbh, it's also for selfish reasons because I also want to build up my make up portfolio and grow).
More so, I'm a creative director. Pre wedding shots these days are extremely boring, I am filled with ideas of very interesting ones so if you are interested in that too hit me up.
Warning: This is not for the fainthearted. I could be way over my head at times and have very ambitiously crazy ideas (lol)...think alexa in glam fairy,think me!
Email: pholaphayo92@gmail.com
Hi Mrs Korkus,
God's grace and wisdom shall forever be your portion for as long as you live, amen.
A very good and kind lady friend wants to give out #90,000 to 14 blog visitors. She wants me to be the middle man and yes, she is a regular here but doesn't comment.
- 10k will be given to 4 blog visitors who wants to start a very small scale business.
- 5k will be given to 10 blog visitors who really need the money.
I have created a new email just for this purpose.
Those for the 10k give away should send a mail stating the kind of business they want to start + materials and their cost.
Those for the #5k giveaway should state in their mail why they should be given the money.
The email add is blessingoverflow2015@gmail.com.
Hhahahahahhahahahahahahahaha i love corned beef and scrambled eggs.
Vivienne Ada said...
Mrs Fine Face I saw your post on in-house news...you said something about me saying trash about Stella now am begging! OK...here is my post on
Lailas blog
Vivienne Ada 6 January 2015 at 07:33
Was surprised wen I saw that post had
to even ask some1 to explain better
because I was too lazy to read it!!! Then
I got so many negative response!!!!
People come hia saying I love you
Laila!!! but go to another blog saying
trash!!!! God is watching ooo!!!
Pls is there any negative comment about Stella here or did you even hear me mention Stella's name???why would you take it upon yourself to say untrue things about me??? I don't say negative things about good people pls...
And about me begging like you pointed out....I know you've never begged in your life b4.Pray you don't but if you have!!!!! sorry 4u..Haven't you heard that anybody that stalks me on blogs gets sick and crazy????If you are looking for a prey go elsewhere pls because am 2 big to be handled or intimidated and I no get the strenght to enter you!!!!" wherever you are!!!!
A fine person like you call yourself should have a fine heart!!!
Cow wey dey in a hurry to go America go come back as corn beef ooo#
Remain blessed!#
Lailas blog
Vivienne Ada 6 January 2015 at 07:33
Was surprised wen I saw that post had
to even ask some1 to explain better
because I was too lazy to read it!!! Then
I got so many negative response!!!!
People come hia saying I love you
Laila!!! but go to another blog saying
trash!!!! God is watching ooo!!!
Pls is there any negative comment about Stella here or did you even hear me mention Stella's name???why would you take it upon yourself to say untrue things about me??? I don't say negative things about good people pls...
And about me begging like you pointed out....I know you've never begged in your life b4.Pray you don't but if you have!!!!! sorry 4u..Haven't you heard that anybody that stalks me on blogs gets sick and crazy????If you are looking for a prey go elsewhere pls because am 2 big to be handled or intimidated and I no get the strenght to enter you!!!!" wherever you are!!!!
A fine person like you call yourself should have a fine heart!!!
Cow wey dey in a hurry to go America go come back as corn beef ooo#
Remain blessed!#
Hhahahahahhahahahahahahahaha i love corned beef and scrambled eggs.
I got a bag of rice as a gift and i am giving it back to two blog visitors who need some food.
I have given the rice to be given out by my friend and colleague.Please send an email to
pr@bigsammedia.com if you are interested in this rice.
Two people will share this bag.
Thank you.
Please if you are sending in mails,please stop the abbreviations because i cant deal!!!
If you sent me a mail and you have not seen a response that means i couldnt read it and i deleted it,otherwise your mail will come up soon in the chronicles.I do have a long list so please try to understand.sometimes i bypass others who send me ''aunty stella what colour of PA-ENT should i wear'' mails...lol
please yo be patient with me and stop adding hat AUNTY word to your mails or i go dey delete am.MY NAME IS STELLA!.i have never been called aunty in my life except on this blog,i love first name thingy and this aunty thing is like putting me in a box.calling someone aunty doesnt mean respect,especially if you can go under anon and cuss me out.Respect is in how you treat someone and not the name you flatter them with.una don hear?
I dey hungry and i am not cooking today so nah greek restaurant get me today *shoki aaaaanh*
.......................................................................................................................................................MEMO TO BLOG VISITORS
Please if you are sending in mails,please stop the abbreviations because i cant deal!!!
If you sent me a mail and you have not seen a response that means i couldnt read it and i deleted it,otherwise your mail will come up soon in the chronicles.I do have a long list so please try to understand.sometimes i bypass others who send me ''aunty stella what colour of PA-ENT should i wear'' mails...lol
please yo be patient with me and stop adding hat AUNTY word to your mails or i go dey delete am.MY NAME IS STELLA!.i have never been called aunty in my life except on this blog,i love first name thingy and this aunty thing is like putting me in a box.calling someone aunty doesnt mean respect,especially if you can go under anon and cuss me out.Respect is in how you treat someone and not the name you flatter them with.una don hear?
I dey hungry and i am not cooking today so nah greek restaurant get me today *shoki aaaaanh*
Good Morning Stella,
This is Mister Man, I hail you all the way from abeokuta. my memo is in 2 parts:
First for those complaining that they can't read comments pass the 200 comment post on Mobile, I have good news for you. Simply download UC browser and you are good to go. It is much convenient than reading the blog through the web version on a mobile phone. Goodluck
I read a comment about a woman who is searching for a viable business to invest in yesterday. Stella I'm searching for investors who are ready for a steady stream of income in this new year. I'm run a viable dump truck haulage business and I'm searching for investor to boost business sales. I have a robust business plan and I'm willing to send to a who-be investor. The capital required to buy and put a 30tons truck on the road is 6m and the ROI is 70% within 12 months. I am open to any form of partnership (equity,investor or loan) backed with good MoU. Our email address is : Truckabeokuta@yahoo.com
Thanks for posting this...love you plenty
Hehehe time don change
ReplyDeleteGod bless everyone.
I want the lipstick pleaseeee.
DeleteI'm im Abuja.
Was that last paragraph really necessary?
DeleteThis blog just be pitching girls and women together
No b smal tym don change. They ll strt stalking ds tym too for shoki aanh. Lolz
DeleteAnybody wen dey fight...
ReplyDeleteWen wan fight
Wen fight dey hungry
Make @SDK give una boxing ring....
Stop flooding our good IHN with ye ye fight n memo
God bless all the givers.
Richard no come house today???.....
lemme now go bck nd read
nice... u switched the time today.... kool...
ReplyDelete@Bloglord, don't make u be d first person I'd go hard on in dz blog. What's d meaning of I'm not a good person and anyone dining with me shld do it with a long spoon? Babes u don't know me. WTH is secrete mail 2 Ake's "supposed crush"? Posting Genny's comment was jes 4 d fun of it and also, so that any impending beef they may hv against each other can be squashed and then move on and nothing more coz like I said on wednesday with my hashtag, it's IHN and anythg goes for the fun. Or weren't u entertained? BTW, I wasn't the one who said Bitchplis shld come here and be bragging abt his sexcapades with minors. If u don't want attention, keep ur private life private. Since he decided 2 bring his private life here, It was only fun helping him amplify it. Or isn't that Y we are here? Aren't u here 4 Amebo? Weren't u d one dt once suggested Lord of d rings 4 battles 2 entertain u? U don't know my life outside dz blog and I don't know yours.
ReplyDeleteBut come 2 think of it, it is u dt pple should be weary of coz today u are licking Bitchplis's a55 even whn it borders around paedophilia, tomorrow u are licking Ezewanyi's a55 even whn it borders around amorality, and next u are grandiloquently discoursing d nitty-gritty of ur sexcapades with ur hubby on a blog where we hv teenagers below 18 just 2 seek attention and u are pointing fingers @ me? What gives? Who is fooling who? I don't hv issues with anybody on dz blog and I respect everyone (u and bitchplis inclusive) but phuleaseee don't be another shit starter!
*one love*
Well said Eesah. Leave the hypocrite.
DeleteEesa your plan with your sugar mum eya to spoil stellas blog did not work,now you are spoiling for war with bloglord . useless forsaken faggot like you . bitchplis you be proper mugu who you dey beg ?
DeleteCan someone compare lady stark writing with easahs writing. They are one and the same person.
DeleteWell said!!
DeleteWhat's going on nah? Quarrel everywhere. Please you guys should take it easy biko.
Order for your cupcakes, birthday cakes, wedding cakes, chinchin, small chops, meat pie, donuts etc. We deliver to homes/offices.
No! No! No!
DeleteWhen I was smelling drama today! But it shouldn't be between Eesah and my very much loved and respected BlogLord.
No way.
Eesah don fuck up!
it has do eesha...seize fire please...it is well
DeleteWait a minute! Is this an attempted call out on BLOGLORD?
Eesah! You have even jotted down the people's 'ass' I lick in here?
Oh boy! Its a sweet lick my brother and it taste as good as my cranberry juice.
S/O Ezenwanyi-Number 1 Amodu of Sdkb, S/O Bitchplis for your apologies.
Back to the matter....
I am sorry boy, that i never licked yours and will never do cos mehnn I just got off the phone with my doc... I was booking you in for a cure of your halitolisis ass. That's my 2015 giveaway to you. I try now? Abi?
To my sexcapade with my hubby? Guy! When you are with a man who treats you as a perfect queen, you itch to scream how beautiful your world is. You can't understand naaa cos you no follow.
S/O to my babyboo for being a sweetheart. Love you till the day after forever.
What other point did you raise sef? Why am I even bothering on that?
Look boy, if my comments in here so much intimidate you, then, Hurry! Register for self confidence and self esteem courses today! say No to inferiority complex.
And yea, Rest your head about the fees. I will pay for the class as an added giveaway to the free medicure of your haslitolisis ass.
Too much drama
DeleteINW.... fully loaded as usual..
ReplyDeleteBitchpls !! It's ok. We all ve made mistakes, that we r not proud of.
ReplyDeleteGenny B!! For all ve sinned and come short of the glory if God, and there is none righteous. So pls accept bitchpls just as he is
Haunted house in naija!! That's a first.
ReplyDeleteOluyomi, my dear, don't mind those people....
That #9 lipstick is hot! Oluyomi thank God for you. To the couple in that evil house, you said you are in court? Oh my God! Move out asap! Leave the rent with him if any! Don't you love your life??!!.
ReplyDeleteAll i see on this post is the lipstick oh, chai.
DeleteDavidballer,please I want the lipstick.
ReplyDeleteI hope I win it.
Thanking you in advance.
Oluyomi u for no cuss d man yet,hahahahaa,u for just pick used recharge cards n send to him.
DeleteIn house news rocks o jare
ReplyDeleteVisit my blog
Happy new year Aunty Stella and all BVs.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to state in in house news that I've found the love of my life and he's from the tribe I love most --ndi ofe something.
I went to visit his family with my lil hazard on New Year's Day and was offered amala(very black slimy something) with ewedu n too much stew.
Hazard enjoyed it,I loved it even tho it was my first.
Since then I've had thoughts of preparing more of ewedu in my house.
Can any wowuba person give me the recipe?
God bless u all this new year
Mamie...sorry you hear?
DeleteJust thought of you today, you go live long and congrats on finding the love of your life.
DeleteAm next in line
Mamie!!! I don gerrit! Love of your life?
DeleteThought u were already married !!
Anyways it's Mamie !!!
What do I expect
Happy new yr
Mamie don't I just love you!
Delete@Mamie:hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaha trouble maker....
DeleteStella said we should stop calling her anuty@mamie...be warned
Oluyomi,hmmmm.thank God you caught on to their wayo in time
Viviene Ada,it's okay. This kinda things hurt but chill.
Bitchplis,apologies accepted. We mothers are touchy abt this kinda stuff.
Lipstick man,kudos n may God bless your hustle
Make somebody take the rice Na
Bitchplis i feel you. Go and sin no more.
ReplyDeleteIHN is back again!
ReplyDeletei want to rant….
XOXO, Goldscent, Ezenwanyi, JayEm, Irene B, Sabo (sco), Genny Baby, Sue, Whirlwind, Iphie, Chick Felix, Charismatic, ChyAda, Ronalda, Nwuye G, Vivi ciara, Martins Aboy, and ermmmm….and …….
I love you. Cheers darlings! Raising a glass of ice cold Smoov!
Present!! We love you too!! Cheers to the weekend.
DeleteMy bloggie of life, TGIf darling, let oga rest oh, kikikiki in Bloggy's Voice.
DeleteEesah just called you out.
Madonna mia! Oh mi Dio!
DeleteOnce I read I want to rant, I come fear say, wetin don happen again.
Chai! I nor go lie, BlogLord you cray gan!
Much love to you too.
Salute! Cin cin!
DeleteChilled vodka........loading
In house news was early today.
ReplyDeleteAda tho lmao, her last sentence is hilarious .
Blog visitor living in that house should find an alternative, please leave asap.
Stella, I can bet 90% of those calling you aunt are Yoruba. It's not their fault really. I'm yoruba and we love that aunt thing as in eh. But like you rightly said, it's not by calling aunt jare. Bitchplis, I feel you. I read the insults hurled at you and I was like, all these for only one person. True, what you did was very, very wrong, but since you've apologised to God and man, I feel we should let it slide. Let's remember he said it that's why we know. What if he hadn't said it? Genny baby and others, please let bygones be bygones. It's a new year. As usual, God bless the givers and receivers. Folks, please be careful. These 419ners are desperately desperate. Imagine? In a new year?
ReplyDeleteStella, I can bet 90% of those calling you aunt are Yoruba. It's not their fault really. I'm yoruba and we love that aunt thing as in eh. But like you rightly said, it's not by calling aunt jare. Bitchplis, I feel you. I read the insults hurled at you and I was like, all these for only one person. True, what you did was very, very wrong, but since you've apologised to God and man, I feel we should let it slide. Let's remember he said it that's why we know. What if he hadn't said it? Genny baby and others, please let bygones be bygones. It's a new year. As usual, God bless the givers and receivers. Folks, please be careful. These 419ners are desperately desperate. Imagine? In a new year?
ReplyDeleteplease let us learn to forgive and forget. It very necessary.peace!
ReplyDeleteTGIF..... Quilox loading.....
ReplyDeleteIHN making sense since forever.....God bless the givers abundantly....guy,make peace with God and move on,humans are too hard to please abeg....
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteOK so seriously now, ...thank God you didn't fall for the scam Oluyomi, its an old trick though but anyone will freak out hearing the slightest negative news of a loved one whether true or false.
ReplyDeleteI love the color 24 lipstick.
Landlord issue, just get out of the evil man's property. No need for long stories or hassles. Thank God for exposing him.
What else?
Bitchplis matter....let that pass. We all make mistakes. Genny baby, it haff do.
Everyone switch to moving on mode
Ode person don abuse you
DeleteGod bless the givers!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteIHN always the best!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI love the set of lipsticks.
ReplyDeletePls visit my blog...
God bless all the givers.
ReplyDeleteOrder for your cupcakes, birthday cakes, wedding cakes, chinchin, small chops, meat pie, donuts etc. We deliver to homes/offices.
IHN rocks, tnx to all the givers
ReplyDeleteI started visiting your blog 2wks ago! And all I can say is God bless you Stella. I have read a whole lots of touching story here! I pray am able to give out to the needy too soon
ReplyDeleteBitxhpls, you've over apologised na, uv done in several posts and even ihn? Hian! Pls understand that u owe nobody any explanation and acknowledging u're wrong is the major ish, i admire ur humility.
ReplyDeleteMadam yomi, i once received a call from someone who said his family not mine where involved in a ghastly accident on benin-ore road, as a bad guys i claimed to be a road safety officer n that we havent heard anything of such, thats how the baga started cussing his father out. It was funny cos they used the same lines as urs, stupid ppl. Pele dear.
Yall have a blessed day ahead.
Oh I'll be very pleased to be selected for the lips stick and stencil give away. God bless all the givers and receivers. #dancing away#
ReplyDeleteMay God bless the receivers and givers....
ReplyDeleteI want d stencils plssssssssss
ReplyDeleteU r welcome bitch pls.
ReplyDeleteWe have forgiven you.
Lol..stella aknow that Aunty tin dey pain u.
ReplyDeleteThat's how we show respect here in 9ja..Our mothers raise us well..
No Richard 2day ni
Memo evrywhere u go...ODIEQWU!
Please people should not come here and be stealing others ideas in a crafty way. If you want people to help with ideas of small businesses, ask nicely. Not come and say people should send their business idea you will help them, at the end no show. We are still waiting for feedback from moreblessings of IHN 24 Dec 2014. #Amout#
ReplyDeleteehehen,na wetin dem de do?
DeleteOluyomi, pele it is well with you and your family.
ReplyDeleteGod bless all the givers.
And to all the warring factions, the Lord is your muscle.
*let me go and check my ikokore before it gets burnt*
Show your husband some moral support na
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteBitchpls, you are not pardoned. Stella remains Stella. No "Aunty " pleaseeeeee.
ReplyDeleteONE LOVE!
May luck find me today o IJN
ReplyDeletePoster 1, the guy that called you ,that is what he has been doing and obtaining recharge card money from people, i got the BC last week,same number, to avoid the number and the caller, pls Stella make it as a post for people to know and spread the message, he is a scammer
ReplyDeleteGod bless everyone am new here pls welcome me ooo
ReplyDeleteOk o. I don't win even if I participate, so make I dey lick my wound
ReplyDeleteAm here to read comments.
ReplyDeleteWow finally i can comment again (dont even no wat happened be4)
ReplyDeleteIhn is d bomb today
So many giveaways
So many calling out.
Make una take am easy.
Stella pls try and post comments early abeg
God bless the givers
ReplyDeleteBitchplis honestly you get time to dey apologise up and down to faceless, judgemental nobodies. Btw, Stella he added aunty to your name oh, lol.
ReplyDeleteThank God It's Friday loading...
O ho. These people will be feeling Kim now. Mtchew.
Deletethere is no big deal apologizing even when you are right...humility is a key to success...it is well
DeleteAs in ehnnnnn
DeleteThat is why I like Ezenwanyi who born you for her to apologise.
DeleteChai!! He wanted to scam you!!!! Thank God you made several calls to confirm if not...Lmao!!!
ReplyDeleteYou see everything that's happening and you still there???wow!!!
God bless all the givers!!
I love the lipsticks, I want plzzzzzzzz
Thanks to all d givers... God bless you n yours...
ReplyDeleteDose lipsticks are lovely... I hope i would be chosen o.... *scabbashing*
SDK, thanks for alternating d time for IHN, cos evri1 knows ts 1pm causing toi much traffic n struggle fr.... *clears throat*
@ pricelessjewel, change ur name alredi...
Special thanks to @ Young forever, may God bless you always and may lines fall for you in pleasant places... Now, i dnt av to hustle for richard cards again, all thanks to you... Appreciate#
Fellow bvs, please say a word of prayer for @youngforever. Thanks.
Lsss I reallly need d lipstick n eyebrow stencil tanks so much in advance
ReplyDeletein house news dont disappoint.hope am chosen for the giveaway o.need the cash
ReplyDelete*love first*
Dear all, on behalf of BITCHPLIS i want to apologize ( i have a very soft heart ) Please forgive and forget please. I don't think he is a bad guy at all. Please please please. Thank you all.
ReplyDeleteAbi he has apologized enough let people let him be.
DeleteWhat s the apology for sef???
IHN rocks.....God bless all the givers..
ReplyDeleteIHN rocks every time. When will I be a giver too. I once again applied for the lipstick giveaway. Pray I am lucky this time. Will really like to at least look good even in this joblessness. Ps: I need a job BVs please assist a sister. I have about 5yrs experience in banking and customer service. I love to sew too but can't afford a machine and professional training yet.
ReplyDeleteI love colour 09.......
DeleteAll dis memo u people are sharing their is godoooh
IHN News rocks...
ReplyDeleteLove me some Stella Dimokokokorkus blog
Mrs Korkus's blog reader...
ReplyDeleteAll those people going Anonymous to cuss, y'all are chickens. Why did you leave your livers in your anus? E don follow shit go toilet!
ReplyDeleteAll those people going to other blogs to cuss SDK, fowl yansh don dey open and una don dey send memo? Abi me too was too lazy to read, someone break it down for me.
These blog prostitutes are the problem causing BVs in the blogosphere. Comparing, contrasting, cussing and all manners of Cs and na them dey look for freebies pass.
I smell drama today!
I'll be back to read comments.
I love In House News.
Errrrrm...Bitchplis, forget the matter abeg. Some rapists be here calling for your head. E don do!
Don Davido, the poster from yesterday do not need to ask me nada! I told him already. Poster, go to Australia, you can easily make money by getting a job there.
Iyalode 1, your own part of Australia dey fear me, na student visa you get or you're dinning in Aboriginal community? Na joke oh, please laugh over it.
Australia heat, I still never get. If it's heat caused by sun...errrrrm, buy A/C! To whoever left that comment.
Sorry, I don't joke with my Australia!
I love Australia and it's the best place in the world. I love Australian beaches, summer time is my best time.
I don talk bye before abi? Any Australian talk gets me in the mood to write.
Ok bye!
Aussie rocks!
DeleteFirst to comment.
Deleteseriously, this got me lol when i checked your position
DeleteStella pls ask her. I sent a mail to her immediately about the rice. Maybe she has not checked her mail or location is the problem
ReplyDeleteStella,the email addy for the rice giveaway is incorrect.
ReplyDeleteIHN news rocks. God bless all the givers. @ Cynthia Iyede, my friend said she hasn't gotten ur CV. Pls send to the email Stella gave u asap.
ReplyDeleteIhn making me refresh sdk every milisecond...
ReplyDeleteMay God bless the givers and also make me a giver too. Fellow BV's i need a job.
ReplyDeleteAwwwww BlogLord,
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad and to know you weren't referring to me. I fear when I saw the 'thunder fire you comment'.
I'm sorry I misunderstood you my dear.
Sending you warm hugs darling.
LMAO @ your graphic description of ass licking.
You are crazy girl!
How are you and your beautiful family doing? Hope you all are doing great? Wishing you a Happy and blessed new year.
My Aloba XOXO Mystery, ocho okwu 1 of SDK blog!
I see you.
Plenty hugs to you darling.
As for Mr pervert's so called prayers and curses, I'm so scared. In short I'm shivering.
Seems I even peed on my pants out of fear.
Story for the Gods!!!
Shove your long and bent apologies into your leaking ass, bring it out, slowly, shove it in again, and again and again.....till you cum!
Thanks to all the better givers and receivers on this blog. God bless you all.
Stop being an Ass..how long will u carry his matter like agege bread on ur head?
DeleteGenny b pls forgive bitchpile to err is human and to forgive is divine ok. What he did is not good but he have ask for forgiveness pls.
DeleteLet bygone be bygone.
Ibu nno anu mpama.. are you God? Mtcheeew.. bitchplis if you reply this crazy woman again you are a goat.
Deletegenny mumu ask your grandma the age she got married.
Lol.. this Genny baby though, you come across as a very self righteous and judgemental person really. Please, leave bitchplis's matter alone. He has apologized over and over again and if our father in heaven can forgive him, who are you to continue to bring it up? Kisses to your beautiful family, girlie.
DeleteKisses sweerie. Yea I needed to give you a mind's eye to the asslicking. Kikikikikikiki
Delete@Genny baby, is there no forgiveness in your bible / dictionary. ?habba! You are still calling him names. You are taking this matter too far. Besides you aren't the the only one offended.
Deleteyou starting to annoy the best in me...i like you Genny, but you taking this too far...jiri nwayo biko
DeleteGenny Baby if it were Ezenwanyi that said what Bitchplis said would you have gone all out on her.
DeleteI am so ashamed of bitchplis useless he goat molester of teenagers.
Pretending fools on this blog.
May God bless the givers and also make me a giver too. Fellow BV's i need a job.
ReplyDeleteMr david,nice shirt u got there..but floral shirt makes one looks gayish nah.dauda aliu will like it..or kehinde ake*smiles*#sipsMoetnChandon#
DeleteThe memo to fine face though...all these kids that would come online and be yabbing their grandmas ehn.
ReplyDeleteThe mature ones too should mind their lanes before thes young tatafos cynthia morgan their queen ures.
Bitchpls go and sin no more... But some people take things on this blog so serious haba, live n let live.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy today, I feel like I won a million dollars...
Bv thank God your brother is alright...God forbid sad news this year..
ReplyDeleteI want to say a big thank you to the bv though anonymous that choose to give me office wears. Sorry I didn't see your comment on the new year's post on time. Thanks to Iphie Dearie that called my attention to it. I'm humbly grateful. My shoe size is 39. I wear only flat shoes with no hills at all. While I wear size 10 (shirt) and size 10 (office pants/trouser) respectively. God bless your kind heart.
Stella thanks a bunch for your kind gestures. God bless you real good. Please check your mail, I've sent you one.
your really favoured..congratz
Delete@ Oluyomi, thank God say u no fall mugu... scammers evriwhere...
ReplyDeleteSDK, no vex oh... Dem don c d memo n wont put Aunty or Madam again..
@ Bitchplis, apology accepted... next?
Vivienne ada (1st to comment) and miss fineface, love u both... no fighting... Now, u two kiss n make up.
#24 is ma best, looks natural... me likey...
IHN making sense as usual...God bless the givers and receivers as well...
ReplyDeleteThose lipsticks r so foine..wld love to have them.
Vivienne's memo cracked me up..i didn't rili c anything bad in her comment. Guess madam fine face misunderstood your comment.
IHN... :)
ReplyDelete#poster 1. Thank God you did not fall mugu, fraudstar are everywhere this dayz and they use any format.
ReplyDeleteLady with occultic landlord,what are you still doing in that house? Like seriously? The man fessed up and you are still there! You are on your own.
Stella if nobody wants the rice, please send it to me
God bless the givers and also bless me so that I can also give.
@b*tchpls, i love how you easily tender apologies but I wanna pick on something you said. You talked about not laying curses on people because you don't know blah blah blah... what if the people you sent concentrated yoruba curses the other day to are also "special" or God's anointed people? What'll happen to you? Just asking ni o.
ReplyDelete@Oluyomi, the same thing happened to my brother. Someone called him to say his uncle had an accident. You should have seen the way my brother insulted the individual. That's how they try to scam people. Sometimes they'll call your name and give you your details.
anon 13.19pm ,don't mind him jare, you claim to be fasting in the month of January and you are heaping conc curses like that on a blog, you even extended your yoruba curses to the family of the person that did you no wrong, oriegwu, you are truly God's anointed.
DeleteEnough already
Delete@Oluyomi's story: the fraudsters were on the boo during the festive period. They called Le-boo too that his vehicle was involved in an accident along Lagos-Ibadan Xpressway and oxygen is required. Leboo was scared cos he had people travelling that day.
ReplyDeletethe stupid person even called his name, i guess thanks to truecaller.
But trust, he sends sms to the no and wished the person that thing like SDK's prayer..pressed and shaken together shall be his portion
God bless all the kind hearts.
ReplyDeleteIn house news rocks.
ReplyDeleteBent outta shape. We don hear.
Lipstick I want I want I want I want.
ReplyDeleteWe have angels in here and soon i believe we will all be comfortable, Amen.
Tetrinas diary, God bless you and grant u your heart desires, Amen.
God bless givers and meet them at the point of their needs, Amen.
God bless SDKers
God bless us all
Lectures have started so no time for plenty comments until evening
Study hard
DeleteThat guys lipstick colours are sooo lovely..God will provide him with customers...me go like one of them.
ReplyDeleteI join all those that got different things in praising God and the people that blessed them.
....And no job vacancy today...it is well
Stella, your blog is on fire today!!! Such a generous blog, God bless all of you givers
ReplyDeletewow!so much to digest.God bless the givers.pls call her stella abeg.whats with the aunty?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteLol..I've received hundreds of them...
DeleteGod bless all the givers
ReplyDeleteSee how people open dis blog by one dey find richard card...
ReplyDeleteStella tanks for changing the time..
I think u should alternate the time everyday
God bless the givers..
ReplyDeleteIHN rocks.... Today is my priceless jewel's (Mum) birthday..... The woman that lacked that I may have.... Happy birthday mum, I pray for good health and long life.... May God continue to keep you for us and may you reap the fruits of your hard labour.I love you mum
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to ur mum. Wish her many more years on earth. Llnp
DeleteHappy birthday to your mum!
DeleteShe will live so long in sound health and prosperity.
She will reap ALL the fruits of her labour.
This and many more shall be her portion in Jesus mighty name,Amen
hbd to mum,God bless her
DeleteINN rocks. Keep d good work going Stella.
ReplyDeleteIHN rocks! Stella keep d good work going.
ReplyDelete@bitchplis:apology accepted.....
ReplyDelete@oluyomi: thank God ooh,was kind of. Scared wen I was reading it
@vivianne ada: I love ur hustling spirit
@all the giver in the house :may God replenish you all.
Hmm. IHN blesses people everyday. I pray that my blessing comes soon so I could be a blessing to others on this blog.
ReplyDeleteINH rocks o.. all apologies accepted. All "AUNTY" fans, abeg heed to the warning. this is not a primary or secondary school. Where i work, everybody even top partners and associates are addressed with first names. SO why is it so difficult for some people to just keep it real. I'm sure those people do postrate for ATMs after it dispenses cash to them. hahahaa.. I also wish to win something on this blog someday. cheers!!! it's friday....TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha @ people calling you Aunty Stella. I was kinda taken aback the first time I observed blog visitors calling you Aunty Stella but I figured it depends on people's background and upbringing.
ReplyDeleteBitchplis, Genny B and others please sheath your swords. What he did was all shades of wrong, every morally upright person would cringe on hearing it. We have admonished him, he has taken corrections and in turn apologized to all parties. Two wrongs don't make a right, am glad Genny and co stood up for what was right minus the heavy curses. As the saying goes "in dangerous time, there is no greater sin than inaction".
ReplyDeleteApology accepted, now hug and make up.
God bless all the givers.
ReplyDeleteBv, who's landlord is evil,please run away from that house with your fam,a living dog is better than a dead lion and I'm pretty sure such an evil landlord will also be manipulating your finances.LEAVE o.
Give away lipsticks,they look so lovely,nice colours.
@Stella,I just wanna beat you with kisses,*nohomo*,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.God bless you for using your blog to create such a beautiful fam.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteamazing IHN...Work is not even giving me breathing space to drop comments
ReplyDeletena 90k giveaway i first see
BVs i dey hail oooooo. Will read later tonight byeeeeeee
...by the way, next time, an email to me personally is enough, please!
ReplyDeleteLMAO @ "what colour of pa-ent should I wear?"
ReplyDelete@ Bitchplis: there's no need stressing this issue. Once you've confessed your sin to God and genuinely repented, He has forgiven you. You don't have any business with whatever anyone says or thinks about it any more. As Stella said, let he who is without sin, cast the first stone. #Fini!
@ David, Tetrina and others, may God bless and replenish you.
Stella the address for the rice give away is not correct......o am interested in the rice
ReplyDeletePlz u ppl shuld 4give bitchplis, i'm begging on his behalf...... thank u
ReplyDeleteAUNTY STELLA...lol. Nkanu chic
ReplyDeleteIn house news is the best ever!God bless the givers,to the Aunty Stella stuff now i belive since the memo is comin frm u!my birthday loading dis month i most do shoki naaaa aspa card
ReplyDeleteI'd be glad if I'm chosen as one of the winners for the cash giveaway,I want start a business of 1st grade clothes and shoes for both children and Adult
ReplyDeleteGod bless SDK and the givers on this blog. please i would appreciate wining the lipstick and stencil as it wud enhance my job as a make up artiste.sdk touching lives
ReplyDeleteGod bless SDK and the givers on this blog. please i would appreciate wining the lipstick and stencil as it wud enhance my job as a make up artiste.sdk touching lives
ReplyDeleteGod bless SDK and the givers on this blog. please i would appreciate wining the lipstick and stencil as it wud enhance my job as a make up artiste.sdk touching lives
ReplyDelete@ Tilda's touch, u r on point...
ReplyDeleteLove u scarra babe.
I do hope I am selected for the 5k giveaway cos I am really in need. Madam Stella, Please do somefin. God bless the givers
ReplyDeleteBitchplis go n sin no more
ReplyDeleteIf our heavenly father can forgive us,then who are we not to forgive one another.
Wow those lipsticks are speaking to me right now..
@Oluyomi don't mind those fraudsters.always looking for who will fall mugu.
God bless all the givers.
God bless all the givers in the house..
ReplyDeleteStella we need action for this blog abeg...plz start SDK boxing ring already lol
Amy how is our new baby doing?
DeleteLady stark is yet to send in her mail abi? She's a liar on a mission. Just remembering some old bvs like Kaycee,Prince jobless,Pepper ose oku the egyptian neck,Linda eze,Princess charming and what went wrong that they are nolonger with us here again. You cyber stalkers have got to make it stop...It's unwise to bring peoples private lives to a gossip blog. Live&let live. You don't like someones comment, it won't take more than a sec to scroll pass it. Enough said,let me go hustle for one of those eyebrow stencil.
ReplyDeletePersonally i hate the anuty thingy as well, my niece calls me by my first name, she is only three i insist on it, but her mum won't here of it. Like stella said it's not a sign of respect it's just a title
ReplyDeleteNice lipstick I waaaaaaaaaant.
ReplyDeleteGod bless all the givers on this blog. Amen
@ bithchplis, lords mercy is new afresh on us everday, if you have trully repented, His mercy will abound in ur favour.
ReplyDeleteThose lips colour is wow!
God bless Tetri lady! You are blessed dearie.
@ the bV with 90k! The windows of heaven is open in you favour..
Abeg make una go collections our lice b4 stella givens it to politicals peoples. Ooo
BitchPlis the truth is that you are far from being sorry, cos all i see you do is make feeble excuse for your self which is damn wrong.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, you said you thought you were doing the right thing then(2009) like you have given uP comPletely whereas you left a contradicting comment on the 29th of december saying xex with girls btw 16-19 is the ish cos they are firm. Who is deceiving who? Abeg keeP Genny Baby out of this, i'm sure her blessing will multiPly thousand folds by calling you out and sPelling your doom to your face which led to your imPromPtu rePentance and aPology. i actually wanted to say or write more on this in todays IHN which i have drafted already but when i saw that "adams" aPology of yours i decided to cease little fire. Quit entirely and forget this emotional facades of being with God you started Putting uP lately making Genuine PeoPle like Genny Baby, Xoxo mystery et al who didn't stoP to call you out till you gained little sanity look like devils. Well, i'm glad this haPPened atleast you have been tamed and all those your irritating defence for PaedoPhiles whenever a BV insults one on any Post will stoP.
P:S Next time you wanna do an aPology and you are sure is you sPeaking and not Pressure to save face here, make sure you borrow a leaf from DAVID man of God in the Bible and not coming here like ADAM blaming and sharing blames.
........And Yes, i'm not a saint, neither am i Proud sinner!
*Prayer For Nigeria in Distress x10 Daily*
@ Oluyomi, thank God you didnt fall for those scammers!! May we and our family never see accident and sorrow this year, Amen
ReplyDeleteIHN rocks mehn!
ReplyDeleteApologies accepted, go and sin no more@Bitchplis
God bless d givers on ds blog
Bvs be carefull of scammers everywhere!
@Vivienne, whoever disses u falls sick and go crazy???
You tried to even apologise. Correct guy . You owe no one on this blog any explanation .. The hoe carrying the matter on her head like akarA has she not sinned !!! You gat time sef .
ReplyDeleteIHN rocks
ReplyDeleteD woman dat got dat strange call abt ur bros tank God u did no fall for dat fools trap...is him dat will have accident...na wa oh for dis January too pple dey plan to play odas 419...God is watching at all of u
D BV staying in dat evil huz with dat landlord u beta park oh b4 we will hear anoda story
Tetrinadiaries tanks for helping pple out u are blessed
D BV dat wants to give away lipstick and male shirt tanks I wud have applied for d lipstick but I read IHN late
D memo for bitchplis.....he has begged ...u pple Shud stop cursing him cuz he will answer to God for wat he did....stop judging so dat u won't b judged
Stella dat ur own no b here ohh well she has said it quit calling her aunty and address her by her name period
Nothing much tanks to d BV dat wants to give out 90k u shall neva regret doing so...God bless uuu
In short God bless sdk...long live sdk
The bitchplis issue should be dropped already, tired of reading same thing on every comment. Am sure if he wrote that under anonymous none of us will know and we won't drag it on. He said sorry so I think everyone should move on. He did wrong I even commented on the post but that was his past and his free to air his past life and sexcapade. I can write best selling book about Mine so are most people here, we all did things we are not proud of in the past. I didn't like his action but everyone has got past. People who use other people's comments to torment them should stop it, everyone should be free to air their mind. Those of you who abuse others comments instead of being objective should learn to be objective and make meaningful comments not quick to run into people's comment to abuse people who can even feed and train you in schools. I see a lot of kids who want attention the past months here, learn to respect people and their feelings, Some people are brought up badly reason one can see their bad behaviour through their comments. It's new year time to read and learn from everyone no one is an island. This is the only blog I visit/ comment everyday because I find others boring to me and mostly kids comments. I am not ready to be coward out of here not even the military armoured vehicle will push me out. #onelove#
ReplyDeleteThanks to all the givers. may God replenish you all.
ReplyDeleteBv that had a weird call, thank God for you and your bro. guys are not smiling.
#Stella, that abbreviation thing can annoy me.
IHN rocks.
@ Oluyomi, God save u..scammers are developing new swindling skills everyday.
ReplyDeleteThose lipsticks are real cute..
U guys should forgive bitchplis
in house news the very news ,at 14 i was claiming 17 already ,bitchplis i know what you are talking about ,leave the people that died and woke up God made them judge ,the people that will sit down and determine people s unborn child s future.i hate judgemental people.oluyomi be like na the latest scam.,but dem jam rock . saint and sinners wey full this blog .,i just love ezewanyi .
ReplyDeleteOluyomi thank God you were smart enough to know he is a fraudster. I wonder how somebody will use something as sensitive as accidents to dupe others,Accidents will be his portion throughout this year.
ReplyDeleteBitchplis Thank God you ve realized your mistake, apology accepted,Go and see no more.
Please fellow BVs stop stirring up troubles here,we are family already.
I wont mind having the lipstick,the colours rock. Stella if nobody needs the rice me i want it.
God bless all the Givers
In other news, please where is Queen Arabella ?
ReplyDeleteArabella, where are you ?? You're missed.
@The scammer post, my dear I think those guys have restrategised and trying to come very hot in 2015......
ReplyDeleteMine is a story for another day
Dem wan outsmart warri girl
ORI IYA WON like ezewanyi would say
Stella i'm getting ADDICTED
ok bye
Please o... Sell the pack of lipstick and stencils for 2700 to me.. Sent You a mail already.. Please RSVP
ReplyDeleteUseless scammers, and to think he had use something like this, na God go punish am.
ReplyDeleteStella to find house for Lagos, no be garri o. But I pray your case is settled soon BV.
God bless you tetrinadiaries. David baller biko bless me with that lipstick set biko.
Bitchplis, apology accepted. Obviously from your narration, u were also very young (17), except I didn't understand you very well. All the same issokay.
IHN, giving blood since th 12th century.
Bitchlips... Apology accepted ... For those that wanna fight , its still too early in the year to do that wait a lil bit... we will fix a match date when we get Boxing promoters and sponsors so that atleast we can make money from your fights and Use it in helping BVs needing assistance.... This year on this blog...#WeAreMakingMoneyBigTime# LMAO... Hahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteInHouseNews rocking wella everyday!
ReplyDeleteGood day to you all.
#SadFace# I didn't see my mail, guess I have to resend it.
#Uyo JobSeeker#
Hi Stella,I've been following your blog for almost two years though I hardly comment.I just want to formally introduce myself and appreciate the great work u've been doing... Your blog has been a great source of inspiration to me...keep up the good work.
ReplyDelete@BBC, if Alam blow and Bode wrapper can be pardoned, why not Bitchplis? Kilode. IHN tooh bad. Live and let live. Kyla
ReplyDeleteIHN always rocks. Oluyomi thank God for u, it's a pity the extent people would go for a scam, what if he had given you a heart attack?
ReplyDeleteBitchplis apology accepted.
God bless all the kind hearted givers on this blog and bless the receivers too.
Lol @ the cow that rushed to America. Vivi please forgive.
Kudos Stella for changing IHN time.
BitchPlis the truth is that you are far from being sorry, cos all i see you do is make feeble excuse for your self which is damn wrong.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, you said you thought you were doing the right thing then(2009) like you have given uP comPletely whereas you left a contradicting comment on the 29th of december saying xex with girls btw 16-19 is the ish cos they are firm. Who is deceiving who? Abeg keeP Genny Baby out of this, i'm sure her blessing will multiPly thousand folds by calling you out and sPelling your doom to your face which led to your imPromPtu rePentance and aPology. i actually wanted to say or write more on this in todays IHN which i have drafted already but when i saw that "adams" aPology of yours i decided to cease little fire. Quit entirely and forget this emotional facades of being with God you started Putting uP lately making Genuine PeoPle like Genny Baby, Xoxo mystery et al who didn't stoP to call you out till you gained little sanity look like devils. Well, i'm glad this haPPened atleast you have been tamed and all those your irritating defence for PaedoPhiles whenever a BV insults one on any Post will stoP.
P:S Next time you wanna do an aPology and you are sure is you sPeaking and not Pressure to save face here, make sure you borrow a leaf from DAVID man of God in the Bible and not coming here like ADAM blaming and sharing blames.
........And Yes, i'm not a saint, neither am i a Proud sinner!
*Prayer For Nigeria in Distress x10 Daily*
Stella please I don't only want that rice I need it like kilode . Just that I can't send mail with my fone and again I stay in abuja so I don't kw hw to go about it
ReplyDeleteOliviasilk ask Ezenwanyi for memo lmao
ReplyDeleteShebi una see wetin una curse.....picking out only one bv for job don trigger the rest to beg lik begger.....stella u are the cursers o....
ReplyDeletehow do I send a message to Stella please I need help