Stella Dimoko Charlie Hebdo - ''All Is Forgiven'' #Je Suis Charlie


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Charlie Hebdo - ''All Is Forgiven'' #Je Suis Charlie

The next cover of Charlie Hebdo features Muhammad holding a sign reading, “Je suis Charlie.” The tagline: “All is forgiven.”

Charlie Hebdo cover pic taken off for the sake of peace....I spit on those who take lives when they cannot create one!


 The magazine plans to print 3 million issues just one week after its editorial staff was gunned down by terrorists.culled

#Je Suis Charlie
#Je Suis Stella
Terror has no religion,Please let love reign!


  1. I doubt if those terrorist understand the language of forgiveness.

    1. So u too stella,u no fit post d cover mk we see,or add a link? Y una bloggers d run nau?

  2. This time, they might decide to bomb the media house completely o! Lol!

  3. Stella... You shouldn't have carried this on your blog.. Most people recognise an element of hate and racism from the west with regards to their attitude to Muslims and Africans especially in France.

    Whilst the action of Muslim fundamentalist and jihadis is completely and utterly wrong but it is also imperative to note that continuous provocation, heckling and irritating a group or subset of people using things that are sacred to them can only be wrong.. There is a blur between what is freedom of speech and persistent provocation and bullying.. Please do publish this in the interest of balance and "free speech"... Je ne sais pas Charlie..!

    1. You don't know what your talking about. Blasphemy and racism are not the same. And how come Muslims are always the only ones offended with blasphemy?
      If someone says something against your belief, why not pray to your holy ones to intervene if you really believe that they're supreme.

    2. Keep shut my frnd !!!! I'm very sure u are a Muslim fundamentalist

    3. “bros” to laugh and disrespect anyone in the name of humor and free speech. And again, it’s interesting and telling to see informally and (unscientifically) who feels that #JeSuisCharlie is about defending the right to say anything, at whomever’s expense. As with “The Interview”, I see mostly White people that feel this is an attack on freedom of speech, specifically, their freedom of speech. From the commentary I’ve seen from people of color, the attacks are not about freedom of speech but extreme measures taken in the face of continued humiliation and White privilege and White supremacy in the degradation of people of color.As Asghar Bukari wrote about Charlie Hebdo, “White people don’t like to admit it, but those cartoons upheld their prejudice, their racism, their political supremacy, and cut it how you will — images like that upheld a political order built on discrimination.” What’s funny about two privileged White American bros trolling North Korea and the human rights violations there? What’s funny about the White writers of Charlie Hebdo depicting sex slaves as welfare queens? It’s not a “controversy.” It’s racist. It’s hateful. And history has taught us that more often times than not, hate is met not with tolerant compassion and civil discourse, but hate that ups the ante. Hate alA Charlie Hebdo journalist, Laurent Léger said in a 2012 interview, “And if some people are not happy with this, they can sue us and we can defend ourselves. That’s democracy. You don’t throw bombs, you discuss, you debate.” But how do you debate hate that is protected as civil discourse and freedom of speech? How does a person of color debate in court their rights and the violations of such when France doesn’t even keep racial demographic statistics? How do you address these fanatical issues of racism and White supremacy (i.e., that 200 girls stolen from school are welfare queens) which are considered to be “discourse”, “debates” or even intelligently assembled? To elaborate on Ta-Nehisi Coates, it’s the privilege and weakness of Whiteness: to live in a world of myth(s) built upon unchallenged and uniformed thought, often of one’s own creation and be confident in the assumption and expectation that you should – and will – be taken seriously. It’s the privilege of French Whiteness to mourn the loss or perceived loss of the privilege to demean French minorities, lest they have to be considerate and rigorous in their assertions. It’s the privilege of Whiteness around the world to fear this fear for French Whiteness, lest they suffer the same fate in their own racially stratified countries.

      The White people are all mourning and I am too, but I look at this differently. Charlie Hebdo has done nothing but make fun of Black people, Islam, Algerians,” she said, rushing through her words. “This needs a nuanced look because my humanity is under assault everyday, in the French system and this press which thinks that they have to make political statements by humiliating Black people and North Africans.”

    4. Anon 17.48pm, pls see Anon 18.29pm below. I also hope u realise that the purported "offending" cartoon was of the ISIS leader and not of Mohammed? Blind people.

    5. At anon 20:29 dis thng av pain u gan o.In summary, bcos islam/?africans/ terrorism was made satrical, d pple's anger is justified to take a life. Wht happened to equal satrical christian/european/tolerance write ups?Biko face it, dz idiots hav no respect for lives and I'm glad dy are dead if they actually are. For me, it shows there's sumthng abt islam tday dt is wrong jus like christianity in d times whn popes burned evangelists at d stake for interpreting d bible differently. U must learn to live wit odas views. Nonsense!

  4. I say amen to that. But it is also written in the Holy Bible that wickedness will never cease in this world, instead it will be on the increase. So terror is increasing everyday in this world. God protect his children that is what i continue praying for. There is no peace in this world except Jesus.

  5. Stella, I have never in my life commend any act of terrorism as it is not in the character of the Holy Prophet who brought the religion. But please the Holy Prophet in his life time said that no drawing or any artistic image of his should be drawn by any person. As a Muslim, I personally find this post offensive but I don't intend to go ballistic or insulting because the reason for my emotions will be embroiled in arguments. Two wrongs can never make a right.if possible, I appeal you removed the cartoon drawing.

    1. Dear Mustapha, I'm here to reply you personally. The common problem with Muslims world over is expecting non-muslims to abide by your doctrine. Your prophet told you and his other followers never to sketch him or whoever in drawings, pls did he tell non-muslims or did he expect non-muslims to abide by his teachings?

      Your prophet is holy to you, do you equally believe he's holy to everyone else, how come Muslims will always physically want to defend their holy and spiritual beings, why not them defend you and themselves.

      Find the post offensive because you're Muslim, leave whoever that doesn't find it offensive to go his normal business. That satirical media house has more drawings of other religions that Islam.

      The drawing stays, there's no wrong, talk of 2, if you find it offensive, simply say; "may Allah have mercy on you" and proceed to your business. That's what other religions say in situations like this!

    2. Mustapha the terrorist.. What is offensive here.. Ppl have made drawing of Jesus and Budhaa have u seen any of them fighting.. U don't even know ur quaran.. He saiid his picture should not be made so people will not worship the picture instead of Allah but u lot will not read the whole chapter jst pick a verse and stat shouting it and inciting bird brains like u to kill themselves.. Who wantsto worship him sef.. Why can't u let mohamed fight for himself.. Mcheeeeeeeew.. Bunch of lunatics!

    3. Make Stellahipsy removed the cartoon drawing? Like seriously? Smh.

    4. No disrespect to your dear no man on earth can fight for god by doing so means that God is the bible when david went to qae and conquered,he was coming home with his people rejoice and dancing with the ark of God,as they were on their way,the ass that was carrying the ark of God missed its step and twas like the ark of God wanted falling down..the men guiding the ass wanted holding the ark innocently so as to prevent it from falling,immediately they were struck dead..God said who told you i can't fight for dear lets have a rethink..God is meant to fight for us in anyway he seem are not meant to fight for God physical..if only shows that God is powerless and need man made substance to back him up

      Feel free to cuss me..stella ride on pls..

    5. Why are you offended Alimat , do u know how Mohammed looks . Why are you Muslims easily offended . Make love not war

    6. What did Stella do that is wrong Ali mat?
      Explain more to us biko.

    7. No disrespect to which religion? abegiii!! that religion is a huge joke, a religion that should be extinct, bunch of moronic fanatics, they seem to have lost all sense of reasoning,religion with no focus,blood thirsty violent low lives.

      Stella if this religion is the last i will rather worship an idol, ewuuuuuus.

    8. Oh piss off!! Who are you to ask Stella to remove it. Your prophet told you or told the world. Are we all going to run cos you read something that was stated for you people to follow. He asked you 'followers' not to draw him and not odas. Don't even get me started with your moronic views. Mtcheew

  6. I don't understand this
    Is that not the same reason they where gunned down,they have forgiven the terrorist or what

  7. And so what if his drawing is done,its just a drawing wonder why its so offensive arrrg

  8. ANON 15:47PM
    why should i not have carried it?The cover preaches peace and love,can you not see that?

    They forgive the killers and have moved on.

    Please do not come here and bring in sentiments and hate okay?

    Preach peace please!

    1. And before I get into this, I want to be first extremely and explicitly clear: I don’t condone the massacre. I don’t think the cartoonists and writers deserved to lose their lives. There’s just no way to logically defend their deaths without ignorance and/or hate.

      But I’m not Charlie though. And I’m not Charlie for several reasons: Charlie Hebdo for many people of color in France, particularly in Paris, that don’t benefit from mixed or proximity-to-White French- privilege is extremely racist. It’s a particular brand of French racism and xenophobia sheltered under the grey tent of “satire”. It’s belittingly. It’s demeaning. And it’s a larger, published example of the explicit forms of aggression that many people of color in Paris live with, daily. The irony is that I haven’t been returned to the States for even a week from Paris when this happened, after spending more than a week meeting and interviewing people of color in Paris about their experiences with racism, exociticsm, discrimation and the aggressions of living in Paris while colored. Because to put those experiences and Charlie Hebdo into context, please explore some of the images and “freedom of speech” that’s being defended.
      This is the “freedom of speech” that #JeSuisCharlie represents for so many people of color in Paris. These aren’t isolated editions. This is the humor that many White Frenchmen and Frenchwomen find funny and even consider to be political commentary. And at what point, will we draw the lines between “freedom of speech” and “hate speech”? At what point do mainstream media outlets, which are largely controlled and written by White people, stop racializing Islam and stop creating humor based on the humiliation of people of color and their culture and faiths? At what point do White people have that moment of self-reflection, without the threat of terrorism to do so?

    2. @Anon 18:50, you're a bloody liar, a propagandist!

      People, please go to Google images and search Charlie Hebdo and take analyse the cartoons you'll see.

      Mr Anon 18:50, is President François equally discriminated against by the newspaper company as well or don't you see many caricatures of him there?

      Shame to you!

    3. I am so not Charlie. Freedom of speech does not exist. There are film and media censors, libel and slander laws, and much more besides. This is a construct, a myth and narrative that reflect our desired reality, and not our actuality.

  9. Alimat mustapha please explain this further to me and i will respect your religion and take it off if it is so.thank you.

    1. Eermm Stella, I saw on CNN today that there was an anti-islam rally in Germany. In my opinion I don't agree with that, thank God the German chancellor condemned it. Germans should relax abeg, its not all muslims that are evil though I understand their fears.

  10. People should jst learn to chill. People intepreting holy books to suit themselves. The non depiction of the Prophet was to avoid idolatry. And bcos sumone draws a cartoon nd say its the Prophet doesnt make it the prophet.

    1. i tire, what happened to the sanctity of life?

      If there is a cartoon depicting Jesus Christ will that be good reasons for me to take another person's life? People say they don't believe in Jesus Christ? must they? Na by force?

      Some say he doesn't exist? Their opinion which they are entitled to.

      Kemi Olunloyo said Jesus Christ is Gay on her face book page! has she be killed by Christians? Not yet!

      Why do i need to fight the battles of our Lord Jesus christ? isn't he the supreme being? He is the ultimate creator, has all power and knows all things.The one that can humble any mortal.

      We must respect the fact that we will hold alternative views no matter how we find them abhorrent or offensive.This applies to politics too.

      Freedom of expression is like the air we breathe so why silence people for expressing their thoughts no matter how stupid.

      i do not endorse the cartoons on prophet mohammed however you cannot take someone's life for this, you have a right to be offended but not to take a life you cannot create.

      Muslims must learn to start accepting humour, that you revere Prophet Mohammed does not mean others do, some of these people are atheists for all you care.Live and let live.

      Je suis Charlie.

  11. So all those cartoon about Jesus dancing shoki could have brought the 3rd world war abi! Let them still retalliate and kill the whole of France then. Cowards, they want them to withdraw into their shell and mourn. Well they have just defeated them wirh that signpost. Aggressive idiots born of fools.

    1. What's funny about Jesus dancing shoki, I AM A MUSLIM with great sense of humour and I find the image of jesus dancing Shoki disrespect. Most of you judging islam based on d action of few muslims knw nothing about the religion, plz u guys should b open minded get d english version of a quran and read, then tell me if islam preaches violence. God have mercy on u

    2. Omo did u say Islam does not preach violence? It is either you are ignorant or a blatant liar! I am a christian, a catholic for that matter. The ways aat which Muslims go about their "religion" actually made me study the ideology (permit me to use that word) called Islam. Pls tell us what is written in these verses Qur'an 60:4, 60:1 etc. There r verses which states the rewards to Muslims who kill the people of the book (Jews and christians) Qur'an 33:26. Do not let me come back here to write the text on all these verses and more. Religion of peace indeed. Meggy!

  12. Make una go this Charlie Hebdo people website and see wetin dem dey draw. The make mockery of every thing religious. They make mockery of Jesus christ, Virgin Mary, pope, the Vatican, and this Muhammed own, wey Muslim fanatics took it personal. Well freedom of expression is good, but they should be conscious when it comes to religious matter.

  13. Stella! Stella!! Stella!!! Pls take this post down. The post mocks our holy prophet muhammed. Do not cos hatred and division on your blog.

    1. If u feel divided pls leave.. Why u bunch of jihadists are so intolerant and humourless beats me.. They make cartoons of other religious characters which their followers revere and hold sacred but u wont see others killing for their God.. Mad people.. i tot they will make a cartoon of Muhammed eating shit sef... Abeg you people should stat preaching tolerance!

    2. Pls get lost! Holy prophet my foot.

    3. Why do you people carry religion on your head like gala ,let Mohammed do his fight bikobiko while you face your work

    4. Which hatred and division? Abeg get out.

  14. hmmmmmmmmmm, no comment.

  15. #Je suis Charlie. Serve who you want let MOI serve who i want. This terrorists can not bully us! It is a free world!

  16. Stella, I don't support you removing that pix because this a blog and your own for that matter, people have done more than just a cartoon on this blog. It just doesn't go down well with me!

  17. What's all this, please enough friends. I am a MUSLIM and am in support of FREEDOM OF SPEECH. And moreso, The CREATOR doesn't need anyone to fight HIS battle. May GOD forgives us all. #FistCommentHere #RIP2TheVictims #NobodyHolyPass #SeekKnowledge #NotAboutReligion #HeavenisReal #HellisReal #HereAfterisReal.

    The Era of Truth is NOW!

  18. Ridiculing mohammed by means of a cartoon is attacking his personality and it is extremely serious!! To depict mohammed in this way is attacking the honour of the prophet. As most moslems do not draw or depict him in anyway because it is considered sacrilegious!! So stella please be careful on what you post on your blog especially sa it regards religion you dont know about!! Have you forgotten what led to the Miss world pageant violence in our country, it was as a result of this. The charlie hebdo brouhaha was as a result of the magazine making a caricature of the prophet and they are still defiant about this. Lets see what will happen next after they release 3 million copies of the magazine tomorrow!!

    1. Pls get lost or get laid!! I don't get it! U Muslims are all fanatics! Gosh!!

    2. Smh! How can you say the image was attacking 'the personality' of Muhammed? Let's even assume this is so, does that warrant anyone killing? What is bad is bad and muslims need to learn to be liberal and stop causing unnecessary unrest and hatred.

      BTW, i'm a muslim!

    3. Already booked my copy with my newsagent, Anon 20.03pm. Go and die! Rubbish

    4. Nonsense! How do I get a copy!

    5. Pls go and sit down.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Remove the cation drawing for what? If you don't like it you face front and don't look back. *long hiss* Christians don't go killing people for disrespecting our Lord Jesus Christ. Una own too much!

  21. AUNTY Stella do you know that the Muslims do not believe in rapture..end of d world to them means jihad where everyone is killing each other and they would have converted majority to Islam then Jesus will come kill all the Jews and convert all the Christians to Muslims and rule us for 40years..Hahahah I laugh in Swahili ..I am really surprised

  22. Je suis charlie

  23. Je suis charlie

  24. Look back, front, left and left this muslim fanatic keep causing problems for the world! Do you all own the world??!! You all have only succeeded in making the world hate you.

  25. While beading is not d cure to headache.

    Yet consistent provocation in order to achieve an envisaged end serves no any benefit .

    Freedom of speech comes with d responsibility to be decent. Decency involves taking others into consideration.

    The way Muslims take d Prophet (S.A.W) may not b d other religions take their deities or religious personalities. It won't hurt d world economy if respect is accorded d person of d Prophet by
    d west.

    I am appalled by what happened I'm France but @ d same time let us extend respect to d revered personalities.

  26. While beading is not d cure to headache.

    Yet consistent provocation in order to achieve an envisaged end serves no any benefit .

    Freedom of speech comes with d responsibility to be decent. Decency involves taking others into consideration.

    The way Muslims take d Prophet (S.A.W) may not b d other religions take their deities or religious personalities. It won't hurt d world economy if respect is accorded d person of d Prophet by
    d west.

    I am appalled by what happened I'm France but @ d same time let us extend respect to d revered personalities.

    1. Why don't you people just remain within your territory? Must you be in the west? You pple will be in other pple's land yet want to impose your doctrine on them (oh I forgot! You were told to go all over the world and conquer. By conquer isn't preaching the word to them, it is by terrorising them or even kill them to accept your faith) please you pple should not annoy me on this blog, if not I will expose every tactics in your arsenal to islamitise the world with quotes from your own Qur'an. I don't comment on blogs but this topic I will. Meggy!

  27. STELLA DNT BE BULLIED! the essence of the prophets directive was to prevent the worship of his image. Now tell me who will worship a cartoon image.

    2ndly, the prophet gave dis very holy set of fanatics oda rules which dey defile, yet they justify crude actions with d flimsy excuse of defending d prophet's directive.

    Lastly, d essence of this campaign is not just a fight against terror but a Fight for FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. Accepting to remove it means they have subdued you and thus the essence of this campaign has already been LOST!!!

  28. Stella discussing this issue is so sensitive particularly in face of the mass murder committed.

    I denounce terrorism in its entirety and that gruesome massacre was not justifiable.

    However I viewed some of the Hebdo sketches and found them unconscionable and (in my opinion) comedy may have been taken too far.

    In this case, "Je ne suis pas Charlie".

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. How on earth does it mock ur so call prophet? Na him hand be dat or his face? Som pple are just so dumb !!!
    #Je suis charlie


    Chocolate gold,please what is unconscionable??????








    1. Stella I already wrote my comments on your question (that is if it won't end in your pot) Islam comes with terror, violence, intimidation, intolerance and what have you. It is all written in the Qur'an. Pls it's been a long day, maybe I will return tomorrow to write out some verses from the Qur'an which will shock you. Meggy!

    2. Stella follow me ask them.. Bunch of religious bigots.. They won't stay in their countries but will go to other countries and then try to impose their own religion there.. Haba! Violent blood sucking vampires!

    3. Always taking delight in shedding blood and othere will come stylishly defend their actions

    4. Stella. Be true to urself n what you write. Are you tryin to tell me all the sick thins that happen on earth are muslims coins? Or all the deaths n killings are muslims. Answer me this. If u hav a sick friend tht goes to rape or kill Sumone will u be able to answe for him? Or does that mean u are also sick? If at all you are being real you can contact a renouned Muslim scholar to understand the quran more n our religion more. But we can't give u an answer for wat a sick person does. That on him or them not our religion not our faith. Don't u hav Muslim friends? Or family? Do we act like these sickos? Since u haven't read the quran don't u dare use the word CLAIM! You can pick it read it or look for a scholar to explain further on it. We don't claim my dear. Islam means peace n it's rude of u to insinuate otherwise just because some sick people go about using Islam as an excuse wen they are not muslims. No real Muslim will preach violence or practise it.

  33. All we want is peace is it too much to ask

  34. @Alimat Mustapha, None speaking attitude by Muslims criticising murderers who hijacked your religion are reasons why the rain of terror will continue. The post is called freedom of speech and there is noting wrong with the posting. You Muslims are too sentimental, too insensitive, same reasons your imam can't even preach against all this murderers. Why must everyone be shut down due to freedom to express once self.
    Am sure you read abuse/criticism against men of God/churches here right? Please channel the energy you apply in typing your comment to reflect on how you can change my understanding about your religion and innocent people being killed all over the world in the name of Islam.
    In as much as we respect every religion, I believe your Imams and religious leaders are not doing enough to speak out against the evil men among you people do. I ask my self sometimes if your Islam is same Islam practiced by some Yorubas because they are not violent.
    If you want to complain against the post go to Paris and make your voice heard. Your don't like western life but all of you want to visit London,Paris, New York. Hisssssss....

    Stella don't bring down any post.

  35. Explanations you will never get@Stella, Rip to the dead!

  36. I pity them who kill what they cant create.

  37. Nawa sha

    ~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan~

  38. Stella help me ask them o, the funny thing is that I have so many muslim friends and they don't take all these things to heart, I don't know why some people just feel they need to fight for their god.

  39. Good day Stella, I was very busy yesterday and was unable to read SDK blog till this morning. I am a muslim by choice and not compulsion. like I said earlier I never argue religion except among my fellow muslims as we all follow the same doctrine of the Quran. They are two kinds of people in the World to me, good people and bad people no more no less.

    1. @aliiiiiii u try simple question u no fit answer smh does that not show you that u are living in pure darkness? Pls give your life to Christ so u can enjoy his light.

    2. Alimat behave your self brainwashed somebody hiss

  40. People that are practicing the religion are either good or bad people,have never been on the site of Charlie Hebdo to take a look at the drawing because he choose to associate the name of the prophet with it but if I had interacted with him in his life time I will explain reasons for finding the pictures
    repulsive and if he insist, I will simply walk away. I read my Quran in the language
    I perfectly understood

  41. I will walk away because irrespective of peoples' belief due to the action of a few muslims,there are numerous examples of the Holy
    Prophet walking away from people performing unlawful Islamic acts in his lifetime. The Holy Prophet was once stoned almost to death in a town he went to preach, He was left half dead on the outskirts of the town the angels came to meet him as to what he wants them to do to the people of that town, He replied that they should be left alone, their generations are now cleaning the Kabba in Mecca regularly.

  42. Indigo, actually I have read it very well, but since you are not a Muslim I choose to be quiet. just so you know I am capable of
    expressing my views without feeling the need to be physically aggressive with the other person. I am a muslim but not a terrorist.
    Stella, thanks for switching the drawing it means an act of kindness to me.

  43. Indigo, actually I have read it very well, but since you are not a Muslim I choose to be quiet. just so you know I am capable of
    expressing my views without feeling the need to be physically aggressive with the other person. I am a muslim but not a terrorist.
    Stella, thanks for switching the drawing it means an act of kindness to me.

  44. Indigo, actually I have read it very well, but since you are not a Muslim I choose to be quiet. just so you know I am capable of
    expressing my views without feeling the need to be physically aggressive with the other person. I am a muslim but not a terrorist.
    Stella, thanks for switching the drawing it means an act of kindness to me.

    1. @Alimat, madam Muslim by choice. I did ask your fellow Muslim "Omo" to state here what is written in your Qur'an yesterday but so far he/she has been missing. Hence you have taken it upon your self to speak for Islam, please tell this blog what is written in these verses Qur'an 60:1, 60:4. I am waiting....Meggy!

  45. Je suis Charlie!

    Linda ikeji is a Big Coward Bitch for not defending journalism.

    Je suis Charlie!!!

  46. Je suis Charlie!

    Stella, God will make you BIG.
    Nigeria, Africa, and the World will celebrate you for defending Journalism.

    Other bloggers are busy calling Political parties for ads.
    Forgotten that they might get shot for posting and supporting a Political party.

    Their unborn children will suffer what they are building for Nigeria.

    Je suis Charlie!!!

  47. Jay Moore may God Almighty bless you for this. THANK YOU JAY MOORE! You have said it all. Alimat this blog dose not belong to your people! Go away from here if you don't like it! RUBBISH!

  48. I wonder why the yoruba muslims are so different, very peaceful just like other muslims in other parts of Nigeria. My brothers have muslim friends amongst them, on friday if any of their friends visit them they will ask, o boy you no go Mosque? If they see him on sunday too they will ask o boy you no go church? That is the way it is supposed to be! Why do i wish Fashola should rule Nigeria? Is he not a muslim??!! TF!!!

  49. The Catholic Church has sued Charlie Hebdo 14 times.

  50. Alimat bloody terrorist; fuck off from this blog

  51. I meant i wish Fashola could rule Nigeria.

  52. On a plane from Sri Lanka to the Philippines today, the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis talked about the recent Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris. While defending freedom of expression saying its a fundamental human right, he also said ‘you cannot insult the faith of others’
    "One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith. There is a limit. Every religion has its freedom of expression there are limits.”
    He gestured to a friend and said “If my good friend Dr Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch. It’s normal. It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”

  53. Aaah goodness me. It has reached the extent of calling stella s blog muslim fans bloody terrorists! Such language used on us. Well since the blogger herself has clearly shown her hate for islam and muslims,alimot n co, be a true muslim and please leave jeje. You can never convince someone who hates you with a passion to even hear what you have to say.
    Alimot,when jews are attacked its called anti semitism.when blacks are attacked its racism, attacks against homosexual its homophobia or intolerance,against women its discrimination,against a religious sect its hate speech. Against the revered prophet Muhammad S.AW its only freedom of speech. No true muslim will ever support murderers but alimot you ll never be listened to as they ll never ever give you a listening ear. Just move on to other non hate blogs and keep being patient,spread love and kindness always. Adieu.

  54. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Those telling stella to put the picture back can do that themselves. Put it on ur dp and your Facebook profiles. A beg you.

    1. Thank you jamila. Why don't all of u put it on ur dp. Ur facebook on twitter n post all the comments you making here publicly. Stella doesn't need to do that for you. But support your' cause by leaving it on ur profiles for a whole day.

  58. Asmau i deleted your comment because you belong to the cliche of muslims who use religion to spark off war...look at the hate in the comments i deleted!..OMG!

    you called me to talk and run your diarhea mouth and i told you i was busy and could not talk and you should call back.i was buys with MY WORK,you obviously didnt have any cos after i told u i couldnt talk,u stil went on talking for ten minutes whilst another caller who called before you waited.

    i told you to call back and you didnt but instead came here to post hate comments directed at other are the one who needs to get your head checked.

    I know you will come back to check,i am closing comments here and i will delete your comments on this blog from now on.go under anonymous and cuss me out if you like.JEHOVA BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
