Stella Dimoko Testing Loyalties....


Saturday, December 06, 2014

Testing Loyalties....

I am about to call you pretender!

A woman will love you 'DIE HARD' if you can pay her bills - Fact!

A woman whose man pays her bills can also be disloyal - Fact!

Loyalty between a man and a woman no longer exists and you can take this to the Bank....Infact I am so convinced of this that i will even escort you to the Bank.

Show me a BAB (Broke ass brother) and I will show you a humble man -Fact!

The only men who genuinely fall in love are men who are loafers - Fact!
Loyalty does not and just in case you pinned down a broke ass brother as being loyal,Please check again when his bank account is thick....

Did I end up confusing like i intended to?Great!

If we are talking reality here and being honest and we are referring to ''having nothing'' and having everything'' as the good life then I need to tell you eyeball to eyeball that i mght fail this test
Dont judge me,I am being honest with my real name....

Would you pass this test?


  1. Replies
    1. Money money money i love money so much -whats liufer witout money-whats the use of a big dick without money-how do i pay my my voldka in clubs and smoke my would bring loyalty

    2. love wtout money is frustration

    3. I disagree stella, when my boyfriend was working, he was the best I've ever had, even when e lost his job he didnt change but remained his ever loving, faithful and caring self and I've always been loyal in all, good and bad times, my prayer everyday is for God to bless him because he is a good man and deserves nothing but the best. Sticking with you my sugar, the best is yet to come................I stil believe in miracles.

    4. I Was talking to my frnd dis afternoon tht broke guys r full of stress because of dier insecurities,they'll stress madness out of a woman

  2. Money answers all tinz joor ...

    1. The reason why guys with money fins it very hard to b loyal and why you need to check back when a guy is loyal when broke and disloyal when the money arrives is because, money is so powerful it corrupts the mind. Money and power both corrupt the mind, it takes somebody with a strong mindset, with strong insight and depth to resist such corruption.

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  3. So true.i can imagine a kokoless man claiming his girl loves him dat way.hmmmm

    China Becomes World Largest Economy-US Behind

  4. Money answers all tinz joor ...

  5. A good man will always be good fake test

  6. Confirm...women only wants a ready-made guy

    1. Taaaa! Geraway dia. Dont go n find money n make urself ready.

  7. Blah blah blah.enough blabbing*yawns*!!!

  8. Deep...

    I might not be my Best loyal all the time,buh i try to....

    Sometimes,i get it 100 percent
    Sometimes,i fall short....
    I am Only human....

    Buh all in all,i try to be a loyal person....
    My Heart and its Intent are what counts...

    1. We judge ourselves by our intents and others by their actions.

    2. I so love u D Generals wife

    3. I no even understand wetin madam sdk dey yarn.

  9. Replies
    1. Y is this small girl changing her name here? Bonario nnags get wife oh!

  10. Lol, this is serious....
    my amebo instincts tells me something'major' is about to go down....hehehehehe

    why give a bitch ur heart
    when she rather have ur purse all about her, and she's all about hers
    ...when a rich nigga wants you, and your nugga can't do nothing for ya......
    these hoes ain't loyal...
    "yeah, yeah we shall see"

    *confused much*

  11. The peace made me remember MI song titled IMPERFECT ME
    @stella I will fail this test
    Like you said am only human.shikena

  12. Broke ass brothers been humble since 0000

    cc: BV whose husband is a "good man", not lazy but has refused to work to fend for his family.

  13. The piece made me remember MI song titled IMPERFECT ME
    @stella I will fail this test
    Like you said am only human.shikena

  14. Sterrrra! Ur fact is legal. I tel u... A whore can make the best wife and a virgin can make the worst- fact, a poor guy wil be claiming love bt small moni frm anoda girl, he rechecks his love for u- fact...

  15. Hian! Stella nka owu kwanu gini?

  16. Stella u can't say it aany better.. Gbam Gbammer Gbammest.. I dey wait for my husband to get money, make I see abi he go stil dey form e cooking for me sometimes and helping out wit e kids. For me make man get money, come Loyal Join nie b real man!

  17. Stella Adim loyal to the core!! Boyfriend then and DH can testify to that and me I can't vouch for anyone but myself chikena.

    Nwunye Okeke

  18. I dont have energy to argue with you madam. But for the past 2 years, my husband has been broke to the bone, but i remained loyal, faithful because i love him and as a child of God i know what is expected of me. How we have survived this past 2 years, God alone will take the glory. Will my husband be faithful when God lifts him up? That is between him and God. At the end of the day, my total loyalty and Faithfulness is to God almighty. WHEN YOU ARE FAITHFUL TO God, being faithful to a mortal will be easy through Gods grace

    1. I second fifi's comment. 1000 likes

    2. Anon 3:43 I am a man, from your submission, all I can say, may ur days be long.

    3. Speak the truth sister! When you fear God, you will know what is right!

    4. God bless u sis, may God not put u to shame!

    5. Woman's God's best kept secret from man in plain sight,when a man puts his woman on a pedestal and keeps her there;the riches(health and wealth) of the earth're released upon him.
      A man that cannot add value(moral and financial) to the woman he seeks to date's dead weight!

    6. I am impressed to know that women like you and those who know that at the end of the human race it's between you and your God exist! I used to question DH loyalty (because we started from the scratch) then I realized the future is not ours to see.
      Even though we are not where we want to be, i'm grateful we are not where we used to be.
      I am loyal to my God....everything will fall in place eventually!
      I pray for wisdom daily...
      Change is the only constant thing.
      Most importantly, living life with a purpose helps solves the *are you loyal question *

      ~Peace Ambassador ~

    7. Thank u madam.. I was loyal and contented with whatever he offers me.. A man who loves u will love u. Whether u r loyal or not. He messed up, but my loyalty won't change for my next man. He has lost a godly woman.

  19. I remain loyal to God almighty.
    Baba never fails.
    Praise God!

  20. Omehnnn I fit oh but I no sure

  21. This is our reality.....but I like to think der re still exceptions to these facts

  22. Yes will pass the test!
    Am a loyal friend
    A die hard one @ that but wen it gets to my turn
    Everyone deserted me except few loyal true friends

  23. So damn true!!!!!...
    Brokers are usually respectful and loyal,they can lick even the dirtiest of all unwashed ass for afrika...
    Buh immediately they hit jackpot,omo the reverse becomes the case.....
    They become so freaking arrogant and rude...
    *faithful bv enemuwe thelma*

  24. So damn true!!!!!...
    Brokers are usually respectful and loyal,they can lick even the dirtiest of all unwashed ass for afrika...
    Buh immediately they hit jackpot,omo the reverse becomes the case.....
    They become so freaking arrogant and rude...
    *faithful bv enemuwe thelma*

  25. So damn true!!!!!...
    Brokers are usually respectful and loyal,they can lick even the dirtiest of all unwashed ass for afrika...
    Buh immediately they hit jackpot,omo the reverse becomes the case.....
    They become so freaking arrogant and rude...
    *faithful bv enemuwe thelma*

  26. So damn true!!!!!...
    Brokers are usually respectful and loyal,they can lick even the dirtiest of all unwashed ass for afrika...
    Buh immediately they hit jackpot,omo the reverse becomes the case.....
    They become so freaking arrogant and rude...
    *faithful bv enemuwe thelma*

  27. Hmmn Stella what of when a broke guy sacrifices his very last just to make you happy? That could be a sign that he will remain a loyal brother when things get rosy or what do you think?

  28. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    "".Infact I am so convinced of this that i will even escort you to the Bank."" lmaooo... Money over everything no doubt....

  29. Your facts are all wrong. Wen yu have the fruits of d spirit and yu work faithfully wt God, den bin loyal to a mortal is vry easy, inasmuch as yu r loyal to ya creator. Guez ya stil nt firm wt d word of God

  30. Like Dare was faithful to Toyin till he made few Coins and he changed totally. Life can be so unfair

    1. Toyin of design studio?Dare art? Pls let it not be them I use them to make mouth ooooo. God help us ooo.

    2. Toyin of design studio? Dare art's wife? God please let it not be them oooooo. I dey use them dey make mouth oooo.

  31. Well I was loyal to him not considering the fact that I stayed on the island and he stayed in mushin until he duped me.........Thunder fire whoever say make I marry poor man,that chapter is closed for me,I no dey for SURULERE na OWODE sure pass

    1. Hahahahaha. Poor men are better lovers. When they hammer,ladies flock around them n they share dis energies

  32. My ex!
    Broke ass nigga
    As broke as I was then, I still manage to buy him gifts, pay for meals when we go out and all
    Paid hotel bills (mumu button tinz)
    I loved him so much, prolly still do

    Buh nigga aint loyal
    Na aka gum d guy be
    Ask me how I kw?
    When he was serving, he gets 19k5
    And this guy cant spare a thousand naira on me

    Fear grip me!
    I spoke to my heart and I am glad it listened

  33. I have seen loyal babes in the midst of nothing. But a loyal man without cash is just forming

  34. Mbok i will fail the test woefully
    I cannot date a broke guy no matter the love.
    Where there's no money there's no love
    Call me materialistic or whatever
    I no be me kill Jesus.
    I need to enjoy the good things of life.
    I'm just being honest.

    1. Lol. You just cracked me up. I for talk my own or concur with you but I dey find husband.. .therefore.....I'm loyal o

  35. True talk Stella guys change when they have made it,,they run out to the ones who was neva even existing when they had nothing,nd throw d one who has always been dere.when a girl has been hurt why won't she look for an already made guy??afterall u can't always be with a poor guy before u knw u are dating for love..go to where d rich are nd find love too my fellow ladies who have been good to d wrong guys ,,Park well @Abisoye!!!.

  36. No be already made shirts u dey wear?@ Abisoye! dnt make money u hear?c mouth like girls want already made guys if c u classy chick nd a local chick on d way is it not d classy one u gonna meet up to nd say hi?just keep shut nd go make money aiit aiit?

  37. Diamond dear u on point,dem go loyal like fowl wey dem pour water for e body,,but make dem get d money...

  38. Broke ass brother -loyal -truth ,this is my bestest of best post of the year .20 gbosa for this only know the true colour of a person when you meet them okay.

  39. So i went to the Island to get wears for my younger ones today and the stress no be small something o. See as them dey push me up,down,left and center. All my nail polish for my legs dissapear because of matchy matchy. Abeg am tired much now...Make i rest will see you guys tomorrow.

  40. Very true. I am not materialistic sha. I am very very loyal.

  41. Stella you are 100% right. I concur on everything you typed up there.

  42. Lol
    I will so fail this test with plenty carryovers sef.
    I cannot date a broke/poor dude, make una no vex.
    I have to enjoy this life as well...thank You!!

    1. Hehehe if money is d root of all evil, I want d whole gaddam tree

  43. @ Abisoye, I'm sure you don't like poverty and won't want your sister or daughter to go tru such. Who doesn't like money? Go n make good money pls n stop all dis talks.

  44. Loyalty???.my loyalty's not in doubt.

  45. Is only 5percents of every woman that feeds and pays a man bills are loyals to the said man,,
    no right man will ever leave or forget a woman that feeds nd pays his bills with an open heart and faithful to him when he has nothing,,cos any woman that feeds me pays all my bills but never faithful to me nd has slept with any of my friends or slept with any man while feeding me nd paying all my bills can never be my futures wife when ever things get better for me,,any woman or man that sleep around will never keep a family secrets as a secrets without telling his or her lover outside

  46. I'm afraid to say that you're wrong . When a person is a good person, he or she remains a good person whether rich or poor. You think Bcos a dude is broke, it means he doesn't have options, every guy, broke or not, has his set of females pursuing but how he reacts in such situations determines his attitude whether rich or poor.

  47. Truth be told at one point or another we have been proud either to our friends,boyfriends or DH. What Stella is trying to say is, we should let our conscience guide us hence forth, and this we can only achieve with Christ. Am not perfect Dh used to provide all my needs , when table turned . Sometimes I lose it and I say things am not meant to say. Today Stella has called my attention to it. I will be more conscious going forward.

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