Stella Dimoko Teenager Gives Birth To Triplets In Delta...OMG!


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Teenager Gives Birth To Triplets In Delta...OMG!

A 16-year-old girl in Delta State has given birth to triplets, according to reports.
Helen Ezeh delivered the babies in Owhelogbo community, in the Isoko North Local Government Area of the state, Leadership reports.

The children were said to have been born prematurely, after just seven months of pregnancy.

However, both the mother of the children and the newborns are doing well. The father of the children, John Eyavoro has also reportedly given thanks to God for the miraculous birth...culled

he is giving thanks?Lawless Nigeria!

He should be jailed for having sex with a minor! thanks indeed!

I cannot deal with this news...16yrs?abeg abeg abeg!


  1. Replies
    1. He shd be jailed.....can they even look afterthe kids...
      Pls visit my blog...

    2. Wow that's my dream too.I've always long for triplet.God pls bless me with a set like this.

    3. Ah ah ah @ he's giving thanks. Like seriously. Even the babe sef na oniranu.. lawless country.

      Happy New year house!!!!!!!! We made it. Yayyy

  2. I agree with you, Stella. That was the first thing I said. The man should be jailed. Na wah o. When I was 16, I was as innocent as anything. Chai, our kids really need divine guidance and monitoring. This story just made me weak.

    1. LOL. I see you have a problem. Only you talking both sides. Grow up there. Agree ko, agree ni. Jail ko. Jail ni.
      One question you should ask yourself; did the man rape the girl?

      A topic was thrown here few weeks back "Sex education...." How did you react to it? SMH.

      Parent please, be a pillar to your kids.....

      My Birthday loading... January 5th...#TeamCapricorn #TeamJanBorn

      »»Jealous SDKer««

    2. What if he marry her? Most countries have laws of marrying a 16 year old with parental consent. We thank God the girl no loss her life. Carrying triplets can be dangerous to destroy the mom especially if she has a very small frame.

  3. These babies are cute tho....really cute...

    1. Wonder why everyone is screaming 16. My mum was married at that age, had her first baby at 17. Big deal! Also the father may be same age/age bracket, even if he isn't if our law makers marry and impregnate 12 year olds don Allah kini big deal?

  4. I agree with you, Stella. That was the first thing I said. The man should be jailed. Na wah o. When I was 16, I was as innocent as anything. Chai, our kids really need divine guidance and monitoring. This story just made me weak.

  5. Stupid country,he shuld b killed... D fool is gvin fanx to who na??? God punish m dia.

    ~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

  6. Thelma enemuwe said...
    Wooooow!!!,what a great and shocking news it is...beautiful healthy looking babies she's got...Babies giving birth to babies,nawa oo...
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  7. Thelma enemuwe said...
    Wooooow!!!,what a great and shocking news it is...beautiful healthy looking babies she's got...Babies giving birth to babies,nawa oo...
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  8. God...good God...I need triplet....twins.... Quadruplet when am ready for pregnancy in Jesus name

    See what the lord Has done

    Thanks for not aborting ur babies


  9. Awwwwwwwwwwwww the kids are so gorgeous cuties mwah mwah mwah Awwwwwww I want I want. Stella at least he accepted the children na e nor run leave her when she carry belle or forced her to abort or beat abortion from her, let's thank God for the positives. Congrats o don't know you but so freaking happy for you at the sight of these blessings.

  10. Stella, nnkan eni o kin di meji ki inu bi ni,(really dont know how to translate that) there's still cause to give thanks though. See the beautiful babies, d one in d middle dey smile sef.....hmmmm. God bless and keep them.

  11. Congrats 2 d parents.Cuties,welcom 2 d world

  12. Aw! See these cuties. God bless them. 16 years? Its still cool she didn't opt for an abortion but then the girl should be given proper orientation abeg so this won't continue...As for the man, the law should put his ears a for having sex with a minor. That can't happen here stella, where child marriage is allowed.

    1. How did she carry 3 in her belly sef , nawa o, God is great

  13. Nawa ooo. Wetin dey worry some men with their penis sef?

  14. Lol. Stella u make me laugh loud, and this my kids done open there eyes from sleep, work continues

  15. Well Madam Stella, he could also be a teenager who's experimenting. If that's the case, there's nothing much anyone can do. The age of the father wasn't stated. However, if he's an adult he should be giving thanks in jail.

  16. Lol. Stella u make me laugh loud, and this my kids done open there eyes from sleep, work continues

  17. Multiple birth- twins, triplets, quadruplets etc I luv dem frm a distance. Dnt wish f one, I want t hav my kids one @ a time till I hv three of dem. But ds motherof 16 na wa o, wen I was 16 was making plans on wot t study in d university. Sex waas d last thing on my mind.

    1. My dear i never wished for twins too.. i had my kids one at a tym and am fine with that.. Multiple births are sweet though when they belong to someone else.. one of my customers has a set of quadruplets and they are soooo cool..
      Back to post i remember when my mum and i where passing a hospital in the village a teenager and her mum where leaving the hospital wit ha new born my mum and some other women where laffing at her that she has used her eyes to see her ears that next time she will run away from it.. jst imagining what this girl child went through carrying and birthing triplets!

  18. God don catch u and d pesin wey do am.

  19. CREE LUVS STELLADIMOKO31 December 2014 at 09:40

    Miraculous God I thank you for the lives of these beautiful children & their mother. Its your will cos its only your will that will be done and every good thing comes from You. I tap into this blessing and use this as a point of contact for all women looking up to you for this type of miracle.
    Stellz pls in as much as these children came forth via a minor, its still a good news.

    1. CREE, thanks and Amen to your comment. I join you in appreciating the Almighty God our creator. God bless you, and let his face shine upon you. May God bless you with own triplets In Jesus Name. If you no but you are standing in gap for somebody looking for the fruit of the womb, may God in his mercy extend this triplet blessing to them, even as we extend our love & remember them in our prayers. In Jesus Name, amen.

  20. Lol aunty stella..Atleast he didnt runaway but men sha..
    15hrs to go God can still change ur story.

  21. Awww.beautiful babies.welcome to the world.I want twins Lord.amen.make I rest 4 childbirth.

  22. He's prolly giving thanks because his daughter made it out alive despite her tender age and circumstances.


  23. Wow wow wow I use this opportunity to pray for all those crying for the fruit of the womb,may these be your testimony by this time next year IJN amen

  24. Lol no be small giving thanks,yeye isoko man lol

  25. Hmm, 16 is young but these days,it's not.. I heard they are about to reduce the legal age in Nigeria from 18 to 16.....
    Congrats to them.

  26. A 16 year old got triplets and at 36 I'm struggling to have one? God's ways are indeed mysterious and beyond human comprehension. Happy new year to the good people of this blog. Aunty Stella may 2015 be everything you hope for and more.

  27. Well its bad for a man "doing" a 16yr old but She don born she don born, at least the guy nor deny her na...

  28. He is giving thanks for sleeping with a child? I hope he takes care of them sha btw the babies are so cute. This our God Ehnnn, and some couples who are legally married are still looking for the fruit of the womb o, his ways are really not our ways. PrettyWitty

  29. Oh dear! Who are am to question God! He shares his wealth the way he likes. I thank God fircthe health of the mother, small girl like that? Her cervix abi ba uterus big no be small.

    1. It's the uterus. It was not to big for the kids to stay full term, that's why they came early. We thank God the belle no kill her. As for the cervix, na di birth canal where the children pass comot. Different from the Vjayjay which can tear & be sown like cloth & it will return back to normal. I pray no complications for the mom. God is wonderful, if you study the human anatomy. The birthing process itself is a mystery. God is a genius, he's an awesome God!

  30. D babies r soo cute. But 16 year old? Har! O chim o

  31. Maybe the Father is a minor too.
    I'm not sure we have rules against giving birth and getting married early in Nigeria though.
    Even in this age Men still go to the Village to pick up young willingly brides.
    Did he rape her? Sometimes let's just be real, some of the so called minors have been having sex for so long, longer than you can imagine.
    At 16 yrs I wasn't naive anymore, I was well aware of things.

  32. Stellaa which way!!!
    Why u nor go fit deal with the news?
    U know whether the boy don reach 18
    U know whether them do marry?
    Isoko dey marry early na

    1. Isoko no dey marry early, except they stay in d village

  33. As in eeh, Nigeria no b am at al! Welkm to d world lil ones

  34. Hmmmm!!!! 16yrs. This life sha and some women in their late 30's and early 40's are crying for a child.

  35. Those babies don't look premature to me unless that's just a pix n not that of the kids. Congrats to her n thank God d foolish man stood by her.

    1. 16 year old, that means she got preggers @ 15. That guy needs to be behind bars.
      Btw, the babies are just too cute. I want. Not triplets but twins. Twins are more than a handful already.
      How will they feed them? Hope the guy/man works. You will automatically go from feeding yourself alone to feeding four mouths. Great!

  36. Lovely kids. God is awesome. 16yr old minor ke? In dis time? In Nigeria? Dem yeye no be small. Moving about without bra. I chased one out on 27th morn, she came to deliver half crate of eggs wearing a cream silky blouse, no bra,in dis cold breezy harmattan in d village. I nearly slap am. Dem no minor anything again o. Dogs on heat.

  37. Omg!I want triplets..she is too young tho..

  38. 16yrs 3kids...Phewww such a huge responsibility as such a tender age!!!He should be jailed Stella,for this our obodo niaja?

  39. I love triplets. Thank God for her safe delivery. I wish to give birth to triplets someday.

  40. We still thank God for safe delivery..
    All these randy men,u should hv impregnated a 10yrs old so we knw u fit enough..mtseww

  41. Stella just be happy for her.Thank God she didnt abort them.Dey shld shower her with gifts o.

  42. Thank God they're all fine...

    #PenNotPrick #girlchild

  43. Exactly what I thought when I saw this news...he should be in jail by now nd still be thanking God...lawless country
    Thank God for the life of that girl nd the kids!!

  44. Awwww. These babies are cute.

    Their personalities are already becoming obvious. The first one will be an SDKB soonest. She has "ofofo" mouth.

    May God provide for their upkeep and protect them from their pervert of a father.

  45. 16 yrs
    Thank God she is safe

  46. There's nfn one can't hear...
    A minor !
    What's d sex session going to look like?

    1. The xx session was Plug and Play

  47. Thank God for safe delivery. What can one say? I hope the man hangs around and eventually marries her!

  48. He is hapi giving tanks...for impregnating a 16yrs old gal....may God judge uuuu
    Tank God she gave birth safely

  49. Wow.
    Lawless? The Lawmakers marry girls younger than 16 Na.

    Beautiful kids

  50. Wow! Lovely babies. Congrats to her. May God be with the family.

    Baba God, bless me with triplets. Can't wait to be a mother.

  51. Atleast I thank God for her&d babies bn able to access good medical facilities& bn in a stable condition. What more can one say? Na Naija we dey,de lawlessness is on a very looooonnnnggg tin.

  52. Taaa Anumanu gbafuogi
    'All these men whose blokos out with hot knife' anuofia
    You are thanking God for a rape that resulted in triplet.
    Well I happy for her safest delivery
    Mother and Children Alive

    God remember our deal with yesterday's chronicles, our about to deliver BV
    Lord do it ASAP and all glory shall return to You ! !

  53. Haha the guy na big time scorer, congrats baba ati mama baby.

  54. 16yrs? Hmmm.... Thank God the newborns are doing well.

  55. Congrats to her...
    Dose kids r cute...

  56. My eyes really caught that line "giving thanks" and i had to go read the news all over again to see if i missed where the news stated they were married...hhhhmmm;na real woooww Oooo!!
    Ignorance is really killing teenagers or should this be linked to lack of sexual education or what?? Cos im trying to understand what a minor at that age should be doing with sex...
    Anyways i thank God for letting her survive the pregnancy;shows how merciful he is to us...and i just hope the man can really take care of this Beautiful triplets as well....
    All the best to them!!



  57. Awww. Its sad that the babe is just 16 but the babies are just to cute. I need this miracle in my life in 2015. My year of multiple birth and blessing in Jesus name

  58. Toh!! Stella, thank God he's not seeking alms. Thank God she's got no complications. Nor be de papa and mama wey shook de girl for him hand you go blame?

  59. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Lmaooo.... Aunty stella a life was brought into the world so is gud to give thanks nw..... I wish them all the best though no doubt......

  60. Na wa oh.wetin we no go see for naija

  61. OMG! Dis is my heart desire. Lord,may dis special blessing locate me in Jesus name.

  62. cute and healthy babies.but i wish na me birth those kids.i love them so much.

  63. Its only God can help nigeria

  64. God is always merciful. If He should treat us according to our sins, no man will stand.

  65. Can u imagine,16yrs o ga ni ooo

  66. See cute children!
    Main while people when need them seriously dey desperately pray for even one.
    It is well o!

  67. These kids are so cute! I pray God would grant them the needed resources to take good care of the kids!

    Thank God the man didn't deny them

  68. I no fit lament jor over this teenage matter, all I want na my own bundle of joy for 2015.

    Abeg Baba God pity me, biko nu!

  69. People when the find children no sef na wah..the man should be jailed ke Stella? Na chieftaincy title dem go give am for delta, I trust my people.

  70. Thank God he is not a runaway father. Tripple blessings.


  71. There's always a reason for certain events..lawful or unlawful,and children are gifts from God,happy is the man who has his quiver full of them...

  72. Hmmmm mmmmmmmm. Ok oh. God help her

  73. I cant deal too but the look on those babies is so heavenly!! So so adorable. Welcome to world angels even though ur parents didnt do it right.

  74. Oh! They are Sooo cuutteeee!
    Bless u Lovelies!

  75. 16 years? Delta state?
    Delta igbo?
    Not new

  76. Asshole needs to be castrated and jailed, what is wrong with some men. Young girls need to be protected from all this perverts/pedophiles. Where are the laws, what kind of society enables this diabolical shit. God bless the babies and the girl

  77. I guess this happens everywhere. North,south,west... minor sha. May God help them.

  78. 16years old girl is v'in sex,wow

  79. Thank God for safe delivery. But 16yrs is a minor now.

  80. Glory be to God for the safe delivery, make we leave d age matter, abi 14years sef dey get belle dis days, na Baba God see her through e no easy, is not abt age


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