Stella Dimoko Protests After Grand Jury in Eric Garner Chokehold Case Doesn’t Indict Officer


Thursday, December 04, 2014

Protests After Grand Jury in Eric Garner Chokehold Case Doesn’t Indict Officer

A Staten Island grand jury on Wednesday ended the criminal case against a white New York police officer whose chokehold on an unarmed black man led to the man’s death, a decision that drew condemnation from many elected officials and touched off a wave of angry but generally peaceful protests.

The fatal encounter in July was captured on videos seen around the world. But
after viewing the footage and hearing from witnesses, including the officer who used the chokehold, the jurors deliberated for less than day before deciding that there was not enough evidence to go forward with charges against the officer, Daniel Pantaleo, 29, in the death of the man, Eric Garner, 43.

Officer Pantaleo appeared before the grand jury on Nov. 21, testifying that he did not intend to choke Mr. Garner. He described the manoeuver as a wrestling move,adding that he never thought Mr. Garner was in mortal danger. culled


  1. I hate dem cops....Dey hate em blacks


    1. When would these things end

    2. When I watched that footage my soul wept like six people on one person choi it was terrible to behold.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. na d way na....issorai

    when will mankind be free of all prejudices and love everyone equally??

  4. D dude was just trying to dis job its such a pity d other guy died in d process rip to d dead

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    1. But I could the guy on the ground clearly saying "I can't breathe" repeatedly. They just ignored him, all of them have his blood on their hands.

    2. You dont know what you are talking abt. It is illegal to choke-hold in US. Did you even watch the video where the guy told them 8 times that he cld not breathe? Plz dont be showing your ignorance in times like this. How about google to educate yourself.

    3. He was doing his job but he should be charged for manslaughter and not murder as it was 'unintentional'. If you have watched the video,you will realize that the man kept saying he can't breathe. Second case this week on clear racism. I thought America had grown past that,mtscheeewww!

  5. Nawa fr al ds finz sha

    ~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

  6. God help the black people all over the world. Oyibo people hate black very much. you will see it on their faces. Dem no dey hide their own.

  7. hmm... such is the value of human lives to these ones.

  8. It's so sad the way black people are being killed by law enforcement officers in the US.

  9. Don't they have something like "the eggshell principle" in the American legal system? Rip Eric Garner. The incident made me very angry

  10. Oh shut up, Anon 5:23 pm! What kinda job have you stepping in someone's head? Plus when he told them he could not breathe they did not loosen their hold at all. When the cops hold your ass and brutalize you just remember to tell them thank you, you understand as they are doing their job.

  11. Can we all go 'color blind'?
    And stop being enormous bigots ?

    Life is already too hard, for us to be killing/harming each other because you can't accept another's sentiments/skin color/race/tribal marks too.

  12. From the days of John the black and proud

  13. Injustice is eating this whole world up. Gosh I hate.

  14. I work in New York but took today off because I know I cant pretend to be ok with majority of my coworkers all white. Sure they will say the appropriate things, I just need to stay home and reflect and exhale. The injustice is just getting out of hand.
    I just can't. #Blacklivesmatters.

    1. Pele, I tink racism is more in the US Dan d Uk

  15. longest timeeeeeee on SDK blog
    bless God for me i have finally joined the motherhood club
    omo wetin my eye see, the pain no be here ooooooooo.

    1. Congratulations ma'am
      Thank God your alive
      Send my kisses to the little one....mmwauh

    2. Congrats. God bless the new born.

    3. Wow big congrats to you,i love babies

    4. Whoop Whoop!
      Congrats Tomi!

      Kisses to baby and to u too...
      We thank God!

  16. It's not easy to be a police officer! I feel for both parties. I don't think the police officer wanted to kill Late Eric Garner. I keep saying it's better to be safe than sorry. If only he had submitted himself willingly this shouldn't have happened!
    They should come to naija to see how our police treat us here..worse! Infact they turn their victims to robbers to save their heads when they are caught in their brutality.
    Another observation was how from coast to coast the Americans protested!
    In Nigeria is that possible?They are united in their grief! The north is burning we all feel relaxed! May it not get to the south /west! It will be too late to voice out to our govt to be Responsible and held accountable!!
    Enough of the suffering in Nigeria!!#wedeservebetter

  17. I understand the choke hold which the officer used in holding Eric down had been banned by The police long ago. Why was it still in their possession?
    This worldwide police violence on citizens must stop. Nigeria isn't any better. A cop will shoot a bus driver because of 50Naira. Which kain life?


    1. What do you mean why was a choke hold in their possession? A choke hold is an action and not an object.

  18. They just killed that guy for nothing. I am so angry! R.I.P.

  19. Excessive Force
    Racism still really do exist
    That's the bitter truth America can't come in terms with
    Cops always hating on blacks

  20. America is the only country where blacks outside Africa have any form of respect.

    Look at our leaders who have no regard and respect for us as a people, how will other nations value us as human beings.

    Asians, in the last thirty years have taken steps as nations to earn respect from the western world.

    I have lived in four different continents and I applaud the Americans who are able to stand up for blacks.

    Let's take baby steps as blacks to hold ourselves in high regard

  21. Stella did you hear of Usifo Ijewere that died suddenly. Too sad

  22. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    I guess they are jealous bcos white ladies love black guys......

    1. Speak with sense this guy ah ah. Are you this empty?

  23. awwwwwww Tomiwealth congratulations ooooo
    thank God for you.

  24. awwwwwww Tomiwealth congratulations ooooo
    thank God for you.

  25. There is fire on the mountain top and people are beginning to run.. A revolution is imminent and the land may boil so they need to address the racism squarely as the youths are restless. Watched a 12yr old black boy in possession of toy gun gunned down despite radio dispatch stating it was toy gun. The African american youths should have a rethink and not be aggressive or provocative in face of the law. The law officers should equally be unbiased in dealing with the youths whether black or white.

  26. Amnesty international abi na Transparency international will not hear dis one abi e no follow for extrajudiciary killings. Cos if this happened in an african country na soso extrajudiciary killings n corruption in the judiciary system we go dey hear.
    They will criticize us, say na human right violation join oda names we neva hear b4 buh now d international bodies don kip quiet dey pretend lyk say nothing happen.
    Diaris God ooo in dis 'quiet u r kipping'

  27. Madam Stella I saw where you wrote about you returning money for advert and I was pained.

    I'll go straight to the point cause I wont type much. Nect time you place an advert and ypu get crazy comments....imshprt filtter commemts well befpre approving. Whats wromg woth some bv's? You guys are meant to have small sense that this is her business and mind what you comment on her advert post.

    I don talk my own finish. This is for you personally you don't have to publish and please I ask you don't approve stupid comments on your advert please! You don't have to please anyone!!!!

  28. yay! i now have a blog i.d....congrats to me

  29. Why Una dey even call these people white people? NONSENSE! THEY ARE PIG SKINED PEOPLE IDIOTS

  30. Every other race HATES the black race. IMO only blacks will make Heaven, we don't hate on no other race.

  31. Yawn*
    Catching up 2day abi thurs IHN
    As una d (ynash opener) employ lalochezia , una try!
    Na sleep sure pass!

  32. Hope I got dis I'd ish right?

  33. Hope I got dis blog I'd rite

  34. Hope I got dis I'd ish right?

  35. PD Young Billionaire5 December 2014 at 07:09

    The death of this man broke my heart.I watched the video several times.The cops were really unfair to him....about 6 cops held him down....the guy was helpless..he was even unarmed....really pathetic! The grand jury was also biased in its judgement....May God fight for african americans in the US.

  36. This is really sad. Too much killing of black people, the Ferguson one is yet to die down, now this one. Then the 12 year old boy that got killed shocked me to the marrow, like a 12 year old is going to pull a trigger?
    Is it ever gonna stop? May God deliver the blacks in America.

  37. He described the chokehold as a wrestling move, why should u wrestle an unarmed person who wasn't resisting arrest or showing any form of violence,I just saw the video and i'm heartbroken...American cops and their brutality

  38. So most of d racist in the US re nw been recruited in d police department . They cn shot at any black(armed or unarmed) adults&teens at their will. The United States Of America is not a leveled field play ground to all.

  39. I saw the video, that guy was harmless.


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