Stella Dimoko Men Who Do Domestic Chores Versus Men Who Dont..


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Men Who Do Domestic Chores Versus Men Who Dont..

You may imagine that a man who is adept at housework would be attractive to woman But sociologists claim that mopping the kitchen and washing up dishes won’t help men get lucky in the bedroom - with middle-aged women at least.

A study has found that men who regularly do housework, such as cooking and cleaning, have less sex than men who don’t bother.

Researchers from the Juan March Institute in Madrid studied data based on relationships of 4,561 middle-aged US couples over 20 years, including their sex lives and how they divide household chores.

The study, which was published in the journal American Sociological Review, found that home tasks such as cooking and cleaning are traditionally perceived as women’s work – and 80 per cent of housework is still done by females.
The results showed that men performed around 55 per cent of 'masculine' tasks such as paying bills and mowing the lawn.

While egalitarian marriages tended to be happier, men who did ‘feminine’ tasks had sex less often than those who shunned the iron and oven.
In fact, men who divorced themselves from core chores, had sex one and a half times more a month than those who pulled their weight in the home.

Overall, couples had sex once a week.

Sabino Kornrich, a sociologist at the university, explained that gender stereotypes may linger in the home and could explain the results.

‘What we do in the house is really strongly tied to how people think of themselves as men or women or as masculine or feminine,’ he told Live Science.
He explained that women may see men doing ‘feminine’ jobs as less sexually attractive.Alternatively, couples with similar roles may feel more like siblings than lovers, he added. 

While egalitarian marriages tended to be happier, men who did ‘feminine’ tasks had sex less often than those who shunned the iron and oven.


Men who do more household chores  are more satisfied in the bedroom than those who stick to ‘manly’ tasks, according to a 2013 study
Men who embrace their 'feminine side' around the house have more satisfaction in the bedroom than those who stick to ‘manly’ chores like cutting the hedge and mowing the lawn, according to a 2013 study.

The quality of the sex they had was superior as well if they were prepared to do their share of cooking and cleaning, the scientists found.
The research by Cornell University contradicts the Washington study, but it used data on a similar number of families from 2006, arguably showing that attitudes have changed.

Professor Sharon Sassler said that using old data has skewed the Washington results because the couples had married in the 1960s and 70s when things were very different.
She said: ‘Couples who shared domestic labour had sex at least as often, and were at least as satisfied with the frequency and quality of their sex, as couples where the woman did the bulk of the housework.

‘In fact, these egalitarian partners were ranked slightly higher in all these categories, reporting more frequent sex and greater satisfaction with the frequency and quality of that sex than conventional couples.’culled

 What about the ones who dont do anything at all.? Some dont even know ow to bend down and pick clothes they dropped..LOL.
Or should i just say that this study does not apply to Nigerian men?I am not trying to start anything but I am Nigerian so I know .
The percentage of Nigeria who might even attempt any domestic work at all should be 1%


  1. Only a mature man can stand up to his peers and say he does chores at home. I like it very much.

    1. Helping one's wife at home with house chores should be a thing of joy for couples, it should be fun time and play time, but it shouldn't be a regular thing else the man will be turned into a house boy, and he'll lose his respect and self worth. It should be done once in a blue moon.

      Your comment will be visible after approval

    2. Stella please stop replying those beggars that are begging for xmas blog is platform for those who knows what they are doing, not for those that don't belief in themselves and the works of their hands..the lives you touch every single day is more than million yeye girlfriend introduced me to this blog and since then am crazily and madly addicts..(God bless you nkechi roseline daughter of odum for introduced me to this wonder home, full of love, mercy and grace)here is where family so strong..I love you stello..abeg shoot your ass out make I lick those prostitute guy can go hug transformer....we are happy is not how far, buh how well

      Son of Solomon

    3. Shockingly, my hubby does the laundry in my household. We both take care of the dishes 2geda immediately after eating. In fact he does more household chores than I do. Our sex life is average I think, 2-3 times a week but it's always worth it.

    4. Your hubby dey nack foroutside

    5. Shout out to my hubby whose love for cleaning has made me lazy. Dude loves cleaning . you can't clean anything for him and he will feel comfortable. He's been like that from childhood. Thank God for this man. When I was growing,mumsy always said pray God gives you a man that can accommodate your laziness whxh I got in boarding school. And God did. Dude loves cleaning. Loves putting the clothes in the washing machine,taking them out but doesn't like bringing them in so that i do. He even loves cooking . chai. Just that he's cooking takes too long,you would have died and resurrected before the food will be ready. And they are never normal dishes. Always have one continental name . And the bedroom nko?

      But he still has small skoi skoi cha.

    6. Bbb,d housework is wearing him out. Do most of the work n he'll fuck u more

    7. DH washes the dishes, dresses the bed, baths the children and cooks sometimes. Lol. Cook as in toast bread and porridge yam. Lol. But he is amazing

    8. I enjoy chores jare..there is this kinda Happiness i get from within after i ve kept everything in own is that if another person does that same thing for me;it would still appear as to me alone that the person didnt do it well(i know it isnt good sha but na just me ooo) unless i do it myself...who get time to dey look woman for face to help me wash,cook or clean?? na my future wife go enjoy me sha cos we go dey do am together every weekend when am home...orikwanma!!



  2. Hope its true...hubby doesn't help @ all

    1. Rubbish report... I remember my ex, he cooks and cleans tho he has house help, but he was still very active.

    2. BLOG ANALYSER: A woman whose hubby mops nd washes dishes is a lucky woman ooh

  3. Its actually fun nd romantic to help do it must nt b always. Besides a man who comss om v. late 4RM wrk shld nt b expected to do more of chores bt atleast help.


  4. Kehinde ake ,ngwa come and tell us your own findings ,as doctor of nackson in the house.

  5. Lol! At least the quality of the sex is better in them

    1. Should i begin to worry or begin to act like 'an average nigerian man'?...d only tin I let a lady do for me wen she comes to my place is cook(if she wants to)cos am a lousy cook...n we'l be in d kitchen togeda till she's done(na so my mama train me,u'l sit on d freezer n she'l be sayin bring dis bring dat,wash dis)so am used to it....I love doing d dishes n I clean d house too...@least she'l not hav an excuse dat she's too tired to gbensh

    2. @bp lol! It's all good. At least you dey try. Pls keep it up

  6. 'study has found that men who regularly do housework, such as cooking and cleaning, have less sex than men who don’t bother.'
    Big lie!
    I thank God my husband belongs to that 1%. He helps with choress when he is home. God bless my boo over and over again. In my next life, I will marry him all over.

    1. Now waiting for sad people who only like "marriage in trouble" posts to come and debunk Bloggy's comment with:

      - Bloglord, continue deceiving yourself. Mr Bloglord is sleeping with me

      -He is cheating on you, that's why he does chores

      -Fear God, you have jazzed him.

    2. Some men just love to do these things, maybe it is a function of upbringing or passion but there are naija men who help their wives/gfs at home though the percentage may be little.

    3. Hahahaha. Goldsent Diamond is cracking me up,lol.

      All these studies and their lies *rme*
      I bless God every minute for DH. He dey try,I no go lie.

    4. It has to do with home training

    5. My husband helps a lot. Especially now I'm like a whale. I think its a matter of upbringing and frankly we as women should train our sons well to make another woman's life easier

    6. Well said ladies. I think it's a function of their upbringing and personal convictions.

    7. It's partly home training and also depends on the man.
      Marriage is a constant work in progress and most times, what you put into it, is what you make out of it.
      So if a man feels helping out with chores would make his wife happier and the marriage better, then it is a welcome idea.

    8. And these studies sef! Contradictory.

    9. Ohhh now Goldscent, why do u like stealing my comments na?? Na wetin I been wan tell BL be dat. That ahh ...u don expose honey and the bees will soon perch on u for this comment o...ehwheh!
      But I don't understand the sadistic domineering characters of some individuals. I refuse to accept it as a norm because in the real world were I come from, good things do happen to those who live it and believe in it.

      Yea yea there's no perfect marriage, mba..but if God has been good enough to u to have it rosy and happy, then share it even if world people go vex.

      I couldn't tell you how many times my hubby and I fight and argue in one week. We bully each other and set annoying traps for each other, when he annoys me and I want leverage, I can hide his atm card before he goes out and he'll be stuck. Especially on weekends. Lmaoo.
      Or I'll hide the toothpaste early in the morning and he won't be able to ask me where it is or whether we have more in d store. Or I'll put off the switch where he's charging his phone at night and he'll wake up to a dead phone...etc. things like that........
      and he does his own too. He will loosen the battery head of my car on a Sunday morning when I am going to church, cos he knows there's no driver to fix for me except him.

      And on such days he will choose not to go to church and be peeping thru the Window to see me sweating profusely with frustration.

      Or is it when he will refuse to turn on the generator and be forming sleep inside darkness when I know he can't do without light o. We will cuss each other tire. But in all when we are cool we are very cool and for the most part always happy.
      So why would anyone say u are forming happy when it's not as if u deny having little issues sometimes, but are always happy MOST of the time? Abeg to hell with sadists.

      To the matter o. Me I don't knw about this their statistics as per sex o. My own no send u
      He will choose to do anything in the house without being mandated to. Try giving him the guilt trips with sentiments, that's when he will vex and not do it. His own is general maintenance. Like generator ish, lights ish, electrical ish etc. Na to eat, gist with the kids, watch ESPN/CNN, fuck if agro catch am, then do fine boy and go to work. C'est fini.

      Almighty epistle. Ok bye

    10. Sisi eko u know I love u ba?

    11. My one and only sisi, your epistle make plenty sense abeg. Reality! Of course every couple must disagree over certain things but the ability to resolve it amicably without raising the roof is all that matters.

    12. @Sisi eko LMAO! Your head dey there. Na the malice dey very interesting, the who'll be frustrated first by the others antics and talk first. Lol!

    13. Sisi baby!
      M Reading ur comment n smiling sheepishly....
      We argue,we fight and we dont like each oda all d time buh Above all,we love HARDEST! Thats Marriage Boo!

    14. Sisi Eko, high 5.

      You are just as mischievous as me. Hahahahaha. I'm copying that your toothpaste mischief. I already do the charger wickedness.

      Sabongida! Sabongida! How nah?

  7. This one na story.
    We don't even need to read this cos Nigerian men are too chauvinistic for household chores.

    1. Some Nigerian men, not all.
      Reason why ladies should focus more on character than sex during courtship.

    2. Some Nigerian men, not all.
      Reason why ladies should focus more on character than sex during courtship.

  8. Well I don't agree with this observation. Let me relax on this and read comments later.

  9. Who cares about how many times men and women Score in the bedroom. In my opinion, if a man can help with household chores, all well and good. If not, providing for the family covers all that. Speaking about U.S couples which the survey is based on, many of them hire house help, even the average person, to clean their house once a week or a month. The average U.S couple's home is unkempt with dirty plates in the sink, for those who bother to warm their canned food in a microwave since most of them eat out. The living room and bedrooms are strewn with clothes and so on. So, in my opinion, this survey is useless and does society no good. Join the conversation on twitter @ Omoyemi 1 O 1 A 1 Ojo.

    1. Anon 3:14pm Who told you that?! America is not Naija o! House help kwa? Who has that kind of money here? Here that peeps are even trying to save on child-care alone. Not everybody in the US is a celebrity. And where are you getting this claptrap of an info from, saying the average US home is unkempt with dirty plates etc? Are you kidding me? You sound like those backward people back home who think they pluck money from trees once you arrive in the US or that somebody will just place chicken peri peri or burger in front of you once you arrive. My friend! Just like people have different levels of hygiene all over the world.. including Nigeria; so are there people with different hygiene levels in America. Not everyone eats microwaved boxed/frozen/canned food all the time. And definitely, most Americans don't eat out everyday; maybe for lunch while they're at work and they give their kids lunch money to get school lunches but majority, I repeat, majority of us Americans cook breakfast in the mornings and make dinner at night; heck we even cook the lunch for the next day to take to work while making dinner the night before. So please miss me with that BS picture you're trying to paint. The survey isn't useless. If you're a guy and you're too lazy to do housework when God gave you perfectly functioning limbs but you just dump everything on the wife; just say so. And if you're a woman whose hubby is lazy as f**k and hides under "nigerian" culture; just say that too so maybe people can pray for you. It is a positive development to encourage husband and wife to pitch in domestically in the house, especially the Nigerian family because Nigerian women have been suffering silently for years and it's even worse now that both of them work all day but the wife is expected to rush home to handle dinner, take care of the baby/kids and other domestic chores while the man just strolls in to sit down with newspaper in hand to read while the wife is about to die of exhaustion. Encourage positive changes, stop attacking and rubbishing them..... Just Saying

    2. Wow! Why are you Sooo angry? Anon 5.44pm. If only you knew. Open your eyes, read and comprehend what you just wrote. The truth hurts...

  10. If men can do their normal office work and even tedious jobs and still satisfy their partner sexually, I don't think helping out in a little domestic chores can reduce their performance own 2k

  11. Nigerian men are very lazy....shio

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Asi Asi! Big lie u just told Stella. My hubby has always been good with domestic or feminine chores as u call it and our sex life is also a wow. I used 2 think he just wanted 2 impress me with it while we were dating 9 years ago but he shares d chores with me till tommorrow.

    1. That's a good one my dear coco noir

    2. Suddenly, everybody's husband does household chores, issorai

    3. Joy will it now sweet you if everybody is suffering and not enjoying their marriage?
      Haba, instead of you to tap good things you're there mis-yaning.
      Coco nwanne na God give us jare. Rapu ndi uta

    4. My hubby is so lazy. He doesn't assist house chores at all. All he does is to go work come back and eat. He can't even remove his plates from dining table and take it to the kitchen after eating. It that bad.

  14. Traditionally domestic chores is for the women, but sometimes some caring DH do assist.
    My husband do the cooking sometimes when he have the time, because he is a good cook.

  15. couples in the house pls take over.

  16. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    This theory is just on point i swear......

  17. Most Nigeria men don't do anything apart from work and provide for their families.
    And most of them can f**k for Africa.

    1. Even those who help out are still good in bed.
      I don't agree with this findings.

  18. Which of these study shud one believe naa!

  19. OK....lazy reader here again

    Waiting for comments


  20. Nonsense, what I blv is that men are supposed to do house chores just like women cos the pressure from diff angles may be too much on the lady. Its also kind of romantic to help a woman with house work but if a man thinks its demeaning for him to do it let him get a maid unless she is a housewife.

    1. Any woman who is married is regarded as an housewife, even if u dey work or u be boss 4 office, or u get maid, u be certified HOUSEWIFE

  21. My boo does so much,4rm washin d dish 2 washin ma cloths @times......doe we ar nt married bt I hope it continues dat way @least.

    1. Idiot, you have jazz him abi?

  22. I love men that helps with house chores time abeg!

  23. All i know is bf is good with chores, he cooks 4 me whenever i visit and i do the dishes just to be fair, he cleans his toilet,kitchen. I count myself lucky to be blessed with such an amazing man.So, whatever their research says isn't my biz.Whatever works 4 anyone but u peeps should stop generalizing oooo, some naija guys are actually domestic, atleast i'm a living witness

  24. Or less than 1%.
    Lazy menfolk thinking we are the Help

  25. Don't know about sex,but I don't like a man that's into household chores,he will look more like a houseboy to me.however I love me a man that does his own laundry and assists around the house occasionally.I love me a man that knows how to cook,a man that can stir up palatables for me once in a while to pamper me,a man that makes me breakfast in bed my opinion its emasculating for a man to be a hands on in the kitchen and around the house..what then will I be doing If my man is so busy with chores?my man is my king,a king that knows respect is earned,a king that knows his queen is his pride.a manly man..Ok..I better stop dreaming now.

    1. You sound confused

    2. Tnk God u knw ure jus dreaming...if not,u'll be single 'til thy kingdom come,nne

    3. Wait till you marry then come back and tell me the once in a blue moon story.
      Y'all should always try crossing the bridge before you can give a full description of the river

    4. You are clearly missing the point. The "dream" man is still domesticated nao.

  26. Wetin concern me. I don't even like guys that do domestic chores. They come across as neat freaks and those sort of guys could be very difficult to live with. I went to visit an old admirer once and you needed to see the way the guy was sweeping the living room with all his strength as if he was an APC member. As if that wasn't enough, as soon as I took my shoes off, he got up and went to arrange them in a parallel way.
    I sat uncomfortably in the parlour as he went to cook brunch for me ( fried egg and bread). The way he pounded pepper scared me. He also beat the egg mixture for more than 10mins as if the mother of the chick offended him. When he was done, I couldn't find a trace of yolk. smh
    To top it all, on my way out of his house, he escorted me with a broom in his house (meaning he was going to sweep all the yamayama I came with). How am I supposed to date that sort of person biko? Just give me a body odour free guy that can cook better hot water well for my bath. I can do chores enough for both of us.

    Click my name for more gists. lol

    1. Hahahahahahaha! Tht one na disorder oh

    2. Hahahhahahahahahahahhha you bad gan I was laughing all through reading your comment,that guy is wicked

    3. OMG.


      Damn funny comment. Laughing like a witch at 2am. Enough is enough.Una good night.

    4. Chei!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Hahahahahaha .
      God of Elijah pls have mercy on me !
      Naijasinglegirl, you be case i swear .
      E get as person go funny reach , dey cause you pain with laughter to the extend that you cross the street if you sight them coming . Nne , that person na you biko !

      For the chief chef hubby,boy , man or any prick holder that does the domestic work like a Home Economics secondary school teacher , They are truly, really really annoying to me . And believe me , when you do that , Off goes your right to my body through the window . I love macho men, I can't deal with he dangling his boxers and penis like birthday pinata all over the house. Do what men do & leave the rest for me .Ekenekwamu una ndi ala o o !

    5. OMG, very funny, am rolling on the floor. My 7mths old baby is even laughing with me .

    6. The whole neat freak thing is my hubby. He's such a neat freak. Like he's obsessed with a clean place. I'm neat too. Very neat and like tidy places but his is over board. Initially it was a problem as he would rexlean whatever was cleaned by someone else but I decided to let him be and my life has known no joy. I have my own small portion of the house I clean,when I say small portion small portion. And still he will be feeling uncomfortablee. Understanding your partner is key in a relationship and I'm happy I understood the fact that he likes to do house chores while I do little things in the house. This doesn't stop him from been a great provider as we don't lack anything at home. Plus bedroom skills aren't lacking too

    7. Lol, obsessive compulsive disorder dey worry am. Hahahahhahaah,you are damn funny

    8. U funny no be joke... I don laugh almost quench!

    9. Hahahhaahhhahhaa....laugh wan kill me. I know your bobo's type. Your comment has got to be my best on this post.

    10. Lmao......
      As if the mother of chick offend him indeed.
      Your so funny.!!

  27. Madam Stella, 101% kisses to you. I don tire to be anonymous. Been reading and swallowing all d useful comments I suppose contribute. So sorry all bv's. I surfaced. But truth be say, we plenty o. Sdk bv's wil need to fast n pray flor l other hidden bvs.
    God wil ssyre help Nigerian men to understand that their wife is their helper n not a slave

  28. which one are my to follow now?So

  29. Lemme go and grab my popcorn and kunu, will be back to read

  30. Very true to men who embrace house chores perform better in bed...God bless my good at house chores,perfect gentle man. GOD BLESS MY HUSBAND.

  31. Hmmm, not my hubby o. The only household chores he can do will be to make ugba and abacha for us to eat shikena!

  32. Stella please stop replying those beggars that are begging for xmas blog is platform for those who knows what they are doing, not for those that don't belief in themselves and the works of their hands..the lives you touch every single day is more than million yeye girlfriend introduced me to this blog and since then am crazily and madly addicts..(God bless you nkechi roseline daughter of odum for introduced me to this wonder home, full of love, mercy and grace)here is where family so strong..I love you stello..abeg shoot your ass out make I lick those prostitute guy can go hug transformer....we are happy is not how far, buh how well

    Son of Solomon

  33. Abeg nigerian men dnt like to help with the chores at home o,all they want is for their woman to do everything for them,if its possible some will even ask their wives to bath them along side the children....aunty stella I agree with you,oyibo too sabi luv.
    Inaede faith

  34. Lmao @ naijasinglegirl..
    My boo cannot cook to save his life n I like it that way..
    Anytime I cook for him,allday,everyday
    But when it comes to fixing things in the house,he is very good at it.he is my electrician,plumber,carpenter etc bt he hates kitchen duties.the last time he cooked for me(noodles) was a year ago n thats cos I was really sick.
    Me sef I dnt mind.i like him like that

  35. Whether he does or doesn't help out with household chores isn't and shouldn't be a standard to measure the couples' sex life. If he helps, fine and if he doesn't good but which woman wouldn't be grateful that her man helps out with the chores and rewards him.

  36. @D General Wife,,,nne i love u dieeee! Kai,just read story on d previous post nd i just love u more,,awww...u re such a darling!

  37. Nigerian men with their ego, they rather not eat than help yuu out with house chores. Shout out to all the men that help their wives out with the house chores, they are the best

  38. I will choose my hubby any time any day. The guy can help for Europe.

  39. It's no big deal if your man assist you in doing chores but it becomes really annoying if he is a freak when it comes to neatness. He wants everything to be perfectly done.when you adjust the window blinds, he goes behind you to readjust, when you lay bed, he tells you, one part is not well tucked in, there is always something to be corrected.It can be freaking annoying*talking from experience*

  40. one and only Goldscent.
    my dear, i am blessed o! sometimes i think God just over blessed me with my Mr.
    my only problem is that i am too stubborn. lol...but all join they scata the guy head even if e de form vex.
    S/O to the man in my life!the only one that makes me a MRS, the father of my adorable children. love love love u.
    house chores, e dey! sex..oh my!!!! out of this world. e de fire, e no dey taya. kikikiki.
    abeg e! love amaka!

    1. Hahahahahaha

      Mr Bloggy dey fire shege.
      That stubbornness is the spice jare. Most men love it subconsciously

    2. Hehheheheheh. E dey tire person sha o.

  41. This study isnt for Nigerian men o. But my husband helps out with chores alottt because he isnt a big fan of maids, so he purchased any and everything that make chores easier. The sex is hotter when he helps, cos a happy and energised wife (me) will give him some aerobic bitchy style in bed

  42. @Naijasinglegirl ...that was hilarious. lwkmd

  43. my Husband isnt big on maids so he got alot of stuff to help out with chores and he helps alot. When he helps out like that, sex is usually fun because i will have energy to do all the aerobics.

  44. Even if a man that helps around the house may not seem to be a turn-on for women, men should still help out with domestic work. If we are promoting Gender Equality in order to eliminate Social Injustice, then we shouldn’t make exemptions. A woman cannot do all the domestic work just because she is female. That sort of Stereotype facilitates a lot of other Negative Social Issues of which females are the victims. If the man was living alone, wouldn’t he do his domestic work himself? Or pay someone to do it for him?. Marriage is a Union and a Partnership and not Slavery. We need to end inequalities and fight for Social Justice, in order to achieve a better Society that protects the rights of all Humans. Anyway, we have said our piece. Going back to Pluto now.

  45. DH can't do any chore jare and he is capable

  46. Helping with house chores or not,when a man wants sex he wants it,and he must get it somehow!infact nigerian men will even ask,why did they marry u if not for sex.
    So helping with chores isn't a determinant for a man to get sex from his wife.afterall How many men are domesticated even in africa?my hubby is d worst of them all!he cannot even boil water to save his life',house chores?ha!that one is alien to him,he will even be calling u to leave what u are doing and join him to watch TV esp when they are showing his fav program.
    He will be like leave it joor,aint u tired?but he's still irritated at dirts at d imagine oo.smhh
    That's why I got me a maid and a cleaner cos I can't be turned to one.
    And his sex,dont even bother;it' and house chores are mutually exclusive events!so don't try to get dem
    So from my ends,Dis analysis no work abeg.

  47. Abeg just provide for your home, marital duties 101.. You can do the domestic chores after doing no 1&2

  48. Dis peeps Ãήϑ dia unrealistic findings.

  49. Nigerian men?hmmmm

  50. Wow! Sooo many new BVs. Nigerians & ofe eh! Issori, one luv. Nigerian men re lazy & don't do housework or "woman work" as dey like to put it so this study no catch us t all

  51. I will go with the thought that said; men who help out in the house enjoy sex more.The economic condition of our country is very poor and also stressful; so fending for the family should not be left for the man alone; likewise house chores should not be left for the woman alone.This will help both parties not to be stressed out in their earthly task and also it will help them have strength for love making.

  52. DH thank God I married u. My boo is 10/10 shikena.

  53. When husbands help with chores, their wives won't be tired or give them excuses because they still have enough strength. And women should not take their husbands for granted too, because he is helping u out. Men should have it in their mind that their spouses are their "wives" and not "slaves". Most men that don't help their wives are brought up that way. Bcos their sisters and mum do the chores without them helping. So that African mentality can be changed with u bringing up your sons to do the chores equally with their sisters or with u their mum.

  54. Story my hubby dsnt do any chores even to. Washing of his boxers nd socks he dsnt even lay d bed very dirty tin ehn to cook sef. Na zero in bed nko na wah so I dnt bliv dis theory at all

  55. men who help out with domestic chores were raised by Queens
    dear women are you raising a monster?

    1. Stewie Gilligan Griffin12 December 2014 at 00:47

      I already use Stewie Gilligan Griffin as my ID. Do you mind changing yours to avoid confusion?

  56. For me, cooking is a hobby. I assist with it once in a while.

  57. Otaru Samson, but a woman that comes late from work should be expected to always do chores? Both parties should run THEIR home together.

  58. O1A1 Ojo, sorry o but you obviously do not know much about people in the US. A place where the standard kitchen is equipped with dishwashers? Please stop lying and exposing the fact that you are only talking based on what you saw in 1 movie.

  59. Who cares about all this research tho?..i grew up to see my Dad help my mum relieve stress,he still cooks and washes when he wants to,even though he has grown boyfriend is that same kinda man,he loves to cook and tidy up and doesnt even care if theres anyone around...
    I think upbringing is little brothers learnt to cook from my that refuse to help out with domestic chores are so 1920!

  60. Thank you ooo @bloglord... My hubby too is among the 1% and even in the afterlife (if I still recognize him) a'l choose him a million times! He does the chores( going to the market, cleaning our home, taking our daughter to school, picking her up, blend and concentrate the pepper and tomatoes for stew, load the laundry, remembers my circle and buys me pad ahead of the actual day, makes the bed, treats me like a total queen) because he believes women are to be loved and served as they are the finest creature!! Btw.... He is 33 German and I am 31 Nigerian! And we. Have been married for 10 years!! (And, I am still madly in love with him!! Ehen,, when he does all the chores, I reward him with a Long hour of sex!! Sometimes The Herr even beats me to my game, ( I wonder his energy though... Lol) to the woman that says she doesn't value men that does the chores.. Nnem, Imbra, (if you are still single).. Try oyibo love!! They drive you crazy with care and respect.. I go out every Thursday for Ladies night and my hussy would be at home with our daughter( 7years old), it's like his whole life is circled around me and most times we role play when he is doing some chores (if you understand what I mean).... The top of our washing machine has been violated so many times, our couch cries out for mercy, the dinning table Nko?? Don't mention.. No part of our home is a virgin (still while he is doing the chores)... Open your hearts ladies, if you are married be very flexible with your husbands, enjoy the love and pamper, give back in abundance and the gods would be at peace... Lol

    1. Babe are we married to the same man? But my hubby is NIGERIAN and born in Lagos o. He does everything in the house I do nothing lol. We recently just moved to a new house bought a new electric cooker but my hubby broke it in less than 6 momths cuz when he cooks you will think we are having a party. He just called me one day to the kitchen and said babe the cooker smashed I ask him did you do it he said no but I know his cooking did it sha, av had to call Argos and sort out how they will replace the cooker which they did for free. My hubby does it all name it he does it. We also have a 4 month old son and he backs him and carrys him for me to have a break even wen he is busy cooking or painting our son's room. One of my friends came to visit us and he asked her what she wanted to eat I told him we want this he went to the kitchen and cooked it for us my friend was shocked and told him wow you can cook o. Me n my friend was in the front room just chilling lol. His family know he is the clean freak in the family. He has ocd with cleaning I was initially annoyed but now I have peace I just let him do it cuz I can't bloody shout joor. I can cook and love doing the house chores but my hubby will re clean if I even try it so av left it to him. Most days I don't go to the kitchen at all. But he is currently not in the country but if he saw our room now he will faint lmao. When he is around the house is flawless. I only cook when inlaws are around cuz he said he doesn't want them to know our secret hehe. The sex nko my hubby can give head for Africa o and he can fuck all night if I let him hahahahahaha our sex life is amazing. I love this man, we lack nothing because he has his own business but travels a lot so when he is not around I miss him like mad and he always tells me baby il be home soon to take care of you, he will be home in 10 days and I'm counting the seconds hehe

    2. Wow!!
      This is my kind of stories!! Ride on babes!

    3. Yippe 8:16 and co ,
      You finally got a complete robot/macho houseboy !
      Oya , start clapping and add azonto dance, followed by dorobuchi & end it with p square Testimony song .
      You all need heavy black thunder slap to throw you in a state of temporal blindness . Sit your silly lazy ass down and be typing shameful nonsense till it gets to STELLA & BVS , PLS HELP !
      Because he will not miss you at all , since you made him do both yours & his part, na only to open toto fuck you dey contribute for the relationship .I wonder who does your Landry (that's wash your pant now). Eeya ,hang in there, he will soon be home to continue from where he stopped .
      DAMN !
      I wonder why i'm this mad with you since the guy is not my brother or you my sister .So nwanyi di ya huru n'anya , jide ka i iji biko !
      Lucky you nwata manari mami,
      water na-nma .
      The only girl in the world with golden toto and diamond boobs .What a lucky girl . YOU GO GIRL ! ! !

    4. Anon 3:03pm I'm anon8:16
      Babygirl don't hate me cuz my hubby looks after me, I don pray taya for a wonderful hubby and God gave me just that. My hubby is addicted to cooking and cleaning n laundry. If I do the clean or laundry he will re do it, it is that bad so I don't bother. He can cook no be small, name the dish he will cook it for you. I am very capable of doing it all but my hubby insist on doing it so what shud I do. Neva in ur life call my hubby a houseboy ur just jel a ya pele dear.


      I apologize for the part concerning your *MAN* , i'm very sorry because I know i will be mad just like you are tight now . Pls forgive me . I welcome your correction regarding my choice of figure of speech concerning him was wrong . I'M SORRY DEAR .

    6. Apology accepted thank you E-hug, I pray God blesses you with a man like my hubby because trust me your life will be a lot easier especially when you have kids x

    7. I'm not saying some of the stuffs here ain't real bt trust me, the Internet is where u come to, jst to fantasize on all what is missing in your life. Its a place where u write down exactly the opposite of what you are going through, jst to make yourself happy n create your own world. Kudos to those keeping it real as it is, and to those fabricating stories too.
      Some people have it all while some don't. But Pls don't believe everything you read here. Don't go to your husband and start telling him to was your 'paent' because bloglord's hubby does. Be wise women!
      Stella post my comment.

  61. Btw... We BOTH work, his pay is fatter than mine :P all am allowed to do is to cook.. After meals, he loads the dish washer while I kill myself on the threadmill and read Stella's blog all evening... Lol

  62. Very funi article

  63. My hubby is good at supervising everything. That's his best part. Hey, do this, do that. Lol. God will help us women.

    1. Lmao@omogemanchester I can't shout fa

  64. God bless our men! Read some comments that r so hilarious.

  65. My hubby will stick to his ipad, play games but does little. Esp in the morning because we normally go to work with food, when I'm taking my bath will tell him to take care of the stuff on the gas n he will finish the rest for me atimes. When the work is much and on hearing my screaming voice, he will do a little but our sex life is ok cause he's not a sex freak likewise me. So we don't border but when I want it, e go show n when him want'am even if I'm tired....

  66. helping one's wife wit the housechores greater chance of better 'bedmatics'. so, i go with the second analysis.

  67. l like what someone said about focusing on character rather sex during courtship

  68. Queen bee, na same same we be oo, my DH is just like ur husband, may God help us......... MUMMY JASON

  69. That article really made me laugh. I really want to know what kind of research they made to collect the information :D

  70. My hubby helps at home and we have a wonderful private life (if you know what it means).

  71. Hahah, that's really interesting post! I'll show it at work!


  72. This post made my day! It's so funny !Best regards! Merton Park Carpet Cleaners Ltd.

  73. Hahahaha , my husband is a professional cleaner, what does that mean then? :D


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