Stella Dimoko Horrific Practice Putting Women At Increased Risk Of HIV


Saturday, December 06, 2014

Horrific Practice Putting Women At Increased Risk Of HIV

Women around the world are carrying out a practice which not only leaves them in pain but at increased risk of HIV. 

'Dry sex' involves women reducing moisture in their vaginas in order to make intercourse more pleasurable for men.

This can can lead to cuts, sores and inflammation in the vagina, and increases the chance of a condom breaking,  journalist Wendy Syfret reports for
These factors in turn increase the chance of the women contracting sexually transmitted diseases including HIV.

Dry sex is known to be carried out in South and Central Africa, and Indonesia.
It is borne out of a cultural belief that men find sex more pleasurable if a woman's vagina is dry, and that men will reject women whose vaginas have been ‘stretched out’ by sex.

To achieve dryness, women insert, chalk, sand, pulverized rock, herbs, paper or sponges before sex, according to journalist Ms Syfret, who has reported on the practice in South Africa.
They also douse their vaginas in detergents, antiseptics, alcohol and bleach.
Women in Java, Indonesia, even 'smoke out' their vaginas by standing over burning herbs, LoveMatters reports.

In other areas of Indonesia it is common to insert a cigar-shaped stick made of a plant root.
While World Health Organization consultation papers show global health officials are aware the problem exists, most of the research on it is decades old and there are no broad figures on its prevalence.

A 2009 study looking at how dry sex spreads HIV in Zambian women found knowledge of the practice was widespread.
Around two-thirds of the 812 women polled had used traditional dry sex medicines at some point in their lives, and about half were currently using them.
But a reluctance to discuss sexual health meant the practice was not debated.

The researchers concluded: 'Most of the available information has been anecdotal, speculative or inadequate - mainly because of cultural reluctance to discuss or investigate personal sexual issues.'

Dry sex is a practice where women reduce moisture in their vaginas in order to make intercourse more pleasurable for men.
It is borne out of a cultural belief that men find sex more pleasurable if a woman's vagina is dry, and that men will reject women whose vaginas have been ‘stretched out’ by sex.
To achieve dryness, women insert, chalk, sand, pulverized rock, herbs, paper or sponges before sex.
They also douse their vaginas in detergents, antiseptics, alcohol and bleach.
Women in Java, Indonesia, even 'smoke out' their vaginas by standing over burning herbs.

In other areas of Indonesia, it is common to insert a cigar-shaped stick made of a plant root into the vagina.
Not only is this practice extremely painful for the women involved, it can lead to cuts, sores and inflammation in the vagina, and increases the chance of a condom breaking.
These factors increase the chance of the women contracting HIV.
The practice is known to be carried out in South and Central Africa, and Indonesia.

Similarly, a sexual health clinician and campaigner in South Africa told VICE most people are aware of the problem but it is not talked about, and hasn't received enough attention from the country's Government for policies to be drafted.
Dr Marlene Wa sserman, commonly known in South Africa as Dr Eve, said the continued practice of dry sex shows the lack of education relating to equality and women's rights in the area.
'It's definitely a class issue,' she told VICE.
'Basically, a woman's reputation depends on the size of her vagina.
'Among women who are less informed and less educated, there's an unbelievable ignorance around the idea the vagina adapts to the penis.'
She explained that both men and women fail to understand that the vagina is capable of expanding during sex - and then back to its usual size afterwards.

There is also an incorrect cultural belief that if a woman has a partner with a large penis, her vagina will remain permanently 'stretched' - and future partners will think she is promiscuous.
The practice is ingrained in culture, passed between generations of women, she added.
She continued: 'Men aren't saying to women, "Put Dettol in your vagina".'
Instead, they insinuate a woman is promiscuous due to the state of her genitalia, she explained. 

For women dependent on their boyfriends or husbands, attaining commitment and pleasing them is extremely important.
The idea that pain is normal or acceptable during sex has taken hold, she adds, and most women in South Africa would not think of sexual pleasure as something they necessarily have a right to.
Dr Wasserman said: 'I've been part of a task force with the World Association of Sexual Health, and we've launched the declaration of sexual rights - the right to pleasure - and we've been really pushing that.

Here, the virus is pictured under the microscope

'Women are surprised that's one of their rights.
'We know 33 percent of women have and tolerate painful penetration. That becomes part of what they expect from sex.' 
Dr Wasserman has a radio show which attempts to dispel myths about sexual health.
We know 33 per cent of women have and tolerate painful penetration. That becomes part of what they expect from sex
She also hosts seminars for young adults and parents in order to educate people about healthy sexual practices.
'It's about educating people and trying to raise awareness,' she said.
'The conversation began when we realized HIV was impacting more heterosexual women in South Africa than gay men.
'There was a drive then to say to women: "Don't put Dettol in your vagina; don't dry your vagina out. This is dangerous." But the conversation hasn't gotten going, and women are suffering.'
She draws similarities between the practice of dry sex in developing countries and the vaginoplasty operations Western women undergo in order to tighten their vagina.
'They're having their own genital mutilation,' she said of the women who opt for these procedures.
'It's just a little more advanced and expensive than putting creams in your vagina.
'But isn't the principal the same? It's incredibly unhealthy as well to go have your vagina tightened because you want to have a honeymoon experience or have your partner think you're youthful.' - dailymail cullage



  1. Teacher no con teach me nonsense. Next pls

    1. Nawaoo...i tort men dont enjoy dry sex?wonders shall never cease oo..eheen..yesteday a frd of mine called me..he has 6kids.bin married for 8yrs.he said he over heard people talking about sex nd some sexual positions.he wants me to pls explain dem to him(he is a VERY gud frd nd we can gist anytin even if he is married nd i am too)he wanted me to tell him wat "doggy,69,blowjob,nd som oder tins..mehn i was speechless.he said he tort sex was done d normal way(missionary)dat wat is he missing?jesus oo.....i jst gav him he called me today dat he didnt sleep.he has downloaded over 20 videos.dat hw is all dis sex positions possible?he wants to try it but dont no hw to introduce it to his wife.(de are in d village oo.born nd brought up nd its a strict muslim community)how person take de explain dis kind tin?last i checked i was not kehinde ake oo..jst told him to buy a lot of porn nd watch it wit his wife..tins are happening in dis life oo.imagine my hubby not giving me head be4 sex?world go end..#am out

    2. Na so my frd ask me yesteday to explain wetin be blowjob,doggy,69 nd d rest..dat his wifes vjay is sooo dry nd i told him dats probably cos she isnt enjoying d sex as dis my frd no sabi woman.he has bin married for 8yrs wit 6kids nd never had sex any oder way apart frm missionary..lwkmd.imagine DH nt giving me head be4 sex?e no go happen.jst gave him waptrick oo nd since yesteday d guy has downloaded over 20porn.he hasnt slept.jst saying hw he has missed in life.btw de are in d village oo..born nd brought up.nd d poor woman wldnt be able to tel him wat she wants cos of deir religion nd d rest.nw he doeant no hw to introduce his new found hobby to his wife..

    3. Asipa

      Don't mind the old goat. He wants to nack you. Na village sense him dey carry follow you so. Maybe him dey use juju and other spiritual means to support too.

      My main concern here is that you were not able to decode his moves, which thus makes you susceptible to his "village" seductive attack. The fact that YOU a married woman is recommending porn websites to him means that you are slowly falling (softly softly catchy monkey) or that you are naive to the point of foolishness. Yes, you will say that he is a very good friend and that you guys discuss anything (**rolls eyes**, some women ehn!). But that is neither here nor there. This man has been plotting your booty for a looooong time.

      You be fine woman - "Nor fall hand!".

    4. Smoke out like it's supposed to be some kinda smoked meat/fish or what mbok? Why injure my delicate parts to please a man?

  2. I kip having issues wiv my younger sis,am 4 years older dan her buh she has no regards/ respect 4me.
    She has a nasty attitude,comes home @ late hours(9pm,which responsible gal does dat?)and doesn't have any iota of respect for my parents.
    I hate her attitude and to say the least am so ashamed of her as she's a source of heartache to the family.
    Every lil quarell we have,she doesn't hesitate to call me names even went as far as insulting my hubby 2be and draggin his name into our word banters.
    How can I easily forgive her? own sis even calls me "jobless' jes cos I haven't fouund a job yet afta jes 4months oof completing my NYSC?
    An outsider /stranger wdnt dare insult me d way she does.
    I even decided i'l cut her off completely even wen am married cos in times past she has stolen d phone numbers of my bfs(exes) to call them.
    That is to say she cn even snatch my own husband if I allow her close...
    Some siblings are devils in disguise..cnt deal...most times I wish she Wsnt my immediate kid sis..she's outrightly annoying
    Fellow BV's..has anyone xperienced dis?

    1. Thought dry sex was the topic? Anyway am just kidding. It's normal for her to behave like that. You just need calm her down and talk sense to her. Don't shout at her, she's not a young girl I assume. She needs someone to understand her moves and lead her well. Don't be too harsh on her. That's my advice

    2. Jst b careful n make use of password on ur fone

    3. Ignore her completely for now.

      Dont talk to her except its very necessary.

      You will be surprised you 2 can become best friends in a few years' time. This has happened to so many ladies.

    4. I fight with my siblings n even keep malice for months but I love them to death. Have u tried talking to your sister. Have a heart to heart talk n you will be amazed at the findings. She might be reacting to some old wounds you don't know of. N for the record, I don't think 9am is late especially if she is over 20yrs.

    5. mine is my younger brother,we are exactly four years apart but this foolish boy used to insult me eh...very sturbborn and wouldn't listen to anybody,including my parents,except for my immediate elder brother.The only time he respects anyone is if you're giving him money and that respect only lasts as long as the money keeps coming o.The minute you stop giving him money,the respect vanishes and is replaced with insulting was so bad that I totally stopped tallkng to him,for a whole year I didn't call him and he didn't call me either.The painful part was that I really loved him so much,still do sha.Infact,when we were still in secondary school,I fought even my seniors cuz of him.I cried anytime soldiers touched him cuz we attended a military school.This is a boy who would call me to tell me he didn't have money,and I'd empty my account cuiz of him.His birthdays nko??? I go all out.The last straw was when I had a misunderstanding with my elder brother o,not even him and this boy came from behind and started hitting me.Chisos!!! I lost it,that I didn't kill him that day was cuz of God.I don't know where the strenght came from,but I made sure I beat him to a pulpThis guy is 6.4 and I'm 5.9.Damn I beat him real good and it felt so good.I broke his right arm and he had P.O.P on it for four solid months.I totally ignored him and blanked him out,no more free airtime,no money,absolutely nothing!! Na em d bobo humble o.Started begging me,called everyone to beg me,including aunties and uncles.Now,we are good and he knows never to mess with me again.I advice you do same to your sister,don't go as far as I did o,just ignore her and blank her out completely.

    6. Is she in anyway responsible for the upkeep of the family? EG: maybe sometimes she buys the gas for cooking, fuel the gen? Pay the light bill? Etc. If she's the youngest and the family is in anyway dependent on her,she's bound to be disrespectful sometimes.

    7. Sometimes it is wise to keep calm n ignore such behaviour. The only reason y she continues is bcos u all indulge her by bickering words with her. Cut her off n all aggrieved family members shld do likewise. No need for sentiments ma'm!

    8. Anonymous u won't like this but I'll tell u straight up, 9pm isn't a bad time for an adult to come back home. Not unless she's a teenager. That's my opinion on the timing.

      As for her attitude, oh gal I feel you more than you've shared here. I know exactly how u feel cos I have siblings too. There was a time I swore that I'll never have anything to do with one of my sisters again, early this year. I was so pained that she was rude and I finished her. In the sense that what I said to her affected her for months as I also blanked her. We don't live together anymore cause I'm married, but I'm always at my folks house lol. My husband loves my siblings so I don't report them to him cos hell never take sides with me.
      Or he'll say na see finish cause am, cos I'm always in their house lol.

      But please make sure that u put your sister in check, even after you make peace endeavour that u make it an issue within the family and drive home ur point that she should dare not disrespect u again.

      Don't EVER EVER exchange words with her o, that's one mistake we make. When u stoop low to ur younger ones' level by exchanging insults, uv sold your right and it will never stop. No matter what she says just keep quiet. This will work better than measuring up with words, I swear you'll win the battle if anyone is watching you two.
      You won't even have to speak or fight for yourself, your other relatives would lash her for u.
      Cut away any familiarity that breeds contempt with her even when u are settled, she'll get the point. But when u marry and leave the house the level of respect she should have for you will be restored. Guaranteed

  3. I kip having issues wiv my younger sis,am 4 years older dan her buh she has no regards/ respect 4me.
    She has a nasty attitude,comes home @ late hours(9pm,which responsible gal does dat?)and doesn't have any iota of respect for my parents.
    I hate her attitude and to say the least am so ashamed of her as she's a source of heartache to the family.
    Every lil quarell we have,she doesn't hesitate to call me names even went as far as insulting my hubby 2be and draggin his name into our word banters.
    How can I easily forgive her? own sis even calls me "jobless' jes cos I haven't fouund a job yet afta jes 4months oof completing my NYSC?
    An outsider /stranger wdnt dare insult me d way she does.
    I even decided i'l cut her off completely even wen am married cos in times past she has stolen d phone numbers of my bfs(exes) to call them.
    That is to say she cn even snatch my own husband if I allow her close...
    Some siblings are devils in disguise..cnt deal...most times I wish she Wsnt my immediate kid sis..she's outrightly annoying
    Fellow BV's..has anyone xperienced dis?

  4. All 4 a man's pleasure? Na wao

  5. There is nothing one won't see/hear. Warris this again? Dry sex? Hain!
    Saturday laughs pls.

    1. Its jst lik female circumcision..women hav really suffered all in d name of satisfying a man oo.chai.imagine cutting of d main ingredient dat makes sex sooooo enjoyable

    2. Sometimes i wonder y women complain.... Y indulge the men knowing wt it might lead to.... women shld learn to reject wateva dey perceive harmful to them in any way.. none shld satisfy another at the detriment of his/her own self.

  6. Chalk! Sand!!! OMG just to pleaure men oga oo

  7. Crazy world we live in, different strokes for different folks. But @ the end of the day, women should learn to love themselves more.

  8. orisirisi!!!


  9. I think this school of thought to be greatly inverted! How the hell can dry sex be pleasurable? This to me is sort of like spiritual! I feel beat by the mere thought of those painful cuts! This isn't Nigerian! MUGAMBO not like this!!

  10. I kip having issues wiv my younger sis,am 4 years older dan her buh she has no regards/ respect 4me.
    She has a nasty attitude,comes home @ late hours(9pm,which responsible gal does dat?)and doesn't have any iota of respect for my parents.
    I hate her attitude and to say the least am so ashamed of her as she's a source of heartache to the family.
    Every lil quarell we have,she doesn't hesitate to call me names even went as far as insulting my hubby 2be and draggin his name into our word banters.
    How can I easily forgive her? own sis even calls me "jobless' jes cos I haven't fouund a job yet afta jes 4months oof completing my NYSC?
    An outsider /stranger wdnt dare insult me d way she does.
    I even decided i'l cut her off completely even wen am married cos in times past she has stolen d phone numbers of my bfs(exes) to call them.
    That is to say she cn even snatch my own husband if I allow her close...
    Some siblings are devils in disguise..cnt deal...most times I wish she Wsnt my immediate kid sis..she's outrightly annoying
    Fellow BV's..has anyone xperienced dis?

    1. Because she is your younger sister she should treat you like a god when you treat her badly. Is she not an adult? Are you are father and her mother that you will be monitoring her movement. Did she come to this world to be insulted and disrespected by you? Respect is reciprocal. You are all siblings and none better than the other. So if you want respect you respect yourself and stay out of her business. She is a source of disgrace to your family because she dares to want to do her own thing. Leave her alone and find a job for yourself. Maybe when you are busy with yourself you will be too occupied to see what another is doing. How are you so sure she has not cut you off? All these older siblings with their oversabi attitude. You are her sister o, not her parents.

    2. Baby sister, welcome and have a bottle of fanta. Lol

  11. Nawah, God have mercy, Dry sex kwa?.. Ohhhh

  12. Real wao.
    Drying out Vaginas? Can't fathom the pain they will be going through during intercourse?
    Does that mean they will all have smelly vjay cos of all the things they insert? Chalk, dettol, alum etc. Hian

  13. Sorry to change the topic but I watched Left Behind yesterday starring Nicholas Cage. This stuff is Real!!! give ur life to Christ oh


  14. Hello Stella, am so sad now.. this is so more than I can bear.

    1. Whatever it is,just hold on to the fact that it's just a phase,and will definitely pass.Pele dear

  15. Detergent and

    For me as a man, the wetter the better.

  16. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Damn, the whole thing sound disgusting i swear......

  17. like Seriously y should a woman want to b dry during sex just to please a man, isn't it going to b more painful abi what. hmm women have Really gone thru a lot just to satisfy men yet some men don't appreciate it.

  18. I tot sex is more pleasurable when d pussy is well lubricated. Which one be dry sex abeg. It's a man's world really. Women trying to please men instead of placing their pleasure first. U r responsible for your own happiness people.

  19. Really??? Never heard of that before. God i thank you for my life. Thank God i don't have any toto problem.

  20. Hmmmm
    My mouth went open when I got to the part that said women 'smoke out' their vaginas'.
    Like seriously....

  21. Please and please blog visitors, help me with this one o, HOW MUCH IS IDEAL ALLOWANCE for an UNDERGRADUATE?
    I mean not extravagant and st the same time the child should not starve or beg,jyst ideal without unnecessary spending.
    My son is complaining what I give him is too small but I think it's okay for an undergraduate.
    Please I need suggestions or advice. I will tell you what I give to him at the end of your suggestions please.

    1. 25k is ok monthly, considering he'd buy some stuff for school work. That covers him with monthly foodstuff supply. Just saying as i dont know your pocket.

    2. It depends o.. try asking him to detail how he spends what you already give him. Then you'll see how much you need to add.

  22. Barbaric...outrageous..preposterous ...u can accommodate a big dick if u r slippery enof jor...y shud a woman do oouch ouch ouch during penetration? na guys with finger batteries Naim dey like dry vagina biko...if u r like lex o my..u will like d vagina wet else ya dick will peel.

    1. Who is lex Steele? Stop coding joo!! Sexy Steele is sexy Steele finito!

    2. Jumy, don't be obtuse.
      Lex Steele is a male pornstar.

    3. Hahahahaha.....I kno know, tell me no dey kill persin steel kwa!

  23. Stewie Gilligan Griffin6 December 2014 at 12:28

    And here I was thinking that sex should be enjoyed by everyone involved. Sex is much more enjoyable when the vagina is wet. Who really wakes up and decide to come up with these unsafe practices? Quite scary.

  24. Lord have mercy! Women really have fish brains. The most annoying thing is that the female pleasure is not even the issue, its that of the males. You wonder why the men don't bother trying to enlarge their organs. If they like, they should spread their legs during harmattan or throw their vaginas into dryers. The men aren't queuing up at vulcanizers to inflate their organs. Kmt

    1. Stewie Gilligan Griffin6 December 2014 at 13:19

      LMAO @ spreading legs in harmattan or throwing their vaginas into the dryer.

      I've heard about dry humping whereby people rub against each others parts with their clothes/panties on.

    2. Dry humping is d ish!

  25. I don't understand! Who comes up with des ideas sef? DRY SEX? Awww gotta hurt.

  26. Weird! How can one be comfortable with pains?
    Women always putting men's needs ahead of theirs, even at great risks. The sad truth is that majority are still trampled upon.

  27. Lmao like seriously am in Nigeria not in those places
    So I should be dry so that the man would enjoy sex what about me,will I enjoy it

  28. That's absolutely bizarre!
    And what do d men do to please d women during sex?,nothing!
    If only these women will learn to love themselves.

  29. Thank you for posting this article I'm glad you did.
    And I quote from the article " for women who are dependent on their boyfriends and husbands , attaining commitment and pleasing their men is important.

    Pls ladies empower yourselves, educate yourselves so you can be independent.

    How can one mutilate themselves for some minutes of temporary pleasure, to please someone else. Who may even decide to either cheat or marry someone else, it isn't worth it.

    All I'm saying is empower yourselves , so you can fall on a back up, and stop tolerating nonsense.

    1. Sabongida Sabongida!

      Madam No Nonsense.

      Happy weekend o.

    2. My goldscent diamond!!! How r u?
      U were quite silent yesterday, apparently I was too. Miss ya sha.
      Have a lovely weekend too. Thanks

    3. Sabongida ora cutest,Goldscent D's latest crush! Hehehhehehe

    4. Sabongida ora cutest,Goldscent D's latest crush! Hehehhehehe

    5. The general"s wife, I throwaway salute

  30. Dry sex isn't pleasurable, it is the initial resistant feeling to penetration that is pleasurable to the men. The pseudo tightness of the vagina, created by the use of the harsh substances.

    Just wanted to make that clear.

  31. WTF????
    all dis cos of a man

  32. And this is what some women use to tie down their men. One HAusa woman in my office once told someone that if u want yr man not to marry 2nd wife, u can put some medicine n an alumni bowl n d smoke will be entering inside yr vagina after that d man go die on top of u. lol
    ife neme

  33. That smoking out vagina, some Hausa women dey practice that o.

  34. Can't evn imagine myself having dry sex. Some women are so stupid. Dry up your vagina to pkease the man and in the end he still batters you.

  35. "Unto d woman He said,...and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." -Genesis 3:16. A woman shall be free from this curse when she surrenders totally to Jesus Christ by promoting Him to d position of d HUSBANDMAN in her life. -D Power of Alchemy

  36. I don't really get it.oops I think.

  37. What a shame on the women that will practice such


  38. Only a woman with low self esteem will risk her own health just to please a breathing clay. Mchwww

  39. women and their crazy slavery abt all d men with small dicks do Penis elongation and add more flesh to thier dick so it can fill our expanded pussy after d kids birthed are bearing our father's woman go have menstrual pain, get married, junk ur papa name, get winchy MIL that stresses d life out of u, get preggy, throw up all ur intestine due to morning sickness, get bloated cus of pregnancy like baby elephant, risk ur life at delivery either natural or CS, den do family planning because our masters dont enjoy sex with condoms and wont do vasectomy but we are encouraged to tie our tubes....i cant blame God oo but i dmt think HE distributed this man / woman responsibility equally.....and ti crown it all up, dis idiots are doing dis madness to please masters again....i beggi if he says my pussy is slack, oga, u own dick too is too small, my dildo does a better job....shift comot joor

    1. Gbam gbamer gbamest! The woman's is terrible

    2. Lmao. This is too much. Women go through a lot sha. When u list them like this, it makes you think sha. Na to come back as butterfly next life.

    3. Hahahaha Voltron ..laugh don kill me no be only butterfly even as vulture too.

  40. Dry sex isnt pleasurable at all....what natural remedies can I use to always get lubricated during sex? Vagina dryness hurts

  41. Hianm! Sand, chalk all for pleasure.

  42. What won't women do for men,sad world we live in.

  43. What rubbish? Me. .. dry my puxxy for one man and his blokos to come and set fire inside me? Your punishment awaits you. I thought the wetter, the better? I dodge am.

  44. this is how men get away with murder...


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