Stella Dimoko Hon Abike Dabiri-Erewa's ''Which Way Nigeria'' - A Must READ!


Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Hon Abike Dabiri-Erewa's ''Which Way Nigeria'' - A Must READ!

 ''Thursday, November 20th, 2014 marked a new high in the disdain for law and order in our society. The events on this day at the National Assembly were extremely sad. 

A situation where the police designed to protect the security of citizens and uphold the law is employed to implement the self­ish interests of a few by inflicting havoc and pain on extremely baseless accusations of clearly false intelligence is highly depress­ing.

 Lawmakers were forcibly prevented from performing the duties for which they were elected including use of force to ensure re­fusal of entry into the chambers even going as far as releasing tear gas on The Repre­sentatives?!!! 

This is a total disgrace to our democracy and act that must be checked immediately if this democracy is to be pre­served.

The entire incident brought back memories of the dark days of military rule and really raises questions about the hope of our country under this present dispensation. If lawmak­ers elected to uphold the law could be so shabbily treated upon instructions from one source, then what exactly is the hope of our nation? 

This lawless act amongst many oth­ers reinforces the character of our present Federal Government as high handed, authori­tarian, vindictive and an intimidating govern­ment that cares nothing about its people but
Under the watch of our sitting President, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Nigeria’s demo­cratic processes and respect for the law have been flagrantly abused over and over again to the point where one begins to wonder whether our leadership understands the concept and im­portance of efficient structures and systems in ensuring a sustainable democracy. 

Lest I forget, the same adherence to the law and belief in up­holding same is what birthed the Presidency of His Excellency Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. 

Ni­gerians protested in averse conditions – under the scorching sun and even defying the deadly resistance of the security forces – to ensure our then Vice President was installed the Acting President of the nation. All this seems to have been forgotten so quickly and our nation appears to be decelerating at the speed of light into a state of anarchy if unchecked.

Boko Haram continues to fill all our hearts with fear and trepidation. Over 127,000 souls have been lost to the violence unleashed by this blood-sucking sect and there appears to be no end in sight. 48 traders were killed just a few days ago. It is absolutely mind boggling that the supposed giant of Africa has been crippled to her knees by a few thousand insurgents and made to appear like a helpless chicken that runs for cover at the sight of a barking dog. 

I recall viv­idly how in time past as a nation, we supported our neighbours in Liberia, Sierra Leone and many other African countries with peace missions by lending our expertise in their defence to en­sure peace reigns in the lands across Africa. We were indeed our brothers keepers. It is hard to imagine what could have gone wrong so quick. Over three trillion Naira has been spent on secu­rity in the last four years with absolutely nothing to show for! 

This is in addition to the $1 billion His Excellency, President Ebele Goodluck Jona­than recently requested for earlier in the year to support the battle against terrorism in our land. It appears the more we spend the worse the situ­ation gets. 

Who exactly is fighting who? What is worrying is not the existence of the Boko Haram sect in itself because challenges are bound to oc­cur in the life of every nation but the fact that Ni­gerians have now been reduced to embarrass­ingly helpless onlookers whose security has now become their sole responsibility and not that of their government is extremely shameful. 

Nigeri­ans deserve better! Nigeria appears to have left her citizens to map out their own security strat­egy despite the gargantuan amounts being spent. This situation is beyond comprehension and is certainly questionable on all fronts. Or how does one explain that a Nation’s defence chief an­nounced that they know the whereabouts of our kidnapped Chibok girls and did absolutely noth­ing about it? 

Today they know their whereabouts, tomorrow they are in negotiation talks; yet five months after and still no Chibok girls. Each day we are confounded by the utterances and actions that continue to leave one exasperated with the manner of handling of our nation’s security by those who should know better.

As insecurity continues to abound, a flagrant disregard for the law continues to deepen its roots in our land. The Ekiti State PDP-led government in a laughable move recently an­nounced the impeachment of its speaker and deputy. This impeachment however, was ef­fected by only seven (7) members of the House out of the existing twenty six (26). What have we turned ourselves into? A situation where ba­sic arithmetic is turned into complex quadratic equations for the sole purpose of achieving selfish ambitions and flouting the law does our nation no good. This is yet another example of the incessant breakdown of law and order we continue to experience as a nation.

Several times, this same attitude has been displayed in the now public feud between the Rivers State Governor, Hon. Rotimi Amaechi and our President, Goodluck Jonathan. In sev­eral instances, the Rivers governor was denied access to the Rivers State Government House – this same act once again implemented by our police force – not only was he denied access to the government house, his right to movement was also restricted on his way to Ekiti State for the final campaign of the then governor; Dr. Kayode Fayemi.

These acts clearly repre­sent an infringement of ba­sic human rights! Yet, we all trod on as if nothing hap­pened and another crack is inflicted in the wall of our democracy.

The recent abduction and severe torture of journal­ists in the Niger Delta by the seemingly untouchable Ekpemupolo alias ‘Tom­polo’ is yet another ex­ample of how we continue to damage our fledgling democracy. Kidnapping is clearly a punishable act un­der the law, and in this case there is a clear suspect; yet we have chosen to take no action! 


November 21st , the DSS raided the APC office in Ikeja, Lagos, carting away several amounts of data in a brazenly irresponsible act of impunity; another condem­nable act and gross abuse of power clearly initiated by the sitting government. For how long will we continue to endure this before we experience a crack? New­ton’s law of motion readily comes to mind here; ‘for ev­ery action there is an equal and opposite reaction’. Ni­gerian’s are being provoked on a daily basis and it is only a matter of time before a reaction occurs. I indeed hope that for all our sakes it is not a violent one.

As these events continue to unfold, our economy continues to take a bashing. Our foreign reserves are at an all-time low and debt profile continues to rise with absolutely nothing to show for it except the chaos being experienced across the nation. Let us not even attempt to review the im­plementation of the Sub­sidy Reinvestment Program (SURE-P) which has gener­ally benefited no one but the originators of this ostensi­bly life changing program.

Nigerian youths are lan­guishing in several jails abroad, a lot of them leav­ing the shores of Nigeria, trying to escape from a totally hopeless situation. Desperate for survival, Ni­gerian youths are murdered abroad daily. For instance, Toba Falode, was murdered in Dubai by an accused per­son who is not anonymous. Yet, the Federal Govern­ment has not considered it worthy to demand justice for Toba and several others. What is the life of a Nige­rian citizen worth?
Poverty has never been so pervasive. Corrup­tion is now an official state policy. The transformation agenda is a labyrinth lead­ing to a cul-de-sac. The only people clapping are those who designed it. Transfor­mation Ambassadors of Nigeria( TAN) irritatingly bombards us with delusion­al rhetoric of achievements of this administration. Not to worry, Nigerians are dis­cerning enough to separate rhetoric from reality.

Suffice it to say, it is clear from several experiences that our PDP-led govern­ment has lost all emotional intelligence and ability to empathize with the present situation in our land. How else do you explain push­ing ahead with a re-election campaign barely 24hours after a major bomb blast claimed the lives of our children – the supposed leaders of tomorrow whose destinies have been unduly cut short? We have now become a laughing stock as we continue to operate in the realm of misplaced pri­orities and there seems to be no end in sight for the negative attention we con­tinue to attract.

Yes, I can lay claim, and proudly so, to being one of the “founding moth­ers” of APC but I express my concerns, irrespective of my political party. Re­cent events, if not checked and resisted, portend grave danger that could destroy the very fabrics of our exis­tence as a nation.

Our Nigeria today is cer­tainly not the dream of our forefathers and definitely not one we should hand over to our children. We need to ensure that we set right the foundational prin­ciples of democracy. The Executive, Legislature and Judiciary must operate in­dependently and harmoni­ously for us to achieve great results. Posterity holds it upon us to ensure that we uphold the sanity of our na­tion. Our legacy as a people is built upon the good that we do and not the evil that we perpetuate.

I would thus like to plead and admonish all our serv­ing leaders particularly our President Goodluck Eb­ele Jonathan to consider how posterity will judge him and the legacy that he will leave behind when he leaves office.

The rule of the law should be sacrosanct and uphold­ing the law should be a job for ALL OF US. It is detri­mental to the existence of any political office holder to flout the law; it is said that ‘he who lives by the gun dies by the gun’. If the law is raped today for your selfish ambition it is worth remembering it could be raped tomorrow for your destruction. As John F. Kennedy once said; “Our goal here is not the victory of might but the vindica­tion of right – not peace at the expense of freedom but both peace and freedom”. I indeed hope that as a na­tion we shall achieve this goal. A word is enough for the wise. And in the words of Pa Benedict Odiase, who composed the national an­them “May the labours of our heroes past not be in vain”.

Hon. Abike Dabiri- Erewa is a member of the House of Repre­sentatives


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah. 9ce speech. Anything for APC. Though all wat she said were obviously correct

    2. Abike we Nigerians know the truth about what the actual purpose of the APC is. But we can tell you that you can get there on the wings of lies and propaganda! You are crying foul abt Ekiti but d@ is what you party is doing in house of reps. All the atrocities being committed by cronies to divide this Nation nor seize power will not work. Like you said Nigerians know best. So don't worry about all these APC rhetoric.

  2. Blog analyser: I will read it later

  3. Good write-up but all this didn't begin today. There's no respect for law and order anywhere in Nigeria today. Charity begins at home Madam Abike.

  4. Replies
    1. So mean u r d sperm dat Won???. What a waste of egg!!!

    2. Evo D'blunt,u are an imbecile.

  5. Aunty Abike, I like reading but no be me go read this your thesis o. You are still one of my favourite TV gals. You have been so quiet in the house lately though.

    Meanwhile "Olusola tiwa ni" won his primaries. Yeeeeeeeeeeee. So happy for him.

    1. Lol. Please read it. Very deep. I just love articulate women, not those who go into politics for the glamour. Time to express themselves on politics they'll be squeezing nose and blinking their fan eyelashes. Me I won't seat here and say they shouldn't make money or whatever, but at least give us reasons to align with ur purpose there and that u deserve the office u occupy. Abike well said jare.

  6. What does she expect me to do with this she's writing to "ME". Does she expect me to react rudely and start furnacing out on the law enforcement agencies? Or Mr GEJ? Abeg make she park well jare.

    1. You are proof our educational system needs urgent revamping. Your mind has not been trained to think. You must be an embarrassment to decent pple know you. Ha! Nigeria, hope dey so?

  7. Lengthy i dare say. Waiting for Abati to respond. I tire for politicians in this country. Too much talk no positive actions.


  8. I'm confused ma, after stating all the problems what is the solution you are suggesting? or do you think well all don't know all these and worse are happening?

  9. GEJ has totally lost it!!!

    yes, I just wrote that, no more stupid excuses on behalf of a clueless President. *sigh*

    1. People like you are always shallow minded. Do you think it's easy to fight internal terrorism. Do you even think about the sabotage going on in the presidency and the military. There's little anyone can do when some people are constantly sabotaging your efforts. I gathered from a very reliable source that some people are hell bent on preventing the military from getting weapons that's why information were leaked to the south African government the last time we tried. So please look @ issues from all angles before u speak thrash. Even the freedom u are having on getting information was made possible by this govt thru the FOI act.

    2. Anonymous 5:18. Na you get your mouth. Corruption has been Nigeria since but we have not had it this bad. Let us see the effort before you talk of sabotage. We just make a ridicule of our intelligence if you believe a country wants to purchase weapons to fight BK with briefcase money in a private jet. Use your brain that was purchase of weapon to terrorize you and I during the forthcoming elections. A country like Nigeria knows the proper way of purchasing weapons for their military. US has come and seen how lnsincerity we are with ourselves. Now they are insulting US for not assisting them to buy weapon. The weapon they want to use to terrorize innocent citizens during elections. I HAVE PRAYED THAT HE THAT KILL BY THE SWORD WILL DIE BY THE SWORD. ALL THE INNOCENT SOUL BEEN WASTED WILL ASK FOR JUSTICE. ALL INVOLVED WILL KNOW NO PEACE.

    3. Oh please shut up! Military prevented from getting weapons. Why will a government pay for weapons in cash! What about account transfers? That's to tell you it was an illegal transaction and clearly the weapons are for Boko Haram members not the military!!

    4. Anon 5:18. True. But as uneasy as it seems we'll still want to see that you are trying, not that you have tried. Notice the difference. I agree GEJ may have his method of tackling the insurgency and what have u, but dear, results is what many want to see not the stories of how u have tried. Those who have been directly affected by these insurgents have no patience to analysis the unseen efforts unfortunately. I am not an anti GEJ, so I speak on general terms here. Bottom line, he can do more and more. His order still remains the final for as long as he remains the C in C. God help him o

  10. I'm grateful to God for being alive today. I'm grateful because He will surprise me soon as I don't want a BSc. job outside Ikorodu environment. I'm grateful because soon, my joblessness of 4 years after NYSC will become a thing of the past. I'm grateful because HE will give me an unforgettable Christmas gift. THANK YOU JESUS.

  11. I am a fan of this woman and i have a lot of respect for her but….She is a member of APC.

    1. ..... And you are a member of a group of humans whose evolution is incomplete. I've given up trying to spar with you cos I've realised your intelligence is pretty low and you are unable to THINK objectively. The unravelling of our president as a selfish, vengeful and unintelligent 'phd' holder is at play. Train your sight on SE and SS PDP in tue coming days.

  12. Great write up Hon Abike... time only shall tell. No elective position is forever (The good lord will keep us alive to witness the downfall of all who brought this nation to its present state. Human lives no longer count, all we hear now and see on TV are shameless individuals constantly dishing us lies and fables like we are all fools who cant tell wrong from right. It is well!

  13. Hmmm
    Pray for your country...that's all I can say.
    And for leaders, when you get in there, uphold the values and remember your a servant!!

  14. Food for thought!! He who have ears let him make use of it. Let the Army not take over cos this wahala is getting 'over much'.

  15. GOD BLESS NAIJA....all i can say.

  16. Deep one! Was reading it with anger,silent anger at Jonathan,you disappoint us,I regret voting you into office

  17. Nice article........stellz pls i nid nice and calm headed female frnds in benin,i'm sick n tired of ds boring life of mine,dey cn contact me on ma personal

  18. Truthfully said and nicely written...ds pdp led administration keeps deteriorating the lives of its citizens

  19. Nice article madam. Indepth, full of what we are experiencing as a nation. Thank you ma.
    You rightly said you are one of thr founding mothers' of APC. From this long read your attack was directed solely to PDP. Madam Abike, can you honestly vouch that APC in which you are benefitting millions from is better than PDP? Isn't it the same godfatherism been practise by PDP that is also obtainable in your party? Your amiable leader Tinubu can you give him a clean sheet, can you honestly say Tinubu, Atiku, Kwankwanso, Sanusi, Buhari, Amaechi, etc, are not corrupt????
    We Nigerians are sick and tired of you all. Both thee PDP and APC. No one is better. None. When you point one finger, where are the other four pointing to?
    If APC wins, nothing will change. Only a leader that fears GOD will rule us well, and transform our country.
    Do you know the level of corruption in this country
    Just yesterday on AIT a Nigerian man I can't remember his name now, was accusing the president of Chad of helping Boko haram. Very soon, they will all be exposed.
    So madam, if you people truly love Nigeria, work together to make this country work. I admire your works ma.

    1. You've raised pertinent queries. As per Chad, in fact that angle of their analysis has left me numb since yesterday. Very thought provoking and confusing.

    2. You said only a leader with the fear of God can rule us well, please under which party? Since you do not support APC and PDP. And how do you know a leader that fears God and will 'deliver' if he has not been tried enough to be trusted? A lot lies in the hands of the people of this nation. We could boycott elections for starters.... But honestly I am angered that there seems to be no solution in sight except a divine intervention.....#justsaying

    3. Odi u ve said it all. God help us in this country Nigeria. *deep sigh*

  20. Awesome write up....One person can make a difference by starting somewhere. She can be the voice that speaks for slain Nigerians abroad and being in the house gives her an upper hand, and in no time justice will be served. There are ways to deal with the issue of dubai. simply stop Emirates from flying to and fro Nigeria.. thats just one of it...It is sad really, and I don't know where our country is headed...boko haram started after apc members lost the elections and made utterances, so it is safe to say they are behind it, or were behind it, but things have escalated out of their reach....The sad thing however, is that the poor masses bear the brunt of this selfish act. CORRUPTION is the epidemic that has ruined/is ruining our country, and it will take the grace of God for our dear country to be saved.

  21. ***HEALING-RAIN***

    Abike's epistle to the average nigerians.
    Outline,compare and contrast this epistle in not more than 5pages.
    What's the way forward Ma?

  22. the only controller G2 December 2014 at 17:19

    with all due respect madame Abike;do not instigate the poor citizens of this country and do not play on our psych to come and fight your war;like you did in the north;using senseles citizens to achieve your selfish aims while your children cool off abroad.Is it not enough that you people have deprived innocent citizens of this country all their rights and peace? recycling yourselves;your children;grand children and friends for all the position in this country and. the more you do it;the more it becomes worse and the more we sink.APC are they Not the same set of people that made up pdp?most of you and your grand fathers have been there since time memorial;only few new people and look at how you kept the fate of this nation and still you all want to come bk again and do what you could not do for many decades. why heap all on Jonathan that has not stayed long; only that he was blessed to move faster in post.before he even became the deputy governor of bayelsa was this country not in a mess?All you law makers disgraced yourselves;even if Jonathan stopped you from entring;as civilized people;where you not supposed to leave and later table the matter if some body slap you people for road;you will fight because you are right abi? what is the difference btw you people and agboros.infact you all should fix this country the way it was before and leave us in peace.

  23. Does this write up change the economic situation of nigerial!? Not interested

    1. By the time you lose a loved one in bomb blast you will be interested. I believe you are underage but start showing interest in your future.

  24. Nicely written Abike Erewa,tired of this Jonathan led government.

  25. " This lawless act amongst many oth­ers reinforces the character of our present Federal Government as high handed, authori­tarian, vindictive and an intimidating govern­ment that cares nothing about its people but
    Under the watch of our sitting President, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Nigeria’s demo­cratic processes and respect for the law have been flagrantly abused over and over again to the point where one begins to wonder whether our leadership understands the concept and im­portance of efficient structures and systems in ensuring a sustainable democracy."

    The quote above is one of the questions I ask everyday. Indeed the lawlessness of Nigerians is spreading everywhere and it can only be described as when the root is rotten, naturally the tree and its branches can never be healthy.

    Nigerians have refused to fight for their civic rights and are blinded by ethnicity, religion, political bias and affiliation and sheer ignorance.

    Unless we wake up and call a spade a spade, we will drown along with a drowning nation.

    And the 'oga at the top'... well, he's no saint... never has been!


  26. i love dis woman

    [url=]click >>>here[/url]

  27. A bike. Please take seats o. Apc ke. You all are book haram. God will judge Nigeria and you are one.

  28. The current state of Nigeria as a nation is bothersome. Youths can't find jobs, gals can't find husbands, guys can't find correct babes" they don yellow finish" boko haram dey bomb, politicians dey thief ANYHOW, police dey kill ANYBODY ANYHOW, yet they want Nigerians for yonder to come home. The ones wey get mind to try either don join the hassle or die trying. Eko in le anytime but I claim from far..

  29. The current state of Nigeria as a nation is bothersome. Youths can't find jobs, gals can't find husbands, guys can't find correct babes" they don yellow finish" boko haram dey bomb, politicians dey thief ANYHOW, police dey kill ANYBODY ANYHOW, yet they want Nigerians for yonder to come home. The ones wey get mind to try either don join the hassle or die trying. Eko in le anytime but I claim from far..

  30. Nothing new, me think is a little too late for all this speech. I believe there was a time you guys should have nibbed all these in the bud but selfishness on you guys part allowed things to get out of hand.

  31. anon 5:18pm
    "deep minded clueless individual"

  32. Awesome write up! Everyday I look at my boys and i wonder the kind of legacy that would be left for them. Truth be told the way things are going only God and we the citizens would save ourselves. I am so tempted to relocate and forget about this country but i just can't. We deserve better, my children deserves better. Come 14th Feb, i will vote even if my vote doesnt count. Utuocha

  33. Good write up from my mentor but why didn't she mention the fault of APC too.may God help us in this country

  34. Hmmmmmmm,speechless

    ~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

    1. Please say something. Forget the messenger for once and tell me between you and your Creator that the message is not spot on. What is wrong with us abeg? Preaident GEJ is not a leader, it's not about him, it's about Nigeria. I don't know what your interest is but I am convinced even you know our country is sinking slowly.

  35. Maybe we sef should do purge anarchy in this country. #whosawthemovie

  36. In as much as I am not canvassing for any political party.As far as I know,Nigeria problems did not start today.But it appears to be worse looking at how the present government has been handling some sensitive matters that required urgent solution.Honourable Abike spoke well.what we want now is solution to this menace confronting us as a nation.It is high time our president stood and address these issues.Yes he is still number one citizen and to him much is given much is expected.let there be total overhaul of our security system.There is absolute decadence in that sector.Let there be respect for the rule of law.Nobody should be seen as a sacred cow.Anybody that goes contrary to the rule of law should be decisively dealt with.I rest my case here.

  37. Which way Nigeria? Sunny Okosun one said which way Nigeria, how can we save this country? I honestly don't have an answer. Our DSS has failed to gather intelligence on BH, they are busy raiding APC's offices and vigilantes in the North. Its a shame.


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