Stella Dimoko Doctors In House Section On Tuesday.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Doctors In House Section On Tuesday.

Orgasmic Fainting?Never heard of it!

FAINTING AFTER ORGASM.......Normal or abnormal? 
I had been celibate until mid twenties and the first experience was painful and a torture which I attributed to the long rod that did the job. Mehn, the bleeding after the act went on for days so I tuned off sex after that act until I met an Ex who loved me die. With much trepidation, I ventured into bedmatics and enjoyed the foreplay but I blanked off after body jerking and he panicked and poured water on me and I woke up disoriented and breathless . He told me that I had an orgasm and fainted, we tried severally after and same thing so he became afraid and left me. Any clue on this or past experience? 

OMG fainting during orgasm?woooooow!..probably



Hello Stella.
Compliments of the season to you. Hope this mail meets you well. Please I need BV's and your advise on my case. I was due on 24th December but i have not given birth yet. The doctor has booked me for an induced labour on Wednesday if I don't give birth by then. Please does anyone here has an experience of induced labour? 
How did it go. I pray I will pop my patter of tiny feet before the wednesday by God's grace. Please pray for me and I won't forget to send you the picture of my little one by his grace too
Thank you.

Hmmm,I thought two weeks after due date isnt a problem?Your Doctor should wait a little if i am not wrong.


  1. Poster 1: ur matter no be physical.... lol... na orgasm sweet u make u pass out... lwtmb
    Poster 2: U'll put to bed before wed in Jesus name... do not panic, God is on ur case

    1. Hahaha!
      Never heard of fainting orgasm even in movies
      Poster one,stay off sex for now esp fornication(sinful sex),before u will bid the world a final goodbye at d point of fainting one day.dat will be hell fire strait!..just saying#scratches hair#
      Poster 2,tell ur doc to wait a lil and try using castor oil,buy from d pharmacy take 3spoons 3times a day,it will trigger d labour naturally.wish u safe delivery.

    2. Poster 2 there is nothing wrong with in my own opinion Bcos I was induced and my baby came out exactly 4 hours after. God will be with u dear.

    3. @Queen bee...laugh make me throway my phone..crazy comment

    4. @Queen bee...laugh make me throway my phone..crazy comment

    5. @Poster number 2 I was induced for my second baby and I gave birth 6hrs later due to his 4.8kg birth weight he couldn't engage into my pelvic for natural labour. It's not a big deal.
      Please work with your Doctor. Wishing you a smooth and save delivery!!!

      ~Peace Ambassador ~

  2. organism fainting ,that is another level of sweetness


    1. The lady fainting.... I think your situation is spiritual. I'm speaking from experience.

      »Jealous SDKer«

    2. Not everything is a spiritual problem. Poster seems to have an underlying heart issue or anemia or even small epilepsy which seems to be triggered off with such excitement. Whichever one, she needs to visit a doctor asap cos it can be deadly. No jokes. Don't have sex again till you see a doctor.

  3. Hmmm…We learn every day.

  4. Wishing you both the best.


  5. Doctors let's hear from u

    @Dr Orela Dimples...

    Lol.....d girl wen faint after orgasm....Abeg no make me laugh....well u are one lucky lady...most women don't have orgasm at all

    2nd narrator.....I wish u safe delivery


  6. You are not wrong stella. It is only two weeks after due date that it becomes a worry n u re thereby induced into labour. Let dat doctor chill ooo.

    1. On point.
      Two weeks past due date, you have to be induced.

  7. Ok doctors in the house let's hear from you

  8. Fainting after orgasm? Hey heeey dat one kariri m biko.

  9. Ok oh, na just to read comments for this one. B right back!

  10. Mrs Induced labour,maybe you haven't washed down there for ages,reason your likkle one is scared of going into this wicked world through that stench.
    Consider CS!!

    Miss're just a learner.
    How can someone faint at orgasm?
    Na una type dey die ontop man.
    I feel sorry for any man who finally sends you to cloud 9 cos you may never return
    Consider visiting mountain of fire.

    1. Chai m_amie.u don finish me with laughta

    2. Hahahahahahahaha you may never return lol

    3. Ldkmh...."+"lol"ur mouth 2 much tufiyakwa

    4. Ldkmh...."+"lol"ur mouth 2 much tufiyakwa

    5. Am scared for the lady who faints after orgasm, mk u no go faint pass from there good, am scared and Wetin u go tell God say do u ? Stay off sex for now

    6. And Maime is back................

    7. in ehn

  11. poster 1: the thing was too sweet, do am jeje next time o

    poster 2: i pray Almighty God grants you safe delivery in Jesus name

  12. The organism lady!your own no be for here.lolz which kain faaint be dat.your Bf overuse you?
    Poster2:no experience yet lemme chill for experience mothers.

  13. N1: Don't have any solution to offer.
    N2: I feel reading people's experience abt induced labour will make u stressed up. All u need is rest & focus on your God.
    You will pop your baby b4 the doctor's date Amen

  14. Poster 1:

    With the kind of BVs we have here, I won't be surprised if many have experienced your situation. So every time you come, na to dey pour you water?

    Poster 2

    You are even speaking Stella's English, "patter of tiny feet". Hehehehehe.

    I have a feeling comments here will scare you. I wish you'd relax and take each day as it comes.

    Stella, her baby might be big hence the induction notice.

    1. Poster 1 u supose get swiming pool or personal meruwa on standby for water sake........

  15. Hmmmmm waiting for comment for #1 post

  16. Lol ..orgasm fainting...u are one lucky woman....most women don't experience orgasm at all.....d fainting part na I'm I no understand

    2nd narrator.... I wish you safe delivery


  17. N2 God will see you through and you shall deliver like Hebrew women

  18. Lol ..orgasm fainting...u are one lucky woman....most women don't experience orgasm at all.....d fainting part na I'm I no understand

    2nd narrator.... I wish you safe delivery


  19. May you give birth like the Hebrew women in Jesus name (Amen)

  20. #1 hahahahaha, abeg eat well next time

    #2 God is with you and you shall deliver like a hebrew woman in Jesus name Amen!

  21. @ 1. Your story seems strange, I don't know about this. Will wait for comments and also learn something new.
    @ 2m I think your doctor should allow you wait a few more days before finally settling for induced labour. I've also heard that induced labour isn't harmful. Let me also learn from those who know what's up. Wishing you a safe delivery IJN. Amen

  22. Too much enjoyment is the curser! i only know of a light sleep immediately after the show,but fainting?that is a big one.

  23. Yes its either 2 weeks + or Minus. Some Doctors don't let it stay longer when Baby is fully mature to prevent infection and they just induce the preggy Lady. But its Ok. I think the Tablet one is better and ok because you can move around unlike the Drip you will lie down taking the Hot drip and screaming heaven knows all. Lol but Dearie its a tin of joy. Immediately after having your Baby safe and healthy. If it the Tablet type its best done in the Middle of the night will be insert to your Womb like 12 Midnight. like 7 to 8 am frequent contraction shd start and it works very fast if you execrise too during labor like a very long walk. run
    within hospital environ. Within 6 hrs u shd v ur Baby with you. God will be at the Delivery Room waiting for you. Its going Dearie but the Pain (Contraction) is a very hurtful sweet pain you will wish for your Enemy to experience. The Experience is Worth is Dear. Safe Delivery

  24. faint after orgasm ke? Which kain cloud you reach?


  25. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    God dont want yu to have sex again so i suggest yu go become a Rev. Sisiter in catholic church.....

  26. At poster 1, i've heard of this before, whether or not it's nornal i don't know.

    You probably expeperienced 'out of this world' orgasms that made your brain stop temporarily.
    As far as i'm concerned, anything is possible at that level of excitement, lol. Just take it easy ibeg.

    At 2, heard induced labour is quite painful, though i haven't experienced it myself.

    Why don't you tell your doctor or midwife to give you a membrane sweep (google) instead? Trust me, the baby will come sharp, sharp. All the best.

    Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

  27. I was induced as well when I had my daughter,the doctor waited for 20 more days b4 I was induced. I was told to come to the hospital on that day and I was placed on drip and they had to break my water,then the contractions and they kept checking if I was ready to push and all that,the details are a bit sketchy bcos it was 12years ago but it wasn't a big deal,its just a way of forcing labour to come. Am having my second baby soonest and I can't wait to see and hold our baby. Sending love ur way

  28. Lol!
    N1 na wa oo, the Orgasm blew you away Literally and took you to cloud 9 hence the fainting, I've never heard of such before, I find it hard to believe same as I find squirting hard to believe.
    N2 as SDK said they are supposed to wait 2weeks after your EDD before inducing you, Dr's in the house should throw more light.
    The experience a pain is just a little bit sharper than normal labour but faster, nothing you can't handle trust me, women her strong like that, hopefully it won't come to induction, I wish you a smooth Labour.

  29. Pls o,I had severe head ache yesterday,self at night,I could not open my eyes cus. Mucor gumed d eye lid together,I had to scrap it off,befor I could open my eye.shey Na Apollo b d Name?hw cn I treat it.and for poster one,I never reach orgasm before

  30. Poster 1...see a doctor
    poster 2 ...God will help u deliver your bundle of joy. Amen

  31. Poster 1: No idea of Fainting during orgasm. Abi na epilepsy? body jerking is associated with that but fainting isn't. Check for signs of epilepsy. Poster 2: SDK is right. U still have time so they should wait. May your baby comes before d pains. God be with you Amen

    1. If u tell a guy this poster , he wud b scared to sleep with u or allow u sleep over in his house to avoid stories

  32. Poster one: am waiting for comments
    Poster two:God will make a way where dere is no way.....dont b scard u will give birth to ur baby safely

  33. Fell into labour at 41 weeks but contractions were not strong enough so after 10hrs of labour, I had to be induced, Contractions became stronger painful tho' a nut shell induced labour helped me to strengthen my contractions and within few hours my adorable came out. Pls ensure you are in good hands, I wish you the safest delivery

  34. Everything will definitely be alright. ..Please bv's my sis called me and said her doctor told her she has PCOS dat it will b difficult for her to get pregnant...her tears is killing me, and she's desperately want to ve baby....has anyone heard of such? How did u go about it? Yaah I don use Google but oyinbo and black ain't dsame and dis my sis base in naija...

    Chick felix

    1. A lot of women world over have PCOS and yes it's associated with some hormonal inbalance, which may result in difficulty in getting pregnant but it's not a foregone conclusion that she will not have babies.

      Lots of women with PCOS still have children with or without medical help.

      If she's ready to have children and doesn't conceive within 3 months she should see a gynaecologist.

      Let not your heart be troubled...

    2. She should wipe her tears and focus on God who is the ultimate doctor,there's nothing impossible for him to do or let her doctor tell her the alternatives (which ever works for her). I was told same thing Jan this year and I called upon God and he answered me few months later. There's absolutely nothing he can't do,thats what I believe. Wishing ur sis all the best

    3. My friend was diagnosed with pcos and she's 6 month pregnant, let her use vitex and clomid to mk her ovulate

    4. Pls,don't self medicate,tell ur sis to go see a good gynecologist. What works. For A might not work for B

  35. No2: you need to relax on your inducement, take your mind of it so that you can fall into labor when you are induced. I remember a friend of mine didn't fall into labor even after being induced because she was not relaxed and her mind was there all through, so she had to go through a CS section. So please jst relax, it will end in praise.

  36. Orgasm wa o. I hail o

  37. Poster 2: I will rather opt for a CS than induced labor.
    Poster 1: orgasmic spasms can be body racking sometimes but I have never heard of fainting. Maybe you have a problem with blood flow that provokes seizures during ecstasy. Talk to a Dr about it.

  38. N1- ur suffering from *organicoma faintingcoma* ask Google. N2- induced labour no be here o, Jes wait a lil biko n remember ur scan says plus or minus two weeks ur EDD. so chilaxy abeg n wait for ur bom bey bey to come the natural way. Safe delivery.

  39. Yes u r ryt stells,two weeks after the due date is not a problem only in this case,we don't know whether the two weeks extra is the one that expired on the 24th or also if the doctor feels its safer to induce now cos of probably the health of the mother or the child
    I just hope the poster didn't go to a hospital that the doctors are all about the money and won't want to wait
    Just keep praying and God can surprise you but if you trust the judgement of the doctor,allow urself to be induced to save u and d baby,God always knows the best.I for once never thought I wld go under the knife for my child but when I looked at d risks,I succumbed and d end result is awesome
    I wish u a safe delivery

    Poster 1, na u sabi o .do u have any health condition,if yes see a doctor and be examined,even if u don't,still go and complain to avoid stories that touch tomorro

  40. @ Poster 1, you must be a very funny person. Though your case may be caused by over excitement and so your heart couldn't take it hence the fainting. Abeg next time ehn, just breathe... take in enough air and remove fear from your mind. Just enjoy it and flow with it ok. But wait o, pre-marital sex is a Sin so just wait till you're properly married for this alright. Wish you all the best and biko marry somebody without too long a rod inugo. @ Poster 2, Its only God that truly knows when you conceived and that's why you have to wait till after Two weeks of your DD. Don't allow any doctor scare you, it is not good for your health at all. Every doctor I have met during my pregnancies always teach us to set our mind to two weeks before or after Due Date but incase it exceeds the two weeks, don't worry, I have many sisters and friends who gave birth naturally One month after DD maybe due to the babies weight so no cause for alarm. As for Inducing, I pray you don't experience it cos I no go like you to dance Ajasco Without Music. You shall put to bed in due time naturally without stress just like the Hebrew Women in Jesus name. Amen. - Iyabo the Only One.

  41. Hehehe number 1, e be like say you dey henjoy the thing wella, uto ya na ejezugi aru, hence the fainting. On a serious note, you might have a neurological problem, book an appointment with your doctor sharp sharp.

    2. The Lord is your strength.

  42. induce wetin!!! abeg I no understand this your doctor are not two weeks after edd and he wants to induce you.please my dear run for your dear life oh.look for a good trusted hospital and a reliable; experienced doctor to handle your case. may God grant you save delivery and by his grace you will come out with you cute liitle tiny fingers.

  43. Somebody please guide me on steps to having a blog ID here pls pls and pls. I don tire to dey use Anonymous ooooo!!! *see as I dey sweat on top this matter* hmmm. Angel Stella, I will continue to declare my love for you come what may. Me sef na Mother like you o so make people no think this my love the other way round.

  44. I'm not a doctor. So, I'm just going to read comments

  45. I was induced with my first after labouring for 2 days, doctors and consultants decided that I need to be induced. It went well in the end I and baby were good. Maybe you should try to walk around, have good sex and eat food with lots of perper that's if you can stomach it. I hope this works for you.

    Please click on my name to get % 100 unprocessed virgin human hair. No shredding and no tangling. Thanks

  46. @poster No2 anty stella is right pls. My sister gave birth 15days after her EDD

  47. P1 hv not had that before oh that's kind of scary
    please where is Mr A u re needed

    P2 madam i think u should hold on as stelz said mine they gave me 4days or they will take me for cs but i delivered before then
    so just tell ur doctor to wait a little

    Wish u safe delivery
    God be with you

  48. Lemme wait for comments
    Precious oma

  49. Post no 1.....kpele
    Post no 2.....Induced labour is not actually dangerous,but its more painful and horrible than normal labour,this is because normal labour takes about 5-24hrs while the pain increases with time,but induced labour is less which makes the pain horrible from the beinning until after birth....wish you safe delivery.

  50. Poster1
    Maybe your system cannot contain your while conscious,hence your porting to ghost mode.

  51. Induced labour no be mai mai oh!I experienced it twice and it was hell.Like stella said two wks is not too late.Keep calm and pray or go for a long walk.

  52. N1-na wa o,N2-the doctor shld chill abegg,dnt allow it if its yur 1st childbirth,if yur EDD(expected delivery day) is jst some days late,you still have 2wks so far the baby's heartbeat can still be felt,calm down.a physiologist talking.any sdker coming for lagos countdown,make we go groove wiv fashola money.yetinde.

  53. N1-na wa o,N2-the doctor shld chill abegg,dnt allow it if its yur 1st childbirth,if yur EDD(expected delivery day) is jst some days late,you still have 2wks so far the baby's heartbeat can still be felt,calm down.a physiologist talking.any sdker coming for lagos countdown,make we go groove wiv fashola money.yetinde.

  54. @ poster 2: my dear another thing is your medical your blood pressure high; do you have a pregnancy induced illness that is a danger to your baby? is the foetus heart beat still very strong? if there is a problem that warrants you to be induced in order to save you and the baby; then I go with the Doctor; if not run for your dear life ohh.

  55. Lol.. let me wait for comments.

    Big b

  56. N1-na wa o,N2-the doctor shld chill abegg,dnt allow it if its yur 1st childbirth,if yur EDD(expected delivery day) is jst some days late,you still have 2wks so far the baby's heartbeat can still be felt,calm down.a physiologist talking.any sdker coming for lagos countdown,make we go groove wiv fashola money.yetinde.

  57. Number two.. Get up and walk around.. trek far distances... If that doesnt work.. Gather all the dirty laundry in ur house and wash manually.. the essence is to disturrb ur baby to come out.. Induced labour is slightly more painful than when u go into labour on ur own.. Safe delivery dear.. waiting to hear the good news..

  58. P1- I don't have any experience on your case, please see a doctor.
    P2 - I was induced for my son's birth. I was 41wks+ 6days. But the induction failed and a cs was done. It depends on your hospital policy, my hospital induces when the pregnancy is 41wks+3days if the woman doesn't put to bed.

    1. My 2nd son was @ 41weeks +5days, the 3rd was 41weeks+3days.

  59. Hmmm.. Fainting after orgasm.. Abeg I'll read comments ..

  60. Poster 2-first of all check the weight of your baby before inducing if baby is quite big,I guess you should go for cs.

  61. N1, in my case i don't experience orgasm often or like normal. Let's say in fifty sexual intercourse period I might experience orgasm like 3 times and its either I start gasping for breath like an athsma patient for 30 minutes or I feel very light head. At times I now ask what's the essence of the thing sef. N2, the pain was excruciating for me and I was told I would be induced, I agreed I was given injection and drip join, but that pain is hell in another hell. I cant explain it but it made the process faster. God will deliver you sooner than you think and you would give a testimony in Jesus name.

  62. @ poster 1 heart attack alert.. Ur body can't just co-ordiante pleasure. Lol. Some people faints after releasing asin guys oo.

    I have a friend (course mate) who wrote that in his slum. Dunno how true tho. But according to his slum his last encounter had made him pass out and some of his lodge mate rushed him to school clinic. Lolz it was embarrasing for me eventhough nothing been concern me..


  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Am surprised that the Poster often dies not a lil but long enuf to be resuscitated with water. That's a serious case that needs medical attention. 

    The orgasm-induced fainting spell is called "little death " cos the heart literally stops for few seconds when the lady experiences that how-can-i-describe-it kinda feeling. Ur senses are heightened, ur body betrays u and ur heart just "died" on u due to so much pleasure. This is so because during xes, oxygen level in d blood is lowered as much blood flow goes to d vjay leaving d brain wit lil oxygen to function well. Same reason we fall asleep.

      Another cause is that wen a woman locks out her legs stiffly during xes,  It hinders blood circulation n during the reward for xes, the heart can abandon u. Intake of alcohol just before xes can occasion a fainting spell during xes n orgasm. 

    So Poster, next time, u want to Lamusha, let your legs b flexible, stay away from alcohol, don't attempt bondage xes, don't asphyxiate to heighten d pleasure and shorten d duration of xes. 

    Merry Xes To You!  

    1. The comment have been waiting for, another learnt!


  66. Stella you needed to see me practice jerking and fainting. Ahahahaha repent and fuck no more until you marry. Good to be back

    For all your market errands click

  67. 1] Babe ur story is funny oo..
    Tje guy probably ran cos he thought u be ogbanje lol. It might be natural I dunno.
    2] Madam altho I think u should still wait a bit for the baby. But if u want to go with ur doctor, then u have absolutely nothing to worry about. I ve done it before nd everything was fine but i gotta warn u, hehe it will be painful oo like very be prepared lol
    Di na njikere!! Wish u safe delivery dear.

  68. If i be that Ex na better race i go take. na wetin dey sweet dey kill person... before we knw na police station e go see himself dey write statement.

    1. Honestly it's scary bfr person go enter problem

  69. I done see plenty fainting and unconsciousness after Orgy, Even hear say some dey enter convulsions self.

    Wetting man never see or hear.

  70. I done see plenty fainting and unconsciousness after Orgy, Even hear say some dey enter convulsions self.

    Wetting man never see or hear.

  71. Orgasmic fainting is d Ish....Hahhahahaha
    Had d Last one about 5 months Or so Ago buh since den i being dey try to reach dat apex again buh for where....Hahahaha

    Buh my own is i faint and come right back.
    Buh i suspect it was a kind of "punishment" for me screaming J****,J**** During the Act. LMAO. not entirely sure Its a punishment though)Hahahahhahahaha

    Póster 2,dere is nothing wrong wit being induced buh mine was Painful o jare.wots dat stuff dey gave me again? Have forgotten d name buh i call it drug from Hell.....
    Ehen Pitocin! *Shudders*

    Congrats in advance love!
    Now "kimon" Lets do this!

    1. The GW!!!! Hahahahah @ ur orgasmic narrative , I almost came myself just reading ur narrative!! Infact I'm wet , borrow me ur dildo.....

    2. Hahahahahahahaha the general u no go kill person you better leave jesus out of it

    3. A woman said since she got married 5years ago,she dey fake orgasm.
      I shook my head cos she doesn't know what she is missing. Orgasm is d time u fly n speak French like someone that graduated from Alliance Francais.


    4. Eeeeya dat woman doesnt know wot she is missing.....Chai!

      I have something i need to know.
      Shey There wil be love-making in for married couples???

      have tried asking d General Many times buh he wil just shake his Head n tell me" Baby,Hell fire is real! Hian!

  72. i am vaguely aware that IHN is posted around 1pm yet i refresh this page a thousand times... i'm hopeful... lol

  73. poster 1
    it seems you were very tensed during the foreplay. pls next time try to be calm.That guy really sabi the tin oh! He is just scared, dont worry, whenever he remembers how you jerked and passed out, he will come back.
    poster 2
    Be patient.

  74. N1: na wa o! I have never heard of that before but the guy must be really good o.
    N2: I pray for u that the baby comes out before Wednesday in Jesus name. u shall give birth like the Hebrew women and we shall not hear evil report about u or ur baby ijn.

  75. Lmao.
    Orgasmic fainting ?

    You need to check yourself, it might be due to health factors or downing of too much alcohol.
    Alcohol actually does more harm than good, especially when hoping to get some bedroom action.
    Alcohol consumption impairs your sexual functioning.

    Then, do you engage in body exercises ? You need to build up your stamina against such bed sports that's making you faint anyhow (lol).

    Lastly, how's your dietary consumption like ? Do you eat well? And often ? Nutritious foods, involved ? Fruits ?

    But girlie o, the rod must have been really good on you to pass out during the act.

  76. 2wks late is nt a problem
    I had my first baby after 10mnts nd d second at almost 11mnts.hope d baby pops out be4 den cos inducing labor can pain for africa.imagine concentrating 24hr labor into a few hrs...wish u all d best

    1. 11 months,n ur docs left u? No.u miscalculated

  77. Poster 1-Well,lemme read comments but i know it happens to a lot of people but why? i don't know

    Poster 2-INDUCTION is necessary if You're approaching two weeks beyond your due date and labour hasn't started naturally,your water has broken, but you're not having contractions,there's an infection in your uterus,your baby has stopped growing at the expected pace there's not enough amniotic fluid surrounding the baby,placental abruption
    You have a medical condition that might put you or your baby at risk etc.The disadvantage of waiting two weeks after your due date is that your baby begins to grow and the more it grows,you have a higher chance of a complicated vaginal delivery or you go in for CS.Anyways,inducing labor/natural labor/CS-trust me none is easy or painless but God will see you through cos it's nothing you can't handle.It is well with you and your baby, waiting for the goodnews.

    1. Spot on. All processes are not easy. Its just the grace of God. My children came 2-5hours after induction. Tablet doesn't work for me though. Drip does. While waiting don't miss out on evening strolls, take lots of warm water. All the best dear

  78. Labour was induced when I had my 1st child. It just pops,u don't av control over it. I had tears all over. Abt d fainting during orgasm,I knw not abt it.

  79. Don't worry. U will not be induced,ur labour will come naturally on or before your appointed day of induction. I fell into labour d early hours on d day I was supposed to be induced. God is on ur side so it will end in PRAISE.

  80. Hello poster One" my area of expertise no reach so...

    Poster 2" please your doctor should wait, my mother was in the womb of her mum 3years, na you just a day or two late. Please no induce labor ooo.. baby is waiting for the right time.

  81. Poster 1 I have never heard of that o.
    Poster 2. I was due for 17th dec. Nothing happened. Then I had membrane sweep on the 20th,and 26th. I went into labor on the 26th night and was still induced. Put aside fear and do whatever need 2 be done 2 birth ur baby. Ur prayer is that u both should come out of the hospital hale and well.
    I must confess the pain no be here

  82. See how this phoolish girl is risking her life all in the name of orgasm,and to say you are going through all this stress for some EX shows how low you carry yourself. What if you faint one day and don't wake up? these girls will never listen.

  83. It doesnÂ’t happen all that often among sexual partners, but some men and women do actually lose consciousness after having an orgasm. There may be different reasons for fainting after orgasm. Alcohol may be a factor if the person has been indulging. However, the balance of carbon dioxide in the blood may be the reason that most people faint after orgasm. Heart problems could also cause fainting after orgasm.

  84. Stella you're absolutely right. Up to 2 weeks after due date is normal.

    Woman you'll deliever safely in Jesus name. Please do not panics just believe in God you shall deliver like the Hebrew woman in Hesus name Amen

    1. Inducing labour doesn't mean she won't deliver like the Hebrew women and my dear 2weeks after due date ain't normal although it happens unless if her EDD calculation 4rm her Lmp was wrong

  85. Poster 1..keep doing it till you tired of fainting...ahahahhaha..poster 2...God will take out for film like never before..THE PRISON..

    Son of Solomon

  86. Waiting 4 comments

    *Rmn blessed*

  87. @poster 2 there is no big deal in induced labour. I had my two kids via induction. 1st was the tablet method which i prefer while the 2nd was the catheter and drip method. I will advise that you go to general hospital incase you are in lagos.
    when I was about having my first, the tho private hospitals said i could only use cs as the baby was too big. Just be strong ok.

    I wish you good luck and God's grace.

    1. I did catheter and drip for my last baby. Catheter is inserted to ripen the cervix. And it falls off after 12hours. But mine had to be removed at the 10th hour because I was already contracting and was 6cm. I delivered at 12th hour. Thank God.

    2. Poster try going to a general hospital. Had all my children in luth

  88. La petite mort, French for "the little death", is an idiom and euphemism for orgasm. This term has generally been interpreted to describe the post-orgasmic state of unconsciousness that some people have after having some sexual experiences.

  89. Poster1: You get very weak and it results to fainting, sorry,it is ur stamina . See a doctor, it is abnormal.

  90. Poster 2, Induction is usually 2weeks after the due date and its 2x the pain of normal labour, have you tried the membrane sweep?.. please tell your doctor you want to wait for another week that is if you and your baby are not at risk. Try going for a long walk, eat spicy food, sex,dancing,having orgasm and nipple stimulation also helps.
    May you deliver like an hebrew woman

    1. Why should she tell her doctor she wants to wait another week when he has fixed a date for her. He must have his reasons. Maybe her EDD has long passed. But induction must be from 41 weeks

  91. The excitement is too much for your brain, pls see a brain doctor,

    My advise whatever you get whether induction or cs the important thing is for you and your beautiful angel to come out healthy and alive let that be your focus, don't be anxious or afraid, just relax say your prayers and trust God to handle the rest.

    Safe delivery xoxo...

  92. Poster one:
    I laughed hard @ ur ordeal...hahahhaa
    Am so sorry buh it's funny.
    The kind of sex dt kips making u faint after orgasm must be a mind blowing one ooo.
    Biko Enjoy urself joor

    Poster 2:
    U gat nuffin 2 worry abt....some cases r like dat...I spent an extra month in my mum's womb and mummy gave birth wivout complications...

    Sometimes EDD changes,so chilax and prepare urself to receive ur cute patter of tiny feet..Goodluck.

  93. Yea, I agree with Stella, 2weeks after ur EDD is still within normal. I am very sure u wud pop on or b4 then. This is wishing u a smooth delivery.

  94. Fainting keh....
    Auntie Stella usher me one of those numerous sexiest seat may I sit down read comment abeg.

    Poster 2: God will do it for you, my faith is with you, it will end in praise. In due time (soonest) your baby will come, doctor can't hasten it, is it he (doctor) that put the baby there.
    Chill 'jareh' God will makeall things beautiful in his time. Don't let the doctor put you under unnecessary stress.

    NOTE: Worry solves no situation, Prayer crowned with Praise, have delivered testimonies, far beyond the era of Paul and Silas.
    Èxpecting your testimony soonest !
    I 'm with you in this ! !

  95. Problem 1, I saw a video whr a woman fainted as a result of intense orgasm too. It was not her first sex. The guy was just too good.


    Ur ish is probably normal, or ur ex is a super man. Abeg gimme him number.

    Problem 2, pls wait a little before that induced labour thing o. I don't have a gud feeling abt it.

    Nwuye General, I replied u yesterday on the other post o. Twice sef. Stella use am cook soup.

    I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

    Stellina, abeg, leave my comment na.

    1. Oh,good to know u are good Boo.

      No i actually Saw it buh Its no longer reflecting cos of d plenty comments that particular post gathered...hahaha
      Truly Nkiru broke the Internet o...Lol

    2. wetin be d name of d video?i wan watch am too...lmao
      Help a sister,biko nne.

    3. Wetin be d name of the video?i wan watch am too
      Help a sister,biko nnem

    4. Hahahahahahahahahaha... @ Chysugar. wetin u want use the video do??? Lol @help a sister. I no dey o.
      But Swerry, just ask Google, you go see plenty. Whatever happens after that, as in, however you feel after watching, I no dey! Lol.

      Ok@Nwunye General. I see you. Muah!

  96. Induced labour, that shii hurts like mad kos they cant give u that hot drip thing and epidural at the same time. Relax tho and pray

  97. No orgasm for me

    Please who has laptop to giveaway

  98. Problem 1, I saw a video whr a woman fainted as a result of intense orgasm too. It was not her first sex. The guy was just too good.


    Ur ish is probably normal, or ur ex is a super man. Abeg gimme him number.

    Problem 2, pls wait a little before that induced labour thing o. I don't have a gud feeling abt it.

    Nwuye General, I replied u yesterday on the other post o. Twice sef. Stella use am cook soup.

    I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

    Stellina, abeg, leave my comment na.

  99. In other news

    I was so happy when I read these 2 comments on Amara's FB page
    While hustling,try and read Stella Dimoko-Korkus blog,she's a philanthropist and have amazing blog especially the in-house news and see how people are helping others they do not even know.Send her a mail,I believe you'll find your angel there.Good luck.
    Like · 19 · Reply · More · Yesterday at 23:38

    Joy Sunshine
    dear poster...lemme refer you to SDK blog,visit the blog fam and watch ur life change for the best....send her a mail drie,peace be unto You
    Edited · Like · Reply · More · 3 hours ago

  100. Thelma enemuwe said...
    LWKMD ova poster1 issue...wetin person nor go hear....lolzzzzz
    Poster2---d xperienced hebrew mums are gonna advice u...
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

    1. It's like u will bring bk dt robot ish for dis Thelma o. Her comments are so senseless n disjointed.

  101. Poster 2, take castor oil. It happened to me in 2 pregnancies; the castor oil made me go into labour before the induction date. Pls note that my babies are normal it doesn't have any negative effect. The only effect it has is that it will make your tummy run. All the best.

  102. N1- lmaooo...well i think ts normal considering d fact our heart stops a bit wen we wimp and pour

    N2-der's nuffng 2b scared of Aldo i wonder y the rush,in my centre we induce 10days after due date...Nwayz ur obstetrician knows best and u should trust them

  103. This one pass me, I would just read comments

  104. Lmao @ fainting after orgasm.. never heard, so i'm just gonna chill and read the comments that follow.

  105. Poster #2 you don't ve to panic it's 2weeks. Before or after so relaxe ur mind am also expecting mine soonest but it's my fourth

  106. No1 is not something new it happen to me in the past, if you meet the real man not all this lazy man that call themself man that can not go more than one round, i reject all one round man in my life.

    1. My dear instead of being sad you should be having a ball!

      Do you know how many women would kill to experience what u experienced . That's like the height of sexual pleasure. As long as water fit wake you up. No go follow from there die.

      I experience the same thing every time I have sex with hubby. I don't exactly faint when I have an orgasm but trust me when I tell you I come very close. Body quivering, head spinning , waterfalls, the whole works!

      It's like an outside body experience, my heart is pounding just thinking about it.


    2. So newbie you are a female and married!!! Nice....... Inserts smiley face and shining teeth

    3. @Sabo,ur own time is coming IJN
      Newbie,ur DH must be a super man ooo,see sweet gist...@Body quivering, head spinning , waterfalls, the whole works!

      That's more like it....i hate 2 mins noodles men.

    4. @ newbie gud 2 know u r female, u r so hilarios n a gud at it, gud analyser 2.thumps up.

  107. Stella since it's passed her due date i'm sure the doctor must have done a scan and body test(dont know wat the test is called when they insert hand inside the vagina to ascertain if the baby is in distress or the mother's body is still tight or ready for delivery).so if he says induced labour is the way to go madam pls relax and let him do his job.u and ur little one will be fine in jesus name.amen

  108. Stella since it's passed her due date i'm sure the doctor must have done a scan and body test(dont know wat the test is called when they insert hand inside the vagina to ascertain if the baby is in distress or the mother's body is still tight or ready for delivery).so if he says induced labour is the way to go madam pls relax and let him do his job.u and ur little one will be fine in jesus name.amen

  109. Fainting Lover, I asked Google about your 'condition'and it appears it's normal, although rare. Mostly caused by quickened and short breaths, lady hyperventilates and suffers what is known in ancient erotic novels as 'petit mort' or 'little death'.

    CHECK GOOGLE yourself for more info and I also suggest you take the sex business calmly *wink*

    SOON-TO-BE-MAMA, be praying. Have a safe delivery and congratulations in advance.

  110. hi poster number 2, i actually opted to be induced for my 2nd baby.i was tired of carrying the pregnancy and i was past 38weeks so i spoke with my doctor and fixed a date.when labor is induced, its almost the same as when it comes naturally only alot faster so u really dont have respite between contractions.the upside to it is that the baby will come faster than when u fall into labor naturally.
    you have nothing to fear.

  111. Induced labour not an issue maybe more painful than normal labour. But do more exercise. Trek long distances. It will help

  112. Poster no2/God in heaven will see you through,you shall birth your baby safely amen.
    Poster no1/na laff i dey,pls forgive me

  113. Stella passing out aafter orgasm is called the little death and quite common. Just goggle it

  114. ooooooooooogrigadao ogene borkuwe ooo wetin!!!!? I never hear dat one b4 o...wel make I sidon read comments.

  115. Mbok! Don't wait too long P2, induced labour dey pain, it's like u r sitting on a hot plate hahahahahahaa

  116. @ Fainting orgasm; know that everything can go wrong in fornication (sex before marriage), including death; yes, if you can faint, why not death! That's not the issue but where will you be after you die; hell? -Yes, you'd be in hell . . . one day, you'd just faint "normally" and wake up in a furnace! Solution out; give your life to Christ; stay away from fornication!

    I've been a doctor for 15 years and never heard of such; not even in medical school.

    1. 1. Stop judging people. Fornication isn't the only sin that can lead to death and hell fire. Lying, stealing, gossiping, greed...the list is endless. I dunno what med school u went to but petit Mort is discussed in psychology class and even anatomy and physiology class. You might need to remember.

    2. U spent more time in church than class then cos I am not a doctor yet I ve known about the condition for years

  117. Poster #2 I agree with stella. 14 days after due date is the right time unless you or your baby are in danger. I have never been induce before. My first baby came 12 days after my due date. You still have time for normal labour without being induced. I heard talking a walk helps induce labour and eating crabs too. I pray your delivery like the Hebrew women. Good luck.

    N1 I have never heard of fainting after orgasm .Short of breath , yeah but fainting nah.

  118. Hmmm as for d 1st post its sound normal but not a good one to me.

    2nd post, two weeks after due date should be considered before inducing like aunty stella said..its well with u IJN, the Lord will see you through and it will be like the hebrew women IJN

  119. orgasmic fainting, oh wow! that's new.
    pls visit my blog...


  120. Poster 2 induction is really really painful but it gets the job done sometimes. Other times what follows is a c-section. Its ok to be 2 weeks over due. I don't think the doc should rush the induction so soon. To induce labour u can have a lot of sex cos I read somewhere that semen contains stuff that helps ripen the cervix. On the other hand Eya Ayambem of wives connection said she did nipple stimulation and her labour started immediately. Wish you a safe delivery: hugs!!

  121. Induction is not bad..i had my child tru induction bcos i was 40 wks nd some days doctor induced me 1 wk plus after my dnt be shuld be fine...Also bear in mind dat if d induction fails you will hv to go in for a c section...All the best delivery...

  122. Induction is not bad..i had my child tru induction bcos i was 40 wks nd some days doctor induced me 1 wk plus after my dnt be shuld be fine...Also bear in mind dat if d induction fails you will hv to go in for a c section...All the best delivery...

  123. Am in my early twenties I laboured for 30hours no baby ,dey had to n evrythg was fyn.

  124. Hehehehehe...very funny @first post.

  125. There are actually different stages of inducing labour.
    mine..d Dr started with introducing catheter into my cervix
    once inserted after 30mins I started having contractions. not so strong tho
    After another 6 hours I was already 4cm dilated
    but my contraction wasn't strong enough
    so my Dr broke my water and added pitocin to my drip.
    that was when the main labour started.
    then my baby came out after 2 hours
    so it depends
    some people myt need just that catheter to offset d main labour
    others just needs membrane sweep
    others breaking water
    so just ask the Dr which he plans
    that pitocin is usually the strongest form of inducing n most painful
    good luck dear ...u need it
    u shall deliver like a Hebrew woman

    1. My water doesn't break naturally. Doctors have to do it. Very annoying. I've always wanted to experience it the natural way

  126. N #2 Try going up and down a flight of stairs several times or take long walks it helped induce my labour for my first baby. You can also try raspberry leaf tea it helps with contractions. I was however induced for my 2nd baby because my water broke 9 days after my EDD and the baby still didn't come out after 24 hours of the water breaking. Anyway I had to be induced eventually, the pain was very very intense but the baby came out within an 1 hour of them administering the injection. May the Good lord make it an easy delivery for you dear.

  127. #1 i know of a friend's brother's wife who got married as a virgin and fainted after the husband penetrated her on their wedding night, the guy had to call his mom ooooo and they rushed her to the hospital.Do u faint all the time???
    #2 My brother's wife was induced too and she gave birth to my cute lil nephew.May the good lord grand u safe delivery.Amen


    1. U are really a very strong woman ooo...chai
      Lmao @ Hulk Hogan....
      Ur description eeeh,u say it just as it is.

  129. It is well with the newbie is female and married,,, sweet, TGW experienced same orgasm..kool, KA the DR...ekushe!

  130. SDK ooo. Un-induce,yeah.
    My third baby was induced. I was taken in n a young doc broke my water n the "hot drip" was administered.

    I will never forget,I had City People magazine with me n when d pain came,Na to fling d paper across d room n screeeeeeeeeeeeeeam. The nurse will sit beside me ,stroke my hand n say, Don't worry,I'll deliver in my shift o. The pain is just for a while. I'll say,call my husband. She will say,the pain will go

    Not long afterwards ,I don born.

    Prime Hospital,Una too much.

  131. It is well with both posters o! Poster 2, I wish you a safe delivery...

  132. fainting at orgasm? hmmmm! that must have bursted Ur sclerie,lol,according to queen bee,stay away from sinful sex oh,so that Ur faint one unfortunate day won't take you to hell straight.
    for the other lady,according to science, u still in order.
    may God protect u and grant u safe delivery.

  133. fainting at orgasm? hmmmm! that must have bursted Ur sclerie,lol,according to queen bee,stay away from sinful sex oh,so that Ur faint one unfortunate day won't take you to hell straight.
    for the other lady,according to science, u still in order.
    may God protect u and grant u safe delivery.

  134. fainting at orgasm? hmmmm! that must have bursted Ur sclerie,lol,according to queen bee,stay away from sinful sex oh,so that Ur faint one unfortunate day won't take you to hell straight.
    for the other lady,according to science, u still in order.
    may God protect u and grant u safe delivery.

  135. fainting at orgasm? hmmmm! that must have bursted Ur sclerie,lol,according to queen bee,stay away from sinful sex oh,so that Ur faint one unfortunate day won't take you to hell straight.
    for the other lady,according to science, u still in order.
    may God protect u and grant u safe delivery.

  136. Lemme get into my white gown n come back

  137. Cheo irene b I don laugh tirrre.u funny ghan

  138. Poster 2, until after 2wks u have nothing to worry about, as long as u r in perfect health.

    Poster 1, u need JESUS

  139. Poster 1 neva heard of d faintg ask google anyway .

  140. I was booked for cs oh,3 days before I had early labor went to the hospital was discharged,few hours later come see,by the time I got there baby s head was already out pushed twice finish

  141. Fainter, please go and see a doctor to ensure you do not have a weak heart or something.

    The baby will come in due course. Are you feeling the child moving? Do they hear the heartbeat? If those things are still present then all is well. Babies come when they are ready, not based on a doctor's due date.


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