Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives....


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives....

You tell your story,we read and give you feedback......


Stella there is something I need to share with you and BVS,I want to just try and see others opinion about this.
While I was in the university,I had a best friend infact we were Siamese twins to be precise. We did everything together,we studied the same course,I can't even explain it but we were so close that even the birds in the sky could see us I mean we were too close to be true,to cut the long story short this best friend of mine now is like an enemy(she is not my enemy tho).
It all started when we graduated,I really don't know what exactly I did or ok maybe i must have done something wrong to her but I am not aware of anything.
She and her family just hated me for no reason Especially her mum and brother kai! They would even say hurtful things to me when I contact her on phone in a sarcastic manner but still I would be quiet because I believe in life you need to keep a good relationship with people,still accept them with flaws that's my believe actually but Mehn this babe did too many hurtful things to me early this year i had to delete her from BBM cos I couldn't take it anymore,she would be on my BBM and we don't chat,like it was crazy..this is some one I always travelled to her house from school,I was so open to her,so many stupid risk I took all in the name of friendship so I Couldn't cope with the silence.
I still tried calling her and sending her a message when she was preparing for her professional exam,she didn't pick nor reply any of my messages.Now the year is about to end,we quarrelled with our hearts,tho I feel she just used me back then in university as her help mate and class mate fool but I was thinking of calling her on New Year's Day but am being indecisive about it,I don't hate her,I have forgiven her,she will never be my enemy,I still love her as my friend and I would still make a great God mother to any of her kids when the time comes,but I don't know If it's worth still contacting her or just forgetting her...What do I do Stella? Please I need a serious advice.

Too much water gone under the bridge,please let it go!



Stella,Here is a massage I received from my so called husband on Sunday. At the moment am at my parents house to celebrate the Christmas and New Year with my daughter.
He is a man who does not care for us but people Advised me to bear with him that everything would be fine .

For the past 2 and half years we stopped being intimate (no sex). I am only just 28years but in all I still here is the massage I received from him 

''Now you are in your fathers house you are not coming back to my house,you can marry the young man you want,send your brother to come and pick your remaining things from my house,he should inform me before coming''.

what should I do?and how should I start with a child on my own?.

Wow! wah oh.


  1. Narrative 1,its nothing bt jealousy n envy! Narrative 2,it is well. (Sue)

    1. Hello BVs.. Please i need help.with getting a low interest loan of 400k.. be it financial institution or individual .. i need to start of my bussiness next year.. i will provide every needed document and guarantors.. I have tried LAPO without success.. Please any suggestioms will be gteatly appreciated..

    2. N1: something must have gone wrong somewhere. I don't think you've told the whole story. Friends as close as you were don't just stop being friends with a reason. Think back and be honest with yourself. If you've wronged her find a way to get her to listen to your apology. If you've honestly not done anything wrong, and she still refuses to speak to you then 'face front'! I don't believe friendship should be by force.

      N2: likewise, I think your story is incomplete. Give us the back story to all of this so we can make an informed contribution. Sorry for your pain.

    3. LAPO is for supporting businesses not starting a business.

    4. Poster 1 pls do not disturb urself. If U need a friend, U can send me a mail or something. I need friends too
      Poster 2, ur story no complete

    5. @Narrative1;call her before new year are questions you can ask her(ie if she picks your call but if she doesnt;visit her house in person)
      1)ask her what you ve done wrong to her knowingly or unknowingly..
      2)tell her you have noticed changes in the way the two of you relate..then ask her to tell you sincerely if she wants to remain friends or continue being besties with you..
      Finally her response to this two questions,together with her body language when answering them can tell if you are to continue with her as 2015 approaches;or if you should let go of her...

      Please dont just end the relationship like that cos you just dont know whats on her mind or what she might be going or have gone through...kindly allow her give you legit reasons to continue being friends with her or to end everything and move on with life..



    6. Poster 2 E hugs to u dear. It's well with u.

    7. Serious o. Poster friendship, well, if her mother and siblings are against u as well, perhaps u should go straight to her mom... kneel before her and say that she's like ur own mom too, and u love her etc. That it seems she's mad at u like ur friend is, and because u relish ur friendship with her daughter, u chose to come and meet her to please tell u what uv done to all of them. That u feel bad and would apologise for whatever u may have done wrong.

      Really, ur friend's mom should be the one to broker peace amongst u, not to join in the strife to make matters worse. If truly u guys were as close as u narrated, then her mom is of a questionable character to have kept mute all the while. I trust the mother will say something, or at least give u a clue as to what u did.

      Abi did u sleep with ur friend's dad? Cos I no understand the mom's angle of keeping malice with her daughters friend. Try this and after, u can tell all of then to f**k off.

      Poster 2. From you hubby's breakup text message, which by the way is so juvenile, perhaps he heard that u have a side man who's younger than him? Otherwise why would he ask u to go and marry the younger guy? There's more to ur story than meets the eye o. Pele

    8. Sometimes it's not envy. I stopped talking to my best friend because her boyfriend was asking me out. For the family to dislike her too means she must have done something, don't forget this is a one sided story

  2. P1, friendship is not by fire by force, haba..move on joor, o's ur bff feeding u? Can't breathe without her? Is she ur life line? Move on n let her be...n don't keep friends..befriend urself n jesus. P2 ur story is one-sided..i'd like to hear from d man..

    1. Abi oo, move on poster 1, friendship is not by force, wen u give me attitude, I wud give u chance , Idnt have time for dis

    2. #1: Sweetie, you can only be certain about your emotions, that you tag a person "my bestie" doesn't mean that person tags you same. Your "bff" may tag you merely as a course mate or just some random chic to chat with and blow off steam. One of the most challenging things in any relationship is to be certain both parties are on the same page. Like one of my favourite Shakespearean quotes from Macbeth goes thus "there's no art to find the mind's construction in the face". Very deep words, indeed. From the facts volunteered by you, your friendship seems incredibly one sided. I was waiting to read about   some of the fun times you guys shared or fond memories that will naturally evoke nostalgia but...I waited in vain . Rather, it appears you were the one trying to maintain the friendship or you took it more seriously than necessary. My darling, I fail to see the "Siamese twin" analogy here. My steward and my driver even share a more intimate relationship yet it still falls within the "cordial working relationship", nothing extraordinary.

      It seems apparent that you ruffled her feathers without knowing. For family members to join in the animosity, she must have been offended by something you did or didn't do and true to the nature of your "friendship", she felt it's a better option to ignore you or respond with hostility should you reach out. My darling, stop trying too hard. I had to do a double take where I read you offering to be godmother to her kids!(yet unborn nonetheless) Wow! I'm even slightly put off by what whiffs of your desperation and I don't even know you personally. There's a saying in law that "you can't  force a willing employee on an unwilling employer". You can't and shouldn't force something as beautiful as love or true friendship on anyone. You'll only end up getting the corrupt version which will be detrimental to you. Honey, let it go, whatever you guys shared has run its course.

      However, in the spirit of the yuletide, you can call to apologise for whatever wrong you may have done. Do it for closure and to fulfil all righteousness and close that chapter but, please, my love, don't beg for the resuscitation of whatever you guys shared. Not everyone is meant to remain in your life, some come for a period and leave when their time is up. Don't pull back what is trying to move on, regardless of the heartbreak, let it go and look forward to new beginnings. #e-bearhugs.‎

    3. How do you guys live without friends? Having friends doesn't necessarily mean telling them your life history oh.

      poster one, call and ask her what you did wrong. Apologise whether you are wrong or not, that way, you will clear your conscience. Life is simple, stop complicating it.

      Poster two, have you been cheating on him with a small boy?

    4. @p2. Good question. How can u not be intimate with your husbAnd for over 2yrs are you part of the furniture at home

    5. Narrative 1 I had a frd like that back in sch, we were so close. That wen am nt with her pple will ask abt me vice versa. But I took enof shit frm that gal, my sis will tell me that gal. Disrespects me I have to show her she can't push me around. But I took her shit n try to b dey bigger person, we had a misunderstanding right bfor final exams but patched tinz, den she got engaged that was wen she began again, she started avoiding n talking down to me, we went for a frds weddin, I sat down with her n wen she was leavin she didn't remember to say gdbye lik someone mension to her frm afar she jst weaved n left dt was dey engagement@dey white wedding shhe avoided me even wen we were talking it was as if I was a bother, since she was among dey maids she didn't boda to look for me knwin I will b there, y we even saw cuz dey fiancee saw me n was tryin to contact me. Even dt she wen tto chat with her oda frds n left me there cuz I knew dey frd wedding tru her, I Gt angry n left without sayin gdbye. Her fiancee saw me leavin n was like Weres ur frd I said see her there, he wasn't happy@her bhaviour, I left, na so o for 2-3wks no call frm her den one day n jokingly said u no dey calll personI wetin she go tell me i dnt have anything to tell u, hey. Since den I didn't call n deleted her no. Dt was dey final straw den mnths later she called n mnths later called again dt her ashobi iss out. It deemed on me I am nt impt nw na only wen she need pple to buy ashobi I impt, didn't argue or got angry I said no p. Bcuz I new my plaz n knew I will nt go for dey wedding not again. Mak I goo person own wey see me as impt.
      Even dey oda frd wedding despite hw cloz we were I only heard abt her wedding frm odas she didn't tell me till 2wks abi a wk to dey wedding cuz dis my frd had to tell her to call. I said e no go happen, once bitten twice shy. I treat my frds well I deserve better.
      If dey dnt tink so, den mak I dey frdless, mayb na my dh go b my only frd. Abeg I deserv better so do u.
      It is only if u mak ur sef happy that u can find happiness. Dnt kill ur sef ova dis issue. There r pple dt r meant to stay n odas leave. I alwayz asked Mmy sef wht did I do wrong. Hw did I offend them. It doesn't matter. A male frd of ourz after I told him abt wht she did, he was like he tot I had a thick skin, was I just seeing her behaviour nw. Xxoxox

    6. Haba! Please go and learn English!

  3. Poster 1...Dont beg her anymor,just be yourself and be happy
    Poster 2 Ask God for direction and if its meant to be..It will but be happy!

  4. @ poster 2- reference to "the young man you want" there's more to this story. Hate it when d posters are frugal with d story

    1. My thots exactly. Lol. U knw the truth so get ur answers from there.

    2. Exactly, poster2 ur story isn't complete, who is d young man? U can answer that anonymously here cos idnt knw wat to tell u

    3. Post 1, na by force to get friend?

      Poster 2, is he your ancestor?. ........ Just Wondering

  5. You can wish her a happy new month and then walk away. Don't expect a reply from her.

    1. All the best to both posters.

    2. Poster 2 go and beg your hubby ooo but if you have the luxury to raise the child on your own go ahead... It's well

      Please who has laptop to giveaway please

  6. Interesting
    Na real wa
    Some men are chikens
    Lemme wait for comments biko


    1. When she is ready, she will reach out to you and if she never does, take it like that. God in his mercy knows best. Just make peace with yourself (I think I know your type; you may even be the guilty party here) by sending a mail or text and wishing her well and saying stuff like whenever she is ready to talk you are ready to listen.

      Listen I had a friend like that, if I begin story I go do pass Ronalda x10. End of the day I got to a point where I said hey I'm tired of this lady and her associated drama. I'm not saying she was completely wrong but God knows I chop bullshit tire from am! I cut her off and I mean I cut her off completely. Nearly a year later, she began to reach out to me and is still doing till date (God knows my hands were clean n she was the one who was acting insane) but I am not interested - too busy. I know one day, I will speak to her and just smile over stuff but guess what, I NEVER WANT HER AS A FRIEND AGAIN. Too much water gone under the bridge and guess what, it won't kill her, she will live well and be happy. Both of us. LOL

      Poster 2, go home and sort your issues. Sex for more than 2 years is a red flag things are not well. You need to deal with underlying issues and probably speak to a counsellor or pastor. Good luck.

  7. Poster 1....Something must have gone wrong between you two..Just think about it..Haba this your friendship is so deep and she and her families cant just wake up overnight to say it is all over...Anyway, you can still call her on New Year day..All the best oooo...

    Poster 2-Sorry ooo but with this his text message, it seems you always sing to his years that you would have preferred a young guy hence that statement of his in his text message...I always believe something or alot would have happened in your marriage..Its either you share it all or keep it to yourself..Cos you haven't said much from your writeup.

    Moreso, i dont think you should be suprised with the divorce hian you two have not had SEX for 2years hehehehe meaning there is no intimacy again..Una two don tire so time to solve your issues or move on..Dont you wanna live happily again with your daughter?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. N1: Pls let it go. Focus on getting d most out of life. I hope you did not Back stab her. Let sleeping dogs lie, biko.

  10. Póster 1,all u said and wanna do Makes sense.good u have forgiven.
    now call her and let her know u have forgiven her too...
    Nothing Holds us back like forgiveness...
    Its Not worth it
    No one is worth it!
    Forgiveness frees us.Makes us whole and Makes us happy.

    Poater 2,All i wanna do is just reach out and give u a hug.and tell u everything's gonna be just Keep trusting God.

    Men why do some of u do dis?
    Some of u treat ur wives like a nobody....dirt...
    Some of u treat ur Maids way better than ur wives.

    A woman u once chose Over all others.
    Now pause and think...if someone treats ur daughter d Same way u are treating ur own wife,would u like it?
    If d answer is yes,carry go and may God bless u.
    Buh if d answer is no,den pls change ur ways.dat woman is somebody's child.she is d Apple of her dad's eye.she is ur wife for God's sake.....pls change!CHANGE!

    *Any Man that Makes his wife cry(not bed-cry) is a Coward!
    See Police Men harassing peeps everyday,u lot wont go dere and show ur power.No!
    Ur power lies in dat fragile,wide-eyed Beautiful,hardworking and loyal Wife that God gave u as a help mate...

    Ndi Ala!

    1. From her post you should know so many things have happened. Even the man's message 'the young man you want' should tell you there's more to it. So stop all this plenty talk about men. She should tell us the real story

    2. The general your comment is one sided,we always make it sound like it only women that go through hell in marriages! Her story is not complete, who is the young man her husband is referring to?

    3. Shirley n Titi,ur points are clearly noted.
      She said dey havent being intimate for a couple of naturally,d Man wil think someone else is shinning her congo...hence,d young Man....

      Buh dats not even it.if a Man wants to end his marriage for whatever reason,is dat how callously he should go about it??

      I stand to be corrected though.So póster,nne pls come and tell us who d young Man he inaginary? Or is he really flesh n blood?

    4. These days,these chroniclers'(if there is any word like that),just come and give us half stories,the part that suits them even before the party started',hmmm are these antics to get pity or its fear of tongue lashing by the BVs?
      Check out...poster1:ur bff for years just woke up and hated u,#eyelashes#hows that?wetin u do?
      Poster 2,who is the young man#winks#buhahahaha
      Abeg make una dey try tell us truth jare so we will not be castigating ur other halves wrongly.

    5. General wife I am not with you on this one. Alot must have transpired between both parties so dont be quick to judge. They have not had sex in 2years do we know why? Is it bcos of the "young guy"?. Maybe she married someone way older and keeps comparing him to younger men that alone can bring down her husband's self esteem. Women shouldn't always play the victim @poster your story is too onesided. I will advice you hold on don't be quick to do anything rash. Speak to your parents and be completely honest, go with your family members and apologise to your husband. Kneel before him and apologise if you want your daughter not to be affected by the messy shits divorce brings. Please people will tell you to do feminism or whateva and leave him but nobody here took vows with him, you and only you exchanged vows with your husband. Iam sure your husband loves you but maybe the constant nagging about marrying a younger guy separated you both. Please this is only an advice seek the / face of God on this matter before taking any decision. It is well with your home

    6. This Stupid old cargo dat calls herself "General's wife" thinks she knows it all abi.. wait until ur own dirty story comes out soon, dat ur yeye Fufu usband n he's ish go suffer.. stupid woman dat blahs like a Hippo. .

    7. Anon 4:24, what is the causer of the beef @general's wife

    8. Why are you filled with so much hate @ anon4:24? Hian!

    9. 4:24 , STUPID OLD CARGO, HIPPO.
      Meaning she is your senior , somebody's wife and mother yet you chose to go so low and dirty just because she didn't download what you WANT & post .
      You even went this far to insult the husband ?
      You know what ? No need following your ghetto army barracks war of dirty words with you because your comments showed exactly what and who you are .A very silly child full of stupidity and rebellious head . Your yansh will open first for us to use you as an example to our kids of what over the top foolishness looks like .

      The one and only General's wife, I beg on that child's behalf to please forgive . The power of ting pubic hair appearing in his/hers body is the reason for this goat speech .

    10. @ anonymous 4:24 and is that why u should insult her? Can't you state your own opinion and walk away and did she force her opinion down ur throat ?

    11. I just taught of something, am gonna become a forensic detective on these blog cause of some crazy anonymous,I will decode you,know your name,get your fb or any order handle details,bring your pics here and treat your fuck up! Watch out

  11. poster 1: honey u were used!! Asin totally used.. It is either a prophet has told her that u are behind some of her misfortunes r she got bored of the whole thing. Anyways i dont have any close friend so dear, what do i know?

    Poster 2: dont let the imbecile of a man turn ur new year sour. All i have to say is in troubled time seek God. He alone has ur answers


    1. What do they look like? White like Willie Willie?

    2. Thank u gpharm. For the family to give her attitude, someone has given a revelation or something

  12. P1 abeg your story no commot road, clear.
    P2, Your husband is a sissy oh. I am sure he cannot say that to your face that's why he's sending you a message and asking your brother to come for your load.
    Please answer the following questions.
    1. Why is he mad at you? Did you go to your parent's without his consent? Maybe that's why. It could be transferred aggression also from something you must have done.
    2. Did you both quarrel recently and you decided to go to your parents without his permission?
    3. Has he ever mentioned to you before now, either seriously or as a joke or when you quarrel that you should leave the house?
    4. Has there ever been any case of infidelity from either party?
    If your answer to the above questions is NO, then immediately you read this, pack yourself and your child and go back to your MATRIMONIAL HOME. Holiday is over. Do not listen to anybody that tells you to LEAVE YOUR HOUSE because another woman will definitely come in if you do.
    Good luck

    1. Wow!!!for ur full mind nw ehh..ur comment make sense for ur head..lemme ask u,are u married,if no pls nd pls sex for 2yrs nd she shld go bak?d marriage is dead nd buried..grass don grow on top d grave sef.see madam poster,i dont no y u are asking for advice oo..u new ur marriage was over a long time ago

      U jst de bear am...abi ur name na bearbear?u are 28 wit jst a kid nd u are still young.marriage no be do or die.
      God is ur solace.nd btw i tink dere is a young man involved in all dis if nt ur hubby wldnt hav mentioned it so pls tell us d full gist biko.

    2. Asipa, u dey ur husband house come dey tell anoda woman Mek he commont for her own husband house okwaya? Poster 2's story is not complete

    3. Yes Asipa Maryam, I am married and very happily married at that. You haven't heard her hubby's side of the story, or have you? You do not know the reason why they've stopped having sex because the poster didn't say. You are too quick to judge people. Instead of giving advice that will put her home in one piece ur here trying to break her home. Really some of you don't understand what marriage is. #shrugs

  13. Ist ur friend..just ask her what really went wrong...that have u offended her in any way.....what I can't stand in my life is keeping malice...I fall sick whenever I fight/quarrel with afriend....that is my weakness

    Narrator 2.....are u fucking kidding me? ds APRIL fool? ur husband serious at all?

    Wetin be ds kind toriment mbok.....


  14. Poster one !!!! It is time to move on, we make friends in every stage of our lives! Some don't last forever! Some are seasonal and length of time with someone doesn't qualify them as being 'best friend ' it's loyalty that counts
    Poster two: reply him and ask him if this is a joke? ?? He just have the balls and the decency to do it In a civil way,

  15. N1, There is NO way they will just start hating you for no reason. NO WAY! Search yourself.. N2, You said you and your hubby have not been intimate for aver two years? You also said he told you to marry the young man you want? And you are sure in the two and half years you never slept with any other man? You just moved to your parents house and he sent you a message telling you not to come back home?..Hmmm..Let MOI wait for comments..hmmm..

    1. When you both are ready (poster 1&2) pls send the SUMMARY of the full story.

      Kind regards.

  16. The words Best friends sounds odd to me because I don't seem to have any. BV2, the more reason why those who can't stay marrried should never get married at first

    1. No sane person ever gets married with the intention o leaving. Things happen.

  17. Poster 1...let that friendship guys ain't enemies either...with time things will sort itself out and you will understand why everything happened the way they did . Poster 2..before you take any action, report this to your parents, his parents and then find a way to talk with him. Then you can decide on what next to do. Most importantly go to God in prayers He knows just how to fix these kind of issues. Best of luck.

  18. poster numero one -you have a right to know what you have done to your so called bestie ,call her and ask her . many things must have gone wrong ,maybe you are finer than her,maybe you have more grades in school than her ,maybe people like you more when you girls go out these things could be the causer ,if you call her up and she has no explanation.then this explains it ,inferior complex.

    poster numero two -Go back to your home ,let him throw you out him self.

  19. @poster 1. Sit her down and have a real chat with her,you must have wronged her unknowingly.
    @poster 2. Its clearly he's in love with another woman,let him be you will find someone who's worth it.

    1. Let him be ke?? Her wedded husband!! Big Noo! My dear, god will restore ur home.

  20. Poster 1

    For the entire family to now dislike you, you must have done something very terrible to her.
    Love does not turn to hate overnight without a congent reason.
    If you insist you are not aware of any wrong doing on your part, I am very surprised you have not met her and her family to thrash the issue out, considering how close you say you were.
    Under normal circumstances, both parents would have waded in even.
    Meet her and ask her point blank.
    You don't have to be friends afterwards but you need the closure.

    Poster 2

    Start ke?
    You have always been on your own.
    Looks like the marriage has been over for years.
    Thank God you have parents, stay there while you draw up a plan for your life with your child.
    If you don’t have a job, getting one should be your priority.
    Forget sex and dating for now.
    Concentrate on a means of livelihood and your child.

    1. Buh Goldscent D,as a parent Or parents that they are ,and their daughter's friend does something(Which u havent even heard her own side o)and d friend is calling and calling.i should have thought the parents should at least have a Talk wit d said friend.
      buh dey didnt.considering how long d two of dem have maybe,just maybe dis babe didnt do the perceived Ish her ex girlfriend and her parents think she did.

    2. General's wife this one Na long tin, friendship isn't by force , if d gal is giving her attitude then she shd forget about her Na, shuooo,evenif they settle d friendship wNt b d same again

    3. I agree TGW.

      The malice-keeping mum is not being responsible.
      She should have called both girls and asked them about the causer of this monumental fight.

    4. Me I have a liberal approach to friendship.. little wonder I keep very select few. Like I submitted above the thread, the mother's angle of taking sides with her daughter is questionable.

      I have friends I grew up with, and our parents know us with each other. As such, if issues like this happen, mothers especially should intervene. That is what my mother would do anyway. I can't imagine my mother taking sides so much that she'll suddenly become hostile to my closet pal. Even if we snatched each others husbands a mother should still settle the issue and leave us to either maintain our friendship or stay away from each other. But at least the major issue would have been resolved.

      Except it was discovered that the poster tried to murder her friend, I don't see what could have severed their friendship to the extent that her mother and siblings are acting up. Na dem sabi

    5. dis commenter abeg no talk like dis am sure poster1 has a very good heart na jealosy and envy cause m am experiencin same tin right now after almost having no life of my own cos of so call friend
      Abeg poster 1 no mind some rubbish talk on here im in ur shoes i knw your feeling sweet pls just move on and forget about her am so sure its God saving u from this evil family dont force da frienship let her be n God will reward you abundantly
      love you for your good heart
      av a kiss sweet mwahhh

  21. Narrative N1 you sound like me Kinda, if I like someone, really really like them, even if I say hurtful things to them, we quarrel and stuff I always look back at the good things they did with/for me and after sometime I start feeling guilty even if they were the ones that wronged me, what I do? I clear my mind totally..
    Call her, ask her what you did to her and her family, ask for a very frank conversation, apologise for anything you think you might I've done (I feel you did something, maybe a secret she shared with only you was let out somehow).. after this even if she's cold to you, you wouldn't mind much, cos you've satisfied your conscience, you've freed your mind.
    Narrative number 2, if you are working then there's no problem, if not, stay with your parents till you get something doing.
    2years is enough time for you to have gotten over the fact that your marriage ended long ago(2 years without sex? Seriously? Just make the divorce official.
    Did you cheat on him?
    Good luck.

  22. Poster one you sound very young. You never know wetin time dey talk , so u want to kill yourself on top a fellow babe like you. Friendship is not by force abi which one you dey. Since you refused to see the writing on the wall, she got her family members to send the message across to you, but you've vehemently refused to get it.
    Even married couples do not find it this hard to move on when one of them fall out of love. Move on my dear. Your destiny is not connected to that girl....

    Poster two tell us exactly what happened between you and your husband. That's the only way we can know how to advice you.


    1. Ur head dey there newbie , Wetin concern me and friendship that I shd bang my head for? Life Na per head

    2. Poster2 never ready to talk true yet, I gat no advice for her, she can comment with anonymous and tell us d truth

  23. Poster2: This can't b true! By faulting him in the first paragraph puts the blame on you! U put up dat sentence so dat people will c him in a negative light n den proceed with advising u to divorce him formally. Tell us wat transpired btwm u 2, perhaps u r seeing some other guy? By painting someone black b4 saying wat wrong the person did to only means dat u want ppl to hold on to wat u said n pity u, main while u r d problem! Wat I'm saying is dat, thr must b a problem b4 that 'sms'. Maybe u r d person dat eloped, just saying!

    Just radiated from Owerri!

    1. Which one is "Just radiated from Owerri"?
      In a bid to have a trademark on here, some of you end up looking stupid.

    2. Quiksilver. The thing just dey annoy me ah ah.

  24. Poster 1, u can still call2 usher her into d new yr. Sweetheart u gat to set ur boundaries,as God smtimes tk sm pipo out of our life journey for sm reasons,not everyone dt started d journey of life wt u,gets to end it wt u. As far u can't remember hurting her. Let go of her&d family. She wasn't destined to be a part of ur success story thru life journey.
    Poster2 Nawa for that ur husband oh. #pureEvil. I'm speechless

  25. Staying with a man that wants you out of his house can be very deadly because he will want to frustrate you to hell. The best thing is to send your brother to pack your things as he said, God will always make a way out for u.

    One and Only Ada David Omobabalanu

    1. We give up on marriage so easily these days; its just too scary!

  26. Poster 1
    Please she's your friend not your lover, try to find out what u did to her if nothing please let her be.
    It's obvious she doesn't want the friendship anymore.
    Y forcing ur self on her?
    I don't know how you girls do it oo, I don't have any close female friend , I have friends anywhere I go and I don't attach myself so much on friends.
    Contact her for the last time.

    Poster 2
    Please your story is not complete at all.
    We're u guys having problems?
    You stopped having sex with ur husband for 2 years y ?
    Who is the young man his talking odour that u want to marry?
    Why are u spending Christmas and new year in your mum's place instead of doing that in your home with your family?
    What's is going on?
    I don't know what to say to you oo since the story is incomplete.

  27. Poster 1: please let the friendship go, If you ever see her on the road or your path cross just greet her and move on. Don't expect the friendship to be like it was anymore.just with your clear conscience live your life and be successful, she will definitely want to renew the friendship.
    Remember success always bring friends.
    Poster 2: it's an answered prayer if you ask me. Better to be alone than to be in a loveless marriage. Think of what to do to make money legitimately and raise your daughter. Improve yourself too and strive to be successful. When you become great and successful , he will look for you and want reconciliation especially as you didn't hurt him in anyway.

  28. Narrative1 i was in the same situation sometime ago bt i later found out that somebody told her some lies against me and she carried it in her mind without asking me so i suggest you sit her down and talk to her one on one

  29. Nar:1,, let go of everything dat happen in d past cal or send her sms start d yr wit love. Nar:2,,dis ur story heavy ooo??what happen dat made ur hubby to send u dat kind of sms...

  30. 1] Why do u want this friendship so badly? She nd her family has made it clear to you that they don't want u around why are u still pushing. My advice to u is to move on nd find a better friend! Kpele

    2] Madam I won't claim to know what u are passing through right now but one thing I have to say to u is, there's always light at the end of the tunnel! God will see u through...E-hugs

  31. Poster 1 you should have asked her what you did wrong at the initial stage when you noticed her bad behaviour towards you. If it will make you happy send her new year msg if she reply,you can chat her up, if she don't move on with your life.

  32. Poster 1: Please let it go. Poster2: Your mail is one sided and it shows you must have been rude and selfish to your husband. His message shows the main has been in an abusive relationship and you possibly have been comparing him with younger guys. I can imagine not straffing my husband for over 2yrs. Please swallow your pride and go settle with your husband or you take care of your child alone. Marriage is a sacred instituition and its not meant from selfish individuals. God help you!

  33. @ narr 1
    Good u av forgiven her... U can call her to wish her well and try to find out wat u did to her n her family.
    If she dosnt bulge, let her be.

    @ narr 2
    R u for real, dt man is silly.
    Y did he av to do dat thru such means? sms? Dts crazy.
    Just try to find out what u did n make peace wif him or go ahead wif d divorce ish.

  34. Poster1....jst let go aii.buh dat closeness shuld not b dere again..neva keep malice with her again.

    Poster2...u knew the kind of husband u had,u shuld hv tried to empower urslf by looking for something to do..

    Visit my blog

  35. @ 1st Narrator: Like Madam Stells rightly said, abeg delete her from your life because she took you as her sidekick so you never mattered to her the way she mattered to you. Sorry about that but me na Delta babe and I go talk am as e be. She's not worth it abeg. Abi you dey beg for friend ni? Babe it's time you add more value to yourself and allow people around respect you and take you for who you are aiit. @ 2nd Narrator, how did you meet and even get married to such a man huh? Mehn, if truly you're married to him legally then you need to pray cos am not an advocate to divorce but if not my friend you need to buckle up, be strong for your child and with your head up high and with determination, you can acheieve more than what your heart is saying by the help of God. As you see me so, babes, no man fit do shakara for me because I believe in myself so much, I know what God has in stock for me cos He is not a wicked God and I command respect wherever I find myself and I don't allow anybody belittle my person. I wish you well my dear esp your child. This your situation might not be easy for now but only you yourself can fight it out and I assure you of coming out victorious and successful. Trust me. - Iyabo the Only One.

  36. Narrator 1, just let go, call her! Narrator 2, I really dnt knw wat 2 say. P.s. Stella pls I sent a mail 2 u. Kindly read it.

  37. #2...dat man is wicked, divorce via so my ex take break up wit me too sha. "baby I love u but I can't continue in dis rel,av moved on n u shld do d same u'l alway be a part of u alwz". .... God I know You'l give me a wife I'l love n cherish forever.Amen.I wonder how d devil creep into people's homes n steal d love dey once had.

    #1...some friendships have expiry date hommie,my number 1 buddy in school,we lived in d same room for a year n in d same flat for d rest of my time in school,we'd swap scripts in d exam hall,I'l ask him to submit mine n go out n stay bak to write his,I even spent d whole of my service year @ his popsy's house... now we don't talk,we saw eachoda @ a mutual friend's party on sunday n wen I reached out to shake him he just took my hand n didn't look @ my so life be. Every1 has a role dey r to play in oda ppl's lives @ a particular period of time

    1. Bitchplis are u serious? What went wrong? I tot guys are not as petty as girls.. U where that close? Na wa o.. Thats why i never had any best friend in school.. i had friends but no joined at the hip bestie.. Even now my friend i talk to most times and seek her advice is in PH she doesnt no those around me here in Lagos so no chances of she said.. she said.. i said.

      Poster 2.. 2 years without being intimate with your spouse is a great mistake on your part.. Am sure he was expecting you to beg him but since you where forming macho he concluded you must have one sugar son somewhere doing the job for him.. after six months what effort did you make? You should know the ttpw of man you are married to.. instead of looking at Nkechi's husband that he begs her with chocolate when he offends her.. u should have massaged his ego to keep your marriage or called in a 3rd and even 5th then later u will tell him with a gentle voice that yoy didnt like what he did to you am sure he will apologise then.. well as it is now.. u will have to involve your and his people to broker peace between you two.. unless you are no longer interested in the marriage. Wishing you the best of luck..

  38. Thank God for poster1,taught of sending something like that to stella! Will just read comment.@poster2 madam this your story is halve baked,why did he stop having sex with you?and who is the young man he is referring to in the text?madam your hand no clean abeg! I don't have advice for you

  39. Both narratives appear one-sided though.

    Am I the only one that dosent keep female friends? Not to mention this BFF thingy?
    Not complaining though.
    No friends = no backstabbing, envy and other accompanying BS!!

  40. Ewooooo @poster wa o..shuooo...Me I no get advice for this kind happening o....just pray.let.God direct protect.and provide for you and your child..that text sent chills down my spine..I thought marriage was meant to be.for better for worse...may God help you
    @poster 1 let it go...some baggages are not worthy carrying into the new year...she most have told her folks things that you probably did that she was pained about expecting you to know ya.fuck up...
    My dear....people come and.they go....if you can't keep silent chat me up, send me a mail and you would have a Lil fun...ndoo

  41. @bff gone sour. Babe yhu need to forget that one time bestiee of yours and move on. You've done your own part as a friend and if she or her family refuse to say what really you've done wrong, then trust me yhu need to forget them and move on with yhur life.

    1. Shebi "You" & "Yhu", "Your" & "Yhur" all have the same number of letters, why not type intelligently?

      You're welcome.

    2. Quiksilver you are blessed

  42. @POSTER1: abeg forget that your bff.there are sm frnds dat r just dere to show you d way,P.s...what kind of mother is that...your daughter bestfrnd n ur daughter no longer talk anymore and she no investigate.....
    or maybe she is jealous of smth you have or got before her....

  43. @POSTER1: abeg forget that your bff.there are sm frnds dat r just dere to show you d way,P.s...what kind of mother is that...your daughter bestfrnd n ur daughter no longer talk anymore and she no investigate.....
    or maybe she is jealous of smth you have or got before her....

  44. @POSTER1: abeg forget that your bff.there are sm frnds dat r just dere to show you d way,P.s...what kind of mother is that...your daughter bestfrnd n ur daughter no longer talk anymore and she no investigate.....
    or maybe she is jealous of smth you have or got before her....

  45. I just had a baby last month
    when I did my 6weeks check up
    my doctor said I can resume sex with hubby by next week
    my husband has written that date in his head
    he reminds me everyday how he can't wait
    truth is am really scared
    my tear has fully healed
    but I have this fear his big blokos will tear it up
    then again I fear Wat if my pussy is so wide he can't enjoy it anymore
    we ve been intimate this past week
    but no penetration
    he gives me head. ..I cum like mad
    I give him head too but my hubby hardly enjoys blow job..He has only ejaculated once
    so am really feeling for him cos I want to tell him am not ready for sex now

    1. Please kindly do your wifely duties and sleep with that man.....your vagina won't tear neither will it feel like a my dear do the needful the circumference of your husbands penis can't be wider than the head of your baby at you would accommodate him well without pain and as rehards the width of your vagina doing kegels exercise would have helped toned the muscles... Good luck dear...and you both should have a really good time...

    2. Improve your blowing skills.

      BJ is the easiest way to make a guy come.

    3. Ur vjay wont tear...i had stitches too(twice)nd six weeks is a long time for ur vjay to bounce back.thoh its normal to feel a lil pain d first time.ur DH is nt a rev father.pls peform ur duties biko

    4. You are not ready for sex abi... Dont come and tell us how u caught your husband cheating on you with Ekaete that lives down the street.. My dear at six weeks you are as good as new.. Still keep doing kegel to tighten your vjay but am sure you'll be just fine and have a great time so abeg do the needful..

    5. My dear improve your BJ skills.

      I remember when hubby used to say he didn't like receiving head. I actually believed him I didnt know it was because I wasn't doing it well and he didn't have the heart to tell me.

      I decided to improve my skills just because I was tired of being a passive sex partner.

      Now the nigga can give me the moon just to give him a blow job. He enjoys it thoroughly.


    6. My dear I was like you until my doctor reminded me how hot my husband is and I live in abj before one ho t babe go carry am. So I bought lube and I tell you it was just in my head. Inshort with all thehot water steaming I did. When he was grinding he was jusst saying oxygen and magnesium cos it was tight. So don't stress dear its all in the mind

    7. It will be painful at first but once you're relaxed, you both will enjoy it. It happens to most of us that had an episiotomy

    8. LMAO @ Oxygen n Magnesium. Anony 4:31

    9. @goldscent I disagree,b4 I cum durin a bj d girl's jaw for don dey ache,except she adds plenty hand rub sha...but now wey I dey match rusty,if dem unhook bra sef I fit cum

    10. At 6weeks after my 3rd child, I became pregnant with my 4th baby. Nne perform your wifely duty to avoid had I known

    11. Six weeks is too long to keep your husband asking for it. Pls do the needful. There's nothing to be scared of.

    12. Detailed instructions on how to improve fellatio would be most welcome.

  46. Poster 1: please let it go. Friendship isn't a do or die affair. If she doesn't want you anymore please don't push it....
    Poster 2: Eleyin gi di gan o. Please commit his heart to God and let Him take charge of your home. Do some mid-night prayers concerning this issue and go back to him. With God all will be well. Don't send your brother to him o.
    Some ill stories about marriage scares me sometimes.

  47. I just had a baby last month
    when I did my 6weeks check up
    my doctor said I can resume sex with hubby by next week
    my husband has written that date in his head
    he reminds me everyday how he can't wait
    truth is am really scared
    my tear has fully healed
    but I have this fear his big blokos will tear it up
    then again I fear Wat if my pussy is so wide he can't enjoy it anymore
    we ve been intimate this past week
    but no penetration
    he gives me head. ..I cum like mad
    I give him head too but my hubby hardly enjoys blow job..He has only ejaculated once
    so am really feeling for him cos I want to tell him am not ready for sex now

    1. D only line I saw
      "he gives me head. ..I cum like mad
      Omg!!!...ur DH's tongue must be magical**winks**

    2. I am also scared that my vjay will become wide after I put to bed. I am so thight now it drives him crazy all the time. It's almost as if he has to dis-virgin me all over every time he penetrates. but am scared it'll all change after I put to bed. Are there people in this situation, plz speak up biko

    3. I had a cut too..and waited longer than 6weeks....

      But nobody prepared me for the wicked pain that I experienced the first time we tried it..omg!!!!!!!!!!! It was just plain horrible...I made google my friend and realised most women experience such pain after giving birth..i ran back to the hospital as fast as my legs could carry me in desperation and the doctor assured me he has not stitched the whole thing up like I implied(he said something about the vaginal wall) Hian!! I looked at him with hatred in my eyes...why did he not sit me down and talk to me when I came for my 6weeks exam..I jotted down questions then and asked,he waved everything aside and said all was well!! Like hell it wasnt!

      Oh well,i went back home...I continued trying like my dear baby centre advised..sent hubby on a hunt for water based lube....needless to say,we kept trying..amidst trickles of blood until we succeeded....woman-top- is the ideal position so you can control the thrusts,and jump up if the pain enters your brain(buhahahahahaha)

      About the elasticity,fear will be as good as new..

      I didn't want to scare you..but gone are the days our mothers and sisters hide the pain of labour and other things so you go in there and almost die of always prepared when I know the truth..which is why I read extensively about labour,what to expect and also studied my supernatural helped me a great deal.. Goodluck,hehehehehehehehehehehehe *evil laugh fades awayyyyy*

  48. Narrative Number 1, abeg fashy her side jare. You've tried to mk peace enough. Move on pls. Get busy with some other things and people. Channel dt energy somewhere else. Her eye go soon clear, na she go dey try to bridge the gap soon. Either way, sha let go. That friendship is now toxic biko.

    Narrate number 2, no comment o but from my heart of hearts, I'll advice u to move on too. Enjoy ur life. Be open to new friendships. Don't let one nonsense man dts probably sleeping wt numerous girls stop ur shine.

  49. Will wait for comments.
    Xoxo mystery you are scarce.

  50. Narrative 1: i don't dig BFF, but you can act matured n call if you want. Cos you still care about the friendship.
    Narrative 2: if you got means to take care of your self n kids, then let go of him but keep the text message as your evidence. Life is too short to be in a *tepid* marriage.

  51. Lemme just chill with my Orijin and read comments...Hehe*


  52. Bia Poster 2 Wu is the young man?
    Una don start with una half gist?
    U are wondering how a 28yr old woman dey cope with a child?
    Tot u sed e doesn't tkia of u ppl, wich means uv bin taking care of u n ur child well b4 now.
    Don't worry u wld cope fine #Inugo!

  53. Here I am praying to God for a good man for marriage and poster 2 is saying the opposite. Oh God which way to go

  54. Poster 1
    It seems u are still clinging to a frnd who probably doesn't want ur frndship anymore...Biko let her be...Friendship ain't by force joor
    That's y I like myself...I hardly kip female frnds cos I hate DRAMA.

    Poster 2
    Frm d "sms" ur hubby sent u esp d line
    "you can marry the young man you want"
    It seems ur hubby is old and u've bin tryin 2 put him down or compare him to anoda man

    Can u be sincere enof 2 tell us wat u did wrong...U guys kip sending one-sided stories here seeking for advice...

    Y did u have 2 leave ur matrimonial home? Wat exactly was ur hubby's offence..?
    Why did u stop having sex with him for 2 years?
    Ur story is highly incomplete and therefore I won't judge ur hubby jes yet.

    Marriage ain't a bed of ROSES my dear.ur 28 yrs for heaven's sake.U ain't a baby.
    Call ur hubby on fone nw and apologise for wateva it is u did before leaving d house.

    Untill I hear frm ur hubby,i won't crucify him ova dt sms he sent u.
    @28,some are single and praying to God for a man.While some are mal-handling their marriages.
    May God help us

    1. If the story sounds incomplete yoy should desist from commenting instead of asking her to go apologize. If the man gave her an infection or beat her she should still go back and apologize. So because others are single, the married ones should kill themselves. He is now single so one of the desperate lot can go and marry him.

  55. Life's too short to be in a tepid friendship/ marriage. same issue in different form for the both. Narrative 1 call her but be rest assure the problem here is jealousy. And you still care about the friendship?
    Narrative 2, if you got means to take cof self n kids then face it and let him go you deserve some happiness. They advice you to bear but not there to take the pains for you. Zac

  56. All this bff thing ee! I dont know hoe ppl do that. All my friends have same spot in my heart. I can have close friend but not too close to be best friend. I know some of them adress me as their bf but i still cant get myself to do that.
    My dear, just call her on d 1st, wish her happ new yr and move on. Every friend has an aSsignment in ur life. And not all of them will be permanent as friends..just let it go. Thank God you dont have any grudge against her.

    @ 2#. Where u having any issue with ur hubby before? What exactly did you do??

  57. #1 Y not ask her what exactly the problem is.Who knows???it might not be what you think.
    #2 I think u are way too young to go thru this but this doesn't sound like the entire story.I just pray God intervenes.Take care..

  58. Number 2 , Stay put in your father's house, Let your brother get your things.
    Don't call him or text , Don't ask his friends why .God might be saving you from HIV or something else from him .

    2years you said without sex ?
    You're a very strong woman for you to stay that long and stomach him.
    28 is too young for such madness he is feeding you. maybe he denied you sex just to frustrate you out of his house , now he can't hide it anymore .

    Dear, pick up your life and thank God .
    Thank God you've family to fall back on. If you ask me , I will say that a broken marriage is better than a dead wife or husband .Don't go looking for him, let him have it that kept his eyes off you till he choke on it .
    No 2, Give her the last rope to play with , Be the bigger person and call her this new year , before calling her, make sure she is not the first person you talked to .
    Even if she response like an adult and laugh with you, be diplomatic and keep her at arms length .

  59. Poster 1, give her space, friendship ain't by force, let her be. I'm currently facing d same isshh, but my dear I ve given her a lot of space, no time abeg. Even if we wrong God, He forgives us, how much more a mere human being that u can't even tell or remember what wrong u did to her. I have ds friend who suddenly started acting up, ds is someone I have helped when she was in difficulty, ds was someone I never joked with her matter for a second. Suddenly she started acting up without any prior quarrel( atleast non that I know of). Despite all ds, I still tried reaching out to her via calls. bbm messages, fb n all but she kept misbehaving. I really dnt have time to tolerate so much nonsense, I had to give her space too. Na so we de now, NO TIME.

    1. Abeg liv d yeye friend, d sky is large enough



    1. A bad marriage affects children more than seperation umu I must stay married.

  61. Poster 1, you cant change how ppl treat you or wat de say abt you,all u have to do is to change how you react to it.
    My bff did d same thing to me while we wr still in sch, immediately we graduated, she stop talking to me, she dose not pick my calls. The worse part of it was that I never knew she as been killing me behind my back even b4 we even graduated .I just hv to let it all go and focus on a better future for my self. You can do better witout a bff.

  62. Post 1. Friendship no be by force oo, but to me jst send her msg for a new year wish, do not expect reply from her oo. Post no. 2. Ur story to me e get K leg oo, something must have happen be4 he can send u such msg.

  63. Poster 1.did u call earlier to find out wat has gone outta shape or u decided to dance qirh d wind.cos ur best of friends cant just be hatg without reasn. Call n tell ha watever d case u forgive n dey shud forgive u den d friendship ends .its nt by force at least ur conscience wil nw b free.
    Posta 2.i need to hear frm d man cos peeps lik tellg stories dat favors dem until den I read oda peeps comments.

  64. N1, its so obvious there's more to this. Its either you are academically sound than her or there's an underground check on you and they have found put something they dont like about you or theres a third party telling her issh about you (she talk say you talk say kinda thing) Or since you guys share so many things together maybe she has told her fam about personal private things about you (sexual escapades). In all, move jejely even though its hard. N2, WTH! What happened, what did you do? The *you can marry the young man you want* shows that you guys have been having issues earlier on. Madam something is not telling.

  65. Poster 1,;sometimes Pastors/Mallams/spiritualists tell people certain things about others that will lead to such a reaction...if your hands are clean just forgive and move on.

    Poster 2; your experience reminds me of a flatmate I once had. He left his home and started processing divorce from his wife. The reasons he gave for the separation sounded fake anyway, it was while we lived together that I realized he was secretly bringing men to sleep with. I came home one day during the day to pick up something, his car was in the driveway, I was surprised. I went into the living room and what did I see??? I never set eyes on him again. He disappeared for a few weeks and came home once while I was at work to pick his things... Your hubby might be on the down low (secret gay). No man can live with a wife even when he hates her and not sleep with her for 2 me I am a man.

  66. stella has eaten my wa ooo

  67. Just like a friend that I spoke with this morning. She has been in her parents house cuz she just finished service and her hubby stays outside naija. Now hubby came bk, didnt even asked after his family, and according to her for months now. No call or welfare upkeep from him.
    After her narrations i just told her she got it all wrong... how could she had allowed this to drag this long, if he didnt call u, y didnt she make the call.
    I just told her to bundle herself and kids to her home, for crying out loud she is his wife, owing to d fact that she has been with her family for long, what stops her from going home to spend d xmas, even if its just for days since its same town just diff vill.
    He cant sneak back and be hiding from his family, i told her to make sure she spends New yr with him not forgeting the power of prayers too
    . Sowi i have to write this here #2. This is for you. Just pretend u didnt see that text and go back home to ur house, he should have the effontry to look u in ur eyes and say those trash...
    May God restore all broken homes. I just dont like divorce.

    1. Na una dey force yourselves on men. Somebody came into the country and did not ask of his wife, you say she should go and stay with him. Did they swear for some of you young women? Where is your honour? Thats why marriages are the way they are today. If a man does away with you, you go and sit somewhere. When his eyes clear, he will come for you and then you can decide to take him back or not. Half of the marriages today were not meant to be hence the break up stories. Ah ah, forcing yourself on a man again, abeg get some self respect. This is marriage we are talking about, there is no medal for being a floor mat.

  68. No sex for that long means he's been satisfying himself outside . She may not have done something bad . Some men are possessed ,my ex was . He will wake up one morning and bring all sorts of false allegations against me . He's so mad didn't know and it seems my daughter has inherited that gene from him . She can fabricate things . Only God will deliver her .

    1. Pray over your child please and break that bond. I am doing that with my own children. They must not inherit the lack of self control, abusive and lying tendencies.

  69. Poster 2, did you call your husband "old man?" Why is he telling you to go and meet young men?

  70. N 1: friendship is not by force from all indication it shows that she's no longer interested in you, so let it go. You just know in your heart that you have forgiven her. No need to contact her again.
    N 2: this story is incomplete, buh the best thing now is to have a meeting with him and from there you will know what to do.

  71. Don't care what uv done or bout the young dude either....its bin 2years now no intimacy,I know dez more 2 ur story,n sm1 has 2 leave,n ma opinion not always d woman...go bk home if his tired he can pack,ur his wife wif his child so dtz ur home.. hazardous soft atall oo *ask me*

  72. Umunwoke na nsogbu so fa. @poster 2, Abeg no send ur brother. Don't respond to the text, pretend u didn't see it. After the New Year, go back to the house normally as if there's no issue. Greet him happily n let him throw u out of d house or send u out urself. Pls also be prayerful. God will see u thru...Amen! @poster 1, my mouth is sealed on ur case. I don't have any advise for u.

  73. I understand where you are coming from. I was once that type of friend. Always trying to reach out, apologize and mend things, but sometimes, in life, you've gotta let others be and decide if they value you and want you as a friend. Try to communicate by asking her if you offended her in any way. If she responds positively, fine. If not, send her the new year msg and let that be it. You will make new friends.
    Poster 2, I feel bad for you. What happened prior to this text? It seems you and hubby haven't been on good terms for long. Why not go back home and have a talk with your husband. Consider going with a trusted and mature family member to iron out the issues. Don't give up just yet. Good luck

  74. Poster 1 pls call her on that 1st if she did not pick ur calls or talk to u in a good way abeg forget her and move on but don't bear any grudges.

    Poster 2 all I will say is Na wa for ur gist sha. Which younger man is he talking about are u doing kukere behind him for him to say that or is he a secret gay hmmmm 2yrs no touching body for una Odikwa egwu

  75. Poster 1. You of all people should know that I visit Stella's blog religiously and comment as anonymous.
    I am totally disappointment that you would chose this medium to try to mend this relationship. Today, I read your account and now realise that I should take the stories that people send to this blog with a pinch of salt.

    I can see that you have twisted a few stories here, I don't know if that was done to throw me off track, but, babe, I know this is you. I don't know what you did for me back in school or class that I could not have done by myself, so I don't understand what you mean there.
    If you are so blameless in this issue, then why are you so bothered by my coldness? You know what went wrong and how we both handled the issue. Why then air your dirty linen on this blog? Why not come to me direct? You know very well how to contact me even though we no longer live in the same city and I'm very aware that you are still in contact with a few of my family members back home, even though they aren't as receptive towards you as they used to be.

    I can't even been bothered anymore, I'm so over wondering what happened to our friendship.

    As Stella would say, he who comes to equity must come with clean hands.
    *you know who*

    1. Wow! Why don't you send your own side of the story to stella?

    2. Please let her know where she went wrong at least since she insists she is ignorant of the reason for your behavior. That would be the most mature way to act. #my2cents

    3. Maybe she was trying to reach out to you, that's why she brought it here.
      Can you both trash it out now?

    4. What is it that this girl did that is so terrible that it cannot be said or forgiven???

      She's commented below and insists she doesn't know what she did!

      You mean she's cried to you, begging you to tell her her sins? And yet you hardened your heart!

      You must really mistake her persistence for stupidity.
      You overestimate yourself.

      Your brother and even mum treated her badly over same matter and you do not think you need to discuss whatever it is with your supposed "sister"?

      Not minding the shame in whatever you say she's done, she's asked you again. Please tell her or keep your peace forever. Otherwise your case would be seen as purely unnecessary jealousy and foolish pride.

    5. Pls poster one who claims to be the BFF in the post, pls u both should bury the hatchet , u see life is too short for this, Christ didn't die for this.
      Infact a friend's friend just died last night and it is about 3days to her wedding, she is gone just like that.

    6. Oh so u are here? I take back my earlier advise that she should go to your mom to ask questions for closure. Cos I imagined she was paranoid and didn't quite understand ur position. But reading your comment here, that is if truly u are the friend in question o... you are too full of yourself and damn arrogant.

      What in her mail is vindictive? I see a true friend who cares and is bothered that her once upon a time 'bestie" is breaking apart a friendship she relishes. Which dirty linen? Are u God? Are u indispensable? You are not even flattered that a friend brought ur matter here because she seeks for your attention. All u could say here flippantly is to downsize her effort to repair the friendship...because your ego has over shroud your judgement of what TRUE friendship entails. Who needs a friend like you? Haba

      All the people begging you to explain have time o. If I were the poster I would tell u to buzz off. Like seriously? Come down your high horse because it will not take you anywhere. You are aware she's in contact with your relatives and you can't be bothered? Abeg get the hell out of here. Remember that pride goes before a HUGE fall.

      Poster come, forget this babe because you don't need this sort of toxic egocentric Friend to rip away your pride and self esteem. Abi na she dey feed u? What fuckery?? am out.

      NB.. pls feel free to stalk me on this blog for the next one year. Because that is what you all do when someone speaks their mind. I no send una.

  76. poster 1
    friendship no be by force! Allow her to go.its for ur own good.
    poster 2
    what did you do to ur husband? There is something ur not telling us.

  77. Narr2)Wahala dey ooooo chai....

  78. Hmmm... shey I said earlier dat there is no smoke without fire, best of friends cant just keep mute without something wrong anyway pls 4give n amend ur relationship.

  79. The friend in question don respond oh. Na wa o. Poster 1 did u lie to us or what? Jus got my blog ID btw. I love SDK blog. Go soon post my own chronicle.

  80. Narrator 1, I can relate with you, though, you did not give us the full gist. Envy is the root cause and she could have painted you black to her parents. Please leave the friendship to fizzle out. Someday you will get to know the true story behind their attitude.

    Narrator 2, it's clearly written! He does not want you anymore! That was why he was maltreating you to push you out, now he seized the opportunity of this Xmas break. Don't go begging, have self respect, because he will treat you like shit if you go back! Leave your child with your parents and get a job. BTW, what does he mean 'the young man you want to marry?' There is something you are not telling us.

  81. Poster 1: let the motherfucker go...
    Poster 2: hmmmm, don't send ur brother

  82. Poster1, as we move on in life, we drop some people and pick some new ones. Am afraid your friend beat you to it. Do likewise and move ahead, that chapter of your life is closed.
    Poster2, you and I know that your marriage's been dead and buried a long time ago na. How can you say you haven't had sex with ur hubby for 2years and u think u r in a marriage? He is the same man that you have been tolerating for so long o "people advised me to bare with him that everything will be fine" So why are you surprised? If he hadn't done this, you would have sooner or later. We are in no position to help you as you didn't even give us the full gist. You have the shoes on and knws where it aches. But don't come playing the victim. I know your husband isn't a mad man.

  83. Poster no 2, why not call her and asked what you did, than coming to narrate a one sided story

  84. Poster number one Pls move is too sweet to allow your happiness be based on a friendship.leave her alone.when some one starts beefing you,leave them
    Or else u' ll be miserable for nothing.if she was a good person and you hurt her she' ll let u know . She doesn't like u.she envies u.leave her alone.dont send any message to her if u ever see her be cordial
    If she' s not as worried as u are that the friend ship is dying then she was never ur friend.why waste your energy on someone that obviously does not like you. Focus on u will better ur self. Achieve ur goals.when you do that good people like you will want to be your friend. And u' ll be happy that u didn't surround ur self with negativity. She can kill u.people' s true colours show as dey get ur self and walk away from this toxic u gain anything? Emotionally or financially.if no why are u so desperate for d friendship? Please forward ever. Backward never

  85. #1 let go if your friend does not your association, better friends will come your way #2 I think there must be something you've done before such text, I believe the story is not complete

  86. ANONYMOUS this is for u.......Wow am actually laughing right now,u know why,I dint know that my darling frnd would react to this,,,duhhhhh! I know u are a big fan so it's on purpose...And for Christ sake what did I actually do,your just angry dat I am bold...everyone have their own way of expressing their feelings..face the truth,I did nothing buh your stupid pride will never let u admit just happy I read your comment it shows how much hatred u really have for me,I mean your still bitter even at d verge of 2014...GET OVER IT...stop all this hatred,out of all the new friends u made,u know u can never have another like me,I never hated u one day,buh your comment is so unforgiving..fine ok I even contacted u last year,cried to u asking u to tell me if I av done anything to u,you said I did nothing so what the fuck are u saying,I don't hate u,posting this isn't to make u feel bad,I only said the truth,ur mum nd brother were mean nd wicked to me dats the simple truth,they wished me failure even to my face...I remember wat ur brother said one time when I called u ...Now the same happened to u,instead of u to face the truth nd keep ur pride down,ur ranting..u can never rant to my face u knw this,and besides what cud u even do for urself back then,ur foolish for writing that cos I dint even think that way,I was trying to say how much closeness we had...I av nothing against u dear,if u have then please continue...all I av to say always don't forget dat life what goes around comes around,,,,Happy 2015 to u happybunny :).... *you definitly knw who dis is,ur home gurl before before hehehehe *

    1. Wow! How juvenile of both of you! Really girls? Initially I presumed the friendship was one sided but after I read your comments, it's apparent you guys shared some good times together. Please in honour of whatever was real between both of you, get off this blog and settle this once and for all. Reconciliation doesn't mean you must remain friends, resolve your differences amicably and let the future determine what the future holds. 

      Clearly there's an element of pride embedded in the mix. Poster, how can you make a 180 turn from your "nobody knows the troubles I've seen" themed write-up to a "devil make care" attitude in your reply? Ohhh! I take it the godmother application is off the table, yeah? Honey stop the faux stoic act, drop it, you don't wear indifference well. Certainly not when less than 10 hours ago you poured out your heart passionately asking for a way forward. ‎

      Girls, seriously, this is getting a tad embarrassing. Please take the higher road and choose a better platform for this. ‎

    2. Interesting !

    3. Now that's my girl. Her comment reeked if arrogance like I already stated before coming to ur comment. She should buzz off. Now that's the closure u need. She's not worth it at all. Move on.jare, she's just a bully. Nonsense

    4. The both of you are childish.

    5. This their matter is annoying me. Ronalda, please allow her switch from her earlier position of pleading to know why her friend is mad at her. After reading the so called friends comment I was put off too. Who she be? Even if the poster was wrong, it takes a lot of swallowing of ones pride to initiate peace. The friend should have considered her post as a person who is sober and is calling for a truce. If my friend went all out like this for me it would melt my heart and humble me. So she has not been wrong ever in their years of friendship? Oh please. Kmt

  87. poster 1 it's a good thing you asking these questions. You are a diligent person. you need to be accountable to God and yourself. If you don't love yourself you can't love others.

    Ask God to reveal what has transpired. And read the writings on the wall.

    Just because you easily forgive other people's offense doesn't guarantee you that they will forgive yours.

    This is a time to build your faith and intuition. Do not ask her. Learn to be a secure human being on your own. Learn to know that God loves you and you are worthily. What offense you have committed is the least of your worries. Cut off all soul ties. What the Eye of the Beholder sees is what the children of discernment feed on.

    This is just the beginning on how to gain interpersonal skills.

    Rejection is the issue here and you don't know how to deal with it.

    You will see you will thank God.

    You could be the victim or the perpetrator.

    I have met perpetrators who can lie for Africa. state that they don't know what they have done. Yet few months down the line they start confessing.
    I have equally met victims who also don't know how to read the warnings by intuition, Holy Spirit or advice from wise persons.

    Both parties need the loving hands of God to restore them to wholeness.

    So be responsible for your life and stop seeking for love from other human beings.


  88. poster 1; you can go ahead to call her. its always good to maintain friends but if she doesn't want just leave her.
    poster 2; there is no smoke without fire. you have to let the cat out of the bag bf one would know what to tell you.

  89. poster 1; you can go ahead to call her. its always good to maintain friends but if she doesn't want just leave her.
    poster 2; there is no smoke without fire. you have to let the cat out of the bag bf one would know what to tell you.

  90. poster 1; you can go ahead to call her. its always good to maintain friends but if she doesn't want just leave her.
    poster 2; there is no smoke without fire. you have to let the cat out of the bag bf one would know what to tell you.

  91. Poster 1, I almost feel like this friend was told something that you did or said about her that made her angry. if she doe snot want to talk to you just let it go. Friendships like any other relationships do hurt to lose, but sometimes it is for your best. Just let them be.

    Poster 2, I honestly could not understand your story. Please send the full details.

  92. Poster No1, Sometimes, we have to let some people go out of out life,the more you attached yourself with some of people, you will never move on. I use to have a friend that I accomodated her lying, deceit and many more, she lied about her pregnancy, according to when she told me she was pregnant, I was planning a baby shower for August not knowing she was due in July. I know about her wedding 14 days before even though it was a small one which she needed me to a little ciiking for, and many more of her little game. when I couldn't take it anymore, I had to stop her coming to my flat and stop taking her calls alltogether, after a while she got the message and stop calling me.
    Poster No2, your story in incomplete. Have a word with your husband, it seems he has make his final decision with that text. Good luck.

    Anon B

    1. This is the kind of supposed "wrongdoing" people carry grudges over without their poor friends knowing whatever wrong they did.

      No one can predict delivery date exactly.
      Yourself friend migration have miscalculated her dates!

      14 days notice is not sufficient for you????!!!!!!
      Some people really have delusion of grandeur!
      I have a friend I invited on the morning of my wedding and she still managed to attend. I kept procastinating to call her until alas, it was the wedding day. When my sister mentioned it to my mum, she left her gele tying and stood over me as I made the call and even apologised on my behalf.
      My friends and family know I'm terrible at keeping in touch and have accepted me that way.

      Stop sweating the small stuff

  93. PD Young Billionaire30 December 2014 at 20:32

    Poster 1....Try and have a conversation with her.If she's still not forthcoming and your conscience is clear,move on already.Forget her and make new friends.
    Poster 2....You should involve your parents before you call it quits.You guys have been married for less than 3yrs and you are having issues already...take note that marriage always has its trying periods,this might be yours.

  94. #N1 friendshio they say is not by force my dear its by choice and since she's choosing not to relate with you again I think u should just let it be, I guess she can only be an acqintance now...N2.. I don't know what to say, am just dumbfounded I pray God helps you sort out the issue.

  95. @ poster1 friend are ik that mostly female friends, do u think its every 1 that value friendship, some pple end theirs as soon as there is distance just keep ur cool and let her be,
    Some friend are better kept in distance, as this doesn't stop u from doing good to each other in future.

  96. #1: Sweetie, you can only be certain about your emotions, that you tag a person "my bestie" doesn't mean that person tags you same. Your "bff" may tag you merely as a course mate or just some random chic to chat with and blow off steam. One of the most challenging things in any relationship is to be certain both parties are on the same page. Like one of my favourite Shakespearean quotes from Macbeth goes thus "there's no art to find the mind's construction in the face". Very deep words, indeed. From the facts volunteered by you, your friendship seems incredibly one sided. I was waiting to read about   some of the fun times you guys shared or fond memories that will naturally evoke nostalgia but...I waited in vain . Rather, it appears you were the one trying to maintain the friendship or you took it more seriously than necessary. My darling, I fail to see the "Siamese twin" analogy here. My steward and my driver even share a more intimate relationship yet it still falls within the "cordial working relationship", nothing extraordinary.

    It seems apparent that you ruffled her feathers without knowing. For family members to join in the animosity, she must have been offended by something you did or didn't do and true to the nature of your "friendship", she felt it's a better option to ignore you or respond with hostility should you reach out. My darling, stop trying too hard. I had to do a double take where I read you offering to be godmother to her kids!(yet unborn nonetheless) Wow! I'm even slightly put off by what whiffs of your desperation and I don't even know you personally. There's a saying in law that "you can't  force a willing employee on an unwilling employer". You can't and shouldn't force something as beautiful as love or true friendship on anyone. You'll only end up getting the corrupt version which will be detrimental to you. Honey, let it go, whatever you guys shared has run its course.

    However, in the spirit of the yuletide, you can call to apologise for whatever wrong you may have done. Do it for closure and to fulfil all righteousness and close that chapter but, please, my love, don't beg for the resuscitation of whatever you guys shared. Not everyone is meant to remain in your life, some come for a period and leave when their time is up. Don't pull back what is trying to move on, regardless of the heartbreak, let it go and look forward to new beginnings. #e-bearhugs.‎

  97. poster 2,
    menhh dont know ,but you have already said that you has never had any sex with ur husband long time now,,,and you celebs xmas with ur fathers home people not with him ur husband,which he maybe feeling lonely then nd find out that many of his friends was with there wife that very day,,so move on to avoid stella stella stella pls post this becos my husband is beating me every time nd day,,some woman using there own hands to destroying there beautiful own home,,bible says it

    1. What? I am sorry I cant understand what you are saying. Your husband beats you? Who is tearing down their home?

  98. Please help a sister, how can I improve my libido
    My husby is mad @me

  99. Hi....pls call me Zazi.Six months ago I met a handsome man and we went out for a date once and he seemed to be a good guy.We continued dating up until it became a relationship.I was already falling in love when I saw a wedding ring on his finger...and I asked if he was married.He said yes and no because they are in a separation process.I believed him because of the love and time he was giving to me....he would spend the whole day with me.....go out and introduce me to his friends...but...lately....he comes and stay for few hours and leave ....or leave as early as 3am...its hard for me to ignore do I do it


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