Stella Dimoko Being Robbed At Gun Point.


Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Being Robbed At Gun Point.

Many years ago, I boarded a Bus going to Okokomaiko where my Dad has a house and along the way,the man who sat in Front with me brought out a small gun and told the driver to ''PARK!''.

The driver ignored him and kept driving and then whilst i was wondering if it was a real gun in my frozen state of mind,the thief fired......he shot at the driver!

The bullet scraped my hand and took off some skin but i didn't know that until later when i saw blood and screamed...

When he shot and i saw smoke and smelt it,I was two seconds away from fainting when the driver stopped.There were others thieves from the gang seated at strategic places inside the 24 seater Bus and they collected everything we had.

My bag had my 3 phones,copies of interviews I had transcribed,one thousand naira in 20 naira notes,photos,my first engagement ring,tooth brush,a new okrika top that i never had the chance to rock after paying ten naira extra to purchase it ......They took stuff from everyone and ran away into the dark night
after asking us to lie down flat on the ground and PRAY!

For weeks on end i wasn't myself and any noise i heard made me startle in fear.

I am still not over that experience  and quite honestly i don't know how to forget seeing a gun pointed my way and having the bullet miss me.It was a miracle.

Has anyone on this blog,reading this now ever being robbed at gun point?have you ever seen the nozzle of a gun and said your last prayers?
That is what happened to my friend Laila Ijeoma who runs Laila's blog and I am happy that she LIVES to tell the story today.

Join me in Thanksgiving for sparing the life of Ijeoma.....She is a journey that is good and armed robbers have no right ending her life..Thank God!

Do you wanna share your 'Robbed at gun point' experience and how you over came the fear/shock?


  1. Woooow , The Lord be praised. Laila I rejoice with you in tears of happiness and for the mercies of God upon your life.
    I have never experienced such ordeal. But my parents have, even my mum when she was pregnant. I'm grateful to God that the armed robber didn't pull the trigger.

    1. Hmmnnn. All praise to jah. But if she needs odechi,make she contact me. Lmao. Am just kidding o

    2. I was travelling to Abuja in May, from Jos with my husband who was driving. We left early on a Saturday because we had an appointment. Along Kaduna road from Jos we saw a truck that was parked, it had broken down. On the side of the road a man and 2 children lay down beside an okada. I was concerned and asked my husband to stop. I thought it was an accident. I wound down and asked the man if all was well , he said "No froblem madam dey go". The kids refused to look up and and they appeared okay.
      That spot was a bend and was very bad. My husband had to drive round the truck to pass. Lo and behold in front of us, a boko haram looking man( with that their head scarf they tie around their head) had stopped a commercial mini can that had overtaken us earlier. He was carrying a gun.My husband on seeing him did one kind action movie driving. He did a quick reverse and started speeding away.
      After he turned two more came out of the bushes on both side and started shooting at us. Stella I initially thought " knock outs" were being thrown on the road in front of me. I have never seen a gun being fired in real life. When my brain processed that these heartless humans that cant manufacture a human being were actually shooting at us, I bent forward in my seat(I was seated in front). My husband too bent forward and stepped on the accelerator. I felt the bullets hitting against the side of the car. I started praying.
      We escaped and drove for about 30minutes before we realized the front tire on my side had gone flat. A bullet had gone through it. We alerted drivers we saw on the road.
      When God stands for you, not even an AK 47 can do damage.
      If we hadn't stopped to offer help to those villagers that apparently had come upon the operation and were told to lie on the side of the road, we would have driven straight into the bad spot and the first robber.
      When Jesus said "Heaven belongs to these little ones". We might not understand but Stella, the man on the ground told us to continue. The kids refused to even raise their heads. So this man didn't mind us heading into danger. It was the kids attitude that delayed us a bit
      My car has dents on the passenger door and a hole on the bumper where a bullet passed through. In fact it was difficult convincing people that the damage was done by bullets.
      Trust our useless police men, we met check points on our way back after we had fixed the tyre at a road side vulcanizer.
      The next weekend the VPs wife's car was robbed on that same road and the driver died. I finally passed the road again a few weeks ago and saw policemen on the same spot. That's our country for you. Its when a politician is finally affected that something might be done
      " A thousand may fall beside you, Ten thousand all around you but whoever that believes in the Lord for safety will not be harmed". (Psalm 91. My favorite passage)
      That's my story.

    3. BLOG ANALYSER: I was year student of a tertiary institution in the middle belt. I had travelled to the village to attend to some family stuffs. On my way back I boarded an ABC bus heading to my family home in Abuja. We left around 10am. U know their mileage wahala coupled with hold up at Onitcha. We arrived at their park in Abj around 1am. The taxi drivers were calling exorbitant prices. I wasn't ready to part with my money nd I don't trust them. So I just decided to sleep in their terminal. I woke up around 6am nd said my prayers. I left shortly after wards for the house. Few minutes later I was by the Julius Berger/ jabi road. I was looking for a taxi heading to Berger bridge. Different cabs passed but all of them had male occupants. I had counted five cabs. By the time the 6th one was coming I decided to flag it down coz if I keep waiting I might not get home that day. There were four male occupants, two in the front and two at the back. I joined them nd sat at the edge close to the door. I greeted them bt the way they were looking at me I became scared. However, I kept mute. We had not gone far, wen the one seating close to me brought out a gun nd pointed it on my head. Jesus! I frooze, I began to beg them that I was coming from my grand ma's burial. Infact at a point I began to speak Igbo language. I was referring to them with "sir". They ransacked my body, my vagina, my breast nd even my Anus. I was even purging nd I had placed a tissue in my anus incase something decides to drop bfore I get home. They brought it out thinking it was money. Brethen, it is good to pray ooo. While at ABC terminal shortly after my prayer, a tiny voice told me to put my 15k in the back pocket of my jean nd leave the rest small currencies in my hand bag. I obeyed. As they were searching me they asked me how much I had on me I told them 1k. That was a risk nd I will never take that in my life. In my moment of fear, I pulled out 1k from my back pocket nd gave them. Thank God they didn't catch me. All these things happened under 5minutes or more. They turned my bags upside down nd everything that I had in them fell in to the car. My phone, I'd cards, ATM card, my shoe nd clothes. However, I begged for my sim nd they gave it back to me. Wen we got to Julius Beger Bridge they told me to jump out coz they don't want to push me out. I jumped out nd fell nd one of my slippers fell back in their car. I was crying, few people stopped nd consoled me. A vehicle from no where popped out and the male occupants where asking me the route they took. In my fear I justed pointed at a direction. They claimed they were police officers but there was nothing to show that coz they were all on mufti and the car coloured . I got home nd everybody was glad I was alive. God, I am grateful for the gift of life.

    4. I thank Jesus on your behalf

      The goos Lord will help u recover from this horrible shock


    5. Haha, but my lord is my odechi oo, can't shout

    6. @onyi asa, thank God for your life but your story funny die esp when u wrote about purging and anus kaii you be comedian wey no knw her talent lol

    7. Onyiii Asa, this your ordeal is something else oh, chai, pele.

    8. 1. I don't even know what to call the incident I had. I'd gone to see a friend somewhere in a buy a, and on my way back got in a cab. It was getting dark. I was going to berger from maitama. at the time, there wasn't good construction like we have now. The cab was to make a u-turn back to berger but instead continued going straight. seeing this, I asked him why he didn't make a u-turn, and he said he mistakenly missed it. so I asked where the straight road was leading to, and he said kubwa. He apologised and said he will turn at a the next u turn. I'd gone to see my bobo, and was still in a sweet trance reliving all that happened. The cab guy soon got a call and he spoke in yoruba saying "please I am coming now now"...I paid no attention, but told him he needed to look for a u-turn now. My people, he made a u-turn, and soon after swerved into an untarred road! OMG! I started screaming, and immediately opened the door to fly out! The guy grabbed my top which was a tissue top, and somehow a part of me was out of the car and partly inside, and he kept driving. ..He stopped after 30secs and I rolled off. I tried to run, legs too weak. He started dragging me to the bush, and I kept struggling. ...trying to scream but not finding my voice. He said he would strangle me if I didn't stop screaming....His hand came to my mouth and I bit him! I don't know where the strength came from, but all of a sudden, he left me, and git back into his car....I ran after him asking for my bag and he threw it out and drove off. I found my way back to the road, it was pitch black...I was waving at cars until a white golf stopped some distanve away and asked what I was doing in the bush, and I said I was attacked...They helped me and took me back to my bfs. ....Till date, I can't understand what the man was trying to do...He didn't take a dime, nor touch me suggestively....but I thank God for saving me.

    9. OMG! God abeg o! I no fit.

  2. Reading this piece am shaking. Its an experience I done wanna have.

    1. Awww! It is well ma'am. I have never experienced armed robbery before. God give her the strength to carry on

    2. I ve never experienced armed robbery before and just cant tell how the trauma feels afterward...
      I really thank God for the life of laila Ijeoma aldsame..



    3. Hmmmm robbers,
      In my second year in school,I was living off campus,one morning my then best friend just came to me(was already in the school premises) and asked me to escort her to another close by state to visit her sick sister in the Hosp,I obliged and left school.I didn't tell my roommates I was leaving school because I thought I will still return that day so didn't see the need to.unfortunately we didn't make it back that day,when I got to my room the next day,in the morning, I saw shit(nshi) on the floor and everywhere ransacked!!!,I was shocked,I didn't even meet anyone in the room,my roommates had all left school back to their homes,I quickly ran to my neighboir to asked what happened and he told me robbers were in our room last night and you know what,they came asking of you!!!!...Jesus I screamed, me?
      What did I do,who have I wronged ,that was what kept coming to my mind,I started suspecting everyone around me,all the guys I have refused to date/have sex with,even my make friends..hmmmm thoughts of what could have happened to me if I was around didn't let me have peace, I quickly ran and spent the rest of that semester with my sister.
      2).I have just returned from Lagos to owerri with ABC,they got into owerri very late at night,my impatience didn't let MW wait at the terminal till morning, I quickly jumped bike to take me home,lo and behold the bike man went through a lonely road,parked and robbed me off everything,don't know if he had a gun but kept his hand lime he had one,gave me a slap of my life, had two phones, he took it and all my money.begged him to pls give me a phone he said unless I sex him!!I told him no worries,carry everything I won't sex you,na so he zoomed off.
      3).was with my friend going to pH form aba,it was late at night around 9-10pm we waited for a bus along the express cos we were coming from owerri,a red car pulled up with guys inside,qw didn't think for a second could be robbers,oh we were thankful that finally a car had come,people rushed it to enter but they stylish made provision for just my friend and I,when we got to IMO gate,at gun point they pushed us out of the car I even threw my phone in the bush but the guy saw me and went and pick the phone,it was 3310.
      4).the last onw ,with all the exp I had,I boarded a bike from owerri town to futo the bike man on the way started acting funny, I calmly divided my money into two,one in my breast and the other in my bag,he knew I didn't know the way very much but I had an idea of where I was headed.when we got to a lonely road he immediately diverted into a bush part,I do not know where the strength came from but before he made that move I was already on the floor of the express,I jumped out of the bike,immediately I started flagging down car to help,as one was about to stop,the bike guy zoomed so my life was spared that night.
      I pray to God never to see them again,not even my family,friends,enemies in Jesus name Amen!.

    4. Amen dear!!

      First time in my life seeing Robbers was Scary up till today thou the shock is almost gone.

      Was coming back from a wedding with lee boo, as we were driving tru d usuall police check point spot, the next tin we heard was a gun shot !gbaoo!. I can fear shaa! I started figeting, pix for pant immidiately, I was sitting in front while we had 3 cousins @ d back, the next tin i did was opened the door and tried to run away( big mistake). Lee boo tried stopping me and @ d same time tried reversing cus dat road is a very narrow road and cars were behind, becuz i fled and left the door open he couldnt reverse wit d door open and this delayed him, they finally caught up with him, the ppl @ d back had already swerved into the drainage. Lo and hehold they were kidnappers and had already kidnapped their target and had him with them in the victims jeep.
      The finaaly came close to lee boo, pulled him out from the stearing, held him and shot him @ the left foot @ close range, the missed it, while still holding him, gave him d second shot and asked him to enter their car, where strenght came to him from we didnt know but he ran away with high speed( i was watching from d bush where i hid) to a spot and ran into a compound, afteer they left we came out and met and empty car, we all started panting thinking he had been whisked away but thank God that while i was running i had my fone and Thank God also that he is a very strong man,even with the bullet woung and pains he could call me on fone( he had his fone too in his pocked)dat was how we located him and rushed him to the hosp, we didnt have any doc report but while we were rushin to d hosp i dont know how but i just dialled a doc friend who works with a govt hosp nearby and he said he was on duty dat night,! B4 we got to d hosp he had alread set strecher and made the bed!

      Chaii! Thank God for Doc O. We are forever greatful!! Na for hin case i dey know say men dey cry, most times i cried with him too. Even wen ppl tried to see it dat somehow if i had not ran out and bla bla bla! He alw defended me oo cuz he said he knew I will jump out!! I hate gun ee!!

      Anyways thank God he had just a crack no fracture and all cuz it had and exit. He was down for 1 year but we are greatful to God for his life, thank God hes leg is fine now too.
      Na recently i begin greet police men o not to talk or army!

      My epistle don too much mbok!!

  3. Replies
    1. I have experienced it twice.
      The first time was my first year in the university, I went to see my parents and got back into town by 2:00am because a pregnant passenger in the bus got into labor in the middle of nowhere and the driver had to pack so she could be delivered of her baby. Well she had a healthy baby but we got into town pretty late. I boarded a taxi with four guys inside because I recognised an old school mate amongst them.
      Well, so I got in and sat besides him and we exchanged pleasantries then the taxi changed course I tried to question the driver and one of the guys pulled out a gun and pointed at me. The next thing I knew my school mate taped my shoulder and asked me to calm down and that they won't hurt me if I corporate.
      They drove to one compound while he kept trying to catch up on old school gist with me.
      When we got to that house, dude asked me take off my clothes and lie down hmm I asked him why he had chosen that way of life and all he could say was desperate situations call for desperate measures.
      Gosh I begged and pleaded but all he could say was that he had always liked and desired me and won't let that opportunity to have me pass him by . Stella before his gang members Sammy raped me while one of his guys held a gun to my head. When he was done the other guy tried to take over but he quickly pushed him away and told him this was not a normal hit.
      Long story short they almost fought because of me but finally decided to just collect everything I had on me and let me go. I cursed him and threatened to make sure he rots in jail but he just laughed and dared me to do my worst while one of his friends gave me a slap for talking to their boss anyhow. Well when I got to the police station they made light my predicament and threw my case out of the Window. And true to his words, our paths have never crossed again and it's almost ten years now. I don't know what has become of him and his gang and I sincerely don't care.
      Thank God I didn't contract any deadly disease from that ordeal. Am now married with 3 kids and I thank God for my life. Let me leave my second encounter for another day.
      At least they took only material things and didn't touch my body.
      It is well with me and other victims. Thank God for Laila.

    2. @Roseflower: Hugs it is well. Stay strong

  4. I've never been robbed at gun point, I pray not to, but I'm an advocate for capital punishment against armed robbers cos they r heartless n cruel.

    1. I have experienced it twice. The first one, they almost burnt down the house with us inside simply becos we didn't open the door on time. Robbed us and let us to battle with our burning house. They were caught and killed by OPC in another operation. Till today, after almost 7 yrs, the slightest noise wakes me up. I suffer from insomnia as a result.
      2nd one was along Lagos-Ibadan express way. Only God must have saved us. We noticed a car facing us while telling us to turn back as well, before we could comprehend what was happening, we saw 3 "big men" in front of us with guns. My friend became transfixed while I was screaming please reverse ooooo, had to tap him before he could do anything, suddenly those "big men" became 7 and they started running towards us. Come and see James Bond driving. We saw as they pulled out passengers from a car that overtook us while reversing. It was dt day I knew that luxury bus could reverse with speed lol. Nasty experience.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Omg! I thank God for her life.I don't have such story and will never have it IJN

  6. i dont kw wat ppl gain from stealing, they dont kw dat one day de will get caught and rote in jail.

  7. I have never been robbed @ gun point just dumped so I don't have any stories to tell

    1. Lmao
      Send in your narrative
      We've got space *wink*

    2. Hahahahahhahaha if I tell you ehe,you will give me slap,maybe na because I too dey trust person with all my heart,and loved like a fool but that is history now, I am hard as steel now

    3. Hehehe u resemble mumu sef tayan lol

  8. Thank God for your life and that of laila. I've never been robbed at gun point but I've experienced robbers operating on the same high way I was traveling. Menn! The experience is so pathetic. Felt like I was seeing death face to face.

    1. armed robbers were robbing our neighbours in june this year. our househelp stood up to go open the gate for them. if not that my dad quickly woke up and stopped her she for invite them into our house. My dear that girl over sabi too much. for morning she talk say she wanted to see what was going on. hmmn by almost 3am in the morning. it is God sha

  9. I rejoice with Ijeoma o. Worst experience ever.

    It happened to me in Aba during my service year. The blood and the flesh bits of the guy they shot were all over me. I went back to the village I was posted to and never ventured out again until we passed out.

    For months, I experienced nightmares, sleepless nights, palpitations of the heart, jumping at any sudden noise and constant fear.

    Pele Laila.

    1. i have never had the experience and will never by Gods grace,amen.

      i had this Edo neighbours way back, father was based somewhere abroad,mum and 4 kids were here.The man used to shuttle pretty often.I recall seeing about 4 to 6 girls say every 3 months then they disappear and another set of girls appear,hmm.

      They were living downstairs and you could tell that a lot of activity went on in that house.Armed Robbers visited the street this fateful day and for some reasons only went to their flat.They stole and then raped the wife and their 2 teenage daughters.They raped 4 other girls who were there at the time for their travelling abroad runs.
      The gist was everywhere on the street courtesy of their first daughter who confided in about 2 of her friends.Those ones told everybody that cared to listen..She told her friends how the robbers told them to give them a blow job at gun point then raped them .I really felt for them though a lot of people on the street said it served them right as they were also destroying other peoples lives by sending them abroad for prostitution.

      The family moved out about 6 weeks after the incident.

  10. Wow! Thank God for her. Robbers! Hmn..
    I was still a teenager when they came visiting my home. They pointed the gun at my mum and from nowhere I jumped right in front of my mum screaming that they should shoot me instead. I didn't know where the braveness came from. Thank God for his intervention, as someone had called "Quick Response Squad" and they actually rresponded on time.
    Its an incident I try so hard to forget. It was terrible.

  11. Wow! Thank God for her. Robbers! Hmn..
    I was still a teenager when they came visiting my home. They pointed the gun at my mum and from nowhere I jumped right in front of my mum screaming that they should shoot me instead. I didn't know where the braveness came from. Thank God for his intervention, as someone had called "Quick Response Squad" and they actually rresponded on time.
    Its an incident I try so hard to forget. It was terrible.

  12. I went to a salon on Bode Thomas, surulere. Finished @ 7ish, got outside and stopped a taxi. I was headed to the Island. I sat @ the back seat, owners side. When we got to CMS the car started jerking.. next thing he stopped just after d pedestrian bridge. Next thing I saw was a gun pointed @ my chest. The taxi driver was an armed robber! He took my 3 phones, my purse that had 20k in it and was even asking for my PIN to my debit card! Anyway after the robbery he spoke in clear english" get out and you better don't do anything stupid'. That startled me the most cuz I could tell he was quite educated. Anyway, I noted the plate no.. turns out it was a taxi that had been stolen a couple of months earlier and the guy was still driving it around in Lagos without even changing the plate no. Lesson learnt: Never take a taxi on the road. Always walk to the nearest taxi park. To avoid matters that touch, I emptied my bank account and bought a car with Speed. 5 yrs after and I still remember the cold feeling of that gun against my chest.

  13. Thank God for your life dear... Hmmmm... I had the experience in my university days....

    How would I forget the sound of my door bolts as they stepped their foot on my door GBAM!!! MY DOOR OPENED!!! I jumped up from my bed because I was sleeping when they broke the door. They pointed their gun on my head and their torch flash on my face, they racksacked everywhere but thank God they didn't rape anybody. They only panel beat those that tried to look at their face.

    Immediately they left, I was shivering, I couldn't get up from my bed because of fear but when I finally did, I noticed i was stained.... Jess.. Fear and tension made my period appear on time. For days, I no sleep for my hostel.

    May we never come across ndi fine boys....

    1. Thought you were a male oh , hian!

    2. Unizik? I had a similar experience there

    3. Ehn ehn na so pple dey gv demslvs away after creating a false identity. Take note Mr Bamidele aka galore. Hian

  14. Never been robbed talk less at gun point, i thank God for sparing her life.

  15. I thank God for ur life Laila. May his protection never depart frm u and urs. I ve bn robbed at gun point and it's not what I wish for my enemy to witness. May God protection be wth us all.

  16. Never have, and by God's grace, never will.
    The stories i've heard, are better talked about, than experienced.
    Thank God for Laila's life.

  17. I never have, and i never will by God's grace

  18. I dont pray my enemy witnesses such.My family was robbed in d middle of d night some years back in our three bedroom apartment then, they broke down our then wooden door with an axe,threatened to kill my siblings n i if my parents didnt corporate, a gun was pointed at us,one of them hit my dad on d head with a pistol, twas really terrible, we all were shivering, we couldnt even look up but thank God there was money in d house which they took n left.We couldnt sleep in that house 4 a year or thereabout, we were always so scared til God helped us forget.
    i also heard of one,armed robbers visited a face-me-i-face-u apartment like that n they interchanged the husbands n wives n asked them to sleep with each other,those people r WICKED.
    I pray God continues to protect us all

    1. @kemikemo, Jesus christ of Nazareth!!! Say what????? They interchanged husbands n wives n ask them to sleep with each other??? Gosh, that is preposterous.......May God never allow us see such calamity in our lives in Jesus Name.......AMEN.

  19. hmmmmmmmmmm wat won't I read on this blog

  20. Hmmm, I will come back and narrate mine. Be right back

    1. It happened almost 7 years ago and it was really scary. At that time, my mum was out of the country, my younger ones were in school, my elder brother was serving in Ogun. State and I was working at that time too. It was just myself, my dad and the house help (a boy). I had been pleading with my Elder brother to come spend sometime with us that it was boring and he said he would come after I don beg taya. He was supposed to come like on Friday but changed his mind and came on a wednesday. I was very happy and we were all gisting together with popsy. All of a sudden my dad's sugar level dropped and he needed to take fanta to get it back up so he sent the help, that one didn't come back early he then sent out my brother who went and came back before the help. After that, I served my brother food and he was like haa the food is too much oh, I said eat abeg see as u be like bonga fish. We all laughed and went to bed. At about 2am the dogs were barking seriously (we had two dogs then, one infront of the house and one behind the house). To be continued

    2. My brother didn't sleep in his room that night, he slept in our younger brother's room. When the dogs were barking he was wondering what was going on, he stood up and saw people jumping into the compound and thot they came to clear grass cuz the compound is big, he then said but it's dark na, he left the room and wanted to hide in the ceiling but remembered that I was in my room and in the process of coming down the ceiling he fell. Me in my room I heard the dogs barking, woke up, heard the fall (from my bro) and dialled my dad's number. I told him it's like someone is in the house. I then wore my clothes and started heading to my dad's side of the house. The house is a bungalow attached to a duplex, on my way out of the room, I heard my brother say where are u going? I said to dad's room and he said they were 15 men in the house. At that point I froze and went back to the room shaking.

    3. Nne pls contunu d gist o

  21. Yes o. Twice! One I was abt 10 and on a journey frm uncles place to the house den. I was with my parents, my elder bro and the driver. They took evryth and drove away with the car. Evry1 dropped evry penny except me. An uncle gave me N20, I think and it was smth as of 1996/1997. It was so bad that evry1 was praying and shivering. I slpt off o on the ground where I was lying dwn. I was woken up after they drove off and we started heading home. We were almost home, and we walked d'rest to police station and dn home. Got home, my siblings were all sick; like they sensed wht was happening den. It was that my N20 that was used to buy paracetamol den.
    The 2nd time was at home. It was assassination attempt but they came to the wrong home. The description of the victim was close to my dads, both the type of work, where, area of residence, name sef. Tnk God dad wasnt at home, it wud hav been a diff case. They realised wen the checked the pic they had and my dads pic hanging on the wall. And they used the opportunity to rob. They next day, dey assassinated the man they came looking for in our house. Kai! Army ppl watched our house 4 one week den. No be beta experience, I tell u.

    1. Hahahaha hahahaha, @ i refused giving them my 20naira NAD I slept off...lmao!

    2. Hahahahahahaha lol@"I slept off on the ground where I was lying down".Poor you what did you know then.

  22. STELLA AND LAILA , PLEASE PERMIT TO VOICE THIS OUT : HahahahahHahaha......hahahahahahahahshahahahaaaaaa...So fucking funny !
    I mean the narration was so funny especially the extra 10 naira paid to test the okirika !
    Hahahahahahahaha...Oh sweet Jesus !
    Pls forgive me o o o !
    Sister laila , ndo o , Is not your potion in Jesus name neither will it be that of any body you & I know in Jesus name .
    It really hurt me that the onye-ori will dash his nwanyi your well beloved okirika even with all the waist bending you type of nonsense this ...hahahahahahahahaha...and the 20,20 naira note, they will use it to do happy Christmas for small ,small children at the village without even telling you laila thankuyou"
    How dare they ask you to romance the main road when you are married ? ? ?
    It pains me to know they will give your ring to another nwanyi who will make endless love to the onye-ori without knowing it was Ijeoma's ring . Even your tooth brush ?

    Don't mind me dear, as I read this story , the only image that keep showing itself was the day my in-law was robbed , they took everything from him, including his AGBADA " that's if my spelling is right .He came back in his boxer, with mud up to his ankle and a soaked boxer from his own urine !
    They even stole his apple .His fear even after months got me laughing so hard nit just you !

    1. U are sick!
      What's funny about all those u mentioned...
      Mmmttschwww,gerrout of 'ere

    2. I believe your sickness is more critical pussylicious .
      Oh sorry, I forgot you see and reason through your pussy so get the fuck off my comment and go fuck yourself compound animal !

  23. Never been, and never will be robbed, tufiakwa!!!

  24. Thank God for ur life it's the Lord's doing .

  25. Thank God u r alive in gud health to tell d story..i have had an experience too but i think it was a toy gun but d dude still went away with ma bag.

  26. I have been robbed at gun point before and they hit my head with the gun. I had to get stitches. I still can't talk about it cus I get panic attacks thinking about it…..

  27. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!.Thank God for sparing your LIFE;It's a MIRACLE.........Can imagine the pain u going through.Get well soon dearie.

  28. I have been robbed @ gun point and it's not an experience that is forgotten in a hurry. I was even pregnant then. I just stopped my car in front of my compound to open the gate and drive in when I felt the nozzle of the gun on the side of my neck. I still thank God they didn't fire especially as I had my three little princesses with me in the car.
    For weeks on end, everyone suddenly looked like a criminal to me.

  29. Faced with a gun is not something I wish my enemy. Nov 5 2012 like all youth corpers look forward to camp I boarded ibadan bus from lagos got to ibadan past 11 had to chill for an uncle to take me to where I will get Iseyin bus, I got to Iseyin park and I boarded a rickety bus driven by a very slim & old man, along the lonely road I knew there was trouble cos there was no vehicle coming neither a vehicle going while we were younger my father instilled that into us, with faith I continued d journey I had switched of my bb cos there was no network few minutes we approached a bend & I saw a police station I was relieved instantly I heard park dere God I froze scared to death, the sound of gunshot d ground was shaking we were told to drop al our belongings & the raid began. After raiding our bus they moved 4wrd to raid few more vehicles, after their satisfaction d boss came & told his boys to spray us OMG did I just hear spray I immediately said my last prayers, confessed al my sins & prayed for my mother I asked God to comfort her wen she hears d news immediately I stopped d prayer I noticed that d police had come to our rescue al I could do was thank God.
    Throughout camp I wasn't myself, was sick al through bur I thank God for life. I still av phobia 4 travelling bur am getting better.

    1. My dear, its God that keeps us. 9ja police? They are their cohorts if not thieves themselves. Imagine you were robbed close to a police station

    2. And they came after the operation. As I'm typing this now one alika wanted to flog the keke driver and it touched me small...the way I shouted on him ehnnn. MMtchewwww. Useless fellow.

  30. Stella, never been robbed and will never be robbed in Jesus name. My colleague told me of his own experience at that Okokomaiko. He entered a bus at orile at about 8 p.m. He said the next thing he heard one of the robbers shouted Praise the Lord, Offering Time. everybody for bus open mouth until they see gun ooo. they were all robbed of their possessions. He himself loose some money and phone

  31. I was robbed @Ekosodin, uniben in my university days. I was actually in my hostel then frying egg when my neighbour knocked, i open door 1st thg I saw was red bandana tied to d nozzle of the gun, 2 robbers entered my room, omor dem no need to speak, I jus prostrate for ground. Then one held me by d collar and say oya ur money, I jus sofry giv am my last 4k, he pick my blind fone then and they discharge lol since then I no lie u I'm security concious eh I never want to feel helpless again.

  32. I do not want to imagine what it feels like to be robbed at all, i will literally have a panic attack...Thank God for Laila. No evil shall befall us this festive period IJN.

  33. Its a horrible experience. Thank God for Laila. The only time I was faced with a gunman I wasn't holding anything of value. I was escorting a friend to drop off her boyfriend's house key at our street junction at about 9:30pm. The gunman took the little chewing gum change we were holding but refused to let us go. He started marching us to a remote part of the street. In my mind I was already calculating. I am sure he had rape in mind, but thanks be to God a guy started coming from the opposite direction. As the the gunman turned to face him shouting "stop there", I grabbed my friend's hand and quickly disappeared into the darkness of the night. It was really scary, but God saved us. Since then, except its really important, I don't go out when its past 7pm.

  34. Xmas eve 1995..our car was snatched @ gun point,I was with my popsie's driver...thank God for sparing our lives...they killed @least one person in their other operations d same day,dey killed one policeman like 100 metres away from where they robbed us

  35. OMG!!!Tthank God for Laila's life,her life is in God's hnds n no one would dare tke it away forcefully when it is nt yet time.I hv hd such horrible experience twice but God almighty spared my life.The first one happened in 2007 when I left my schl Auchi poly to WAEC offiz in Benin,we were robbed @Ehor,it was terrible,d second time was @Zenith bank in Nnewi Anambra state,infact it was an horrible experience I dnt like to remember,but may God's name be praised for d gift of life Amen

    1. Auchi poly with their rubbish dress code, na God go save us 4 Rector Idogho hand. Av been rubbed on gun point twice while I was still working with tetrazzini in Ajao estate and Olodi apapa and I was the sales officer handling cash that dat coz d cashier was not on duty den. Only God knows how I managed to remove d cash 4rm d machine, run away and jumped the fence into the hospital close to the eatry in Olodi apapa. After den, na so I stop work o. How my bus managed to escape d shootings on armed robbers close to benin in the night na grace of God o. Thank God for laila's life

  36. Stella v bn dre I understand wat u n Laila went thru.....bein robbed at gunpoint is not an experience one wd wish on her worst enemy....its very traumatic n can change ur personality.....I was robbed at gunpoint on my way to nysc camp at abt 6.30am on dt same okokomaiko axis....dy stole my backpack ctg my clothes n original documents includin my original schl certificate n medical license.....twasnt a small thn o.....cos even goin to d police statn,d policemen were still tryin to extort me.....God helped me thru all d process of recoverin certified true copies of those docs n doin my nysc....durin d initial timme,i was hyperparanoid.....cdnt sit in a parked vehicle unless d doors were locked n d windows were wound up.....whn m wwalkin along d road n u r comin too close,i either cross to d other side or stop n let u go on me,every strange face was a suspect!!!.....durin d course of my service,i got a 26yr old female student who was shot in d face!...d blast damaged her nose n mouth.....dont think she made it cos we had to refer her to ubth for urgent surgical intervention.....whn I saw dt incident,it made me more thankful to God dt twas jus 'replacable' thngs dt were stolen n not my life......I am more security conscious now n still quiver at d sound of gunshots....buh Whnever I go out n return or sleep n wake up....I am always grateful to God for His protection n security....Thank God for His mercies n protection.....Thank God for U Laila

  37. I thank God for her life. And may God continue to protect us and keep us away from robbers, thieves,scammers, witches and wizards, husband snatchers and d rest of them evil people

  38. BLOG ANALYSER: seat down nd relax, as u read my story. I was a year two student of one the tertiary institutions in the middle belt. I had travelled to the Eastern part of Nigeria on a mission to attend to some family stuffs. Everything came to an end nd I boarded an AbC bus going to Abuja. We left around 10am. U know their millage wahala and how slow the buses travel plus hold up. Well, we got to Abj around 1am nd any taxi driver I called they will call thousands of naira.moreover I didn't trust those men nd I wasn't willing to go home at that hour. I slept in the park nd in the morning I prayed to God. That was around 6am nd I moved. I walked to the jabi/ julius beger road. I was heading to beger bridge nd stood there by the road side, different taxi passed by. I refused to flag them down coz they all had male occupants. There were no female occupants. By the time the fourth one passed I became tired. So the fifth one came nd I decided to stop it without looking at the gender. They were still all men. I entered nd sat by the edge close to the door. I greeted them goodmorning they answered.However, the way they looked at me scared me. I kept mute. We had not gone too far wen the one seating close to me brought out a gun and pointed it in my head. Jesus! I frooze. I began to plead with them. That I was coming from my grandmother's burial. I was reffering to them with sir. My brothers and sisters, we were three at the back nd two in front. The two at the back ransacked my body. They put their hands in my vagina, breast nd even anus. Chai! It is some thing to remember. I was even purging through out the night so I had inserted tissue on my way out incase some thing small decides to drop. They pulled it thinking it was money. Do u know that God works in mysterious ways! As finished praying back then in the park, a spirit said I should put abt 15k of my money in the back of my jean pocket nd I did. So I sat on it nd they didn't see it. Wen they asked how much I had I told them it is one k. I took a huge risk nd I will never try it. They asked where it was nd I pulled 1k from the back pocket of my jean. They turned over my bags in their car nd everything fell in to the car. My phone, my ID cards, my ATM cards. All these was happening under 5minutes or so. Wen we got to berger, they told me to jump out coz they don't want to push me out.I jumped out nd fell on the floor. I was putting on just one leg of my slippers the other one was in the car. I began to cry, few people passing stoped to console me. Bt bfore then a police car, though nothing to show that they were police officers stopped nd asked the way the thieves went. In my fear I justed pointed at a direction. I got home nd everybody was glad I was alive. God I am grateful for the gift of life.

    1. Hmmmn, thank God for your life o...I've experienced it once too, very horrible but mine took place at home.still remember it as if it took place yesterday.

  39. I don't pray 2 experience such...I could jes "pee" on my pants out of fear and panic
    Thank God for Ijeoma laila...Jesus is Lord

  40. Am happy for laila oo,thank God!

    Never had the experience and I pray I never do by the grace of Almighty God. Amen!

  41. My dear I almost had that kind of experience in one chance bus in Lagos. God truly saved my life that night. After that experience, they beat me black and blue, tore my clothes, stole all stoleable I had on me. It was very scary. I managed to jump out of the bus when they opened the door for a male passenger to come down after the whole robbery. They told me they will take me with them. That night my God shielded me and saved my life. I still fear coming to Lagos. After the incident I left Lagos immediately.

  42. Thank God for saving her life..Laila,i rejoice with you..I ve experienced 1 chance in lagos before,just gained admission and took a bus going to ojota to board a bus to benin..Wasnt a good experience at all,i still rem my bag they took,all my birthday gifts were inside..Its well..

  43. I was in school (Uniben), living off campus in osasogie. It was my birthday and my very good friend just came in from the US and was planning to come spend some time with me.I was waiting for her call at about 6pm when I heard a knock on my door. I opened my door without even asking who it was, only to see some strange looking boys with face caps, all looking down and avoiding eye contact. The gate man was tied up and pushed into my room. That was when it dawned on me that I was being robbed. I was asked to kneel down, the muzzle of a gun was placed on my head and cocked, just to show me they meant business. I was asked for all my money, phones, jewelry...... and as if that wasn't bad enough, they used me to knock on the doors of some of my neighbors and robbed them as well.
    I packed my remaining belongings the following day and ran home to lagos, refusing to return back to school. My parents bundled me back after 2 weeks- screaming and wailing!!!!!!!!!

  44. I have had the experience. This happend when I climbed an okada around six am cos I wanted to travel to abuja for an interview. Unknown to me the bike man was a thief and on getting to an isolated area he just stopped the bike as I was wondering why he stopped his partner stepped out of the woods with a gun in hand. That was the first time a saw I a gun even though I can't tell if it was real or not.
    They asked me to come down and they collected my bag but there was no money in it apart from my credentials and my phone which was the only thing they left with.
    Inshort I was so scared I couldn't even move from the spot after they had left until an elderly bike stopped and asked what was wrong. This was three years ago. Till now I still get scared biking cos am suspicious of all okada riders.

  45. Hmmm..sometime in august i was on my way home from work at about 7:30pm, i was in a drop n i was seated behind. i was busy on my phone n i didnt notice when the cab guy started slowing down. He called out to me "sister" i looked up n saw a gun in my face n i froze. He took my phones(i had 3 at the time) took my bag with everything in it including my makeup purse(i think that hurt the, money, driver's license, etc. kicked me out of the car n zoomed off. I stood at the spot speechless for like 5mins expecting it to be a huge punk, until it dawned on me that a cab guy actually just robbed me. I'm over the losses but i still have not gotten over the experience. PEACH*

  46. I've been kidnapped and till this moment I still get scared when I see gun in movies but I thank God I'm alive

  47. Mehn, i can imagine...few months ago some guys cornered me with a bike and collected everything i had with me. i wanted to be stubborn at first, but the moment i heard gun...without even seeing it, i was already shaking. i do not pray for such experience abeg. Thank God for Laila's life.

    Please click on my name for Fashion/Fitness/Beauty tips


  48. Wow thank God for saving her...Thought you said you sold your engagement ring Stella or was that the second one?

  49. Hmmmn.I was travelling to the north east with my boy friend on a "meet the parents visit"we ran into fulani robbers that had already robbed 4 vehicles.At gun point we laid flat on our faces while they ransacked the vehicle and took all valuables including gifts that the bobo had arranged for my of them used the butt of his gun to hit my boyfriend's head.long and short of the story we laid face down for 3 hours,d raindecided to pour furiously on us while my d gang operated on 3 other vehicles.Today he is my husband and we are truly blessed to be alive.He never told his people before dem go stop wedding say I be badluck.

    1. Lol@ dem go stop wedding say I be bad luck. Thank God for your lives ooo.

    2. Lol! 9ja with superstitions. My dear those fulanis are terrible. The fit kill person on top nokia 3310

  50. Chikito a.k.a FinalSay3 December 2014 at 15:42

    Hmmm.... When I was little I was home with my younger sis. Elder ones were in boarding house and popsy travelled for business.
    Robbers visited us. Start naked!! With one shiny stuff they robbed on their body. Five grown men with impeccable English and shiny guns. They took every dime we had at home, my mums jewellry, her gold watch and wedding ring she had owned for almost 20 years (at the time). Just when they dragged my uncle stark naked from the bq to the room we were sleeping with my mum and started making some noises, I woke up. My other uncle was supposed to come from the US but he had been jonzing us. On hearing male voices, I thought he had arrived. Na my sleepy eye I use waka go hug one of the thieves 'uncle welcome. Why didn't u come since?' He just said ' the kids are up, let's go' I remember my eyes clearing up and seeing naked men with a gun pointed to my mothers head as she was singing praises. I remember my uncle speaking in tounges, naked with a gun pointed to his spine. Then the early morning cock crowed..... What if they had pulled the trigger on my mum as she kept arguing with them that the money was finished? God is indeed faithful.
    By d way, they stuffed our old baba gateman with agege bread in his mouth and tied him under the car. We didn't discover him until about 10am, cos we thought he escaped. Hmmm.... Baba resigned that very day!

    1. Hahahahahaha.

      Hugged a naked thief. I'm sure the nudity was a jazz condition

      Poor Baba.

    2. @Chikito AKA Finalsay; Am suppose to sympathize with you, but hey! Your story is hilarious. Couldn't help but laugh.

    3. Lol! Their nakedness is to avoid being caught if they have to run

    4. Chikito a.k.a FinalSay3 December 2014 at 18:42

      @goldscent and aijay- please laugh oh! I saw 6 mighty manhoods (abi na menhood) that day! U can imagine me looking at all of them from my few-inches-close-to-the-ground height. And I also believe the shiny bodies were some jazz oil too. Even used the oil on the guns. Cos they were looking like they had Kim k nude photoshoot skin. My mums sister who was living with us, along with my dad's younger ones (all women) were skimpily dressed showing them where all the hidden treasures were. One peed on herself. Luckily, no one was touched sha. And then immediately they left, NEPA brought light. Imagine!!!

    5. Hahahahahahaha Chikito your story really got me in stiches ooohh God my chest aches from so much laughter!
      Sorry am laughing so hard when am supposed to be sympathetic but you are one funny chick.Thank God no one was uncle welcome.

    6. Lmao.
      Uncle welcome ? Haha lol

    7. Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha.... Oops! I'm laughing. Sorry but this is hilarious *uncle welcome* lmao

    8. And I just read the remaining part about agege bread and carte man.. Lmao!

    9. HaahahahahahahahhHah no be small resign if na you nko?

    10. Bwahahahahahahahaha! OMG i cant stop laughing..

    11. Lolz@uncle welcome, why dint u come since. Lmao. Ur story so funny. God used u to chase dose thieves away. Thank God for ur life. Thank God for laila n aunty stellas life.

    12. O'Dear...!!!...uncle welcome. ...lolz

    13. Chikito I don de say Eyaaaa since to all the stories till you come make me lmao with this your gist.....chai imagine you hugging the armed robber..,,lol.....anyway thank God for your life oh.....

    14. Hahahahahahhaha!! Am sorry Chikito but this got me in stiches.

  51. I was worried about Laila. Thank God for her. Mine was @ knife point. Lol. 29th Jan 2013. 3 guys broke into the house @ 2.30am, 3 babes in the house. We refused to open up. Ran into the toilet. Its was really hot in Abuja @ that time of the year so I slept stark naked. While they were banging I jejely dey wear cloth. They finally barged in and ordered us out. Branding knives and other weapons. Me I was so calm. My rommie don spill blood of Jesus tire, waking up all our neighbors. Luckily d robbers didn't beat or rape us, though @ some point they threatened my yellow and very fine Roomie that they will rape her if she raised her head again #lol#. They sha took my phones, lappy, money, jewelry and even perfumes sef #hungry thieves. They threatened to shoot us, though I no see gun o, but I didn't have to wait to see one abeg. I was traumatized for months. I always woke up @ that same time every night. My mom asked me to move out and return to Thank God sha I have finally gotten over it. I can now look back and laugh over that night. I don't wish my worst enemy a robbery incident biko.

  52. I live in okoko plus I dnt wanna ever experience it,thank GOD for laila.
    Inaede faith

  53. Was robbed on my way to abuja at owo road in 2012 it wasn't funny. Those fulani guys are terrible. Over 10men robbed us, made me pray, sing worship, sing praises. I thank God it all ended in praise. I can not stop blessing the name of the Lord.

  54. I've experienced it twice. Back in my undergraduate days I and my boyfriend went for night reading and on our way back 2 guys came out of a parked BMW, one pointed his gun at us and robbed us. This happened within the school premises.

    My second experience was in church. It was a Thursday evening service. Immediately we shared the grace and we're about to say amen we heard a group of men shout "amen! On the floor everybody". They took the offering, our jewelry's, phones, monies, pastors laptop and a lot more. It was so scary because they actually checked us running their hands through our bodies for hidden items. They didn't shoot anyone though they all held guns but pastor was hit in d face because he was trying to resist. God has been faithful oh, Memories....

    1. Even in the church? god have mercy!

    2. Some people have actually sold their conscience !! Even in the church?

  55. My then best friend and I were robbed @ gun point,they were asking us to open the door she was by the door or so the whole fear plus rickety bus made it hard to open the guy fired at the window it even cut her slightly on the face,it was even aboki guys painted there face with coal,hmmm they took even our clothes I had the chance to hide one of my phones,gave them one,I was even wondering latter why I took that risk ,it could have rung long story short we later found our clothes messed up by rain and useless in the police station after some days as it happened near my school. God saved us,forgive my errors biko.

  56. The way u run tins here kinda looking like 1 big family,less insult n people always looking 2 share.'kudos'nt just u stella ur followers(bvs),well neva bin pointed at b4,don't kw hw it feels but I dnt wish dat on any1,cheers to living

  57. Mine happened last year,they stole my phones and other valuables,God mercies kept me from been harmed.

  58. Hmm Stella nd Laila I thank God for your lives...armed robbers are cruel nd heartless...*shudders*
    I ve met them for one day by His grace nd I pray I neva do..!

  59. So na wetin laila no wan tell us b dis bh sha thk God for her life
    ehen fellow bv's and my aunty stella dont u think itz high time u start investigating any body asking for money on dx blog especially pple that claim they r living from hand to mouth or pregnant nd boyfriend died now father threw them question now be say where dem get money dy subscribe or load recharge card to they browse
    no offence sha na dec wey dy pple dy find money o

    1. Was it just dis month ppl started asking for money. Don't u know that these ntwks dash mb from time to time, do u think ppl that help bvs don't investigate before helping them. Pls learn to give ppl benefit of d doubt. If u don't want to help, no one is forcing u or anyone to help pls

  60. Thank God for Laila's life! May God continue to protect His people. Amen.

  61. Thank God for Laila's victory. God be praised

  62. Thank God for her life,she will never die prematurely ljn#amen#

  63. I remember back then in university days,one day my roommate travelled and there was nobody to talk to,so i went to sleep in my neighbour'room.After all the gist and noise,we slept off.i was awakened by the sound of my phone,it is usually by my pillow whenever i am sleeping.i looked up to see about ten naked guys;they were wearing only boxers,my heart skipped,the first thing on my mind was my body as i was wearing a skimpy nightie.
    How did they enter without me noticing."oh God please save me".was all i could mutter.we were about about four girls in the room,one of them called me out,i was so scared that i grabbed the bed sheet and wrapped myself with it."fine girl come here! what do you have for us"?he shouted.just then one of them double crossed him as he approached and told him to remember that nothing must happen to "fine girl" because the boss said so.They robbed the other girls and also the other occupants of the house and took only my phone away. Hmmm!!!it was a terrible thing,i was in shock for days.i left school and travelled back home.My parents kept asking if they did anything to me.i was so in shock that i stooled for was an experience i do not wish to ever encounter again in my life.and to think the phone was my first gift from my hubby.i really thank God that i was not shot or raped.

    1. U must be dense ooo. Somebody actually said the boss said nothing must happen to fine girl and u r not thinking about that statement. U must really trust ur husband oo. Ode

    2. Bibi why is she stupid? So you don't know most of these cult boys then in school are capable of such?

      Why are you involving her husband in this?? Are you implying her hubby hired thieves just to come and steal student's phones including the one he bought for her??

      Why are people like this really??? Owu ihe emere unu eme?

    3. Hmmn...thank God for your life.
      Lol @ stooled for 3 days, but I understand perfectly. The experience fit reset person system.

  64. I was robbed in Warri at guy point in a cab too. Thank God for our life's

  65. This reminds me of when i was robbed in 2011. My boyfy now husby was taking me home after close of work. It was in traffic around Magodo. The stupid boy pointed a gun at us and as per the "sharpaly" girl, i quickly slided my "first-owned-hand-me-down" blackberry bold 2 under the car seat and handed my second phone, a nokia to the robber. While my guy's phone was collected.Up till now, i rarely use my phone when in traffic

  66. Being robbed at gun-point is a horrible experience. it happened to me about 5 years ago. Some gun taunting robbers invaded my house, robbed me and my sister, collected my money and our phones (they instructed a neighbour of mine they met outside to knock on my door). Not suspecting anything, i opened my door and that was how they stormed in. They instructed us to lay flat on the floor and one of them kicked my sister on her buttocks! Thank God, we were not raped! I had series of nightmares afterwards! Terrible experience.

  67. I have in my mummy's shop. My whole family was in d shop and these well dressed guys came in around 3pm and they robbed us at gun point. The person in d next shop didn't know what was happening. It was horrible.

  68. Thank God for her life. I have never experienced it and may i and those close to me never experience it it in Jesus name Amen!

  69. A school mate has been killed today by robbers after withdrawing money from the bank in Benin City .why ? Why did they have to kill him?why didn't they just take the money and just leave him alone? Rip Pere GOD knows best.

  70. Hmmmm,no b small tin o. Let me share my own experience.
    There was a day 3 armed men came to my parents' house bt I was d only 1 at home.I just finished havin my bath nd I was abt to dress up in my room wen I saw a guy walk in our compound,I was afraid bt still summoned some courage nd I went out to ask him who he was lukin for,on seeing dt I opened d door,he came inside wit d remainin 2 guys,I askd who dey were again nd 1 of dem just askd me to shut up nd told me dey were armed robbers,1 of dem carried a backo bag nd he immediately brot out 1 Ak 47,nd 2 pistols nd shared it,fear gripped me immediately nd I covered my eyes wit my hand nd I strted beggin dem,1 of dem immediately removed d gold chain on my neck nd I askd me to lay down on d ground,I just strted prayin to God dt I must nt be raped by dem cuz I was still in my towel,dey ransacked d whole house,took money,laptops,gold jewelries,my dad's expensive wristwatches,dey even went as far as takin some bottles of wine in our bar. Dey askd me who went out cuz dey entered thru our gate nd I told dem my younger bro,wen dey saw dt he was comin,1 of dem hid at d back of d door nd pointed a gun,immediately he entered,dey askd him ti shut his mouth nd dey collected his fones too. Wen dey were abt to leave,dey askd myself nd bro to enter a room so dey cld lock us inside b4 goin,on our way,1 of dem touched my boobs nd in anger I threw his hand away,out of annoyance he smacked me at d back,nd was even abt to go further dan dt if nt for God dt saved me,1 of dem had to come nd pull him away dt dey were runnin out of time,dt was just d savin grace I had. Dey eventually locked us inside nd went away,later bt bro tried everytin to jack d door nd he succeeded,so we went outside to call my mum nd told her. She came home immediately nd we went to police station,we neva knew dt a neighbour had alerted d police,we neva even knew dt dey came wit a car,bt dis neighbour told d police everytin she saw on d street nd police swung into action,mounted a road block nd strted checkin for any toyota camry(pencil light).lo nd behold dey saw a similar car wit 3 men inside,wen dese robbers noticed dey strted drivin recklessly on d road. Nd police knew immediately dt dey were d robbers,to cut d long story short sha,d robber escaped leavin all wat dey stole nd even d car,so d police had to take everytin to deir station. We neva knew anytin,it was after d interrogation,police showed us d car d armed robbers brot nd some of our properties.
    SDK,I still ve dt fear in me till 2moro,if I am alone at home nd a single needle drops,walahi I will wake up. I just thnk God till 2moro dt I was nt raped o

    Sorry for d long epistle

    1. Lol.....I know who this is... Madam, how about the event center I told you to help find out about..I still dey wait o

    2. Thank God for your life o...but you get mind sha, to go outside in your towel to accost a stranger in your compound. I folo thank God say dem nor rape you o.

    3. I've experienced it before o, they cut through our dining room window burglar-proof while we were sleeping around 1a.m. they took our phones, gold jewellery and little change we had at home. After they were through, two of them went to the next flat while one of them was left behind to watch us (me, hubby and my sis), i was wearing a tank top and three quarter trousers (but my yansh no be here, lol)...the guy now asked me for my necklace (I only had gold earrings and wedding rings which they had taken).I told him I didn't own one and my jewellery was in my so he say make I take am there o, only for us to get there and the guy was trying to rape me, saying his prick was just like my hubby's own. I had resigned myself to fate (tho I was praying in my mind)...that was how I heard my neighbor shouting "ole(thief), ole, ole"...apparently, the wife had woken up to make a bottle for their youngest child and heard noises coming from the kitchen, she went to alert the hubby, na so dat one begin shout. That was how the guys picked race o and I was saved from rape. I was shivering ehn....horrible experience, till now, na one eye me and my hubby dey take sleep o. I only sleep well when I go visit my parents cos they stay in a duplex and we sleep upstairs. At least if thief go come, I go don wake dey at alert. I don't pray to ever experience it again it's been a year and a half but the memory is so vivid.

  71. Thank God for everything. Cannot wish that to my enemy.

  72. Yh like 3-4 times sef...but the best thing is to just surrender everything...

    Stella & Laila I really thank God for your lives

    May God protect us all from hands of the evil ones

  73. I was robbed at gun point last year. To this day I can't stop thanking God for sparing our lives. Thieves broke into my house in the dead of the night we were fast asleep. Me being a light sleeper, I can't still tell how I didn't hear them break in. They came to my bedroom where I was sleeping with my husband and daughter( my only child). They where like 5 of them, 3 came into the bedroom with guns and knives they said "we were sent to kill you people " I had an outer body experience that day. I was staring death in the face. My husband was confused, my daughter was screaming, thank God for giving me a measure of calm that day I was begging them to take everything and spare our lives. They took money, phones, laptops, ipads, and cleared all my gold including wedding rings. They took it all and left. We were alive, I couldn't believe it. There was only one explanation, God was in control. For many months I wasn't myself, I jump at the slightest sound, till thus day I battle with insomnia. An armed robbery attack is not something I wish on even my enemy. It is terrifying.

  74. Crime rate in Nigeria is crazy!

    Almost everyone has had an experience.

    Too bad.

  75. BLOG ANALYSER: I was year student of a tertiary institution in the middle belt. I had travelled to the village to attend to some family stuffs. On my way back I boarded an ABC bus heading to my family home in Abuja. We left around 10am. U know their mileage wahala coupled with hold up at Onitcha. We arrived at their park in Abj around 1am. The taxi drivers were calling exorbitant prices. I wasn't ready to part with my money nd I don't trust them. So I just decided to sleep in their terminal. I woke up around 6am nd said my prayers. I left shortly after wards for the house. Few minutes later I was by the Julius Berger/ jabi road. I was looking for a taxi heading to Berger bridge. Different cabs passed but all of them had male occupants. I had counted five cabs. By the time the 6th one was coming I decided to flag it down coz if I keep waiting I might not get home that day. There were four male occupants, two in the front and two at the back. I joined them nd sat at the edge close to the door. I greeted them bt the way they were looking at me I became scared. However, I kept mute. We had not gone far, wen the one seating close to me brought out a gun nd pointed it on my head. Jesus! I frooze, I began to beg them that I was coming from my grand ma's burial. Infact at a point I began to speak Igbo language. I was referring to them with "sir". They ransacked my body, my vagina, my breast nd even my Anus. I was even purging nd I had placed a tissue in my anus incase something decides to drop bfore I get home. They brought it out thinking it was money. Brethen, it is good to pray ooo. While at ABC terminal shortly after my prayer, a tiny voice told me to put my 15k in the back pocket of my jean nd leave the rest small currencies in my hand bag. I obeyed. As they were searching me they asked me how much I had on me I told them 1k. That was a risk nd I will never take that in my life. In my moment of fear, I pulled out 1k from my back pocket nd gave them. Thank God they didn't catch me. All these things happened under 5minutes or more. They turned my bags upside down nd everything that I had in them fell in to the car. My phone, I'd cards, ATM card, my shoe nd clothes. However, I begged for my sim nd they gave it back to me. Wen we got to Julius Beger Bridge they told me to jump out coz they don't want to push me out. I jumped out nd fell nd one of my slippers fell back in their car. I was crying, few people stopped nd consoled me. A vehicle from no where popped out and the male occupants where asking me the route they took. In my fear I justed pointed at a direction. They claimed they were police officers but there was nothing to show that coz they were all on mufti and the car coloured . I got home nd everybody was glad I was alive. God, I am grateful for the gift of life.

  76. I remember when we were robbed years ago in our family house at our home town. ..its a big house and all dad wasn't home. .was at his station in the north. .It was my mum, grandma, uncle and my sisters. .they were eleven in number. .came around 12am and left at almost 4am. .We were still small then. .I think it was about year 2000. .but d memory is still fresh. .they were fully armed..I don't tell anybody d experience without crying. .I slept with my mum in her room that night and my sisters were in our room. .my grandma was upstairs while my uncle was downstairs meaning we were at d middle floor..its a 2 storey building. At night we just started hearing bangs on our door and shouts to open d door..We were wondering who it could be but later realised what it mum started screaming. .no phone then na to call. .I was so scared and ran to hide under the bed. .they were able to get in after almost 30mins of breaking d door. .they scatered everywhere looking for their head. Kept asking about d money that was brought to d house that day..nobody brought any money to d house..they searched our floor, went upstairs to search every where. ..nearly raped my aunt sef but God just saved her. .I'm surprised my grand mum didn't die of heart attack that day. .While they were searching they raised d mattress of d bed I was hiding. .my mum didn't even know I was there. .they said madam na wetin dey under bed so. .my mum said nothing oo..dey now used flash light and shined on me..dey way dey shouted that I should get out ehn..chai. .I nearly died. .I ran out and dey said lie down and face down. .na so I obey sharply. ..d eyes raided d whole house. .u know what d tragedy was, before they even came to our floor, they l ready shot and killed my uncle that dey saw downstair...It was after they left we saw him just on our staircase on d floor dead with bullet holes all over him. .its was an old woman that stayed across from us that was now telling us how she was peeping and watching everything. .how they went to bring him from his room to come knock on our door so we could open without any suspicion. .but when they got upstairs he recognised one of d robbers and dey killed him. .that he was begging but they didn't listen. .I still see that day as d worst day of my life.seeing those evil faces and guns and death. ..I have prayed to God never to experience such in my life again. .I don't even pray for my enemy to experience it. .I pitied my mum and grandma dat day..its now myself and sisters talk about it and laff sef. .hmmm. .its to d worst thing. .sorry for d epistle and gbagaun. .didn't just know how else to explain. .

    1. Wow
      God forbid bad thing
      Your uncle could not have talked na.but it's well. Thank God your still alive

  77. I peed on my self! #Covers eyes#. It was during my undergraduate studies. We were supposed to carry out our project practicals in sch that night, and I decided to go to d'hostel b4 we started. At some point, I saw guys coming towards me, I felt lik entering inside a hostel close by but on a 2nd thot I said shebi ppl just passed me and I continued. One of them approached and pointed a gun at me, searched and collected my 2 phones, and some money I had while one of them, I guess their leader was saying they shud leav me and continue but whosai! One even ran after me wen I kept moving to search my back pockets! Wicked souls! Mtcheww

  78. the first time was 1st October 2000 very early in the morning i was with my sister, her kids and husband, when it happened, apparently they got information that the landlord son just got back from America and they came to collect their share,they used the landlord to knock at the door. it was scaring because my sister's first child was 2yrs and the second 3months, they kept crying when they asked us to lie face down, finally when the children refuse to stop they locked all of us in the toilet. did there stuff ate the breakfast we were about to eat and left.
    second time i was in the university 2004 when they paid me a visit show me their gun and locked me in my wardrobe while they carried out their operations.

  79. It was a horrible experience but thank God today that it didn't happen d way devil planned it because help came before they could gain entrance into d room I was with bae..Can't forget it in a hurry.

  80. It was so so terrible that when I look at the Scar, I just thank God that it didn't cripple me.its a long story.Baba Godee I thank you

  81. Tnk God for ur life Laila, untimely death isn't ur portion. Never bin a victim and will never be by God's grace. Heard gunshots from a far distance....

  82. It was so so terrible that when I look at the Scar, I just thank God that it didn't cripple me.its a long story.Baba Godee I thank you

  83. Anti Stella did I offend u why did u ignore my comment sad face.

  84. Thank God for saving her life, may he continue to guide and protect us. Amen

  85. divineolive68@gmail.com3 December 2014 at 17:19

    I hv seen gun twice!
    First was when I was in secondary school (2006), on my way back from school, I was robbed of my very first cell phone at gun point.
    Second experience was when I was kidnapped. It was a horrifying experience, and I dnt enjoy talking about it, but I thank God for seeing me through. I have learnt to be extra extra careful and conscious of my surrounding.

    God have been faithful and I pray He will continue to strengthen me and keep me safe.


  86. I don't pray to ever experience it again the first time my sister just bought a brand new jeep not up to a month it was on a Sunday, we were preparing for church I was still inside when my other sister who opened the gate for her ran back inside and screamed thieves have take both the car and my sister away, I ran outside shouting where are they lol I wonder what was on my mind then and the next thing I heard one spoke to me inÄ· Yoruba e wo fe ku abi (u want to die abi) I didn't no how my legs got back inside my hands were shaking 2weeks later we found ours bags which was already in the car on the outskirts of Lagos someone found the small multilinks phone inside. The second one I was going out with my friend to buy suya the moment we left the house I wasn't comfortable I felt strange but I don't no what was ahead of me we were like 20blocks away from the house when this golf suddenly drive pass us I knew instantly they were thieves so I quickly hide my phone in my pant while I sat down waiting 4 there next move, one came to my side and opened the door asked 4 my phone and jewelry I wonder who wears jewelry at night. I was so calm i told him it's all inside the car they took the car away my friend phone and wallet. I pray never to experience such again in Jesus name

  87. Chei I sprinkle the blood of Jesus over this thread

    Wow the heart of man is desperately wicked

    This is why everybody is so mean to each other and using religion and/or witchcraft to thwart each other

    There is no love at the root of it and that is where the devil is winning

    Most people commit robberies because they are broke because Alams and Ibori and Tinubu and Uzor Kalu and Igbinedion and Alison Madueke and Obasanjo and Uba and una too bloody plenty

    But we are seeing you guys in 3D...and so are the armed robbers...its sad when they take from the downtrodden like them and unfortunate when they kill the hardworking.

    God help us all and may we discover how to help ourselves

    I coulda been a robber or rapist too...after all I am able bodied but God has added some colour to my life...i know better!

  88. Chei I sprinkle the blood of Jesus over this thread

    Wow the heart of man is desperately wicked

    This is why everybody is so mean to each other and using religion and/or witchcraft to thwart each other

    There is no love at the root of it and that is where the devil is winning

    Most people commit robberies because they are broke because Alams and Ibori and Tinubu and Uzor Kalu and Igbinedion and Alison Madueke and Obasanjo and Uba and una too bloody plenty

    But we are seeing you guys in 3D...and so are the armed robbers...its sad when they take from the downtrodden like them and unfortunate when they kill the hardworking.

    God help us all and may we discover how to help ourselves

    I coulda been a robber or rapist too...after all I am able bodied but God has added some colour to my life...i know better!

  89. Jeeez! I saw some sort of thanksgiving post on her blog I think last wik or so. She dint post anytin until 3days after. I ws really scared for her & kept checking her blog. Na wa oh. Tnk God for sparing her life.
    God will never mk me nor my love ones xperience armedrobbery in this life or in the nxt. I hear it's a terrible xperience.

  90. Omo I experienced this when I was in school. My roommate hide her fone inside pot of boiled rice and they took my cos they just bought her own few days before they came. Wasn't a good experience at all....thank God for your life.

    1. Haha.
      Boiled rice ? Phone no go spoil ?

    2. Chikito a.k.a FinalSay3 December 2014 at 23:36

      Boiled rice? Hahahaha. Choi! Too funny..... Sorry though

  91. Me n my parents wre cumn frm church n oda engagements den i slept at d bk of d car cos i was tired, my mum had jst taken off her gele n gold jewelleries, we were in traffic at ikeja na so 1 guy cum point gun 4 my papa head as he dey drive, my papa jejely hand ova hs fone n mony, i swear as he left i woke up na so my mama bgin praise God sey tnk God i was sleeping, odawise i fr scream wv shock as i was much younger n d guy myt v pulled d trigger if it was real gun

    Then in 2006 i wanted to v my bdai party n told my frend to xcort mi to go invyt my frend who lives at ogba, i had just finished a 3days no food nor water fastn/deliverance programme i had wv mfm,na so we go wait 4 okada, as we cum dey price okada a car stopped n my frend drifted away n i was waiting fr her, na so she cum sey dey wanna drop us off, i sey i dey fear she sey nothn, na so we nta bk, a guy was driving n anoda man was in front, i closed d door bt my hands wre on d door opening handle, d man sed relax cos he saw it dat i was nervous, d guy driving closed up d Middle mirror probably so i wnt c hs face, d man started askn us ?s n we started replying wv fake names n answers, sed he attended rccg ikoyi, few mins laer i c say dem dey drive pass eleganza syd, i was wondering ds nt d way to ogba, my frnd was gettn comfortable all along, i cum sey we goin ogba he sed he noes, na so d man sey gve mi ur mony, ur fones, ahhh i wan die, my fone wey my uncle jst snd to me n 3k wey dey wv mi, den dey stopped, d man in front was d only 1 tlkn nt d driver, he sed nxt tym dnt follow pple u dnt noe dat hes supposed to tke us away bt sumthn is telln him to release us n dat whilst gettn off we must nt scream dat hs boys r ffn us at d bk n if we scream dey wl shoot, omo we trek die dat day bfr we reach awse, it was my first tym of gettn a lift n definately last tym. My mama reach awse sey shes been calln i dint pik n swiched off, i lie sey 1 guy waka cum collect d fone sey e b lyk sey he use juju 4 me, my frend tld her dad wat happened na so d man go tell my mama as dey worked togeda in d same office den.

    Moral of d story...... nvr tke lifts n always b prayerful. M Definately sure it culd v been a worst xperience n myt nt v been ere to tell it if nt fr my prayers n fasting.... God is great.

  92. My sister had an experience. On her way from work at about 7:30pm around marina, a car sped out from no where and swerved in front of her and a guy came out and dragged her into the car and sped off. They collected everything money, phones, laptop, goldchain and atm cards. There were two was driving while the one in the back seat was doing all the collecting,punching, neck wringing and slapping.

    The guy behind insisted she gave him a blow job if not they'll kill and dump her body by the roadside, but she refused. So they told her to undress and kept forcing and punching her she still refused. They beat the living daylights out of her and pushed he r out of the moving vehicle.

    She said she didn't know how long she stayed there on the road naked with bruises, bleeding from all parts of her body and swollen face. A woman selling oranges by the roadside covered her with her her wrapper and let her sit by her shade. For almost an hour she lost her memory couldn't remember anything. Gradually it came and she remembered her bf's number and the woman put a call to him(God continue to bless her) he drove from the mainland to the island and brought her home. It wasn't a funny experience and I thank God everyday that she wasn't raped because she fought hard not minding the gun they were pointing at her. It was a very traumatising experience for her, but I thank God she has a loving family and a man who loves her to bits.

    I pray no body gets to experience anything like this ever.

  93. never been robbed at gun point and pray it never happens.

  94. I thank God for spearing your life.It is not a good experience at all. We have been robbed at least 2twice at gone point. the other robbery's were done around our compound where shoots where fired and we didn't have any tenants. it was just us living in a big porous house even had police guards but that didn't really deter the robbers. honestly speaking I don't think the memory ever leaves you. I live abroad now but I can tell you I still feel frightened and I am always vigilant. I never leave my door unlocked etc.
    But everyone is not the same mind you so your case maybe different from mine with time.

    be prayerful and allow God to do his work.


  95. its same scenario at adolor junction in benin city, the way armed robbers operate there. so applauding,dahs how some group of robbers that carry out their operations in a very perilous manner, robbed nt one buh many at same location at adolor,after robbing their victims of their valuables,the armed robbers wud then ask their victims to walk in front of them dah they shudnt run soon as they cover some so the robbers go shoot the person for yansh, they do this to all of their victims ,I guess dahs their trademark...shooting one's yansh is nt fair oooh, half of the gals in dah area are now leaping cos of gun shots on their yansh.

    the police shud do somtin abt dis oo cos me nun fi marry gal wid half yansh pple wont say m stigmatizing..gham

    1. Lmaoooo na u kolo pass walahi. Cldnt stop laughing.

  96. its same scenario at adolor junction in benin city, the way armed robbers operate applauding,dahs how some group of robbers that carry out their operations in a very perilous manner, robbed nt one buh many at same location at adolor,after robbing their victims of their valuables,the armed robbers wud then ask their victims to walk in front of them dah they shudnt run soon as they cover some so the robbers go shoot the person for yansh, they do this to all of their victims ,I guess dahs their trademark...shooting one's yansh is nt fair oooh, half of the gals in dah area are now leaping cos of gun shots on their yansh.

    the police shud do somtin abt dis oo cos me nun fi marry gal wid half yansh pple wont say m stigmatizing..gham

  97. I had this bad experience when I was 14yrs old, my dad of blessed memory wanted to dropped me off at my cousin's house for xmas holiday. So we were waiting for his friend around Masha kilo, when I noticed two men, one in the front and another one at the back of our car prentending to eased themselves, I immediately called my dad's attention to it that they looked like thieves but instead my dad started scolding me for looking at grown men pee pee(lol) he was still scolding me when the same men approached our car and the next thing I saw was a silver shotgun at my dad's head, telling him to jejely drop the car key but told them until he carry me out first o. If you see the way my dad pulled me out of the car e, fear go catch you. Come see drama after they left with the car, my dad was shouting "my car, my car, thief thief". Police recovered the car for us from Third mainland bridge where the robbers abandoned it because the car went out of fuel. Since then, my family trust in my judgment o.
    I thank God for your life Laila

  98. My only robbery experience left my grandpa dead.
    I don't think I want to recant such experience.

    Sixty five bullets were extracted from his body at the nick of his demise. (he was putting on some form of resistance, hence the firing squad).

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. I was robbed at gun point last year. Right in front of my house at abt 5:30am. I was abt 32weeks pregnant then. I work with an airline and was on morning shift to resume at 6am. They were 4guys. I was about to enter my car when they grabbed me, collected the keys and my wedding ring pushed me to the back seat. I started crying and begging them not to take me away. One of them then got down nd dragged me out, told me to kneel down n they drove off. I lost my car, money, phones nd wedding ring. Im just happy i didnt lose the baby or go into premature labour. The car was recovered a few weeks later. My baby is alive and growing. I drive a faaaaar better car now and got a more beautiful ring from hubby. God has been faithful.

    1. God keep you, madam.

      My mom's friend was caught up in a larceny incident years ago.
      She was hit in the belly by a stray bullet. Oh, and she was heavily pregnant.
      She died.
      It was such a gory sight.

      God punish those bastards.
      Their section of hell would be hotter, definitely.

    2. That's a blessing in disguise, happy for u.

  101. Terrible experience,it happened to me this year during my IT,we went to intels in onne for mentainance of one of their naval ships,after the work on our way back to the barracks boom they came out from a bush holding and AK47 life and direct I went deap and dum frozed head to toe,all my loved ones ran through my mind in a second especially my mum,one came and started pulling me out,when they saw that the men in the car were naval officers, immediately they said the word AWUA and their oga was like make we free them,na wa our ogas, it is not a pleasant experience, for one good month I was full of fear,even my own shadow scared me.i don't wish for my enemy!

    1. Hi Oladele,
      I saw your shoutout on the other post.
      Thank you. And compliments of the season to you too.

      *maintenance, live and direct, dead and dumb frozen (maybe?)

      How was your project defence, by the way ?

      Oh, it's BitchBiko.

    2. Naval officers are their oga? Imagine! 9ja which way oh!!!!!!

  102. THREE TIMES NOW! I'm a frequent customer oo, I hav really suffered in their hand..Hot slaps and beating lik I killed their mother..Not funny...First: around 2009 I went to visit a friend in ph,we had drinks and all that and went home high,but we locked everywere! Somehw the armed robbers succeeded in scalin the fence and gained entrance...what woke us frm sleep ws the sound of wall coming down like we were in Jericho. Men those guys were not smillin..they burst the wall wit God knows wat and came in. SECOND: I go sleep babe house uniben then, before we did praise and worship I noticed the way she was lockin everywere and all that with caution..she told me the area ws nt save...inside me I ws lik wetin concern third leg was crawlin after every I shower and came out! Ofcourse naked! To my greatest surprise I saw a bright light.. Like 12 battery touch-light pointin at me directly frm the window..the guy jst said.."If u shout,na heaven u go wake up wit ur big prick", I almost fainted! He operated through the window, we gave him our fones wallet and gold chain on my neck cos it ws shining...till now I dey use arm robber eye look that , THIRD: this one bad! They came to rob in our house, then we were still in a rented aprtment..they entered the compound and fired! We all started runin, me I quickly dived into one sharp corner in our living room..cos as a bad guy I'v always eyed that place incase of emergency! As I ws shivering there,I noticed sumone squeezin I started pushin. Not knwin it ws my dad cos it ws, pupsy self wan hide there..they later knocked sha and said if we count to ten all of una go die...1,2,3,4 meen let me no talk again sha..u knw the rest,, beating for the gods..popsy fat wake it really horrible but funny to me sha..wen I remember I jst laugh and laugh

    1. Eeeeya...sowie o. Ika lo'mo ejo

    2. Thank God.
      They would never visit you again.
      But. Wait.
      You did praise and worship and then you had it in mind to fornicate with your gf????
      God has seen things o.

    3. Sorry about your experiences but I couldn't help laughing at "if you shout na heaven you go wake with your big prick".

    4. Lmao hehehe I Jst cnt stop laughing lol

    5. praise and worship na sex o mma cee

    6. Im sorry i laughed so hard reading this. Thank God yall are safe. I remember my pop whispering "ole" continuously, after we got robbed in 1995. Lmaooo all these our lazy pops wt initial gragra.

    7. Mma Cee, he said b4 dey did praise and worship meaning b4 dey got down to d show! Lol! U no see 3rd leg crawling?

  103. i have been robbed at gun poin and have gotten over it. thank God.

  104. Myself and hubby were held at gunpoint in 2007 driving from VI to Ikoyi, 8 of them dressed as police officers, later noticed they were wearing slippers, our driver wind down the window to acknowledge the alleged police men , immediately they pounced on us phones, bag, wallet, my poor husband was asked for foreign currency as he's white , thank God he had some on him, thi frisked everyone and everything, my breast, remove pants to check, even my husband's balls was searched for hidden treasure, I thought I was in a nollywood movie, when they finished they opened the door for hubby, told him to go home straight not to stop for anyone they even put on his seat belt for him, it was like a scary comedy

  105. N to tink i sooo wanna visit Nigeria! No offense ba neva again! Too many stories ,almost erbody has had an experience! U guys hve a lot of fasting n prayer to do dis is crazy!I wonder hw u guys survive in ur country esp d ladies rape rape rape why nw im distraught! All dis is cuz of corruption ,jst q few greedy people sitting on d nations resources, hungry peeps al around lukin 4 d least opportunity to rob!

  106. Thank God for Laila. And one anon was busy talking about how hubby slapped her


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