Stella Dimoko A Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.


Thursday, December 04, 2014

A Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.

A mother's love means everything......or nothing!


Hi Stella, 
Please I would like to ask you and my fellow blog visitors this question: IS IT BY FORCE TO TAKE CARE OF A WICKED MOTHER? I strongly believe parents should eat the fruits of their labour,therefore. If you did not labour, you have no right to eat any fruit.

Well, I was born out of wedlock and my parents did not get married to each other. My mum left me with my dad in our town and moved to Lagos, she didn't look back or even ask of me. She got married and had other kids in Lagos. After my primary school, I lost my dad. I lived with my paternal grand parents for a while, hawking things in the village, I couldn't go to college immediately, in fact I was home for two years after primary school till an aunt said she saw my mum in Lagos and she's rich. I tried to get in touch with her but she was always cold to me till finally, she came to take me to Lagos,needless to say Stella, I became the house girl of the house, my step younger ones treated me like a slave, I wore rags, I always sat on the floor while everyone else sat on the chair.

 I suffered intense physical and verbal abuse from my step father while the children ganged up against me with my mother's support, if I as much as touch anyone of them, she would Curse me,as in swear on me that my life would never be good and I would be a slave to them forever,then she would insult my late father too, that's the one that always got to me. 

I was sent to a public secondary school for which I was grateful.
Years later, my step father's fortunes began to dwindle and things went from bad to worse financially.

One morning, my mum woke me up accusing me of witchcraft and that I was responsible for the misfortune in the family and was sent back to the village just like that. 
By some luck, I came back to Lagos, finished school, went to polytechnic, got a job, married a good man and have 2 kids, a boy and a girl. 

Stella,I am doing just fine,I earn very well in my job and my husband is doing fine too.
Now,my mother will not let me rest, her daughters have become disappointments, both took after her by getting pregnant outside wedlock and have refused to leave the house. 

I just don't understand, what if I ended up a failure? What if I died? Did they care what happened to me?what if her curses had come to pass in my life?

My husband and I built a house for my aged grandparents, my mum wants one or at least a better accommodation. This is a woman that told the man that wanted to marry me that I'm a witch that if he marries me, bad luck will become his portion.

Never, I will not help her‎, I don't want her or her children anywhere around me. It's just a pity my dad is not alive to enjoy me today. May God rest his soul .

*I DISAGREE WITH YOU....blood is thicker than water and one day you will wish you had helped dont need to be friends with her,just do what you would do for anyone in need.forgive her and embrace her with love
I dont know what else to say..please make peace,make peace!


  1. I was also furious with ur mom until I read stella's comment,all you need do is the needful,I'm sure they are full of regrets now! God will bless you more and your own sins will be forgiven!

    1. I totally support the idea of you forgiving her, but let's picture the scene if it was a man or your father that treated you this way, I believe half of the people here telling you to forgive her or blood is thicker than water, would course the man out. Let's always be fair in condemning the men. If she were to be a man, some people here will tell you how useless he is and how you shouldn't forgive him. " na GOD sure pass"

    2. Kai! That your mama too wicked. You sure say na she true true born you?
      To forgive this kain mama go hard o!

    3. Dear poster....Hmmmm!!!
      Ok, the fact remains she gave birth to you as such remains your mother. I understand that she has not performed her duties as a mother should but that does not deter you from performing your duties as a child. Let me ask you a question, if she did not leave you with your dad, have you ever thought of how you would have possibly ended up? Perhaps you thought that you would have had a better life than you presently have now? I doubt.
      Forget about all the challenges you have faced in life now, even people living with both parents still face worse, either due to lack or whatever.

      Look inwards and be grateful for where you are, be grateful that the proverbial rejected stone has now become so valuable and highly sought after. You are like the biblical Joseph....Don't be so hard at heart the Lord has vindicated you already, after all you would help people whom you do not even know without expecting anything in return, pretend that is the situation now and do what you can for your mom. I know it's hard but if you try you can.

      And if all that I have said still doesn't mean much to you, don't forget that every disappointment is a blessing!

    4. Am a fan of u shall ripe what you sow....biko let face reality once in awhile, if Everything was still booming d woman no go remember say she get pikin smwhr....nah poverty dey make her regret nd beg for forgiveness no b say she dey truly sorry..

    5. Reap* bfor una chop m with corrections

    6. Sweety. Forgive
      That shows you know better.
      Nna mehn...this world is funny o. my mama no Dey carry me play. If I don't call her for a day, she would call and start singing 'don't forget your mama and papa'.
      And then this?!..
      This is a funny world.
      Poster God blessed you to show her she could not stop you. I am so happy you turned out this way. Am so happy your good.
      Love her. Okay? Help her.
      Because of it, God would bless you even when you don't deserve it.
      Please am begging.
      Remember we didn't deserve the death of Christ on the cross and yet He came.
      You can do it.
      Chai! See my long epistle.

    7. We shld be grateful to our parents for bringing us into dis world but we didnt ask to be asked for us so as such shld tak responsibility jst as deir parents did for dem.failure to do dis ehh...well lemme say if i were u i wld forgive her but i WOULD not for any reason let her com near me or my family..she wld be dead to me.let me ask u,if u weren't doing well wld she seek u out?hell she wants a house,,story for d gods oo..but bottom line is u forgive her

    8. One of the commandments is honour your father and mother, my dear, that "honour" means taking care of them. Take care of your mum, so your days will be long and your blessings will be multiplied. Secondly, forgive, so your ways will be open and your endeavours fruitful

    9. Mine sent me out of the house and kept my things in the rain,that I had to give em out, slept on her decking for months,bath outside our house and neighbors wll look @ me naked, when it's raining I wll stand under the stairs, u had luxury cos u sat on the floor if her house, when she got tired of me sleeping in her decking,she told me to leave the open space I was sleeping with rain and dew every nyt, buh u knw what? Am not like her, I ve houses @ ajah area now... I ve lovely cars, I am very comfortable.... married a good man, buh take care of her like no man's business, cos I ve always been different frm my siblings, the ones the moved my things out with her, I feed all of them, infact one of just betrayed me recently, I Stll send money to her daughter, though not talking to her, buh I knw the lil girl has been giving her the money u send monthly... my dear proof to them u r different... take care of her, @ least she had all the chance to make y choke when u were a baby dear... hmmm been wanting to send this to stella for a long tym, buh just wanted to b sure I love stella enuf....and I do, infact the love is contagious, told my hubby she only doesn't ve a big behind, buh a big big heart... stella my love,this is the woman I hubby tells everything,that u had lunch with @ dortmund few yrs ago....

    10. Forgive her, do the bit you can to help her financially but don't bend over backwards for her. Don't let her get too close to your family. Personally I cannot show love to a mother who NEVER Showed me love, I can only be nice and civil and help her as an anonymous person.

  2. Poster Anthy Stella have said all, u regret it if u didn't help and if something bad happen to her, u don't pay evil with evil, just help her like u would have help someone else if u don't want to forgive her.

    1. If you arent with me during my time of struggle;please kindly exclude yourself when my success story starts to call...

      You all are saying "forgive her" cos you think its that easy?? And you all are too fast to say this cos its a woman that is in question here..yea to forgive is divine!! But some people just dont deserve "human forgiveness/sympathy" at a certain point in life...some people are just naturally created to be as wicked as anything and i wont be surprised if this poster decides to help her mum and later on the woman trying to ruin her life once again via any means at all...biko forget this ishhh of "blood is thicker than water"....

      @poster;i know it isnt easy to forgive this woman and i totally understand how you feel...but for the sake of christ;just forgive her soo as for the grudge you bear towards her not to block your future blessing..and just for you to make peace with your conscience.kindly do what you are suppose to do as a child she gave birth to and just move on k.wish you well my dear!!



    2. Poster help your's something you ought to do i.e helping both your parents. that's the only commandment that comes with a blessing it's not a request dear it's a command from God .
      I thank God for your life dear....forgive too so your heart can be lighter.this situation you find your self in should give you an insight on how we make God feel when we turn away from him and yet he always forgives us and blesses us more

    3. She wants a house.. really.. abeg u dont have a moda.. just tell ur self u fell out of the sky.. Imagine this kin person oh..

    4. Poster what your mum did is cruel but then remember that we as humans do worst and still forgives us
      Please find a way to forgive and help her but keep her at arms length while doing so. As is rightly said to err is human but to forgive is divine

  3. just do what aunty Stella told u .... some mothers can be so mean.... right na i have left the house for my mum and my siblings who are frustrating my life. help them, love her. i lack love...God help me


    2. Well, SDK well said but! If only its dat easy, if only. She is not obligated to help her though. Poster, forgive her with caution so you can continue to experience God's favor and mercies in ur life.

  4. Na waoh! Let her suffer a little b4 you step in to help her...

    1. All above plus Stella are in lala land on this one. Poster do not help her the day you start things will not be the same for you again o. You haven't all experienced mental torture from those that were expected to love us. Poster forgive her but I repeat do not assist.

  5. just do what aunty Stella told u .... some mothers can be so mean.... right na i have left the house for my mum and my siblings who are frustrating my life. help them, love her. i lack love...God help me

  6. Replies
    1. When my mum decided to settle with her mum(my grandmum).
      Hmmm,we bought lots of stuff,went visiting,spent some days and when we returned back home.
      It was a life and death situation o,if not for GOD hmmm
      I was seriously ill and nothing was diagnosed
      While my mum,was also very ill and treatment wasn't working.
      I gathered strength went for my prayer meeting after which I entered chapel(where d blessed sacrament was exposed-catholic),I cried n fell asleep there for 2hrs n told God I want to wake up to my healing.And Behold I received my miracle.
      I didn't need any fake pastor to give money.
      My mum's healing was God's doing too
      Hmmm Long Story!

    2. My dear pls treat her right no matter wat she's still ur mother*I will love you to just tank God 4 his provisions & love towards ur life*if nt 4 God,u won't be wer ure 2dy..& 4rm my lil findings,children who wer mistreated alwaz end up living better lives

  7. Replies
    1. Hmmm poster we r kinda in d sme condtn. Well my mum ran away wit me,I neva met my dad. She made sure she cut off frm his entire family.smhw I was able to get his number,spoke wit him,d man na non challant man. Anyway my step dad allowed me bear his name nd is a fantastic dad to me,but d problem is my mum. Ders no curse av nt received to d point of callin me a failure,evn though am hustling nd its begining to pay,I cnt wait to take my kid away frm her,and jst live my life. Am nt yet financially okay to live wit my kid,but I live alone to wrk hard nd wit time,my kid will join me. Ders no form of abuse I ddnt get frm dis woman. Is it tearing my clothes in public? Or beating me in public or arresting me,or burning my clothes. I cnt wait to get away frm her totally. Na jst money cause am,but very soon sha,ild get a breakthrough,get my kid nd we will b happy.

    2. Hmmm poster we r kinda in d sme condtn. Well my mum ran away wit me,I neva met my dad. She made sure she cut off frm his entire family.smhw I was able to get his number,spoke wit him,d man na non challant man. Anyway my step dad allowed me bear his name nd is a fantastic dad to me,but d problem is my mum. Ders no curse av nt received to d point of callin me a failure,evn though am hustling nd its begining to pay,I cnt wait to take my kid away frm her,and jst live my life. Am nt yet financially okay to live wit my kid,but I live alone to wrk hard nd wit time,my kid will join me. Ders no form of abuse I ddnt get frm dis woman. Is it tearing my clothes in public? Or beating me in public or arresting me,or burning my clothes. I cnt wait to get away frm her totally. Na jst money cause am,but very soon sha,ild get a breakthrough,get my kid nd we will b happy.

    3. Taaaa! Common comment. Which person own you wan read?

    4. Anonymous you foolish o...
      What's wrong with you ladies...your mum had you out of wedlock you are paying for her sins you go ahead and also have a kid out of wedlock.. Why won't she insult you...your stepfather allows you to bear his name then you go ahead and add a child who would bear his or her step dad's name no dey tire for the vicious circle?

      Why is it that most so called out of wedlock kids go ahead and have kids out of wedlock?
      Before the illiterates misinterprete me I said most not all o and that doesn't mean some in wedlock kids don't havery illegitimate kids..I just expect the so called illegitimate kids to know better.. Chai

    5. OMG **holds back rage. Takes a breather and looks up**

      @badasschick, u are so mean. Do u know there's something called generational curse? Unavoidable circumstances that operate in the celestial realm in certain families due to no fault or theirs? Please let's be a bit considerate before we make comments that'll further sink the victims to depression.

      It takes a lot of courage to share certain deep family issues on blogs, and those who share them need succour or solution, and not people to compound their already complex situation. From what this anonymous said u can tell it was passed down to her and she doesn't seem happy about it. Some things have nothing to do with common sense when spirituality takes the upper hand and ONLY God can redeem such a lineage from ancestral curse.

      Go out into the world and see professors and people who are of high intelligence, yet they get subdued by deep family secrets that make them act un learned and foolish. Some people have issues that is beyond getting blog advice but when they share them it is so that they can find people who suffer similar fate, and then they find respite knowing that they are not alone.

      Abeg let's know how to react to certain things so that the posters won't regret sharing their stories or end up being suicidal because of a flippant comment.

    6. @SIsEko.. may your wisdom n understanding increase beyond the imagination of King Solomon. GOD BLESS

  8. Stella well said, my mum would say whether bad or good, she's your mum....She showed you hate, show her love, your love would taunt her sef!She would always feel guilty whenever that alert or stuff from you arrive,you don't need to visit or let her visit you, just send her a token every month /every 3mths/festive period at your own discretion, whatever suits you...Remember bible says forgive those who have wronged you!

  9. yes i agree with Stella biko , try and make peace with her before she die! making peace with her doesn't mean that u will be leaving with her NO, just do something for her u can start up a some biz for her, buy her stuff. my luv i knw hw u feel but try ur best pls.

  10. Honey there's no better punishment that you can give her than to take care of her. God has blessed you already. Please do not repay evil with evil. In fact, spoil her rotten sef if you must. If she has a conscience, or at least some left,she'll apologize for the past years. Remember that if she didn't bring you into the world, you won't be here telling us what she did. Just be good to her. God will judge her in His own time.

    1. God has already judged her that's y she's ripping d seed she sowed. Poster do not give in to ur mother's demands cos she has no right whatsoever to make demands. Do d little u can for her let her manage it, after all she didn't do anything for u. More importantly make sure she stays very far away from u. Do not give in to any demands she makes. How can a mother be that wicked to a child she carried in her womb?

  11. Hmm quite diffcult!
    Poster just help her but don't allow her into ur house!!!
    Do as u will do to someone in need but know when to cross d lines cos u never know what made her react like that towards u
    She might still have that feeling or even bitter that her other children should have bn in ur position, na naija we dey o so shine ur eyes!!!

    1. I ova agree with you, dont jes listen to the'forgive her' story, use your head and pray well.she might not b all dat apy wit ur success buh finding a way to destroy you again.

  12. The only way you can be a better person than your mum is by forgiving her .

    1. I go with stella, is not gonna be easy,but u just have 2 4give her! 4giveness is wat u do 4 urself in order 2 move on.

  13. She is your matter what.

    Please forgive
    It will not be easy but do it.
    Forgive her and take care of her.

    Cant you see how God has blessed you?


    1. This your comment just touched me...especially the last line. Poster, gbayalu nne gi o!

    2. @poster,remember wat joseph said to his brothers dat sold him into slavery wen he saw dem after he became d prime minister of egypt?...d same tin dey did to joseph is wat ur mother did to u

    3. @ bitchplis,
      For once, ur comment made sense to me
      Nne plz forgive but be very careful in relating w her.

    4. Joseph was sold by his step brothers so its easier to forgive than ur own mother..

    5. What did Joseph say?

  14. Forgive wetin?
    Which blood? Did d wicked mum recognise her as her blood when she maltreated her?
    Did d poster ask her mum to get pregnant outside wedlock hence d frustration d mother took out on her?
    Abeg forget that ish joor. We are human beings not angels so we can't and won't forgive someone that acted like the devil himself towards.
    Actually I retract my statement. We will forgive because the bible said forgive 70 times 7 times but we won't help nor lend a hand.
    D mama should starve and die. She is just reaping the fruits of her labor.
    Karma always comes visiting even after 20 years.

    1. NO!! Honey!! Did u just say starve and die?? How do u think d poster will feel years after she has died? Guiltsss!

      Poster i know u feel so hurt and resentful towards her but sweety, forgive her and be freee.
      U can decide not to be close to her but just send her thing/money once in awhile, just help her like u will help am outsider, beleive me u will feel happy knowing u didnt take her wicked part.
      But i must advice u should be on your toes while doing these, like blessing anytin u wanna send to her b4 it gets to her, i know she is ur mum but the world is evil.

      I know of a woman who was accused of reporting her children to a diety for no just cause..wehn it was revealed she owned up to the evil act and it finally killed one of her daughters just like that. The woman is evil we know but her kids have longed forgived her, i cant say if they send her anytin but am very surenone of them is close to her.

    2. Lol! Its not like that. Helping someone doesn't mean you have to be bosom friends or even love them. Its difficult I agree but just help out that's all. If you want to keep your distance fine

    3. As in ehn... Forgive wetin?
      Even if I forgive I'll never assist her in any way...

    4. Thank you Bianca. I was wondering what planet these 'angels' are from. Be wise o. Things are not always what they seem. The same way sperm donor and daddy are not the same is the same way baby factory and mummy are not the same. She fit be witch sef. Forgive for your own sake cos the Bible mandates us to, but be very careful with her.

    5. Gbam! Gbamer!! Gbamest!!!! Forgive wetin????? NEVER! I will forgive and forget her. Can't even allow her near my family, God punish devil. Biko poster, have NOTHING to do with that woman to avoid stories that touches the heart. Imagine, wicked woman coming to reap where her did not sow. Believe me a leopard doesn't change its spot, hence she can't change once she gets her groove back she would strike back like a snake!! Please protect and guard that family of ours jealousy, she doesn't like you talk more of love. pleaseeee have nothing to do with her.

    6. Seconded.....some peeps acting.lik angels here...hiss

    7. Dont mind dem, dey are all saying forgive het she's your mum naso d tin easy ba? Dat karm tin too dey long sef b4 action

    8. Yes its so calous of her mother. But remember to Eer is human to forgive is Divine. Vengenaces is of the Lord. if we can forgive an outside why won't she forgive her Mum no matter, I no some Mothers can be so funny. So my Dear poster forgive her and do the needful. setup so she won't turn a Liability to you. but be careful and leave the rest to God.

    9. Bianca,bunny,ify nd missy una too correct.we are not saints abeg..if u want to dine wit d devil mak sure its wit a veryyyy long spoon. Forgive her but dont touch her wit a ten foot pole..u de even ask sef..if na me if she even catch fire nd i hold water for hand i go drink am rather dan douse her wit ko,mother ni.abi did u beg to be born?

    10. Forgive Wetin? Cut her off... Then after a while, just send her money

    11. I no do Biko! My runs na "to your tent o Israel ", hian!!! I can't shout.

    12. Lol@ Ify Onye, yes o, forgive her and forget her. Afterall it's always nice to forgive and forget.

  15. Pls help her! 1st she gave u life. 2nd d bible made me to understand that it's better to pay evil wth love cos by so doing ure heaping charcoal of fire on the person's head. So pls be wise and show her love. Good luck.

    1. Life without care is meaningless

    2. Ooh really...
      My mum says this all the time but me and ma siblings tease her cos we never knew it's actually written in the bible.
      She says and does it all the time that sometimes we wonder if the people jazzed her sef.

  16. Poster your story just reminds me of a girl we kind of grew up together,she is an only daughter and swears she isnt adopted.Her dad hates her like leprosy ,he will beat her sotay she agrees to terrible crimes she did not commit and her slow mum just looks on,she had to leave before he kills her just roaming about,finaly she started living with a bf she found somehow,even my parents had to get involved but this so called born again man insists his daughter is a witch he tells anyone who cares to help her to stay away as she will destroy them,she has gone to MFM done all prayers just to make her dad love her no way she even once told me she was considering babalawo as church no work,i warned her not to,the guy she stays with is just a struggling young man but i think he loves her,i saw her 2months ago and she is pregnant almost due sef but doesnt know how many months sigh.she even tried to go see her dad with the guy b4 this whole pregnancy the man just detest anything about her.If this girl ever makes it in life just how will she feel about him.

  17. I think Stella has said it all, regardless of whatever your mother must have done to you in the past, she is still your family. Just forgive her and watch more good things of life come your way.

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  18. Poster, I know it hurts, but she is still your mother, GOD has vindicated you by blessing you and she is alive to see all her curses reverted back to her other children. Please help her ONLY! Not your step siblings o! Let those ones find their level o jare! You don't have to love her. By helping her, her conscience will know no peace!

    1. I disgrace with u on that point not assisting her step siblings. She should as well but be careful as well

    2. Ewooo, Chinyelu, why do you wanna DISGRACE New Dawn na?

    3. Lmaoo. Ta...una no fit overlook typo ni. but I laughed hard. Lol

  19. Poster, I know it hurts, but she is still your mother, GOD has vindicated you by blessing you and she is alive to see all her curses reverted back to her other children. Please help her ONLY! Not your step siblings o! Let those ones find their level o jare! You don't have to love her. By helping her, her conscience will know no peace!

  20. i concur wif stella mk peace wif her n help her if u can regardless..GOD'S blessings upon ur life is not by ur power...remember 2 wrongs dont make a right..may God lead u rightly...

  21. Wow! This Poster Has gone through a whoe lot, I don't blame you at all, you are only human. I would hate her too if I were in your shoes.
    But dear helping her is a way of getting Your payback, telling her you didn't turn out like she expected you would.
    Let go of your resentment and hate for her and your siblings, there's this saying about hate I love so much "Hate does more harm to the vessel that contains it than the one it is poured into" LET it out! Pour it all out, not because of her but for your own sake.
    Help her as much as you can From a DISTANCE. Don't bring her close to you, look for a medium to get help to her, a woman that spoilt you for someone about to marry you shouldn't be welcome in your house. Like I said help her from her afar, and woe betide her if she as much as conceive evil against you for your good, like the biblical saying your good shall be like hot coals heaped upon her head should she think of harming you. All the best dear.

  22. I feel your pain dear, but please forgive her and play your role
    as a daughter even though she did not treat you well.God will keep blessing you,please help her/ ur half siblings. It is well with you and your household.

  23. Help ur mum in anyway u can..we ain't saying u should build her a duplex, just give her allowee when u can. Some. Mothers ehn!

  24. My dear if u are a christian then U will be familiar with "Forgive us this day as we forgive those who sinned against us" and am sure all those ur mum's word helped to make u a better woman cos I know how it feels when everybody looks up to U to fail u just won't want what they said to be true so u will work harder and mayb that's part of your success story today. so never mind if U are in position to help her do so, cos that is only when you will be at peace

  25. Is this a movie script?
    Like OMG?
    What would make a woman do such to a child she birthed? After all the stress and pains of child birth. She should even love you more as to making up for all the lost times.
    She could even leave you with your dad and moved on? I don't know how women do it o. I can't leave my child for any man to help me train because I want a better life. What for na? Even if the man tries to fight it,child welfare would become involved.
    Forgive her for your own sake. Not because of her. Just so you have inner peace.
    Help her out,you must not be all smiles with her,help her and keep she and her kids at distance.
    Please what ever you decide to give her,pout holy water on it and annoint it,pray for 3days with it because if she could do all you said,she could go diabolical on you..


    1. Getting pregnant, carrying d child 4 9months n birthing a baby does not categorically make anyone a mother. Truth? She was n still is not ur mother dear poster n as such make no mistake of treating her as one. Giving grudgingly attracts no blessing n dat will b d case with ur so-called mum. 4give n 4get nor dey exist biko unless ure not human. If u must give 2 her consider her one of dose charity cases around n try dropping wit a long stick in2 her begging bowl. #my opinion#

  26. Awwww poster I feel you....I wasn't treated that bad but I understand you vividly well...

    But I beg you in God's name,just help her,do whatever you can do to help her. I know it's hard cos if it's me as well hmmm am not sure I can but you need to be strong and put all that happened behind you.

    Certain things happen for a good reason .If you weren't treated that way you might not have gotten a good man to marry,you might have ended the other way round.

    She doesn't have to live you with you bt if you can,try place her on a monthly or quarterly salary. It hurts too that your dad aint alive to enjoy the fruit of his labour....

    1. Hmm true. Reminds me of the Adebayor saga. The twist about stuff like this is that when such a mother is living in penury, it's detrimental to the child because no matter how successful u are, people will curse u for abandoning ur mother without understanding the deep history that caused it. Preying eyes and naysayers won't allow u enjoy ur life in peace until she dies.
      So if not for anything, do it for world people, so that they will not reduce u with their mouth to ground zero after all u have laboured and suffered to be in life without ur mothers help.
      What if in future u decide to run for a political office, they may use it against u that u didn't take care of ur mother. How many people would understand? So do it for God and for posterity, not because she deserves it.

  27. Reading your post,I felt so much pity for you,i can't even imagine what you went through. It must have really hurt you but there is a part of the bible that says honour thy father and mother so that your days may be long,do it for yourself! I laugh at parents when they take favouritism in a particular child or children may be because they felt the child is brilliant or because they see a great future in that child,absolute rubbish, God said I will bless whom I will bless,parents should be aware that they are not God and they are not the owner of the future of their children, some stupid ones go as far as checking the stars of these children hiannnnn for what na?and at the end the rejected stone becomes the corner stone! Madam do this for yourself and so that the word of God will come to pass in your life,but be very careful how you go about,as for your step siblings keep them at arms length before they snatch your hubby,my two cents

  28. Stella is very easy to tell someone to forgive, some parents are worse than the devil, can't imagine how a mother Can hate her child so much, the evil that men do live with them, let her suffer for her wickedness but once in a while u can give her 5 or 10k, plz do it from A distance like Stella said, but don't do anything extra ordinary for her cos she does not deserve it.

  29. dear pls make peace with her pls.

  30. This is too much my dear. I will advice you help her or them from very far. Don't go close to them.

    1. Yep!...but do it from ur heart and with love

  31. Stella took the words outta my mouth.... Do the needful, there are so many bad things you let go when God lift you up... And God indeed has fight your battle... You gotta let go! Forgive!

    Whenever you do good to her,believe me,her mind pricks her,she lives in regret for the way she treated you and that alone is enough...

    Be happy God was on your side and He still is!

    Who knows if she'd pampered you,you might have end up like your siblings...

    Thank God am forgive!

  32. Aunty 'sterra' I beg to disagree with you. She might have given birth to her but she is not her mother, cos she doesn't love her. Her real parents here is her grand parents who took care of her. Some parents are from hell.
    @poster if you help her, she might end up destroying your happiness, unless ofcourse shes changed. This world is a wicked place. I used to think like aunty 'sterra' 'the blood is thicker than water' crap, but something happened recently with in the family.
    @poster, what to do depends on you. You can help her with food items and clothing pay for her needs, no physical cash. goodluck

  33. U re rit stella. No matter what happens, a mother will always be a mother. Help her in any little way you can but don't allow her to visit you especially your siblings. Like stella said if u don't, you might regret your actions tomorrow. She is a wicked woman no doubt and I knw she z regretin her deeds.
    I think you should be happy you didn't end up the way she had wanted and that is d more reason why you should help her. She is reapin the fruit of her wickedness through her daughters. Vengeance is of the lord and God has vindicated you already. Don't allow your anger to becloud you sense of reasoning.
    Forgive her for the sake of God

  34. Try to make peace with her and your self. You don't have to be close with, but just do what you can so as not to regret it later in the future.

  35. Stella I disagree with u,this is not evil for evil,it is just staying away from a potentially bad situation.God asked us to be wise.Be wise my bitten twice shy.

  36. Forget the past, forgive ur mum and her children. Gv them unconditional love.

  37. O my! This is touching,you are the first water to break outta your mum's womb... And she disregarded u?
    I understand your penury,its quite painful to see the one u love abandon you talk more of a mother...

    For the sake of posterity,forgive her,let her know hw bad u feel,let her know hw on earth she means to u but she wasn't there for you.

    But please forgive her,help her and take her back,but remember..She never hated you...Her anguish was as a result of having u out of wedlock and not getting married to your late father..She had lot of stuff on her mind..Tho not justifiable but forgive her...

    Happy for your testimony,God can never leave us half way.

  38. My dear your pain is understandable,if you don't help her then you are exactly like her and am sure you are not. Please help her if you have the means and leave judgement to God. You are blessed.

  39. na wah oh. Pray to God for a heart to forgive them. Keep her at arms length and do the little you can for her. At least nobody will blame you for anything.


  40. @poster,i can feel ur pain,forgiveness doesn't come cheap particularly when been hurt by those closest to ur heart.Aunty stella is telling her her to forgive, i know it is the right cal to make but lets put ourselves in her shoes and tell ourselves the gospel truth.if such cruelty where to be done to us particularly from those dearest to our hearts,can we just let it sail away just like that???such a thing is not easy to let go believe m.My opinion is that she needs some time to deal with it.@poster,over time you still have to let it go dough it's hard.she's still ur parent and nothing can erase that.that is as cruel as life can be.
    #IAM BOND#

  41. More like a hollywood write-up, thank God fOr u.......pls help the woman, its not easy though but like Steolla said make peace

  42. Babes, first of all I sympathise with u but rmbr, u r not God and so don't play God. Fortunately, things have turned out good for u...u better be wise. Do Wat u can.
    You of all ppl shld knw nothing lasts forever (ur step fathers fortune overturned) and so pls thread gently. This life is too fragile to hold on too tightly to anything. What If u die tomorrow? (I am not a sadist but a realist)....Even if she was nt ur mother, treat her like someone who needs ur help.
    she is obviously filled wt bitterness towards her love in return. Whatever u do now is Wat ur kids wl reap in future, don't sow bitterness and revengeinto their llives. I am a product of favour from God and the goodwill of my father wherever I go. That man helped (and stl keeps helping ppl) beyond Wat u can ever imagine...Sometimes I blame him Bt he always says...'life is too fragile to think too hard abt and let for the moment and spread goodwill'.

    I knw it myt be difficult but pray abt it and God wl plant her love in ur heart. ...shalom!

  43. Like Stella said, forgive her and make peace with her for the sake of your soul. God is very gracious enough to bless you.
    Have you read the story of Joseph in the Bible? he was SOLD by his brothers and he forgave them took care of them when they needed him.God bless u!

  44. Forgive! Forgive!! Forgive!!! Just let it go and allow yourself to heal. Thank God for how you turned out. Like aunty Stella said, you don't have to be friends with her. Just do the needful and help her anyway you can.

  45. Op, it is easier for people who have not gone through what you went through nor walk in your shoes to say forgive and help her. Please my dear you are under no obligation to financially help her. But I will tell you to forgive her for all the pain she has caused you. You do not need to forget but you need to forgive for your own sanity. It is not good to abhor resentment n hate for an other person.

    As far as helping her, do what your spirit tells you to do. You have no obligation to that woman. She is not your mother, she was just an instrument that was use to birth you. Nothing more. Birthing a human doesn't make you a mother/father. It is what you do after the birth that makes you a mother/father. So forget the blood is thicken than water nonsense. Do what your spirit tells u.

  46. Not all blood is thicker than water o my dear Stella,if u understand what I mean.

  47. She has already received her punishment. Just help her for the sake of God. It is a pity she could be this wicked to her own child. Rose

  48. Please forgive her and help her in your own little way, you will have peace for helping her. And like stella said you don't need to be her friend

  49. Help her the best way you can. No, it won't be easy because people like that have a way of making it look like you owe them everything. Yep, she's going to act that way and really annoy you sometimes but just do the best you can.
    Nobody deserves to be treated the way you were treated by his/her own parent but hey, it happened to you and my guess is, if that woman treated you any better, you may have turned out to be a "ne er do well" if you know what I mean. The people she treated like queens turned out to be..... and look how you turned out. You were probably been saved from something terrible.
    Some how this makes me remember the story of lazarus and the rich man in the bible....
    Anyhow, just do the right thing. There's difference between the good and the right thing. Treating her the way she treated you as a child is by all means very good. But ask yourself, is it right?

    Ahhhh... pardon the epistle, it must be the iced pineapple I just ate. I wonder what'll happen if I eat a baguette, i'll probably speak French...oui oui. #okayBye

  50. My dear make peace okay,do it for God and not her, you mustnt help her because she is your mother,just help because of your love for God.remember the greatest commandment, "that you should love your neighbor as I have loved you".... And you see its was God love that kept you all those years of agony and still keeps you,you have done things against his wish but that didn't deter his blessings from coming to my love, do it for Him okay and may He bless you much more...Amen
    Its well with you.

  51. Chikito a.k.a FinalSay4 December 2014 at 15:09

    Hmmm.... If it's me I will assist but I will constantly not fail to remind her of all the things she did to me. She is a wicked woman, regardless. She probably hated your dad, but no need to hate the child.
    Pls help her as you would help an aged woman in distress. And keep your step-siblings as far as possible. Before they rob u shit.
    She should go and live in the village with your grandparents, when they pass on she can accommodate the house. She has to reap what she sowed. But manage her.

    That's how I followed my friend to her dad's house in the village. You know igbos naau. Mighty house with underground club, somewhere in Imo State. Na so my mouth open! Anyhoo, her dad is a chief and her grand mum lives in the BQ of the house, in a small room. I kept thinking: The house is always empty so why can't the woman be allowed to live in?
    After much interrogation, I realised the woman left her children with their father when they were small. The man had issues in his trading and 'big eye' didn't let her stay for her kids. She was travelling round Nigeria following men. Only to re-surface with an illness after several decades, on hearing her sons have become men. Ehen! They treated her nau, and gave her a roof over her head. Not much attention, you would hardly believe she is related to them.

  52. My Dear poster, there's nothing in this life o. God didn't bring you this far for nothing. Your forgiveness to her is already revenge enough because she will live with that guilt everyday of her life. Just do it for her like you would do for another person. My own story is close to yours. The difference is that mom left when i was a toddler, and i was brought up by several step moms. The torment no be here. Now, i'm independent and she's just locating me & can't seem to find a way to make up for past years, but i let her know that all that is in the past. She wanted to be sending me money and she was suprised when I told her No and that I'll be the one to be taking care of her and not the other way round. She wept. She was absent in all the years of my suffering & pain but for the fact that God has favored me and has made me strong and brought me this far, who am I not to forgive? Just Try and forgive her, be nice to her and live her to God. Do not hinder yourself of further blessings bcos of this one person. It's not easy but it's a thing of the mind. Once you make up your mind, then anytn is possible. God bless you.

    1. Dear lady,
      Am happy. Truly happy for you. This your story just touched my heart.

  53. Very painful indeed, but my dear I can relate with you though not directly. I stayed within an aunt whose mother abandoned them. She refused to take care of her children and did all sorts and they never loved her. At some point she came to beg for forgiveness when she realised her daughter was doing well. She even cursed her daughter in public by bringing out her breastfeeding just cos the daughter refused to help her but was helping her dad who took care of them. Long story short, she forgave her mum, after much plea from her pastor, she cried painful tears that day, and we could feel the hurt and we all cried with her. Her mum is very wicked, and I am saying this cos I lived with her mum, that woman isn't a mum sorry to say.... I even know a mum who told her daughters fiance not to marry her that she sleeps with all the priests in the church, imagine!
    Poster, help her ok? BUT do not invite her into your home. Do it for yourself by helping her. Do not invite your step siblings either. don't let them anywhere near your home, cos the heart of man is wicked. nothing stops u r mum from trying to steal ur happiness for the children she loves. she is coming to u cos of what u have just like my aunts mum. DO NOT bring them into ur home. You can get her a 2 bedroom and place her on a monthly income. when u get the place, try to put the necessary stuffs in place....My advice might sound hash, but my dear, we live in a terrible world. good luck.

    1. Chikito a.k.a FinalSay4 December 2014 at 19:53

      Rent Gini? She should move to the village house with your grandparents. Do u know how much rents are in Lagos? No biko. Let her go to her parents. They are still alive.

  54. Evrbody now agrees with stella. Do whatever your mind tells you. mother my ass! Because she brought you into this world doesnot make her your mother jareee, your paternal grandma is the mother you have. Doesnt she also know that blood is thicker than water RUBBISH!

  55. @poster # do u want to disobey God by abandoning your mum? She trained you thinking she did you bad. That's the irony of Life. You had to pass through that difilcuties to be a better person. It's not easy but forgive her and her kids. Be wise like a serpent like the bible teaches us. Don't drop all ur guards cus envy is so strong. I wish u all the best.

  56. the only controller G4 December 2014 at 15:18

    poster your case is really a pathetic one;but my dear you need to forgive her in order to continue coming clean in front of equity; but pls do it from afar.Am sorry to say this but your mother has characteristics of evil in her and that type can do and as much as we quote the bible;the bible also tells us to be wise and remember that the spots of a leopard can never be cleaned.Anything you want to give her;pls pray seriously over it and cover it with the blood of Jesus.pls don't bring her into your home or close to your family;unless she will ruin you especially the daughters who I know will be filled with envy and bitterness towards you.The natural tie BTW mother and daughter is not there;so just know she sees you as an outsider.

  57. My dear if I put myself on your shoe , if I felt your pain I don't think I will forgive her never
    But nevertheless you have to forgive her but stay away from her, just send her money whenever you can ...........from what I read I know she dint apologise for the past, and she will never appreciate anything you do for her.
    But please send her money whenever you can

  58. Joseph ws sold by his step brothers remember, not even his full brother talk more of the mother. pls they are not the same matter.

  59. Just forgive her, certain tins happen for a reason my dear

  60. Pray for healing dear poster. Before you help her. Help yourself, tell God to take away the anguish, pain and sorrow she caused you and feel your heart with love, peace and forgiveness.

    When all this is done. Be wary of your mother. Do not get to close too her. She might eventually not be happy with how well you have turned out. Yes mothers are wicked!

    Do not let them into your home. Give from afar....from very far. There is no way ur mothers kids won't be envious of you, and i pray today that the DAY they shall go to do evil with the money you will give them, MADNESS would pursue them.

    Be wary very wary!!!!

  61. HMMM poster I agree with you...I'd feel the same way and cut contact with her if she was my mum so your feelings are justified...I sometimes feel the same way about my dad too and the moment I get married, that I'd neglect him...

    Stella is right is very important to forgive but hmm stella it is not that easy esp when it is someone that should love and nurture u that treats u like that....

    Anyway Stella I beg post this one...I feel the same way about my dad oh...but this is because of the way he treats my mum...he has been cheating on her since I was 10 and I bet he thinks I don't know but I know...and I am 21 now. He talks to her anyhow sometimes in front of us and even the maid...but my mum stayed because she couldn't cater for 5 of us by herself...the thing is, it has made me resentful towards my dad no matter what he provides for us, I never see him the same and I strongly dislike him for that...he disrespects my mum like crazy and even us kids none of us is close to him...sometimes I used to wish he died so that she can get with someone else who would treat him better...

    am I wrong for feeling this way? the man annoys me...he spends nmoney on girls yet when he is broke, my mum always gives him all her hard earned money,...he canot even open a business for her but he can go build a house for his concubine...gosh everytime I think about these things, I just wait patiently till I leave this house and he will never hear from hurts me so much that she stayed with him but then she explained that it was because she did not want us to be victims of broken homes... *sigh* just felt like ranting

    1. From experience,
      I would say ; love him
      .he does not deserve it, but do it all the same.
      Show him love.
      And leave it to God.
      Am not saying be his closest friend, am just saying do the needful...the basics.

    2. Hang in dere Boo...
      Sending u warm hugs

  62. Hi Stella, pls i have openings for a) An accountant b) a quantity surveyor c) A female fine artist location- Apapa ..Call: 08054663193 or send an sms also send your CV to

  63. I beg to agree with Aunty Stella. Just do what you can do to a person in need but pls deal with her with a long rope. I can still sense jealousy in her. Just do your part so that God will keep increasing you.

    Pls vote boo and I in the big Nigerian Wedding contest on the link http:/ Thank you

  64. When I think of how much love my parents have for me, especially my mum, it just beats my imagination how a parent or mum van be so wicked to a child dey bore. My mother van literally do anything for us her kids, iv seen her defend us fiercely, and also correct us harsly with love. Wow I'm in shock at this post. Pls poster, just forgive us mum so that u can have peace. Trust me, it's a lot of burden to hate. As for helping her, do that from a very long distance. Do not, I repeat do not ever bring her close to u, cos her hatred for u mit just be in her blood, except she has repented and truly changed. As for us half siblings, forgive dem also but u are under no obligation to assist dem financially, do it if u want to, but if u don't, abeg free dem, let dem fend for demselves.

  65. on this matter i feel somehow aint easy to forgive such can help her but plz dont allow her or her kids have access to your family.their paws are withdrawn for the moment.plz those people can destroy your home...her daughter may evn go after your husband with her mothers' backing so that they will b getting directly from the source.i have seen this happen..they are not entitled if i must say,but do your little bit for the end use ur discretion....if na me,i would have denounced her as my mum in court..i cant deal.may God help you.

  66. Iya, if I hear say u help am.o yes u can forgive o but nothing like help in this case. She might come in and destroy your home hence she is naturally wicked. Ya Rikwaa nsi

  67. Dear poster, please LOVE AND HELP HER FROM AFAR. Your mother comes across as a heartless and mean spirited person. Having her close to your new home is a huge risk. She may ruin your home. She already tried by telling your hubby not to marry you because you're a witch. Who is the witch here? A woman that does not want her daughter to have a happy home? I agree that she's still your mother and you should make peace with her and help her however way you can but please do it from AFAR. Don't let her get too close.

  68. Hmmm pathetic, though its not easy but pls do forgive her and stil be very careful around her.

  69. Dear poster from what you have just narrated, she didn't deserve to reap where she did not sow, I mean you can't sow a thorns and expect to reap a flowers. She's not a mother she's a moron, sorry to say if that sound harsh! let her suffer for years before you render any helps.

  70. Dear poster from what you have just narrated, she didn't deserve to reap where she did not sow, I mean you can't sow a thorns and expect to reap a flowers. She's not a mother she's a moron, sorry to say if that sound harsh! let her suffer for years before you render any helps.

  71. Hmmmm....... Rily nt easy to forgive such cruelty dt was done to d poster but just try forgive her

  72. 4give her bt dnt help her cos u can nva tell wat she will do wif ur moni.... Stay clear bt check on her incase of emma....

    ~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

  73. Nne I agree with Stella you have to forgive that doesn't necessarily mean that you two become best friends. Just help her the much you can and God will bless you even the more. Nne we all falsely accused God and crucified him. But he didn't only forgive us, He accepted us as his own, and each time we sin we still nail him to the cross and he keeps forgiving. I know is difficult but pray that God grants you the grace to forgive her. This is a quote from Oprah i think you should mediate on it “Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different.”

    I always say to people around me that I always want to keep my sanity i mean have a clear conscience because nobody knows tomorrow and you wont want that day to come and you be regretting. It dey hunt person ooooo.

    When you forgive someone that person has no control over you but when you don't they have control over you.


    God Bless


  74. I can't phantom the height of cruelty and wickedness
    So pls forgive me if I ask if this a movie script , are you acting a movie

  75. My dear let these words guide you "honour your father and mother , that your days may be long". Note it didn't say OBEY but HONOUR, do for her what you would want your child to do for you, not for her sake but for you and God.
    Just like the Phoenix you rose from the ashes, show her you turned out better. But, you must forgive, remember our Lord's prayer if you're a Christian.

  76. Don't listen to all these so called "advisers" o!.... keep her far from u... forgive her yes, in ur heart and if she asks say u've forgiven her but do not, I repeat do not let her eat 1 kobo of your money... what for? the bible says those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.. this is her cross let her carry it, u are in no way obliged to help her, u haven't finished paying rent for beggars on d street that didn't offend you u want to pay for one that has shown u nothing but hate, let her reap the fruit of her wickedness

  77. After reading this and you don't forgive and help her . . .?

    1. God is already defending you;
    Do not move an ancient boundary stone
    or encroach on the fields of the fatherless,
    11for their Defender is strong;
    he will take up their case against you. Proverbs 23:10

    2. Do not repay evil with evil;
    Romans 12:17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”d says the Lord. 20On the contrary:

    “If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
    if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
    In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”e
    21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

    3. So that your sins will be forgiven by your heavenly father;
    Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.


  78. Like someone I know always says, ''I can't see the queen of England and kill my mother'', even if she is a self confessed witch...the bible say honour your father and mother no matter what and its the only commandment with a promise...that your days maybe long and your light never put out. So no matter what she did to you in the past she's still your mother and you owe her honour... Forgive and move and your should be grateful to God for placing you in a position to be able to take care of her...something she never did for you.

  79. just like what Aunty Stella and most of the bloggers have said, i quite i agree with you guys, saying she should forgive and help her mum. but come to think of it,its not that easy as said. thinking of the pain and the bitter experience of what she has gone through knowing that the person maltreating you is your own very mother, my people it is not easy to just forgive and help. well by gone has to be by gone and if you must help her, forgive her and forget totally. bear no grudge against her and her family. and God will bless you more. also pray before giving her anything, you never can tell. the heart of men is so wicked. commit all into God's hands. God be with us all..

  80. I read ur story and we connected
    Guess what? I treat her as the shit she treated apologies.

  81. what a disgraceful blog. jayem has been here for like 2 or 3 months and it is the worst thing here. disgusting stories. SDK delete all those stories and get your blog back to being an interesting one. disgusting.

    1. Chikito a.k.a FinalSay5 December 2014 at 07:59

      Pls move over to the ranting post and let us know when you're done....

  82. this honor thy father and mum thingy is being inappropriately used.haba mana! me,a woman that does this to me is jst a womb donor..she is evil..God knwz dat left to me,a dime of mine wont touch her hand.hw would she wana collect somthing from a witch..of course i will forgive her for d sake of just God and i will so forget her..poster be long as that woman has ur number and knows ur address,u aint safe..ok she is askn for a house,is it for her selfish comfort as usual or for her whole family cuz she seems to move on to the greener side whenever things go awry...i pray God gvs u wisdom and strenght cuz i feel u from ur write dare her open her mouth to ask u for anythin.

    1. Chikito a.k.a FinalSay5 December 2014 at 08:01

      See me oh!! Asking for house l!! She isn't even asking for forgiveness. Has d woman even apologized??!

  83. @poster The lesson(moral)is urs for d taken not u mum!!!but if u decide not 2 help in anyway d world n I especially won't blame ya....but then u fail 2 get d u made it u strong act like it,i don't kw u but I believe u a very nice person a lil love plss!!!

  84. This Is Deep....
    Póster u just opened up a Deep wound.....

    Buh u wil forgive....
    I have forgiven.....

  85. If it's me,i will forgive her,but I don't want to see her anywhere close to me,and if she wants an accommodation,she should go under d bridge,its always available.rubbish

  86. @ Poster, please do whatever makes you happy, whatever you are at peace and also comfortable with and above all pleasing to God after all He is the only one we are to answer to. May God guide you.

  87. Annonymous 2:36 and 2:39 you sound like an ungrateful chid. Your mother is so evil yet she's helping you take care of your child until you can get back on your feet. A truly wicked mother wouldn't take on the care of your child because you're unable to care for the child yourself. Abeg park well.

  88. Poster pls mind your business and as hard as it sounds forget about her.

  89. No use forgiving her if you r headed for hell; only forgive her if you r born again. Then, it would make sense. But if you r a sinner, sin na sin, hellfire tinz... Let her reap what she sowed

  90. poster,
    taking care of your mum is not for her sake, IT IS FOR YOURS....We r called to show love to the least deserving person.....i can imagine how painful it is and one cannot tell if she is only being nice because she wants to dump responsibility on you...nevertheless, take it one step at a time,.....collect her account number and every month send a certain amount. For xmas, send her some food stuffs and the kids of your step sisters some new clothes...then keep praying for God's leading in showing them love and kindness so u do not compromise on the safety of your home....God bless you.

  91. Hmmm, after reading this post and all these comments. I am finding some form of comfort. Mine isn't as bad as some cases and quite similar to some but I know that sooner than later all will be well. It is not easy to be down sha and people to disappoint you. There is only one human being that I can rely not blood, not family and not even my baby's father. I thank God sha, I thank God.

  92. You really need to forgive her, you might not be close but help in ways you can, afterall you are also a mother, if helping won't take anything or drain you financially help her out, cause if u don't and she dies you won't like urself,

  93. It is really sad and appaling how the family unit has deterioriated big time in this world. So much so that it even scares me to start one sef


    PART 1

    Hello Stella, compliments of the season, how are u nd the entire family, I trust u are all doing great. I know that u know me secretly but please hide my identity. I want to share my story with the sender of
    "IS IT BY FORCE TO TAKE CARE OF A WICKED MOTHER?"So she will know that love conquers all and not hate. I have really tried to summarise the story as much as I can. It is really a long one. Please pardon my errors because I was in a hurry to send it in.
    My mother and my Father never got married. My mum took in for my dad whom she met during nysc in the 80's. She travelled home after NYSC, shortly after wards she got a job in one of the state ministries. The relationship blossomed. He even met my grand parents at one point. However, along the line she took in and nay sayers, infact her paternal cousin nd his mum who was from my father's village took it upon themselves to destroy the relationship. While pregnant, my father never bordered to follow her up. He felt she wanted to use pregnancy to tie him down coz he had graduated earlier nd was doing well in his business. She had to resign from her job in the ministry coz they were made to sign a paper that they won't get pregnant on the job. Things became difficult she began to sell her things to cater for me. To feed nd nourish me. In all this, My biological father was no where to be found. His people only came once to see the child she birthed but my
    grandparents refused coz they were angry that they never showed up bfore then. She struggled after my birth. It was a shameful thing coz she was from a religious background her late father held a high post in the church. Cousins nd relatives mocked her....

  96. PART 2

    I was still young wen she left me in the care of my grand ma and relocated to another city. She suffered in that city coz she didn't know any body there bt God helped her she found a woman from another tribe nd lived with her. She practically served the woman bt she didn't mind coz she is naturally humble. God blessed her with a government job bfore u know it she was already sending money to the village so that I could attend a private school which I did bt I didn't learn much coz village teachers even in private schools are partial ilterates. I was sexually molested in the village by my grandma's house helps. My mum also got married nd had 5 more children. Mean while, my grand ma couldn't take care of
    me coz of old age so I was now living with one of my uncles and his wife as a house maid. after some years I was already in primary school, my mum took me to live with her. I will say my life there was fair. I had what other children had, I was abite stubborn bt God saw me through I gained admission in to the university. Initially, while growing up I was told my dad was late. My mum practically cut him off from my life nd her life. With my sturborness in my year three I decided to contact him. All hell was let loose coz all her family felt I was about to betray them. However, they grudgingly allowed me to contact him. Infact, I had to use tactics to reach him. Finally we spoke for the first time in 22years. He was in shock!! Infact that day he was driving I felt he even lost control of his car nd regained it. I pleaded with him to come and see me in the university but he refused. Because he felt I was in distress perhaps pregnant just like my mum
    to his surprise the day he came I was fine nd I told him I just wanted to see him that was why I bombarded his phones with calls. His wife didn't say much she only asked if I looked like him. He said yes. He was doing so great in his business. Meanwhile, I was in turmoil called relationship with a lunatic. The guy felt the only way I could get some thing maybe some financial support or attention from my nonchalant dad was through fights. I usually picked quarrel with my biological dad. Infact the day I visited him in a hotel I washed him with my mouth. He would act as if my words never got to him but it made him hostile towards me. Our phone conversations was full of quarrels. I hated him with passion. I could spite in his face if I had the opportunity to. My bf fuelled that animosity in me.I was also bitter coz he had sent his family to America nd he told me he even sent his house help. Along the line I went for my nysc, broke up with my boyfriend
    and things began to normalise in my life. I went closer to God. At a time I began praying that God should make him nd his family to see how important I was and I am going to be. I also began to pray for him nd his family. The hatred started changing from hate to love. We no longer quarrelled again. I began to show him some respect. Infact bfore my service ended I bought something that they usually sold in the state I served, it was very cheap nd I way billed it to him. That contributed in changing him. He was like "so after all this I can still do things for him" he didn't say it to my hearing bt I felt it in his voice. He offered to sponsor my master's degree nd I accepted. This was a man, through out my three hundred nd four hundred level in school he never bordered to give me a penny. I began my masters nd until I got married he was sponsoring it. He became kind and gentle towards me and I respected him nd held him in high esteem. During my
    marriage he didn't come coz he was afraid my mum's people would stone him to death. I am at peace in my husband's house nd I am at peace with both parents. I only detest my step dad who thinks I want to join his children in inheriting his properties but the good thing is that I don't hate him instead I pray for him always.

  97. PART 3

    My biological father finally conducted a DNA for his wife who insisted that he should do it but my dad knows I am his daughter. They see me happy in my life nd they all want to identify with me nd my husband's success. Infact, right now my Biological father wants to give me some millions to start up my business. The moral of the story is hatred won't get u any where instead love would.please be happy, forgive nd u will see things changing in your life. Thank you Stella

    1. Hmmmmmmm.. You wouldn't know how common these things are until one shares his/her story. Reminds me of Bill's case. Won't say much. I'm married with 3kids just met my father @31 lol.. I try to hate him but I can't.. We been talking on phone I have never set my eyes on him in my entire life.. hope to meet him in person someday sha.. loool!! To forgive isn't easy oo but first you ve got to forgive your inner self of all blames.., it isn't your fault you're born out of wedlock or you were raised by a single mum.. forgive yourself of all stereotypes given by u to u n others.. Forgiveness should start with YOU if not it will be difficult to let go and let in. And just like our sister here shared, forgiveness is the beginning of greater height in love, peace, happiness etc.. :-)

  98. Whao @ poster and the lady who emailed Stella. This is a wake up call for me to take care of my father. Poster I know how you feel but God has vindicated you. He will bless you even more if you take care of her but pls don't get too close to her or her kids.

  99. OP
    You will be the biggest fool if you help this woman. Refer to the story of a good Samaritan. Even mad women have children. There is no mother's love for u. She loves your money snd the comfort it can provide. If in doubt, pretend that you have lost it all and see the real beast rear her ugly head again. God has blessed and it will be an insult to God to drag yourself down by inviting nemesis to yourself. In life, it is either it exists or it does not. Love does not exist between two of you. Move on. Deal with it. There are a whole lot of people that deserve to be left the f**k alone. For you that one person is your nominal mother. Once bitten, twice shy. If you dare get closer to this woman, you willlive to regret it and all these apostles of "blood is thicker than water" will not be there to share your grief. Listen to your conscience. Stay away from her. Trouble dey sleep. Nyangs go wake am.

  100. Hmmmm....this story sounds like a movie,buh these things actually happen,sweedy,2 wrongs cannot make a right,she wronged u doesn't mean u wrong her back instead show her love and kindness and it wld be like u heaped a burning coal on her...even bible says we should honour our father and our mother,it didn't say honour ur "good" father and "good" just be good to her and help her if u have the resources! God wld definitely bless you for that and it wouldn't make u less of a person,iinstead it wld make u much more of a person! God bless you!

  101. NYDP~ New York Delta Pikin.
    Hmmmm if I didn't know, I would say I sent you this post. Very similar. But it's well, that's all I've got to say.
    (mixed feelings mood).

  102. After being in relationship with my husband for nine years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email is (LAVENDERLOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM } tel.+2347053977842) you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything.

    1. Before you go for spells to summon the energy of spirits to come to your aid please think, study, research for their consequences on yourself and the person the spell is intended for.. Easy come easy go.. be careful for God is a jealous God, the MOST powerful is his name.. Shallom!!!

  103. which mothers love is everything? Abeg at times we should be careful with the choice we make cause they have consequences. My mother abadoned me on the staircase and i never got to hear from her till when i was 23. in such till date i dont know what shelooks like and everyone keeps telling me to forgive. Forgive what kwa? when she was leaving me at the stairs she didnt think one day she ll ask for forgiveness all the insult i received on her behalf ehhhhhh. till date im still suffering from emotional abuse. well sha i don rant small i have no choice than to let go and forgive abi after all God has forgiven me countless times but e hard oooo cause i dont have any relationship with her

  104. She is your mum. She did bad to you because she doesn't wanna loose her husband or have problem with him. Pls help her in your own little way and be neutral, if she asks of forgiveness, pls forgive her but do not let her problem weigh you down because you have your own family. Do not allow any of them to come live with you, give them that little distant. ALways pray for your family esp your husband.

  105. Dont EVER I mean EVER give her money by hand, if you must give her money let her give you her account info and you pay in whatever you want to give her into her account, if she gets the money and decides to go do juju na she sabi this kind mother should NEVER be trusted.

  106. Awwwwww my darling! Reading through your story got me teary eyed. It's unnatural for a mother, wired to be a care giver and a nurturer ‎, to be the aggressor and the bane of her child's life. For goodness sake! Even when we, mothers ,see a child who isn't ours in distress or in need of help, our motherly instincts kick in. Immediately, we want to hold and comfort that child. So how can a mother turn against her own child? Sadly, it's more common than we realise, especially if the mother remarries  and forms a new family with kids. Some women resent the child they had premaritally because, it's a reminder of their sordid past. 

    Honey, it's very easy for us to throw the "forgive and forget" mantra at your face. After all, what do we know? Most of us were fortunate to have an overdose of motherly love. So how can we really relate to such an anomaly? My darling, no matter how benignant we try to be, it pales in comparison with anguish you feel. Here comes the hard part, baby, you NEED to forgive your mum, not HAVE to but NEED to. She doesn't deserve it but you deserve freedom from the anger and bitterness  you've carried all these years. Resentment is like cancer, it spreads erratically and kills healthy cells. For your sake and that of your kids, please my love, please try to forgive her. You'll be amazed at  the breakthroughs you'll experience because, bitterness is one of the tools the devil uses to destroy and he justifies it by making you feel she deserves it, which is true by the way. 

    However, use the WWJD mantra. What would Jesus do? Forgive. Please my sweet, forgive and beat the devil at his game. It will be very difficult but gradually, it would start getting easier. Remember how we practically keep nailing Jesus to the cross everyday with our sins, yet He renews His love for us every morning. May God wrap you in the Arms of His Love and mend your wounded spirit . #e-bearhugs. 


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