Stella Dimoko Monday In House News!


Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday In House News!

I dont know about you but I love Mondays and the Adrenalin induced feeling that comes with it
My name is In house news and i come to tell you that I am looking for blog visitor ememjune,es ist dringend und ich muss mit sie sprechen!

This beautiful pic is courtsey of blog visitor Busayo.

Good evening Stella, and my fellow bvs. I have been following this blog, since the days of 'jalabia' , though ,comment as anonymous.
Please help me post so bvs can help say, if this is a scam or not. My younger sister wrote the scholarship exam of STUDY WITHOUT BORDERS. She got a call last week, that she passed the exam, and was asked to come to their office. They gave her an Fcmb teller when she got to the office, that her parents should pay the sum of 40 k on or before the 21st of November,  which is thiscoming Friday.
Please is this real ? Because this cash can be used for her Jamb form, and post ume, and we go still get change for hand. Tanx house, as I await your advice. 



ememjune comments at November 15, 2014 at 1:05 PM cracked me up! 

"Even as a student, I never attended night class yet I attended night class for your blog last night and nothing came out of it. I just dey wake up from sleep as I no sleep last night. God dey."

I can't buy recharge card from here but can send him/her 1,500 to buy for himself/herself. How do I get in touch?
You are doing a wonderful job by the way. More blessings your way in Jesus name, Amen!

Ememjune please drop your email here and she will contact you on how to go about it..please if you are not emem,fear God and do not respond.


Hello Stella and how are you doing. Trust you and your family are doing great. So something happened some months back (before I became a BV) and I was gisting a couple of friends today and it occurred to me to share. 

We would be amazed the kind of marriages a lot of people keep and I'm still trying to make head or tail of this. I will try to make it as short as possible.
So there's this married man in my area, he's got about 3 or 4kids so he's not newly married and for a very long time, he's been bugging me for a relationship. But of course I refused. So one day I was returning from somewhere and he started horning for me, of course I knew it was for me but I so detest this man that I'd rather keep trekking, So I kept walking but then he drove close to me and called my name, I looked back and I was overjoyed when I saw that his wife was also in the car. 

So he told me to enter so he can drop me close to my house on d way to his house. So I thought to myself that definitely he wouldn't try his usual talk with his wife present and so I got in and sat beside the wife at the back, his son was in the front. But to my surprise, the next thing I heard was 'so its that guy that dropped you off that day that has been making you refuse my advances, I will just deal with him now''. I was so shocked I couldn't say anything so I just pretended like he was joking..
Then he said, why won't you date me, am I not handsome enough, I will take care of you and you won't even have to work at all. OMG!!!

I kept smiling like a fool still trying to pretend he was joking.
So when he kept going on and on about how much he wants me to go out with him, I turned to the wife still smiling and said 'mummy Matthew, see me see trouble oh' So she told the husband, the girl isn't interested, why don't you leave her alone''. Mind you, if she was angry, she masked it well cos she really didn't seem angry. 

So the husband turned towards her and said 'madam, who put your mouth for this matter, I mention your name?''. Stella, I was so shocked, believe me. And she was like ''the girl mentioned my name, that was why I had to put my mouth, no vex''. 
And this man continued raking for this woman just for putting mouth in the gist right till the moment I came down from his car. 
Stella, up until this moment, I'm still trying to make head or tail of this. Do Bvs have similar experience or is this a rare occurrence??

WTF!....maybe they were looking for someone to use for rituals?lol,abi wetin make i talk again?

Greeting Stellz and BVs. Its such a sad story and I feel so much for this young girl and her parent. Wish there was so much I could do to help her. I'm still imagining the trauma she will have to live with for the rest of her life. 
I went to visit a friend,her neighbour( a very nice friendly woman) has this 14years old daughter. 

At about past 7pm the girl was yet to return from church choir rehearsal which is so unlikely as she usually returns 6:00pm since it is children choir rehearsal. Her parent became worried and we tried calming them down thinking maybe she must have decided to join some friends to play or something. Few minutes after, the girl is brought home by a stranger, blood and bruises everywhere. The girl said on her way back from rehearsal, two guys came out of a compound just by the road she was walking(since the church isn't very far from the house so she treks there and back) and carried her into one of the rooms in the compound. 

They beat her and took turns to rape her. She said the more she screamed the more they beat her trying to make her shut-up. Her scream attracted this stranger who said he heard screams from the compound and decided. to take the risk and check why the person was screaming. He traced her voice to the room, forced the door opened, he was even stabbed in the process but he succeeded in rescuing her even though he was kinda late cos the idiots had already raped her, he then asked for her address and brought her home. I can't believe there was nobody in that compound cos we are told its a big compound. It took a stranger passing by to save the girl, although he said he saw no one in there. Aunty Stellz I couldn't help crying. The case has been reported to the police, as at the time I left there no arrest was made yet. I'm praying those bastards are arrested to face the full wrath of the law. I'll keep you posted as things unfold. I pray God heal her physically and psychologically.

OMG!..please keep us updated,please!..


Good day madam Stellina hope you doing fine. The reason am sending you this mail is that Xmas is fast approaching and I want to help the unprivileged ones mostly the widows and the single mothers that are not able to afford a better and comfortable Xmas for there kids, normally I would have give it out to motherless home (I will still do that by his grace) but I wish to do something different to make sure it get to the right ones that are in need of it the most. So I thought about this for couple of days and I finally come to conclusion that making use of your blog will be the best idea to make this possible for the less privileged ones. Giving has really changed my life for the better and am willing to give to make sure someone out there just have a reason to smile and be happy am giving out (20k) I wish to make this possible for 2 people -10k each .

The most important part of It is for the money to reach the lives that are in need of it most. 
Yours sincerely.

Please contact the poster via the above email address if you are in need and this money will make a difference in your life this xmas...


Hello stella, I am indeed lucky and grateful to Mr. Jerry for this kind gesture. I got my cutie already and promise to take good care of my new baby. I have named her Nicky already. Lool. She's really cute and I am enjoying myself. I hope I won't get late to work tomorrow because of my baby. Lool. Dnt mind my errors I am overwhelmed.



Hello Ememjune, I read your comments on the recharge card post. Babe,you made me laugh so hard. The funniest was when you said you even loaded the Lebara(?) card and u were banned by your network. Sorry,you hear. But I'll do one small thing for you. I go send you small something. Contact me through SDK..



Greetings to you amica Stella
Just in case this is blog worthy, I'd like to share few things.
It's sad to read some experiences people go through especially females.
Truth is, opportunities are forever before us in different ways but sometimes we're so blind to see it or we just don't want to stress hence dwelling in the not-so-comfy zone.
I was young and looking for adventure when I met this tall - dark - well sculptured guy after my college graduation, oh boy dude was so caldo (Italian for HOT).
We mixed wine quite often and then the incessant visit to labs and pharmacies but dude felt all so cool, no scratching nor discharge like me.
Till a year later i forced him to the clinic and test confirmed he had a type of infection that I can only describe as well-dried native fish (infection so strong he was placed on several dose of injections).
I did help him make some real estate investments. He'd send the cash to me while I closed the deals on his behalf. My then-best friend called me a fool for doing this citing that he'll dump me and another lady enjoys it with him. I was quick to tell her that relationship shouldn't be all about what you gain and that so far he'll live in that property, remember there was once once a girl called me and be happy for the help then am satisfied because I can't watch him lose out or pay someone else to do it when it's my field.
He was such a smooth operator and could lie a dead chicken to life and I was a constant watch dog (we were imperfect). Jeez my God - given intuition was picking the signals and I saw signs but he was too smart coupled with the fact we stayed in different locations. This went on for mooonths, infection upon infection even after expensive treatments and no other man saw my lingerie all the years we were mixing.
I woke up one morning picked the phone he bought me with the free airtime, called him up and told him I was done. It took an hour of questions and already calculated answers from me coz I was done as in DONE.
I had no other dude, non was even lurking around but I damned the consequences. I was outta job and just moved to a new place, hunger cleared my 7th sense mehn. But I chose to starve in dignity than luxury filled with infection and heartbreak.
A friend said hang in there till you get someone else but I'll never forget my answer "you don't put fresh wine in an old wine bottle. He who is able to give me a new wine is equally able to bring alongside a new wineskin"
He didn't beg coz he believed I couldn't live without him and would run back into his arms. It wasn't even an option for me. I soaked myself in good deeds and the Kingdom. One day I had made soup with my last 200 bucks and on taking the pot inside my room, for no justifiable reason, the pot just overturned all its content on the dirty veranda. Well God being God sent a woman to bring me the sweetest Eforiro soup hours later, which lasted me two meals.
Fast forward many months later in my desert experience I met an old crush who had planned and fixed his wedding date even without having a girlfriend (what a faith). 
Few months later we got married and I have the most amazing family in-love (am not under law,lol)
I am now a mother of children.
This is the koko:
Instead of self pity, I washed my eyes in the river (did free courses, read books, mixed up sanely, prayed fervently and remained hopeful)
I chose a man for the future (character) over a man for the now (looks and squander).
Please ladies, the pain of leaving an abusive (verbal,physical,emotional) relationship is less compared to that of staying in it.
With exit comes healing but the other way round it's unending agony.
Love yourself and learn to say No and mean it.
Sex shouldn't be enough to tie your destiny down.
Only a happy wife can raise a happy child and build a stable home.
As for me ex? Hmmmm. It was after my bold decision some of his friends began giving me real gist of how I was in the river and soap entered my two eyes but they couldn't tell me then. I don't blame them and they're not my friends either and I don't send. 



Hi Aunty Stella, I just got my giveaway from purple circle. Thank you so much and God bless. Can't wait to start rocking it.


GOBE!!...GOBE!!.... GOBE!!!
Blog visitors,please help me ooooh.
I am a 31 year old lady married with 3 husband is very verbally abusive and atimes physically abusive.he hardly helps in even carrying the kids no matter how exhausted I am.we had a row and he even threatened to beat me alongside enough verbal abuse. I was so angry that I told him that the child wasn't his (of course they are his kids).in anger he has reported me to his whole family including my own father and his family is requesting for a meeting tomorrow.what do I do and how do I respond to them?.he even lied about some things.please I need urgent and mature responses.thank you.

*why in heavens name will you pay back evil done to you by shooting yourself in the foot?instead of hurting him you have just dealt yourself a sucker has gone down the window and can only be restored by a paternity are not smart at all.i dont know what else to say!



  1. 1st to comment...... Coming back to comment on d post! Princess

    1. @madam stellz;the title of that "man and woman toasting bv" actually misinterpreted the post..pardon me but from the title;it actually looks as if the man and his wife wanted a 3-some with bv which in the actual sense should be "man wooing bv in the presence of his wife"...bydway what would have made this man take this kinda action?? its utmost disrespect to his wife!! And to think his wife didnt take offence as to her husbands action;which might mean they are either birds of same feather or "the action just didnt start today" which both parties are aware of...minding my biz jare!! Onye na nke ya....


    2. Please, Can someone make it clear here on why every "ofe, I mean awuf" is always for the female gender on this BLOG?
      Don't beef me please! Just curios and jealous ni.

      David (dave_gino)

  2. 1st to comment...... Coming back to comment on d post! Princess

  3. Yayyyyy. Thank you very much Stella and the good samaritan BV. My email is ememjune @ gmail . Com (yes its me. Proof: Stella and I exchanged emails with same email address 3 months ago).

    Please I need help on how to get a google ID with same email address.

    1. Just log into with the gmail address above;then continue the process..u only need a new gmail address when you dont have one already...


  4. Hmmmmm...... the man has the boldness to toast you in front of his wife cus his wife has really offended him and rather than disgrace her openly with a divorce, they've decided to just keep cohabiting for the sake of their kids and to hide the woman's shame. She mist likely cheated and her husband caught her so now he's at liberty to do as he pleases.

    That thing na scam o, if you pay 40k, you are megally on your own.

    1. Some men are really something else, in presence of his wife, he's toasting another girl and even shouting on the wife not to put mouth in the matter......wonder how he treats the wife inside, if he can belittle her outside. That goes to show that he doesn't respect the wife at all..yeye man

      Madam why would you play with such a thing,
      You're giving your hubby the room to doubt your loyalty to him which is so bad.
      You didn't have to go as far ar lying he isn't the father of your kids, and now your joke has turned into a family meeting....but na wah for you oh, anything you see, you take it cos you asked for it.

      What's it with guys and rap self, if they so needed the sex why not go and pick one of those roadside prostitute and sleep with them, why rap an innocent child.
      feeling so sad for the little girl, can't imagine the pains and trauma she's passing through right now...I pray they get hold of the two idiots that took advantage of the little girl.

      Thanks to all the BV's giving out, may God continue to bless your pockets.
      IHN is dah bomb

  5. Tori otipoju for monday, blessings and sorrows but baba God dey..

  6. She is not smart at all...on how you go lie that kain lie??? abeg shift...

  7. thanks to all givers as usual and to d adviser i rili appreciate ur advise nd will stricty adhere to it, to the last poster u rili made a mistake by saying such thing, just get ready for a paternity test nd praaay well cos u nid it now biko,

  8. Oh, I didn't even read Irene's Memo before commenting. Oh God, I'm never going to be a silent BV after fixing my google ID. Thank you Irene

    1. **drags emejune's mouth**
      Irene na ur mate?

    2. My mail to ur gmail acct was not sent. What's up with that?

    3. Lmao @sexy boo. You re a case

    4. Lol@ sexyboo

      Hello Irene, the email is valid. Pls check again

  9. Nd dis is hw d devil wil rejoice wit u if by any chance ur paternity text came out negative 2 ur DH, NA so u go pack ur loads waka al bcus of ur bad mouth nd anger...imagin telin a man his children ar nt his?

  10. God bless Stella and this wonderful Bvs.

  11. God bless all the givers.. we say stupid things when we are angry you shouldn't have said the kids isn't his. you better flee from papa Matthew and is wife they are Ritualist... the lady who later married her crush i think people who are heartbroken should find strength in your story..

  12. Cute cute dog!! See me wen no like pets ooh...this dog is such a cutie!! Jerry weldone ooh!

    Poster that was asked out by a married man,it is obvious the wife did not ask you out now..she is just married to a devil!!useless man!! This kind of man will be a forceful jazz man sef! Run abeg!

    Oh the poor girl that was raped!!how do we stop this horror in our society?? Our sons have turned to rapist!! Young boys,grown ass men!! Raise your child in the ways of the Lord,he shall not depart from it! May God give us the wisdom to raise these kids/wards...

    Renee babes! I read that student's vigil was funny too..bless your soul dear..

    Madam I don't know why you will tell your husband his child is not his ooh!! Some women get killed for such statements my dear... yes we know a man should never hit a woman....but my sister,these words dey too much for a human being na..check am! This might end up in a DNA start making enquiries..i don't think they will just agree with you like that...gather money for DNA testing nne!

    1. I think the man who had his wife in the car while toasting the gal must have caught his wife cheating on him so now they are trying to save face because of the kids and what people will say (my guess). Because I don't see why a man would do such before a wife and the wife would be totally cool with it. It wasn't like they were asking you out for a threesome.

      This rape thing is now blowing out of proportion. Everyday,a gal somewhere is been raped. What a men now turning into? A child who isn't matured now turns you own? Forceful sex turns you own? You can't afford a gal friend? I really don't get. Mother train up your sons right so we can curtail this mess

      Madam poster telling hubby the kids aren't his. Hahahaha. You did not look at the man's face very well before saying it? To know of he's the the that will ignore you. Hmm, go for the meeting and tell them you didn't mean it,you only said it out of anger and the fact that he doesn't help you with the kids in anyway. That he let's you do everything on your own about the kids even when you are sick and tired. They might understand where you are coming from but you would still bee scolded.

      Besides aren't you in-laws and family busy. Calling meetings during the week.

    2. The lady is very very stupid. Madame family meeting, your mail is the most annoying I have read of recent and i'm so gutted at u. Anger should never be mixed with gross stupidity. After now, people who do not know what preceded this ur family meeting will start to insult ur hubby when he starts to maltreat u and ur kids. If that child grows up and someone calls him a bastard in his father's house, just know that ur stupid joke brought it upon the child. Whatever happens in ur meeting is ur business.
      Ok, let me just say, tell them u agree that u were stupid, and that they should punish u for exhibiting it per excellence . That's all.

      The lady that was toasted by the mad man. My own is that the wife is a Mumu. Even if she committed sacrilege on humanity, he should divorce her before trying that rubbish. Maybe she's just a baby mama or his glorified house maid. Or Weda na jazz tins like Stella said. The thing no make sense at all.

  13. @ d poster wit a infectious man, jst understand dat som women ar lucky, while som ar nt. In ur case, u ar

  14. Death or dismemberment to rapists!!!

    Not jail term or anything like that.

    Infact, jungle justice should be visited upon them.

  15. -Someone I know won a scholarship n she didn't pay anything but I dn't know of d one ya sis won.
    -God bless the givers
    -I pray they arrest the rapist.
    -A broken relationship is always better than a broken marriage. Why not take that bold step and see how God will surprise you. Keeping a man that gives u infection, no love is not worth it, is it until that infection causes u infertility that you will leave. Nice move Ma'am

    - My dear just pray, first tell your parent why u said so and also tell his family why u said so and ask for forgiveness. The trust may not be there but pray and always guard your mouth.

  16. I'm tired of reading sad marital tales. These days I skip them.

    See the dirty environment that beautiful dog will grow in, mtcheeeeew! I hope that dog survives.

    Bv with the leaving one guy to the next good guy story...ok. Will they listen? When they keep consoling themselves with that the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know shit. For me the worse angel is better than the best devil. I can't settle for anything less than me.

    That 20k must be given to Eka Joy, shebi she's a single mum? Whether or not she needs it, give Eka Joy that 20k. Thanks.

    What else did I read? Oh yes! The 14 year old that was my my! Words fail me.

    1. Bitter JayEm!!!
      Dog in a dirty environment????
      Get a life!

    2. Bitter JayEm!!!
      Dog in a dirty environment????
      Get a life!

    3. And yes I will gladly take the 20k if given to me while u continue to wallow in excessive poverty. Expired prostitute like u, this one u didn't talk about Australia or Funmi today, seems you've started taking ur medications. Mad woman

    4. And yes I will gladly take the 20k if given to me while u continue to wallow in excessive poverty. Expired prostitute like u, this one u didn't talk about Australia or Funmi today, seems you've started taking ur medications. Mad woman

    5. At least you agreed to take the money. Matter close.
      How can I be expired when I'm still getting my groove? Abeg go look for better insult for me. Prostitute is a stale insult to JayEm!
      Why that Australia news dey vex una, I can understand!

    6. Anonymous na you dem give that dog abi? Don't you know that environment is dirty? Abeg go upgrade your life before you start to talk shii!

    7. @eka joy, ur abuse is killing, I almost think she was helping out here, until I read ur comment, dat means, she is been sarcastic. JayEm take it easy ooo, don't be too hard in urself.

    8. There's nothing dirty about the environment.

  17. Awwww that dog is too cute..i want *crying*

  18. -Someone I know won a scholarship n she didn't pay anything but I dn't know of d one ya sis won.
    -God bless the givers
    -I pray they arrest the rapist.
    -A broken relationship is always better than a broken marriage. Why not take that bold step and see how God will surprise you. Keeping a man that gives u infection, no love is not worth it, is it until that infection causes u infertility that you will leave. Nice move Ma'am

    - My dear just pray, first tell your parent why u said so and also tell his family why u said so and ask for forgiveness. The trust may not be there but pray and always guard your mouth.

  19. Ememjune, Like play like play, something don enter sha....the story about whoi was raped breaks my heart, some people are just wicked.
    Thanks to all the givers in the house. God bless you all.

    Please click on my name for Fashion/Fitness/Beauty tips

  20. Poster that husband and wife were in it together, from your narrative, you can deduce that, that woman is being bullied and not comfortable with it.Initially I thought you wanted to talk about couples who swing and have threesomes with strangers in agreement, of which I have met countless of them and some have been married for a while and it makes their marriage fun and exciting, but your narrative is clearly not the case from my standpoint. God knows how many daily doses of punches that lady would be getting for three square meals.Poster I don't think she had much of a choice in this scenario you just described,

    Poster that the 14 year old was raped, what she needs
    Right now is a bigger girl around her,not her mom or her Aunty or family members,just one or two young ladies to tell her it will be okay and that she would be fine and that this phase would pass.She needs older girls that have overcome similar experiences to talk to her and if there's any older lady she looks up to as a role model or mentor and is within reach, let that one also come and visit.Trust me that therapy works the best, I have seen it work too many times.The parents too should be consoled and encouraged and not left out.It is well with them IJN.BTW, I hope she has gone for blood tests and all, they should put her on HIV drugs right away whether positive or not and flush out her womb immediately to avoid more story!

    Madam that put herself in trouble,this is the time to tell your husbands people and everybody that he beats and you were so angry that you couldn't think of anything else to hurt him than that and that if they want, paternity test is not so difficult but you're just tired of being the punching and he is also very insultive verbally and that was the best way to get him.

    1. I actually thought the couple were swingers sef!

    2. Yea the title was misleading.

  21. Bia Poster why in Gods name did u utter those words outta ur mouth.Go and deal with it..Na DNA test will prove everything.

    This Rape thing is on the increase,even the jail sentence aint shaking these Animals..
    God bless the givers..Stella, Sunday laughs still pending?

  22. Orishirishi things; where i go wan start from nah???

  23. The BV that a married man asked out in front of his wife, don't be surprise, some women are slaves in their home in the name of marriage. They don't have a say in that house unless to produce children....

    My heart is broken about the rape victim, may God punish them and expose them and may God heal the little girl and give her a reason to smile again.....

    The last poster, why in God's name you go utter that kind thing to your hubby??? That's why we keep on asking the holy spirit for self control... The only solution to this is DNA test...

    Thanks to the givers, may God bless and replenish your pockets....

    1. @sdk son, u just said it all, well any day my hubby go say no be him born dis boy way yellow, becos we both black, I go open d baby prick, because his penis is too big for 3months old, then my hubby go finally agree.

    2. Hahahahahaha @Jenny, please ooooo, laugh don kill me here, don't tell me your hubby never see his son's prick??? Lol

  24. u told your husband that his children aren't his?

  25. That dog is divine! Finer than Tiwa's dog. Nor mind me o. Jolosi! Nice info,e plenty sha. I see a chronicle embedded in the midst. Christmas dey scent here o.

  26. Ememjune ur hustle finally paid off. Oh well all thanks to Irene and the other BV. Last story cracked me up; you mean you really said that to your hubby? Anyways, compose urself during the meeting and just say it was a joke. Make sure you don't fidget while saying it oo, be bold and confess it was just a wrong way of getting back at him.

  27. Senseless woman, telling a man his children are not his. Mtcheeeew. You are so annoying. You are messed up now you want to mess your children's lives up. Failed mother.

  28. To the one that claims a man and his wife toasted her, you better run for your life. Even if they don't have plan to hurt you, you must run from a man like that. Most men who cheat hide it from their wives, if that woman is his wife and he is doing all that in her presence then he is a true definition of a STUPID, WICKED and IRRESPONSIBLE dog, sorry man.

    1. I didn't say a man and his wife toasted me, I said he had been toasting me for months and still had the guts to continue in front of his wife. Geez, understand a post before commenting.

    2. D caption made us tink dey both asked u out!
      **goes back to bed**

  29. To the anonymous that sent in the Memo, I can actually relate to your gist.....Am 24 and took a walk not from a relationship but from a marriage of barely few months sometime mid dz year. Although at first it was damn too heart wrenching and the most difficult decision I ever made,am glad I did.
    At the moment am still tryna get my life back, earn a living for myself and even tho I never envisaged this kinda life for myself, I cant trade this peace of mind that I've got for anything even If am to leave in penury .....My eyes are on my maker and indeed his grace will ever be sufficient for me

    1. Please send a memo to stella one of these days so we can learn.

    2. Dear please send a mail to Stella we need to learn as Lady K said.
      I must say you're so strong to take such bold step in a country like this.
      E hug dearie. Here's my pin if you wanna reach out 7FF86496. I wrote the memo.

      Lady Koikoi this your name reminds me of the scary Madam Koikoi story they told us as kids. Hope you don't terrorise? Lol

  30. May God continue to bleSs the givers, that puppy (Nicky) is over cute joor! Purple Circle, lovely gift from you. Yes thanks for that lovely massage and advise from the lovely lady that had to leave her boyfriend and tell herself the home truth, he who has ears make him learn and listen. As for the lady that lied to hubby about the paternity, well you no try shaa, but the deed has been done, I would advise that you tell them that you had to 'hurt' your hubby with the cos of the violence meted out on you on a regular basis. Let them know how their son panel beat, and how afraid you are that one day he might kill you. But please don't pull that stunt on him again. You will be okay. Please good people, I need a job I am a law graduate but haven't been called to bar because I failed my bar exams. I'm residing in enugu. I'm married with a 7month old baby, but hubby isn't doing well financally now. Please save a soul. Thanks a lot sdk.

    1. Why don't you retake the bar exams first? I believe itt will give u a good leverage in the "job-seeking industry".
      Or is the bar exam not resittabLe?(Chai,oyibo)

    2. Haahaahaaahaa!@ Irene Bernards, I intend to re-sit by May next year. But staying home from now till then is really becoming diffcult financally not to talk of 60k for the Bar Exams. Can be employed as an ordinary staff, when I pass my Bar Exams I can convert to a legal officer. thanks a lot for your concern.

  31. @memo to Ladies writer.... Dear where are you..... Are you for real?. Are you sure its not me, myself and muo that wrote that memo oo. Stelloooo Can you still remember the chronicle I sent to you but you refuse to post it?...Oh my God.... I can't stop this tears from flowing. I understand honestly what you are saying.... Had to take a step of faith few days ago to a rented cubicle. 9 years of terror, pains, tears, abuse, sleepless nights, helplessness too long to mention, no wonder Stella no post am. Oh God. Yes o, Its not easy at all especially when you are not financially independent, built your whole life around the man but we have life and health most importantly there is a God in heaven the most powerful. While working on the road this morning, I said a silent prayer, God please restore the lost years to every woman going through this my kind of pains. God thank you so much for this lady. I said it that this week will be filed with laughter for me. No more sorrowing, no more sleepless nights, no more tears! No More!!!!. e-hugs sweetheart. thanks for healing my soul with your words.May that God that did yours remember me in due time In Jesus name.. singing.... Oh happy day.... with tears.

    1. Amen!!! Receive ur healing my dear. We have a faithful God who answers prayers... I am a living witness!!!

    2. And joy cometh in the morning, hang in there. Trust GOD and do good, your testimony is on the way!

    3. Hmmmm
      May God send happiness ur way ijn

    4. I'm sorry but how do you guys put up with a man for so long who gives you infection? You know it aint toilet disease and u are faithful to one man and you continually treat infection for years or months at a stretch.


    5. Wow! May Joy fill your soul dear!

    6. Your testimony is just by the corner, hold tight to God.

    7. this one you didn't fart and walk away hope are you really alright@ sexy boocalher

    8. My dear God will do it for you. When I was typing this memo, I was lying on the bed after hubby had helped massage my aching waist coz am pregnant and something took my mind back and prompted me write in. My tory pass so but God who came thru for me will come thru for you.

      @Lady Koikoi. .. My dear somethings are beyond words. It's always this feeling that a bird at hand....., the devil you know.... but I mostly attributes it to lack of healthy self worth and the moment I rebuilt my self worth (which is hardest to do when you're in such soup), I took that walk.

  32. madam , how can u play such rough play , if u wanted to hit him where it hurts why not tell him of how small his balls are and how terrible hes been in bed?Why not tell him thay sex with him has been ugly , so u r sure u r damaging his ego? which one be his children are not his?What kind of story for Aunty Nana is this?Oya when ur people or his are talking do not say a word,keep mute if he pushes u act like u r dumb and dumber do not react.Then when u r sure the heat has died down, wait till he asks for paternity test release ur kids willingly but woe betide u if u ever planned away match on those kids.But pls note that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.BTW if u had not harboured that before now such distasteful comment won't have leaped outta ya mouth sisi.For u to have said such i now get the kinda picture of the kind of things u and oga say to urselves.Una doh.

  33. Wow! Hot narratives today o.

    Especially the woman that lied to her husband that he wasn't the father of their kids *eyes bulging out*

    1. Aijay,this nyash dey worry my eyes o

    2. Irene, me sef don dey look that yansh since! Abeg, Aijay, na who get am?


  34. Aww that puppy is as cute as hell. Words can't express how much I love dogs but I couldn't apply for one here since I don't have the wherewithal to feed it. As I no get money for pedigree, I would have turned that puppy to a bush animal with an overdose of eba and beans. When money for eba finish, I use the dog cook stew. I hope I get buoyant enough to apply next giveaway...

    1. NSG, u don't fail to crack me up

    2. is hell cute?use ur diction wisely

  35. My in-house news...
    I slept around 2am dis morning,why?I can finally put a name n a face to a character on dis blog n succeeded in blowing my own cover as well...her name?my mrs(Mrs bitchbiko)...though she thinks I'm ugly in d 1st picture of me she saw(she has a different opinion about d 2nd one hehehehe)....yes,she's cute...n no,av not seen d tattoo on her lower back...pls,don't expect any more news about us again...hehehe

    1. WHAT! You are joking right???

    2. *claps continuously**
      Ehn ehn!
      Time shall tell!!!

    3. Lady Buchi will be heart broken!

    4. Stella!!! Your blog de perform tins oh...

      Like play like play naim clap de take enta dance *shines teeth*

    5. @iphie(not alfred)dearie,av got nothing but love for Lady buchi...but she's made it clear several times she's not settling ever

  36. They even give out dog on SDK. Nawaooo!

    1. Kikikiki
      We even marry ourselves here!

    2. Hahahahaha! !!! You are hilarious, Sexy boocalher

    U went too far by telling him he's not the father of ur kids, dat was an expensive joke abeg, u r on ur own.
    God will punish those rapist.

  38. this monday is loaded with gist ,make i finish this my red oil rice first then i come back read again ,tory plenty.

  39. BLOG ANALYSER: IHN! One of my favourites! The couple toasting, it is they want a threesome or they run an open marriage. The rape story broke my heart. Evil characters every where. I wish I can lay my hands on the idiots. God bless the givers! Gosh! That puppy is so cute. The BV that threatened her hubby! That one nah double trouble bt been that u are innocent let him conduct a parternity test. So don't worry your self. May God put peace in to your marriage in Jesus name. Amen

  40. DV poster...that statement u made was too costly but the deed has been done already.

    When you get to the meeting,do not try to cover your hubby. i hope ur dad will be there too.Let everyone present know that he constantly beats you and insults you with terrible words. Am sure the whole thing will take a new dimension when ur dad hears that he beats you often(except ur dad and his family does not see anything wrong in a man beating a woman). Make ur valid points and i repeat,dont cover his wrongdoings.
    Be the first to suggest a paternity test to clear the air while explaining that you said those things in anger and frustration. With that they will know u have nothing to hide and fear for.
    It is well.

  41. this monday is loaded with gist ,make i finish this my red oil rice first then i come back read again ,tory plenty.

  42. At the last poster. If you are truly sure those kids are your husband's, then you have no reason to be afraid.
    The man beats and insults you for crying out loud and I don't see anything wrong in what you told him. You are human and have the right to be angry. Who wouldn't be?
    I would do and say worse If I were in your shoes, honestly.
    Now is the time to open up to everyone and tell them your husband wants to kill you by beating to death. Add curry and plenty pepper to the story and turn everything against him.
    Tell them the truth, which is that you said what you said because you wanted to hurt him too. Any reasonable person will understand. If they doubt, then they should carry out a DNA test. It's that simple.

    My heart goes out to the rapes girl. May she find healing. Slow painful death is all I wish her rapists.

    God bless all the givers here.

    1. Gbam Gbamer Gbamest..we are all human and feel pain!! @gennybaby;if no be say u don marry;i for just send u one quality 3D E-kiss asap for this comment....

    2. Genny baby, gbam!!! exactly my point. the woman has been pushed beyond her limits. She's human too and bound to react if d humiliations get out of hand.

    3. Genny you are very sensible, like your comment scatter.

    4. Gbamest! Tot I was d only one wit a different opinion on dat poster's issue. Verbal abuse' sometimes hurt even more than d physical one.....@ poster gather enof strenght, tell dem every every n while at it don't forget to tell them that d main reason was d fact dat he hardly helps wit carrying d kids
      as if they weren't his. And dat was wat gave u d sense to say so.
      The only GOBE be if those kids are really NOT his, but as long as u know 1000% na he sperm produce dem, I no see any worries. Relax biko! But bridle ur tongue eh, lol!

      God bless all d givers. Ur pocket shall never lack
      Poster wit husband n wife, how old"s their son whom u mentioned was sitting right next to dat philandering father/horseband? Am curious abt d age cos something seems not right wit d whole tin
      The rape story, omG! It's high time some idiots get killed for real oginidu?!

    5. Lets all be honest here and stop being bloody feminists..

      If this happpened btw ur bro and his wife...wld ur response still be same, dear genny????

      From where she take reason am sef. No matter hw mad u her at ur hubby wld u ever tink to open ur mouth and tell em his kid isnt his??

      Of cos not! For her to say it, it means that she herself isnt sure the kids are his. Or hw else can u explain that reasoning?

      If u like chuck it up to anger .the truth still remains that thats a very heavy casting. And now she must to prove it. All dis forwhat now? To hurt em? Whos hurting now? He wld never forget those hurtful words too.. people like dis poster can lie to destroy another womans home. For God sake if we are to belive er story, she just lied to break hers!

  43. No matter how mad you are at your husband, never, i repeat never tell him his kids aren't his when really they are his. were you seeking attention or just trying to tell him what will hurt him. I cannot get my head around it please. The money you would have spent on something else, you going to spend it on a dna test for all 3kids. you went too far with that joke woman!

  44. No matter how mad you are at your husband, never, i repeat never tell him his kids aren't his when really they are his. were you seeking attention or just trying to tell him what will hurt him. I cannot get my head around it please. The money you would have spent on something else, you going to spend it on a dna test for all 3kids. you went too far with that joke woman!

  45. I know of a woman that talks to girls on her DH behalf, she usually brings girls for her hubby. I dont understand why but it happens, some women are ok with it cos they know the man will still cheat so they prefer to know and keep mute. wonders they say shall cease to end!

    1. And you call him a "Dear Husband" that one na horseband ooh

    2. I guess she doesn't know d full meaning of "dh"
      **farts and strollsaway**

  46. Thanks to all the givers

  47. What kind of men are we raising?? Is dis generation cursed?? How could they rape a 14yrs old girl wen they can actually pick a cheap prayer is dat dos rapists die lie a fowl n may vulture feed on there seriously the man was asking u out in front of his wife? got me thinking.....never trust ur tongue wen ur hrt is bitter. You see what u have gotten urself in2 but how could you say something like that?? Are u sure he is really ur children's father?? Cos u wen 2 far.#thanks2allthepeopletouchinglifehere#

  48. I wish for every man that rapes, 6 hefty men will rape him also, i believe by the time they do this to up to 5 rapists rape will be a thing of the past.

  49. Hello, study without borders is not a scam, I gained admission to study in georgia few years back but the money I expected didn't come, when u want to go in for such things,u would do payments even medicals,police reports and the rest, just check if u guys are prepared, as for it being a scam,its not!

  50. Thanks to d givers,may you never lack.Lessons learnt too.God help us all.That puppy is cute ooo*wink*.lmao @rituals, stella ehn!Its obvious that home is a military zone, the man commands n dey obey.Tis well

  51. Last narrator, i have learnt to control d words dat come out of my mouth no matter how angry I am. One fateful day, my hubby really got mr mad n i was pregnant then, so I told him that if not for ds my preg, I wudav killed him n made him cry blood. Omo na em d guy take am very serious o. He stoppd talkn to me n told me he was goin to call a family meetung of our parents to report to dem, incase he dies so that they know who killed him. Na em i com dey beg dey cry blood oo. It took him several days to forgive me and not call anybody. I have learnt my lesson since den.

  52. Only a happy wife can raise a happy child and build a stable home.

  53. Please you have nothing to worry about if truly you are sure he fathered those kids.


    Infact try and use this opportunity to your own advantage, tell them everything and if possible add enough "SALT AND PEPPER."

    You told him that because you knew it will lead to both family meeting with both of you and you want them to know how unhappy, depressed and sorrowful you have being.


    Afterwards ask them to do paternity test coz they will eventually see that those kids are his.

    If the test prove the kids are his then they should PLEASE intervene and save you from him because at the rate he is going God forbid you lose your precious life.(kneel down in tears and mop up some sympathy for yourself)

    please we need to know how it went ,God's grace. You also need caution as you dey talk coz "AFTER AFTER" both of you will finally kiss and make up but you would have achieved a lot.

    Don't beat yourself up about the mistake but avoid such "CAUSERS" of trouble next time.

    Don't make such sensitive statement against yourself, God be with you.
    Peace to all men.

    1. Hahahahaha!@JayEm's comment.
      My dear me sef read the comment come dey wonder whether na me type am.
      Hey, Ada Jesus, I like you already.

  54. What a pretty dog,i love dogs and won't mind owning one like this.I don"t mind buying one,where can I get it pleeaasssse!My birthday is coming up and this is my desire for my birthday.

  55. I know a Portharcourt turned Abuja girl who brings girls for her husband so they can have threesome, in short it was when she started indulging her hubby in such acts that he began to spoil her silly. she has a boy and girl for this guy and even when she was pregnant she didn't stop..... both hubby and wifey smoke weed like hell he carries dreads and pays 200k but u must be endowed behind and be ready to swing both her and hubby anyway her name is queeneth she is friends with souala and co(the Abuja lesbian girls). despite the fact that she is married she still does runz with other men and its not a hidden fact amongst her clique of friends such a greedy bitch even with all the money at her disposal shameless hoe.

  56. @ last poster na crase gal you be. Sleekreek has said it all. When i'm angry I can say anything that's why I don't like getting angry.
    Tell them everything he does. I mean everything. For your information, men tell lies a lot. If he lies, you too say your own, and end up by saying your are very sorry for saying what you said. That they should beg him to stop beating you. Cry well well oh as you are saying he beats you.
    All the best. Abeg, don't tell him that again.

  57. Awwwww that dog is so cute.
    Madam pls how will u tell your horseband he is not the father of ur kids. Na u find trouble use ur hand commot yaself.
    I pray the rape victim find healing from God. And the demons be arrested.
    All the givers God replenish your pockets it will never run dry.
    Finally stella you are the bestest.

  58. The man toasting a girl in the presence of his wife hian i comment my reserve biko.please keep voting.

  59. God bless the givers plenty, Amen.
    That dog is so cute, i love dogs so much.
    @ Irene and Bvs, God bless u guys, i read that guy's comment and I rem u asking him for his digits.God bless
    @ The lady being toasted in the wife's presence, embarrasment dey catch me here for u. Lol! I feel the lady was being bullied or shes just a living slave in her own house. Maybe she betrayed his trust somehow and hes tryn to get back to her, *poor woman*
    The rape story! My heart bleeds for the young girl, @ bv hope she was aswel taken to a hospital to flush her system, May God heal and restore her as for her rapist, God's wrath will be uopn him forever!
    @ The lady who told her hubby he isnt the father of his kids, i understand u my dear, just calm down for Jesus! U were angry datsall, but my dear, i hope the family are in good terms wit u o, if not no matter how sensible or sympathetic ur answer would be they can decide to shut their ears over u but if they are goodluck to u, just stay calm on that day and when its ur time to defend urself just burst into tears and CRY, pour out ur bitter experiences to them and make them beleieve it was out of anger. It shall go well honey!

  60. Just Passing...I dey go night market!#Bonne soiree#

  61. No one said anything about SCAM scholarship naa waa. Oh

  62. Aunty Iphie I don cry finish oo. I even won slice my wrist but the holy spirit took control.Bitchplis I will soon go naked at 12am and break egg on the floor For you.How could you be so heartless? O Kare ooo, olorun ma mu e.Dont worry I'm picking the pieces of my shattered heart,

  63. to the lady that was toasted by a man while the wife was in the car, you would have left the man a piece of advice that he would forever remember, like, "are u toasting me in the presence of your wife, show her some respect, you must be a heartless man". some men are monsters and some women can love the wrong men, even with all the signs while dating. To the other lady that got herself into trouble, apologize to your husband and calmly explain how you picture your marriage to look like, that you are willing to forgive all the errors and you guys should go for a paternity test if he is still interested, cos involving both parents might leave either of you bitter or dissatisfied with the judgement. i can sense you both have big egos, Marriage doesn't need that. you guys should learn to say you are sorry, especially your husband. you should turn to you church marriage counselors that counseled u guys b4 marriage, rather than your families members

  64. These marital stories make me sick, even from the comment section gosh can't we get a testimony bout a happy marriage for once


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