Stella Dimoko Dubai Murders - #JusticeForOyamsAlamieseigha #JusticeForTylerFray.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dubai Murders - #JusticeForOyamsAlamieseigha #JusticeForTylerFray.

 Yesterday it was breaking news that Oyams,son of former governor Alams is dead.Thisday Website recorded the death as suicide but those who know have cried out that the young man did not kill himself,they say he couldn't have.

A friend of Oyams contacted me and said the ''young man was very gentle and minded his business and was so full of life.he went to the club with his friends and the next day,his Father called his friends to ask if they had seen him.The Police are not treating the death as suicide and ex governor Alams will arrive Dubai today.....''

Toba Falode A.K.A Tyler Fray was killed after he returned from clubbing with friends in February 2014.He was pushed from the 17th floor of his apartment and the death was not suicidal but murder and the Police have swept the case under the carpet because the fingered killer has a rich Father.

His Mother,ex NTA Newscaster Aisha Falode is still crying out for Justice for her only son.She has pressed all the buttons she knows,her lawyer Festus Keyamo has been to Dubai severally and collected enough evidence to prove that young Toba was pushed to his death yet nothing has been done to bring his killers to face the Law.

All I ask is that since the Federal government of Nigeria is interested in fishing out whoever killed Oyams,they should also take interest in fishing out who pushed young Toba to his death....We are all Nigerians and should look out for each other.

#JusticeForOyamsAlamieseigha #JusticeForTylerFray.


  1. This is really sad, may their soul rest in perfect peace

  2. I pray that God will fight for you Toba, rest in peace.

  3. Exactly..Why are they ignoring these cases of murder..Justice is all we need

  4. Unserious leaders we have in that country....I'm glad(sad)it has happened to one of them and I know they will take it seriously now. Rip Tyler,Rip Oyams.

    Federal government is now interested becos the boy is a politicians son abi, corruption and ojoro will kill u politicians, is Tyler not a human being, or is he not also a Nigeran, or will the federal govt pretend they did not hear about tylers death, i wish more of their children will die so that they will feel the pains of others.

    1. That's not a nice thing to say @ I wish more of their children will die

    2. U people just open ur gutter mouth and ur useless fingers to type rubbish. How can u say u wish more of their children dies? U're as crazy as d words that came out of ur gutter mouth "Angelray" stupid E-diot!!!

    3. Werey ni e @ angelray

    4. It's not a nice thing to say but the truth is bitter. None of them stood up for Toba Falode. Maybe if they had, Dubai government would take us seriously and everyone would tread with caution.

    5. @AngelRay, did u hear bout Tylers death? A very honest question... did u hear bout a Nigerian shot in Dubai 2 bout 2 wks ago? I guess u dint... r d politicians witches and wizards? how r dey s'posed 2 hear wen d death raises no dust here in Nigeria? Death is a bad thing 2 wish on sum1... even ur Enemy... BV'S please watch wat u say. this is a family in grief right nw... leave Nigerian Politics outta this... we all want justice and that's wat matters. A.B

    6. .....the scriptures never lie:the destruction of the poor,is their poverty and d rich man's wealth and (connection in naija)is his strong city!smh

  6. Justice for Toba but for Oyams I don't know. Ask his father, he knows.
    The way he caused sadness and grief for people, the same way he should grieve.
    He stole public funds so his children can live the large life, one less child to spend the stolen money on.
    This fate awaits all the politicians stealing from Nigeria.

    Stella this comment is not meant for your stew pot, it is for those thieves to see.

    1. JayEm please can you expantiate on your allegation that Alameiseigha has caused grief and pain to people? Are you from Bayelsa? Are you speaking with facts or what you have read from the media about this man? I will not support corruption but it is unacceptable for you to imply that the sins of the ex governor is being visited on d son. Are u saying his sons deserved to die? Is ur own father a saint? You are just a very callous person. No man should play the role of God cos he alone decides the fate of all humans. So in my opinion, it is very inhumane for you to attribute the poor boys death to the sins of his father. Tari

    2. Tari, Pls go and die!

    3. Anony 2:04, u go and die. Werey

    4. @ Jayem alams dint caus grief 4 people... I seem 2 be of the opinion that he's the best governor we've had. yes he used public funds buh please which govt official fully survives on salary when they r opprtuned... get ur facts right... alams worked with commendable conscience.... he used public funds... that's true but we also saw his work in the state.... and he bore some consequences unlike the thieves that are left 2 roam the streets freely... A.B

    5. Jayem you are so uncouth...I hope the sins of your father catch up with you. FYI Alams is loved in Bayelsa so it's nobody's fault you're daughter to a nobody. Oyams deserve justice...

    6. Mr Anonymous A.K.A big coward. I will not die seeing as death can not be pronounced by your filthy mouth on any person. Tari

  7. Ohhhh bless you stella.

    this is what I was saying in my comment on the alammieseigha's post.

    this boy's mum have been crying for justice, president be turning a blind eye.

    if there must be justice for alam's son, there MUST be justice for Tyler Fray

    1. Has been crying bloglord, has been crying.

  8. Again?

    Anyways he is a governors son
    Justice will be served.


  9. As George Orwell said in Animal Farm...."All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". NOOOOWWWW....these killings get attention. Smh! RIP to all..

  10. God pls let them get justice. Its just getting worse everyday.

  11. U this stupid jayem, I swear ur stupidity knows no bounds. How can u come here talking trash about stolen public funds to someone mourning d death of his son? Is that how idiotic u are? Are u that heartless?
    Really, u didn't have to comment, just read as waka pass, cos ur comments are getting more and more stupid as d day goes by. I weep for u, smh!

  12. Hmmmm pple should learn one or two things from these killings,I was to make a trip to spain nt quite long buh I later called it off cus I weighed my chances, placed them on a scale and behold the chances dah I shud stay in naija was so heavy dah it broke the scale's string,,while dah of spain's own was still high, I even seated on top to bring it down so as to cheap on my instinct ,bend the rules a bit and find a reason to travel still no way..please stay in ur country love and cherish it,it'll definitely turn out good for u....#sharing my testimony.

  13. So FG is interested in Alam's case,,but Aisha Falode is not someone FG could fight for. hmmmm,,,preferential treatment,,if u ask me. Is Aisha's son a lowlife that his death means nothing to anyone?? The way our government handles sensitive issues goes a very long way to determine how Nigerians are treated in other countries. #JusticeForTylerFray

  14. They wnt 2 act now cos his father get small mouth but they never did anything wen Toba died.......had it been they did sumtin abt Toba's case,some tins could hav been avoided!! POTABLE VIV

  15. Make we they kukuma stay our country. The kind of things that goes down in Dubai ehn. They don't like any one that is not a UAE citizen to go after their girls. I just pray they are not killing this young men cos of their women? Plus Oyams likes women alot.

  16. The boy looks innocent
    I don't know why I have the feeling he didn't commit suicide! They are not telling us the truth!
    Is this the latest trend in dubai now *smooth silencing*? Hian! It's high time Nigeria starts fighting for its own, the country is being too silent on matters that are of utmost value! Still waiting for the actual cause of death ain't buying their suicide bull crap tales!

    Pepper ose oku

  17. Stella in house news ejoor. Give a shout out to my BV bestie latoya totsman for me.

  18. This wicked Arabs should stop killing our people! Haba! I think it is time Nigerian government gets involved! Why do our people still go there???!!! R.I.P to the dead.

  19. Without evidence and witnesses willing to testify..frankly speaking,i don't know how Tyler's murderer will be brought to face judgement for what he did! The truth is that the Law follows such processes! Festus Keyamo is one of the country's is possible that nobody is willing to testify and trust me...these foreigners detest us.

    I wish mothers won't take their young kids far away where they are not staying in a relatives house for schooling!
    I mean,some 17year olds are on their own in countries like Malaysia and Ukraine and you wonder what exactly they were sent there for!! The ones that don't end up murdered either become drug addicts or come back worse off!

    Most parents ship off their kids to these schools that might not even have so much to offer educationally because they don't want friends and extended family members to hear that "Chioma" has taken jamb 5times!
    I am not saying kids should not leave the shores of this country for education, please don't ship off minors there without guidance,don't send them to countries that even their own people are looking to run out because of some political issues! Some of these parents even scrap and borrow to send them to the so called schools and at the end they mourn! May God help us!

    1. Going GOING GONE14 October 2014 at 15:28

      My dear,true talk. My daughter got an admission to an university in Canada,but I am scared oooo

  20. Well said Stella!
    Justice for all...May God give Toba's mum the peace to accept the death of her son.
    It ain't easy!!!!

  21. I knew it!
    How could that possibly be?
    I never trusted those Arabs since Aisha Falode son's case
    May God console the parents
    Especially the poor mother
    I feel this is the time for our Government to get involved
    Or is it until they kill all our kids there?
    Abeg ooh
    "Les we forget" @ Ruben abati
    Nigerians kids re being brutally murdered abroad ooh
    Abeg make una look into it
    Aa ni foju sokun omo ooh

    And NO
    I disagree that any child deserve to be killed cos of his parents sin,
    Am sure those saying this aint mothers
    What is bad is BAD
    Murderers must be brought to book
    Regardless of the sins of the victims parents

  22. So sad. Hopefully something will be done. And though nothing can bring back the dead,it will teach them not to mess with nigerians!

  23. Justice shud b sought n served whether it involves d highly influential, rich, middle class or poor...unfortunately life is neva fair.

  24. ***HEALING-RAIN***

    So F.G will talk now because dubai's grim reaper have snatched oga pikin? Ok mfina lbaha. Jubilee is coming soon F.G keep ignoring the poor. Una go pay one by one.

  25. Rip to the dead. With all d recent happenings around d world, don't know if i'm d only one who gets really scared of being out late in d night. I am so paranoid about nightlife, especially when in a foreign land. God save us.

  26. I pray justice is served in both cases so that other countries will know that Nigerians are human beings too and not chickens, we don't deserve to be killed anyhow, anywhere we go! #One Love# up and running only for today. Come one, come all. Lol

  27. I really wish they get justice for Toba,I really pity the mother! Rest in peace oyams.

  28. E don poke dem 4 eye dem wan investigate! Toba too needs justice! He is also a nigerian!

  29. I honestly do not have any form of remorse for these bloody politicians who loose their loved ones because they brought it on themselves and know very well. Did we hear anything from the FG when Tyler and many other Nigerians in diaspora for that matter died? NO!
    For all we know, Alamieseigha doesn't feel sorry so why should I?
    If I'm suffering for the sins of my fathers because I refused to pray against them whose fault is it?
    He made his bed so he can as well lay on it comfortably

  30. Well said stella. Justice for all. RIP to d dead.

  31. This is man inhumanity to man...

  32. Chikito a.k.a FinalSay14 October 2014 at 16:18

    See me saving money to go to Dubai for my masters!! No oh. I have heard rubbish about these arabs and their ways. Now I believe oh. Change of plans.

  33. Who served justice for all the citizens of Niger Delta with no access to pipe borne water, electricity and good roads. The money meant to better their lives was siphoned to Dubai. And you are here praying for Oyams or whatever he is called. Karma is a bitch! Alams oya use your stolen billions to buy your son back. How many Arabs are running to school in Bayelsa? None! They used their oil money to develop their society. And na im u wan go enjoy with looted fund? God wey caught Ibori in Dubai don catch you.


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