The ex always comes back for a have to wait to find out what it is!
How would you encourage yourself if you get to the last lap of your University education and you get a sharp knock on the head that sends you not back to square one but OUT!
The Chronicles of narratives has space for you,got any story?send it in and be as brief as possible,nobody has time to read a book
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Good Afternoon aunty Stella and all BV's,congratulations to you on the award!
I woke up this morning with a heavy heart,tears in my eyes,I looked at
it nothing really worth living for,no job,no degree.I found out that my
admission was fake in my 3rd year in the University,learnt make up but no tools to work or practice with ,the relationship that kept me going started having
cracks on Saturday,I'd be 30 next year,though no pressure from home to
get married......
Runs has never been an option for me,made lot of mistakes in life and all that,I was crying on my bed this morning when I woke up,feeling God doesn't know I exist,Then I decided to go through my music library I found a song by'JOHN WALLER'..while I'm waiting' and I got encourage that in my waiting period I should not cry or feel sucidal,or feel there is nothing to live for,rather while I
am waiting I should worship,I should serve him,though it is painful
but patiently I would wait.....I'd encourage everyone in my shoes not
to give up,but WAIT ON GOD....I'm sure I would still come back to this
blog with a testimony!
*Awww,I am so sorry about your fake admission thing,please keep up the positive attitude and dont let it get you down.A lot of people going thru what you just described will be encouraged by your positive attitude.
Hi Stella, please I really need your advice and that of other blog visitors on this.
I have been married to the most amazing man on earth for just ten months and its been the best ten months of my life! I love my husband to the moon and back,But before I met my husband I used to love my ex-fiancé who cheated on me. Here's how it happened.
I went to pay him an unexpected visit one evening, When I got to his place I told him I wanted to use the bathroom and he was trying to block me from going into the master bedroom, he told me to use one of the bathroom in the guest room or the one in the parlour and that got me curious and I had to force my way into the his bedroom.
I got into the bedroom and tried switching the light on so I could find my way into bathroom my ex-fiancé switched it off, I was so pressed I had to rush in and use the bathroom, it was when I got out of the bathroom that I noticed someone was all covered up in bed, I switched the light on again and Lo and behold Laying on his bed in the master bedroom was a Lady.
I asked him who it was and the next thing my ex-fiancé did was to turn the light off and ask me to leave the bedroom, I got upset and turned the light on again and guess what Stella? My fiance turned off the light and pushed me right out of the bedroom all the way to the sitting room. I demanded to know why he had to push me out of the bedroom without explaining who was laying there on his bed and he got really rude.
I was really upset and broke up with him right there. I got home in tears and deleted all his numbers from my phone,blocked him on facebook,disconnected him from my all my social network.
He sent me an email the next day and guess what? He said that "he demands an apology from me for embarrassing him in his house and that he has forgiven me for my unruly behaviour," can you imagine??? Insult upon injury!!!
I didn't even bother replying 'cos I deleted the mail instantly. He thought because he is rich I will come crawling on my knees begging him for "cheating on me".Money is not everything abeg, Happiness and peace of mind is all I want.
We've not talked nor seen each other ever since though we both live in the same city and we both come from the same state, but I don't even give a sh*t about him cos I hate him for the way he treated me.
Fast forward to six months later, I met a super very amazing man(who is equally from my state),He loves me, treats me like a queen and makes me happy. We got married in december last year and I told him everything about my ex even before we got married.
Fast forward to yesterday, my husband called my last night(because he is out of town) and told me my ex sent him a friend request on facebook and he accepted. I asked why he accepted and he told me he wants to know what my exe's intentions are.
Stella and blog visitors should I be worried??? My ex and my husband now friends on Facebook? what does he want by getting close to my husband???
*How did he know about your hubby?Oh I get it you all are from the same town.I dont know what to say but keep your fingers crossed and if possible log unto your hubbys facebook and block him.I also wonder what he wants with your hubby.He probably wants to see whats happening with you.
Narrative No 2
ReplyDeleteActually his intention for sending a friend request might not been harmful since he didn't send it to you, just tell your husband that you both should keep your guards up.
Narrative No 1
Just keeping believing in God, he will answer you when you least expect. God bless you.
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Stello i sent u a mail abt Pheadra sparks of RHOA filing for divorce frm her convicted husbnd Apollo Bida ..u didnt post it..well for dose of u in yanki dat knws dem make una read am for eonline news...#okbye.
Delete1st poster you better look for something to do with your hands and be dedicated to it. All the it is well advice is not for you, if you sit at home idle, there will be nothing for God to bless. Start a business and grow. Goodluck
DeleteStella please delete the second narrative I find it very irritating when people send stories to several bloggers don't come and cheapen this blog. Unloyal hoes.
ReplyDeleteChacha I seconded!! POTABLE VIV
DeleteU re also an unloyal hoe. Why didn't u also stick to readin Stella blog alone.
Deleteplease post proof of where it was published.she actually sent this two days back but i was in Amsterdam and didnt reply cos i was busy,she probably thought i ignored it and sent somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteI like the story,so lets ignore the sender.
It's on laila's blog now. Guess she thought you were not going to post her story.
DeleteStella I dnt understnd wat dis wrld is turning into. Sammie of tinsel, Jojumuse posted a naked pics on instagram. I tink u shld call her out nd imbibe some sense to her. Kai
DeleteThis isn't the first time something like this has happened. Why can't people stick to just a blog when publishing their stories?
DeleteIts on lailais blog.
DeleteThe second story is on Lailas blog.
Delete@ self righteous madam lydia...why dont u shut d fuck up nd face ur problms? Oversabi
DeleteNo 2:D question should b wat is ur hubby up 2? U told him how u ended tins wit dis guy. He knew dis was same guy yet he acpted d request? Wateva 4? My dear just kp ur fingers crossed n pray no evil comes out of dis cos if u try too hard 2 mk hubby block him or u do as Stella said hubby will tink Uve sometin u dnt want him 2 find out. So just chill. No 1: God is neva asleep. He will visit u @ his own time. Kp d faith alive.
DeleteHi Stella, pls tel N1 to contact me, it's neva too late...
DeleteYour husband is gay
ReplyDeleteThank me!,I like u like kilode.
DeleteM'amie... how did u come abt such conclusion???? U worry ooo... lol
DeleteRotflmao! What? Omg! Big nut don loose. Lol
DeleteMamie water. .. shut the hell up,
Delete:-) You re welcome
Mammie water my babe. Nwata na enye nsogbu. #im ur biggest fan. Haters goan die
Delete@ first poster it is well with you. Second poster, sorry to say you are in a deep shit. That's why I'm not on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI once had a crazy childish stupid ex like that called kenny. He nor only added my husband he also went ahead to add another of my exes, my friend and even people he presumed I was close to. I just jejely went to my hubby's facebook and blocked him. The other people he added I just deleted from my Facebook and my life. I don't want wahala. Na hin get wahala and also jobless if not he would not be looking for what is not when everything was over. He is now married oh but even at that he won't stop trying g to get info about me.
DeleteSimply go into your hubby's facebook account and block the childish mofo.
1, if is well my dear, keep keeping the faith
ReplyDeleteN2 Ask you husband to block him, he doesn't have any business meddling in your life now. There is no need wanting to know what his intentions might be. N1 it is well with you. I'll advise that you dust yourself up and enroll in another school, try and get busy so you don't think too much. God will see you through.
ReplyDeleteWhy should she ask the husband to block him. Madam don't you have your husbands fb password? Block him yourself and don't cough. Your ex is dangerous.
DeleteN 1, Always keep a positive attitude. N 2, If i were you i will insist my hubby has nothing to do with that ex, your ex is up to no good. You know what? he will try and come close to you through your hubby and before you know it you will start fantasizing about the "good old days" and you may end up fucking him, what will happen after that is you won't have a happy home again and the bastard would have succeeded, he is not happy you have moved on. THE GUY NAH WINCH.
ReplyDeleteHian! Poster num 2! I hope you don't talk too much?? Let us hope it is not cheap blackmail he is coming for! No nudes with him right? No evidence of something with him abi? Please forget about that ex and enjoy your marriage...his issues should not even come up in your life right now..please tell your husband to delete him..he is no friend!
ReplyDeletePoster num 1:
Can you write jamb again and go back to school?? Or register with National Open University? They are very good I hear,it can give you time for your makeup jobs too. Whatever you do,just remember God never fails dear... your man will locate you..ciao!
exactly my thoughts Iphie, your ex is bad news and a loser.
Delete#1 God will fill your mouth with testimonies soonest, you are a fighter, don't give up, don't lose hope.
1st poster
ReplyDeleteKeep waitin on God,he doesn't fail those who are his...I had a junior frnd wiv a similar case and 2day she's schoolin in Ghana.
2nd poster:
I'l advice u to kip ur personal life and dat of ur hubby away frm fb...Reset ur privacy settings.Is ur hubby very active on fb?If yes,then he shld mellow down...Ur ex is a monitoring spirit..i kn Guys like dat...they neva have good motives.For d mere fact he hurt u in d past and didn't show any remorse shld show u he ain't smone u shld trust..#my2cents#
Pls visit my blog
ReplyDeleteN2 that guy doesn't have any good intention wanting to get close to your hubby, he might be thinking of payback since he believes you offended him in his house and that you couldn't even come back to beg him to forgive you and take you back. Just tell your hubby to be careful of false stories and fake allegations from ex, cos I don't see anything positive coming out of that friendship. Believe me I know, it has happened to me before, I don't know why a lot of guys can't stay without making up stories.
ReplyDeleteN1 keep being positive God will perform your own miracle at his appointed time. #One Love# up and running only for today. Come one, come all. Lol
Aunt stell i second dat opinion..i read it on lailasblog dis a.m....yes i did.......culled by jenny
ReplyDeleteCongrats Stella for the award. @Narrative one, you are not alone mistakes are what turns us into better people. It's never too late to go back to school cos it's every woman's dream even when married . Please enrol at national open university and also send me mail on how much it cost for the make up tools.
ReplyDeleteanyway sinc u said u like d story..ignore my first comment..........culled by JENNY
ReplyDelete1) i pray God see u true....(2)Some men no get shame at all.....ur hubby isn't excluded. accept ur ex at all shows u marry a gossip man...
ReplyDelete@Chick felix, I second u about d 2nd narrative. D poster's hubby has no business accepting a friend request from his wife's ex. Narrator 2, ur hubby is looking for gist, real men don't have time for such frivolities. Tell ur husband outrightly, that u re not pleased with his FB friendship with ur ex. Wether de come from d same state or not, he has no business with him, especially with d way u n ur ex parted ways. Honestly it baffles me why ur husband accepted his FB request @d first place. Narrator 1, God is still in d business of doing Good, I love d fact that u can motivate urself.
DeleteUr head dey dere.
DeletePoster 1, you can still write Jamb and go back to school. Its not yet late.
ReplyDeleteNarrative 1, God is not d causer of ur addmissn palava, so don't blame him for dat.
ReplyDeleteU can start all over again, n dis time do tins legally, stop cutting corners n den ask God for speed.
Concerning ur bf palava, u shld be grateful, anywia dem comot ur carpet God wld replace wit italian rug. But it is okay to feel down, as u can't hlp it.
Concerning ur age, u can be in sch(startin afresh) n find a gud n supportive husband. Stop worryin ursef abt d magic u can't perform.
Narrative 2; wetin u(married woman) dey find go ur ex house. Na frm clap we dey enter dance oo, u need to cut off all ur ties wit dis guy, make d guy no go blackmail u wit sex, dis 1 e his frnds wit ur hubby.
Pinkshell....she no go d guy house ooo...go and read d narrative again biko...
Delete@p1, go and re-write jamb...meanwhile start your make up biz from're going higher places cod when you fall, it helps you get more focused and determined
@poster2, your ex will destroy your marriage within a twinkle of an eye whether he has good or bad intentions...even if you've told your hubby about your past, never underestimate the power of an ex!
!!omu Iya dun!!
Honey, you are in school right? It is obvious you no sabi read. Where did she say she went to the man's house eh pink shell.
DeleteThat's d problem wen u wanna type too long. Where in heavens name did u read she went to her ex's house. Smh! Read, read and read again
DeleteTake this e-hug.
DeleteHaba Pink shell. Kilode? Oya go up go read mk u come bk come comment again.
DeleteNarrative 2, if your hands are clean, y worry. My ex is friends with my present hubby on Facebook, we had a good laugh when he came up with ridiculous stories. My hubby trusts me 100% and he didn't even give him attention.
ReplyDeleteSame here babes. My ex gave my hubby friend request smtime ds year on fb he accepted him n I ve no single ishh wt dat cos I ve got no skeleton in my cupboard. My hubby n I trust each oda n beside I knw my ex to be a gentle dude to d core. Dey both attended same Uni n were course mates though nt friends shaa. so I see no biggie dere chachakwa. #dat Udi Chic
DeleteWhen your ex appears from nowhere with that 'hi, what's up' line, biko open your mouth and say "no, satan, not today"
ReplyDeleteMy own stupid ex came back and had been stalking me, walahi he doesn't know what I have up my sleeve. I have told my sugar about it and he said I should keep calm and be watchful. All those exes that will never learn that their time has passed will not allow us be happy in peace. They want to see you as miserable as they are.
Narrative 1, I know you want to use style to beg but please, keep hoping on God
All I can say is karma na beta bitch . Hurt someone and u get it bk , I pity ur ex
ReplyDelete#N1: What a story! You get fake admission when you try to 'runs' admission. When you do things the right way, everything works out fine. You must have learnt your lesson.
ReplyDeleteI hope God gives you a testimony. All the best.
#N2: Girls talk too much. Mtcheeeew. I don't know what's wrong with them. You meet a new guy and bam! All your exes and histories become bedtime stories.
Your husband is not loyal. What kind of man allows his wife's ex monitor him and his wife? Baby husband. Or maybe he is gay.
Itk, it's not a new guy. It's her husband. If she can't tell him Bout dem looser exes, who can she tell? The moment u become an ex, u become a story to be told! Gbam!
DeleteJayem don't know what kind of stupid parents have birth to you.,,,in your retarded mind you don't know people have fallen genuinely for admission scam from genuine staff of universities.... Since u don't know her personal story why assume it's her fault? Don't know the kind of unfortunate man that will ever marry u in this life..... The abundance if your heart is evil , u are so rude and obviously lack any decency or decorum...... I spit on u Jayem....
DeleteNarrative 1...its going to be alright,Look unto God. Get a job and work towards going back towards school. It does not matter your age, just get the desired education.
ReplyDeleteNarrative 2...What could be your husband's intention to accept the friends request? Your EX is a proud fellow and he may be trying to ruin your husband's relationship with you just to get back at you for dumping him.
Go to your husband's Facebook and block your Ex.
N1.please look up to God and don't give up on him. Just like you,I look forward to d Day I will share my testimony in this blog. God has a way of doing his things.
ReplyDeleteN2 I don't know why am not comfortable with him adding your hubby on facebook. What does he want? Please have a heart to heart talk with your husband and let him know d danger such can pose to your relationship.
Secondly,you have to be very up and alert
N1 Take it one day at a time, its well. N2: He possibly means no harm, just wants to keep in touch with you.. Just be careful..
ReplyDeleteUr ex is a gay... That person he didn't allow u see is a guy. Ur ex is a bisexual and trust ur current bf may not be far from that.... #alinko
ReplyDeleteGbam. Na true ooooo
DeleteStanley, nothing like a gay. Her ex is gay...not a gay biko kwa.
DeleteWow...u jst might be ryt lol
DeleteWho know maybe na her husband dey her ex bf's house that day dey hide. Omo, better delete that ur ex before u go regret later.
DeletePoster one... all is not lost, my simple advice, purchase a part-time form to any of the universities and learn another skill whilst educating yourself part-time.... we make mistakes, pick ourselves up and learn a thing or two... I wish you all the best.
ReplyDeletePoster two - err no comment!!!
ReplyDeletePoster 1, don't worry cos sometimes life can be so unfair, just hang in there am sure u will be fine.
Poster 2, i think u and ur hubby should mind ur bizness, why wud he accept he's friend request in the first place, na amebo dey worry ur husband, abeg make 2 of una go sit down.
#1# try open university n always be positive ok!! #2# u don't have 2 worry much if u don't have any skeleton in ur cupboard but all d same,be very vigilant 2 avoid stories that touches d heart.....ur ex is up 2 no good tho!!! POTABLE VIV
DeleteWhat's his intention, I dnt like having any silly contact with my ex no matter how much I loved him in the past, better delet dt contact n mk sure ur ex knows dt u did it.
ReplyDelete@ single blog visitor, its well honey n our God shall supply all ur needs according to his riches in glory, just be strong and faithful.
Where went you Queen Amy?
DeleteI v been busy my fellow queen, tnx for d contact check. i
Keep the good fight.dust yourself and try again God is with you,always a silent listener to every conversation,always talking but we are always to worked up to hear him,too tearfilled to see him.
Relax if you have no skeletons in your cupboard. Your ex wants to be mischievous he doesn't yet know your hubby knows about him. If you keep fretting about your hubby's acceptance of your ex request on fb,he might start thinking otherwise. Whether he accepts or not or you log in and block him or not,men have a way of meeting and connecting with each other. Leave it to your hubby he will handle mr.ex.
Ada baby
ReplyDeleteNI: It is very well my dear. what happened to you happened to my sister but today we thank God and she is in another university. Just keep trusting on God,He will never fail you. If my family can keep up after been dealth a blow, you too can do it.
N2: Dont agree for your husband to be friends with your ex. before you know it wahala go start
Since he knows u will not accept him on facebook or any other social media,d easiest way to get thru to u is ur hubby!his type is d haunter ex' dat never gives up!tell ur hubby to block him completely,abi what kind of friendship is he doing with ur ex?i don't even expect ur hubby to accept him in d first place,abi is there any other info he wants to get abt u from ur ex?#rme
ReplyDeletea.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
First poster is well...
BV 1,
ReplyDeleteBelieve me! Every disapointment is a blessing!
U will sure come for testimony here
Its never too late for the Lord ok?
Hang in right there and allow my wonderful God to suprise u
Believe in him totally and he will NEVER let u down
BV 2
Ur ex is evil,
Believe me
Ur husband? I don't know what to say but why accepting ur ex's friendship in the 1st place
Well be on the look out
Good luck!!
Stella if poster 1 would like to while away time by perfecting her make up skills, I can send her a 32 piece professional makeup brushes, some fake eyelashes, different shades of concealer and eyelash glue. I have 2 foundation shades here too that wasn't the right one for me but never returned it back to the store. She can offer her services for free and then from her work, others can recommend her so she starts making some money.
ReplyDeleteGod will do it won't solve anything. At the end of the day, when the master returns, he'll charge us and say "when I was hungry, did you feed me".....
I have absolutely no words for poster 2...
@ poster 1-the lord is your muscle..@ poster 2-y bother ur head over ur ex adding your hubby on fb?if your conscience is clear, no wahala. my ex's hubby is on my bbm and fb. we met @ an old friend's wedding and she even sell some stuff to my wife nw sef.everybody don move dnt be bothered jst caution your hubby..dats all!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDo pple have any oda problm aside from husband and wife, gf/bf issues...I'wud love to advice on other areas please.
ReplyDeleteno he is not gay. he is a monitoring spirit.
ReplyDeletehe wants to know more about you. how you are faring with your hubby. he wants to read you thru your pics and all of that. do you look happy etc...
you have to let your husband know that you are not comfortable with his FB friendship with your ex.
other that what we think, he could have dangerous plans. remember your enemy can't attack to kill or harm you if they know nothing about you. They always need information to launch an attack.
he is spying on you for a purpose..which I think at this point is scary.
tell your hubby to un-friend hi NOW!
Poster 2....pls make sure u hubby deletes him from his facebook page. Ur hubby and ur ex have no bizness together. He may not mean any harm but he's now in ur past and that is where he belongs.
ReplyDeletePoster 1. it is well. How come it took u so long before u knew ur admission was fake??were u not given an admission letter??Did ur name not come out on ur faculty/department list??Didnt u do any form of registration whether online or manual??Did u have a matriculation number??maybe u were just assuming u had an admission when there was none really cos how u were in a school for 3yrs without admission baffles me. I knew some people years back in d uni who just kept hoping their admission will "click" and doing all they could to have their way,,yet they lived in hostels like regular students and gave everyone(including their parents) the impression that they were already in school fully.
Did u try for another university admission after the failed one?? Seriously,,u need to find something doing at least something that will generate some cash for u. Its nice u learnt make up,,but try to seek help from ur relatives so u could get d tools u need. It is well.
If your ex is a wicked guy, then u should be worried. he seems vicious.
ReplyDeleteLemme give one small gist.... So, some guy who I dated a while back did something funny. I tried to date him but he was shady, so I dropped him. After about a year, he started calling again. Invited me to a beach party with my friends. He was kneeling down and acting all remorseful. I told him we would see how it goes. I was keeping him under watch.
Two weeks later, I saw his pic on someone's dp as a groom. He obviously came to chop and clean mouth and move on sharply. Thank God I was smart about that. lol.
Okay, as if that was not enough, he now started calling me my phones like crazy. telling me he didn't know what happened, that he was jazzed. but he cant get out as parents are involved. I ignored. when it became too bad I gave my cousin his number and asked him to call and warn him not to ever call his fiancé again. As my cousin picked my call, he dropped. them my cousin called back with his number to warn him. he kept quiet during the call. afterwards,this guy now sends a text saying: na that one wey u wan marry, abeg tell her I still need constant servicing, we were together last week.
Chineke!! My cousin shouted. as I was out of the country the previous week sef. So assuming my cousin was really a fiancé, that is how he would have destroyed the relationship. Mnwh, he is the deceiver who got married oh!
Some exes are no good, even when they are the ones who messed up. I advice u, poster 2, get him off your husbands list.
Poster 1, I love your spirit. it is well. you can go in for part time, it has less stress. then do a masters straight away. Put all in prayer. it is well. I know a girl who had fake admission issues. she was so upset and decided not to go to uni anymore. she was in her late 20s. she got a job as a PA, with her OND. Her oga and the wife saw how hard working she was after hearing her story, they decided to help her further abroad. She went to school on their expenses, they treat her like their daughter. So all her friends who were laughing at her, who loose? There is nothing God can't do. it is not over until God steps in
Narrative 2:
ReplyDeleteGot any skeletons in your cupboard? Nudes? Etc?
If yes, then be very afraid.
If no, pls sit down, relax and enjoy your marriage.
There's absolutely nothing wrong in discussing ones Ex's with hubby, so long as your being truthful...its not talking too much..
ReplyDeleteI guess you have some secrets he knows about that he would like to share with your husband. If your husby doesn't know about them, you are fucked!
ReplyDeleteNarrator 2, nothing to worry about since u opened up earlier b4 now & talked ur hubby into yuor past affair wt him but u just have to tell ur hubby not to "allow d handshake extends to d elbow". His friendship might equally be for good. While Narrator 1, just hold on to God, He sure has d final say to every situation, I'm equally going thru a harder one but I'm so firm nonoby knows or understands my plight only God. Best of lucks to both narrators.
ReplyDeleteThis goes to Narrative 2,yeah I luv that song too.u said u got to knw of ur fake admission in 300level.since then what av u bn doin?did u try appying to d sch again or anoda sch.At 30,u r still young.u cn start afresh again there is notin to b depressed abt.I knw of pple over 30 who jst begun sch....God b wit u
ReplyDeletePoster 1, am a living testimony of what u r passing thru now. In my 1st semester 3rd year in d university I noticed my admission was faked I had to leave bcos there was no option, after that I tried every thing possible to get another admission but jamb refused to let me go. I wrote Jamb for 6 years before I was able to get the admission that ushered me into UNN. today, am a final year student to graduate this year by God's grace. I am 31yrs this year and believing God to change my statue maritaly.
ReplyDeleteNB, 5 years Jambs was no results excerpt the 6th one. It was prayer that saw me thru.
1st poster: my dear, this happened to my cousin, she found out in 3rd year and stayed on till her mates graduated in 5th year, then she couldn't hide again, she graduated and posted for over five years doing office jobs now she has faced the truth, gone back again & will soon graduate. God is able to beauty ur life, just hand over to Him and draw closer, study ur Bible more and attend a Word based church (like Christ Embassy) for ur faith, (it's not my church sha) or House on The Rock or any good pentecostal, study ur Bible atleast 3ce a day especially Psalms and Isaiah or the 1st 4 books of the New Testament, u would find hope
ReplyDeletePoster 2: ur ex is not over u, he also wants to scatter ur happiness, I learnt the hard way oh, wen my hubby's friend tried to be friends...... it never ends well, u better end that contact now, FAST!
ur ex wan know how things be wt u $ ur marriage, na ur choice if u want it allow it. Ur ex is not having it good @ d moment reason why he want to know what's up wt u. Petty moves ! Better if ur husband ignore
ReplyDeleteur ex wan know how things be wt u $ ur marriage, na ur choice if u want it allow it. Ur ex is not having it good @ d moment reason why he want to know what's up wt u. Petty moves ! Better if ur husband ignore
ReplyDelete@Stella and all SDKers I really appreciate all your thoughtful advice to me, I am the woman that sent the narrative No. 2, I'm sorry it really got published on two blogs at the same time, I actually sent the narrative to Stella first on saturday nyt last week and thought it wasn't delivered that was why I had to send it to another blogger, I'm not a blog "hoe" as someone referred, am just a worried woman seeking for advice asap. I apologise for letting my anxiety get hold on me, thank you Stella for coming to my defence even when you had the right to be angry with me.
ReplyDeleteI equally appreciate all the advice I got from both blog, I felt so at home and cared for. Thank you all.
As for those saying maybe I had something to hide or my nudes with my ex, your assumptions are all wrong pls, I don't do nudes pls and got no skeleton in my cupboard with the ex, I'm an open book and that was why I told my husband even before we got married about my ex. My husband is well aware of everything and he'd already said he will handle my ex with all maturity required. And mind you, my husband is not gay and can never be, I'm sure of that.
Finally, thank you all again.
@Stella, your cup will never run dry. May God continue to bless you and your home too. Thank you!
N.B: I've been trying to post this since yesterday but d blog has been having issues, I'm glad you're back @SDK. God bless you. Amen
Poster 1 .. My situation was more terrible o n I still started all over then graduated last year. Had a fake admission after 2years of diploma and 3 years of degree thru direct entry. I had admission letter and all that but I got curious as my name was omitted in some lists that were pasted in final year. Ol boy! As I found out, cry no gree me o, I was hopeless as the folks were broke. That's how I started collecting stuff from friends to resell all to gather money again, after a whole year, I enrolled for part time studies n I graduated last year. It took me 11 years in the uni but I made up my mind not to drop out. All those excuses u gave up there aren't enough, if bf can't encourage u to get back into school, Biko what is he doing for u then, just plugging? Abeg na God I take beg u, find a cheap school and get a degree ASAP even if you'd go back to business.. Btw, u can also build your customer base with students. I'm glad u are strong but try a lil harder. God bless.