JOSH said...
''Stella,i want to kill my wife. Imagine the pretentious unfaithful woman I married. I've been shattered and broken since Friday. I'm a man but I've cried.
Where did I go wrong?
I've tried to be a loving. Caring and faithful husband and father but what did I get?
Where did I go wrong?
I've tried to be a loving. Caring and faithful husband and father but what did I get?
We seemed a happy family na Stella, we've had our shortcomings as a couple, like every other couple but we were happy.
My wife has always been very God fearing and churcheous,or so she made me believe.
On Friday,like most others,she told me she was going for a Vigil after work. She had left the house before I got in from the office, the kids dropped off with grandma. I was therefore hone alone when my friends called to hang out with them at a Bar in Ikeja, i reluctantly did because in usually not the hanging out type.
We were at the bar having fun over drinks and generally catching up on school days when we noticed a car's flash on another car thereby exposing the people inside,a man and a woman obviously smooching and all. We laughed nd made little gossip of it but it caught our attention anyways and from time to time we looked towards the car monitoring the event, at a point we noticed the woman was bent low in what seemed like a blow job and a friend mentioned In passing" you go surprise say na person wife be dat o", my voice was the loudest in condemning the woman if indeed she's someone's wife while I thanked God openly for giving me a God fearing responsible wife who would never stoop so low to indulge in such.
About an hour later, show over, the couple in the car stepped out of the car coming towards the bar, Li and behold,to the full glare of my friends, that woman was my wife,my own wife, my God fearing responsible wife. What a public shame, ridicule and disgrace.
Why are women like this? What did she want? I thought we had it all. I feel do bad,so depressed. She hasn't been home since but has sent everyone we hold in high esteem to beg but walahi Stella, if I catch that woman I will kill her''
*Stammering* erm erm why dont you hear her out first?At least sit with her,listen to her and hear why she did what you caught her doing?
Could be partly your fault,I am not saying that you pushed her into another mans arms but hear her out first before you take any drastic action.
Look at it this way,if she caught you and you begged,wouldnt you want her to forgive you?
I wish you all the best!
Hian. Oh!. Can't say nothing.
ReplyDeletehear her out?...ehh..BJ inside a car, thats the height of boldness and romance...dem no see hotel go or bathroom and the car no park for one quiet street with plenty trees..haaa..noo..she get mind
DeleteStella this your reply no follow abeg. If it were a woman complaining now,this wouldn't be what you would dish out...
DeleteMister,I can't begin to imagine the kind of embarrassment,humiliation and anger you feeling now. You are allowed to.. Hello,your friends saw your goody two shoes church going wifey come out of the car with a man after all the blow jobs. Its now left for you to know what to do. Can you forgive her? Do you think you can forgive her while she lives under your roof or you want her to go some where for a while? The decision rest with you. Take all the time you need please so that you don't keep taunting her with it when you back together...
The fact that some women xondobe their husband cheating ways don't mean they forgave him. They don't just want that to be the factor for leaving the mab the built their lives around...
I dnt pray to ever cheat on my husband. I knw it is not going 2 be easy but I will continue 2 pray 4 God's help. I was even told dat my husband will start going down d moment I sleep with another man. I knw its a lie but I'll love to believe dis lie till my dying days.I am not a saint though but I plan 2 be a good wife. No matter hw much he hurts me I'll rather go for divorce than 2 sleep wit another man while I am still married to my husband
DeleteMadam stella what kind of advice are you given to this man. Your advice no belong abeg
DeleteChai I can imagine ur face when u saw her. That would hv bin priceless.
Listen to her, you will be surprised. I believe that women have reasons for cheating & are more comitted in marriage.
When a married woman cheats, something must have gone wrong.
It will be hard for you to forgive her, even if you do, it will take like forever before u kiss her because u will always remember the blow job. Pray that the holyspirit leads you, you cannot do it by yourself. Remember it is till death do u part.
Stella plss hear her out?
DeleteSure!! I don't expect u to say otherwise but that marriage is GONE!
Even "IF" they ever reconciled the husband can't get it off his head!
Just imagine that picture or go thru the scenerio as he said it, "like nollywood movie"
"with his friends"
That scene will keep playing in his head
I pray he forgives his wife enough cos this might even affect their kids
Now his mind is shaking also towards the kids, if they really re his kids, maybe or maybe not
At this stage sitting down and talking is inviting trouble cos hubby is still very enraged couple with it happened in the full glare of his friends
I think that's the most painful part for him
Well time heal all wounds, this inclusive
Give it time buddy!!!
Pls sir get over urself. From d beginning of time u men have been cheating n we hv bin 4giving u. Even as I type this, somewhere in d world a man is cheating n acting like its his birth right while a woman is left 2pick up d broken pieces. So forgive her cos we forgive u all d time. And don't u dare lay a finger on her. Lady koikoi
Delete*mouths agape* #speechless!
DeleteEhen. Now I have eaten and recovered from shock. Guy. E fit be say your friends know since but dem no sabi as dem go put mouth take talk the thing so dem allow you to see with anya nke gi.
DeleteThen. Men and women get tempted equally. So there's no justification for one gender cheating. If he can control his,she should too.
Guy trust me.you don't need to listen to whatever crap she has to give as a lame ass excuse. If he was having problems with you that made her seek the "comfort" of another man even to the extent of licking his lollipop, she coulda told you before she got tempted to do shit. So whatever reason she gives now, be it that you cheated on her too or your a 1min noodles...the list is endless. The deed has been done. You don't need to hear the motive. You would just get hurt more, cos the excuse will be totally stupid and will be something she could have prevented.
So. Now you're hurt. Deal with it. Sorry to sound harsh. You're not the first and definitely won't be the last such has happened to. Where the major hurt comes is in the decision making. Take your time. Don't rush it. Do you love her. Is she sorry for what she did or just cos she was caught?. So choose. What do you want. Then pray and go with your choice.
Poster Kai, I can imagine your pain,the feeling of humiliation and disgrace. Just call a family meeting and end that marriage. A cheating woman is ready to kill her husband. Of you are ready to liv with that betrayal feeling and living with a lady that you caught cheating or kissing that same out she has bn using to do NJ for hundreds of men you can continue with the marriage. a wife is meant to be ones pride and integrity anytime any day. She didn't only deflate yours she killed it all right in front of your frnds oo. That is just one thing that won't end,the story of how you caught your wife cheating doing BJ for that matter. There is nothing left to be proud off. Just forgive her and let her park well. All cheating women God will expose una soon too,enjoy it while it lasts. What a shameful act. Stella post my comment oo. First time commenting on your blog.
DeleteStella stop abeg. Assume he caught her doing it in d room with a guy she will be giving listening ear but this one is in public and every body was making gun of them.. For her to fo it in d public thst means She has being doing it for a very long time ..if I'm the one, I will forgive and forget u for life..
JaybeesBlog.com** No 1 Fashion and Inspirational Blog
@lady koikoi shut up!! E be like say bomb de ur head. What stupid nonsense are u saying?? U no well aswear. Poster, I know it's a very sad n embarrassing situation u have on ur hands right now. I will advice u give it time. U will be fine... sorry on ur wifey's behalf. could be something led her into this act. But Mehn.....follow ur heart, so u dnt have a murder case on ur hands.
DeleteAm sorry to say but Stella is biased with her advice cus am sure if it were to be a woman in this situation, she would tell her to leave d man or something very harsh, now the man should listen to d wife. Listen ko
DeleteLeft to me, if something was wrong, the woman would ve complained to the man nd d poster din't mention that she complained of anything, so d man has no fault in this. My advice to the poster is, stay away frm her for a while to clear your head before thinking of what to do. To even think you and ur frnds saw her aftr u praised her infront of your frnds is more embarrassing. Inside car again, shameless woman
Jesus Christ oooo....... choi,,Jesus don suffer for this generation hand.she even lied she was going for a vigil.
DeleteStella,,this advise of urs is so out of place.this man cannot even sit with his wife for a second let alone giving her audience for any explanation.....at least,,not so soon but i understand u're only trying to let peace reign btw them.
Dear Poster,,pls give urself all the time u need to heal.....maybe u could just stay away from ur wife for now to avoid any story of violence. I dont even know what else to say,,dis is a huge one....but that woman get mind sha.
Chai chai chai
DeleteWhat a shameless woman. She is a disgrace.
I can't even begin to imagine how embarrassed the poster would have been when he and his friends saw his wife in such a shameful situation.
Poster please whatever you do, don't hit her or kill her. She is not worth you spending the rest of your life in jail.
I know you are angry but please don't allow your raging emotions make you do what you will regret later. If you harm her, everyone will blame you, no one will even remember she offended you first.
Telling you to forgive and forget now will be being unfair to you. You have every right to be mad at the moment. But I know with time you will, the pain you feel now will be less.
As Stella said, you guys need to talk. She owes you an explanation. Make out time and hear her out.
BTW, I hope you have never cheated on her oh. He who comes with equity should do so with clean hands.
I also feel you guys need to separate for a while for you to clear your head. Since you are already thinking of killing her.
Please take it easy you hear? Ask God for wisdom and directions.
I wish you good luck in handling this.
Genny Baby always talking in a sensible manner since 1900. Ride on babes. 100% likes honey. #no homo. #dat Udi chic
DeleteBest comment jenny
DeletePoster u v every right to be angry to pls dnt let ur abger lead u t everlasting regret.
I knw some wommen will support d cheating wife and somill blame d poster fr being d 'causer' of wify s cheating
Thank you Genny. You are a wise woman. I have never cheated on her,never. I have never believed in it. My friends have always teased me about being too faithful. So you can imagine my pain and embarrassment. I have cried cus I just can't cone to terms with it but I am still a man and I would heal. I can't sit to talk things over with her, I don't want her again, . I won't kill her, she truly isn't worth it. What a shame
DeleteI don't even need to add more! You have said it all Genny Nwa!
DeleteMay God never lead us into breaking our husband's heart. This is really shameful. He might have gone wrong somewhere without knowing. Little things his us hard but men alws think we are so strong. I pray peace b still with them.
There is nothing she will say dat will erase wat her husband saw from his memory.If he takes her back, how is d poster & his dick-sucking wife going 2 feel when his friends from d dick-sucking scene come visiting? If a woman cheats on her husband, Iwant 2 assume she feel in love wit someone else but bcos of her kids & wat d society will say, she keeps it on d low but when a woman is giving blow jobs in public & going 2 bars wit another man then she is not just cheating. She is also prostituting & i bet d man she was giving head is not d only one doing her. Poster, d ball is in ur court.
DeleteHaba Stella. ...
ReplyDeletePoster biko poison her and watch her die slowly. What kind of women do guys marry these days? I can't deal biko
Hian Na person write dis one abi na ghost?
Delete@ la katie! Whaaao that's on the extreme, poison?? No mehn. Anyway nothing breaks a man down like knowing your wife cheated or is cheating. I caught mine cheating and I ended the marriage but trust me, I was shattered for months, even cried at a point because I truly loved her. I don't even think I will get married again or even trust any woman in my life. I fear women now more than anything. Some of them are will overthrow lucifer in hell if he doesn't take time.
DeleteHmmmm @la Katie poison her ke?
DeleteIf he ws d unfaithful one wud she poison him??? Oriegwu
Oga pls forgive ha or divorce her. Don't soil ur hands with blood.
Haba la Katie... That's a mean thing to say... I understand Stella's advice perfectly! In as much as we all know they might split, I feel it's best they talk about it... At that point, the man will be more convinced about any decision he's gonna take... Personally, I'm not in support of wifes cheating on their husbands(even when he's cheating)... The earlier women realise that "marriage" isn't in our favour, the better! For example: you catch him cheating, you leave! He catches you cheating, you're leaving!!!! So you see? In either ways, we're loosing! My advice to the poster is: before taking any decision, stop and think!!!! There's nothing God cannot fix together... And please, don't take her back if you haven't forgiven and forgotten.
DeleteIt means our fathers,husbands,sons will drop dead all over the world na abi?? Pls murder is not the best!
DeleteAhm....errrmmmm dis is a mouthful....... I think u shld hear her out before killing her or divorcing her......maybe bcos u were happy u jst assumed she was happy too.....buh dah doesn't justify her actions.....she shld ave talked to you about it before jumping into action...... Buh guy....if na u she catch on top one person lyk dah... .. U ld expect her to forgive u nd get pst it......buh women sha....y marry wen u know u can't b faithful?
ReplyDeleteHmm......well, it's you that knows how you want to leave your home....Kai, na the front of friends worse pass..
ReplyDeleteMrs D true talk oh.. If he had seen a text msg or caught hern private e for beta small.. Poster pls forgive her inugo.. It was the devils fault.. She still loves u but this useless devil likes to tempt good christian women..Pls forgive her for the sake of the kids I know it won't be easy but pls try.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteEnd shall never wonder o, I comment my reserve shaa coz I no get anything to talk.
ReplyDeleteHanhan! Chai! Some women get head den no get cap, some on d other hand get cap but no head. This life just ain't fair. Poster give time time, don't rush on ur decisions, it could ve bn way better if ur frds weren't der menh but then. Its well
DeleteExactly cos if it was u,she will listen to u n even stick wit u @ d end of d day...am nt saying wat she did is right bt jst hear her out ok.is nt gonna b easy bt jst giv it a try...is so shameful cos ur frnds saw everything n dey will kip reminding u of dat event making it worst 4 u.....listen 2 her n den take a decision..#gudluck# POTABLE VIV
Mr man,any married woman that cheated on her husband is lacking something...
Talk to her,ask her what the problem is and forgive her...afterall,if it was you she caught,she would probably forgive you...
Fear all these churchy,pretentious,quiet people..na dem do pass..
So the men that cheat,what do they lack? Sex at home? Good food? What? No excuse whatsoever..
DeleteIts annoying when a man cheats but its very repulsive when a woman cheats..
Madam queen of local champion, u dat cheat on ur hubby wt both male n female wot do u lack when u claim to ve every every in abundance. I advice u limit d way u comment on posts cos u kip contradicting ur shameless self.
Delete@Qutie I beg to differ wit u pls...
DeleteWen a man cheats its equally repulsive nd disgusting not just the woman...
U would know the feeling if u ve eva been cheated on, but u wouldn't know that cos ur life is perfect nd u married d world's most wonderful husband (which is good nd i like btw)..
Dont misunderstand me, not like I ve been cheated on oo lol, but I hav friends who hav gone through such phase in their lives nd they talk about how it feels...nd its absolutely disgusting!! So make we no dey blame only d woman..
Qutie u usually make sensible comments but this time I don't agree with you.. Its repulsive, heart breaking and gut renching to have a man cheat on u.. The sense of betrayal.. The feelng dat the mouth he has been using to kiss u has been God knows where.. Its d same thng both ways and no one should be considered better..
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteQutie, stop this bias rubbish. Both are repulsive. Why would a woman cheating be worse? I can not advice this man because I wouldnt take this from a man.
DeleteNawa o
ReplyDeleteMake siddon dey read comments
ReplyDeleteI can imagine the embarrassment,
Please don't do anything drastic.
I don't know what else to tell you,
But listen to your heart and head while making any decision.
Don't listen to friends esp those with you at that bar.
Honently I don't know what to say
ReplyDeleteI trust men as long as his friends saw the whole scenario I doubt he would forgive her bcos of pride ,i feel for you though, not even in a hotel
DeleteStella my advice for you is to stop giving advices, Just tie ur legs when you see comments like these.
Mr Lyca
Lmaooo.. This place gat me cracked up " you go surprise say na person wife be dat o", my voice was the loudest in condemning the woman if indeed she's someone's wife." well stella has said it all, just hear her out first b4 yu kill her. But if na me she is out of my life for gud....
Oh em Gee!!! What am I reading ? Abasi!!! Just give her space....a month maybe so you can cool off and think straight. I won't ask you to take her back or take a walk that's opt to you. Your wife was careless, in a car outside a bar? Really? Not even a hotel or somewhere private. I also hope you have been 100% faithful because if you haven't, you have no right to be mad. I am wary of these churchy people to be honest....The lord is def your strength.....xo
ReplyDeleteMarriages these days be having more issues than a fetus in his mom's tommy.
ReplyDelete*deep sigh*
This generation has lost it, save they go back 2 d drawing board.
*lips sealed and watching*
Stella, I don't like that your reply. Yes! I don't like it. In as much as I like your person that reply is wrong. If it was a woman telling this story, you won't give this reply.
ReplyDeleteDear BV, don't kill your wife. Control your anger. It's more difficult to come to terms with because your friends saw her too, I can only imagine how many times she's cheated on you. If you think you can forgive her, please do and let her come back home. If you won't forgive her or bear to live with her anymore, divorce her so she can continue f**king men all around.
No man or woman should cheat on their spouses, if you are not happy or satisfied in a marriage...leave! You shouldn't expose anyone to diseases and emotional pains just because you're looking for sexual satisfaction.
Thank you JayEm Stella got it wrong this time. For no reason should a woman cheat on the husband no matter what. Poster I will advice you to carry out a DNA test on your kids. Those kids may not be from you ooooo shine your eyes. These little young women that marries just to change their status while their eyes are still outside jumping from on dick to the other
DeleteDear Jayem, u must'nt agree wt Stella's opinio ok! U always claim to know it all. I advice u tie ur two legs n pretend to be a mermaid sometimes or STFU! NB: pretenders dat pose like u do worse things. #somebombassteapls
DeleteJayem. Wanna be bastard. Ow you take be stella person. ! Blog ñuisance like you, jobless ugly bitch. I hate you wit a passion and can behead you. Irritant.
DeleteNa wa o how can you hate someone you don't even know with so much passion ogini kwanu? @ anonymous 12.51pm
DeleteAm really dumbfounded and short of words! Like stella said, hear her our first and know wat she has to say. U can take ur decision after that. But pls don't ever contemplate murder as that will mean ruining ur life and dat of ur kids.
ReplyDeleteWhy do I have this feeling oga dah ure a either a 3seconds man or u value work and gives it more tym more than ur home and wife buh, nt to justify her cus a responsible woman shud stay put no matter wah!!! I know we men can neva forgive a cheatin wife so hear her out first, after dah ,ask her if she wud like to be a second wife,,if she says no, abeg let her go,,u need to start afresh abeg,,me cnt take dis.
ReplyDeleteshit happens even to the best of us
ReplyDeletemove on and live life to the fullest
I know I will get some flak for this but it is not "African" for women to cheat!! So its very repulsive. On the other hand, African men had always been polygamous. Doesn't seem right, but I guess its not a fair world anyway. I will suggest poster do whatever non-violent thing that is on his mind, and move on. If he agrees to take her back against his wishes, the marriage is still over. If he decides not to take her back because of the shame, despite that he loves her, he will have regrets for life! Such things do not need advice IMHO!
ReplyDeleteIts rily going to be hard, but pls forgive her she has no reason to cheat no matter what. If eventually u forgive her pls relocate if u can afford to.
DeleteThe Lord is your strength may He be ur guide
It is not African for women to cheat but it is African for men to cheat. Cheating has noting to do with neither race nor gender. Its about discipline, making a commitment and staying true to it. The days of heaping moral obligations on women are over !!! Yes, men cheat, women cheat non is less or more of a sin. So please get over urselves. Poster u either forgive or divorce her. She is not the first woman that cheated & will definitely not be the last.
DeleteIhekire Tony
ReplyDeleteEven the devil is a learner when it comes to a cheatting wife. My dear I will advice you to be on ur own for now, give urself some time alone, think of something different. And please don't expose her much, because the shame will be more on you. Just ask God for His wisdom in a time like this.
This story sounds so shocking and almost unbelievable, I can't imagine how this man must have felt in front of his friends. It's even possible that the friends knew she was there already with someone else that's why they invited him out. They probably didn't want to say it to him, they wanted him to see it with his own two eyes! Na wa oh! Oga sorry abeg, I hope things work out fine for you guys in the end. #One Love#
ReplyDeleteAs in ehhh
DeleteYou are right, his frnds might have intentionally invited him because they wanted him to see with his eyes. All those ikeja boys sha, dem too like groove.
DeleteHmmmm. So true. I actually didn't think of it in that light...my dear poster,women cheat for emotional reasons, men cheat for physical reasons. there's something missing, I'm not absolving her of any blame, she is totally wrong but have a good "think". Did she try to reach out to you at any point? Do guys emotionally connect? Once there's an emotional vacuum of any sort, there's every likelihood the woman would stray. Talk to her. I know you may not feel like it but put your emotions aside and try to be objective. Find out what the problem is/was. Find out what your shortcomings were. Now I'm not saying you should take her back, the information you receive would help you in the future should you decide to go into another relationship.
DeleteThink long and hard about this. If the roles were reversed would you want to be heard? Would you want to be forgiven? Treat her with same yardstick. Hear her out. If her reasons are cogent then see if you can forgive her. And I mean totally forgive her and forgive yourself. Because I know a part of you blames you for not reading the signs, or failing as a husband. If you will forgive her, you need to let it go because there's no point you letting her back in and she spends the rest of her life paying for her sins.
For now, you guys need space. So that u can think clearly
Right now too many voices are speaking and you can't hear God or even yourself amidst the chaos.
Let's know how it goes.
You are in my prayers
Best of luck
Aunty stella did u just say he should sit her down n listen to her?haba naw....my broda that woman deserves to leave ur house.A cheating wife can kill u someday
ReplyDeleteSo also a cheating hubby...first hand experience here.
DeletePoster, your story isn't complete cos it takes two to tango....there's something you are not doing right...sit your wife down after praying for patience and d heart to forgive...hear her out...after all its for better or worse....God will lead you through d right way in handling it.
!!omu Iya dun!!
A Lot of married women are now more irresponsible than the single girls,shameless things, they have no shame at all
ReplyDelete@ anon: that's cuz the irresponsible single girls are getting married everyday and the hustle only continues.
DeleteOh no so very painful, but like Stella said u should hear her out first, if u feel u can forgive and forget good but if u can't, it all depends on you. But even if you don't want to stay with her again pls and pls try and forgive her.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm, this is very serious ooo.
ReplyDeleteI personally can't tolorates a cheating wife.No matter what the situation is in your marriage,cheating on your husband is never,never,never an option.if it were possible for u to remain single,I'd advice u to send her packing.Jesus,the truth is that there can not be trust in that marriage again.if I were a man,I will never accept a cheating wife.I might forgive but she will never step her feet in my house again.I'm a christian,I preach forgiveness.Oga, the ball is in ur court.
ReplyDeletePls Lilan ur English is unforgivable damn! *tolorate jor
DeleteLmao. But u are already cheating on ur hub in ur hrt by loving pep,dt former barca coach. Abi i dey lie. Lol.u cheat on ur hub in ur hrt,u might even cheat wt ur body if u meet him oneday.#jstjoking#
DeleteTolerate.It was a mistake.Thank u.
DeleteYes.I love Pep and I wish him all the best.I will never cheat on my husband.
DeleteHian! Yet you said you are a Christian. Hope you know that the Bible is against remarry after divorce?like you are gonna stay without sex.
DeleteLike a movie script but abeg forgive her...Shit goes down..
ReplyDeleteExactly, like drama. I read unbelievable stories on this blog.
DeleteStella leave that thing biko. What explanation? If the roles were reversed we women will shout blue murder. Worse than d shame of his wife cheating is d fact that it happened before his friends. Imagine d shame and humiliation? Abeg abeg abeg. Using night vigil as an excuse. Na God punish am. I am so vexed on d guy's behalf. Back to the poster. Stay mad for as long as u want, u have a right to your anger. While @ it pls avoid seeing her so you don't take d anger out on her. And also don't go astray cos you are angry, that is don't go around carrying babes in d name of revenge. HIV and other STDS are still as real as hell. Finally when u have cried and your anger has fizzled out, give her audience. Listen to whatever she has to say. Then decide if u want to forgive her, and stay, or forgive her and move on. Either ways pls forgive her. Marriage is never easy, and life is too short to bear grudges for ever. I wish you all d best.
ReplyDeleteBest comment so far... Jackie
DeleteWhy are you guys advising him to hear her out. That is putting him through double torture. You want him to listen to lame excuses like, "the devil pushed me to it? I was horny? I needed a bigger dick? You cheated on me too? You don't satisfy me? A vision from my pastor?" Josh, please, DON'T bother. It's best you don't know, so you don't end up hurting yourself the more. My tuppence!!
DeleteDon't mind feminist stella, she is always biased. If it were to be a man, you will her shout leave the marriage, he will give you disease etc. now she wants the guy to hear her out. She is even saying it might be the guy's fault smh. Bloody hypocrite. This is how you pple encourage immorality, nonsense.
DeleteHmmmmm......So many intelligent ladies we gat here!!!
DeleteMy sis, more married women r becoming more useless as d day passes on!!!
My mom came visiting and showed me a pic of one married woman I know, sucking another man's dick!!! Jeeezzzzzzzzz!!!!
My sis, dey v passed it round d neighborhood n yet d hubby doesn't know yet....hmmmm...
Imagine a man strolling with his wife with pride thinking she's a queen**spits on d wife**
Egg seller boocalher, so Ur mum is now an advocate for porn?
DeleteUr mum showed u such a picture....seriously???
Delete@ Queen, it's just for d closure... he deserves to know.
DeleteStella this ur advise Na wa...so even if the man has wronged her, does two wrongs make a right??...
ReplyDeleteSuch a ridicle!..Take heart! But you just have to hear her out and probably forgive her if need be.
ReplyDeleteErm erm erm erm oga don't kill her, if u can't forgive her & cont living together as husband & wife, just divorce her.
ReplyDeletePls dont kill her..u are adding more prblm to yourself
ReplyDeleteVisit my blog
Lol..worst thing dat can happen to a man..sorry man.dont take her back even for a million dollars.#sipsMoetnChandon#
ReplyDeleteWhere ve u been darling?
DeleteThis fool is back. Where's the car u liar?
DeleteThis guy is more devastated because he wasn't the only one who saw her. His friends also did and therefore he becomes the laughing stock and the butt of every joke because they will all spread the story. If he had caught her red handed all by himself and alone, it would have been easier to cover his shame and take her back without the world knowing because the unfortunate truth is that there are so many marriages like that now. Man knows and has forgiven wife and everyone is maintaining for the public. The woman sef na war! Why use a holy activity like vigil as your excuse? That's why Satan exposed her because he has no friend. And why take the risk of going out in the first place knowing that the world is a small place? Why not kuku stay indoors and do the "vigil" you went for with your partner in crime? Now your partner walks away free and you're left with the shit in ya face! Women, advice ya selves o!!!!
ReplyDeleteU r right. Poster feels more devasted bcos his friends witnessed d whole thing & will definitely testify 2 other pple. D gist is going 2 spread like wild fire.
ReplyDeleteDivorce her if you know you can't forgive her
ReplyDeleteIf there is anything I have perfected is the art of not trusting humans
God created us to trust him and him alone
This is just a reminder that she is human
Sterra, which kind advise u dey give so???
ReplyDeleteStella, are you serious? Really? Hear her out? No make me vex for you o. What excuse would make a married woman with kids humiliate herself like that? Hehehe....giving a man blow job in a car for that matter. She is a slut. A cheap one at that. Some women sha. Even if her husband was impotent...haba! She is shameless. A snake and a killer. Oga, chase her away make her leg no reach ground if you value your life o. Your kids? God will take care of them. You wouldn't want your kids to be raised by a whore, would you?
ReplyDeletePoster, pele.
ReplyDeleteBut hear her explanation first. If you're still not satisfied with her excuse, go ahead and take punitive measures.
Don't kill her, don't lay a finger on her either.
And don't cheat right back, it brings you low.
Good luck.
What kind of excuse can a wife & mother give that will satisfy her husband
DeleteU call her pretentious, unfaithful or whatever. Are u a saint? Abeg pack well jawe.
DeleteThis God don suffer in our hands ooooo...... Abeg Stella, don't try to justify her, even if her hubby is a cheat, that won't make her indulged in this. She couldn't even wait till they enter a room so as to protect her dignity as a married woman...
ReplyDeleteFor God's sake, a married woman giving a blow job outside!!! What was she thinking???? Even if she is a side chick... Now, she has disgraced herself with her hubby, with what face would she face her Hubby's friends???
Dear Josh, I know its not easy for someone you love to betray you like thisthis and this is a person you hold in high esteem but please, TO ERR IS HUMAN, TO FORGIVE IS DIVINE.... If truly she is sorry and show repentance, please forgive her and accept her back.... God's grace Josh because I know its not easy...
Stella, what are u saying? Gosh i can't believe u just typed that. Poster, ur wife is a ho. She repulses me. Can't deal.
ReplyDeleteEhya, and men think they hold all the cards on cheating. Men cheat, women cheat. Sorry dear poster.
Na so my sister, not tryna be insensitive. Men tink na only dem can play d game abi? Women nw do it berra. Ghen ghen! Poster, swear u ve neva given a side chic head! Swear now I say SWEAR! Oriegwu! Ur wife fucked up by doing dat in a car n not inside a hotel though but dat is to tell u dat women ve woken frm slumber. Did u read a comment frm a former unfaithful wife? Men una ve to be careful. It's high time u stopped cheating on us cos gone are d days we fold hands n luk at u cheat on us. Now na do me I do u God no go vex PERIOD!
DeleteHa! I can imagine the embarrassment with his friends around. Am a woman and on this ground, they should just part ways cos the marriage will never ever be same again. She messed up big time!
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm. Just take it easy . That's alright can say and handle with wisdom ! But na wa o
ReplyDeleteStella... Wat sort of advice is tat???
ReplyDeleteThe wife is a big whore... Givin sum1 BJ in a public place... Stella, u don vex m
Oga send all her things to her idiot woman. Stella listen ke? He did not hear that his wife cheated he SAW with his eyes. That's d trend now "I'm going to church". I'm a married woman still I don't support his wife act.
ReplyDeleteWe Women are wonderful..! Na wah oooo, well @ poster, I could imagine d shock @ ur face seeing dat d woman is ur wife... , Hmmmmmmmmmmm! Its beta to b told than to see it bt anyways d deed has bn done. I knw it wont be easy to forgive evn wen u pretend cos each time u see her d picture of dat nite will come again. Bt wat more can i tell u mr Man, if God can forgive us our dirty sins u too can. If d reverse was d case, she will definately find a way 2 forgive u. Bt i bet u tinz wil neva b d same... So sowie
ReplyDeleteStella are you kidding me? Please give yourself brain. I am a woman and no dont hear her out at least not now kmt us women can be selfish even when we have everything we still want wetin dey outside. Smh.
ReplyDeletePost my comment o
Jesus.... we knw dat men cheats but dis ur wife own get as e be oooo imagine ur friends was with u dat very day.. y do good men always end up with ho and faithful women ends up with animals in human skin? Please don't use dat word kill again. . U are a bv and u read stories sent in by women here, u read wat dia husband do to dem and dey still forgive dem....Please if u still love ur wife please forgive her if not den divorce her better dan killing her.
ReplyDeleteUr grammer sucks!
DeleteI beg to disagree Aunt Stella, that woman is pretentious. She wanted to commit adultery not even in an enclosed area but in a car. It is better the man have the feeling Or suspect she is cheating than been caught red handed with all the modus operandi he saw. It is just too extreme. I even feel bad as a woman. Dear poster do whatever your mind tells u to do .
ReplyDeleteBt don't kill her oh! My hand no dey there
DeleteWhilst I don't endorse what the woman has done, I am nonetheless a bit satisfied when I read things like this. It only shows that the age long song "a woman needs love just like you do-hey! don't kid yourself into thinking that she don't" She can fool around just like you do-unless you give her all the loving she wants"
ReplyDeleteIn the first place why would a woman be going to "vigil" without her husband? Tells me your marriage already had cracks. deal with it! Youll be surprised how many women have been pushed into cheating nowadays by their husbands. Husbands who leave them to tend to kids,wash,cook,clean,pray etc..without thinking that their wife is a whole human being who needs to feel loved and wanted in other ways than a househelp. Deal with it guy. Im not feeling sorry for you at all!
Excuse me! My friend is married with 2 kids and still cheats! She has a driver, a maid, she does nothing except looking beautiful for herself. When her hubby is home, he cooks!
DeleteSo what is her reason? She told me because she needs extra money. WTF! She gets about 400k monthly just for her upkeep, the man takes care of all the bils. I stopped being friends with her because I got tired of preaching and preaching. So keep quiet, a woman who will cheat, will cheat no matter what!
I000 likes! Dey do n feel cool wit it, a womon does dey r screaming blue murder. I applaud d woman o jare. Wot a man can do? A woman can.......
DeleteShut up you cheating bitch. Birds of same feathers will always flock together. Pot calling kettle black. Advicing shit.
DeleteDivorce the bitch!!Gosh!am so pissed..what a disgrace of a woman..Hear her out for what?wat rubbish explanation does she have to give?
ReplyDeleteThat lady useless shai,a married woman giving some blow job in d public ,wat happen to a hotel?OK just imagine afta d rubbish ,she ll return home to kiss u with the sperm mouth unknowingly to u.many days for the thief ,one day for d owner.God don't catch her today. its very hard to forgive such lady ,cos ur friends were there witnessing d whole shitt.my advice ..take her to an unknown city and place her in one of d hotel so that she ll eat and even swallow it to her satisfaction
ReplyDeleteOga Josh, your story is indeed saddening if true. Is it a mere coincidence that the night you decide to 'reluctantly' hang out with friends is the night you "caught" your wife giving another man BJ in a public place? Is it also coincidence that it happens to be at or close to the bar where you & your friends are relaxing? Have your friends been calling before this time for you guys to hang out & you don't since you said it's not your thing until this last time? Is it possible your friends know of your wife's secret extra marital affair & only wanted you to see first hand coz seeing is believing? Having said that, no man/woman is perfect & hell, perhaps those of us asking you to forgive her might've even shot her dead already if we were in your shoes. But is divorce also the solution? You mentioned kids were taken to grandma, which means they're still mist likely in their formative years; what are you gonna do with them? Leave them with grandma? In care of a house help that who knows, might be forcing your kids, if one or all are boys to give her cunnilingus or if female(s) & house help is male, be fondling her in the wrong place? Or you'll marry another woman, who might make their lives a living he'll whenever daddy isn't at home? I'm painting some of the worse case scenario so you can think properly before you take the next action. I pray God gives you by the strength to forge ahead, the wisdom to take the right decision & grave to forgive & love your wife once more. Meanwhile, how has your see life being with your wife?
ReplyDeleteDis one na gobe, ayakata original gobe...see me see wahala eh lol
ReplyDeleteOga am not in support of wat ur wife did at all. But I think u should listen nd hear her own side of the story to know wat she'll say is her reason for cheating on u...
But I think u are more pained by ur bruised ego dan wat she actually did, so its up to u to decide if u can bear d shame, forgive nd accept her back. But If u cant then u let go nd life goes on!
But u should also think of ur children nd whats gonna happen to them...they need their mother even if she's a cheat nd a liar, they still need her in their lives!!
I don't even know what to advice you,but please DO NOT KILL.
ReplyDeleteChai!! Can't deal,,a married woman for dat matter nooooooooo,,Poster if u can't forgive her,,pls divorce her,,what a shameful act infront of ur friends.
ReplyDelete@Hawt Mrs shut up! I know u too well you fuck your neighbour. Who is Daniel talk make I publish ur small dick husband name here.
ReplyDeleteStella I have said it, and I'll continue to say it, marriages and relationships are overrated. Don't go into a marriage or relationship and expect faithfulness. Trust me, you won't get it. It was in the days of our forefathers that marriage had sanctity. But not anymore ooo.. I have said it, that when I marry, there will be an agreement between me and my wife that our marriage will be an open one. You can fuck whoever, while I fuck whoever as well. That way, no wahala!! Chikena!
ReplyDeleteChoi! Dis anony makes sense walahi! E be like say I go adopt ds method to avoid BP jor. Wish my future wife wl adhere to it. Me likeh. Fuck timothy make I fuck Tina Chikena!
Delete@Hawt Mrs shut up! I know u too well you fuck your neighbour. Who is Daniel talk make I publish ur small dick husband name here.
ReplyDelete@Hawt Mrs shut up! I know u too well you fuck your neighbour. Who is Daniel talk make I publish ur small dick husband name here.
ReplyDeleteAbeg, d marriage is as good as dead! Even d bible supports divorce based on adultery ground. D woman committed a sacrilege, not just cheating on her husband but doing it so shamelessly, imagine! Having sex in a car not mindin d onlookers! She is a harlot pls. U can forgive her if u want and take her back and be praying that she doesn't end up giving u HIV or its brothers. Meanwhile do a DNA test on ur kids. Its possible u may have some that u didn't father.
ReplyDeleteWell, LIFE's an Irony! Stella remember the post on "15 years Marraige Anniversary..., the story of Kufre" well i am the Poster and wonders shall never end: My darling quite Kufre (haven't been able to prove it beyond reasonable doubt) seems to have taking a liking and fondness in a guy down my street who runs a laundry outfit. The guy in question has been my laundry man for 3 years. She's virtually been financing him and equipped his laudry business. Everyone on my street knows except "ME"! The guy has been bragging to all his friends and the story is so common in the estate, some guy i was hving drinks with couldn't hold back and had to spill to me. Well i was shocked but Sincerely "i didn't beleive the guy. But the guy is so insistent and has stuck to his story and has agreed to confront anyone that disputs him, including Kufre.". So life is an "arse"!I confronted Kufre with all the facts i was told and she confirmed yes that the guy is close to her and she pity's him cos he's an ophan and a struggling young man and she was just helping him out stand on his foot and did know the guy was peddling such stories. CAN YOU BEAT THAT! In my shoes what will you do.......?!
ReplyDeleteSo Kufre was cheating on you? Ha! Jesus! Married women, what's up?
DeleteDon't tell me is d kufre dat refuse to had sex with her hubby? D kufre dat hate sex? Abeg madam stellina try and contact dis anno dis is unbelievable. ...#kermit
DeleteAre u for real? Ifeneme!
DeleteAunty stella onye asiri! Lolz
DeleteChoi Anon 9:54 guy are u for real or are u joking. ..
DeleteI remember dat story clearly nd
If wat ur saying is true den dat ur wife is heartless! ! Gosh Stella abeg confirm dis story. ..
What is good for the gander is sweeter for the goose.. U had a permanent side chick that u financed her wedding so what are u blabbing about.. I seriously doubt that she's cheating on u though bcos she sounded like someone that s either extremely frigid or has spirit husband.. What to do? Keep living ur life like u alwaz have in d arms of side chicks.. Who knows Mr laundry man may be d one that has d secret key to her gate of bliss..
DeleteWhat is good for the gander is sweeter for the goose.. U had a permanent side chick that u financed her wedding so what are u blabbing about.. I seriously doubt that she's cheating on u though bcos she sounded like someone that s either extremely frigid or has spirit husband.. What to do? Keep living ur life like u alwaz have in d arms of side chicks.. Who knows Mr laundry man may be d one that has d secret key to her gate of bliss..
DeleteSend that kufre out of your house. You sef. Der are sometins ur doing that is pushing her to the wall.
DeleteWhy does this story sound too smooth' to be true?ur wife giving a bjob in a car in an obviously open bar?such acts of adultery are perpetrated clandestinely!well only if she's a ju' in it,dat means someone deceived her into it,now d more reason why u should listen to her reasons and maybe forgive her!ok?
ReplyDeleteMy no 2 grievance is d fact she's a churchy person,infact dats d only reason I will choose to believe this story!churchy pple are d most dangerous,sneaky and deceitful sets of human beings to relate with,dey hide behind d cross' to do a lot of sh#t!d moment anyone I wanna deal with tells me he/she is a born again,i loose interest and start to eat with them with a long knife'.dat was how a driver I wanted to employ,he was neat,drives well,smart,intelligent but not married and we needed a family man as a security' cos anyhow he won't run and leave his family),ok so I was trying to consider dis guy based on the other credits he had:i asked him one last time,what makes him better dan other single persons I failed to employ?and he said becos he's a born again christian,spirit filled,church worker blah blah..i just told him hold it!end of interview!dat was his disqualification,am sure he will be where he is thinking I am a witch or airforce officer of d night,lol!but na him sabi o!born again pple have shown me 99,and d sad thing is I know God more than them!cant take chances!all that bornagain_ism is just camouflage!#rubbish
I wonder why Stella and several women will come here and be defensive. As a woman, once you are a hoe, u'll most definitely remain a hoe. As for men! If you don't want ur women to cheat, then don't cheat urself.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why Stella and several women will come here and be defensive. As a woman, once you are a hoe, u'll most definitely remain a hoe. As for men! If you don't want ur women to cheat, then don't cheat urself.
ReplyDeleteForgive her because women are expected to bear with a cheating spouse so why should he not bear with her?
ReplyDeleteKufres husband please call me i wanna hear this gist first hand!!!
ReplyDeleteIsi gini?????
DeleteI knew it...am waiting for this news jare
His friends knew and just wanted him to see for himself. Hence the statement over of them made. If we're being human about it he can never forgive her but if we're being Christians which we should he should forgive her and act like it never happened. I mean Paul was killing Christians but God still used him.
ReplyDeleteI still insist he should hear her out because it will give him closure and heal him of the hatred.
ReplyDeleteMany of you screaming ''divorce the bitch and ho'' here might even be worse than her.
abeg make i hear word.I said hear her out and forgive her.The decision lies with the poster not me.
He can still forgive her and divorce her but unforgiveness can lead to many things ...
Fuck off amoeba-face
DeleteThank u Stellina! Ur head dey dia. Those screaming fools re d worst. Pretenders fool ds ur blog madam. Can't deal. Aghhhhh!
DeleteI taya for them o stella. Especially that bastard jayem. Bloody illiterate that sounds like d same age group wit m fucking mate. Wen people are disagreeing on dis blog. Shut ur asshole nd cross ur hands dis time around and mope like an owl.
DeleteStella,I completely support ur advice hundred percent! Relationship is a personal thing. Yes,both men n women has needs,has emotions as well,I don't no why men of ds part of d world pretend dat a woman dos nt hav ha own needs or if she dos,she is super woman enof 2handle it while men emotions n needs can get its satisfaction whn its nt bn met by his woman! What a lie! Well,I hav a news flash 4u guys! 21st centruy woman has needs n if u don't pay attention 2ha needs ha natural instict will find solution. Men cheat on women,we cry,we 4give n continue massaging their Ego! A woman lacks sex,communication n satisfaction,she do same u want 2kill ha... Go ahead n kill ha n live d rest of ur life in guilt! To me,cheating is a communication! She is trying 2tell u dt smthn is missing out in ha relationship n u ar nt paying attention,maybe she has tried saying it in words n u misundastood ha,now listen 2ha action! My advice 4u is 2get out frm dt self riteous african mentality of a man's world n hav a good talk wt ur wife... At d end,Forgiveness is what will set u free n set ha free! Yes,women ar strong enof 2b wt men who cheat n who says a man won't b emotionally strong 2do same 4peace 2raign! Oya,divorce ha n get a new wife,u will see dt we live in an imperfect world wt imperfect human beings! Who holy pass!
ReplyDeleteIrresistible, biko go bk to school inugo? U can't speak neither can u write good English. Chai! SDK, illi pple full ya blog
Delete1 Zillon likes.. What guarantee does he have that the next wife will not be worse.. The Devil u know.. Like u said.. Who holy pass
DeleteDude send her home to her folks.Ain't nobody gat time for this.Foolish woman
ReplyDeletestella, i dont understand it. When women cheat, other women want us to ask her what is her issue or what the problem is or even insinuate that the man might be part of the issue but if a man cheats, he is a dog.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is men and women cheat in equal measure. Men cheat, women cheat. That is why people should be judged on their own individual basis rather than group all men or all women as the same. After all, the men that cheat are cheating with another woman who most times, know the man is taken.
Cheating is cheating, condemable in equal whereever it is found
The worst disgrace any guy can face in his life time, the worst of people are quite people they pretend a lot (Deadly). Am sure what you saw her doing was not her first time for her to even indulge in such thing in the car outside a bar without shame tells a lot about her person. The best thing is to first listen to her to know her reasons, it does not mean you have to accept her back but just to clear your mind once and for all afterwards let her go because she has broken your ego badly in front of your friends and you will never trust her again and you will always suspect all her actions. Most time you think you were doing the right thing with a woman but her mind is set for something else some have it all at home but due to their wayward lifestyle they can't change and you can't change such person.
ReplyDeleteThis post won't go down well with a lot ladies here because most think all Nigeria men are bad, they will even call you out for being the bad person for a woman to do such to you not knowing that such cheating is in her blood but God just showed you your wife's actions through your friends. By the way make sure you urgently do DNA test on your kids take care of them if they are your kids, you can have a good relationship with your kids without their mother.
Don't kill her brother instead let her go, a lot of women to enjoy out there while go to jail for just one.
So so so sad.its all I can say.take heart.
ReplyDeleteaunt stells.for d first tym dis ur reply no follown.she didnt jst cheat.she is so looooose..ha.bj insyd a car..pesn yf....abeg such women cn kill...plz jst tak a walk.d embarasmnt is too mch......JENNY.
ReplyDeleteAunty Stella,What is she going to explain? hear out what? if it is in secrete, it would have been different.But in full glare of friends? Sorry there is no atom of explanation i will even consider to hear! The more i set my eyes on her filthy, body and face, the more mad,craze,hysteric i will become.Best option is for me to leave the house and let her come and pack her belongings then b4 i come back!Real shit.
ReplyDeleteif the reverse was the case...will she forgive you?
ReplyDeleteShe caught a woman giving you a blow job and her friends saw it.
What she will do
She will cry her eyes out and scream at you, keep malice with you then later
She will start looking inward to know where she went wrong
Her parents and your parents will tell her to forgive , they will even threaten her.
She will forgive you
Then dump those her friends that saw you receiving a blow job.
She will cover for you.
When is a Nigerian man ever going to fight for his marriage, fight for his woman.
Have you ever looked inward to know what you did wrong or have a heart to heart conversation with her.
I am not in support of infidelity but women have been forgiving from time immemorial.
Mr man
forgive your wife, dump your friends and cover up for her.
I know you will not do it.
Take back your wife, admonish her, get tested and cover up for her. That is the true meaning of marriage.
The next woman may not cheat on you.
but you may never be satisfied with her.
People have to understand true meaning of marriage. ..
Marriage is not for perfect people. if you are so perfect...remain single.
If you marry another woman, that woman will bear the brunt of what your first wife did.
The woman go hear am.
The worst kind of man to date or marry is a man that another woman recently broke his heart...you will end up paying for the woman's sin.
My dear brother,
ReplyDeleteI know it's easier said than done but I will like you to go down on your knees. Ask God for grace and mercy.
Pray for her.
Pray with a broken spirit.
Pray to God to give you the grace and power to forgive her.
It's not easy.
Sit her down and talk with her. Cry with her.
Don't listen to friends and family at this time.
Love conquers all.
By God's grace, you will forgive her.
watch christian movies together. Cry together.
visit the less priviledged together.
By the time you forgive, you will be a happier man. A role model to a lot of people. Even your friends will envy you.
May God grant you peace.
Bullshit stella! There is nothing to be heard out...he never cheated on her soo she has no reason to blow another man....once a hoe is always a hoe
ReplyDeleteHow did you know he has never cheated on her before??..
Aunty Stella,What is she going to explain? hear out what? if it is in secrete, it would have been different.But in full glare of friends? Sorry there is no atom of explanation i will even consider to hear! The more i set my eyes on her filthy, body and face, the more mad,craze,hysteric i will become.Best option is for me to leave the house and let her come and pack her belongings then b4 i come back!Real shit.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm see gist o! Can't wait to read Kufre's husband's tale o! Marriages these days!! God help us all...pls dear Josh for closure n personally healing just hear her out, you never know what would come out of it and besides know this that the devil is really out to get the family unit in this end times cos the family unit makes up the society so no matter what try to forgive her and try to make your family stick together as a whole, don't fall for the trap of the devil which is to break up families and cause chaos in the society, I know it might be difficult but to forgive is divine, think abt Hosea in the bible that married a harlot but kept forgiving her cos that's exactly what we do to God but He keeps forgiving us. Anyways no matter what decision you take ensure to put God first and everything would be fine.
ReplyDeletePlease dont kill her o, even though there's no reason for her to cheat on you but its obvious she has a reason for what she has done. Truwlly just here her out and listen to all her lies then you know your next move. But pls don't raise your hand on her it might turn out deadly. The Lord is your strength.
Dont i just Love it when women outsmart men?...when women cheat on men?.....
@Poster sorry....but ds story am loving it
Its a Man's world shay?
@Hawt Mrs.....person don carry u go chooping bos
ReplyDelete@Hawt Mrs....person don bring u come here ooo
ReplyDeletechaai....d fear of @Bv
@Hawt Mrs.....person don carry u go chooping bos
Dont i just Love it when women outsmart men?...when women cheat on men?.....
@Poster sorry....but ds story am loving it
Its a Man's world shay?
Hear her out ke? haba stella!
ReplyDeleteBros I support you. cock your gun ready to shoot at sight.
silly woman! na she de give us bad name. mtchewww
imagine the humiliation! in front of your friends.
ReplyDeleteI am even more angry than you poster.
yes, intend to cry more than the bereaved.
no matter what the husband is lacking(if at all he is starving her of anything), why didn't she talk to him about it first???
no! she don jump gp de suck another man pee pee. oooooohhhh! foolish stupid useless woman. 'rabbish'
I refuse to support bad thing
Stelllllla ba baba ibeji call me say make I come read! Abeg make I read this story now and come back come comment! Baba ibeji said the marriage can't work anymore but if it was the man that was caught the woman can forget about the incident. can u imagine this man! Make I read first!
ReplyDeleteHehehehehe…O boy nah the thing wen dey happen this days be that o…hohohohohohoho…Guys are not smiling any more, lol. Una go fuck single fuck married, lol.. Take heart bro :) Maybe your gbula no sweet her again, lol
ReplyDeleteStella this morning gist too sweet, i just dey smile any how. lol
ReplyDeleteThis one na lie... correct super story. Someone having this kind of problem in his home will be too pained to describe it this way... too much details and care in putting the story together, this is definitely a fabricated story...
JUDGEMENT HAS ALREADY STARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Na the usual Devil push me defence talk she go yarn. If Devil dey push person, person no fit push Devil away too?
Mister, please take heart. Hear her out and have some time to think about your marriage.
If only married woman in this part of the world realise that they are at the losing end of cheating WHEN CAUGHT!
I won't be surprised if it was a friend or colleague that influenced her into it. You know women and their low threshold for not sticking to their beliefs or principles.
Also it could be that something is wrong somewhere- maybe physical or spiritual. You need to find out. Once again, my condolences.
No one likes a CHEATING PARTNER either male or female.
Men, please listen to your wife. Be an effective listener. Your wife is talking but you aren't listening. What she can't get from you, she will get from outside.
Encourage your wife to talk and pour your heart to you instead of bottling it up.
To men: a woman who talks and says her mind is priceless but that which doesn't talk is DANGEROUS!!!!!
To all the singles: FAST and PRAY so you marry RIGHT!!!! In my mom's words: marriage isn't for today, it's for years to come. What will happen to you 10-15-20-30 years later?
Omo na script be this abeg! But if it's true oga divorce fast! Don't listen to anything she has to say! We woman are the masters of manipulation and deceit! She will be your death if u take her back!
ReplyDeleteDear Poster. I apologize for the pain you are going through. Honestly, I know what it feels like. I cheated on my husband. I know so many people here would scream bloody murder but until you walk a mine in the others shoes, you can't really say. I am/was married to a wonderful man. Very giving. But he didn't know how to make time for me. He was always working. Travelling and when he was around and we were intimate, he couldn't last up to 30 seconds (I am not exaggerating- I actually set my timer when we started), he was always busy...one thing led to another and I found myself cheating seeking for solace in the arms of another man. this happened once. When it did, I have never felt that dirty in all my life. My husband noticed my withdrawal and asked me if I'd been unfaithful, I told him the truth.
ReplyDeleteThe next 3 months were the hardest in my life. I've never seen a man so broken. He wept. He parked me out of our home. For the next 3 months I lived with my parents. I pleaded, begged for forgiveness, he said he needed space to heal and understand. He blamed himself more than he blamed me. I didn't see him till he came to my fathers house 3 months later to pick me. To cut the long story short...he has forgiven me, everyday I work to earn his trust. He invests more time into us. The mistake most people make is that after you marry, you stop dating. No! That's so wrong. He had time for me when were dating, when we got married he just assumed I'd automatically fit in and become wife forgetting that I'm human as well. I won't shift the blame to him, as far as I'm concerned he is a good man and didn't deserve such a treatment...it takes 3 people to cheat, the spouse, the third party...and the other spouse. no partner is blameless. Our relationship is better, stronger, "spicier". No one should go through this but if you must, make sure you are better when you come out. This happened 3 years ago.
My advice? Talk to her. You never know what triggered it. Women are moved by feelings/emotions. Find out first then let the Holy Spirit do the directing.
Hey guys, the moment your wife start's giving you excuses and denying you sex she is getting it elsewhere. IN MOST CASES... DNA!
ReplyDeleteIf I were the guy, the smooching and bj won't be the most painful.
ReplyDeleteThe most painful part is she would have likely swallowed his nut...and that is after giving him almost an hour-long head.
The man will likely be thinking how many times his wife has kissed him just after swallowing other guys nut.
I feel your pain at this point in your life. The matter has already solved itself. Since she has not returned to the house, the better for her life because the marriage stand disolved. For your information, when you reconcile with her, the cheating will continue because Leopard cannot change its colour. You better allow her to remain where she is than allow her to come to your house and you will commit murder and the law will not pardon your excuses. Some ladies have cheating cells embelded in them, that it is only death that can stop them. In case you don't know, she has already divorced you from her mind before indulging in such wicked act and I implore you to follow suit and send her away. As it stands, your life is already in danger and since you are the only embargo, when you take her back, in few months she will terminate your life so that she can continue her wayward life. Be wise.
ReplyDeleteThis does'nt sound good, poster u need space to digest the whole incident...pls think well and make a wise decision....
ReplyDeleteShe has been doing that since. In front of his friends - heeeey! In that marriage, 'trust' will never be found again. chai, Bros no kill her o, you can send her back to her parents than killing her. Men dey do, women dey do, who we go blame?
ReplyDeleteShe has been doing that since. In front of his friends - heeeey! In that marriage, 'trust' will never be found again. chai, Bros no kill her o, you can send her back to her parents than killing her. Men dey do, women dey do, who we go blame?
ReplyDeleteJosh if you were the one that cheated, she'll be expected to forgive u. You'll expect her to forgive u, both of your families will expect it, heck even the society will expect it. SO... what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Hear her out and forgive her. *catwalksout*
ReplyDeleteStella inshort if i was not a man of God,i will tell you,u dey craze,infact u dey mad,hear wetin out?make she pass there go.
ReplyDeleteShit happens..........forgive her pls,its not easy though but i'm sure she'll do the same for u
ReplyDeleteWhat married women do these days is pretty terrible. I used to see this kind of stories as false until I saw one with my eyes.
ReplyDeletepretty good and wealthy hubby yet woman hops all over the place cheating on her husband.
Sigh, this is the story of the world, nice decent responsible men marry the opposite.Anyways poster, I will give you the advise that I will give my brother or cousin, get the fuck out of that marriage! As it is that marriage is DEAD! Don't deceive yourself except you're ready to do away with your friend that you were with at the bar.If you stay with that woman, you're as good as finished socially.
ReplyDeleteNow people make mistake, I get. The issue here is not just the cheating but the method, the ease with which she gave some guy head in the car, like all the ashewos on red light district that men solicit for sex. That just implies she is a pro at the job of giving and definitely by default collecting head, which means all the nights she has been going for vigil, she has been using her pussy and mouth to do serious vigil.
You can never turn a whore into a house wife or runs girl into an errand girl, if you try a chronological flashback you would notice that the signs have been glaring and evident.
Please where are the women that call men dogs, even you Aunty Stella, i have never seen you tell a woman that posted my "husband cheated" to ask her husband why he did, instead you will say, pack condom, stay away and yada yada yada.
See there as many cheating husbands as there are cheating wives, which also applies to fidelity.The thing is that men don't usually seat down to write it and post it, it ruins their ego and destroys their pride as men.IMHO, this man is finished because kids are involved and that's the problem with adultery!
GOD please hear me and hear me well, if I'm going to ever cheat on my husband, Please let me be single till I die,because it's not worth it! Usually if it's a man that cheated, he is just randy but if it's a woman, she has a reason, absolute rubbish.
I see comment, like women are wisening up.Any woman that thinks the way to show she's wise is by cheating on her husband even if he has/is cheating is the biggest, brainless and most foolish being in the world.
Wo poster I'm writing too much, end that marriage or prepare to face hurt and humiliation for the rest of your life, if you insist on continuing in it and life is too short to live that way.I don't know what kind of love that would make me see a woman that did that to me the same way again if I was a man. In fact with the increasing rate of men raising kids that are not theirs, I suggest you confirm if your kids are yours, sorry to break it to you..
.I'm positive your friends knew and wanted you to see first hand, she must be a regular at that bar with her many lovers.LEAVE the marriage but forgive and let go because holding grudges would hold your progress.shikena!
Odikwa serious.....
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain at this point in your life. The matter has already solved itself. Since she has not returned to the house, the better for her life because the marriage stand disolved. For your information, when you reconcile with her, the cheating will continue because Leopard cannot change its colour. You better allow her to remain where she is than allow her to come to your house and you will commit murder and the law will not pardon your excuses. Some ladies have cheating cells embelded in them, that it is only death that can stop them. In case you don't know, she has already divorced you from her mind before indulging in such wicked act and I implore you to follow suit and send her away. As it stands, your life is already in danger and since you are the only embargo, when you take her back, in few months she will terminate your life so that she can continue her wayward life. Be wise.
ReplyDeletethis is so heart breaking....but mister you just have to forgive because forgiveness is for you and not her.. I pray God heals your marriage.