Stella Dimoko Transforming From 'Mgbeke' To 'Posh' - Blog Visitor Narrative.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Transforming From 'Mgbeke' To 'Posh' - Blog Visitor Narrative.

You have money,looks and all the good things that comes with the ish but you lack 'class'?.
You dress up meaning to look posh but end up looking 'Mgbeke-ish'?
The expensive human hair ends up looking like Yaki and the expensive shoes dont look good on you?

Who has a solution for this blog visitor?...or is her 'condition' permanent?lol

''Dear Stella, 

Good morning,Please I need a little help from your blog readers. 
How do i tush up from 'mgbeke' to 'posh'?Am good looking with the right height and body, married and a mother. But there is something always mgbekeish about me, i have a good job but hardly buy the right things. I want to tush up abeg for myself and my hubby. I see him admire posh looking girls.
There is always something wrong with my hair, even when i wear expensive well fitting clothes, i still feel like an mgbeke.

I need tips please. 

How do i carry myself to look different?What do i do to my face to make it have a posh feel?. I love my complexion, i don't want to bleach or tone. I just don't know how to apply make up the right way and dress well.

Thank you for posting.

Your regular blog visitor''

*My dear make i comot the small wood for my eyes before i help you remove the log for your own you hear?LMAO!


  1. Get in touch with me. I know how to style someone to look like a million bucks even in second hair clothes and synthetic hairs

    1. This one dt ur hussy is already admiring posh girls, are u sure he is not cheating already?

      *jes saying*

    2. Even when I wear expensive "well fitting clothes" I still feel like an mgbeke
      Dose re ur xact words, and dt is wot ur problem really is. I think u av a self esteem issue. Cuz even if u re dressed up by Kim Kardashian, u might still feel like an Mgbeke.
      Babe work on ur self esteem first. It sure wld fix a lot of things. All d best

    3. High Confidence + looking at YouTube videos for makeup + developing your own sense of style... Just look for what makes you comfortable and confident, then go with it... You don't need to spend a lot of money to look good, work with the little you have... Please remember it is better to wear a nameless fashion art, than to wear a fake designer. #thatsall

    4. Honey start by dressing for yourself! Never follow trend and less is more! Dress age appropriately first. Simplicity is the key. Also beauty is deep within. Change the orientation of your thaughts. Also you need to go for make up classes!!! Trust me.... You are on your way to poshness

    5. I forgot to add... Make sure you buy iphone 6 with good camera and take wonderful selfies

    6. Go to a finishing school, you will be taught all you need to know.

    7. Work on your esteem babes, and for makeup.. Contact me 75B44A97

  2. Dear poster, first of all, you have to boost your confidence level to the core be4 anything else. your confidence level is low, hence your thought abt how u look. you dont have to wear designers to look posh sha...

    1. Exactly! Fix your confidence first. If you don't feel confident, you will always feel like an mgbeke no matter how good you dress. And even if you wear the highest designer clothes, expensive human hair and louboutins, that mgbekeish feeling will still be there and you will eventually be acting like an mgbeke too. Fix your esteem issues. That right there is the problem. As for makeup, visit blogs to learn about it.
      There are plenty other blogs that i cant remember now.

    2. @Swerve and Pinkie,you are both right.Poster,it stems from WITHIN,only then can it radiate outwardly!

    3. Nne its not by confidence oh.. i used to have a friend then in school, she used to wear expensive clothes, she used to go from UNN to Enugu to make her hair bcos the ones in the small Nsukka town where not good enough for her.. Then she'll be strutting around like a peacock but still when u look at her the first thing that comes to mind is Mgbeke.. Yet no gree oh.. she'll be the first to criticize some else's look but nobody had the heart to tell her what she really looks like..
      @Poster check these makeup sites recomended u may get the help u need.

    4. Instead try bellanaija and thatigbochick...

    5. I love that ibochick lady... Lady koikoi

  3. Ihekire Tony

    Dear poster, there is nothing wrong with ur dressing, what you have is a psychological problem. So I will advice you to go see a psychologist befor ur problem spread to other areas.

    1. Exactly. Poster you should see a shrink cos you suffer from low esteem disorder. Then go to mountain of fire for deliverance and after that, fast for atleast 40 days and trust me your mindset will reset lolz...

    2. Hian! Psychological kwa? Why not spiritual?

      *lips sealed and watching*

    3. Hian! Psychological kwa? Why not spiritual?

      *lips sealed and watching*

  4. Dis is so so hilarious. Abeg which one Is posh look and mgbeke look. Sometimes its nt abt how expensive,buh jst how gud it suits u. U musnt buy all d expensive tins in d world 2 look good. Know wat looks gud on u,and u should begin 2 start feelin good about urself. My opinion doe,i tink it has 2 do wit self esteem,and mayb complex problem,cos u already have dis idea dat no mata wat u wear,it doesnt jst look good on u. Nobody is perfect,learn 2 appreciate urself..... I stand 2 be corrected

    1. So true @ Koolchic. This is not about her dressing, is more of how she feels on the inside. Poster please work on your self esteem first else, everything else will fall into place..


    2. My dear it is real .... I can feel her pain... so someone who wears a dark green top over a navy blue skirt with versace head painted on it and a versace pink hand bag with pencil mouth flat purple shoe is well dressed? My dear ignore this girl ... u know your problem ... Help will come

    3. My dear, like it or not
      Some pple, both male and female
      Some don't just get it right when it come to fashion
      They can't seems to merge the right colors
      They seems to buy the wrong things not meant for their shape, color or height and
      That's why we have
      That's their work!
      But only if u can afford it
      And also check the fashion blogs mentioned out
      Watch fashion and style chanels
      Those also help
      I doubt if u need counselling
      Wen u wear something that's not right for u
      U feel it
      Wen u look out of place u should know
      And that's what ur trying to fix
      Ask ur hair stylist the best style for u
      That's her job
      Seek Professional advice and wit time u will be able to do it urself
      U aint the only one facing this
      Millions of women do
      Am glad u wanna fix it
      Gud luck!!!

  5. You should go on fashion blogs like Makeup Geek, Pop Sugar, Fashionista, Who What Wear, amongst others. Do this every chance you can and you should gradually begin to learn the do's and don't s of fashion.

    1. Poster you need a stylist!

    2. Yeah looking at fashion blogs could give you a head start too. I hope stella allows this sha. These are some of my all time favourite fashion bloggers:

      and finally

      And they have tons more on Youtube. All the best

  6. Hmnn my dear, d feeling of being posh comes from within u. U have to first of all, see urself as a posh lady, have a high self esteem,good carriage/charisma, walk with confidence. U don't even have to overdress to achieve dis dearie. Even wit your natural hair, u can be be posh wit it. It doesn't av to do wit how xpensive u look. It's an inbuilt tin. Some peeps dress xpensive but still luks like an mgkede wqhile some peeps, wit their okrika clothes will even luk posh. So my point is work on inner self. As for d make up, just go to youtube and check up some make up tutorials on how to apply your brow, eye shadow etc. Don't apply too much makeup b4 u'll go and luk like an ojuju then lastly, know how to comebine colours. Wish u success dearie

  7. Hahahahahahaha..
    Poster,wearing expensive things don't make someone class..
    Employ a stylist asap..

    1. My dear poster all u need is self confidence ok. Just feel good with ur self don't complex issues weigh u down ok. People wear hand me down clothes and still look a million bucks. Looolz

  8. Nawa oo
    This is kinda funny
    Poster go online and download makeup videos and learn how to apply ur makeup properly first
    Maybe there's something about ur sense of fashion that is so wack
    Ur type will dress and dress in a bid to look posh and then it becomes an epic fail
    Start be dressing simply and nice
    U should hv sent in ur pics ka amara ebe aga esi nyere gi aka

    1. she cant learn makeup on her own,,,,she needs a makeup class,,, am very posh,but i still went for a makeup class,,d video cant correct u if u make a mistake

  9. Hahahahaha.
    One,visit an established beauty centre. Talk to the beautician about your hair n make up. They'll teach you
    Two,who is your closest friend? She must be a "self- confessed- mgbeke" or even worse.
    Three,in your church,look for the sharpest ladies and befriend them.
    Four,in the office,discuss with colleagues on fashion tips
    Five,read Fashion mas(likeComplete Fashion etc )
    Six,watch E! Channel.
    Last but not the least,BUILD ON YOUR SELF CONFIDENCE.
    It helps.

  10. lol....i think looking 'posh' like u have said has alot to do with one's person nd not by expensive wardrobe.... trust me i have seen people look so cheap in expensive wears.... i will suggest...if u can afford it...get a stylist for a day...a good one oo... nd good MUA...just to give u that professional touch for a day nd if u feel d result...then na ur money dem go dey chop b dt...till u learn nd c how they transform u evritym.....but if u still look d same....lool...will suggest u enta crious prayer ooo..


    1. I am that classic chic who looks posh even on very cheap clothes. The only thing I don't really do a lot of is makeup. Try to pair pieces that coordinate in colours and style eg for work, a pencil skirt paired with a tucked in chiffon or linen top and pointed court shoes or a knee length skater skirt with sleeveless chiffon shirt and high heel sandals. U can swap d skirts for trousers.
      On make up, learn how to do ur eyebrows on YouTube and proper powder application. If u have a nicely done eyebrow, a well blended foundation and a pop of colour lip stick, u would look just ok. Leave the eyeshadow for d artists lol, cos wrong combos can give u d mgbeke look.
      That's my two cents


    2. And oh, I forgot to mention one thing, confidence is very important. Or else u will still feel mgbeke ish


  11. Poster, looking posh doesn't necessarily mean that you have to dress 'expensive'.
    About your clothings, buy ONLY the clothes that fit your body.
    Your hair, when you get to the salon, allow them choose what fits you. If you present stylist isn't getting it right, change stylist.
    For your shoes, don't buy because you liked them on others. Buy them because you know you will be comfortable in them.
    Make up, hmmmm, start from going to make up parlours. You can afford it from the tone of your post. You can always ask them to show you how to keep your hands while applying yours.
    I'm not a professional but beauty is really in being comfortable with oneself.
    Let me also add that your confidence matters a lot.

  12. 1. Build your self esteem first.
    2. Go on a 2 or 3-week make up class.
    3. Watch a lot of fashion tv and good Nollywood movies not those onitsha made.
    4. Ask your hair stylist to make the type of hair that suits your face.
    5. Stop being vain, focus on the most important things in life like Jesus.
    6. Posh look, expensive hair and all that will not keep a wandering dick, ask Caro!
    *I don't know how people have this problem, I could wear a $5 dress and look like a million dollars baby.
    Good luck ma'am.

    1. True talk..
      She has to feel good on the inside to look good on the outside

  13. You are not alone. I hope to learn from your post and the comments that would roll in . Thank you 😊.


  14. You just have inferiority complex that's all or your mgbeke feeling funky feeling could be as a result of you being a money miss road .Be confident in whatever you do and if you still feel same then get a stylist to groom you from make up to dressing et all, after all you are rich

  15. Well first of all u are suffering frm inferiority complex. But then carry urself with grace and confidence. U must not wear too expensive things to be posh but u ve to selective in choosing ur attire and co. Start with body cream. Take time wen u ve ur bath, cream ur body well with good cream. Morning and night. Use good soap and for ur cloths choose the right combination. If u ve issues with choosing cloths to wear go to fashion blogs view attires for the week and co n see if that same attire will be good on u then try it. Not everything in d boutique will suite no matter how expensive. And last it's doesn't happen overnight. Just work on it diligently and also eat good food,fruits and plenty of water.

  16. Pls get a stylist since you have the money.....but first is knowing what suits you ( cloths and hairstyles)....don't just put on what others are wearing cos we all have diff faces and body structures....then carriage and attitude comes in but don't 4get to be yourself...( Don't over do things, its easy to be ur self when you are comfortable in what you are wearing) 2cents

    PS: sometimes, I think this things are in-born ojare...

  17. Hahahahaha
    What à Hilarious way to start my morning
    Poster u r one Very funny somebori
    I cant even type properly as m almost choking on ma laughter
    Work on ur confidence first...den u come n we talk.Hahahahaha
    Funny babe!

    1. What's with the 'hahahaha?' u so annoying, yuck!!

  18. Appreciate yourself, love yourself and feel comfortable in what you were. You might try to look posh and end up looking like a prostitute because you won't know how to carry yourself. Please learn to walk straight with your shoulder high up.

    Does your husband look posh? If he wants you to look like those girls, he will buy the things they wear for you. Don't stress yourself. ......enjoy being single

    1. Enjoy being single?okay o!......KISMET

  19. Dear poster,you are suffering from low self esteem..I need you to love you self ist,u lack self confidence..Has nyone told u,u look Mgbekeish whateva,or u just assumed thus the bitterness on ur very self..You mustnt dress sofisicated to look good..always leave it simple,very simple..
    Your makeup should also be light,hope u don't do blush,cuz some pple end up busting up their faces in the name of applying blush..
    Look Simple!!!

    1. Dunno why pple use that blush thing?? I DON'T like it @ all.
      I went to a wedding on Sat,na so the women turn d party to a masquerade festival with their diff kinds of blushes,hian!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Ur makeup can't be pretty without blush. But it must be in moderation.

      Blush should be soo faint that one would need to come close to u to see it.

  20. Stop buying things and buy self CONFIDENCE!
    You need to be happy in what you wear. Develop the habit of telling yourself that you look good. Those who you think are classy, are not so because of the kind of expensive things they wear. It is more of how you groom yourself, confidence and charm.
    Try to always look confident in youself, take pride in yourself.
    Those you think are classy, not are so because of how expensive what they are wearing are but perhaps because of their confidence in themself, charisma and self worth.
    Don't try to look like Rita D or anyone else. You will fail at it! DEVELOP YOU OWN STYLE!

  21. Poster you need to work on your self esteem first.

  22. Dear poster it's abt how u wear what u wear! R dey ur size? Doz d pattern fit ur body shape? Den hop u dnt buy mbeke tinz 2 cos ther r sm tinz da r alws jus mgbeke abt sm tinz no mara what. Personally I wear regular cloths nt even expensive bt I knw hw to put d colors 2geda n fit my bodyshape to get d tush look.u cn contact me for pics n help. Its nt abt what u wear, nt abt hw expensive bt abt how u wear it.

  23. Work on your self esteem first. Then always ask your hubby how you look after you dress up. Get a good hairstylist & clothes that fit your body no matter how cheap they are. How you carry yourself is the most important thing.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Work on ur self esteem Madam.. and ur carriage too, u r beautiful d way u are, and am sure can dress perfectly well.. get a make up class in 3days u know wot suit u right.

  26. This is a very serious issue people take for granted... like mercy Johnson has this same issue so those ini edo. .. funny enough u can use less to look a million. .. I style people for a living. ... that is my job (a fashion stylist n wardrobe consultant) I can help you out .... contact me by replying if interested. ... I'll help you with my heart...

    1. Exactly.there is stylish and then there is classy.ur class might affect ur style bt looking stylish doesn't alwz mean u have class......KISMET

    2. Ini is better, you are so right about Mercy Johnson, it's pathetic.

    3. Kai. Mercy is terrible. Omfg!

    4. You need to add annie idibia.

    5. Hv i seen anne idibia of late, d babe dey try gaan, shes alwys on point now

  27. Don't be decieved BVs this is stella i repeat this is stella blog vistor sent this you made it up cos it's the story of your life.#inmyigboticaccent#
    Ps:i love you stella,it dosen't matter to me if you are mbekeish or not the truth is,you have a large heart and an endearing personality the rest are not really important so don't let this ADMA thing give you nightmares.wear something nice and go get that Award!
    Na now you know say you go do post about 'tush' n 'mgbeke'.i'll be watching the show live and if you bring you pishure come here,then me go bring,i say enough of this secrecy with your photo,ahn ahn! Na so you...infact make i no talk again,jus know that i am watching and waiting!
    Ezenwanyi Anon!

    1. I've seen a few of Stella's pictures and she wasn't looking mgbekeish, maybe not posh but definitely not mgbeke.

    2. Ha ha ha ha ha! you don vex gaan! How you take know say no Stella? Even though Stella wanted us to throw in suggestions on what she will wear for ADMA award, don't you think there might be coincidence here?
      I like the post! At least the likes of Sweetest pussy and Lepa Udene will learn how to dress and tush up! Especially when going to visit Alloy nwoke ike and Eesah was here in their dreams!

      Pepper ose oku! Umu nwanyi ana chiyali!

    3. I don't think she was referring to herself but somehow I felt this post was directed at someone else. lmao. Don't mind me. It's Very bad timing with the Range rover news trending at the moment. I love you Stella, I am only being honest. I hope you were not referring to Linda!

    4. No. Stella didn't write it. I sent it to her last night.

      Blog visitor.

    5. Ezenwanyi anon????????????


      U no get ur own name?????

  28. Hahahahahahahahahahahahhaha,lmao,lwtmb,kikikik chisos!!!! Hey,wetin I no go hear for this blog o? I really had a good laugh o.Good way to start my day.Anyway,poster it's really about the way you feel,you have a low self esteem,trust me,it's not always about wearing designer labels,you have to know how to carry yourself.Babe,na packaging o...I have a friend who can't do without second hand wears and bags,infact we call her Chika aka mama Ok,but eh...if d babe dress finish,you'l swear she has the most expensive designers on...jusy have a good carriage and know what suits your body type.And as for your makeup,you don't need to apply too much of thay,just use the right shade of foundation/concealer and powder for your skin colour and go to youtube to learn how to apply the right makeup,if you still don't get it right,contact me,I'll help you out with your makeup,cuz that's my area of expertise

  29. It's not about what you wear but how you wear it. Change your perspective about yourself first then wear the appropriate clothing that suits you. I don't wear makeup most times but my confidence level is 1000%. If you have an oily skin, wipe your face and apply some powder to it. If your lips are cracked, apply some gloss. Just put on your confidence first. Lady gaga wears nonsense and shes named a fashion icon (I'm not saying you should wear nonsense o). Have you seen those runway models parading around in those nasty designs? See, it's all about confidence and the right attitude first.
    But ehn, after the confidence try not to torture people's eyes by combining odd colours and designs or buying shoes that granny used in the 70's.


    1. Ezenwanyi!!!...
      Stop already arrrrrgggggghhhhhhh...
      Abeg come back,e don pas 1 week..

    2. Hian!!!!!

      I am not d great one biko kwa nu!!!!!!

      I will be back soon!

  31. Anon 9:01

    LMAOOOO.abeg stop that break dance,how can that be me?

    I have self confidence whether i am beautiful or not and this can never be me.

    make una see me see wahala oooh.

    1. Don't mind d silly anon., he's a learner. Stella no send anybori, that's why I gbadun you, self-esteem issue bawo?. Btw, as Oga Korkus dey lick ur face like that, wetin come remain? Anon, go and die!

    2. Stella Stella! You're choking me up with laughter this morning. Don't mind the person saying it's you. It's not you at all. I know the person "winks". SDK ochokwu one of Nigeria. Lmao.

    3. Stella dont mind that anon are beautiful inside out..all over the world no one looks like you# infrankedwardvoice#

  32. Well bv, from ur story, I never saw d part where u said ur hubby, friends or even colleagues said u look like mgbeke. U're d one seeing urself as that so I doubt d mgbeke-ish is from ur dressing or poor makeup. Its from ur mind. U just believe dats how u look. Know this-looking tush is not about wearing d most expensive clothes or shoes, or makeups. Its about wearing wat suits u best, n stepping up ur self-esteem. Feel good about ur self. Renew ur mind, keep telling urself dat u luk so gud. If u do not appreciate urself 1st, no 1 will do that 4 u... Pls never 4 once think again that u don't look tush even wit ur expensive clothes,shoes n bags! Only then will u feel or look tushed. Tush-up ur mind 1st!

  33. Poster, they've said it's all about confidence and self-esteem. learn to appreciate yourself and be good in ur skin.

    I know of a lady, she's ugly to d core but she dey baff up no be small. With d way she carries herself eh, she almost brainwashed me to believe that she's a beauty queen. She's not shy, she partake and engage herself in all sort of gathering, discussion and argument. To d extent that we forgot her ugly face as she wears a bright and ever friendly appearance all d time.

    So my dear, u av that beauty so why d hell are you feeling and looking down on yourself? Look for that spark, it's in you!

  34. In my opinion, I feel you have a personal problem with your self esteem. Sometimes it happens to me but mine come with mood. There are some days I would change n change n change till I tryall my clothes n yet nothing fits but dats not true, its just how I felt dat morning. So I just feel you should appreciate yourself and stop thinking about d so called posh girls your hubby admires, I think dat affects you as well. wear a clothe, look in d mirror, shout_ I am gorgeous! It helps me somtyms. Goodluck.

  35. In my opinion, I feel you have a personal problem with your self esteem. Sometimes it happens to me but mine come with mood. There are some days I would change n change n change till I tryall my clothes n yet nothing fits but dats not true, its just how I felt dat morning. So I just feel you should appreciate yourself and stop thinking about d so called posh girls your hubby admires, I think dat affects you as well. wear a clothe, look in d mirror, shout_ I am gorgeous! It helps me somtyms. Goodluck.

  36. In my opinion, I feel you have a personal problem with your self esteem. Sometimes it happens to me but mine come with mood. There are some days I would change n change n change till I tryall my clothes n yet nothing fits but dats not true, its just how I felt dat morning. So I just feel you should appreciate yourself and stop thinking about d so called posh girls your hubby admires, I think dat affects you as well. wear a clothe, look in d mirror, shout_ I am gorgeous! It helps me somtyms. Goodluck.

  37. In my opinion, I feel you have a personal problem with your self esteem. Sometimes it happens to me but mine come with mood. There are some days I would change n change n change till I tryall my clothes n yet nothing fits but dats not true, its just how I felt dat morning. So I just feel you should appreciate yourself and stop thinking about d so called posh girls your hubby admires, I think dat affects you as well. wear a clothe, look in d mirror, shout_ I am gorgeous! It helps me somtyms. Goodluck.

  38. I wish I could tell u it's all about confidence like the others have done , but it's not ! First step is identifying the problem , which u have advice is first study' in ur words'a posh person ,that u admire , I.e Agbani Darego or any body , it could b ur friends or even the ppl ur husband ogles and see if u can tailor ur dressing to suit .. For example , how do u wear ur trousers? Some ppl put it on their stomach and add this unflattering belts to it , it just looks wrong , let ur trouser sit on ur waist , hips and it shouldn't b too tight , what about shoes ? I cannot wear those 6 inch platforms , it's a no no ,and it looks ridiculous when who ever is wearing it can't walk well in it , let ur shoe flatter ur trousers or skirts . Also pay attention to ur hair , if u r wearing a weave , make sure it's done correctly , ( this is where studying a picture might come in handy) , take for example Gabriel Union , she fixes weave and u will hardly notice , if it's braids , keep it neat ( please stay away from Lace wig , it looks very unnatural . )
    Other Tips :
    Stay away from tight fitting clothes
    A blazer adds that touch
    Simple assessories
    Simple makeup (Mac is better)
    Simple leather bags ( dosent have to b a label )

    Do all this and when u like what u see , then the confidence flows .
    Hope this helps ..

  39. Funny only God fit make u posh

  40. My dear you just have to increase your self confidence.

  41. Looking posh is a gift and God's grace..There are people that will never look posh no matter their money.have you discovered that some actresses with all their money never get it right.(not gonna mention names) lol. Poster, just be yourself abeg and importantly, have self confidence.

  42. My sister seek the face of God before depression sets in grandfather ooh I love that man..he once told me sometin...''He say u nu fi train monkey 4 city'' E must do sumtin way remember monkey no matter wah, so wah do u do in such a situation ''just let the monkey be........ I follow my grandfather's theory hope u cud follow it too u'wud feel better afterwards

  43. Poster should have sent in her picture, so we can exactly what we are dealing with, some of the reasons i think is u havent found out what exactly fits your body type, skin, kind of person generally, when u get to know this, i bet ya ur 'mgbeke' must disappear, except 'mgbekerism' runs in ur vein....

  44. To add to what everyone has said, go on YouTube, search for how to apply make up videos, buy the products and practice practice....

  45. honey just work on your self confidence...if you wear a dress of N1, ul look like a million bucks...shikena

  46. 1 self esteem
    2 body type
    alot of people don't know their body type that's why no matter how they try they still look cheap

  47. Poster, looking posh starts with the mind! U have to learn to feel good about u and keep telling urself u re classy n not an mgbeke!

    Secondly, open ur eyes n watch other people! Learn from those who re better than u. Youtube n Google is ur frnd for whatever u need.

    All the best!

  48. U can go to a make up school Saturdays, u can then do it on yourself or take contract jobs for weddings on Saturdays fr time to time. No knowledge is lost.

  49. Yaaaaaaaaay!!!!? It's my Bufdai today!!! Woke up Dis mng counting my Blessings n all I can say is God!Am Truly GRATEFUL


  50. Madam...I am one of the classiest people on this blog so take down notes.
    1) You have to work on your self esteem - Be confident, walk with your head high, tell yourself you are beautiful, engage in discussions while looking at people straight in the eyes.
    2) Don't let any one tell you, that expensive clothes don't make you classy? That's a fat lie the difference is always clear but what's important is how you combine it, colours, fit, creativity and most especially simplicity...always remember less is more. if you can afford expensive accessories, invest in them eg Bags, shoes, slippers, glasses, watches etc. Don't end up looking like Ll tho. If you can't afford high brands go for Zara, River Island and Topshop. They are quite affordable. I don't advise people to buy expensive clothes because they always go out of fashion except dresses for occasions and denim. Most classy people where brands but they often mix it up with high street I mentioned above eg Khloe Kardasian
    3) Always read, fashion is evolving. Sometimes when we have money we tend to want wear what we couldn't afford in the 1990's. Go online, check on how to dress for your body type, the colours in vogue, what's in style. You have to keep updating yourself.
    4) for hair and make up - always buy quality hair, that's if u can afford it. Don't buy cheap ones in the name of saving cost. Short lengths are better, not longer than 18". Center and Side parts always work. Make sure your leave outs are always straightened and your edges in check. If you are not a weave person. Braid your hair, avoid tacky colours or shine, shine. Always go for your hair colour. Make sure your natural hair is healthy too. As for make up, invest in good brands, trust me the difference is clear. I recommend MAC for dark skin. It has a nice finish. Go on you tube and learn how to draw your eyebrows and apply make up. Remember less is more.
    4) Even if you have done all of the above and your skin is bleh. Then you are still classless, go to a good spa from time to time. Or do home therapy, drink a lot of water and take a lot fruits and vegies, vitamin E is very good for the skin. Honey and lemon too, avoid alcohol and cigarettes. Always use a good moisturisers, scrub and sunscreen.
    5) learn how to compose yourself in public, how you sit, eat, drink, talk. Avoid agbero lifestyle and shouting anyhow or using fowl languages. Always speak when it's required.
    6) Remember to always wear a smile. That's the Rule 101 of being classy. Be nice to people too.

    I hope I have been helpful to a lot you out y'all

    1. Lool @ agbero and shouting unnecessarily..I actually know a lady who does all that,very pretty girl but when she opens her mouth to utter a word,hahha,na world war 5..Very LOUD.Manner Zero..

    2. Another Gbam, Gbammer, Gbammest

  51. Dear poster,
    It comes from the inside to the outside.
    It comes from your mannerism too.

    Ajebota is a way of life,it has nothing to do with money or class.

    Most people wear the most expensive cloth but still looks mgbekeish.

    If you have gragra local attitude like chizoba...curtail it
    be confident
    be soft
    be neat

    stop wearing multi coloured cloth like ini edo before before.

    Buy more of gowns...the right gowns
    it makes a lady look classy
    see how Ebube nwagbo transformed from mgbeke to posh.

    Speak to yourself before you go out everyday...tell yourself that you are beautiful and posh.

    I want you to understand something,
    Do not do it for a man
    Men can be chameleons,they will have a posh wife at home and still sleep with an mgbeke orange seller.
    Men that also likes innocent looking mgbeke girls.

    If you cant be posh, be a soft mgbeke.
    Everyone must not be the same.


    1. Soooo true!
      Aje butter is a way of life!
      I couldnt have said it better!
      Money n class only takes it to anoda level.

  52. Sweetheart, like others have suggested work on your SELF CONFIDENCE first and u'd feel like a million bucks even on darling yaki and second hand clothes. All d best

  53. For a start,Catapult your self esteem from low to high. looking good is not about how much what you wear cost,its about how you are able to wear cheap and not so fine cloths and still come out looking like a million dollar. Its start from you.

  54. Poster dear, you don't need a stylist for your every day look unless you are rolling in money. These are my tips :

    * Go on YouTube and download videos on makeup. Just Google videos on foundation application, eyebrows tutorial etc and you'll find a world of info.

    * Follow makeup Bloggers like Chidinma of thatigbochick, she mentions products used too.

    * Follow style blogs to horn your taste such as bellanaija, fashion bomb daily, stylevitae, soladunn blog etc.

    * Follow personal style Bloggers like Jadorefashion, awed by Monica, skinnyhipster, style is my thing, diary of doc diva, canneverbeaskinnybish, tounaj, chioma's evolution of style, rally d fashion fanatic, justporsh etc them plenty!

    * Google 'my style bellanaija'. You'll see past features on personal style of ladies. Borrow what you love from them.

    * Google how to style pieces you have already in your closet e.g.. I midi skirt, pink blazer, skater dress etc and you'll see how people styled theirs and follow the combo you love most.

    * For your hair, it must not be high end human hair, if you can't afford them. Some cheaper remi hair of 5-12k for a full head will do. A few synthetic hair sef make sense. Do braids too like box braids and Google videos on how to style them.

    * For traditional wears, check out mags and asoebi Bella every week for classy styles. Download videos on how to tie gele and with practice, you'll be a pro.

    * keep close attention to shoes, purses/clutches/handbags, jewelries and other accessories you see on the pages mentioned earlier. Bad choices on these can ruin what would have otherwise been a posh outfit.

    * Above all, be confident, spritz on a nice perfume, strut your stuff, and don't go overboard. remember, SIMPLE DOES IT.

    By the time you check these things, I bet your taste will change.
    Much love.

    1. I can see typos. Typing in a hurry biko. *hone your taste.

      * Another thing is knowing where to shop. There are well priced boutiques around. You can even use some in the markets. Konga, Jumia and other trustworthy online stores are good.

      * Check out stores with good brands like Zara, topshop, new look etc. Look alikes from other brands can help too.
      Some ladies on low budget can even knock off thrift/okrika and well-made China look alikes.

      * Your combination of the pieces you have is what makes the difference. Wear what you are comfortable in, so you don't look like you're in pain. Eg wearing 5/6 inches shoes and struggling to walk in them.

      * Get a good hair stylist to fix your weaves, otherwise you'll look tacky even with a million-pounds weave.

      *Your natural hair can even look lovely when styled properly. Find Nigerian/African natural hair Bloggers to learn how to take care of your own hair.

      * Get good mani and pedi regularly.

      * Thank God you're not interested in bleaching your skin. Get a good skin care regimen... Cleanse-tone-moisturise are the basics, and if by any means you need good a moisturiser, I trust Olay, Neutrogena, Clinique and some other high performing brands.

      Congrats on your journey of transformation...

  55. Believe in yourself that you will make it. Get stylist, learn how to makeup properly from there, your dress sense will start changing.

  56. @VIAGRA, I like your advice, i will just add some since i am busy, Who ever you are add this to what VIAGRA said, Exercise exercise and more exercise. Clean skin is very very important, their is one thing most Nigerian ladies do when they are all dressed up and that is their UGLY attitude, you see them looking down on other ladies, twisting their over made up faces, mehn that is a turn off! Their skin nko? most of them don't take care of their skin, you see them with greasy skin..Eewww.. Confidence is very very important, note i said confidence not pride! SDK good luck.

    1. Is greasy skin not better than ashy skin? Over sabi adviser.

  57. No my dear. Your problem is simply self esteem/ confidence. You already said you still feel mgbekeish even when you wear expensive outfits. Its therefore what you feel abt yourself. Dust up and build some confidence in yourself. I know someone in my ofiz who feels exactly d way you are feeling and trust me when I say she feels horrible. If someone blinks she will think they are blinking at her, you cough or sneeze she feels she's smelling that's you coughed. Lack of self esteem is a big problem to some gals really. I laugh almost everyday.

  58. Dear Poster,
    i will not say what you are feeling is just in yoour mind. it is probabbly just how you think. however the solution much start from your mind. let me outline steps for you
    1. take a 1week leave from work,buy a note book and label it brand new me.
    2. loosen your hair, and retouch it.
    3. take one full length and one passport picture with your hair held up.
    4. note the shape of your face, body and legs.
    5. google types of face shapes, types of legs formation, types of body shape with photos.
    6. from the descriptions given you can look at the pictures you have taken and identify your face shape and body shape.
    7. google dress styles for ---- body shape, hairstyles for ---- face shape.
    8.observe people who have the same skin colour as you in church and see the colours that look good on them and write them down.
    9.go to a make up artist and ask her to teach you everyday makeup nothing dramtic.
    10. when buying clothes go for simplicity with quality not gaudy or shiny stuff or random colours.
    11. when buying an article of clothing, picture what it would match with that you already have or you are going to buy. if nothing comes to mind, dont buy it.

  59. Go and pray!!! Lol(Like some ppl will say!) I'm learning!

  60. As a stylish somebody myself, I find that the secret to looking good is to keep it simple. Don't overdo it with your accessories, stick to a simple colour palate and try to wear things with clean lines. Classic dressing never goes out of fashion so don't try to be fashionable, aim for elegance. There are a few key pieces every woman should have in her wardrobe.
    1) White shirts ( to wear with trousers, jeans, pencil skirts)
    2) Pencil skirts in neutral colours (not too short - it should hit the knee)
    3) Fitted blazers (in black, navy blue or a colour that pops like red, to jazz up simple outfits)
    4) Black or navy blue well fitted trousers (the cut will depend on your body shape. Slim figures can get away with slim cut/cigarette trousers. If you are more curvy, go for straight leg trousers or boot cut)
    5) Black dress in a good fabric (not too shinny or with too many embellishments). A slim fit dress will work if you are slim but if you are curvy, get one that is fitted at the waist and flares out
    6) A good selection of scarves to accessorise your daytime outfits. Go for nice silk scarves. You can find out how to tie them on youtube
    7) Good jewellery (costume if you can't afford the real thing) to jazz up your evening outfits. For costume jewellery, aim for collar type necklaces but if you are wearing a big necklace, keep your earrings small and vice-versa.
    8) A good selection of shoes. Again aim for elegance. Don't go for all this 'big shoe' nonsense people are wearing nowadays; stick to kitten heels or sling backs for daytime and maximum 4-5 inches for evening.
    7) Classic bags for daytime in black, blue, tan that can go with most outfits. You can also get one in a colour to give your outfit pop but only carry it when you are wearing neutral shades. A few clutch bags for evening in silver, gold and black
    8) Casual outfits - well fitted jeans in the right size for your body. Most African women are curvy so go for brands that can fit your behind yet are a good fit on your waist. Do not go for torn or embellished jeans with patchwork etc. Do not go for stonewash jeans of any kind. If you are curvier, wear bootcut styles. Pair your jeans with simple t-shirts and shirts/blouses. Keep your footwear simple too. Wear wedges (essential if you are wearing bootcut pants) or flats
    9) Most important, wear the right undergarments. Make sure that you are wearing the right bra size. Get yourself measured by an expert. Many of us wear the wrong size bra. Also invest in some good quality shape wear but make sure that your underwear is not visible through your clothes. So may people try to wear shape wear with trousers but this hardly works.

  61. Dear poster, the fact that you're reaching out for help is funny but endearing. Its obvious that you will be open to constructive criticism and good advice. Please read and follow some of the advice given on this post. They are good ones.
    You can also contact me directly and I will be happy to buy and send you some key pieces to add to your wardrobe at no cost. Finally, "self confidence"..Cant stress this enough. If you feel beautiful and posh on the inside it will radiate to the outside.

  62. Thank you all so much. Its been long i have been wanting to send this mail to our Stella but i always felt bad because i thought you people will cuss and yab the hell out of my life. But the reverse is the case. I feel good already reading your comments.

    I now know where to start from and how to tackle my issues.

  63. Taaa me chie onu. ... A Lil child will watch u dress up n imitate but won't get it well... talk more of an adult that is thinking of what to cook..who is after her n how to make more cash.. biko she needs a counsellor on this

  64. My dear work on ur self esteem n very other thing will be added onto u.

  65. There is nothing wrong with ur dressing

  66. Poster it all about personal style. I know a man in my church my young cousin's calls him the tin-foil man cos everything the man wears always looks metallic even if it is cotton. My daughter likes cloths the shines and glitters, so did my late mum. All this pple are confident in what they wear. No matter how much I tell my mother to tone it down, her style was always over the top, but believe me it suited her (wish i could share a pic). Me on the other hand, am more conservative in my dressing but not boring. I do not like excessive makeup. You will catch me with no make-up on a regular day. Look for what fits your body type, get a girdle if you have bulges in places that don't make cloths fit. Don't be like Jenifa always toning pink and orange down with red.Stop buying things with big logo on them (nobody needs to know what you are wearing. Look for classic item e.g. a black dress, pants abi na trousers that fits, jeans that fits your body type, tops that are not always spandex. Watch Utube for make-up tips. Watch shows on how to dress different body types. All the best!

  67. Chikito a.k.a Final Say16 September 2014 at 18:45

    All of you saying there is nothing wrong, you don't know that for a woman to get to this point she has made her observations.
    Dear poster, first of work on your skin. Go to a good spa, do a glycolic peel and proper facials. You natural colour will shine through. See ehn, with good skin, you won't even need to dress too much. People underestimate the benefits of extra beautiful skin. You will just be glowing anyhow, even with bathroom slippers. when u do a glycolic peel, all you will need is moisturizers. NOTHING ELSE. ur colour will just be shinning. u can do once or twice a year, depending on ur skin texture. Be sure to get a dermatologist. If you are buoyant, go abroad and do it. It takes off a lot of dullness you might be experiencing.
    Then, get a stylist. I would write names of a few boutiques, but I no wan make e be like say I dey do advert, cos I am not a boutique owner. I see a lot of big women and 'big' men's wives being cheated by people who sell clothes, wearing what doesn't fit or things that aren't classy. Not everyone knows fashion and some cheats don't help. A stylist will help you arrange you wardrobe and understand what suits you best, according to you style preference. From there you go carry go.
    Change your salon. maybe your hairdresser isn't doing something right.
    If you can go to finishing school, it helps oh. you will discover mannerisms that you should have dropped years ago; the way you talk, demonstrate, pronunciation of words, body posture.... try it.
    I have an older cousin who is a top banker, she tries her best but that 'look' doesn't leave. She gets depressed at times, cos she has height and shape. and she never marry. But she no dey listen. She will just shout at me if I dare give a word of advice. I just keep praying for her. Cos she meets classy guys, but she will just chew without closing her mouth, and she won't moisturize her feet. Can't even remember when last she had a pedicure. walking steps nko? always scratching her hair or hitting it hard, even when she made it the previous day. it's now a habit. and na all these things dey piss guys off. Only gold diggers will be coming with attitude. Smart woman!! She fishes their fakeness out. (pardon my rants jare)

  68. It's very simple....

    First you must recognize that you are a lady, so act like one! And embrace your femininity.

    2, build your confidence and carriage. Carry yourself with pride and grace.

    3, know your style and stick to it.

    At this point I should tell you, I do not think you problem exactly is dressing up. It's your carriage when you wear what you wear.

    4. Please do not do COLOR block!!!! Learn to match your colors right please.

    5. Always keep your body and cloth neat and clean.

    6. Your hands tell a lot about who you are, keep them well. Invest in a good hand cream. I use Clarins and it's very good.

    7. Keep your hair and nails tidy. Please don't dye your hair gold if you are dark skinned. NEVER dye your hair red regardless of your skin color. Thank you.

    8. Be polite. In fact very polite. Always say please, excuse me and thank you as situation require. Don't keep your thank you and please to your superiors or colleagues. Even your househelp and meat seller deserve a please or thank you.

    9. When you walk, walk gracefully. Don't bump into people and avoid people bumping into you if you can.

    10. Never shout!!! Talk slowly and softly. Don't scream someone's name in a way that others will hear 5km away. Simply walk up and call the persons attention.

    11. Always sit with your legs closed or crossed. When it's closed, your left foot must always be a little in front of the right and slightly turned towards the right.

    12. Read wide and broad. Be enlightened.

    13. When someone stares at you, smile at them and say hello.

    14. Always wear a soft smile. I no say make you dey grin about oo. Lol

    15. When you walk through a door, always raise your head high, smile and look around the room before your proceed. This can be done in a flash, I no say make you stand for door dey look ooo.

    And never walk into a room with your back. Some people open a door and then turn around to shot the door. That's lack of confidence!! Simple use your hand to close the door while you are facing the room and looking people in the eye.

    16. Learn table etiquette

    17. Don't jump queue. When ur on a queue, don't stand too close to the next person like u want to enter into them. Many people do this in Lagos. Makes my upset.

    18. Do not chew gum in public!

    It's plenty and long jare. I don tire. Read up on the rest.

  69. Lmao. See that one roping Stella..
    Dear poster, pls I know how you feel jare, sometimes you wear expensive and trendy things and it still don't feel right.
    First things boost your confidence to a 100 percent, den watch and read fashion stuff, complete fashion magazine and style network even E . as for makeup please please do not watch YouTube videos o, they will worsen you esp when you have no idea about makeup, a friend of mine who is a makeup artist is starting a makeup workshop on the 22nd its for about a week. Mail her on for the details. A lot of times just wearing not so expensive stuff but nice stuff with good make up does the trick. When it comes to fashion its not always about the price tag but how to combine.

    BTW.. Im a first time commenter if there's a word like that :d

  70. Good one FLO. Great advice.

  71. Chikito has said it, google skin care products and experts
    take care of ur skin, when u glow even okrika wl be like a million dollar buck on u
    stop using shea butter all n d name say na cream no ways
    seek professional advise
    i use goof productson my skin and i dont vto wear labels befoe i get recognition i glow #1 step to self confidence
    borrow a leaf, wt good skin u need less make up dear

  72. Hey,
    I agree with the anonymous person that said that you need to boast your confidence, get fashion magazines for you to get ideas and trends not necessarily you follow trends and I also disagree with the anonymous that advised not to watch makeup tutorial on youtube that's a big lie, there are ppl like thatigbochick,beautybyjj,missylynn and lots of ppl you could watch their makeup tutorial. Am also a makeup artist and I watch a lot of tutorials on youtube, you could give me a call on 08121737736 to give you a makeover.Thank you

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