Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice was arrested on assault charges following a Valentines Day dispute with his fiancee Janay Palmer...They are married now.
The event took place Saturday at 3 a.m.on Saturday February 15,2014 at the Revel Casino in Atlantic City.
Surveillance footage shows Rice dragging an unconscious Palmer out of the elevator before being question by a hotel security guard. Both parties were charged with assault as police stated other unreleased security footage shows them exchanging punches.
This incident is a stain on the "good guy" reputation that Rice has built for his service to his community. He's participated in drives to donate school supplies to unfortunate families and organized anti-bullying campaigns.
These are the people who have come out to tell their stories on a facebook forum where the video was posted.These people tell their horrible stories of why they stayed and why they left....shocking stories that will melt your heart and make you wonder why people do what they do....IF YOU ARE GOING THROUGH DOMESTIC VIOLENCE,PLEASE READ THROUGH.
Frank opened the forum for discussion with this post and all hell was let loose.
Frank Somerville KTVU
If there’s one good thing that’s come out of the Ray Rice situation, it’s that people are talking about domestic violence.
In fact, there is a Twitter campaign now called, “Why I stayed. Why I left.”
There have been thousands and thousands of responses.
They are blunt, honest, and heartbreaking.
This was from Lucida:
"Why I stayed.
I thought he would kill me.
Why I left.
I saw his eyes the moment he decided to kill me and I wanted to die free."
Gab said:
"Why I stayed.
I thought it was my fault."
Another person said:
"Why I stayed.
Because my pastor told me God hates divorce.
It didn't cross my mind God might hate abuse too."
Nancy said:
Why I stayed.
Because he treated me just like my dad treated my mother.
Nomzano said:
"Why I stayed.
Kept telling myself if he didn’t hit me, it wasn’t abuse.
Why I left.
Learned I didn’t have to get beaten to fear for my life."
And Rae said:
"Why I stayed.
I promised to give him 5 years after he hit me the first time.
Why I left.
Because my daughter tried to kill herself when she was 4.”
When I was working as a reporter in Rhode Island 25 years ago, I saw a movie called “Sleeping with the Enemy.”
It was all about domestic violence.
The station wanted me to do a story about that.
So I went to a shelter for battered women.
I interviewed a woman who was there with her kids.
I asked her, “If it was so bad, why didn’t you leave?”
I’ll never forget her answer.
She said:
“You have to understand, my husband didn’t allow me to have ANY life outside of him.
I had no friends.
I had no money.
I had no checking account.
I had nowhere to go.
And I was scared.”
If you are a victim of domestic violence it's important that you realize:
You don’t have to take it.
There is help out there.
And you are not alone.
In fact, there is a national domestic violence hotline that is open 24 hours a day, in 170 languages, if you need someone to talk to.
The number is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
All calls are confidential.
Here's a link to their site.
I’ll leave you with this tweet from a woman who escaped an abusive relationship.
She says:
"Why I stayed.
I thought that he was my best friend.
Why I left.
I became my own best friend."
Here’s to becoming your own best friend.
Brent Jonas
Frank Somerville KTVU, you're one of the very best news anchors the Bay Area has had over the past few decades...The Bay Area and beyond is fortunate to have you on the air, representing KTVU News.
Cassandra Louise Cruz Locks
Why I stayed......because I thought he loved me, because he saved me from the hell I was living in with my stepfather who not only abused my mom, brothers, and I but raped me on a regular basis for 6 years and threatened to kill all of us if I told, because I didn't think anyone else could love me for who I am and the baggage I carry, because I grew up in abuse and it was comfortable and "normal". Why I'm leaving (divorce will be final next month, I'm learning skills to help me become more independent) because I finally know how to love myself, because I found my strength and I'm no longer scared of being "alone", because my kids deserve better, because I want to break this cycle, because I went to a really dark place and tried to hang myself and let my kids down and that feels worse than any hit I've ever taken I never want to be there again BECAUSE I AM A SURVIVOR!!!
Rhea Hawley
I left because I didn't want my son to grow up thinking it was okay.
Stephanie Arostegui
Why I stayed
Because I honestly believed that every time was the last time.
Why I left
Because I realized it was going to end up with one of us was in an orange jumpsuit and the other in a casket. I wasn't going to be the one in the casket.
People think it's easy to leave. Easy to admit the abuse. It's not. It's scary, the realization, that you're being punched, slapped, kicked, choked, spit on, pulled around, pushed down, stomped on, talked down to, raped. I had no friends. No money. I didn't know how to tell my family. His family knew and did nothing. I thought my family wouldn't believe me. It took for my sister catching him in the act for me to realize just how bad it was. Many things I'll never speak about and I'll take to my grave. No one should have to live like that. No one should have to live in fear every moment of everyday wondering if today is their last day. Wondering "how bad is it going to be today?" I hope that everyone going through abuse realizes just because he makes you feel alone doesn't mean you actually are. There are other woman who understand and will help you. Help you to leave. Help you to cope. Help you to survive. Help you to learn to love yourself again. There is always a way out. You just have to take it.
Angela Jensen Diaz
#whyistayed Because good Catholic girls don't get divorced; and I didn't think extreme verbal abuse was the same.
#whyileft He eventually took it physical.
10 years later and I'm married the the most amazing man, with a toddler and baby on the way. Life is now beautiful!
Wyminn Boyington
There are some men out there who are also abused and never say a word because they feel they will be ridiculed. ANYONE who is abused needs to seek help. I know the majority of cases are women, but I also know there are some men.
Everyone should feel safe and secure in their own home.
Kendra Proano
I've read a lot of negative comments about his wife and it has been upsetting. It's easy for people to judge when they haven't been in an abusive relationship. Leaving isn't a black and white issue, the abuse is so much deeper than physical. Thank you for posting this. I hope it will shed more light on the reality of domestic violence.
Carrie Kramer
As a domestic violence survivor Myself I salute you Frank more people need too come forward Mabey we can Safe more lives !!!!! An I left as a new mother I didn't want my young son too think it's ok !!!
Cassandra Louise Cruz Locks
You never know how strong you are until you have no choice but to be. October 4th, 2014 will make 10 years of marriage to a man that hit me while I was holding our daughter while she was only a month old, and then years later hit me while I was pregnant with our youngest child. I've been isolated, cheated on, had finances withheld from my kids and I to just live and survive, I was told all I was ever good for was being his wife and having his kids. My mom is still married to her abuser and although they no longer live together and he was convicted and sentenced to prison for raping me he still has power over her. I don't want that for my kids. I had no clue I was strong until I had to be and I no longer allow the abuse. October 20th, 2014 is the day my true life and who I was meant to be starts and that is to be the best mom, woman, and survivor I can be. I SURVIVED, I MADE IT!!!!
Andrea Case
Now lets treat Floyd Mayweather like Ray Rice. Boycott the fight tomorrow
Terri Suzann Pate
People never understand it if you haven't lived through it. I was in a very emotionally and verbally abusive relationship. You tell yourself you can leave whenever you want but you never do. Thankfully that ended and I was able to see in hind sight how bad it was. If you're in an abusive relationship, there are options. Shelters, casa de Los madres is a wonderful resource.
Claudia E Gonzalez
Why I stayed.... Because we had a child together and "you gotta make it work for your kid" was what everyone said..... Why I left.... Because I saw my daughter run and hide everytime her father raised his voice at me
Melissa Dooley
Abuse is not just a man against a woman either.
My mother was abusive. .... towards my dad. She manipulated him, she was verbally abusive, mentally abusive, and yes even physically.
What made me sick.... She turned the tables on him and cried abuse. She took me to a battered women's shelter, she lied to and manipulated everyone there. She came up with horrific sob stories. When I was asked about what was going on at home she insisted, and got them to believe I was lying to protect my dad. She said he bribed me to lie.
Abuse is not limited to men.
Kimberly Dinwiddie
And I've never said this before- I left bc I knew someone was gonna die and it wasn't me... Didn't want my kids to grow up with out me....
Donna Davis
you want a true the TRACY THURMAN STORY....if that doesn't rile up everything that is in you about abuse then nothing sister and I saw it together after I got out of an abusive folks told me "we don't believe in divorce' , I asked where they wanted to bury me....when I came home with a broken nose, fractured cheek and jaw, teeth knocked out and scared as hell because he was looking for me with a shotgun they believed me....they helped me get the divorce...the judge looked at the pictures my attorney took at the hospital and said it was a wonder I was alive, my divorce was has taken me years to get through it, some times, before my husband died I would have nightmares, he was a fireman and he would just hold me and make sure I knew I was safe...I will not be abused again.....
Barbara Weatherton
I am so thankful to see this! Why I stayed: it was safer than the fallout from trying to leave. Why I left: I didn't care any more if he murdered me for trying to leave. It was better than staying. I had to get angry enough to fight back as hard as I could without fear...I made it!
Katherine Reese
Why I stayed- i believed what he told me. Why I left- i finally believed in myself. I learned that verbal and emotional abuse is still ABUSE
Nikkie Foreverbeingblessed McSweeney
I agree with Aneet. So easy to speculate and pass judgement. Let's just do our best to support and help. Good for you Rhea!
Christopher Ducioame
A four year old trying to commit suicide thats the saddest thing ive ever read
Coumba N Nathaniel
People are really ignorant when it come to domestic violence. My ex was a drunk and used to abuse me but I stayed anyway because he said he would change and I wanted to believe that. It's hard to jut pick up and leave. I BELIEVED it was my fault that this was happening to me. It took him aiming a shotgun toward my face for me to file for divorce and realize that he would never change. Walking away is easier said than done. I was totally dependent of him and I loved him.......I hated myself for making him angry enough to lay his hands on me. Thank god to my therapist now I know it's not my fault. I still have anxiety but I have overcome PTSD.
Anastasia Lang
I stayed, because I, too, thought it was my fault. You hear that day in, day out, from someone who supposedly loves you, so you believe it. You believe it when he says you're boring, you're dumb, you're fat, you look "ridiculous." I was such an awful wife, I "made" him hit me because I was such a screw up. I stayed because this atmosphere wasn't that different from the home I grew up in.
I left because of a lucky break. We were supposed to go on vacation together, and he ditched me at the last minute to go without me because I was "boring" and he didn't want me to get in the way of his cheating (yep, that, too). It was the best thing that could have happened to me, because while he was away, I had a moment to think, to catch my breath, and remember how peaceful my life was when I was single, how no one was hitting me, threatening me, and telling me how worthless I was all the time. I found myself again, and I didn't want him to come home. It was like a light switch being flipped. Without him all up in my face, I found the strength to tell him to get out. There was no turning back, either, despite all his threats. I was me again, the fog lifted.
Keely Kylene
Why I stayed - He had convinced me it was my fault, I was the one who "angered" him. Just looking at me sometimes could send him into a rage. I stayed because I was scared, I was alone, he made me feel I couldn't live or survive without him. He took everything from me, my job, my friends, even my family. I had nothing, I had no one. I was scared!
Why I left - I looked into the mirror and realized I didn't want to be like him. I was scared that one day I would snap and I would become the predator like he had been all those years, he would become my victim. I left because I am better than him, I am worth it!
Elliot Matthew Kent
No women deserves to be in a abusive relationship. Any man that hits a women is a coward. Plan and simple
Teresa Serene Hamman
It's not easy to be in an abusive relationship. Sometimes it's psychologically and emotionally confusing. And then your own brain/mind/chemistry starts to mess with you and then it's difficult to tell what's right, wrong, up, or down.
Kate Teague
Why I left: I'm better than that. It only took one episode and i was gone. Thanks!
Teresa A Greaney Branch
I stayed because I thought it was my fault and that with my love I could change him. Why I left....was because I did not want my three children to think this is how a woman was to be treated or that abuse is ok. It took me eight years to totally regain my life. I was beyond scared I. If I heard a loud noise that scared me I would always look behind me shaking thinking he was coming to get me. One day I woke up and realized I was not scared anymore and most of all he could not hurt me. Is sat down and wrote him a letter that I never mailed. With this letter iw as able to get a lot of things out of my head. Thirty-five pages later I was done and had truly closed that chapter in my life.
Michelle Rdrshell Wright-Gonzalez
I left 23 years ago and never looked back raised my daughter & never asked for any money in fear he'd find us! lucky for me when they caught him outside a friends house after I fled with my new born because he beat my axx in a parking lot... And even though his friends saved my life that day he still managed to walk miles to find me... To which I called 911 had him arrested! Luckily for me they had finally made domestic violence a felony. To which made it easy to leave because he was locked up. To this day he doesn't know and I'm grateful my now husband is a Sgt for the Sheriffs dept which makes me feel even more safe!
Rebecca Venegas
I stayed because I didn't know what was going on until it was out of control.....I left because I knew I didn't want to live this life, that if I were to have children one day that I couldn't raise them in that enviorment.....but the truth is it made me one hell of a person....I didn't let it hold me down.....I am a stronger person now because of it.....I have a voice again.....I am not bitter at my abuser, in fact I thanked him because I wouldn't be who I was if it wasn't for that experience.....sadly though I have seen many women buried who didn't survive, who didn't know how to get help, who didn't believe in themeselves....domestic violence is real and it is isn't easy to just get up and's a process that not all of us survive
Michelle Lutz
These responses are so heartbreaking. So glad so many have gotten help. For those reading this who haven't yet left I hope reading these responses will give you the courage and strength you need. I grew up watching my mother be abused. One thing I learned the hard way is the men usually turn on the kids eventually too. To anyone in an abusive relationship, do it for yourself, do it for your children. God, please don't stay for the kids. Leave for the kids!! Break the cycle. Thank you Frank for your always thoughtful posts!
Jeannette Larsen Fernandez
I stayed because he wasn't physically abusive and words are words...right? WRONG!!!!
I left because he got drunk and did drugs...just before he told my 15yr old daughter that she was too f'n stupid and should take an f'n gun and blow her f'n head off!!! I kicked him out got a restraining order...that's when I found out "verbal" abuse is actually a bit worse than physical!!! I am now divorced (filed on 9-11-01) and remarried my childhood sweetheart!!! My girls are alive and doing very well!!! It took me 20yrs to leave!!!
Denise Siedentopf
We choose not to talk about it... We hide behind the shame, behind the sunglasses, lying to explain away bruises and cuts... Alcohol, drugs, sober, never used makes no difference to the situation... We pretend that everything is all right at home... Sometimes for fear that the person that everyone loves is actually violent, controlling and cruel and won't believe you.. Men and Women, Men and Men, Women and Women... This happens all the time... Not just physical abuse, but mental abuse as well... Fear of losing kids, fear of no money, fear of nowhere to go keeps us in the cycle with no hope... We need to break down the wall, talk about it, and show those in harms way the light out... There are resources out there that can help... Just take that step, it may SAVE you (and your kids) lives...
Angela Darby
I'm teaching my daughter if a man hit's you! Stay calm, let him think everything is OK and the first opportunity LEAVE. You're to good for that!
Rose Short
The reason I stayed because I didn't want my kids to grow up with divorce parents. I left because I didn't want my kids to grow up to be like the asshole
Carolyn Dobias Hayes
I stayed because I thought he would change! I lived him! I left when he hit my kids! That is something I will never forgive myself for! My sons r now 26-27 and have had some awful relationships ! It's a never ending cycle! Break it early, otherwise all people involved even yrs down the road r affected! Not cool!
Julaine Dravis Moore
I stayed because he always promised to change and I was told I could do no better. I left after my punctured eardrum and what I envisioned for my children's future relationships. Some days are still hard financially. But I am free, have my kids and have my life back.
Kristi Guadagnin FitzPatrick
I stayed because I believed I was the horrible, stupid and ugly person he said I was. I'd wake up after he had a night of Bacardi with either a gun pointed at my head or that second before his fist landed its mark.
I'd have to sit and eat nothing while he dined on delicious meals I lovingly prepared for him.
I left because I was tired of being afraid. Tired of feeling ugly. Tired of being weak.
Patty Walker
Richard you're an idiot. The strong survive.
Mimi Mouseen
Why I stayed: because I didn't believe I could love someone who was "like that" so I found justifications for everything.
Why I left: because I couldn't believe I wasn't loving myself first.
If the only love you are getting is the love YOU are giving for the both of you, get out! Physical, mental, spiritual, emotional chains -- real love is freedom. If you are not free, you are not loved. Break free and take the hands of those who have broken binds before you. We didn't "know" what would happen either. We just knew we wanted to live and relied on faith. We are all here on the other side!!!
Tracy Lynn Vogel Hanners
Frank Somerville KTVU, without trying to take away from this very important topic, there are many times smaller victims are involved in the wrath as well. After the deaths of the five siblings killed by their father in South Carolina, then driven by him and dumped in Alabama over the past week, it would also be appropriate for CHILD ABUSE to be brought to the forefront. Children have no voice and no choice to leave their abuser without someone's help.
Nicole Velasquez-Zuleta
Why I left, because I had a 3 month old daughter and there was no way in hell I was going to let her grow up and think that a man could treat her that way. I didn't grow up in that kind of violence and I can't believe I let it happen to me. But it was game over when my child arrived. I'm one of the "lucky ones"....
Phalin Sam
Why stayed ?
The aftermath of how he begging for forgiveness, the love that he claims he have and he would die if we leaves, the promises that he make that will never happens again. The manipulating that makes you felt like you never going to find anyone better than him...and you starts to blamed your self the reason why he reacted that way.......
They really good of making you felt like you nothing without them....
People never understand unless you've been there your self.
Pam Gonzalez
I'm in tears reading the main post and the comments. Unless you've lived that life, you have no idea...
I lived that life, the abuse - physical and emotional. I always considered myself strong and independent, but when a person is continually beat down, especially verbally/emotionally they start to believe... Believe they are worthless, believe they can't make it on their own... Believe they are nothing... Then there's the fear that's been instilled... If I leave, he will find me and it will be so much worse... After the last fight, he took off... I finally took a stand and never let him near me again.... Finally stood up for myself. Realized I could make it on my own. Realized I wasn't that sad, disgusting, pathetic person he had me believing I was... REALIZED NONE OF IT WAS MY FAULT.
I thank God my children (now grown) are strong, healthy, well grounded AND more importantly, have not followed that vicious, painful cycle started by their dad.
Bridgette Castillo
Why I stayed? Because I loved him and thought he could change. Why I stayed? Because I thought he needed help and I could change him. Now years later we are lucky because he did need help and was willing to get it. It has been over 4 years and we are both much better to one another and I'm thankful to have the real him back. I am very glad this is getting so much attention because it is a major issue and women shouldn't feel like they have to stay. And the men should get help for their problems. About out to the women who realized their worth and my prayers to the ones who didn't make it as well as to the ones who are still struggling. Shout out to the men out there who have changed because it is possible and has made them a better man.
Emma Concepcion Galvez
Thank you Frank! I praise all the strong women! #whyistayed - for my son #whyileft - for my son
Heather Farnum-Lyckberg
They do their best to isolate you and ruin other relationships...including your own family that always knew he was bad news. He had many guns. Threatened everyone I cared's been 23 yrs. since I escaped by leaving the state and his sorry butt.
Maria Ann Smith
The man makes the woman think that no one else will have them, they isolate them from their family and friends, so they have no one to talk to, and they are in fear because the man will threaten them or their families. It is not always easy to "just leave". Until you are in their situation, you have no clue. No one would have ever thought I was once in a situation like that (because I was always so strong) but I was. It was the love and devotion of a great friend who helped me get out. And, I barely made it out alive. If you know someone, or think someone is going through something like this, talk to them. Build up their strength, help them see the light and help them get out. There are so many more places now that can help people like me than there was when it happened to me.
Cyndie Sue Pontynen
Why I stayed: I'm a fixer...I thought I could fix it. And then,the last time he hit me--I started to call 911--he threatened the lives of my children, so I didn't call. Why I left: I realized nobody should treat my kids' mom the way I was being treated. #whyIleft
Carmen Song Cloud Hilldale
All of you survivors who have commented are such an inspiration to others!! Good for you!!
Gina Gomez
I think the ONLY "good" thing that will come out of the whole Ray Rice situation is that, yes, more people are talking about domestic violence. Hopefully, more survivors of domestic abuse will flee their current situation.
I think it is also important to point out that women abuse men, women abuse women and men abuse men in relationships. Domestic violence crosses all sexual, societal, socioeconomic lines.
Thank you for posting this, Frank.
Nicole Buchner Scott
I read something the other day how we raise women teaching them how not to get raped (don't dress this way, don't go out alone etc) but we don't teach men not to rape - I think the same can be said about domestic violence we are now talking about what the wife should do how about we keep the focus on the abuser! He is the one that is doing wrong here!
Arifah Jenkins
This is a great post with such good insight. Abuse is much more that than the violence. Usually starts emotionally, making you feel worthless, then goes down from there. I left because he hit me, once. Before that, it was mental abuse, casual talk with his friend of "finding" me dead and how they would dispose of me. I still had strength and belief in myself. Others don't, but today, I hope they find that strength.
Aneet Hayer
It's easy to sit here and think these women are crazy to stay in a relationship like that. What needs to happen is kids need to be raised with love, self worth and respect. It's a continuing cycle of abusive parents who then raise children that abuse and allow themselves to be abused.
Jennifer J Weber Turnow
Why I stayed: because I felt alone in a new city. Why I stayed: I felt I could change him. Why I stayed: because after time had passed I knew he would kill me and came close once. Why I finally left: because my best friend and mom came to my rescue and helped me when I thought no one would understand how I could let this happen to a strong educated woman. Why I left: The night I fled (in the middle of the night) because it had come to me losing my life. I knew he felt something was up and threatened to kill my mother. I convinced him to go party with his buddy's after he had his very last blow to my head and last choke hold. I ran. I ran to my family. I never looked back. I'm alive to tell my story.
Velvette Holloway
I left because I knew I deserved better & didn't want our daughter to think a man putting his hands on a female is okay!!!! We are both & happy!
Julaine Dravis Moore
Frank, look at all these women in domestic violence. Let's stop letting these men control and abuse us. I am much smarter now and know the red flags. But it did take me a long time to leave. I was young and naive when I married and had kids. You women can do this! I did! People are there to help. We only get one chance at life. Don't let some man take that from you!
Rose Short
Don't talk about the battered victim until you've gone through it. Victims stay for reasons like their kids.
Lisa Reinholdt
The horrifying part Ray Rice showed no remorse as she laid on the floor knocked out cold ! Someone needs to knock his lights out! No excuse to hit a woman ! He should be locked up !!!!! Ladies speak up and get out of an abusive relationship ! Don't be bullied it's not ur fault and they use a power control over you to get what they want ! Run never look back ! Be strong fight back for what u want .
Raquel Ace
Amazing, this needs so much more attention. Sadly animal abuse gets more funds raised. I like many woman stayed because when we go for help we are not taken seriously, or a lack of funding to really help you get out.
Yea there are tuns of referrals, but shelter space can be limited, or unavailable. Representing yourself in court even with an advocate is not easy much less frightening. Finding employment, cuz welfare can't pay the rent.
Let's not forget that restraining order, I'll use mine as an example. 1. Parking outside the kids school, ( the school did not want to get involved so no call to police) my work ( threats of loosing my job), our apt, well he know how long it took the PD TO REALLY show up.
Not to be a bummer but this is why woman stay.... ( info taken not just from my experience but others in support groups )
Sara Ceo Santiago
He made me feel guilty about breaking up the family
Jim Puskar
I believe Ray Rice's wife is in mortal danger. I just wish she could see that.
Jennifer Allen
This makes me so sick that so many women end up violated by the hands that supposedly love them. This is such a distortion of what love is, should be, could be and can be!
Dessa Edwards
It's really hard to leave an abusive relationship whether it's physical or mental. Abuse is abuse, some of us find the power deep inside to leave and some need help. I'm glad I found the power within to leave. I pray for others to get out safe.
Suzie Sholin
Thank you Frank Somerville KTVU. I love that nothing here blames the victims.
Hervie Gisèle
I stayed for a while because of my 4 kids I eventually moved far away with the kids to protect them People have toldy kids that i would go to Hell.... I went to Cali and love it now it s true that financially is tough And the future very uncertain But i am no more abused mentally by my ex....
Nancy Kunstman
My younger sister was a battered woman. She left 4 young children behind when she died as well as a shattered mother and siblings.
I don't know how many times she tried to get out and went back to the asshole.
Hervie Gisèle
The problem is that most of the times only physical abuse is underlined Mental abuse and emotional neglect are often overlooked
Jessica Tinney
What an amazing post Frank!! Reading those tweets were so heartbreaking and have me fear in the pit of my stomach. They were such shirt blurbs but so powerful.
You are by far the best news anchor, and I everyday look for your posts, whether they are sweet stories about your daughter and family or about the most up to date stories. I hope you know how truly fantastic you are!
Carrie Marie Anderson
The 4 year old, I've never heard of such a young child trying to take their life. Churns my stomach. Paying more for that child, and where she is c in her life, she is well, and restored. Wow.
Kimberly Jo
Why I stayed...I did not think I deserved better. It was what I knew. My Mother said I was a "sticker".
Why I left...he took my young daughters out with his mistress and told them to lie to me. That, oddly, to me was going too far.
Barbara Smith
Mr. Frank: I hope your post helps many women/men out there that need to read this and reach out for help. With your post, if you've help one person, you've made a difference. But let's hope you've helped many more than just one victim to abuse. No one deserves to be abused whether it be physical or mental. Thank you!
Haingotiana Volana Haingotiana
How can you abuse someone that you love ? I don't understand why people do it. Domestic violence is like living in hell on earth.
Mayra Peregrina
Thank you for sharing you may not know but you may be saving a life at this moment .
Linda Casas
It WILL happen again & again & again, because YOU are doing NOTHING to stop it,... by staying!!! One day, you won't be able to walk away!!!
Debi Harris Ortega
Omg Frank This made me cry! Especially Rae's comment. I don't understand why a woman would stay in those situations but I'm beginning to a little. I pray they all find the courage and strength needed to save their lives and the lives of any children they may have involved.
Yvonne Donnelly
He won't do it again-until he gets mad again!! Get out of there
Jacquelyn Baterina
I stayed because I love him. I kept leaving because I grew tired of being treated like crap, and feared my life wouldn't ever be the same.
Frances Miller
I was hit on I was choked I was hit and knocked out for 26 years this is going on in my life now is just verbal because he's sick he can't hit me anymore but verbal abuse is still bad
Robin Kunce
It's not just weak people who are victims of domestic violence, unfortunately domestic violence occurs in all socio-economic groups. Besides physical abuse, victims are subject to mental abuse. Victims become isolated and don't know where to turn. If you have a friend or relative who has become isolated, who's partner is monitoring their activities, let them know you care and let them know what resources are available in their community. Too many people don't know where to turn. Also, if you are a victim of domestic violence, prepare an escape plan, some things to hide in a safe place (I.e., a friend's house, at work) a copy of your driver's license, a credit card your partner is unaware of, some cash, copies of your insurance info and a cell phone. Even an old cell phone you are not using can be used to call 911.
Genara Horcasitas
I've seen this with my sister I fear for her to this day.. She can be a tough bitch to me but not her abuser.. I can't understand. I love her so much it kills me she is still with this man who punched her in the face in front of her kids.
Joanne Farish
I always appreciate your posts and how you bring attention to stories and ideas others shy away from. Thank you!
Brenda Warhop
I left cause it was affecting my sons nerves & he got stressed out & stopped eating. I couldn't have it hurting my kids.
Rosie Olivas
My heart aches for these women and all who think that things will change. Thanks for sharing these stories.
Ruth Baker Corley
this video of Rice may save a lot of lives after all
David Silva
As for myself I enjoy watching the news you read . I have one small question for everyone who has posted here tonight
1) to me , what mr. Rice did is horrible and I think he should be in jail........ But I just watched a football game in Baltimore where the opposing QB raped a girl .... He's still playing ... He's getting paid and people wear his number. .... Kobe raped a lady.,.,,,, he's still playing and making lots of cash.
My question. People what's the difference in these two types of crime ?
Hanne Rix
Thank you for bringing focus on this, Frank Somerville KTVU. It's such an important issue, and more people have to learn about it.
Janet Mount Labat
It was easier for me to put up with it than to deal with what he would do to me if I left. A restraining order is a piece of paper! Period!!!
Kimberly D Braswell
Why I stayed thought it was my fault and then just stayed I loved him thought he would get help why I left I couldn't take anymore wasn't what I wanted for my girls and realized I deserved better took a lot to leave but I did
Betty Carson
Frank, your comments are great. I think they will be helpful to a lot of women. I will keep them in my prayers, as well as you. All of these reasons I have heard before, as I worked in a Christian shelter for women for 7 years. God bless you all.
Mirna Osorio-Corena
Why I stayed because I didn't have my legal documents and he always say to me that he was going to take my kids away from me and that if I left he was going to called immigration . Is really hart went people tells you why you just don't walk away , left him you are stupid that is your fall. they make you fell that you not good enough. I didn't have no money no place to go went you from another country you don't know the law . And went you ask for help no one wants to help they just tell was in there mind!! But not help
Cherron Rydolph Deal
I had no money, no job, no computer no phone of my own and two children under the age of five. I left because my daughter kept asking how come I was always crying and because I was always sick. I also got tired of being hungry because he would not give me money for food. I didn't love my self but I did love my kids and they deserved a mom who was not falling apart. I didn't want them to grow up thinking that his is how a relationship is supposed to be. It's been 11 years now and it's been a struggle but five years prior to that I had no peace and I had almost lost my soul.
Stephanie Rios
How sad Rae said why she left "because her 4 year old tried to kill herself "
Patty Walker
I stayed because in the 1970s it wasn't a crime. There was no where to go for help. I believed him when he said he would kill me. I stayed to save my life. Beatings were fierce but not often.
Richard A. Davis Sr.
The weak stay. The strong leave.
Alejandra Curry
Bullshit!!! Once a abuser always an abuser!
Veronica Orea
Been there ..... & it always happens AGIAN! Until you GET OUT!
Soraya Scheibel
I stayed cause I thought I could no better. I left cause I liked myself
Ana Luisa Paniagua Anzore
I think it happens more than any if us can imagine. I spoke to my now friend that helps me with my house one day. She lived through hell on earth with her ex-husband. She got away. She said she wished she had been treated as well as a dog would be treated (an American dog, not a Mexican dog)
Carol Dodd Marin
My mother didn't leave and she paid for it. She died.....
Susan Swafford
Nobody needs to be hit in the face or treated like an enemy. Self-Defense has to be learned with the discipline to be controlled.
Awesome story. Let's hope it helps someone to leave
Kimberly Dinwiddie
This is depressing... Hope some will take heed of this... I know when married- this is not included in the vows, good/bad/sickness/health and am sure if a pastor says stay and work it out- he either doesn't know the whole story or is out right crazy!!!!
Melissa Abalos Nichols
It's so sad because I'm in a contact sport and I always have scratches and bruises. I broke my big toe a couple of weeks ago and I chuckled when the nurse asked if I felt safe at home. It didn't even occur to me that they believed I might be in a domestic violence situation.
Mary Alred
Sorry this happened but glad it finally brought a light to domestic violence. Rice needs serious help and regardless if they were both drunk and she hit him, please, you do not hit a woman. I hope this helps this cause and many will see by this tragedy that it is not right to stay. Thanks Frank!
Grace Pearls
Right here on FB are many Hidden Groups where thousands of women give full horror stories, blow by blow as they cry out for help N "Real Time". Its really devasting, the cycle of abuse.
Greg Saechao
Every couple knows why he/She gets mad.
Michelle Hayes
Powerful and heartbreaking. I am thankful that I am extremely independent but understand that so many women feel trapped and are not empowered. I hope these comments and discussions help these women to stand up for themselves.
Lily Bolanos
It's great when the woman gets out of the abusive relationship or should I say an abusive heart ship ! Then when she leaves he goes after her and then the police politics kick in! Take pictures and u can run especially if u have a child! Don't marry an alcoholic or drug user
Daniela M. Estrada
I'm blessed to not be tortured like many woman and I'm making sure I'm raising boys that will respect woman, and that will not tolerate even seeing abuse towards any woman. I'm raising my kids so that their wife is proud to introduce them as their loving husband/ best friend. There's plenty of people out there that are willing to help.....don't stay in an abusive relayionship. Do it for YOU!!!
Trina Zamora
Did anyone else see how at the beginning of video HE SPIT ON HER! Then does it a 2ND TIME again on elevator and thats when she goes for him.
Liz Sanchez
Sooooo many people are victim blaming it makes me sick!!!
Hervie Gisèle
I also left when blackmailed me with suicide ( "if you leave, i kill myself") it did not made me stay but run away .... I also left because he started to be abusive with my oldest one.... She no longer wanta to see him
Oh my gosh .say no to domestic violence
ReplyDeleteToo long so also is the letters of V I O L E N C E
ReplyDeleteStella kilode with the long episode?
ReplyDeleteCouldn't read half way as it's not edifying!
I really tried to read all, yes i did! Will be back to read all from peeps comment pls.
ReplyDeleteEven my Bsc Project took the Grace of God for me to read all.....#StretchesNeck+WalksAway!
*Prayer For Nigeria in Distress x10 Daily*
I can't even imagine what some women go through because even places like the US and UK where there is help, women still find it hard to leave an abusive partner not to talk of developing countries like Nigeria. I pray God gives anyone going through some form of abuse the strength to walk away before its too late...may God help us women, we bare it all and they still call us the weaker sex..kmt...
Delete*am out*
ok this is really shocking...geez
ReplyDeletevisit my blog
Another son of a whore. It starts from the home, Parents especially the mothers should train their children well.
ReplyDeleteI am not an advocate of divorce but when it comes to domestic violence,I bend that rule... Speaking of domestic violence,you wouldn't know what these victims go thru.. Most of them want to live but stay cos of their kids,thinking he would change and not having a place to go. My neighbour was one of such. She didn't have where to go to since her parent made it clear to her,she had no job but when she had had enough,she reached out to me and I am glad I helped... She's so much happy now.. She and her husband are going thru divorce,she has the best lawyers attending to her. The man signed an agreement letter that if anything should happen to her,he would be held responsible because the man was threathning fire and brim stone until he was arrested. You need to see my neighbours back,she has burns all over,from hot pressing iron,to fire,to marks of wipes and so much more.. So many scares on her that she didn't show anyone until the case got serious... All these marks and scared didn't make it easy for her soon to he ex.. She narrated her story and even the lawyer cried.. That's how bad her situation was but thank God for the change... We made sure we got her a badass lawyer and I am so glad I did that.. The man also signed and agreement letter that nothing must happen to me and my family... She's now leaving apart from her hubby some where else and is going to start her business soon as everything has been setup for her.. We just waiting on some things... This girl has gone thru a lot and it ,Ade her take that hard decision she took. We all thought she was going to change her mind and go back to him after some weeks but it been months and she's not even comsidering. She has been rehabilitated,her self esteem has returned and she now feels good about herself
ReplyDeletePlease if someone reaches out to you,find a way to help. They are doing that because that's their last option... They wouldn't ask form your help if they had options.. I didn't want to help but after considering the whole thing,I did and I am glad I gave her a reason to smile... you finally did it! i remember u spoke abt this last year....Welldone Qutie...
DeleteOk, lesson learnt, but just too long 2 read every.
ReplyDeleteLord Jesus! These people need divine intervention. I believe its some sort of illness
ReplyDeleteDeep sh!t. Damn!!! But why do the people we trust to protect us now the ones who hurt us? *smh* honestly,
DeleteWith all this stories,Sometimes I ve phobia for marriage!
#Hot Ice
Na wa oo
ReplyDeleteUp till this moment, Janay is still defending Rice. That's consistent with victims of domestic abuse. It's probably for the money in her own case.
ReplyDeleteVictims that choose to stay, especially the ones with kids, are selfish people. If they thought of their kids, they would pack up and leave.
Studies have shown that children brought up in such violent homes are likely to become abusers when they grow up too. And so the cycle continues.
Imagine a 4 year old trying to commit suicide because she's had enough of her parents' shenanigans.
Oh you read that comment from Rae about the 4yrs old?? Omg!
DeleteSome stayed with their abusers for over
The one that wakes up sometimes with a shot gun pointed to her face gave me goosies!
@Qutie..may God bless you richly for that...bbmhugsssss
Whattt?????? Did any 1 read ds.pls summarise for eyes wld b too stressed reading all of these evn my hands are tired frm scrolling down to d end.i cld only read d heading and d first two paragraphs
ReplyDeleteThe weak are meat...
ReplyDeleteThe strong do eat...
Na wa o!!! Only God can salvage this situation. I can't stand a slap from a man not to talk of beating. I just don't know what to say. Maybe when am married I can understand better.
ReplyDeleteMost ladies experiencing dosmestic violence in their marriage saw the signs during courtship but turned a blind eye 2 my pastor wld say"anything you experience during relationship wld be amplified in marriage so if you know you can't take it or it irritates you during courtship, get out nd don't continue"
ReplyDeleteWhy I stayed: I didn't stay. He kept picking my locks and I always found him in my room at odd hours of the day. Obsessed moron!
ReplyDeleteWhy I left: I got tired of fighting, I got tired of physically defending myself. I got tired of looking at the hopeless psycho who was dying of obsession.
I couldn't read all,just the few I read made me sad.I can relate with some cos my mum and siblings are still being verbally,emotionally and financially abuse by. My dad
ReplyDeleteWhen you read posts like this, you would think it's a tale from the moon if you haven't witnessed it. I tell you, the emotional trauma is better imagined than felt. It is even worse when the domestic violence is between two sisters. My Aunt and my Mum both lives in my fathers house. Mum gave birth to me outside wedlock, so we all stay in the same house with my Aunt! My Aunt abuses my Mum so much, and continued threatening she would hack her to pieces with a cutlass. She brags about it to anybody that cares to listen. She actually picked a matchet once and chased my mum all over the house with it. People gathered and pleaded with her to leave my Mum, but she insisted my Mum n I must leave the house for her, because we had no place in it. She locked my Mum out off the house, so my mum spent the night outside the house! You dare not talk when my Aunt is talking, she will kill you. She has threatened to do it many times, and she has a mind that could kill. What hasn't she done in the house, she once broke a bottle and swore my mum either live the house or she would be dead. My Mum locked herself in all evening, that was her saving grace. People tell her to leave the house, leave the house, but where 'll she go. She has no other place or anybody to run to. It is a bad world we live in. I salute the courage of those that left because nothing is worse than an emotional abuse, I'm a living example of it.
ReplyDeleteWow! This many people facing domestic abuse?! Sad
ReplyDeleteInteresting how Ray Rice organized anti-bullying campaigns yet he was doing worse to his fiancée / wife. Sometimes it's the least expected people that are involved in DV. Every woman needs to take a stand for herself. Life has got no duplicate.
ReplyDeleteMost women are into abusive relationship yet they don't want to leave bcos the society frowns at divorce, but when u eventually die, the same society will come dragging for food and drink in ur burial.
ReplyDeleteMost women are into abusive relationship yet they don't want to leave bcos the society frowns at divorce, but when u eventually die, the same society will come dragging for food and drink in ur burial.
I spoke to my now friend that helps me with my house one day. She lived through hell on earth with her ex-husband. She got away. She said she wished she had been treated as well as a dog would be treated (an American dog, not a Mexican dog)
ReplyDeleteMy mother didn't leave and she paid for it. She died.....
I stayed because I believed I was the horrible, stupid and ugly person he said I was. I'd wake up after he had a night of Bacardi with either a gun pointed at my head or that second before his fist landed its mark. I'd have to sit and eat nothing while he dined on delicious meals I lovingly prepared for him.
I left because I was tired of being afraid. Tired of feeling ugly. Tired of being weak.
These lines got me,and many more.
Pls mothers let's try and raise our sons to be better men in life.
All the pampering and sparing the rods does more harm to the society.
Hmmm father Jehova,pls give me the near perfect guy for a husband, someone that will guard me jealously and treat me as the trophy wife
I experienced abuse once and I made sure the policemen had a feel of their Barton on him, paid his way out of cell and fixed all my damaged gadgets.
Next time?,there will be no next time.
I wish Nigeria had a strong better platform and judgment for dv.
This is making marriage scary for me o!
ReplyDeleteThe bv with the story of a lazy and irresponsible hubby... I think its safe to say you are in an abusive marriage! Stop footing the bills and see if its true or not! He has not abused you physically yet cos you foot the bills!
You need to the watch the movie 'UNFORGIVABLE'
*deep sigh*
ReplyDeleteThis is so heart breaking and emotionally draining.
I feel so weak and speechless after reading through these comments.
Some people are really suffering in their marriage.
I now realise how blessed I am....
Hmmm,see what people have to pass through all in the name of marriage, God forbid!!! I better remain single
ReplyDeletewomen pls give una sef brain
ReplyDeletethis is what happens when u chase money, good lopks and good dick instead of character
u get ya ass beat
I'm afraid of abuse I lost my job and I'm now dependant on my husband it gets hard sometimes I have to ask for everything sometimes I just keep quiet no matter how bad I want something because when we have an argument guess what's gonna pop up, now I only ask for the essentials house keeping food money etc. I want to be independent be scouting for a job, I can't even afford to learn a handiwork no money. I'm just tired. I know if I start working certain things will change he was such a better person when I was working and contributing he's still a good person just the pressure is too much on him. I just want to do anything to earn money legally I'm pregnant, that makes me scared when the baby comes if he will become worse now he's just at the stage of words and body language I don't want it to go beyond that. I'm scared, tired, dependent.
ReplyDeleteMove closer to God. Keep having faith and believe in urself.
DeleteStop making excuses for him... It is his responsibility to take care of his wife.... If u are trying all u can to get a job and do something and he is still acting nasty then he is not a good man.... Y should u be scared of a Man U married? That is not marriage my dear..... Keep trying and just be patient but sit him down and tell him how u feel....
DeleteHeartbreaking... #sobs#
ReplyDeleteThe truth is...just leave a man that hits you except if he changes and they rarely do.
Take your time but leave. your life is more important than any relationship
You will love again.
Couldn't go thru all d comments tho', but...
ReplyDelete....DV's real everyone! And dat Tracy Thurman's case? Omg can't deal men!
U guys need to watch it, a real eye opener for anyone doubting or going thru DV.
It's just ego mixed with small curry of foolishness dah makes men beat their wives,a woman dah insult or nag and make her husband mad, knows he can beat the hell out of her....buh she feels secured cus she feel her husband loves her not to do so,,*and the so called husband wud just jump on hs wife without thinking....tryin to prove a point dah his wife already knows dah he's the head of the house...
ReplyDeleteIt's just ego mixed with small curry of foolishness dah make men beat their wives,a woman dah insult or nag and make her husband mad, knows he can beat the hell out of her....buh she feels secured cus she feel her husband loves her not to do so,,*and the so called husband wud just jump on hs wife without thinking....tryin to prove a point dah his wife already knows dah he's the head of the house...
ReplyDeleteTraumatized women who found the courage to get out.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers to those still looking for a way out.
ReplyDeleteDis is Sad!
Why would someone hit someone u claim u love ...ur partner?!
Seriously if my sisters husband beat her that man go die o.....
Thank you Ed DREAMZ!!!! For once I'm not cringing at your comment!! I can't imagine any foolish man thinking of laying a finger on either me or my sister. Between my brother and my dad... I pity da foo' Mr. T says.
DeleteAnd when u leave someone you love because of a slap or a punch where would yoou go to, cos am lost and wish I had stayed, the devil you know is better,cos I hv bn searching for the angel over a year nw, never again would I leave a home I hv worked so hard to build for someone else to to cm and enjoy.
ReplyDeleteWhat rubbish are u saying? The devil u know indeed. U sound like u have low self esteem and u will soon land in the hands of another abuser. Just one year and u are frustrated u have no relationship. I pity you.... Value urself and engage yourself positively... No man deserves to slap you... Am sure if u stayed longer worse things would have started happening. Stop that rubbish mentality I he devil u know cos it's typical victim mentality
ReplyDeleteHmmm!!! Stories are so touching. Thank God for my life. I have been married over 10yrs, I have never for once experienced verbal or physical DV, despite d fact that my hubby provides 90% of our monthly budget. A thorough bred, very gentle, caring n accommodating. A man always there for his family, as a family his wife(me) n child comes first. He is a man full of wisdom, hardly gets angry, even if he gets angry @something, he is calm d next minute after channelling his grievances. He doesn't complain or raise his voice unnecessarily on our child, he only does that when it is absolutely necessary, which could be once a year. Oh, I thank God for my husband, my money is mine, his own money is ours, yet he has never complained for once. I cry as I write this, cos I wonder why all men can't be like this my loving hubby. A man that finds time during weekends when he is not working to cook for d family, takes care of chores most weekends n has never for one day lost his respect as d head of d home. I guess we are happy n never really quarrel because I respect him n appreciate all that he is doing, n I know he is happy to do more cos I make him know that I am grateful. My husband is well built, tall, clothes sits well on his frame, a hard worker when it comes to his job, a very nice man, well brought up. I'm always happy to see his mum, she did a very good job on her children, all four of them. I'm happy, so very happy. God bless u hun. To women out their going through DV, I only wish ur husbands is as wise as mine, but unfortunately they are not. My prayer n wish for u is that they change to be a better men, but should incase u decide to take a walk out of that marriage, May God give u d strength to live better and enviable lives with them. God bless u all.
ReplyDelete*without them*
DeleteOh woman you got me smiling! I know what you mean..We are not as old as you guys in marriage tho,but it's been wonderful. if you can do positive is possible...God bless you...make I go hug hubby hubs!
Delete*without them*
ReplyDeleteHow do you get to leave a man u've spent 32yrs with?... Like where do you start from, now in your fifties... That's my mum's situation. Being in an abusive relationship is not easy and sometimes its really difficult to get out...*sighs*
ReplyDeleteSo your mum wants to die there? Can't u people rent a house co her to live alone? Must she still be a mrs? Did she never have a job? Must u have a man in your life? So she wants to die without experiencing true happiness in life? U kids should get her a house and get her out of her misery..... Let her be free and enjoy life for once, God will not ask for her marriage certificate in heaven
DeleteAnon you will not understand..she is so used to the abuse that it has become a part of see the wrinkles and sad smile and you know she's had a hard life courtesy of the husband! If alcohol is involved is even worse
Delete@Iphie dearie u ppl shud gt ur mum out of dat house asap! Am sure u hv capable siblings. Let him drown in loneliness in his old age. If old age cnt change his abusive nature then he cn never ever change my dear.
ReplyDelete* tasha barbie *
Some women are so quick to tell u that,my pastor says,God hates devorce.But they won't tell u that my pastor warned me not to marry the man but I refused and went ahead to marry him becos I loved him.Some women know that their boyfriends are violent but they will still go ahead and marry their violent boyfriends.
ReplyDeletePeople re really goin through a lot so touching mehn..
ReplyDeleteDomestic violence is a no no,God help us
ReplyDeleteD day my husband tried dat his slapping on my face, oh God I gave him d slapping of his life, he even got the stitches on his chest and hand, since then e don respect his self, almost 1yr ago.
ReplyDeleteIn as much as things work by the grace of God, the family have a bigger role to play in terms of domestic violence education. Mothers need to train their sons on morals. Ladies must avoid men that violates them. Yes God hates divorce, so does he hate violence and abuse. We also must learn to seek the face of God before marriage and avoid pleasing the society at our own detriment.
ReplyDeleteStories that touches the hearts,may God make a way and heal everyone that has been or still in an abusive marriage.