Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narratives

Ever had to deal with the love of your life that got away?..You lose them and get your life back on track and then they come back and the feelings all come back......This is the chronicle of narratives....

Send your true life stories and we will give you our piece of mind....hey,we even cuss you out free of charge!



I am a lady, will be 30yrs old soon, shuttle between US/Canada where I work, based mostly in Canada and have a 19months old son.
I met my hubby 4yrs ago, we dated for a year and half, mostly he was in the UK while I was in Nigeria as at then. Before meeting my current hubby I was dating a Nigerian billionaire who I met when I was 19 and just finished University, He was divorced and young too(he is into real estate and 30 when I met him). 

We dated for 7yrs and we were so in love, but he cheated on me so much I just couldn’t take it anymore and broke up with him. He purposed marriage to me 4yrs after we met and my heart skipped with fear when I saw the ring, cause I knew the strings of women he has and I was the main chick, I couldn’t even trust any friend as he sleeps with them almost after I introduce him to them. 

When I saw I had to either take it or leave it, I left it(main while I was working with  a company I was being paid 40k all through dating him, I wanted my own money even though my car was more expensive than my immediate boss’s car courtesy my bf and later fiancé). Six months after the breakup I met my current hubby, he was working at old people’s home in the UK but very educated, my friends said what a downgrade from my ex but I had seen it all with my ex to know that money isn’t happiness and crying inside a range rover doesn’t bring you peace of mind, he later relocated to the US shortly after meeting him and got a good job, I joined him shortly after and  did my masters, came out top of my class and got a job in an oil company almost immediately, we got married and settled into our lives.

The trouble for me started last year when I met my ex on a flight from Houston to Amsterdam, we exchanged contact and started talking again, since then I don’t get sexually aroused when hubby touches me, it has become so bad of late I cringe(with irritation)  whenever he touches me.
The ex has been pressuring me for  a comeback, he is married but told his wife that the day I decide to come back ends her marriage to him. The wife even called me to plead with me  not to come as she loves him. I asked him if he has changed he said yes that when he lost me he had to “slow down”.

My question is how do I make me want my hubby again? My hubby has never cheated on me, I have all his passwords and can be with his phone for days. He is a nice man and has told me of late he feels like am slipping away and I should tell him how to win me back. What can I do to save my marriage? We haven’t had sex in 2 months, he has begged and begged and I just can’t do it. I crave for my ex.

*Are you a learner?CUT OFF COMMUNICATION WITH THE EX ASAP....I know it might not be easy but please do are about to leave your contentment zone looking for roses and you know what happens to a bunch of roses after a while?

Your ex is like a flash in a saucepan!.
The final decision lies with you anyways.




I am a sickle cell patient with blood group O Negative, kind of happily married (every one has one marital problem or another), with three lovely children and my hubby is AA and O positive , you can imagine the contrast! Thank God for God and modern medicine. When I was young I passed through hell as par pains but my parents were always there for me and carried me like an egg, when I was having crisis I would watch my father crying along with me although he always tried to hide it! 

My mother was the stronger one in things like that. There was even a time I was so anaemic that I had to be given blood, that was when they found out I was O- my parents were both O+ so no one could donate for me. The doctors and nurses were like, "this one is SS and O- you sure say she go marry at all and everyone laughed."

I had always told God from when I was young that I wanted to marry young and have 3 kids, the way I met my hubby was kind of funny and he had seen me having crisis a few times before we started‎ dating. While we were dating he took me to the hospital several times etc, after everything he still insisted on marrying me. His parents tried to dissuade him but he insisted, even my parents weren't too happy about me getting married cos they didn't want me to pass through hell as par pregnancy! 

All his friends said I used juju on him etc, but after everything we got married. During my pregnancies my hubby was always there for me, he slept in the hospital with me and when I needed a transfusion he ran round from one hospital to another trying to get O- blood cos it's really rare, he was even the one that made sure I took rhogam injection after each pregnancy to counter the rhesus factor wahala! Even his family used to do prayers for me during my pregnancies and even now, they are always calling to check on me, if you see me and his mum playing you would think I'm her last born cos she calls me her baby!

We have our ups and downs, and our fights sometimes are really crazy and intense (cos he does a lot of silly and annoying things in the name of love and jealously but after everything I know that he really loves me and the kids.

Sorry for the long epistle but I just wanted to pass my point across that there's nothing God can't do. Have a blessed day everyone and God bless.

*Wow is this what female sicklers go through?
Thank you for sharing your story.I am sure it will motivate someone going through this phase.


  1. Replies
    1. #N1 cut all ties/contact with him. Take your mind back to wen u met your hubby and d 1st time u guys made luv. Do these and reminisce on d times u guys have been 2geda and d tins/places u'v done/been 2geda. Dis shuld help

    2. First narrator. Here is one tipper of sharp sand. Kindly pour it into your garri. Well, to be honest. Only people who don't really digest matters would heap insult on you. NNE, tell ur husband that u need to be fucked thoroughly. Thank God una dey USA. There are billions if sex therapists . ur current hubby loves u ooh. Don't misuse or rough handle him. Just sit him down and discuss ur needs. God help u

    3. At the first poster, I hardly comment on this blog but in ur case I have to. Please I beg you, I feel it strong in my spirit to tell you this. Do not I repeat do not leave your husband. Ur ex like Stella said is just a distraction, if u allow urself get carried away, u will regret it. This will not be easy but help urself. Cut off all contacts from him or stop picking his call. Face ur marriage and try to bring back the spice in it. Ur hubby loves u. Do not use ur hands to throw away ur jewel bcos of a man that looks like a jewel. A man that could tell his wife to his face that his marriage is over if u come back is kinda mean. And might do that to you when the butterflies are no longer there. Do not allow the devil steal ur joy bcos of the temporary happiness u feel now with ur ex. Joy is everlasting. Hapiness is temporary. I've said my bit. I pray I really pray you listen. I feel I can speak to u. I feel this thing so strong. Please face ur hubby. Stop pickin ur ex's call. U can delete his no, don't pick his call cos d more u pick, d more difficult it will be for u to say no to him. Do this and with time, u will start gettin back ur feelings for ur hubby.

    4. N2: thank God for your life, He indeed makes a way where there is no way. I'm happy for you.

      N1: go and watch the Tyler Perry's Movie "Temptation: Confessions of a marriage counsellor" that's gonna be the story of your life. I once craved my ex after I got married so much infact I day dreamed about him, one night I slept and God gave me a vision in form of a dream, I divorced my husband and married my ex, and I regretted deeply truly regretted the kind of regret I felt I can't explain, I woke up looked at my hubby, thanked God and never thought of my ex again. Girlie don't be stupid.

    5. First commenter, I sincerely understand u cos I am going through thesame thing. Unfortunately mine is for a girl.

      We went to boarding school and she used to be my choco*(unity schs hv names for it). We were so inlove but never kissed or did anything; courtesy of me that was so disciplined. Buh we always made crazy promises to each other can't evn remember again. Fastforward years later, we are grown, Buh the feelings is still there. We both have boyfriends but we jst love ourselves. I avoid her like a plague cos i'm deeply inlove with my boyfriend, but I can't get her off my mind. Whenver, I have a quarell with my boyfriend, I think of her. Don't ever want to see her again, because God knows my strength will fail me. I don't think I can resist it.

      The best thing for me is the way I avoid her. I know people will say it's spiritual, wetin concern me? I hv told several pastors and one suggested we meet and break our promises. But that one will be hard o because we will just go there and start kissing and forget spiritual matter. I just leave the whole thing to God. So pls avoid him! He will mess your life. Don't want to see my girl at all because I have no future with her, why use few seconds of joy to destroy my life?

    6. Bv1: word of advice,a leopard never looses it's spot.
      Bv2:may your joy be permanent.

    7. Poster one, you are just a dreamer! How is you come here, tell us u have a masters, an awesome job, a billionaire ex and you make all these grammatical errors, like SERIOUSLY!!! You can't spell "meanwhile"? Are u an isoko girl? Lol, Abeg go back to sleep and continue dreaming. Come back here when u get to the part where karma slaps you twice across your cheeks! Mtchew!! No be only chicks, chicken nko! Abi na fowl!!! Chics abeg!

    8. First Bv narrative. My dear u seem like a 'user', mildly put and no offence. You carried on ur love with present hubby because u thought that u would never see nor come in contact with ur ex again. But alas!!!!

      Meanwhile u said it was u that earlier quit the relationship? What has changed?
      Now u shrug hubby off because ur ex LIED to u that he has changed? NO he hasn't changed o, cos if he has, he would NEVER want to cheat with u his ex on his present wife, nor would he ever think of being with any other woman as a side Chick.

      He said that he would dump his wife for u? And he also said it to her face and she called to beg u? Madame that one na lie. U added that bit to justify why u are needed by him. If he ever told u that, that is indeed another fallacy and ur own wishful thinking. So u qualify for 'yinmu' on this aspect.

      My dear, he hasn't changed. If u go back to him, after a while he'll want his ex wife back again just as he wanted u. So u see, ask God to forgive u and love that ur husband if u do not want God to punish u for giving an undeserving You a caring and a loving husband.
      Cos trust me, the kindness and the sheer love he has for u will query ur destiny, and can even make his God angry at u for using and dumping him. My 2cent.

    9. Thanks sis eko, you took the words out of my mouth. First bv, just be ready to be used and dumped, because that bf of yours is out to use you and dump you. Don't forget you dumped him the first time, so he might be out for a revenge. Thank God for your husband and meet a therapist ASAP

  2. @narrative No 1
    Please ma'am! Stop creating unnecessary problems for yourself, you are married stay with your husband and be happy in your marriage. Cut communications from this new guy and don't be the source of break-up for another marriage. He is a married man now, just let him be and stop lusting after him. If you don't, at the long run Na u go enter one chance. Ur case go forward go voice mail.

    Your comment will be visible after approval

    1. BLOG ANALYSER: narrative 1, pls dear concentrate on ur marriage. Work on ur mind, ur husband is a great man don't do what u will regret. Seek God and those things in your ex will nolonger be of value to u. God bless u. 2nd narrative, God is faithful I am so happy for u. God will continue to bless and uplift u.

  3. @send poster, may God bless you and yours, may He continue to keep you in good health, Amen!
    @1st poster, you're just a very silly person. And I have absolutely no words of advice for you but I do hope you cheat on your husband with your ashawo ex and I hope your husband finds out and leaves your sorry ass cz he's obviously too good for you. Peeps be praying for what you have and you're there getting ready to throw it all away. Clap for yourself!

    1. You just had to insult her. Has she cheated? She's seeking advice and solution so she doesn't cheat and u are here heaping insults on her. I hope you don't ever make any mistake in ur life cos I've insulted u in advance

    2. GBAM! Her narrative so irritates me! Lusting after your ex and his wife calling to beg you not to come back in his life and you are feeling like what? Are you thinking about your children?
      Your husband touch irritates you now?mschew!

    3. #1: Darling, forbidden love has a strange appeal and a very strong force, almost like a compulsion. It makes your heart beat faster and all your senses become heightened but, you must fight it with every power you can muster. You are now married to a man who practically worships you(most women will sell their souls to get that) plus you have a baby. From all accounts your life is stable, why rock the boat now? As for the call his "wife" made to you, how are you sure that was really his wife? It could as well be his PA or some other random chic. You really think he'll dump his wife for you? Really? If his love for you were that solid, he wouldn't have let you go in the 1st place. Please cut off all ties with your ex and concentrate on your marriage. As a woman, it's easier to fall in love with a man who adores you as long as you shut all distractions out. Please let your ex remain an EX, chances are he might just want that tempting "sex with the ex" thingy and move on to the next chic leaving you feeling like a wet rat. As for cringing to your hubby's touch, it's because your mind is playing tricks on you. You desire your ex so badly that you are beginning to detest your hubby. The feelings will return when you work on your marriage and kick the ex to the curb where he belongs.

    4. #2: My darling, I rejoice with you and I thank God for your life. Thank you for sharing, I'm sure a lot of people with similar experiences will be inspired to keep hope alive and keep trusting God. May your blessings be permanent and I wish you and yours the very best. #e-bearhugs.

  4. @the lady that is refusing sex for the husband because she has a feeling for her Ex, I beg you in the name of God, please stop communicating with your ex, he is a goldiger, he didn't mearnt well for you, pls run and save your marriage before you push your husband out for another woman, Think like a mature woman, are you a fool?

    1. What is the causer of" he didn't mearnt well"? O ga oo

      @Iya Ibeji lati Paris welcome back, on top say ur own Iya ibeji na international one, Iya ibeji in diaspora e no do u? U still dey struggle name with Iya ibeji ni naija, abeg siddon on top eiffel towers, tie ur legs together and pretend you no see me o... hehehehe

    2. And how does poster 1 even confirm that the woman that called her and begger her not to come back is the ex's wife? How is she sure that it was not an arrangee the ex did to make it look as if wat he told her about taking her back once she accepts is true? How come the ex's wife didn't call the poster's husband to tell him so dat he can talk to the wife cos some women will definitely do that to secure their marriage. Poster 1 had better wake up from her fantasy world and not ruin her life.

    3. Why are you peeps begging her and bringing the name of God in it? Leave her to pursue penis and destroy another woman's home! Women like you piss me off!

    4. You could av chosen another name since you knew this was taken! International or not! Dont let us confuse people! Your name is ur identity hence my struggle! Eshey!

  5. Lady of 30 shuttling between US/Canada,shebi u see how women are,they never like the calm men always chasing after the bad boys then after una go com worry person ear with Stella dis stella dat!!!! U can be there tickling yourself and laughing,his wife called u so Ua feeling like tuface abi???hold your ear and listen,if he wanted u so much he would have changed and married u!!!
    If he wanted u so much he wouldn't have married another woman!!!
    U see what his wife is going through,u have been there and bcos of money she can't leave and is begging u not to come back,don't listen to Stella oooo pls leave ur good husband and go back nnugo???
    If u think jazz no get Bluetooth don't deceive ur self,ur car go hand like the one for Benin very soon!!!

  6. @blog visitor 1 ,I just pity u...u know why cus ure about to exchange an ipad phone husband with nokia touchlight one...wishing u luck in ur adventure....I'd definitely come visit u in the hospital when ur cardiac arrest starts with d ex u abt to move in with.
    @blog vistor such a sweet story I think I now want to marry a woman dah wud make me run around, I haven't done dah in a while...where canI find such a bride....pls she must nt have HIV oooo cnt run around 4 dah.

    1. Ipad phone? Lmao! Kevin has murdered me.

  7. N1, your greatest mistake will be going back to your ex. Why would you leave your husband that adores you for someone you can't really vouch for? N2, thank God for your life and family. It is well!

  8. Hello Stella, God bless your handwork, am addicted to your Blog.
    well done!!!

  9. Hello married poster, i want you to understand that success and happiness is a magnet for unhappy exes. When a guy sees his ex girlfriend is doing very well without him financially or is happy with another man in her life they try to come back to piss all over it. And if you are not a strong woman, you would be caught up in that web of stupidity. Don't cast your pearls to a pig, a man that worships the ground you walk on beats any millionaire any day anytime. Please and please cut him off!!!! no calls, text msg, social media an try to appreciate what you have. The fact that he is willing to leave his wife at the blink of an eye shows that he hasn't really changed, he is still very irresponsible. He wants to cheat on his wife with you, that doesn't mean you're special to him it just means he is still a cheat.

  10. #N1, i'm sorry please I have to call you stupid. You are one of the reasons people say 'women don't know what they want'. Please leave your hubby, reconcile with your ex, marry him and send us your sob story in a few months. Thanks and God punish you. Mumu! I'm sorry I'm so pissed! I won't insult again.

    #N2. Thank God for your life, Jesus sure loves you. Shout out to your hubby, may God keep him safe, sound and healthy always for you. Grow old together and continue to be a source of hope to other SS people.

    1. You know y I ruff you, u say my mind 70 percent of the times u comment. My only advise to N1 is to go back and read d Ini Edo post, as well as that of Josh and his cheating wife. Maybe na for plane your husband go catch you...mtcheew. N2; I'm so happy to know you are happy. God will continue to bless and keep u and your family. Amen.

    2. Thumbs up Jayem!

    3. La effizy....xoxo

  11. N 1. Madam you are a thief. His wife is begging you not to come back? She should let you come back so she can teach you a lesson you will forever remember. RUBBISH!..He opened his stinking mouth and told his wife if you come back that will be the end of the marriage..Kai! Some women done suffer!

    1. How are u sure d woman dat called u is his wife? Hmmmm......don't be deceived such men are correct player they all they can to get their target. Don't trade ur diamond for stone. Fleeeeeeeee

    2. No be small suffer! And her head is swelling with yanga! Mschew! She never jam strong werey woman!

  12. Poster No 1, something is definitely wrong with you. why do u want to throw away the one thing many women crave for...a faithful and loving hubby?? biko like Stella sed, cut off communications with ur ex, am sure d less u talk to or hear from him, the less you'll think about him. Save ur marriage ASAP!!!!

  13. wow, thank God he gave you a loving husband...May God keep blessing your home

  14. @ poster number 1 ------------ the grass may be green on the other side, but the water bill is more ..... all that glitters is not gold ...cut of all communications .... and give time time u'll forget mr ex

  15. @1st Poster: You're simply covetous. When u that are apparently well-to-do are this way, what should we do. Be contented with ur man.
    @2nd Poster: Wow! I'm so pleased. May God continue to bless ur home. Ur husband is a rare gem.Ensure u don't misbehave o. How i wish my MIL & i were buddies too...

  16. Are you not the silly woman that commented on one post that you want to cheat on your husband with your rich ex.
    He cheated on you while you were together.
    He told you he has changed yet
    he wants to cheat on his wife with you.
    Stop being so shallow minded?
    Better stick to your husband,even if your husband cheats tomorrow(because i know you are looking for reasons to leave), stick with your husband.
    Your EX will play with you and dump you.

    Poster 2...isn't my God a wonderful person? Just when you think you have all the baggage in the whole world...he will send someone to love you the way you are.
    God is awesome.


    1. You only passed through skool walahi you didn't allow skool pass thru u cos if it had, you would have deduced that someone that is ready to cheat on his wife would def leave you when he has finished ducking you like orange, chew the flesh and even use the skin for popes cap.
      A word is enough for the wise
      !!omu Iya dun!!

    2. LMAO @ Pope's cap! That's a new one.

  17. Dear Mrs craving for ex. Having been in your situation before I totally understand how you feel. However kindly digest the following questions and thoughts.
    1) no grass is greener on the other side. You are married and your ex is also married. A lot of women crave for what you have( a good, faithful husband who is begging to be taught how not to lose you).
    2) what I hear you say is that you are craving for your ex. This sounds more like you are craving more for his body than his love.
    3) have you really thought of the effect of losing both men? If you leave your husband to embark on this extra curricular activity, what if all that happened in the past repeats itself again?
    4) LUSTS fascinates then assassinates. Do take your time to weigh your options. A good woman builds her house but an unwise woman tears it down with her own hands.
    5) all the best in your decision making dearie. I sure do hope you decide to make your sex life work with your husband again. Format your memory with your ex and move on...

    1. Fascinates then assasinates! Love that, true talk

    2. Thank you merchant of romance. Tell her!

  18. Story 1
    See how you want to pour sand in your ijebu garri.
    You know better....
    Cut off and run far away from your ex.
    Except you just want to kill your own joy.
    I wonder why girls love very bad boys.

  19. first poster u are really not it oh. I know how it feels but u are married to a man who loves you nd has never cheated on you, so why would u even think of hurting him. ask yourself what he will feel if he finds out that its cos of another man that uve been rejecting him. mind urself nd Ur family biko. mshew
    2nd poster we thank God for you nd may joy never elude you and Ur family amen.

  20. the sickler story really touched. really theres nothing God cant do

  21. #1# please hook me up with ur hubby n go wit ur ur age,u still dey mumu dey go..I don't no y gud men end up wit bad women!! #2# so happy 4 u, u have a gud hubby...hold him tight cos his type are rare..POTABLE VIV

  22. First narrative,Stella has said it all...
    Cut off every contacts you have with him..
    Na wah ohh..
    Me I don't go back to my vomits..
    Once am done with you,no going back..

  23. Poster 1 if you like yourself better stick to the good man you have as they are hard to comeby. Before you start telling us story for the gods later because he will bever leave his present wife for you. He will use you then when he is satiated will leave and you will lose both the bird in hand and the one in the bush too. Give urself brain.

  24. Thank God for your life I have sickle cell too and by his grace would be clocking 50 next year , I married a good husband who has stood by me through thick and thin, he knows when am in pain and he takes very good care of me . But the bad aspect is that he is a babes man as he is fine , has a good job and some money , that is the only issue , so when I even report him to my family , they feel if that is the only matter I should remove my eyes , as they have seen how he has always been there , I travel any where , drive a good cars which he tries to change every other year , and makes life very comfortable for me , even my close friends say remove eye but really am not happy @ all .#Nigerdeltababe#

    1. Thank God for your life. Worry less. Keep talking to him and keep praying. No man is a saint. Happiness is a choice. Stay happy. All the best.

    2. Aunty. I join all your friends and family to scream...abeg comot eye. I'm single and struggling. With AA genotype and O+ blood group. Yet no guy. If u see my car, na only nail remain to use for the car. E don kpafuka, no one cares to replace it. Nne abeg comot eye ehh. Una wet get luck. Chai. Smh

    3. Lol @ Na only nail remain to use for my car, e Don kpafuka! LMAO....... I don die for here

    4. I'm going anonymous on this one. This is exactly what woke me up in tears this morning. I'm sickle cell too, O+. I'll be 25 next month and no boyfriend talkless of husband The pressure to get married is more on me than on my agemates b'cos of this childbirth issues. I'm fed up with everything. I have decided to just focus on being a better person, getting a good job and all. It's difficult but I know God is with me! I'm very happy for you #2 infact I'm jealous. Lol! God bless you and yours

    5. Lol at anon 3.06 u so sound like my mum @kpafuka

  25. I don't understand how you use both chronicle and narrative in the same sentence...SMDH

    1. Mr SMDH,you forgot the advice part na

    2. Its good to know that you realise your head is damned. Mtchew

    3. Am reading Mills and boon all over again

      Narrative 1.....better use ur brain

      Narrative 2....u re one lucky woman


    4. Narrative 1....better use your brain

      Narrative 2...u are one lucky woman

      Is like am reading Mills and boom all over again

      Emem Isong...better come here and read chronicles and gather ur script together


  26. Poster 1, I have nothing to say to you seriously, if you like go back to your ex that cheated on you like a horn dog when you were supposed to be the center of his world, mistcheewww!!! He has "changed" and he has the effontery to put his wife in misery because he met his ex that he cheated on through out all the 7yrs of their courtship and she left him for a man that has done nothing but treat her like a goddess, geez, he really changed,infact his change was such a 180 that his wife called his ex lover to PLEAD for the survival of her marriage.If you like go and fuck him after all your son is only 19mnths old, you can easily start over with your people should leave your spouses to marry those without ex lovers trailing their behinds and people who would love them equally.Youre asking us how to save your marriage, like we were the ones that gave him your contact on the plane.Continue starving your husband of his marital right, later you will send us another post about your husband sexting or collecting head from your colleague that came to visit or fucking one dirty girl in your area.Rubbish.Women, the cause of their own problems since 100BC
    Poster 2, thank God for your life, God is still the God of impossible and your are a living testimony and I pray your testimony would remain permanent in your life.

    1. Lady buchi hi....early 30s,never been married,no baby very single(as a matter of fact my gf just broke up with me dis morning) Goodlooks(not a head turner though), n well brought up,not d richest youngman u can find but there's room for improvement...if u'r down u can drop an email den we can exchange contacts...Cheers

    2. Lady Buchi chop knuckle! Don't mind her!

  27. Madam 30 yrs , karma is waiting for u to try that shit and u will regret it all ur life . I just don't know y ladies crave for bad boys but pray for good guys . Now I believe women truly have fish brains

  28. Chai poster num 1!!! *Run*run* and go buy the movie *Temptation*!!! Please don't be seduced by this Ex with the "good life"..please stick to your loving,boring wonderful husband that is willing to make things work!
    Don't you dare wreck that woman's home sister! We know you have already thought of what to do..but listen to the voice of reasoning...DO NOT leave your home to go chasing shadows!! If he had changed immediately you left him,he would have come back to you abi?
    Please spice up things with hubby,remember the things that attracted you to him in the first place,have date nights..go dancing....drink a lil wine....go away somewhere(money is not an issue here) reconnect! Seek therapy as a last resort!!! Forget that destroyer please..

    1. Iphie come and chop kisses please for this your comment

    2. Goodness..muah

      @stellastica!! Na me and you today..i dey on "luxuriating" biko nyem gist nwanne!!

    3. Yep @ Tyler Perry's Temptation will definately put her in perspective!

      *lips sealed and watching*

    4. @lphie God bless u for dis piece of advice hope she listen.

    5. Yep @ Tyler Perry's Temptation will definately put her in perspective!

      *lips sealed and watching*

    6. Great advice Iphie. 1 million likes.
      N1 please I beg you don't you fall for that home wrecker if an ex.
      What kind of man tells his wife that if his ex ever comes back he will dump her?
      He must be an arrogant and insensitive fellow!
      In fact I can assure you that he is very selfish, unrepentant and irresponsible.
      He wants to wreck another man's marriage because if his selfish desires.
      What you think you feel for him is definitely not love but lust and I bet you once you fall for him your life will never be the same again. It may be sweet at the beginning but later turn sour, that's for sure.
      He will also dump you when he gets over the euphoria of winning you back.
      Please don't allow the devil to ruin your life and marriage. You have already given the devil space in your heart that's why you are now repulsed by your dear hubby who has never wronged you. Put yourself in your hubby's shies for a minute. Can you see this your ex I about turning you into a selfish and insensitive human just like him?

      Please dear you need to control your emotions asap. You think you are no longer attracted to your husband because you are already falling gradually for you ex.
      The devil doesn't like seeing happy marriages that's why he has sent your ex to destroy your marriage. That's why he has put these unholy feelings in you. I beg you child of God, say no to the devil.
      Please cut all contact with that your ex. That is the first step. Then you need to get closer to God. Revive the feeling and love you have for your husband. You can do it if you really want to. Iphie has already given you some tips on how to do that.
      The Lord is your strength.

      N2, wow! I thank God for you my dear.

    7. Yes@poster 1, do watch Tyler Perry's Temptation, if u don't advice urself after watching it then u are a lost case.

    8. @Iphie,i always look forward to reading your comments as well as wide eye's.a thousand likes for this.

  29. Replies
    1. @poster 1, ur sob story is abt 2 start loading 4rm here onwards if u don't stop thinking with ur pu55y.

      *lips sealed and watching*

    2. @poster 1, ur sob story is abt 2 start loading 4rm here onwards if u don't stop thinking with ur pu55y.

      *lips sealed and watching*

  30. you dont understand why i choose to use 'chronicle' and 'narrative'. doesnt a chronicle narrate an experience?

    why are you looking for flaws in my English?did i tell you i was perfect?.this is my spot and if i choose to play with words without cracking your egg please let me be.
    Enjoy the story and thank you.

    It remains '' CHRONICLE OF BLOG VISITOR NARRATIVES' Please send you story,good or bad,we gat space!

    1. stella herself i know why i love this blog.

    2. Stellastic. One day I was insulted on this blog. I felt so bad throughout the day. From that day I started crusades to stop cyber bullying. But the truth is anonymity brings out the worst in people. I still fear writing comments for fear of insults but one day, I became Stella dimokoro as my mom calls u. Lol. That day was when dabota insulted u and u shook it off and continued ur blogging/homemaking. It touched me. Words are strong but they only have meaning if u give them meaning. I've been commenting like a deranged dragon ever since. I've been insulted like Kim k. But just like Stella, I laugh and either take several seats or offer my attacker a stadium full of barb wire wrapped seats

    3. Anonymous, you have time oh. Even if someone calls me all sorts of names to my face I wouldn't even blink! I'll only reply when I feel like not to talk of the internet when the person or persons don't even know me. Anonymous you get time oh! Hahahahahahaha!

  31. Second poster...please you are so happily married ooh not kind of...embrace happiness because you have a loving family...look at his jealousy as his own flaws..that man is a MAN,lol..God bless you!

  32. 1, old firewood no deh quench but you have to quench it yourself now now and now. 2, that is why HE is GOD. You are lucky and blessed to have such a man to call your husband. I pray healing, long life, and blessings to you. You shall live long to see your children's children and when the harvest of your labour is ripe you shall be alive hale and healthy to eat and enjoy it in Jesus name, Amen.

  33. #1. I pray God to bring bk d love between u and your husband. Am glad u knw how lucky and blessed you are to have such man for a husband. It's going to be hard for u to cut ur ex off for now but trust me, if u begin to cheat on or frustrate ur husband with ur ex, u will never be able to forgive urself. If u want to get out of dreamland without getting hurt, tell hubby abt ur situation (I hope he doesn't judge u) that way, u both can hold hands together and go Tru it. The more u contemplate abt the whole thing, the more u sink deeper and everything hubby does, will begin to irritate u. A bird in hand is worth... U knw d rest. Since u said it's not abt money, u shld stick to ur husband. If u truly loved ur ex, u wldnt hv rejected his proposal in the first place even if u knew his character. U rejected him once u can reject him again. Gudluck.

  34. FRANCES CHESCA SAYS- N2:- God bless you nd ur wonderful family. Am going to read ur testimony to my kid sisters, so dat dey will be encouraged.... Its not easy @ all.

  35. What i don't understand is how you have a masters degree,dated a Billionaire, live and work abroad and still can't spell "Propose".

    1. Lol! Is that all you were able to deduct from both stories?

    2. Best response ever!!!!!

    3. Tell me about it!

  36. Poster 2, thanks for sharing your story. You are a warrior. God bless.

  37. Poster#2
    I thank GOD for your life. Your story is inspiring and may you live to see your children children in Jesus name.

  38. Poster 1) I CAN SEE d devil is manipulating in your life thay hate happy home and do all things to destroy d happiness in dat home. ...Please take madam stellina advice and focus on ur marriage. ...I see u are about to destroy 2things (1), ur happiness and d one of d other wife. THINK WELL AND BE WISE

    poster2) am really happy for u may God bless u and ur hubby....atlist no b every time person go dey read bad news!

  39. #2 I thank God for ya life. Never lose hope if you're a sickler.

    #1 God has given u everything a woman needs,do u know that some women envy you? You want to scatter your happiness with worldly pleasure that will ruin you forever. Don't u think that man's wife will swear for you, if her husband leaves her for u? How sure are you that you will enjoy your ex n be his only woman, if you leave yr faithful husband. Faithful MEN are hard to get this days and you have one and wanna trade it with stupid pleasure. Listen to SDK, cut off all communications with him n if he calls you, tell him not to try it again that you are happily married. Or rather tell him to go love his wife. Don't leave your husband and pray to God to restore that feelings you once had for ya hubby.

  40. Wife called you indeed. U are a real mugu if you believe that. Stay on ur grass and as @iphie said stop chasing shadows. He hired someone to.speak to you as his wife... u better believe this. Billionaire this billionaire that... that's all there is to your attraction. God has blessed you and ure still doing ojukokoro..

    1. Point on! 'The billions is the attraction!I wondered also why a wife would call an ex to beg instead of cussing the shit out of her!

  41. Narrative 1: When the past come calling, send it to voicemail. It has nothing new or different to say.

    Narrative 2: I'm happy for you. May God sustain it for you, IJN....

    Poster 1, u are a mumu, u want to leave ur comfort zone to a lion's den, wat kind of feelings do u ve for a man who does not respect u, eyaaaa I pity ur innocent husband, u down' t deserve him cos he' s too good for u. Keep denying him sex, by the time hr cheats on u, u will run to dis blog to ask for advice, abeg smell out from here.

  43. Run. Run. Run and keep running. He wont leave his wife, he is just trying to get between your legs. Spice up your marriage. I met an ex recently at a party and he started chasing me like a dog on heat. Mo le weyrey danu.

  44. 1} All I can tell u is face ur marriage nd work things out with d man dat truly loves u, not d one who thinks he loves u. A man dat can giv his wife such threat cos of an ex is a jerk nd doesn't deserve anything good in his life...So try to accept ur man back nd move on...
    2} thank God for ur life dear...its well

  45. Poster 1: u be olosho nla...nothing more to say. You see billionaire with cash, your nipple begin dey stand and pussy itching u for his rod.smh for ur types. With all the money and comfrt you have, you still dey hungry for a randy di*k...u r a correct money miss road



  47. @ poster 1-clap 4 urself.

    @ poster 2-waa last bii akube jeans..

  48. NARRATIVE 2: How is that your parents are rhesus+ and you are negative?? I am a B- and like you I had to take rhogam injections too during and after pregnancy but I do know that your rhesus factor comes from one of your parents. So either your mum or dad is negative....abi am I wrong?

    Glad you are strong and doing well! Isnt God too good?! many more beautiful years on earth to you hun!

    1. U are wrong...its not a must dat d parent must have rhesus negative blood group...My own parents are rhesus positive...but i and my elder sister are 0- but our other siblings are positive.

  49. N1 The thing that is beating drum for you will soon reveal itself.

    N2 May the good Lord continue to keep your home. Thanks for sharing your story, I hope it will inspire others.

  50. Poster 1: it's really amazing how people tend to throw away the good life! Firstly, it's clear u don't love ur husband cos if u did, I'm sure u won't be confused! Secondly, pls be aware that if ur ex wants to chase his wife away cos of u, he doesn't ve honor as a man! Think of it like this- if he's offering to chase his wife away cos of u, wat happens when he meets anoda of his ex when u both re finally together? Men can say anything when they want something! Don't feel special! U got a good man.. don't loose him Bcos of sheer foolishness.. go to a secluded place, watch porn with ur husband, try to think abt wat made u attracted to him.. do sex chats when ure not togeda! Flee from dat ex of urs.. he's bad news...

  51. Girls........we sure love bad boiz, may GOD help us

  52. @ narrative 1, its called Okafor's Law. Don't put urself into that mess. Narrative 2, the Lord is ur strength.

  53. Poster 1,pls don't use ur own hand to destroy your happy home biko o,cut communication with the Ex,poster2 your testimony shall be permanent IJN

  54. N 2, I thank God for you jare. That N1 story is so annoying that i forgot to talk about yours. Please continue to treat your husband and his family well.

  55. @ poster 1 becos am a christian woman I won't cuss u out. U have a good man and u are not satisfied. I have nothing 2 say 2 u.
    Poster 2 praise God 4 ur life. He sure does works in mysterious ways.

  56. Poster 1..hw shallow minded ppl can go. Is a pity bt u dnt deserve the man u married. Imagine ur mind been on who neva respctd u. Neva knws wot they wnt (sm women shaa) Waiting for when u wld run bk to this blog and cry hw he hs cheated and turn his bak.His endurance wld be for awhile keep feeling like u are ontop evrybdy wnts u. Bt am so sorry for u anyways.. Go bk to ur ex,he wld indeed divorce d wife on u coming bk. Stories that touches the anus..

  57. Narrative 1; please tell your husband what's happening else Satan is incubating something that when it will hatch, it will be a chick hatching a vulture! Don't you see that even your ex opened up to his wife; open up to your husband and see that two are better than one. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them. Seek the Lord Jesus to give you eternal life else all you are pursuing is vanity.

  58. @poster 1, use ur head ooooo if not ur ex go help you use am. When u met him he was divorced and still randy, now he is married again and wants to leave his wife for you, so you wan become wife no three and what makes you think he has really changed and you are his last bus stop? What makes you think he won't drop you for wife number four. If he really loved you, when you left him and he changed as he claimed, he should have coming looking for you begging on his knees (not that you got married immediately you left him, there was still time for him to beg to have u back if he had realized his mistake after u left) that's the way it works not changing then marrying someone else and leaving the reason he changed to slip away for him and neva contacted you until u coincidentally met on the flight. My dear like I said use ur head. @Poster 2 I thank God for u, he would perfect that which He has started in your life, Amen!

  59. Poster 1,With all due respect,u are what I cAll a foolish fool! Let Ur head be swelling while u torment a fellow sister in her own house.Kai! I wish u wil leave dis Ur nice hubby for dat player ooo so Karma wil bastardize u.Onye ala! * clicks tongue and *tabie anya*(rolls eyes)

    Poster 2....u r blessed sis! Kiss Ur hubby for me!

  60. N1 i beg you listen to iphie dearie watch tyler perry's temptation, listsn to stella's advice.
    N2 thank God for your life and your family may testimonies not seize in your life in Jesus name

  61. Nigerian billionaire fa. Indeed. There are few Nigerian billionaires. Except you lied about the detail there was none in this category - He was divorced and young too(he is into real estate and 30 when I met him).
    Millionaire I will agree not billionaire. Your story isn't straight.

    1. D poster can lie for africa eh...she sabi boast..Firstly,d man's wife did not call her on phone. She lied...she wan tell us say she be hot cake...Secondly,d man did not propose to her..infact he actually dumped her to marry his wife..How can she date a man for 7yrs but couldnt marry him...He gave her ring during their fourth year and she rejected,how come she was with him till 7 yrs after rejecting his proposal? Abeg comot here..Ur lie too much abegi!

    2. Chizoba, why r U so bitter???
      I have read several of ur comments and all I see is bitterness shrouded in the words.
      Please get a life!

  62. Sickler poster am so happy for you, may God sustain ur joy. I am AA but A- and pregnant with first baby, I felt really bad the day I was told at the hospital, the doctor said not to worry but it doesn't sound very pleasant. I am just praying that God sees me thru. Pls does any BV know any risks i face and can shade more light pls?

  63. Hi, I sent this message to Stella yesterday. Thanks to lady buchi, iphie dearie, cyndy ifeajika and Merchantofromance for the tough advice,i get it. Even the curses thanks I deserve it. After work today I will be telling my hubby I want to change my number, I won't be leaving my hubby,he just doesn't deserve such treatment.
    Thanks all for the advice,y'all are the best.
    And the person that said I couldn't spell propose,no vex en, was at work yesterday and very busy when I sent aunty Stella the email. I have corrected myself.

  64. I have always said that being a sickler is not a death sentence. Yes, the pains are normally inexcruciable but once you know a sickler has been born what you should worry about is how to manage the disorder. Yes it can be avoided if two carriers don't get married but trust me there have been cases where people carry out tests before marriage and are told they are not carriers, end up getting married and along the line find out diagnosis was wrong and you already have a child with SCD. As per the second narrative, God is always faithful as long as you trust in him and for those nurses who laughed at you in the hospital when you were younger, they have no idea that when you mock people in that way you are only mocking God Almighty. No one knows what kind of challlenges life can bring unto one so why laugh at anyone facing challenges? Life is a mystery only the Almighty Creator understands, we can only act our parts here and disappear to the great beyond. As for the 1st poster, you know exactly what to do, even if you get all the advice in this world, it's stil your decision to make. Shikena!

  65. #1 my advice to you is to watch "The Confessions of a Marriage Counsellor" by Tyler Perry. That's if you haven't. You better sit up before someone notices that good man you're married to and takes him away.

  66. Poster no1, you are really shameless, craving for your ex, go back yo your ex na, May God give your hubby a better woman.

  67. First Poster, i can only ask u to see Tyler Perry's Temptation. Maybe that would help u see beyound the weaknesses of the human flesh. If Your Ex wanted u back after realizing he had 'slowed down" He would have tracked u down. Dont be fooled. Watch that movie. Remain Blessed.

  68. @ Narrative No1. Pls tell the lady to go watch Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor. That should suffice as a guide for you

  69. Anonymous, you have time oh. Even if someone calls me all sorts of names to my face I wouldn't even blink! I'll only reply when I feel like not to talk of the internet when the person or persons don't even know me. Anonymous you get time oh! Hahahahahahaha!

  70. Anonymous, you have time oh. Even if someone calls me all sorts of names to my face I wouldn't even blink! I'll only reply when I feel like not to talk of the internet when the person or persons don't even know me. Anonymous you get time oh! Hahahahahahaha!

  71. Story #1: Your ex still remembers how sweet you were at that young age. The question is, are your breasts still firm and succulent as they were? Is your vjay still as tight and fresh as it was? Is your tummy still at flat as razor blade? Go to him and see whether everything will be like it was with him.
    Better cut off this womanizer and face your marriage before another sweet girl takes over your husband. Rose

  72. #1 pls leave your marriage and go back to your ex. Stupid fool!

    #2 count yourself blessed and be thankful always.

  73. Unlike everyone else, I am not quick to condemn poster one in her dilemma. Truth is, is was "in love" with her ex and STILL IS. She silly never stopped loving him. That's why seeing him again brought her previously suppressed feelings to the surface. Not saying its right but iIT IS WHAT IT IS.
    The mistake she made was marrying her hubby while clearly still in love with another man. She does not love her hubby. Never have and maybe she will grow to love him or never will. She married him because he was SAFE. A lot of women do this. He was calm, loving and didn't have women flocking all over him. Real "Husband Material" but does not equate love. Now doesn't he DESERVE a woman who loves him? One who his touch does not irrigate? One who looks at him with love and not just managing him????
    At poster 1, only you can make this decision so think deeply and hopefully you make the right one.
    My advice: Do not stay in a loveless marriage out of pity or what people will say. Life is short. Happiness is paramount. However, DONT THINK OF GOING BACK TO YOUR EX. HE'S AN ASS.

  74. @poster 1, if you value your life and what God has blessed you with, you don't need a prophet to tell you to cut off every form of communication with your Ex, there is a reason why they are called ex, it means past, they are supposed to remain in the past, do not use your own hand to throw away the happiness you have right now. your ex is married, wish him well and do not listen to all those craps he is telling you that he has changed,he is only a distraction, cut of communication with him and be happy with your husband, otherwise you will regret and curse the day you met him in that airplane again, once beaten, twice shy. @ Poster 2, may God continue to strengthen you.

  75. To all you ladies out there complaining about cheating husbands,its totally uncalled for.A real Man is not meant for only one woman.Men are always randy in nature,or have you ever seen a dick staying in one position as tohtoh?And moreover,the situation after a woman "s delivery somehow leads men to cheat elsewhere,or what do you expect a man to do ,when he has been advised by the doctor not to have sex with his wife for more than 40 days after delivery due to medical condition,and you will be seeing your wife nakedness everyday without touching?Abeg my dear ladies take it easy and face your priority now,which is your children.Once a woman give birth,the children psychologically turns to her husband in the absent of the her real husband.When the time comes,the man will realize his mistakes and come back to you fully.

  76. Dis ibadan boy called bitchplis nor dey hear word abi?? Smh!! Dat ashewo ishan girl don dump u now na ibo girl again? Ibo girls too are not any better mr BP!! Anyway na u sabi ooo!...........................OKIJA WIFE

  77. My advice to you is simple poster 1. Go and see Tyler Perry's Temptation. Secondly leopard doesnt change its spot. Thirdly, no one tells your heart when or how to fall in love but u can create right atmosphere. I'd suggest go away with ur hubby to somewhere exotic. Just the two of u.

  78. Wow! Am learning a lot from the comments here o @Iphie love your comment so on point!! #N2 God bless you and continue to keep you and yours in good health pls bask in the euphoria of your good home and family cos God has given it to you! #N1 really don't know what to say to you but my only advice will be that u shouldn't cast your peals before the dogs, just read the hand writing on the wall and borrow yourself brain..inugo

  79. People who come here thinking they have the right to insult posters are just stupid and idiotic.....u bastards all behaving like saints with all the shit In your cupboards....if u have advice give it if not shut your stupid mouth and stop the insults....

  80. I don't even understand why people send these type of stories to Stella when its a very obvious decision. Madam 30 year old poster, you what is right and you know what you have chosen to do. Please whatever comes out of it, do well to write Stella and tell the whole world about it. Thank you

    #2. I follow you join body praise God o jare..he is faithful

  81. Madam poster you are a classic case of person wey chop belleful finish come dey look for wetin go burst the belle. Kindly let us know the end result of your decision o. Some more deserving woman is waiting to take that good husband off you.



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