Stella Dimoko Abortion And Family Ties - A Time To Keep Or Flush...


Monday, September 29, 2014

Abortion And Family Ties - A Time To Keep Or Flush...

The sickening story of the boy who used love charm on the mother makes me cringe with irritation because the woman is pregnant...Pregnant for her son!

If she keeps the baby,her son will be her baby daddy and the boy will be brother and father to his son,OMG..this is incest,taboo of the highest order.

I normally preach against abortion because every Child has a right to life whether it is still in the foetus stage or already born.

Should a mother who has had sex knowingly or unknowingly with her child,birth her child's child?

Should the woman flush out that little growing baby and move on or have the baby because God is against abortion?
If she aborts it,wont God forgive her knowing that son practically had sex with mother under a love spell or is real forgiveness in keeping that baby and believing that God washes away ALL sins?

Is there a biblical passage which encourages a woman to keep a baby conceived under such circumstances?It wasn't rape,it is a mother carrying a child belonging to her son.

God forgive me if I am wrong but i feel like raising my hands up in this case and shouting 'ABORT' but my love for children restricts me.I am too emotionally about kids,I love them so much BUT......OMG!

Considering the circumstances,which would you raise your hand to.....TO ABORT OR TO KEEP THE BABY?

Keep the curses to yourself please,this is a serious topic,engage yourself or sit back and read comments of those who know what to say.

Thank you.

*I am so irritated by this topic,had to get it off my chest.


  1. Abort please. That child won't even live a normal life if its born.
    What kind of thing is this nau? God punish that son!

    1. Simbi is a girl,Ali is a boy.29 September 2014 at 15:56

      Abort sharp sharp!

    2. That child in itself is a curse!of course she should abort!cos anybirth that will give u pain whenever u look at d child is not worth it.she might even still kill dat child eventually out of hate,so what's d point?on dat note it's only fair on d victim dat any pregnancy based on rape and incest shouldn't be nurtured!
      Where are all the anti-abortion activist should come and tell us how it will feel for a mother to give birth for her child?#rme##hypocrites#

    3. Ofcourse it's to abort. Dat's incest of d highest order

    4. Abort with immediate effect and automatic allacrity, abeg
      * Stells check your write up; ' emotionally' about kids.

      Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

    5. birth the baby and give out for God will understand that one..always preserve life,shitty or clean,life is life.

    6. Infact after abortion the mother suppose commit suicide join. Yes I said so. Because even after flushing the foetus away, Pls what kind of relationship will such a filthy mother wey be Jezebel when she be sisi, have with her son? Unless she was raped by him or jazzed like u imply, I say na red Sea sure pass. Nasty incest par excellence. God have mercy. Make we no waka enter this kind yawa

  2. Please Abort the baby and move on with your life biko...... God understands every circumstances....Just go to him with a sincere and remorse heart, he is ready to forgive. No matter the colour of ur sin. God can make u as white as snow without blemish.


    2. In cases of rape and/or incest?” As horrible as it would be to become pregnant as a result of rape and/or incest, is the murder of a baby the answer? Two wrongs do not make a right. The child who is a result of rape/incest could be given in adoption to a loving family unable to have children on their own, or the child could be raised by its mother. Again, the baby is completely innocent and should not be punished for the evil acts of its father.

      Over 95 percent of the abortions performed today involve women who simply do not want to have a baby. Less than 5 percent of abortions are for the reasons of rape, incest, or the mother's health at risk. Even in the more difficult 5 percent of instances, abortion should never be the first option. The life of a human being in the womb is worth every effort to allow the child to be born.

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    3. Everybody is just shouting abortion, what about incest children that has been given birth to in the past? I no its wrong and a sin, I am not encouraging incest so nobody should think I am but incest of any type doesn't make any difference, incest is incest, there is no such thing as incest of the highest order, so if you think you would have told her not to abort in some incest case because its not as difficult as this one, you are wrong, if there are incest baby that survives or that has been given birth to in the past, then this case is no difference. God in his wisdom has ordered us not to abort because that's murder "Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13-16" he knew cases like this will come up someday, but he still went ahead to tell us not to abort, so we are we mere humans to judge? And to think there are some cases that are taboo or incest of the highest order and deserves to be aborted. Everybody has a right to his opinion 'yes' but let's be careful in shouting abort! Because wisdom demands we choose our words carefully. What is wrong is wrong, there is no too ways about it and no sugar coating it. If abortion is wrong, its wrong. We should not turn and say its wrong and add "but" or "sugar coating it" because we feel a case is taboo.

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  3. God please forgive MOI my sins…ABORT.

  4. My advice is to abort am sorry.

  5. With my mouth wide open screaming abortttttttt it WTF nonsense. ...God will understand

    1. That's the problem..... God doesn't understand....

  6. Sin is sin..
    The woman should abort the pregnancy biko..which kain story be this one?can't deal mehn..

    1. Incest in ur dictionary is sin and abortion is not?

  7. My sister..abortion is bad but in this case...its better cos that child will be traumatized in every possible way known to mankind. I'm ashamed to say this but its the only way

  8. Should we also say d pregnant Chibok girl should birth d child cos God frowns against abortion?


    1. Yes the pregnant Chibok girl was not impregnated by her father or brother so she can keep it if she wishes, but this one should be aborted immediately!!!

  9. Hmmmm!
    This is tough, very tough.
    I'm against abortion but I doubt if I would keep this baby if I were to be in this woman's shoes, I'm almost positive I won't. Same with a baby resulting from rape. Each time I look at the child I will always remember the circumstance in which he was conceived.
    Honestly I wont judge or condemns her if she aborts. It's no fault of hers that she found herself in this condition.
    May we never be faced with this kind of situation oh.

  10. I wish stella can put up dat Ranting post... I hv a memo for IRS AIRLINE
    Am so tired, angry, pissed... Owing deir staff for more dan two yrs or ther abt, and dere is nuttin we can do, even if we take dem to court, dey will tell dem wen dey rsume work, they will pay, two month later, d airlin won't exist anymore... Dat is hw dey do it, chanchangi, sosoliso, irs, to mention a few... It reli bad, it affectin a lot of us, physically, emotionally, financially.... Arghhhh..... Am reli tired

    1. If they can't pay their staff for 2 years now like you say, it simply means that they have also been cutting corners with repairs and servicing of the Airplanes, therefore, another plane crash waiting to happen. You better leave.

  11. Dis is a difficult situation.No mata wt am nt in support of abortion d child has right 2 life.D mistak has already bin made she shud nt consider abortion,Dts mi opinion.

    1. That's y u r without a Juliet.

  12. please she should abort the pregnacy although aborting she would have committed two sins incense and murder but to save the child from curses pls abort the child. imagine say the pikin grow and ur own child marries that child nna thats string of curses abeg

  13. Ihekire Tony

    I don't know what to say. Abortion is not advisable. Though incest child don't live upto a year in igbo land.

  14. Hmmmmm! Dicey....

  15. There is an exception to this. ABORTION IT IS! May God forgive us all.

  16. In this situation, either way it's a sin so i wud swerve into d ABORT lane... the things happening in this world sef would make d devil himself cringe.... hian!

  17. God have mercy.....I dont want ds word to stand against me on d judgement day

    i think abortion is d best.....bcos of d unborn child for being Stigmatized.


  18. What is she keeping the child for
    She should abort it mbok
    I'm in support of abortion for the right reasons
    Abortion should be legalised in Africa

  19. Nobody have any right to abort an unborn child no matter the way it was conceived.It is murder!God have a wonderful way of settling justices. The boy have to bear the shame of living with his child/brother. Am not convinced that the mother can be easily subdued by her son!Was she impregnated overnight and the result out the following day?why did she not go to hospitals afterwards?

    1. Telling lies is also a sin! Fornication a sin...cheating in exams sin! Stealing,pilfering...sin too! having evil thoughts about someone..these are all sins...So until you are in this woman's shoes and have kept such a baby,please don't you dare judge!

    2. Oh holier than thou Iyke,havent u heard of hynotism,love charms and drugs that make one not aware of what's happening to him?why are u trying so hard to blame d woman?btw ur advice is for her to keep it abi,u are so selfish ooo!imagine u wake up to hear that ur father is ur bros and he drugged and slept with ur mum(which is an abomination!),someone like u will kill dat bro/father of urs,and even after killing him dat trauma will never leave u phsycologically!its easier for u to say abortion is sin now cos u are not walking in their shoes.mtceeew!and I hope u don't also commit other sins against God oh?hope u are perfect?#rme#else na d same hell fire u go enter with abortionists!#selfish much#

    3. Iyke are u a virgin

    4. @Iyke David, you will not say this if it was your sister or daughter. God forgive us all.

  20. This story is somehow. INCEST all d way. i am always against abortion too,,,but this case is very different ooo...its better the pregnancy is aborted(God forgive me oo) cos that child will even end up hating both parents the day he gets to hear the story surrounding his birth. Strange things are happening!!!

  21. I was too irritated to read the news on one of the national dailies, like TF! How can a child test a love charm on his own mother of all women? To the question, to abort or not abort, I'd take a different stance & say keep it! If we believe in a Supreme Being, call Him God or Allah or Amadioha or any name, and we believe that he's all knowing & all seeing, then, it's only trite that he must've allowed this to happen! If he didn't, then the charm wouldn't have worked neither would the woman have become pregnant. In essence, he allowed it to happen! I can't speak for God nor claim to be his mouthpiece but the keyword here is 'belief'. Except we're hypocrites & believe that God is all knowing & all seeing when it suits our situations & not, when it doesn't.

    1. God bless you, Ayo. This is a very delicate situation abort or not to abort, the family will be stigmatized either ways. It shouldn't be a choice as to when Gods word should apply in our lives. The only sin God doesn't forgive is blasphemy. I believe if it was meant to happen, God let it happen. If we all claim to believe in God and believe in his Almighty power (I hope the victim does as well), then everything works for the good of them that believe and trust in God. If God decides the child lives, he does. He has his ways. I have heard cases of rape victim who birthed testimonies. Let God please.

  22. Keep wetin?????Abortion all d way

  23. I will be surprised if that woman is still carrying the pregnancy.

    Such pregnancies should be terminated without thinking.

  24. In as much as I hate abortion, I won't think twice abt this. Abortion straight.... ABORT IT CURSE mehnnnnn

  25. Apologetically, abortion is the best option in a case like this to avoid both the mother and child being traumatized. #One Love#

  26. Iya ibeji lati Paris.29 September 2014 at 15:18

    Abort the abomination! This woman has been scared for life! She would have to live through the rest of her life with this!

  27. Abortion o. A mother giving birth to her son's child? Taboo


  28. What a circumstance #evilchild

  29. I know this is very bad,but that child has every right to live,and even aborting it might not give the woman closure plus the news is already out,it can't get any worse than it is. So i'll say she birth the child and give it up for adoption.i'll only support abortion if the life of the mother is in danger

    1. eyan ni e joor...ur head is very correct..are you a catholic?

    2. Give what up for abortion? Passing on a curse to a poor and desperate couple who are childless? And deliverance ministers and prophets will use the child's life and circumstances to feed for the next 50 years or more depending on how long it lives! The question is; if you were in the woman's shoes, what would you do?

    3. Chichi, the child isn't a curse na, haba
      But like you said, I don't know what I'll do...but I agree with Chidinma

  30. I just asked my mum who is a pastor, she smiled in her calmest voice and said "Let her abort, bringing that child to the world is the worse thing that can happen to it"..

    1. Your mum is a pastor of which mushroom church?.... When Adeboye said even if the life of the woman is at risk she should pray for divine intervention and not abort...

    2. U sure your mom is a pastor? God doesn't compromise

  31. Wow I'm speechless. Stela you got this right I advice the woman to abort this incest child for the following reasons
    1. She. Any stand the memory of this child looking into her eyes everyday and his questions some day as to who is his or her father
    2. If the child happens to be a girl oh my heaven I my God knows what you're going throug she'll face in the future when it comes to the time of marriage
    3. The reality of what he or she will face in school is what we all can already imagine
    God is a merciful father he will forgive you woman after aborting this.

  32. This is very wrong...The child, if born, would be stigmatised for the rest of his/her life...And we all know the negative effects of stigmatization..Abortion is wrong..In this case, it's the best solution, for the CHILD's future

  33. This is very wrong...The child, if born, would be stigmatised for the rest of his/her life...And we all know the negative effects of stigmatization..Abortion is wrong..In this case, it's the best solution, for the CHILD's future

  34. Pls let her abort the baby-instead of bringing the child to the world to suffer trauma


  36. We shud stop treating pastors as if they are God,,they are mere humans like us,they face the same temptation we do face,,if a pastor's child is raped ,the pastor wud never allow her daughter to kip the pregnancy,,not when the offering pulse will if any unfavourable situation happens to anyone..lookin at the long term effect it'll have on the person,,I think wah the person really wants matters most..if the person aborts it God wud understand,,buh if the person doesn't ,,she probably knows wahs in stock for her , she being capable of taking the bull by d horn means she has the financial means and support from her dah won't be bad if she kips it......buh in dis case it's a must,God forbids such...solomon first child was died, bcus of wah he did with uriah's wife bethsheba or so..dah isnt even worst than dis ,,buh same predicament,,so I urge her to abort the baby,God is an understandable person ,his ways are different from ours..we shudnt based our sentiment on pple's view of the bible.

    1. Solomon's first son died*

    2. First, God is not a person. Second it was David's child..and please, david did not kill the child. God let the child die. Let's not go around dictating for God who lives and who doesn't!!!!

    3. God killed the baby to punish David because of what he did. So tell me, why didnt you ask God why he killed an innocent child that had nothing to do with what David did. Wether they abort the baby or nt, they will still face the consequences for their action. It can come from the child being a curse to them and making their life miserable or it can come in another way if the baby is aborted.

    4. Hod doesn't understand... He doesn't compromise

  37. i hate abortion.buh for d childs sanity.i say abort...a product of incest is enuf burden buh making d child cum to dis world to suffer aspersions is something else..plz abort.........JENNY

  38. Either way, the child shouldn't be aborted. Let the son by judged before God and man.
    If u don't like my comment, contact this Chinese man..... Sue me

  39. She has a choice to make.

    Yes, abortion is a sin, but if she goes ahead to birth the child, that child may, or will forever be haunted by the circumstances of it's birth. Same with the woman.

    It's really a tough situation, so the woman should search deep within herself, and realise that the decision is up to her, to retain or terminate.

    Good luck with whatever she decides.

  40. HB SAID

    The Lord said that he HATES HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD; prov. 6:16-19. The question is, is this baby in that womb innocent? If the answer is yes; then why abort him. Well why not have this innocent baby and give him away; even to another country to be adopted. Stella, the moment you start finding reasons to support abortion, the reasons will never be exhausted. There are circumstances in life that a human can't control and only God knows. He works good from ugly situations for people who love him. Keeping this baby is loving God. This Stella is my main reason for visiting your blog and commenting and telling others to do so; the fact that I perceive love for God in you. Please don't lose it; do not let the things of this life rob you of this love for God.

  41. If u were mary,the mother of Jesus,who was pregnant without hving sex with a man, would u abort? If she did,then there will be no Jesus to grant us salvation

    1. An angel appeared to Mary remember? Besides, God won't bring another messiah in such a bizarre way!!! My advice is that she evacuates the foetus.... For her sanity and that of the unborn child.

    2. Smh....u compare this to Mary's situation?

  42. And who said that she will not be "flushing out" the founder/discoverer of the cure for Ebola, AIDS and some other diseases yet to surface that has plagued mankind? Remember that God gives without finding faults; that child is faultless in God's sight. Did the baby in the womb give the mother love charm?

  43. Its really tough but I'd prefer she has the child and give him/her up for adoption instead. You never know what value that child has and aborting such child is a sin, no matter how sickening the situation is.

  44. I was almost aborted. The day I was told, I quarrelled with my mom for almost a year cz I was so pissed and hurt. Because of that, I am sooo against abortion because I mean if mom hadn't changed her mind, who knows where I for be but eh on this matter, with all my might, I shout ABORT! That child was born out of incense abi incence whichever way it is spelt. And things like this always have consequences cz even the land we step on has its own laws. The foetus should be flushed. Her child is demon possessed by the way

    1. Incest it is hunnay! Meanwhile If na me I would pray untill God helps me take away the baby because na only God dey give and take away... Can a child ask her father for bread and he go give am stone?
      I go scream till heaven hears me and takes that baby comot o and remind God that He is against abortion so He should just make a way where there seems to be no way.. c'est finis

    2. Stella, you allowed someone else hijack my name right under ur nose! And she is even trying to write in french! Mama ejire kodaa oh! C'est fini no "s" needed.

  45. The woman may want to abort, but the fear of dying due to D&C may prevent her.

    If that's the case, she should ask Google how she can go about it.

  46. Much as I am strongly against abortion, this woman should NOT keep the baby.

    She may not even carry the child to full term due to trauma not to talk of looking at that child when born for the rest of her life.

    Am sure God will understand

  47. Speechless! Incest @ its peak. Tufiakwa.

  48. 16There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:
    17haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    18a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil,
    19a false witness who pours out lies
    and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Prov. 6

    1. Hope you are not guilty of any these things you mentioned above..
      Hope your life is perfect...

    2. foetus ain't inocent.coz dey are not yet a living soul. Exodus 21:22-25...@fjb

  49. ABORT!!!!!!!!!!


  50. @The Queen & . .. why not "have the baby and give out for adoption to another country . . . " so that you do not have to look at the baby and remember? Supposing tomorrow, you find a baby born in such circumstances who becomes the president of the United States . . . will you not praise the mother for keeping her against all odds? Supposing even your own mom tells you today that that was how you were born (really whatever you believe now was what she told you), will you hate her for not aborting you? Will you hate yourself for the circumstances of your birth?

  51. @The Queen & . .. why not "have the baby and give out for adoption to another country . . . " so that you do not have to look at the baby and remember? Supposing tomorrow, you find a baby born in such circumstances who becomes the president of the United States . . . will you not praise the mother for keeping her against all odds? Supposing even your own mom tells you today that that was how you were born (really whatever you believe now was what she told you), will you hate her for not aborting you? Will you hate yourself for the circumstances of your birth?

  52. Give birth. God giveth life no one shud take it. The child shud be given up for adoption to couples who don't even know how d background with that d child can live a normal life. There's no excuse for any sin, sin is sin. God don't look d way we look. I will advise d identity of d woman be protected and dat of d child if she doesn't want it then it shud be given up for adoption. Several fathers sleep with their daughters and mothers with their son, nothing new under d sun. It happened in d bible to Lot.

  53. @Goodness gracious; did you hear yourself. You quarreled for one year with a lady who spared you at the last minute but you want another child to be aborted? And you are not demon possessed? WHAT! Humans can be weird . .. really? Ok let's put it this way, your mom now tells you that the reason why she wanted to abort you actually was that she was raped by her elder brother . . .how about that; you commit suicide? Or you flush yourself out now; cos you're demon possessed? Tufiakwa! Please every soul is important to God and he said that he hates HANDS (please note the plural) that shed innocent blood. Prov. 6:16-19

    1. Lmfao! Okay I've read your comment and first of all, I was pissed at her because she was married, not like i was conceived out of wedlock, both her and my dad were comfortable enough to take care of me and according to her, the reason was because I came too soon. Now get this hun, that is completely different from what is being debated on. The circumstances around that child being conceived is extremely wrong! Even in the medieval times when it was okay for brothers and sisters to sleep together, it was not okay between mother and son or father and daughter! Talkless of this one that charms were used. That child is straight out of the devil's calabash. Keep sentiments aside biko! Its kids like this that grow up and have sex with goats and chickens thinking its right afterall his father who by the way also happens to be his brother raped his mother and that's how he came to be. Its good to be realistic and stop using the bible all the time to back up rubbish. Thanks for calling me demon possessed tho. Kisses!

  54. God pls you see my heart o,you know my desire........ but in this condition ABORTION is the only way. Wtf!

  55. Oh I don't know what to say, aborting is not as easy as people think and it never stops hunting you except your conscience have died kpatakpata! I was 17, schooling in the states, I didn't even know the first thing about pregnancy and child birth and bam! I became pregnant, I can swear I only had sex twice before I got pregnant, I realized when I was about 9 weeks, told my 24 year old boyfriend, he was even more freaked out than I was,there was no other way out and I did it.
    I swear I have never been the same, anytime I see a new born I always remember and I won't blame God If I don't have again because I don't think I deserve after killing the one I had.

    I have since given my life to Christ but I just can't get over it.Maybe we are all different as women, but I can never advise abortion but in this case I will consider, consider oo, not decide on it.I really do hope to make it right with God for what I did, it's been 5yrs and I still have not gotten over it.
    Bitchpls don't worry I haff changed and I'm now a child of God, seriously!!!

  56. ***HEALING-RAIN***

    Tough decision. Abort or birth it and give the baby out for adoption. Others are praying for @ least one to call their own so someone won't mind adopting the baby. My opinion pls.

  57. ***HEALING-RAIN***

    Tough decision. Abort or birth it and give the baby out for adoption. Others are praying for @ least one to call their own so someone won't mind adopting the baby. My opinion pls.

  58. Pls.let her not abort the child. Instead,the child should be given up for adoption. No one knows tomorrow.

  59. The First rule of life is still "Don't sleep with first-degree relatives". And dat includes your parents,brothers,sisters,cousins. It's a Universal Taboo. Passed down from generation to generation. I rem all my Grandma's teachings. And she always ended by dragging her own ears "umu azi nu, unu alako kwana mu na Fada".

    From logical reasoning, LIFE begins once a sperm meets an egg. But; Religiously...d Bible says 'thou shall not kill'. Any born again Xtian will argue dis to a tilt. There ar many sides to this bcos any kid born out of incest is an Illegitimate child. The society abhors it. There is a YUCK response (tu fia kwa!) Dat follows d child all his life.

    And is 80% of d time born with mental and recessive disorders, and even congenital physical malformations. The kid is called an IN BREED. In local parlance, "blood wey jam".

    Pls this woman must not have dis child.
    It is SACRILEGE.

    Xhlrted p.

  60. Speechless but if she eventually keeps the baby,the baby ll surely be stigmatized amongst everyone around him.Am strongly against abortion but in this case am speechless and for those who just shouted abortion by your church u shall know them.Christ embassy

  61. well exodus 21:22-25 supports it in a kinda way...foetus wasn't considered important in dat verse.@fjb

    1. Shut up u! What nonsense are u saying. So many fake Christians in Nigeria. See everyone shouting abort abort. Only God will save u lot and your murderous tendencies.

  62. She should go away and birth that child. Then give it up for adoption. I believe some people on this blog can help her find a good agency both within and outside this country.

    ABORTION is sin.

  63. Avnt u all seen pple who r healthy n do not get pregnant, is it in man's power to conceive a child. God knows n sees all thing even B4 it happens,he won't give is more than we can bear. DO NOT ABORT
    U don't give life n u av no power to take life. Everything happens for a reason. Just let go n let God. It's difficult but possible.

  64. You all hypocrites shouting abort abort,have you forgotten your defense line against abortion? Incase u have forgotten, we(pro-abortionists) did not and i will renind you now, they are:

    1 everyone has a right to life no matter the circumstances

    2 parents or guardians do not have the right to decide whether a baby should be aborted or not no MATTER the circumstances.

    3 God frowns at abortion cos a life is taken.

    So you shld now tell us why you are shifting ground. Abortion is abortion either the circumstance is rape,incest or mutual conception.

    Bunch of hypocrites!!!!

  65. Hmmm... well, pardon my thinking o! but you started the journey in sin...complete that sojourn with sin o! God forgive me! after doing the act, there is no question abeg. What will you tell that child biko? He will go through life feeling like a freak and abnormal. Haba! Why inflict the child with that kind burden...ha!...I am pro-life o, but this one? Abeg remove the seed.

  66. I beg to differ!
    I disagree!
    Why abort the inocent poor child?
    Why visit the father's on the poor boy?
    There a reason for everything
    Dis inclusive
    This child has a mission and must be allow to come and finish it
    No matter the circumstances sorrounding his conceive and birth

  67. Hmmmmmmmm....abort abeg!!!!..................0KIJA WIFE

  68. Its a yuck yuck story stella,very puke evoking...Mama get belle for pikin?damn!!!...ABORT ASAP *runs away*

    »_»_• \0/ ^FORTUNEDEXC£L^ »_»_• \0/

  69. Dis case is too heavy ooo,,lips sealed..

  70. I'm conflicted. Lemme think about it some more

  71. See ur mouth like shirt,I hate many of Una go fit swear say she never do abortion

  72. Don't know my take on this,the issue is too dicey,if I say abort its a sin if she keep the baby she will be traumatised all her life.let them ask God for wisdom and follow her conscience.

  73. On the last day, God won't judge people by various standard. Thou shall not kill!!!! The poor child didn't ask to conceived whether thru incest or normal way.
    By the way, who can claim to know the future? l am asking cos of the way everybody claims the abortion is for the child's future..
    Let the child be given up for adoption if the mother can't bear the shame.

  74. No matter how emotional we get nothing justifies sin. Sin is sin no matter under what circumstance. Its hard,sad,disgusting and wrong but she has no right 2 terminate that baby. What wrong has the baby commit. Everything happens 4 a reason. Pls God is not dead this happens 4 a reason. My 2kobo

  75. @Goodness gracious; nobody called you demon possessed. It was a question. No one "backed anything with the bible". Answer the question yourself; is the child in the womb conceived out of incest innocent? Let your conscience bear and moan on the answer. By the way, your mom may have lied to you just to make you feel better; afterall, you didn't know of the plan to abort you until you were told. You only believe what they told you then. Even your birthday may be a lie; it's all what you were told! Summary; you may as well have been conceived like this child or even adopted!

  76. Amazing! I can't believe that all I have been seeing here are pure emotions...abort! Abort! ABORT! Can some one tell me why incest is such a crime? And please no religious mumbo jumbo. I mean reasons that make sense to people who are supposed to be living in the 21st century! I know why our forefathers were against it, I don't need anyone repeating them to me here.
    How do we know that many of the people around us are not products of incestous relationship? Let's for once try and reason like modern men and women and not like people who lived 5 Centuries ago.

  77. For me it is a clear cut case, they should abort the baby, God will forgive her, yes it is a sin, aren't we all sinners? We have all cfallen short of his Glory, if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us.i am against abortion but on this occasion I support it.

    People lie, steal, embezzle money, manipulate figures, back bite and do all sorts but act like God will judge those who have aborted separately, No way, sin is sin before God. what of that house help you are maltreating? That subordinate you are frustrating for no just reason at your place of work? Abegiiiiiii!

  78. If a child does not come into the world through a particular vessel, it will be born through another. Just because someone aborts a fetus does not mean that soul will never come into being on the earth, it will just come through another vessel at a different time. In this case, no child should be have to face this situation. Let the mother abort the fetus and allow the spirit to be born under a more peaceful and happy circumstance.

  79. Make dem do fasting nd prayer....d belle go abort by hinself!!!.....................OKIJA WIFE

  80. Many hav been sayin......"i dont lik abortion" "am against abortion "its a sin n so on.....plz,abeg who dn does all dz 95% of abortion comitted by our youngs for dm guyz....WHO? Spirit? God help us....bk to d matter.....d woman shd abort ohhhh...for her own peace of mind.

  81. Don't abort the child. What's done is done. They've made their bed, they must lie in it, literally and figuratively, child and all!


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