Stella Dimoko Simi Osomo Weds Dr Sid ....White Wedding Pics


Sunday, August 03, 2014

Simi Osomo Weds Dr Sid ....White Wedding Pics

Simi Osomo wed her boo Dr Sid yesterday Saturday August 2,2014 wearing the prettiest wedding dress i have seen this year.....

Like a magnet which attracts only its kind,Dr Sid a celeb himself was honoured by the presence of main core entertainers in Nigeria...

Simi,Lovely,lovely wedding dress!....God bless this union

*awesome night?lol

Most of the single babes on my BBM have as Dp the wedding rings of Simi and Sid and a prayer attached to it asking God to help OluwaBOO locate them.IJN


  1. The girl is okay and pretty just that her bizzy body attitude

    1. AdaDiUraNma Love Hot Ice3 August 2014 at 09:15

      Plz What's with this wizkids gulfrd. Is she now a celebrity? Plz what's her own claim to fame? Oh let me guess, F**king Star boy? Nawa oo...

    2. @ ada my thots exactly...smh!

  2. Awww...HML to them. The rings and dress are really beautiful and everything looked classy.
    I like Dr Sid. Surulere is one of my fav songs this year. Really happy for them.

  3. Fine, fine people. I'm loving the dress, money is good.
    And you are right Stella, that ring is tha bomb. Me sef is using the ring as my DP now to hint Le boo, lol.

  4. Wish the couple a happy married life

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  5. hml to sid nd simi.nd may God answer those babes cld b frustrating esp if ur family r asking frequently where le-boo is

    1. Lovely wedding dress. Simple yet classy. Same goes for Tiwa's outfit- me loves it too.
      Office Bullying- Ever been a victim? Click my name to read more and share your experience

  6. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Long and lasting marriage is all i wish them...... Mr and mrs esiri.....

  7. Congrats to them, wishing them a happy married life.

    Click my name for all your celebration cakes n cupcakes, cheers

  8. Toke's wedding gown is the prettiest I have seen yet. HML Sidmi. God bless ur home. What's Tania's claim to fame biko?

    1. Her grandson, Wizkid is a star.
      Thank me now.

    2. Tania's claim to fame? Wizkid's gf na

    3. Yeah Toke's gown can last a lifetime It was so fab. This one it's pretty too.

  9. Beautiful bride, nice wedding dress. HMl to them.

  10. Dis is a typical case of d wedding guests outshining d bride..
    Simi obviously has no fashion taste watsoeva..
    Dat dress is just hideous..
    Tiwa cud hav bn d bride cos she looked stunning..
    Very dull 'Sidney and I' bride..
    Wat I c on Simi is an engagement ring not a wedding band..
    Billie jean

    1. That wedding gown is simple and classy, nobody without taste can go for that gown trust me.

      It's obvious you don't know rings hence you are seeing an engagement ring. Yes Tiwa looks stunning. happy sunday to you

    2. If you know what CLASS is and you are not so use to your Ghetto Fabulousness... you"ll understand the classiness going on with this woman and her choice of dresses. And no, nobody is outshining her, not even with Tiwa's make up. Less is MORE, she is an elegant bride. Now run along with your ghetto ass. Rubbish!

    3. That dress is beautiful in my own eyes, everybody has their preferences. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's hideous. Btw, I hate Tiwa's dress, I don't like clothes that expose boobs or cleavage or whatever.
      Plan your own wedding and leave people to theirs.

    4. Stupid i Know she won't have a fashion sense to ucos the spirit of nakedness disturbing Tiwa lives in U. Simi ur dress is d best ve seen this year. Ur change of dress superb bcos they all cover up! The wedding ring beautiful, t's all simple and classic. Wishing you a beautiful marriage than ur beautiful wedding

    5. Ah Billie Jean the "disturbed one" welcome back.

  11. A very classy and beautiful wedding.A big congrats to them.
    seriously Stella,I've been admiring her wedding ring,its every girls dream.But doesn't mean I won't accept ma boo's ring.

  12. Nice ring. Her nails loooks tooo cheap.

  13. U people shld stop lying na eeh! That wedding dress material is like table cover lace! Yes! The detail is jst too plain for a wedding this big. Pls dnt give me that bulshit about simple and classy, at least the train shld hv been longer, the front part of the gown is almost jump up Abi can't u ppl see!

    By the way, tiwa and tania need to be tutored on wat dress to wear for a wedding, see hw they tried to outshine the bride's second outing wear. Mtcheew

    1. your view, fortunately NO ONE CARES about it! HW Sid n Iyawo

    2. If you think the design is too plain is the name big enough for you? Carolina harrera is more than your annual salary. He second dress Elle Saab is what Hollywood wears to the Oscars. She's showing class and a simplicity with elegance no yo yo yo that simple mined people with no style or grace like. I'm sure you hated kate's dress when she marries Wills because no bling right

  14. Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! I love me those wedding blings,such a simple yet elegant wedding dress n makeup! Beauriful!

  15. See buriful Tiwa looking like the iyawo. .Simi's wedding dress is simple and classy.cute couple congrats.

  16. God bless their union, her gown is beautiful, toke makinwa always on point, Tania your gown is lovely, tiwa looks good.

  17. Stella what church was the wedding held?

  18. Congrats to the couple but her wedding dress is not Wow enough. Nicole and Toke's wedding dress is still toping the chart.

  19. HML Simi and Sid, SDK there's a short video where she was supposed to throw her bouquet, after playing with the girls, she turned and walked up to her Sister(MOH) and gave her the bouquet, people are cussing her out on IG for doing that.

    1. I see Fatima Dangote on her bridal train

  20. Happy married life to the Esiri's.

  21. Her wedding dress is so classy..., but the "wedding ring" - looks like an engagement ring. or maybe I ddnt get the memo that wedding rings are no longer "simple" Gold, Diamond, platinum or Titanium Circles.... oh well

  22. Her gown is simple and classy.I didn't see any asoebi girls.Seriously considering that too bcos some girls can hold debt and is them that will still want to wear both trad n white asoebi...

  23. Toke looks like ngbeke feeling funky,yeye girl

  24. Luvly couple. Luvly guests. God bless dia union!

  25. Lovely! Lovely! Lovely!
    The rings are so lovely
    I wish them the very best that marriage has to offer IJN

  26. Congrats! May ur marriage last.

  27. May God bless their Union. Abeg, which kain Alinco haircut d groom carry so? Errmmm... Aunty Toke, weldone. Tiwa Salvage must be....*scratches head*... Well, Unu Happy Sunday oo Sdkers. *runstochurch*

  28. The rings are beautiful. The stupid commenter that said its hideous has never seen Diamonds before. The gowns are perfect and overall a classy wedding.

  29. Nkeiruka that skinny wag,with big head in red. Very wicked senior in f.g.g.c omu - aran. God punish u with your fake lagos lifestyle. Where is your sister onyeka? Quit forming class, when i know your background.

    1. years after ssecondary school? How PETTY can you be?

  30. Simple and classy,those are the best words to describe Simi's dress.wish she and Sid a HML.He knew what he wanted and wasted no time in getting it,unlike some that will date for 1000 years with six children before a ring is on their fingers.Congrats once more.PS Toke,you look heavenly. EVE E UME

  31. All I see is lovely lovely couple, people, cute and happy faces! HML to the Esiris! Wish your dad was around.

  32. No beef on them but I believe wedding should be once in a lifetime and not every week. Are they the only people wedding?

    Why hold an elaborate traditional wedding in the heart of the city(not your village oh or the bride's father's house) and the following week, another wedding. Don't come here to ask me if they are complaining? Or call me jealous. I'm just airing my personal opinion like you just aired yours.

    I know I'm not one for pomp and pageantry but I think there should actually be a balance so you don't put pressure on your loved ones. Cos bet me, their families put up these bounty feasts n still have to give and re-give gifts.

    Nice venue. Nice decor, wonderful guests. Beautiful couple, but we've seen this all last week. A woman shouldn't insist on all this and no man should force it down your neck. This is not what marriage is about. Putting up shows so people will know you've arrived. E.g Tiwa n co. True happiness remains to be found in d marriage proper and not the wedding.

    The only reason I'm saying this is
    -this same man came on social media and admitted that his house in Lekki is based on a mortgage agreement. Think of how much of that bill could have been ofsetted by simply cutting the expense(e.g 1 wedding). The halls they rented in Lekki sef is enof 2 pay a huge chunk. Not to talk of decor n all

    -how many bridal showers did Simi have?
    I saw about 2. One in Las Vegas that could have been talk of the town and sent to different blogs to increase her status as a chic of class, however, the sad part was that no one came as she planned. She still sent empty pictures to blogs.(if it's not her,who else went to Vegas to pap her?) next things,she sent mails to frndz 2 slash dier names frm her wedding IV list because they didn't attend her Hen night.

    This woman comes across as very superficial, vapid even.
    Heard she had a reseat in Law school before being called to bar last year. I know it's not easy and it's by God's grace but u can easily see why from the way she sets her priorities.

    I wish her happy married life and I have no inkling of resentment just stating my observation.

    1. Who are u please! I luuuuuurrrv u. Will u be my best friend pls

    2. Idiot judgement goat? Have you eaten? Did she borrow money from you? A trad marriage should be done in her father's house and so it was. If she failed in law school so wat? Some people fail more than once and put their lives back together. This ur post really upset me, I can't deal with people like. Be drinking panadol for another person's headache while your miserable life is in chaos, I guess you are a bitter friend. Better go and find your own man. Superficial or not her hubby is not complaining.......Original ph girl!!!!

    3. Anonymous I love ur comment! !!
      U ve said it all, he spent so much on dis wedding. I wonder wat will happen wen he's done wit don baba j, cos dis guy can't even sing to save his own life!!!
      Money he could have used in clearing his debts, he spent on designers, diamonds nd bridal shower,hope he can continue to keep up wit dis lavish life style, hmm its alright.
      Happy married life to them.

    4. Whatever your so called personal opinion is,it does not change the fact that she has done her wedding the way she wants it,so deal with it.Busy body xraying someone else's life.What a priority you have,bitter soul.

    5. Amazing!!!!!!! *clapping* Well thought and Perfectly written!!!

    6. Actually,apart from putting pressure on family financially...What about people that had to fly to n fro...and the others that went by road? People that had to make those dates available??.... Dear BV,you probably didn't see pictures of their very elaborate intro last year...lolzzZ... now is Toke not wiser???

    7. But what makes u think he paid for the wedding? Her family probably paid. Besides how does it concern u??? Anyway to deviate sids had looks like he used to farm before. Very strong and scaly looking. Anyway congrats guys

  33. Happy married life.



    £30,000 a year addiction to London... how Nigerians are becoming big spenders

    Every year, Simi Osomo makes six trips to London from Nigeria. The 25-year-old spends about two weeks here and every day she goes shopping. Today she’s at the boutique shop Matches Townhouse in Marylebone with a personal shopper. “When it comes to shopping and Nigerians, I can tell you it’s just what we have to do,” she tells me while admiring the patterned dresses.

    For Nigerians, London is a shopping mecca. Visitors from the West African country are the UK’s fourth biggest foreign spenders, parting with an average of £500 in each luxury shop they visit — four times what UK shoppers typically spend. When I ask Osomo how much a two-week shopping trip in London costs she makes a bashful face. “Ooh, should I really be saying this? It depends, but most times about £5,000.”

    Osomo is wearing a green top from Zara that’s “the colour of the Nigerian flag”, blue skinny jeans and new Christian Louboutin shoes. Later today she’s going to buy an iPhone 5 for her sister.

    “You can get lots of things in Lagos but they are cheaper here and you get to take a holiday and relax a bit. It’s only six hours away.” The number of Nigerian visitors to the UK increased by more than 50 per cent to 142,000 a year between 1991 and 2011, according to the Office for National Statistics. Nigeria is projected to become Africa’s biggest economy by next year and the world’s fifth most populous country by 2050, and London is cashing in.
    Debenhams’ Oxford Street branch has put up signs in Hausa, one of the official Nigerian languages, and said customers from this part of West Africa are its biggest overseas spenders. Yet Osomo says it’s not just rich Nigerians who come over. “Middle-class people can afford to come and spend £600 on shopping in a week here. What I like about the UK is that it doesn’t discriminate. As long as you’re able to prove you have an income, accommodation in London and a return ticket, the authorities are more than willing to give you a visa. It’s closer than America and the customer service here is phenomenal.”

    Back home in Lagos, the technology market has been flooded with fake products from China, which means more people are coming to London for electronic goods and are even taking items back to sell. “No one wants to spend more than 100,000 naira (£390) and find out it is fake, so they prefer to come over for a holiday and buy something they know is real and has a guarantee in case something goes wrong.”

    Marks & Spencer is one of Osomo’s favourite shops. “I love their fajitas. You can’t get them in Nigeria. I also buy soy sauce and Thai green curry paste, which is good because it lasts for a long time. Oh, and Crunchy Nut cereal, Skittles, Maltesers and tea. There’s nothing like a British cuppa. I get Lipton, PG and green tea.” She likes the variety of London. “I love Zara, H&M, Topshop. But if I want something more high end, there’s Sloane Street.”

    More than £3 billion a year is spent on high-end goods in London, according to the London Luxury Quarter Report, and it predicts this will rise to £4.5 billion by 2020, with new shops including Burberry’s flagship fuelling the trend. Luxury concierge services are also popular. Osomo is a client of Quintessentially, which organises shopping trips and parties for her and has an office in Lagos.

    Although summer is the height of the shopping season, Osomo likes to come back for the January sales too. Her mother, a lawyer, and father, a businessman, often join her. She has just finished a law degree and is about to start a job in fashion journalism, which she hopes will give her enough holidays for trips to London. But flights can get booked up quickly.

    1. Does SIMI's sassiness upset you?
      Why are you beset with gloom?
      'Cause SIMI walks like she has got oil wells
      Pumping in her living room?

  35. Anonymous 12:18 pm na only you waka come . What is your business with Simi and her lifestyle. People should learn to mind their business.
    Happy Married Lufe to the lovely couple.

    Stella today is my first say of commenting here.

    1. Congrats Hon for the first time comment. Now here's a satchet of pure water for u!

  36. Whoever called the wedding dress and ring ugly sure doesn't know wedding dresses. Take time to watch "Say yes to the Dress," then you'll know it's no yeye dress. And most young people don't wear 2 different rings now, it's a main engagement ring dropped into the wedding band to make it look like 1 (which is what she probably has). That's a timeless piece.


  38. @Lisa Spencer gbam. billie jean is a classless and tasteless heifer. Leave Simi oh that's the lifestyle she's used to.

  39. I fear world people oh,has it occurred to you that people may have supported them? Haven't you seen cases where a couple is getting married and an uncle says I will pay for your hall, a sister says I will sort out your wedding cake,friends of the groom say we will sort out the drinks and alcohol etc. Did you avert your little mind to that?

    Learn to mind your business, whether Simis travels every week or Dr Sids house is on mortgage ain't your business.
    Evil monitoring spirit!! Keep lamenting and gnashing your teeth, mstchewww.

  40. All this Lavish weddings biko.

    Dr Sid, i hope you have money to maintain your wife.Maybe you should change your current job. The show off was way too much and it was very obvious.


  41. Simi- Your wedding dress was a NO NO.

  42. @ Anon 5.26. Simi go and face your marriage/honeymoon.
    you are not the first to wear caroline H, Ellie saab etc. After all the designers you wore, not a single one looked good on you. How can you wear slippers though out your wedding with the long dresses? I am sure if Toke or Tiwa wore it, they would look way better. Toke still looked better than you on her wedding day and her dress was not bling and it was proudly made by a nigerian designer.

    You always want to be among and fit in. But sorry madam Surulere you no fine.

    1. HBP Over someone youve never met ur entire live? Are you alright?

  43. Happy Married Life to the couple

  44. I still think Tiwa's gown was the prettiest this year. The bridesmaids dresses are gorge though, love them to pieces.

  45. Pls can toke stop showing her veins!!! I no see any curve,just straight like okporoko.

  46. Am I d only 1 that thinks Dr Sid's hands need scrubbing n moisturizing?

    1. Hahahahaha......serious scrubbing ohhh..

  47. Simi looked nice, simple, I'm still trying to understand Tiwa's face, sometimes she looks ugly, and I think her face is flat, hence the plenty photoshopping, Toke looked pretty as usual,Tania, who are you again?


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