Stella Dimoko Jesus Christ! - 12 Year Old Pregnant!



Sunday, August 24, 2014

Jesus Christ! - 12 Year Old Pregnant!

What is this?..why? How? OMG!

The Police had arrested the family of the lady and the family of the man, (who is 20 years old) the man himself had run away. 

The 12 year-old girl is in Primary 3.The scan was done and a doctor told that she is about 7 months pregnant. He thinks there could be a problem with the legs of the child, but he wasn’t sure.
culled from Naijacamera on facebook

*OMG....i cant deal!


  1. God have mercy!
    Christ have mercy!
    God have mercy on us!

    1. Nawa ooo which kain thing be this one naw? Hmmm

    2. Her parents need to be arrested for neglect too

    3. Eh, not a 1st. 15yr old girl with 3yr old son nko.
      That's the world we live in.

    4. Obara jesus! 12years!. I tire for planet earth.

    5. Her parents anf guardians r heartless

      Pls visit my shoe blog

    6. Well this is what will and happens when Yerima finishes with is child brides. Mtcheew. Oshisko.

  2. Imagine this! This world is terrible. God help us all.

    1. Bia Stella did he rape her or she voluntarily opened her "shop" for business?

    2. @ Oil Money..ur comment shows ur level of maturity..u've never heard that children are impressionable? Abi u don't know how u were when u were 12, any man that opens his mouth and talk to a 12 year old child is a paedophile and as such deserves to be does not have to be rape, convincing a child to have sex with an adult is wrong and it is child please refrain from asking stupid and senseless questions

    3. Even if she went into the house of the 20 year old man, stack naked and begging for it, it's still a criminal offence known as unlawful carnal knowledge because of her age. In the eyes of the law a 12 year old girl can never be held accountable for any sexual act with an adult because the adult is presumed to know better. This is quite unfortunate, sad!

    4. @oil money , it's against the law for an adult to sleep with an underage (less than 18 years old) whether male or female. The man should be jailed.

    5. @oil money you creepy pedophile thats a lil girl you talking about..
      She is just 12


  3. I hope the fool is caught and charge with statutory rape..

  4. So? There is nothing new under the sun. How old was Genevieve when she had her daughter? 12! Mercy Aigbe... Shit happens. These small children dey fuck pass you and your hubby, Stella.

    1. At anon 8:12, You must be one oloriburuku somebody, ashi ere jatijati !

    2. And you had to use the word "fuck" on a girl that is not yet a teenager?? This is a child we are talking about!!!Disgusting!!

    3. If she gets proper medical care, she and her baby would be fine. The rate of underage pregnancy these days is astronomical and alarming.

    4. The idiot is 20yr old, he must v raped her. Anon 8:12, hope u r not 1 of them.

    5. Help me ask Stella o @anony8:12am.Even our very own ezewanyi sef.

    6. Shina ori e ti yi sha,ask who wetin?????Bwahahahaha. ......sior!

    7. This is d height on it. What!!!??

    8. IYALAJE OF SDK BLOG24 August 2014 at 22:43

      Lmao @ezenwanyi and Shina oh lawd dis blog. But seriously couldn't even look at d pic for long. What is ds world turning into, chai.

  5. Ok na, wait! Police arrested her Family? Why na? Was she her virginity Sold to the man?as long as she wasn't raped nobody should be arrested, Children these days are no longer Children, as early as primary school some are already sexually active.

    1. Nuvi Honey,dey were arrested cos it's d primai responsibility of d parents to take proper care of dis child and dis includes keeping her SAFE from predators.
      Cos she is STILL a CHILD!
      Some parents sha!

    2. TGW wow! I never knew it was a crime in Nigeria, or have u forgotten the bill that was passed in favour of Yerima?

    3. Do yourself a favour and pick up a book, your ignorance is mind boggling. In your mind, a child can consent to sex? It's comments like yours that encourage pedophiles

    4. Why are people talking like this, this girl is 12 not 14, not 15 or even 16. How can you say children are now sexualy active? Don't you know that sex with a minor is RAPE? She is not even a teenager yet for Christs sake.

    5. The parents should also have reported to the authorities. Cos it's paedophilia! They be aiding n abetting ...hmmm now wondering if we have a law against that (paedophilia) in Nigeria...*idontknow

    6. Abeg make una nor chop Mr raw, my point is she should have reported when the molestation( if she didn't agree o) started, if she didn't get pregnant she would have continued.
      12yrs is a Child alright but she's old enough to tell right from wrong, what if it was a teenager too 13- 16 that got her pregnant would he be arrested?
      Their parents can watch them 24/7 na.
      The guy should be held responsible if anything happens to her during labour sha.
      Anonymouses you can make your points with abuses naa

    7. Nuvie Honey, that's how most of our Nigerian Police behave. The parents of the girl, however negligent they may be, are not the ones who should be arrested. They are the nominal complainants who ought to file a complaint at the police station, then the police would arrest the suspect and file a charge of unlawful carnal knowledge against the accused at a Magistrates' court. Even if the man runs way, the police have no right to arrest any of his family members. Unfortunately, most people don't know their rights so, the police often use them to shine.

  6. I just hope i won't miss church today. Which kain story be this on a sunday morning ni tori Olorun.... End time....

  7. How won't something be wrong with the baby's legs the mother in question is still a freaking child? Smh! The world has gone crazy

  8. jeez...with boobs and all
    oh no!

  9. Who even did this, his manhood should be cut off. Choi!! Some men dey fall hand sha.

    Best Oracle

    1. U sound Surprised Oracle
      Wen dey rape dogs and chickens

  10. This is not right! Why oh why do these things have to happen? Poor child!

    Parents really need to sit up with regards to the upbringing of their male and female children. This has got to stop!

  11. How can a 12 year old be pregnant? Who impregnated her? The sight makes me awful. It is jst annoying

  12. JESUS. Child Abusé.! Oh mon dieu.!

  13. Ewwww.....gross

    Who did this???

  14. Hmm..... Stella the things that are happening these days especially in the villages. Some men are so heartless.
    I hope there is enough money for the doctors to monitor her closely, even if it means performing an early ceaserian section cause this girl is too young. This is too just too sad.

  15. 12 years in primary 3? Oga o. I was in Jss2 @ 12 years.

    1. Ode! Are your own fingers equal? Was that the only thing that caught your attention? And talking about age/class, i was in ss1 at that age(12) that seemed like an achievement to u. So u can see that u're a learner! Always learn to contribute sensibly and not majoring on the minor! Now run along!

    2. And who ask u that one @anon 8:28AM?? Is that what is one ground. There are equally children who are 9 and in J'S 3.... havnt u heard of such? shatap, if u ve nothing sensible to contribute.

  16. Seriously, some men are beast of no gender.
    How do u get turned on by looking at a just budding breast and non existent hip?

    And poor ppl are too fertile #Tufiakwa! They can like to born kids dey can't cater for(my mum feels its an african mentality, dat if u don't av mony, atleast av many kids,she wld say u must av smthg oo!), I bet dis gal is a help, abeg wat kind of work cn u soley trust on a 12yr old witout supervising.Y nt get som1 older?(Una no trust una horseband ba?)

    BTW madam moderator, weldone ooo! May God increase ur biceps, so u can keep raking my comment in chunks. To nonentities, 2day is my off day, so am keeping it holy. Its time to stat preparing for church. See u all wen am back.

    1. LMAO @ Poor people are too fertile

    2. Stellastica,wetin Pinkshell do you nau?dey enable her comments...she don complain tire..

    3. Maybe awon emailers don mail as usual.
      Bwahahahaha. ......

  17. Ihekire Tony

    Just when I think I have heard and read it all.

  18. A 12 yr old in primary 3 n already 7 months pregnant??? Chimo!!!!

  19. What da hell !!..
    Who did this to this girl???..she is still a baby..
    Chai,this is come she is still in primary 3? 7 year old boy is in primary 3 so this girl is suppose to be in Js2 or wah ohh..

    1. Another mumu! Why couldn't u go to university but went ahead to getting married, when your mates were in school studying? So u now know why? U don't compare people all bcos u have a little priviledge, bcos life is in stages, fingers are not equal and no one knows tomorrow! Kapish!

  20. Hmmm .when I was in jss 1 one of my friend was 12 years old ,she was pregnant ,was our economics teacher that find out oh ,after everything she was 7 months gone ,the guy that did it ran away too ,she had the baby .

  21. That man should be found and nailed on the head 🔫🔫

    1. As a lady, I hate to see things like this, then, now that I'm a mum, I just can't deal.......
      Can't the doctor operate and get the child out of the child? Because they are both children....

  22. Peadophiles everywhere! Can't deal too

  23. This is gruesome! Pry school girl? Hian! This is the case of a baby giving birth to another baby.

  24. Hmmm. A child with a child. May God save us.

  25. God have mercy ooooo. Child abuse ree oooo.

  26. hian! what is dis? but how cruel can some men be?y not go look for an adult like u to impregnate.... haba dis is child abuse! mtcheewww.

  27. My friend 12 year old maid is pregnant too.. Na wa o

    1. Congrats on your achievement! Weldone to u and your 'friendship'.

    2. I don't know where I read this story but I heard it's not in 9ja it happened in an East African country,this pure negligence.

      Mr Lyca

  28. Jeez , wao . Am speechless

  29. 12 years in primary 3? The 12year old na imbecile? E suppose dey js2 or 3 na. Na wa o. But not too surprised sha cus I know a 19 year old with 2 kids already ages 6 and 2.

    1. Have you guys considered the fact that she is probably a maid and had some difficulties going to school.

    2. Why didn't u enrol her early enough? Or better still give her multi-promotion to the uni. Shioor!

  30. This is a satire,n a thing of dismay ,an eyesore even imagining the act is extragalactic ,thankGod the police intervened, there's a need for interrogatory utterances to ascertain the reason behind this cataclysmic plus barbaric act, I pray they all pay dearly for this ,the perpetrators.

    1. Haa! Kevin apuo njem... Supu!

    2. Chai! This boy was part of the condition SDK gave you(or vice versa) was for you to start harassing us with Big big graMmar?
      SDK abeg I prefer the Kelvin that post interviews and give comic relief.

  31. Sick men every where. I cant even take my eyes off my daughter 4 a second. But if u ask me, I think a 12yr old should be able 2 say ' NO' or at least report any form of sexual advances made at her except she was raped which i doubt is d case.

    1. YUCEE,hmmm we r in d same boat o
      Na me and ma kids o
      I watch dem my self o
      From bathing down to dem watching Tv,I do it myself
      I drop dem off at school,den get busy
      Wen dey are due home,I pick dem up myself
      What ever it is I am doing at work,I SUSPEND o till d next day
      Cos from school it's to d house
      And it's til dey go to beD
      Can't trust no help Mehn...
      LEt dem do d housework
      My kids are my SOLE responsibility
      May GoD help us...
      Cos Dese are evil days

  32. Evil man, they better cut off his middle leg when they catch him. May God help the girl and her family.
    If guns were allowed in Nigeria like in USA, I swear, people would be dropping everyday, cos police no dey help matter again. They wud collect 2k and let him go. 12 year old girl, geez, I can't deal.

  33. ...some men's dick needs to be cut off. like seriously.

    What da hell is this?


  34. Na wa oh.....ds one de happen inside this Naija? What will make a 20yr old attracted to a Lil girl such as this? How does she push out d child during delivery? What kind of nonsense is even on the news this days, honestly I can't equally deal. My heart bleeds for ds child, she is such a minor, how did ds happen? #smh.

  35. WTF is wrong with some parents ? Primary wat??!!! Some r not worthy to bring forth any child to this earth!! God , u r so merciful!! Kai!!! I can't deal biko!!

  36. I can't deal either... 12years old pregnant? Am short of words. Her parents has failed her because they would have taught her the basics of sex education from the age of 5, so they are to blame for what just befell this little girl.

    1. Buhahaaha!
      Pantra bee, wia are u frm, onye canada.
      Sex education? wen d parents are busy lookin for just anytin to put food on dia table.

      Lemme tell u, d children of dis days are extra super wicked, cos parents her busy hustling, while society is hlpin dem raise dia kids.
      E no easy, mk God hlp person.

  37. Blood of Jesus!

    Nicky Skimpy

  38. 12 years old in primary 3, anyway since a dwarf can give birth so why not her after all she isn't older than Yerima's 3rd wfe. Kudos to them all.

    1. Maybe she's someone's housegirl...some people take these underage girls and refuse to send them to school on time..They keep dilly dallying and eventually put them into school after 2years or more...dunno the full story tho but am thinking that is why she's still in primary!

  39. Damn!!! This is seriously gross.God would take care of her and her baby, but on a lighter note, 12 year old girls get pregnant for their 13 year old boyfriends willingly these days so I'm not shocked, its just that she was most likely an unwilling participant.God help her sha

  40. Geezzz dis is messed up. Lord v mercy.


  41. Stella waaAt is dis? Who is d maga dat did dis? I can't deal...pls

  42. I can't say i'm shocked.This days men fuck goat,chicken ,dog even snake and fish !
    As for the little girl,what a pity.Why didn't she tell her mother the very day she was touched !
    moms in the house,lets all use this bitter lesson and be my children's best friends so they can open up to you on any issue.
    Be the one to tell them everything about sex before the monsters outside do that !

    1. They will soon start fucking monkeys and bushmeat if not for ebola. Sick people everywhere.


    1. so the man was twenty didn't even bother to read it through befor! too bad this things happen this days!~sighs~the gal child now is too quick sensitive to sex than the male child~sighs~na wetin hungry am na she it

  44. Sooo Unfortunate!
    Buh dats d sad reality of d world we are in
    Many are sick and depraved
    And dere is nothing much we can do about Dese evil pedophiles
    Buh we as parents can do something about it
    Be careful wit ur kids
    Be involved in their lives
    Sex education is very important
    And lastly,trust NO ONE!
    Studies have shown that it's people closest to us dat do Dese evil:uncles,drivers,laundry men,lesson teachers n so on
    Lets do our best for our kids first
    While praying!

  45. Wow! Am shocked. I wonder what a 20 year old is doing with a 12 year old. What even attracted her to him? God have mercy!

  46. What is this? Who is responsible for this evil act? May God help this girl.

  47. Hmmmmmmmm. I m speechless

  48. Hmmmmmmmm. I m speechless

  49. I blame the lazy parent of the girl. This little girl should be in Js3 for crying out loud. I have seen 9 year old house helps. Why give birth to these kids when you cant take care of them. All they think about is sex. Parents who dont take care of their kids should be sent to jail. I dare not see any man or boy near my 10 year old niece, family nor staff. Na to commit murder oh.

  50. Hmmm.....Kids of these days are very spoilt,@ 11 they even practice lesbianism.But to think of an adult impregnating a girl of 12 is evil.

  51. Lord of mercy! What kind of thing is this? Dunno what this world is turning into?

  52. The sight of this is just too annoying...why, who did this to this child...#reallypissed.

  53. This is outrageous. The parents needs to be jailed for carelessness.

  54. Stella's Newest Fan24 August 2014 at 11:43

    This is so wrong, poor child.

  55. No b news abeg, dem plenty for north.

  56. Hmmmmm…see what this dog has caused.

  57. I blames the parents of the girl,
    The mother mainly
    If u inculcate fear of God and discipline in ur kids then dis won't happen
    I started talking about sex to my daughter wen she was 5yrs and my friends think am crazy!
    Dis is a beautiful gal and all those pervert uncles that place is child on their lap and start havin hard on or inapporpriate touch and they poor child won't know but if u have been lecturing her she will spew incase such happen
    Fast forward to today,
    She is in the university and no matter what her friends said or adviced she will call me and asked, my advice and opinion is final cos she trust I have always been honest and truthful wit her no matter how painful
    there is nothing we don't discus with my kids especially the girl
    So I blame the mother 100% and they deserve to be arrested
    Don't be scare to discus issues with ur kids cos they will go ask outsider that will never advice them as u their parents
    Its never to early to sex educarion nor too late!
    U might be tag a strict parent, its better for u and them cos in future they will be grateful for it
    ( My opinion strictly)

  58. My mum got married at the age of 11 and gave birth to her first child wen she was 12... she's 75years now.....wat am trying to say is that this girl ain't upto 12, I read somewhere that she's 7 years old and she started having breast after she got pregnant. ... Please stella get your facts right pleasezzz... to who ever that is responsible for this will know no peace.

  59. Oh dear, this is a very sad sight to behold. Who defiled this baby this way?

  60. I believe giving another man's child to another man is the WORST thing you can do to a man. Main while guys if you have doubt do DNA!!!

  61. Ummm.y is everyone so surprised??.go to riverine areas of delta state nd u see worse.

  62. All u here blaming the parents are idiots and u think the parents will be with her 24 hours? U bitches here that started having sex early did your mothers not teach you? Is it because ur own kids have not done anything stupid yet? Do you all stay with your kids 24/7? Is there any evidence here to say her parents have neglected her or were the ones who told her to start having sex? U all come here to vomit rubbish cos u are not the ones it happened too.....this is obviously rape or molestation cos it speaks a lot for a child to willingly be having sex at 12.....


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