Stella Dimoko Happy Birthday Blog Visitor Elizabeth Remy


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Blog Visitor Elizabeth Remy

Elizabeth is presently chilling out in Houston and will have a Birthday dinner party today evening Houston time.
Happy Birthday boo,Keep smiling !

Jaymoore she says she don comment only twice with her us



  1. happy birthday beautiful one ,God bless your new age ,big brother in the house jay moore ova to you

    1. Bootylycious u don finally tak over 1st to comment frm pattogar? Congrat

    2. Sweetheart permit me 2say u are a show off. Happy bday tho.

    3. Hmmm! Not bad. Happy birthday.

  2. Doro fine... Afta chics born in d month of april, august chics also rock. Hbd dear, live long n fulfill ur days on earth.

  3. HBD Lizzy Rem...
    Biko, are u married? my bro needs you in his life...
    let's be inlaws please, my fam is dope af.

    1. With your bad mouth on this blog... na insult you go use keel the girl with your mouth. Ol gel, u better no listen to swerve, with in laws like her, who needs enemies?

    2. Chai! Swerve see advert. Looolz. Nne I mara nma chai! God bless ur new age. HBD. Yea stella I remember her.

    3. I reject it for her. Its not her portion to give birth to square faced children.

    4. Thirsty bitch... america day hungry u die. Tufiyakwa!

    5. Lol@square face. Choi! But dz swerver is d ugliest chick on sdk and she yabs pple.

    6. Its not only the ugly face or square face. I noticed the huge lips and flat nose. Lol

    7. height of daftness....
      that's my picture? omg!!!

  4. Happy birthday to you Elizabeth, I love you the more because you share same name with my mum, wishing you all the best, LLNP. You are such a beautiful lady, I am crushing on you right now. I hope I have not made someone jealous.


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    1. Alloy, na home you go come meet me. You never pay for our babies diapers, you don dey eye another woman abi?

    2. Hahahaha... Anonymous you are so funny, you better don't let some people on this blog hear this, that I have a baby with you, abeg don't let them break my head oooo! I don't have any baby with you oooo! Lol

      Your comment will be visible after approval

    3. Alloy you are a stupid man! U keep admiring another woman under my nose. Nonsense

  5. HBD dear! You are pretty! You forgot to Introduce yourself properly so we can get to know you better! Your id, moniker or anonymous somborri! Which one? How will Jaymoore track you down?

    Pepper ose oku!

    1. Obim she said she has commented twice with her namen I suppose that's her real name, so it will be easy for Jaymoore
      Obim how are you doing Na?

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    2. Alloy Obim and doing fine how far? Hope sweetest pussy is no longer on your case!

      Pepper ose oku!

  6. Better Pikin
    U look like ur mama Pikin...
    See as ur body dey Pokon Pikin...
    Ah,fine Girl
    Sexy Geh
    She is A Golden Geh....


    HBD Beautiful!!!
    May GoD bless u now Always!
    Have Fun!

  7. Ds blog name have been unheard of.

    Fine gerh sha....

    Happy birthday.

  8. Ashawo things... we don see you

    1. See yaself. Your heart black reach, even fine things you no fit appreciate am. You better go and change your ways so your kids doesn't come to this worlds with two horns like satan. Na small small e dey start o. Your haterade no get part 2.

    2. Sweetheart please take it easy Na, its her birthday you shouldn't be insulting her, how does she look like ashawo Na?

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    3. Jealousy.... Just say happy Birthday.. It won't kill u

  9. Babe ure hot and fresh.....happy birthday girlie #PROUD LEO

  10. Isn't she lovely?
    You are foooinee.
    I love people with natural 'eyebags'.
    Heard you can 'acquire' them from smoking weed .

    1. LMAO...U cray i swear
      Oya,go now to Yaba right.

    2. 4 real?
      I HATE mine!
      I can give you for free

      Pipi Lee

    3. Oya sunshine, we go use you for testing. Go smoke weed, and come tell us if na true dem talk.

    4. Bwahahaha! OmG!
      Tolu, finding trouble wia dia is none.

    5. Wow ar u flipping kidding me? Bitch I got my eyes on u. U think u cn throw shade clean mouth n walk away?

    6. Bwahahaha! OmG!
      Tolu, finding trouble wia dia is none.

  11. Happy buffday 2 ya. U look as sweet as Pipi Lee. We should hook up 2nite coz I'm in Houston ATM as well (the one in Naija u know) *side eyes*

    *lips sealed and watching*

    1. Awwwwww Eesah my Eesah.

      Pipi Lee

    2. Eesah, show me your passport make I see am. We don catch you today

  12. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    She is so damn beautifull and cutie hbd to yu....

  13. Beautiful

    Happy birthday


  14. Hbd .have fun n enjoy your party. (

  15. Is this not onyinyechi the book worm in f.ggc

  16. Happy birthday Liz, keep smiling, stay perfect.

    Pipi Lee

  17. Wao... She is flawlessly Beautiful.... Happy Birthday... @Bitchplis, patiently waiting for ur pics kom aug 20

    1. Don't hold ur breath!
      Bitchpliz neva chop dat kind liver!
      And Hi to u, hope u aint adding weit like me, during dis compulsory break.

    2. Don't hold ur breath!
      Bitchpliz neva chop dat kind liver!
      And Hi to u, hope u aint adding weit like me, during dis compulsory break.

  18. You are beautiful darling!! HBD


  19. Happy birthday dear
    God bless u more!

  20. Happy Birthday BS, a bigger you i pray!

    *Prayer For Nigeria in Distress x10 Daily*

  21. I don finally see my wife,,baby stretch forth ur hands lemme put d golden car key on it,or na ring u want.

    1. Dis Kelvin u no well
      For Where u Find ur wife?!
      Reminds me of ma youngest bro

    2. Kelvin, if that na be ur real name, how is your visa application coming? Dem don give u visa? #Team London... I no think say this gel dey for london o.

  22. SDK! Na ojoro be dis oh! No birthday post for non blog visitors, wetin be her blog name abeg? All d same happy birthday. poppins.

  23. Fine babe with straight hot legs like mine. Happy birthday dear you are lifted.

    #sharon was here

  24. Fine babe with straight hot legs like mine. Happy birthday dear you are lifted.

    #sharon was here

  25. Fine babe with straight hot legs like mine. Happy birthday dear you are lifted.

    #sharon was here

  26. Ihekire Tony

    wishing you a happy birthday celebration.

  27. HBD elizabeth, another beautiful leo. Ride on girl and enjoy your day!! Rock on girlfriend!!!

  28. ....She's a golden geh! Happy birthday dearie.Have fun!

  29. How is Jay Moore going to download us her history when she didn't tell us her blog name????
    Niways, Happy Buffdai!!!

  30. I don't know her as a blog visitor..

  31. okay. HBD n many more blissful years. have a blast!

  32. Happy born day Lizzy...... Jay Moore, abeg, no spoil her day for her oooooooooooo....

    Enjoy Dear, its your day

  33. Happy birthday girl..have fun and God bless

  34. Happy Birthday hun!! Best wishes

    #Peace Ambassador

  35. Happy birthday celebration.
    All the best.
    What is ya brog name sef?


  36. Happy Birthday .
    SDK do not have history with the name and we have never seen her comments with the name, please ask her to past her REAL blog name. Maybe her 2 comment was only made here yesterday but our SDK file is yet to detect her name.
    In order word, those who take it personal when they see their comments it’s not in my nature to ruin your day but when i see your face and check your past comments if i find something strange about you i put them up so others can see your real self, i call them bipolar (Stella’s Voice) behavioural comments. Those comments i put up during birthday post are your history comments, i do not write them but you did, all i do is remind you about some of your comment maybe it will help you moderate your comments next time. Some of us are 2 faced people, what they claim to be today is not what they claim to be the next hour. Everyone here is unique and your uniqueness brings out the best we read daily. Those i do not need their history checks are

    1. Ezenwanyi- aka IRON LADY, she keeps it real,never give up. I will need 5 extra hand to check her history so no need lol. Abeg make una leave her alone everyone brings out the fire that burns here daily. Ezenwanyi I great you, i like your evangelist name.

    2. Linda Eze- Chaii *aunty linda* in BVS voice( you know Naija person will call you aunty/uncle when they need something from you) I don’t need her history check because she is another lady who keeps it real always saying her mind, i know she can never send her birthday pictures because SDK LIONS are ever ready to bounce on her and her birthday comments will top 2000 she will be tempted to send her pictures soon that’s my prediction.

    3. Maimie- Her history will bring the worst abuse on sdk so no need for her history check another reason being she can never send her pictures to sdk blog.*aunty Maimie* i hail you.

    1. Mamie is a confirmed bi-polar. That lady has got two tongues, its out of this world. One minute she is for #team bleaching, the next minute on the same day, she is for team lupita. She has brain farts so much, I skip her comments now. She confuses me so much. And her mouth with the insults that comes out from it, Jesus of Nazarene, im sure she doesnt even go to church, even babalawo will reject her membership. They are not even insults, they borderline nastiness. There's this other lady that has such nasty comments dished out as Insults, can't remember her name for now. But the Mamie lady or man... I carry nyansh for your mouth... I wonder who will marry her and if she's married, I pity her husband unless they are birds of the same feather. The other ladies are consistent, I concur.

    2. @ JayMoore... LMAO... Remember ur own day will kom too ooooo and I will personally dig up ur past....

    3. Jay moore don't mind dem fake ass bitches...

    4. Any day u mention my name agen.
      U wld see wat I wld do to u #SmacksFingers.

    5. Get over yourself. Sucking up to ezenwanyi. You are not a real man, I pity whoever you are dating at the moment. I bet nobody ever dates you for long cos of your vindictive streak. Gawd you make me wanna puke. I see right through your facade you sanctimonious chimp!
      Stella if I look for this comment, Europe will not contain me and you. Someone need to pull this guy down from his high horse. Next he will demand a written apology, who are you? Do you know the people that reads this blog? Mr man you are less than nothing! Stop feeling cool with yourself! Fuck you!

    6. Jobless loser..

    7. Anonymous 7.58 just clap for yourself. He made his name here where is yours? Why is he not a real man bc he explained himself wat a foolish comment from you. I guess he boasted you real hard on your birthday. Remain anonymous sucker... you need anger management class With such rant.

    8. Anon 8:32 aka jaymoore ass licker! What are u? His voltron? If u knw who I am, u will pee in ur pants that someone like me is talkin to you. Guess u are among the people that received cards or sch fees from him. Step back frm ass liking b4 you catch some disease.

    9. Jay Moore,don't mind them jare,am sure they are one of those people you have bursted...hahahahahaha...don't even stop...keep exposing them..
      Ndi menemene na iru kwanpete na azu...Pinkie,wetin Jay moore do you??..

    10. Anon 7:58 is that chanai abi wetin be that her name again??..hahahahahah..

    11. Jay Moore,don't mind them jare,am sure they are one of those people you have bursted...hahahahahaha...don't even stop...keep exposing them..
      Ndi menemene na iru kwanpete na azu...Pinkie,wetin Jay moore do you??..

    12. Jaymoore, as much as I respect u on dis blog, I really dont think you should be hyping people that comment like touts and market sellers... No, market sellers act more sensible than the people you've mentioned. They think they own the world cos people make them feel its right to just com online and be behaving so uncultured

    13. Bitter anonymouses why are all the anonymous so bitter under his comment. You guys should take a chill pill life is not that serious.

    14. Anonymous 10.41 please tell us wat u gave out? Anumanu.

    15. Attention seeking eggshell,where did Jaymoore mention your name in his comments. You just want to be noticed by force.Get a grip!

  37. Happy birthday beautiful, do have fun. U are my sweet mother's birthday mate. Work no gree me open SDK blog oo.

  38. Happy birthday pretty lizy. Cheers

  39. Where is the party at?

    Happy birthday Elizabeth. Many more years.

  40. HBD, wish u more years ahead in peace and prosperity and many more. Have a gud one.

  41. Happy birthday darling
    God bless u

  42. Happy birthday pretty
    It's your day, have a blast!

  43. do you stay in Houston or you are visiting? Happy Birthday dark from your neighbour

  44. sdk,your give-away na man-know-man o.I post comment three time so that i go follow benefit from the philanthropists 4 days ago you no even post one.shey na your brothers you give ba?If you like no post am i go post am for other blog.

    1. Guy, go get a job before u be looking for freebies.


  45. Happy birthday a blast

  46. Happy birthday dear. May your life be filled with joy. Rose


    pepper no rest again ni? LOL

    No lebara credit for us ni

    1. See your life? If you can't afford airtime abroad return your ass back home and stop wasting your time in england. Asking for recharge card shameless thing from people u don't know.

  48. Happy birthday 2 you Elizabeth Okoro....

  49. I'm ready to pay $10,000 Dollars ,American Dollar just to talk to her for five minutes only and I will very very happy,if She agree to Marry me Jesssssus I will be Her ATM for Life,Che see Fine Girl..Stella send your bank account now now. fine Girl .Fine Girl.Tell your Husband or Boy Friend that He is very very Lucky to have You,no shakara much,it's a Mans World and respect him.I know. Kai see wetin Fine they make me do.Thank God I far well well from Texas.Na Lagos I dey for Amukoko.Lol

  50. U dey hear
    don't mess with texas

  51. HBD liz, pretty girl. Have fun.

  52. I don't wonna be anonymous no more

    1. How did u do it plz? I tried doing buh I don't get it anytime. The one I did refused to be assessed alwy asking me for password. Plz help. Even on how to upload my pics too. Thank u in anticipation.

  53. Happy birthday dear... God bless u!

  54. Happy birthday dear...more blessings

  55. Long legs for days! Hbd dear,keep shining,keep smiling,keep making the world a better place with your smile. EVE E UME

  56. Happy birthday, beautiful. God will make you bigger and better in Jesus' Name, amen.
    Jay Moore, I fear for who no fear you on this blog. Hian.

  57. Jay Moore is suddenly feeling bigger than his tiny size?

    You think everyone here is your mate? So after digging out the comments what next? The person will be shot by fireing squad? It is just a blog, no be u love Stella pass others, grow up boy and stop this vindictiveness.

    Bloody irritant!!!

    1. Its not that serious biko..if he stop digging out comments,I will take with it..

    2. Its not that serious biko..if he stop digging out comments,I will take with it..

    3. Anonymous 8.32
      Bitter soul dont get Hbp.

    4. Yes Linda will take over when he stops. Anon Jay moore has made for himself here but u faceless Anon.

  58. Elizabeth, ppl lik u do not go far , so u better go back to ur root or I fuck u up in houston.

  59. Ungrateful Elizabeth. Only new ppl you come across will call you human, but people like us that knew you all the way from uniport will always call you a devil. Am just waiting to see where your ungrateful and greedy life will take you to. Am not surprise, now I see why all your brothers and only sister rejected you without a second taught. Lol @ birthday things. Fake dinner am sure, cus every thing about you have always been fake. Fake uniport admission, fake visa to Malaysia and dubai to huzzle. Who knows, may be you are in America with another name. Guys becareful wat you wish for.

    1. O setigo...
      You see why I will never send in my picture here...
      Though I don't have cockroach in my cupboard but nna mehn...I no fit...

    2. Anon, you be witch, no Winch ( the one wey dey carry broom for night?

    3. Anon8:39 onyeka nwabiani is that u lol no need commenting many times just to write rubbish try n cure ur hiv n get a new breast first from ur cancer that made u so bitter b4 u talk, arm robber calling sum1 a thief,tried to dump Elizabeth she caught u,suddenly she's bad? divorced old expired desperate cheap runs girl trying to b relevant

  60. You better publish that comment, so that people will not keep deceiving people with their look and fake life. Most wanted Elizabeth.

  61. Elizabeth Okoro is that you? Hmmmm
    I comment my reserve
    Anyways happy birthday.

    1. Am sure you know her too. Av reserved my comment long time ago. Goodluck to you desperate Lizy.

  62. Happy birthday dearie,,,bigger u i pray

  63. Happy Birthday Elizabeth

  64. See yansh opening. Hmmmm

  65. I'l send in my pictures...I know wat jay moore will dig up(d by-force) comment

    1. Don't worry Bitchplis,only few guys ain't guilty of what you did especially in the 90s when a girl's no actually means yes. I was a victim of one of them, I played gentleman by letting her go,till today I'm still butt of jokes amongst pals as she leaked out that I'm a weakling.She passed the night in my room and I couldn't do anything.Nothing spoil jare abi d girl reported to police? This is what copying everything in the western world has caused. A girl will eat your shawarma,use up almost all your credit to call her friends,pose with your nice ride,follow you home to ur cozy apartment in the night and will still have the audacity to tell you she isn't in the mood. A non virgin o.

  66. Elizabeth as you innocent reach, always knew there was something about this lady that's why I didn't wish her HBD yansh openers over to u.

    Mr Lyca

  67. Wait! Wait!! Wait!!! Is this Elizabeth Okoro I know in uniport. This girl is a thief and betrayal. Boyfriend snatcher. I hope uv started taking your bath before you sleep at night. Dirty pig. Anyway happy birthday.

  68. Hmmm mm na wah Elizabeth must be lucky that her bad gist of stealing while she was in uni port did not come out. If u see a snake n Elizabeth pls kill Elizabeth first. Thief, back stabber, boyfriend snatcher, cheap runs. The list is endless. But those who know u know u I wonder the fool u deceived to take u abroad...hustler


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