Stella Dimoko Childless Couple Burn The Bible?..I CANT DEAL!



Thursday, August 21, 2014

Childless Couple Burn The Bible?..I CANT DEAL!

A couple in Asaba, Delta State, Benson Ogwu and his wife, who have been married for 16 years without a child, yesterday set ablaze their Holy Bible around Bonssac quarters. 

While their action attracted hundreds of passersby, LeadershipNg reports that the couple, members of a popular Pentecostal church in the area, were angry after their high expectations of making babies were shattered by a prophet who told them they had a delay in having children because they were far from God. 

Consequently, they claimed that God has abandoned them, but an insider said that they were disillusioned after several prophets told them that the Lord was totally fed up of their Christian practice.

They were said to have sought the assistance of some native doctors, who allegedly lured them into serving his idol popularly known as “Onishe” where they were assured they would have children within three years. Family sources said that the couple was married in the Catholic Church, which they dumped afterwards for the popular Pentecostal church where accusing fingers have been pointed to the pastor for raising false prophecies.

*The devil has really built a mansion in their hearts!...who dares to dare JEHOVAH GOD?how dare you?even in your lowest or your highest moments,how dare you?even to the extent of burning the bible?

Everyone questions God now and then and its okay!

I lost my big brother,mum and big sister between '99 and 2000...devastated was the word..i looked up and told God he didn't exist,i cussed and cussed but today GOD is my BFF..i am not a crazy Christian but i know delay ain't denial,i know the threshold prepares you for the palace.

Somebody should lead them back to Jesus cos that's the only place they will find healing.

In the eyes of man 10years but in the eyes of GOD it might just be a few seconds.
Didn't Stanley's Aunty Ijeoma get pregnant in her 50's?


  1. Our God is faithful, he has never fail his children.....may the lord see you through your pains and open your heart to know the truth.

    1. Way gud has it done dem

      Pls visit my shoe blog

    2. This sort of frustration comes from a people who have been CEASELESSLY EXPLOITED by these bastards parading as God's messengers. It is actually very callous what these bastard pastors do. Worse is when they finish stealing from the flock and tell them not to touch the Lord's anointed. BASTARDS!

    3. From what I just read, they were never with Christ. They served both God and mammon. The bible says we can not have 2 masters. It also says that God turns His back on the prayers of a faithless man. They served God only for what He can do for them, that is either a child or no God. There are people with worse problems. May God have mercy on them.

    4. Chai!so sorry for ur loss Stella,I can imagine the pains...3 family member within a year?May God continue to comfort u and ur family.And to the couple,they should retrace their steps back to God ASAP and pray with psalms51.He is ever faithful and just to forgive,

    5. Onishe ke?

      This onise no face im work at all this time! God is the only way, God biko surprise these couple.

    6. Me fantastic you are the demon and the bastard.... They should have mentioned the names of the churches they attended.... They are not serious Christians and have never served God truthfully.... They should be there fooling themselves.... Babalawo has failed and very soon fustration will still drive them to the one true God they think they are ridiculing..... And u mr stupidity if u think that scripture is a joke go and try messing up with a man of God and see what happens to you.... Bloody atheist slways on blogs insulting the church and men of God

    7. They are fake Christians..... If they have been going to real churches they would have heard countless testimonies of God blessing couples after many years of waiting..... Na now dia wahala just start, the devil will show them pepper

    8. Oh dear. In that case I salute Job who after losing ALL never denied God for a second. Hmmm people it is never easy, I tell u. The closer u get to God the higher ur tribulation. We need to ask God to help us conquer doubts and not to allow situations that will subdue us or make one deny Him to happen to us. Even pastors suffer adversity. Jesus faced His own too while He was here.

    9. This just reminds me of my dear aunt who's been married for almost 30 years and is still without a child. I was her little bride when she married, so u can imagine how long ago she married. I am now married with kids. I imagine she would look at me and just wonder why God hasn't answered her. I know she's hit menopause now, but menoPAUSE is NOT menoSTOP. There are no age barriers or limitations with my father in Heaven.

    10. This just reminds me of my dear aunt who's been married for almost 30 years and is still without a child. I was her little bride when she married, so u can imagine how long ago she married. I am now married with kids. I imagine she would look at me and just wonder why God hasn't answered her. I know she's hit menopause now, but menoPAUSE is NOT menoSTOP. There are no age barriers or limitations with my father in Heaven.

    11. This just reminds me of my dear aunt who's been married for almost 30 years and is still without a child. I was her little bride when she married, so u can imagine how long ago she married. I am now married with kids. I imagine she would look at me and just wonder why God hasn't answered her. I know she's hit menopause now, but menoPAUSE is NOT menoSTOP. There are no age barriers or limitations with my father in Heaven.

  2. God's time is the best. If it means waiting forever and soaking ur pillows morning and night for him, soak them and wait on him. He will come to their rescue.

    1. Word for the Day - "i know the threshold prepares you for the palace."

      Spoken like a true Christian, Anty Stella.
      Thanks for this.

      As humans we go thru things and we ask God y He let them happen to us. No matter how bad it gets, we should not cross boundaries like, burning the Bible!
      God have mercy on us.

    2. God please have mercy and restore them

    3. Pls stop licking arse Stella is not I repeat is not a true Christian.... She just speaks Christianese like most of u here...... Defending God does not mean your life and ways are pleasing to him...

  3. Read that story yesterday and couldn't comprehend the pain and torment they had to have been in all these years to think that burning the Bible was the next best thing to do. I pray God forgives and heals them and that they they find their faith in Him once again and watch Him perform miracles beyond their wildest expectations.
    May childlessness not be their portion.

    1. May God forgive them. Visit my blog for up to date mind blowing stories and fashion tips.

  4. Replies
    1. Its so painful but I can undastand dem but dats not d right thin to do
      Be hopeful

    2. May God forgive them and have mercy on them.

  5. Oh my, how disillusioned could they ever be? What manner of pains could lead to this kind of denial of the existence of the Alpha and Omega? What shall separate us from the love of God?

  6. Word Stella who dares them to dare Jehovah God
    Lord have mercy for they know not what they are doing.
    When it comes to infertility Patience and faith is the key have a sister that finally took in after 10years but those years were hell for her

  7. Hian!!!! Na wa oooooo.... Wetin person no go hear for dis life

    1. Burn Holy Bible keh? Some people and the way they practice Christianity sef. Psalms 51 should from now on be their hourly prayers for another 16years. *sipsgreentea*

    2. No matter what we foing thru,burning the bible aint an option. All you can do is believe and have faith kniowing that one day,God will remember you by his mercy... The Lord is not a patial God. For all those that has been led astray please return to thr authur and finisher of your faith...

  8. Sad..... Shak!

  9. Born" the Bible? I was expecting to see the baby carrying the Bible on his head.
    Anyways,this couple has lost hope and According to Psalm 51 vs Something,it says "Obi tiwara etiwa na nke gwepiara egwepia,Chineke inaghi eleda ha anya.
    God is going to surprise the couple. They will have multiple births and then they will come back to Jehova with a contrite and thankful heart.
    Amen Somebody!!!

    1. Renne Bern, na so e be?

      These guyz publicly denounced God!

      My God does nt force himself on people o!

      Just pray for mercy for them...

    2. This kind of act only makes God to surprise them with his wrath!murmuring and complaining provokes God talk more of burning his holy book!#who does dat?thats abominable!the Israelites wandered in the wilderness 40yrs bcos of their complaining,i hope this couple is not pushing God to lead them on an Israelite journey,they should beg God for mercy!

  10. Sweetie gd mrn. U don't need to post this but change d born to burn. I know its a typo. God bless.

  11. Stella ndo oo..
    As for those that burnt bible, only what I have to say is for them to go back to God unless they will childless forever.. God lives

    1. God forbid! God isn't as vindictive as humans are. God sees their hearts and knows their pains. I'm sure they did that out of frustration and confusion. FYI, for those who go to churches and still have side kicks as babalawos, mamalawos and other fetish or occultic people, are guilty of the same offence. So don't be too quick to call out people when you may just be as guilty.

    2. Ronalda I too know and madam long epistle.... God is loving yet a consuming fire.... The story said a babalawo told them to burn the bible..... What kind of stupid fustration is that? They were never serious with God in the first place.....God blesses people that are not Christians but when u become born again he must take u through phases cos u have agreed for him to use you..... This is not a matter of calling out anybody but they must genuinely go back to him if not they might be in for another long wait......If God suprises them and bless them after what they have done they will still come back to a knowledge his supremacy....

    3. Hmmmmm! Interesting! You do realise you just wrote a longer epistle criticising my long epistle, yeah? BTW sweetie, I'll rather be criticised for being a "madam too know" than for writing hateful and abusive comments. I'm a lawyer and we are trained to know a little about a lot of things and a lot about the law, hence the "know know". Please feel free to correct any wrong information my "know know" gave that was misleading, I'm always open to learn more. Most of what we share here are opinions, they vary. So quit throwing verbal tantrums if your opinions clash with mine and just ignore my lengthy epistles by speed-scrolling downwards once your eyes catch RONAL...

    4. *learning more* I beg your pardon.

    5. Ronalda if u are a lawyer we don't need your oversabi on this blog..... All your post long long epistle with lecture as if na only u know book.... Save them for your clients or better still get your own blog....

  12. Stella u wrote born instead of burn?
    So they now think their miracle would come from onishe
    They should dream on!

  13. My Sterra of Life, this your headline na wa O! Is it born or burn? Was looking forward to read about a bible-baby. May God console them and direct their path back to His ways Treasure

  14. The bible ain't nothing but a book. Burning it is not apostasy. It's the intent behind the action that matters. My friend mistakenly sat on my bible the other day and kept on asking for God's forgiveness. That to me bears no mark of salvation.

    1. And what exactly do you think this couple's "intent behind the action" is? To glorify God? Because for your mind,you don talk sense.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @ Anonymous 7:38AM must be a muslim. Havnt U heard of cases of burnt buildings, factory while the Holy Bible was untouched by the inferno? To tell U its not just an ordinary book, even though written by men.

      Go to any part of the North and burn holy Quran in presence of their people. Then U will know that it isn't just an ordinary book. Namsense talk.

    4. Anon 7:37, Bible is not just a book, because that is the word of the Living God, The creator of Heaven & Earth, the only Holy One. I put it to u that u r not a christian, let alone having a bible or u r just a church goer. If d burning was accidental, it would'v been a diff case. This couple never believed fully in God, that's why they were easily swept away. They r now standing on sinking sand. Devil/Satan doesn't know what's 'mercy', they call it 'weakness' in their language. They will deal with them thoroughly, except they run back to God asap.

    5. Kai anonymous u are stupid sha ..... Mumu of life..... How does mistakenly sitting of bible equate burning of bible? Babalawo told them to burn bible...... That act is purely saying the bible is a lie and does not work..... They have compounded their waiting cos unless Jehovah shows them mercy devil go carry them play football

  15. Ihekire Tony

    I think this world has finaly ended. This is one of the most shocking things I have ever heard. Only just 16yrs. A woman told me her elder sister gave birth 3days ago after almost 24yrs of childlessness.
    This is the highest level of foolishness and stupidity. Do they know if the child they are looking for, will be the one to kill them, yes things like that happen. Child or no child, God knows all and He understands, be happy and serve Him, because child no will follow you to Heaven or hell, when the time comes.
    May God deliver this generation.

    1. Dis is sad, frustration can lead to a lot of things, to me they re not patient enough! I know of a couple that after 24 yrs of marriage finally she has her kids and this time for their patience and trust in God they welcome 3girls and a boy, imagine 4kids @ a go! They celebrated their 25 wedding and the kids a year birthday! Come and see party na, u go fear fear! My Jehovah is always faithful, he will never try u beyond what u can carry! May fake prophet not lead us ( those that consult them sha) astray,

    2. SDK! Sorry about ur lost, what doesn't kill u makes u STRONGER! And I know stronger u re both in person and in ur Believe, May the Lord Lead our paths... Amin

    3. God bless u 4 dis comment, tony tonero

  16. Clear case of fed up. The Lord loves challenges but u dnt challenge him by burning the Bible. Why ddnt u challenge him by cuttn off ur dick? @ d man.... But den,hes still a merciful God. May God forgive dem.

  17. Na dem sabi, na u my very own SDK naim concern me ojare. So sorry for your loss.The Lord will continually give u and ur family d fortitude to bear s loss. Incidentally I was seen by a surgeon, Dr Dimoko, i come ask am if na your big bro,d guy come dey feel cool like a proud big brother say yes o,u;re his Lil sis.I told him am a die hard fan.oya confirm if na true. Hehehehe.
    Ps:greater are we die hard fans that are silent readers than they that comment so don't disregard us o

  18. I hope they went to hospital for proper medical check up before jumping from one church to another and to native doctors.
    Heaven help those who help themselves, why do people believe in this so called man of God? Why not pray for your self and leave the rest to God? I am not going to judge them about the Bible because i am not God.

    Stella sorry about the loss of your family members.

    1. Thought I will never see a comment like this. God bless you for your wisdom.

    2. Anne boo! Heaven doesn't help those who help themselves, Heaven helps those who know thay can't help themselves and come surrendering all to their Helper, the King of all kings... if u can help urself u don't need heaven na... All of our help comes from the Lord,, Heaven helps the helpless, example, Blind bartimaeus, d guy @ d beautiful gate, all d lepers that knew they were helpless and needed to touch of the only one that could help..
      Keep helping yaself, alagbara Nla!


    3. God bless you too Mena Peters.

    4. On Sunday my priest told a story about people who hop from one church to anoda and complain that God refuse to answer their prayer, God replied that before he could answer their prayer in that particular church, they have moved to another etc...patience is d key

    5. I used to b of the same school of thot as in praying for urself, but the truth is the prayer of a righteous man goes a longer way than a normal person. U can't compare pastor adeboye 's prayer and dt of a normal person.

  19. Stella it is burn not born.

  20. burn you mean?

  21. This is serious! God will touch their hearts. Good. Morning. Stellz.

  22. Awww....Pastor Stella preach it! Preach it!!

    Their loss...God will still 4give them tho

  23. They better go back on their knees and ask God for forgiveness, he'll willingly accept them back.
    Thre's a saying that the moment you are ready to quit is the moment right before a miracle happens, who knows whether their time to laugh is already by the corner. They have really missed it and need to retrace their steps
    On facebook, Twas just yesterday a couple was giving God all the glory for their son after 18years and 136 days of waiting.
    Thanks diamondblinqz for d bday msg

  24. I saw d headline, BORN BIBLE
    fear sha catch mi.
    burning d bible n embracing wat now?

    Morning everyone

  25. Please change the heading to burn not born.

  26. Hmnn it"s obvious dey don't know wot dey are doing. I piry them cos dey are consciously walking into a ditch. Stella pls correct U̶̲̥̅̊Ʀ write-up. It's burn not "born"

  27. sorry bout the error...blame it on sleepy

    1. Ride on, Pastor Stella!! I dey feel u. May God forgive dem of their ignorance

  28. OMG!! Things are happening ooo.. FEAR won't even let me do this..what happened to the "fear of God" ?? People really have guts..I pray the couple find peace and forgiveness from God.. **MARTINS ABOY**

  29. How long av they been married for? A woman had her twins after 25 yrs of marriage,anoda jst had a boy after 20yrs of can u even think of doin dat? Its rly sad some ppl 4get how good they have it goin 4 dem jst cos one prayer request hasn't been granted... Its a PITY,buh I knw God will av mercy on dem cos he's a merciful fada...

    Wow I missed doin dis. Its good to be back

  30. Anon if his head is round like egg,yep,thats my big bro..LMAO.
    what exactly did you ask him?chei i too like gist,abeg go inbox oh

    1. The head na all of una trademark o. Lol. You come from a very mature and down to earth family.

  31. Looking for a child thus not authomatically give couples the happiness they crave for. having no biological child is not the end of the world. when couples have tried for 5years they should try adoption. babies and children in orphanage homes looking for couples or parents to welcome them into their homes. Blaming God will not solve the issue. Instead it will prolong the issue.

  32. Awwww Stella, sorry for your loss.i have nothing to say to the couple.

  33. Don't judge them just pray to God for them they need it.

  34. Although, I think when one is in trouble, all you need do is to challenge God. But challenging him by burning the bible, that's extreme. May God hear their cries.

  35. Chisos! Heavenly Father pls forgive them for they do not know. My people perish for lack of knowledge. Where is orela and Mocha abeg?

  36. Never stop believing.

  37. Never stop believing.

  38. The bible is just a book...

  39. father draw them nearer fo rthey have gone astray

  40. Wow...speechless...height of disillusionment...let them retrace their steps back to God He is the only answer.

  41. Jesus is the only way.The Bible says their sorrows shalll be multiplied that hasten after another God.Faith is the substance of things hope for,evidence of things not keep hoping and believing God will surely answer and grant u all the good things ur heart desire.Stella,thank God for ur life.

  42. See how Christians do things low key. Make i hear say na quaran dem burn. You for see how many riots and deaths for don happen. Thats how pple were slaughtered here cos
    of a cartoon in a faraway land.


  43. Can u blame them???these pastors fill their members head with dust,they will just tell u to believe and it shall come to pass.
    They will tell u to move d mountain with prayers and it shall move.
    U cannot mock God!dont be surprised that God will answer their prayers through Onise.

  44. I pray God will heal this couple of every frustration and show them mercy and give them a special gift.

  45. I lost both my dad in 2010,mum in 2013 both on d 30 of july.i was an only child.i now lost my baby on d 27th of may dis year.though iv asked him(God) questions like why me or where were you but iv neva tot of burning his holy book cos dts hos gift.word from dt book bring a whole lot of good n one has the effrontery to burn it? When u cant even burn the flag? Im sure God who is all merciful will show them mercy when they ask for it. Other people are goin thro worse mehn,I heard of a guy whose dad,mum,2 sistas,1 broda,wife and son were on their way to a marriage and all lost their lives to an accident @ the what wld they hav done? God is the giver of all good and beautiful gifts,at his OWN TIME. PATIENCE is the watchword. MAY Almighty God have mercy on them! Amen!

    1. Anon 10:23, my heart goes out to u, honey...God sees ur heart n He alone knows where n how to compensate u 4 all u ve lost .
      His grace shall lead u
      It is well!

    2. PD Young Billionaire21 August 2014 at 19:16

      Anon..10.23am...May God give u beauty for is well!

  46. May God 4give them.....I can see they av really lost hope

  47. May God continue to have mercy on us. My God is too faithful to fail, if he delays then he is bringing you the latest. Stella I used to deceive myself until i had a personal encounter with that man dat fetches water with a basket just to disgrace the bucket and my life has never remained the same. God has a reason for everything happening in our lives why can't we just trust him some more

  48. We all hav d extent t wich our patience can b stretched. The 'waiting period' can really b frustrating. May d Lord hav mercy on dem.

  49. Are they older than sarah and Abraham???

  50. I can imagine their pain and frustration. This is the time to "cling to the old rugged cross..." instead of despising it. I pray they find the joy they seek.

  51. May God 4giv their ignorance n grant their heart desires in Jesus name Amen

  52. Most people erroneously believe that YES is God's only answer, sometimes he answers YES, sometimes WAIT and sadly sometimes he says NO.
    I experienced the 'NO' answer when my beautiful daughter passed away 2 years ago 6 days after her second birthday. She was a very unwell child from when she was 3 months old. We prayed hard and we also took her round specialist hospitals, she was cared for by a very good paediatric consultant, we finally flew her abroad and sadly she passed on.....
    That experience didn't faze my believe in God but rather drove me deeper into God. When I asked 'why', all I could hear was ' my ways are not your ways neither are your thoughts my thoughts. As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts'
    it continues " for I know the thoughts I have for you, thoughts of PEACE and not of EVIL to give you a future, a hope and an expected end"
    When I felt forsaken I could hear him say" can a woman forsake her nursing child and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, but I will not forget you. For I have tattooed you on the palms of my hands..."
    I got so many words of comfort from the BIBLE!
    The whole experience got me to know that I have a father who loves me so much that he gave his ONLY SON to bring me back to him. And that loving father is making ALL things work together for my good. The 'ALL' there includes the good, the bad and the ugly. These Individual experiences (good or bad) are like different colours and God being the master artist combines these different colours to paint a masterpiece!!
    Most times we are too close to the painting to appreciate the beauty of Gods work...
    I still quietly mourn my daughter....but I know in time when I step back from this painting, maybe in eternity, I'll fully appreciate the beauty of Gods work.
    May God's peace guide your hearts....

    1. Wow..I can imagine the pain u went thro.i lost my son a week after he was born.he had lung congenital issues and people tried to console me that its beta he went den dan to mek me pass thro a lot of stress keeping him alive and then he finally I get did u find closure cos I am still tryin to come to terms wit my own loss? Do u hav other children now? May God giv us the fortitude and grace to keep keeping on. Amen!

    2. Anon 11:23 God bless you so much for your comment. It just reminded me that God is always,always present when we need him. Indeed ALL things worketh together for our good and his ways are not our ways at all. Thank you. I'm so sorry for your loss. May God continue to give you beauty for ashes in Jesus name.

    3. Hmmmmm my sister. I take each day as God brings my way. Yes I have a son who is 6 yrs and going on 7 this December and I'm believing in God for another child.
      As for closure, not sure if that word means forgetting. I haven't forgotten my baby and never will. She will always hold a special place in my heart. Just that I can think about her now without filling a bucket with tears. I still cry though but the pain is lighter.

    4. @ Bumblebee n anon 12:47, sorry for your loss. D Lord is ur strenght n Believe d best is yet to come.

    5. Wow! I feel u's not easy...its only God that heals our broken hearts.
      I lost the first pregnancy I had at 5mths, the bad part of it was that I delivered d baby but the hospital was not well equipped or shld I say ready to accomodate a 5mths old pre-mature.i was devastated when it happened.
      Today, I have 2 lovely kids but I still remember that baby once in a while.I got over the loss when I gave birth to my other babies.i still wonder sometimes why it happened but the truth is that things that we have no control over happen sometimes.
      May God heal the hearts of all mothers who are hurting, may God turn around the situation for their good, amen.

  53. Oh wow Stella, you lost 3 close ppl within a year!! That's such a tough one and yet you are always so cheerful and full of laughter. I'm glad you recovered.

    Re: the couple, I really do pray for them that find peace.

  54. I pray God gives them the punishment they deserve Amen! They were not real christians in the first place, if they were they won't go to serve all this other gods. They should have done that with the Quran.

  55. Shiooooo!!! this people have burnt their 'manual', how will they operate their lives but God is forever faithful...wait, I say wait on the Lord

  56. Exactly what I preached on during our bible study on tuesday! Letting our praise prevail no matter d situation. Ever since I watched a yoruba movie titled Alapadupe, no matter wah happens to me, bad, ugly and even horrible, I always give him thanks! And jus like ma favourite prayer point "God do not make me face a temptation I won't handle" can somebody say dt too..........#Lav's Momma

    1. Ha! Saw that movie alapadupe; it was brilliant, to say d least.

  57. May God in his infinite mercy not lead us into temptation. Its not easy to look for a child for a year more or less 16 years but in trying times, patience is key.... God Almighty please fulfill your word in Exodus 23:26 in life of any women waiting upon you for a child...... May God prove to this couple that he indeed is faithful.

  58. I am not judging the couples because childlessness is terrible must i must say this is what happens when you follow God because of what you can get from him not because you genuinely love him . The truth is your genuine love for God will make u serve him whether he gives u wat u want or not.God is not a task master, he knows our heart. He wants those that will serve him deligently in spirit and in truth. According to the story, there were moving from one herbalist and different churches. Wheather u get angry with God or not, it doesnt change his personality. WHO IS MAN?.I got married to a very lovely man I dated for 4 years. I prayed fervently before the wedding and all. A month after the wedding, the man died after a brief illness. I was terrible.
    People abusednme and said I married him for his money. His family took all away from me after his death. I had nothing. Even his cars, pension, land, Atm cards, everything. I went back to my mother's house with the scorn.people said all sort. I asked God why he allowed all to happen to me, I didn't get answers, I was angry with God.i was almost in sane.But the joy of the lord was my strength. I told God that wheather u kill me or keep me alive, I will continue to serve u. I dusted my feet, wipe my tears after series of services in church.i strted becoming more beautiful, I added weight.i reinforced my service to God, forgave my inlaws and guess what I am married now to a king.God gave me a seat I donnot deserve. The honour I command now is unbelievable. All this happen while I was under 30 oh.IF U RUN AWAY FROM GOD?U WILL RUN BACK TO HIM.story long, I had to shorten it sef.

    1. Mrs Ola, God bless you for sharing your beautiful testimony. God is too faithful to fail

  59. hmmmm it is well,may we never go tru such temptation in life.

  60. God does not need man, it is man that will forever need God........Sdk, God is your strength. I am a die hard fan too, though try to comment once once.

  61. It's things like this that make me love this merciful God the more. Let them go and born the Koran and see.

    I won't say 16 years is too much, but common, for how long did Father Abraham wait before he was given Isaac?

    And they had to burn it in public???

    Somebody should pls educate them on how the people that burnt the bible in the past ended up.

    To think that a husband and wife would do such a thing in agreement baffles me. They are soooo not ready to become parents.

    I really pity them.

    Very far from God indeed.

  62. Burning the bible is a No No No , hian , pls they should pls ask for forgiveness , God is a faithful God , they just didn't believe (FAITH) , may our good lord have mercy on them.

  63. PD Young Billionaire21 August 2014 at 16:09

    May God have mercy on them.They need to know that God's promise may tarry but with patience,it will manifest.
    God gave a word to Abraham about the birth of Isaac, but Isaac was not born until after 25 years!
    As Christians,we must all learn to wait on God whenever we want something from him.If he has promised,he will surely bring it to pass.I know its not easy to wait,but with patience,we will surely obtain the promise.

  64. Foolery going on everywhere....

  65. The couples are faithless. They put their trust in men rather than in God... Their problem could be medical and they started Church-hopping. They may burn the Bible, they cannot burn the living word of God which cannot be contained on paper but is written in the heart. They never heeded it and so cannot find it. SHAME... they have already started their punishment. They should be pitied.

  66. I won't judge or curse them. Frustration and societal pressure will let normal ppl to lose their minds. What we can take from this is to leave ppl alone, do not ask them when they are having children, how come they haven't had a child yet and all of that, you just do not know what some ppl are suffering through, and your words may cause more harm than good.

    On another note, these two may not be physically compatible for child making. We are so concerned about spiritual and emotional compatibility, and sexual chemistry that we do not remember to check that physically some couples are not made for child making. Perhaps, they have not received a child because God sees that any child they make together may end up with a debilitating disability and so they are being protected from the emotional and financial drain such a child may have on them. Sometimes not getting what you want is your blessing!

  67. im kind of in a realy trying situation ryt nw,but i'ld never lose my sight on the most High


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