Stella Dimoko Can A Gay Man Change?


Sunday, August 03, 2014

Can A Gay Man Change?

Can a gay man stop being gay?

 Can a gay man change with the help of Cossy Orjiakor? 

Can a gay man change with the help of Jesus Christ?


  1. Odiegwu!! Cossy don start again. Attention seeker....

  2. Being gay is spirit connected, its called controlling spirit, gays are being controlled by demons, so I don't think a gay man can change if he is not delivered from that demonic spirit, only through deliverance can a gay change

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    1. Very local n useless comment you made there. Which demons? Have u done any research or findings for you to conclude. Some people and their myopic way of reasoning gosh. I know in your family there is one hidden gay n his possessed by demons. Rubbish

    2. Thanks so much Mr Robert for all the insult, I really appreciate, God bless you, but why are you so bitter and angry? I suppose you are gay yourself that's why you are this angry, you must be a very bitter and angry person, please try to work on your anger because anger is not good, its a poison that kills, work on your mindset, because people who get easily angered are insecured, lack depth and insight, have low and poor self-esteem, and also have shallow mindset also pray hard for God to help you be slow to anger.

      You really don't have to insult people when they air their opinion talk more of going as far as insulting their families, if you think they are uninformed, ignorant or their opinion is wrong, please be civilised enough to just correct them, educate and advice them.

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    3. Robert I agree with aloy. There is something beyond the physical that control gays.

  3. Shame on gays
    Shame on those justifying gayness
    If your unfortunate parents were gays
    Would you be born?
    What's happening to this generation?
    Where are our morals?
    Leviticus 20:13 says
    "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense

    1. Preach on Mamie!

      *lips sealed and watching*

    2. Mamie d question is "can a gay man change?" stop rantin n answa simple. Hian!

    3. Yeah ma'am.........Preach!!!

    4. Guys pls hear me out oo!!!
      I ve noticed something nd I don't know if anyone else has noticed it too. Hmm
      Go bak to any post dat aunty Stella has made on dis blog about gay nd u'll notice it too.
      Dis guy called Eesah doesn't comment frequently on other posts except wen d topic is GAY!! U will be seeing his comment left, right nd center nd I was wondering why its so nd do u know d perfect answer dat popped into my head.
      Mr Eesah Was Here is a closeted nd confirmed gay ooo!!! He's frustrated, hates himself for his despicable desires and tries his best to condemn gays, hoping dat by doing so, no one else will notice dat he's guilty of d same crime. Gosh i just solved dis case dat has been givin me headache since. Lolz
      Ammy D FBI agent is here!!!

    5. Na only for gay posts we go see eesah was here. Na only for gay posts he go comment 10times..... no dey form boy, he sweet to have gay sex......just go do am... my gaydar shows you are gay

    6. She gave her answer. Go back and read her comment.

    7. How people are so fast to quote the bible. A book written by colonial masters when many were still uneducated. How can God who claims to love all his children and which he create in his image still advocates the death sentence on them. This makes absolutely no sense at all. The bible is too full of conjectures!

    8. Don't mind her always looking for ways to pour her frustration on the world

    9. @Mr C,bible written by colonial masters ke?colonial masters dat were born like yesterday'!colonial masters too met and learnt God's word from it.dat book is renowned in history as the greatest books of all time,and it's been existing yrs Before Christ(BC) as the scrolls,pls u can ask google for more info.dont come here and say sh#t dat end up making u look stewpid all in d name of commenting!

  4. My babe anytime any day living her life not praying and fasting for God to bless her with a man . You go girl . Haters will die . All this so called married women most of them are chronic lesbos hubby are gay , threesome tins . Enjoy ur life my dear . Babe of life .

  5. Cossy orjiakor's boobs is jst an unattractive piece of shit to a gay man
    But a gay man can change with the help of Jesus Christ

    1. Word!! Those boobs can't atract my 75 year old grandpa

    2. So Mr Eesah u r saying dat ur 75 yr old grandpa is gay!!!
      And wat exactly will an old man like him still be looking for in a woman's chest eh. If she gives him can he even squeeze it?
      Stupid boy making jokes wit ur grandpa, Shame on U!!!

    3. So how does what he wrote there translates into his grandpa being gay? You people can sha look for trouble on this blog!!

  6. A gay can change ONLY with the help of Jesus christ.not an ounce of erection will they conjure on seeing cossy's mammoth breasts. EVE E UME

  7. A straight man can become gay with the sight of cossy's nippleless,annoying boobs!He go tire to see dem mammary glands and opt for the mystery of a flat hairy chest. Cossy ke? Mtchew.

  8. If u ask meeeee, na who I go ask. D matter wey u c so, e heavy f mouth! Over t d gay turned straight guys_let dem tel us how dey overcame!

  9. I believe Noone was born gay. It's a choice we make. Just like fornication, adultery, beastbialism, etc, they are all choices.
    Wrong sexual choices are more dangerous because sex is like a covenant and with every covenant, there's a spirit behind it.
    Now, back to gay people. The moment a gay man decides to change, the spirit at work fights him. He needs Jesus and not just Jesus, he needs a strong self will. Just like you will yourself not to lie even when lies could get you out of a tough situation, the same way he can will himself not to give in to his flesh.
    First, he needs Christ and second, his own strongwill.

    Sorry for my epistle.....

    1. Isn't it bestiality? I no too go school abeg


    2. Lol..I talk am eesah must comment.....multiple times...smh...ok to be honest..... nobody is born gay or straight... it is a choice, always a choice
      .especially in the kind of environment you grew in...except your first crush ...was a boy.....then it is less than a choice..but still a choice
      .. #JustSaying

  10. Hahahaha with the help of cossy ke? I believe shes not every man's cup of tea.. This is a bloody joke lolz

  11. Nah I don't think so, these people were born that way, well except for Naija-copycat-gays those ones can change

  12. With d help of jesus and if d person involved really want to change. Cossy no get level.

  13. and y would they change with d help of cossy? pls most pple that r gays cant b changed....except of course by deliverance...its not other kinda sin that a form of experience can change... gay-ism is rooted cossy park well abeg! @xclusiv

  14. Yes, a guy man or better still gays
    thru deliverance can be freed.

    Women can't turn a gay guy on like
    wise their female counterparts

  15. Help of cossy? Hw? More like can a gay man change bcos of big breasts? Ans»»NO!!!
    With God? Ans»»Yes!!!

  16. Lol @ Cossy making a gay brother reconsider nah I dnt tink so,Only jesus christ have the power to change a Gay man cos its an unclean spirit possesing dem

  17. A gay is a gay, nothing else will change that except God!! Am not in any position to judge any person according to their sexual orientation !! I like making gay friends becos some of them, have good sense of fashion, their fierce and their r real!! FYI, am not gay oh!! I love Jay( the black one) from ANTM

    1. U love making gay friends and U R not gay?


    2. @Ewh, am not, go figure!!! Don't need to explain myself, u hear!!

    3. you don come again with your bad vibe.

    4. Hatelace,shoelace, fuckard lace,whatever u call ur stupid nonentity self , stop stalking me!!! This is not the first time u r doing this and am trying hard to ignore u but now I won't cos I know ur type... U come to destroy and make ppl unhappy!! Ozu nwuru anwu!!! Anuofia.. Stop following me like a fly... I ve d right to say whatever I want whether it makes sense to u or not which I don't give a fuck about!!! Ezi ofia!!!

    5. Dead beat. stupid ignoramus. keep oozing your bad vibe on this blog. empty barrel with nothing sensible to say. it shows that what you call brain is just a chaff in your hollow skull. You are already unhappy cos your comments depicts it. NEANDERTHAL.

    6. @Hatelace, forgive me for giving u relevance and honor by replying U!! I just realized that u re not worth a single second of my time!! U worth nothing, u r just a pile of dirt waiting for rain to sweep u off the surface of the earth!! Go and look for ur mates cos u got none here!!! Go make urself useful and stop looking for fame on blogs!! Miss professor!! Mahadum!!! Besides, if my comments depicted a dullard, how does it add money to ur pocket?! Taking panadol on another person's headache...This ll be d last time ,I ll notice or reply ur fake, hate, waste sorry ass life here!!! Nwa uchicha #walksoff

    7. you see why i said you are a stupid ignoramus from an extinct species. mahadum is a name. you are the one hopping from blog to blog typing meaningless and senseless comments. people come to blogs to be enlightened your type see it as a space for notice me. i need not waste my time on gabbage tantrums with you. since you are not my mate, it means you are a disgrace for your age. waste of space seeking relevance to stay happy. keep affording yourself the time to show your shallowness in every blog. Na you go use your hand fizzle away like bad smoke. ANUOFIA. reply na wetin your type dey do. #seeking relevance when they have nothing to offer.

    8. FYI am worth every single second of your time that is why you wrote a whole epistle to reply me.

    9. FYI am worth every single second of your time that is why you wrote a whole epistle to reply me.

  18. Once gay always gay.

    1. I talk am...i knew it.... eesah is gay....claiming to be straight now....hahahahahahaha

  19. Can a landlord stop increasing rent? Can't the govt stop collecting tax? Mrs Stella D... A Gay man can NEVER stop being gay. Uti is a perfect example.

  20. N u kno about Uti cos he has fvcked you abi? Please respect yaself Aijay, 2day na sunday.

    1. this uti....hahahaha....

  21. I seriously don't understand why it is any of my business or anybody's if anyone is gay or not.....I mean what business is it of mine what you do with anyone in the comfort of your bedroom............when people bash makes me wonder if there is a bigger sin out there.....NO SIN OUTWEIGHS THE say being gay is bad and blah blah blah....and you are actually worse than mehn...enough with all the holier than thou bullshit!...........

    1. The problem is their public display of affection, its irritating an it currupts young minds. Kids should know its not acceptable.

      I like the anti gay law in russia as its primary objective is to prevent the exposure of russian minors to that abnormal way of life.

    2. Why is it that you freaks have an issue with people being "holier than thou" but are very comfortable with devil incarnates??? Just cos we are all sinners don't mean we should condone wrong doing! I seriously think you need help!

  22. Why do straight people wants gay to change? What if the gay community ask can a heterosexual change? Just like heterosexuals were born so likewise the gays. I was a staunch gay hater and still is but what they do is none of my business provided they don't force their lifestyle down my throats. Science has proven gay is natural and to me that is more logical than what culture or any religion says about it. My opinion!

  23. @ Mr. C please could you tell me where you saw the scientific research that proves that being gay is a natural occurrence, because I have been looking for it, but to no avail. The only one I have found proves that they do not have mental issues. So please I would be grateful if you can give me the details. Thanks!

  24. Not possible,if ure gay ure gay

  25. @Anonymous 4:04am, Ordinarily I don't join issues with those who narrows every discuss to religion and those who resort to insults in making their points. However, your comments was rational enough and was devoid of either of the above. Homosexuals, lesbianism is of nature and not nurture, if really you did research as claim you would have found out why these people are who they are. Here are some links to help with your search


  26. 90percent of the pple commenting here....They are flaming queens walahi.


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