Stella Dimoko Parents Of Hermaphrodite Baby Born In Anambra State Cry For Help.



Saturday, July 05, 2014

Parents Of Hermaphrodite Baby Born In Anambra State Cry For Help.

According to Wikipedia, a hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female.

When little Success Chisom Aniekwe was born one year ago, joy filled the hearts of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Aniekwe, from Anam Community, in Anambra West Local GovernmentArea of Anambra State. 

He was a chubby baby, full of life.However, the baby’s birth took a twist about eight days thereafter, when it was discovered that he had two sex organs, male and female. Ever since, pain has become a constant companion of the baby.
Now frail, with constant pain, especially when urinating, which comes through what would pass for female private part, under a little penis, the baby has been in and out of hospital, where tests and surgeries have been recommended.

Recounting her predicament, mother of the baby, Mrs. Chekwube Aniekwe, told Daily Sun that the scan she did, while pregnant, showed that the baby was a girl. She, however, stated that her confusion started when the woman, who gave the baby its first bath said the sex organ was not pronounced. The confusion increased when the mother moved to circumcise the baby, as the family wanted to circumcise its female children.

“Eight days of the baby’s birth, we went for the circumcision, when the woman noticed that my baby had both male and female organs. When the woman wanted to cut her clitoris, she said the baby was not a girl. She advised us to go back to his hospital of birth,” she stated
The confused mother of three explained that she went back to the hospital, where the medical director examined the baby.

She said: “When the doctor looked at the baby’s case, he quickly referred us to Lagos State University Teaching Hospital. When we got there, we were made to understand that we needed to do some tests before surgeries could be done to correct the anomaly. At the hospital, a pharmacist directed us to Isolo General Hospital. On getting to there, they said they could not handle the case.”

The parents’ quest for solution did not stop there, as they also went to the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, LUTH.
Mrs. Aniekwe said: “When we got LUTH, we were told surgeries were needed but would come only after some tests. We have not been able to do the tests because of lack of finance.”
“The last time we went to LUTH was in December 2013. At that time, one of the specialists told us that there would likely be two surgeries. We were also asked to do a hormone testto know whether the baby has womb, to know if another surgery would be added.”
Unfortunately, the couple has not been able to raise money for the necessary tests and, therefore, have not made further moves to save the situation.

“We made several attempts to raise money for the necessary tests but we could not and that is why we have not gone back to the hospital till now. Presently, we do not know what it would cost us to do the tests and the surgeries,” she stated.

The woman further explained her baby’s condition has caused the family a lot of pain and embarrassment. “I am being embarrassed by the problem of the baby. Everywhere, I go, people get confused, as to whether the baby is a boy or girl. Initially, I used to dress the baby like girl. I also pierced the ears and put earrings. But as time passed, the baby’s look changed to that of a boy. People tell me my baby resembles a boy.  Within me, I know that there is a problem. It was when the face started changing to a boy that I started giving him a hair-cut and dressing him like a boy, even when the ears are pierced,” she stated.

Her husband, Emmanuel, described the case as a very serious challenge that has confronted the family. He, however, expressed optimism that surgeries, as doctors have recommended, would remedy the situation.
“I will be very grateful if I could be assisted financially, so that the surgeries would be done. The baby is always in pains and too tender to be undergoing such. We have been blessed with a baby and, therefore, should be happy parents,” he stated.
The Aniekwe family, therefore, appealed to the government, corporate bodies, religious groups, non-governmental organisations and well-meaning individuals to assist them to raise fund for the surgeries.   culled

They would want all assistance to be made through Mary Jane Onyeulo, UBA Account Number: 2015879064 or call 08032398135. 

*if the pee comes out of the female part,doesnt that mean hes a girl?..poor baby,i hope help comes before she/he grows up.


  1. What a sad situation! I pray they get the help they need.

    1. You lost me at the part where they wanted to circumcise her/him.
      Serzly, who stil does that?
      Such inhumanity on a girl child?!

      Say no to female circumcision!

    2. Me too! I had to read it 4 times!

      They were about to circumcise a female child?? Woow!

  2. Eh ya..... Dis brought tears to my eyes.. #sobs#

  3. Very unserious set of ppl.
    I forgot to add shameless sef.
    U need hlp and yet u don't know the amount u need for d test and surgery.
    Using ur baby as a means to beg.
    D mother shld be thoroughly ashamed of herself.
    See as shame leave her com dey catch me.
    Oshi o da le kpako.
    Awon ole kparaku. #SpitsWithSoMuchDisgust.

    1. Are u for real?Pray u don't find ur self in this condition.Gbogbo oro ko ni eyan ma nso jade lenu.

    2. Thank you dey dnt even bother to collate how much the teat will be before assuming

    3. Are u alright?

    4. Some people can just exaggerate. Goodness.
      1) intersex babies isn't a condition associated with pain. The baby isn't in pains. Stop lying. Except you have done some medieval manipulation on there dear parents.

      2) what facial male features could a year old or 2year old child have? Beards??? Stop exaggerating. The child's face can not tell you much.

      3) A doctor saw you in LUTH and you let a pharmacist convince you on going to Isolo Gen Hosp? Shame

      4) Barr bodies test and a pelvic scan will show if she has a uterus, tubes. Scan is 500naira. Stop the drama.

      6) Get the bill and let the public know.

      As to the genital mutilation you people planned... Shame shame shame, shame!

    5. 11;24
      U such an hypocrite oh I forgot, dat word is synonymous with YORUBA.
      U no wat is rite n yet u choose not to say it cos it doesnt seem polite. #Shift!

      Ask ur olori-ebi dat Q?

    6. 12;29
      Hehehehe! A product of ur mother.

    7. @Pinkshell ure so right my tots exactly. @Fran u cudnt ve analysed it any beta. Female circumcision still dey exist?

    8. @ fran....u r so goes to show dat at least pple r stil thinkin...

    9. Pink shell I don't care if you are telling the truth but you are so rude, uncouth and obviously one who had no proper upbringing...the contents of most of your comments truly says a lot about your inner self.... Take time and properly acesss yourself and your life then see if the way u comment here is not really a reflection of your true personality..... U need to learn to talk descent and mature ......

    10. Stella giv them that giveaway money now

    11. #Smiles @ 8;13
      If I wld be taking correction frm anybody. Walahi! It won't be frm an anony.
      U shld check ur upbringing too, smthg is faulty somwia(most of u are frm dysfunctional homes).

      Plz stick to ur lane, n keep ur theoretical moral lessons(cos u don't practise dem) for ur kids,believe me dey wld need it. #Cheers

  4. Good morning Stella,kindly advise them to get the amount the tests will cost them.we can't just be making contributions without. Knowing how much is needed...thank you

  5. Only the poor.........So sad..God,u re not the author of confusion..I pray u heal our land and forgive the sins of our Fore parents and ours....Affliction of this nature shall no arise again...Little baby u're healed..

  6. First of all both parents need to see a shrink, circumsizing a female child in this modern time and age? So people still do that? My God!

    1. I wonder oooooo!...

    2. Gbamest, in dis age n era, 'female circumcision' .

    3. Na waoh.
      Cut the clitoris keh?
      They should let the baby grow, he/she will decide his/her sexual preference.
      Please leave her sex organs intact.
      We are in 2014.

    4. As in eh!
      I'm soo pained!
      Like serzly?!!!
      Ignorance sha.

  7. Eeyah, so unfortunate. Like Stella said, i pray they get the assistance needed while the baby is still young, so s/he does't live a difficult life.

    Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

  8. My thoughts exactly Stella. But if the features are becoming masculine then I guess it must be male. Na wa sha! Meanwhile, so these people practice female circumcision???!!!

  9. Its a pity, God pls help the poor baby. Btw they don't even know how much the test costs talk less of the surgeries and they r soliciting for financial help... so people will just keep raising money without knowing what d target is dat to me doesn't cliqe. Stella pls find out so atleast pple know what the level of assistance to render. *my little coin*

  10. At this age and time, some people are still into female genital mutilation, .............................PEACE

  11. Strange things happening day by day.

  12. Picture of the genitalia or adonbelieveit!!!

    1. *Adonbilivit.
      If u r goin to spell it right, spell all of it right.

    2. *Adonbilivit.
      If u r goin to spell it right, spell all of it right.

    3. Nairalanda

    4. Hahahahhahahahahaha@mamie water....Blessed are those who didn't see, but believed.

      *btw, thomas where have you been? Missed your comments my Naughty

      *Prayer For Nigeria in Distress x10 Daily*

  13. Female circumcision i thought that this tradition has been dumped ? God pse provide helpers 4 them

  14. Replies
    1. Na wa for yu o. Wetin God do yu? Abeg try write pidgin if English nor gree yu write.

  15. I pray 4 them, help is on d way.

  16. Did anybody read that they were actually going to circumcise the girl. God punish una there they should be arrested.

  17. Leave the child alone. They should try and leave the country for a more liberal society where such cross gender situations are common. The true gender of cross gender children is really hard to decipher until they hit puberty. What a difficult situation. Real pity.

  18. Eeeya!i feel sorry for d lil one,tot such abnormalities of birth were only common in India and Brazil cos of the strange things they worship! it's here live.
    Stella it's possible that internally,d baby might even have womb and testosterone producing organs,so it has to be a surgery from inside out after they choose which sex organ should remain.its also possible her/his own two organs did not come out placed each on its own),dats y she's peeing from the vjay,but for some hermaphrodites,the two come out well separated,and they even decide to leave it and grow like dat (man/woman),thou such pple are mostly prostitutes esp in Brazil,very expensive prostitutes at dat,hehehe!!cos they can satisfy both a man and a woman.

    1. Queen Bee, your lack of exposure and knowledge is appalling. Common in India and Brazil because of the strange things they worship? Don't even know where to start dissecting your write-up from.

  19. Some parents sef...too tender to be going through such yet they wanted to circumcise her...cut her clitoris...*cringes* God help her.

  20. So dey circumcise girls? I tot it ws in d olding days,na only boys I kw say dem dey circumcize oooh + may God provide 4 dem.

  21. Eeiiyyaa;soo sad..but my question is;do haemaphrodites get both male and female sexual urges altogether or is it the individual that determines the urge its to have(since they have both male and female organs) ??? Another question I ve is,are haemaphrodites created naturally like that by God or are they born due to complications which make them have both sex organs??? Biko dr's in the house clearify a brother cos google can't help me out..thanks

  22. Too long to read.
    Let help come their way.

  23. Why are they circumcising children ??My God..are they still allowed to do that in Nigeria?My heart feels for this baby

  24. I'm not an atheist but 2hy sid God create a child with 2 organs? He is perfect right? Hmmnnn. I pray help comes your way Mr&Mrs Aniekwe.

  25. I'm not an atheist but why did God create a baby with 2 organs? He is perfect right? Hmmmnnn

    I pray help comes your way MR&Mrs Aniekwe

  26. So they were going to circumcise(cut off her clitoris) the girl? Haba! Whoever is going to assist this woman financially shld make her sign an undertaking that they'll help only if she does nt circumcise the girl.

  27. What a pity.
    Poor child.
    I pray he gets help ASAP.

  28. I'm sorry about their baby, I hope the surgery won't cost much... but circumcision? Why?

  29. Stella ts tests/scan that determines the babys sex, if it shows he/she has womb n ovaries sac, the penis will be removed but if ts womb only the womb will be removed n vagina closed to allow the penis function. I empatize with the cild n parents,.

  30. the happiest girl in the block5 July 2014 at 11:02

    Eya! I wish I could help. But having two sex organs is not a death sentense.

    By the way do people still circumcise female kids? How and why? Pls let me know ur answer. Cus I wasn't circumcised. My vjay is full package. Hehehehehe!! And how will the vjay look when it is circumcised?

    1. Lucky you happiest girl in the block.
      Mine is empty! No clit or labia!
      I only have the hole for urination and procreation!
      My husband is not enjoying our sex life because I don't like or care for sex since I don't get arouse!
      Sometimes I get so angry with my parents for this!

  31. Hmmm, story that touches the heart.
    Which reproductive system is more pronounced? Surgery, then start hormone therapy for a lifetime (which is really expensive). Should have started early though.
    God is your strenght, and May He provide for your family in this time of need.

  32. Good morning peeps,
    I have an observation. Sometimes, people go thru hard times, some are even on the verge of giving up and ending it all. They come here as anonymous and drop comments hoping someone will just say something to lift their spirits; but what do we see, at times insults are hurled at posters. When reading some of these posts, I imagine someone weeping and typing...
    Please, the fact that u've had it rosy all your life doesn't mean everyone is that fortunate. Be nice with your comments, let your words edify. Bless someone with your tongue!
    If you find any blog visitor's rant about himself/herself 'annoying' when compared with ur own 'glamorous' life, just read and don't pass any comment.
    Thank u all and God bess!

    1. I second you dear , some people don't get that love from their immediate friends and fam out dre , then they discover SDK, and get this closure u know...then some1 sumwhr who doesn't know the challenges this person is facing. Would just find it extremely easy to type with so much hate - not every1 has the grace to withstand hateful comments. Though I would advice every BV to learn to develop a tuff skin , it's a harsh world and one shouldn't take online insults personal, I would only take it a 'lil' personal if the person sees me in person and say that thing...weda i no go chook hand for im Having experienced the thorns/roses - i understand how it cud be for d average human.

  33. God help them
    So sorry for the baby

  34. Critical analysts dey this blog o..Weldone o! Pink shell and Fran (ª♍ sure you passed GNS 106 pretty well)...I was abt crying and you guys just dried my eyes wit Ʊя comment..itz hard to fall for any story these need to look into the matter critically cos it might just be made up you sorry..God help them

  35. Nah wao! I hope they find help soon.

  36. They should let d child be her husband will enjoy the best of both sex !!!

    1. May u also be blessed with this kind of child and your generations to come..... So shall it be.....stupid idiot

  37. CharlesEndy a.k.a Dr.Pepper5 July 2014 at 19:48

    I remember I had a childhood dream of been one of the world's richest fellas. So rich that I had take care of all the poor people known to me. Build an estate and call it 'Talakawa estate', send poor people's kids to schools especially the brilliant ones, build school houses and etc. But I don't know what ha become of that dream. Anyway, may God help this family find help, amen.

  38. Only Jesus can save
    Its well dear child.

    *Prayer For Nigeria in Distress x10 Daily*

  39. These are the kind of people idiots here will be insulting as looking gay...... Some people live their lives as one sex I.e male cos they have male features and their parents brought them up like that, but when they get old they decide to be female cos that's how they have always felt internally but people just come and starting insulting them and talking rubbish..... Know the difference with those born totally one sex who become gay and cases of this kind that are accidents of nature......pray it's sorted so the child can get a defined sexuality to avoid confusion in future

  40. God knew they would try and circumspect the child. So he complicated things. Stop figment. Nigeriia please stop FGM

  41. Wait soo this woman took her supposed baby girl for circumcision????? @SHB

  42. Oh Lord,take charge of their situation. Amen!

  43. FGM in this age? Urghhh! If not for the situation of the child, I would have cussed out the parents!
    How much does all the tests cost in LUTH?

  44. Omg see dis cute baby oh, God hv mercy

  45. This situation is a very dicy and complicated one. Theym fate of the baby's sex is now in their hands. What if they choose that she becomes female during the operation and in future she starts developing and exhibiting male characteristics?

    I really feel for the parents.


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