Stella Dimoko Djxclusive Set To Wed His Long Time Girlfriend


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Djxclusive Set To Wed His Long Time Girlfriend

Dj xclusive popped the question and she said YES!

He has engaged his long time girlfriend of over four years. Her name is Tinuke Ogundero whom he had been flaunting her lately and tagging as woman crush on his social media handle. 

Congtrats to the beautiful couple.

Just in case you didnt know........

Rotimi Alakija a.k.a DJ Xclusive started his career as a DJ professionally in 2003 by performing at various Night Clubs like Aura Mayfair, Penthouse, Funky Buddha and Jalouse while in the same time frame, completed a course in Music Production. Over the course of years during his career, DJ Xclusive has performed with acts like Ne-Yo, Rihanna, Mario Winans, Brick and Lace, Nas, and Fat Joe.

In the 2010 edition of the Nigerian Entertainment Awards held in the United States, DJ Xclusive was voted the “World Best DJ 2010” while in 2011, DJ Xclusive was nominated for "Best DJ" at the 2011 edition of the Black Entertainment Film Fashion Television Awards (BEFFTA Awards).

In 2011, DJ Xclusive became the resident DJ of hit radio station in Nigeria - CoolFM 96.9 and also joined Empire Mates Entertainment as Wizkid's official DJ.
DJ Xclusive released a single "I'm Xclusive" alongside renowned UK-Nigerian Artist - Mo Eazy


  1. Foine boi wif a weird smile,maybe it's his teeth.congrats. EVE E UME

    1. So he will feed her with DJ money.sounds like yahoo yahoo to me sha

    2. Hmmmm, wonder how many beau women will be left heartbroken wid this engagement

      DJ Xclusive it's not fair o

      *lips sealed and watching*

    3. D mouth odour no be here,I was so disappointed.Guess she's used 2 it

    4. drunken dubai babe13 July 2014 at 17:56

      this funminista you're just a foolish razz mother fucker. you spill shit from that gutter mouth of yours. pls take illiterate ass back to your village. fucking wannabe.

    5. @ funminista u need to grow beyond the walls of this blog.u sound like a local champion.did u just say that? Disk Jockey'ing' is a big booming biz all over the world.pls ask DJ Jimmy Jatt.oops bet u dont know who that is.

    6. @Funminsta what a stupid comment from a silly girl. What's wrong with some of u so dj is no longer career? Let me tell u that yahoo career can feed u and ur families stupid comment. Most of u need to get busy with urselves than trashing others who work hard to build their lives.

    7. Stella dis is breakin news to me..u ruined my sunday wt dis news I stil in shock and in tears..Rotimi y naaa! Iv alwys had a crush on yu..
      Well God nos best..

    8. Funminista is such a fool !! Dj money ? Google him , his mother is Mrs.Folorunsho Alakija ( Africa's richest woman ) ode !! Opening your gutter to talk shit , who knows your father in Lagos ? This blog has made a lot of nobody's talk shit to people they are not even worthy of washing their asses with their tongues .

    9. Miss dee,assuming u'r right wat's so inspirational bout mrs alakija being 'dashed' an oil bloc by a very corrupt president?
      Anyway to correct u,she's not his mother...she's his aunt by marriage.

    10. Una can get power, all these replies for only fuminista?

    11. Miss dee STFU!! Folorunsho Alakija is not DJXclusive's mother!!!! Don't say what u don't know, idiot!

    12. That they share same surname doesn't mean shez his mother..

    13. ^^^^^ *yimu* world war 3 on top another person matter lol

    14. Funminista, d thrashy idiot..... she keeps insulting like she is gangsta. She swings from LIB to SDK, formerly comments only on LIB. Her comments are so unintelligent, insultive n full of ignorance.....after all d insults from Libers n yansh opening, u ve swinged to SDK to continue ur stupidity. I'm happy to tell u that this is not LIB, this is SDK where u will be properly whooped on ur ass, u will so 'share tears' (in mama peace voice, Lol) that u won't know what hit u. U think this is LIB? Where insults are not properly dozed out? Welcome to SDK blog, I trust my SDKers, na only u waka come, na still only u go waka go. Oniranu oshi, childish demon.

    15. Miss dee....
      Easy on fuminista. .. she's only used to televista

    16. My heart oooo!!! Childish demon.... Jesu!!! Ppl get mouth oo...

    17. Lolzzzz see mud~slinging! LWKM o. One day a blog fracas will blow up this website! Kai,some sambisa citizens have carved a refugee camp here!

    18. Lmao @childish demon.
      never heard that be4...

    19. people will not kee me o. See insults,chai!
      Fuminista don miss road oo

  2. So this fine bobo is getting married...*tears..Dj exclusive I loff u

    1. I loff him too.he has broken our hearts

    2. drunken dubai babe13 July 2014 at 17:58

      sigh... i've cried my eyes out, cant believe my boo is off with another babe. i'm so so sad. all fine ones just keep getting away.

    3. So u noticed d mouth odor too! Dj xclusive mouth de vagzzz(smell)for africa..she/he realy needs to do smtin abt it fast ooooo! I wonder if d mouth no de smell rch her nose..abi she jus de use d guy hansomnes cover face and ova look d odor..
      I usd to hv a crush on him..buh I hv phobia for bad odor..jus d hello he said to me @ a club sumtin ago pissed me off.

    4. All of u finking he be yaoo yahoo are the dullest peepz, his mama na dat rich alakija woman na or so I heard. He just doesn't brag about it

    5. drunken dubai babe13 July 2014 at 19:11

      mehn i've hugged this guy too many times and never smelt anything o. its either there's no odor or its not as bad as you make it seem. i still love him either way.

    6. Lmfaoo, I tot I was the only one ohhhh!
      That boi fine die but his mouth odour no be here oh!
      Diaris God oh!
      Its sooo powerful, haba
      Dj exclusive ur frends are wicked if they haven't told u!
      Plz use some of that dj money and buy listerine,
      How does dis nigga kiss? With such mouth odour? Jesus ohhh

    7. Kai! SDKers oooo. Una want make inlaws dey give am only ear when he waka come pay bride prize? Mouth odour nor be virus,it can be cured! Could that be why she take style bend head at a weird angle for that peck? Na kwenshun o.

    8. This news just broke my heart,see d way i was rushing to open the post thinking It was a joke #sigh#
      I wish you bliss dear.#mycrushforlife#

    9. I don't know dj xclusive but something tells me that these anonymous' with this mouth odour story is one person!
      Leave him like that, she's not complaining!

      @ dj xclusive, pls take the hint and do something about it,fast!
      Happy for u guys, congratulations.

  3. Replies
    1. Lol! Patt Patt. How i so love u. She don win" indeed!

    2. Na real she don win. I screamed when I saw the headline. Tinuke you have stolen my man. *I will survive*

    3. Lol na wa o all dem gurls crushing on a dude who doesn't knw dey exist.*okbye

    4. Eyaa,patt,I always feel like patting your head anytime you say something longer than 3 words.Tell me,do you talk in whispers? That's what I imagine when I look at your innocent face.You are the official last born of this blog.The baby who invented "congrat"!

  4. Handsome! God bless your union

  5. Replies
    1. Oh no one of d guys am crushing on is off d market, Oh well there is still sesan ogunro hehehe

    2. He's married too

  6. Cute...EEE!!!

  7. Congrats to de lovely couple.#Qutie ooo#

  8. Replies
    1. Another fine boy off the market.
      Reminiscing On The Good Ole Days- click my name to read more and share your thoughts

  9. My heart just broke! Why???????? *wailing* Chai!

  10. N.Dr. Agwoturumbe13 July 2014 at 16:14


    However this guy is a very wicked man. How can u engage a woman for 4 years???
    I hope he is not marrying her out of obligation or pity

    1. Bia, you dis Babalawo,you just like to yarn Puan. @ N. Dr Agwoturumbe


    2. "He has engaged his long time girlfriend of over four years." oga, read again.

    3. You read the post but you did not comprehend. This is sad :(

    4. Can't u read? He engaged her after dating her for 4years. Always so quick to comment

    5. Chai agwoturumbe na so ur own undderstanding be,he didnt engage her since 4yrs ago,rada hes been courting her 4 4yrs αη∂ nw decided 2 do d needful,d engagement JU̶̲̥̅̊Ƨ̷̜̩̌̋τ̅ took place,pls leave dt shrine of urs αη∂ enta nyt skul asap

    6. Bia Agwoturube mind your self ooooo! Which one is he is wicked? What is your definition of wickedness? Respect is reciprocal my dear.

    7. Idiot,they ve been dating for over four years, Oyinbo bu agbara, native doc, se ka Salo ni?

    8. See this local champion. It is better to date and get established than to rush into marriage to fulfill naija timeline...see how useless some of our marriages are. Abegi congratulate them and stop with your hating.

    9. N.Dr. Agwoturumbe13 July 2014 at 18:32

      Ok. So u guys are abusing me for not understanding Stellas sentence abi.

      If not that my Amadioha is on special assignment, I wud have unleashed it on all of you.
      BTW who is complaining that I dont know oyibo.? I am a native doctor abi u cannot read?

      DJ congrats. U do well date for 4 years. Its better to know her well before u sign because all these girls dey do Willie Willie

    10. Lol
      N.Dr Agwoturumbe, chief consultant, Ukpaka Natural Clinic.

    11. Congrats DJ Xclusive........CHASSIS CHIKITO!!!!

    12. No be small willie willie. But by now the guy for don follow catch the willie willie.


  11. Congrats, that girl is soo fine. But that's not who I used to see him with @ clubs! Damn, side chicks yall be learning?
    Well She's da one gonna cope with his powerful mouth odour.
    Plz do something abt it, thank u.

    1. Chai,diaris God o! How can u say dis fine boy get mouth odour?!it is not good o!

    2. Anony fear God ooh... Am his fan and I don't want this at the back of my mind anytime I see his

    3. It's dis same anon dat has been talking abt his mouth odour here posing as different people, don't worry we don't care u fit rest now Oloshi!!

  12. Dj exclusiv aka the dj of the gods aka 'it is I' ...aka 'this is football anythin can happen'...d girl wan resemble stella damasus

    1. BitchBiko you know him welll!!
      This is football! Anything can happen. foine boi,norin do you!

      Loved him during big brother's parties...*singing* Big brotherrr,nooo wheree to hideeee,bigbotherrr..miss the old song too...looking forward to it this year!!!

  13. #Namaste#
    Congrats bro!Now that u are getting married,your wedding tackle wud have a known hashtag,so no varieties again.

  14. Dr Agwoturumbe, d gods must have taken ur brain along with dem while goin on exile.. DJ xclusive ddnt engage her for 4yrs, rather, d hv bn dating for 4yrs buh jst got engaged .. Activate ur brain while reading mbok..

    1. N.Dr. Agwoturumbe13 July 2014 at 18:33

      N. Dr please. U r right. These Agbaras have been messing with my brain lately

    2. Agwoturumbe, u are definitely a fun guy...EEE!!!

  15. Engaged f 4yrs? Wtf! I can't stand an engagement of more than 1yr- my finger aint a ring holder.

    1. drunken dubai babe13 July 2014 at 19:15

      bitch pls read before commenting. sigh dumb asses that must comment by force

    2. Slim Shady, you must be the Native Doctor's beau. Same thinking faculty

  16. Dr agwoturumbe dey dated for 4yrs. He just engaged her sir!

  17. Wooww!! Congrats to them..but I actually thought he was the one who did his wedding anniversary sometime ago..beautiful wifee to be;nice smile!

  18. Oh gawd!!
    DJ Xclusive is off the market?!
    I love this guy like kilode!!!

    But its all good....
    Till death do you guys part.

  19. Dr Agwoturumbe na wa for you ooo, na only u waka come?! DJ exclusive is sooo cute and looks like a gentleman. Congrats to them!

  20. N Dr agwoturumbe lol at ur comment

    All the hot single guys are finishing oh

  21. Nice .fine boy.but a dj? Hian im sure your wife to be wont mind.

  22. Very handsome and humble dude,my favourite Dj.

  23. Stella,i thot toun ajiboye(tounaj) was hs girlfriend ooooo.

    1. Toun dt tinks shes nigerias "styleismything" in her mind. not original at all. Copy copy

    2. Uhnnn tounaj, so u want to claim xclusive, how far d guy u tried using ur jazz to marry?mtschew fake ass girl!

    3. It baffles me wen girls say sombodi use jazz, d only way u can knw is if u went der togerra,abeg leave Toun alone,she is foinne and yes her style taste is up der,and btw am not Toun,just follow er blog....

    4. Err is tounaj not married with kids? She owns the boutique doesn't mean she shld model her clothes tho. They don't fit her most times and she kinda looks razz

    5. Err is tounaj not married with kids? She owns the boutique doesn't mean she shld model her clothes tho. They don't fit her most times and she kinda looks razz

  24. Try to read and understand.fake doctor.
    I luv dis handsome guy.

  25. Wow!
    Him CV heavy ooo #ShinesTeeth!
    Hope mony dey inside dis DJ work sha.
    *Congra! (@ Patt ogar, try nt to chop the 'a' cos e no go mk sense agen)

  26. Wow!
    Him CV heavy ooo #ShinesTeeth!
    Hope mony dey inside dis DJ work sha.
    *Congra! (@ Patt ogar, try nt to chop the 'a' cos e no go mk sense agen)

  27. Goodness me! so my crush is finally taken?ok seen.

  28. Hmmmmm afta all d womanising looking for facebook frnds to shag! Side chicks be learning oooo!

  29. DJ exclusive! D best there is!congrats To u n le fiancée.Beautiful couple...may God bless u Both n bless ur marriage,amen.

  30. Heartbreak *crying

  31. Yaaay, it's Dj Exclusive.... Congrats dear. So happy for them. They are both fine. Chai na so this girl hook dis fine guy ooo. So many hearts would be broken. Lol

  32. Anty Stella,Four years is small compared to ma 7 years of dating and still hoping
    Congrats Tinuke,happy for you.

    1. 7yrs nd stil hoping? Hope there is a plan B

  33. In other news, I just had the most horrible sex of my life,.people talk about small dicks and all but i have never seen or experienced one till today.

    Ah! Oluwa mi o...when the foreplay started, i did not see any bulge, i felt maybe the size of the trousers or briefs swallowed it up until we got to the intercourse part.

    And i am like "Shey oko leleyi abi pencil"?

    Terrible! Horrible!!

    I miss my ex with his rod and his energy and his panting and sweating and groaning and the speaking in tongues when he has an orgasm.

    I have called my ex to let's hook up, need to wipe today's horrible experience off my sexual cache.


    1. Loool
      I don turn preacher oo

    2. I know that feeling darling. The need to exorcise your mind and body of terrible sex *shudders* . Made a pact to avoid childish dick niggers.

    3. Hahahahahaha...Choi. Characters dey dis blog...sori ooo

    4. Chai...Chei ...!!!..Hahaaaaaa.


    5. Lmao, some people are just nutts

  34. Replies
    1. Irene e be like say man dey ontop of you. Hbd kwa? Issorait


    2. Lwkm...lool..Irene baby well done oo. I hail thee

  35. I have dated mine for 5yrs and these days we are always arguing over unnecessary things, i don't even get excited about him again. am so confused and scared to quit.

    1. U better leave him now oo

    2. Story of my life.. we have dated for 6yrs now.. we' ve had 3major fights over flimsy things just in one week.. I'm just so confused and scared of the unknown to call it quits..

    3. Don't quit just keep ur options open, give others chance & stop flaunting ur relationship

  36. Nice...cute couple to be! me like!

    #peace Ambassador #sdk blog

  37. This person abusing dj exclusive under annoymous is stupid, senseless nd a low life....just because he didnt prospose to u....
    Stupid girl get a life

  38. My sister dated her hubby for 6years before they got married. So you get hope

  39. My sister dated her hubby 6years before they got married. So you get hope

  40. This is football, anything can happen. Congrats guy!

  41. Cassandra baby14 July 2014 at 00:04

    Nice one,,lovely

  42. Ermm! Kiki, sorry to dissappoint u but Sesan Ogunro is married with a kid or two sef. lol

  43. mouth odour?
    now that's the second time am hearing this.

    anyway, dude is hawt. wifey is beautiful.

    HML in advance.

    Xclusive, do something about the M.O urgently (if its true)

  44. am so disappointed at d way some of you comment am sure most of havent met him before u hear gist and you carry on your head

    1. Who appointed you?
      Make ur comment and move on

  45. am so disappointed at d way some of you comment am sure most of havent met him before u hear gist and you carry on your head

  46. Dj eku congratulations ooo
    People should find more time to carry out research than blow fake news.. DJ exclusive is NOT the son of Mrs Alakija, that they bear the same name doesn't mean he's her son. She has 4boys please use google it's still effective.

    Secondly, if he's got mouth odour who e concern? even some fine boys without mouth odour are still dating their gfs for more than 10years abi na jamb question dem wan ask the babe?

    Some are lucky to be in relationships for 1,2,3,4 years before getting the i've been there for more than 10years and the question was eventually popped to sm1 else.

    Abeg who see another fine dj with mouth odour hook a sister up biko..

  47. hahahahahahahahahahahahahha Mouth odour??????? hahahahahahahhahahaha

  48. @ Fearless my dear i prefer to be a mumu in a relationship than mumu in marriage, don't also forget i know this person in and out..Goodluck to everyone who must marry a person cos they've dated them for years, to some it works to some it's an agreement to hell.. Divorce rate is high and i don't want to be part of that section inugo??


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