Stella Dimoko ARIK Airline In Flight Theft + Customer Loses Huge Sum Of Money!


Thursday, July 24, 2014

ARIK Airline In Flight Theft + Customer Loses Huge Sum Of Money!

At times when you hear people share their experience(s) on certain issues, they sound like one of those stories from tales by moonlight, not because their story isn't believable but having been under the same conditions that led to their bitter experience(s) on several occasions, it's difficult to imagine. 

Today I'm a victim of one; INFLIGHT THEFT. 

I'm still amazed at the dexterity with which the act was carried out, Stella it was very systemic. 

Arik Air Flight w3732 Abuja to Lagos 23/7/2014,1100hrs, seat 29B was my seat.

 I was actually late to the airport and was told the plane had already taken off. I proceeded to the ticket-sales desk to reschedule my flight for the next one;1300hrs. 

In the course of doing so I was told the plane was still very much on ground and I could board. Like every human would do, I thanked my stars as that implied I would be in Lagos on time as planned. At this point I would like to state that I'm a frequent traveller, my job puts me in a position where I always travel. 

At the risk of sounding immodest I have been to all the 36 states in the country on several occasions by air except in cases where the state doesn't have an airport, in the last 6weeks I have been to well over 9 states and as you read this I'm probably on my way to another. As such I carry just a hand luggage which I always stow in the overhead luggage compartment right above my seat. 

I'm very meticulous and articulate, I say all these things so Nigerians and the world at large would have little insight of my person and understand my amazement. I've been bedazzled, this is more than any illusion I've seen, the tricks in the movie, 'Now You See Me' don't match what I experienced yesterday(23/7/2014)

As I got on board, I had my bag placed as usual in the overhead compartment right above my seat, few minutes later the plane took off. Upon arriving, for no reason whatsoever I just had the impulse to check my bag(while onboard) and I felt a vacuum, I shrugged it off and felt maybe what I was looking for had re-positioned itself probably due to movements, turbulence and the likes, however on getting to my car and carrying out a detailed search I couldn't find my money. 

I had $7000 and a stack of money in 200 naira denomination(ie, 200,000naira) in my bag and it was gone. That's one million naira(1,000,000). And before you make any query, I'm pretty damn sure it was in my bag when I boarded. I've heard of in-flight theft but it's quite difficult to imagine or understand, until it happened to me.

 I have checked my bag three different times, it's simply unbelievable. Arik Air has succeeded in breeding flight crew members way more efficient at stealing than the fiction characters of Alaadin and the forty theives. My experience would a make good scene for Oceans 14. 

Stella please help me bring this information to the notice of Nigerians and the world, something has to be done about these Arik people, this inflight theft thing is becoming the unbecoming.

*JESUSCHRISTOFNAZARETH!...........I have been bombarded with several mail of complaining passengers but this is the height of it!
Arik Airline called me last time a passenger complained,collected the passengers number and called him five times to ask the same question and didnt bother again.
Please can Arik air do something already?


  1. I doubt if Arik wants to stay in business.

    1. Na "medi" dem use tif the money? Shuo, how e take disappear from bag on top your head for the glove compartment?
      Chai! Dem do you " touch and go". Indeed, man opposes, God disappears.

    2. It's called luggage compartment not glove. Glove compartment is found a car. ODE!!

    3. How come they knew u had such amount or they searched every bag? Could it be a lucky trial or they conspire with baggage scan people to know bag contents. How come you had time to write the long story, yet you don't know how much you lost? If I buy your figure of 1m, they you used about N114 for $1. In which world are you? Abeg leave Arik alone and be more careful. If you arrived airport at a time you are almost certain you missed ur flight, then I see u in a panic situation which of course anything can happen.

  2. When people complained you thought it was fiction? Why carry such large sums and if you do why not tie it to your body? Pele. You shouldn't have left the airport and you should have caused a scene.

  3. theft on board.

    that's arik's stock in trade.

    sorry poster for your loss.

    next time when travelling, put all your cash in ur waist purse


    put your hand luggage under the seat in front of you, use your leg pin the bag to the ground.(ur airborne foot pillow)
    u come down, you dust your bag.

    #dats my style. 5naira wey wash sef, dem never see thief

    1. Lol @ use your leg pin the bag. Nice one. The thief must remove your leg first.

    2. Lolll @ 'use leg pin the bag', when am flying locally (not like I done enter international flight b4 even @ gun point na only transport money for taxi dem fit c for my hand o...we have been preaching cashless economy @poster (Now You See Why?). The fact that you compared the act to 'Now You See Me' (I watched that movie over nd over and still felt stupid)made me understand how fast it happened ...lmao...abeg hookup with 'Chimamanda', ur writing skills is classic. I really do hope Arik does something about this, though your writing made it look more humorous than serious.

    3. Bloglord.....i really did not want to laugh so it wont look like am insensitive to d poster's plight.......but your comment made me laugh. LMAO @ use ur leg pin the bag to d ground..

    4. Thank you Bloglord!!! Even internationally whichever bag has my most valuable things stays with me at ALL times. And if I have a pull on....that 'ish gets padlocked even if there are "valuables" or not cos some peeps be desperate like that or have klepto tendencies. Everything else under the seat in front or between my legs. You gotta drug me to steal anything from me!

  4. Dis is really serious...Arik u people shld beta do smetin about ur crew b4 dey finish u

  5. Sorry poster, next time go cashless or follow Agofure bus. #JESUS BABY#

  6. Why do people still fly that airline!

    1. I sincerely wonder. I have refused buying flight ticket for anyone on Arik since I started hearing of all these rubbish...... My aunties, mum's friends, dad's friends who all disturb me to help them with purchase of their ticket to US have been made fully aware of the reasons why I can NEVER buy an Arik ticket for them.
      An airline that prefers riches to a good name is not worth anything.

  7. BLOG ANALYSER: What is wrong with this Arik airline? I have heard ugly stories about them. I can't fly that air line.pls people be careful

  8. Sue the bastards... kmt

  9. God forbid I ever use this airline. I just dont like anything abt it biko mschewww

  10. Oloshi airline with the bad reputation!
    But poster, why carry such a huge sum of money on board is your bank out of service? I blame you partially as well! Hope they find the money, Arik keep breeding hoodlums! Una go tire! Be dragging your namein mud! Stupid airline. Verrückt!

    Pepper ose oku!

  11. Arik again?......hian!.........bunch of thieves....the bad eggs there have succeeded in giving ARIK a bad name.

  12. Arik airline always in the news for the wrong reasons.....i hope they find a solution to this problem ASAP cos this is giving them a bad image already...

  13. Thank God ground handling companies are not being blamed this time round.

  14. Their flight attendants are thieves na, it's written all over them!
    Always keep ur money inside ur hand luggage if you must fly arik...
    Anyways, , thank you!

  15. Arik airline always in the news for the wrong reasons.....i hope they find a solution to this problem ASAP cos this is giving them a bad image already...

  16. Wow! This is really surprising, 1m gone just like that, the authorities of Arik airline need to do something fast to clear their image

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  18. I did not get the seriousness of this story. It came across as sarcastic.

    Whilst you inundated us with information about your wide travels, you failed to highlight whether there was a cabin attendant who came to your overhead bin in the "ruse" of trying to arrange the bags.
    Your narrative makes it appear to be a spiritual something.

    I refrain from jumping to conclusion that Arik Flight attendants stole your money or that you forgot to put it in your bag. Maybe in forming big madam, you let some airport tout to help you carry your bag to the boarding gate.

    There are several possibilities. Explore them all. You really have no evidence you boarded the plane with $7000 (N1.12M) and N200k. Its just your words.

    All the best

    1. Mr Aboki Na mallam you have spoken well, but it seems you fail to understand the narrative, you are just in the same category as this person was until this he experienced it first hand. I have been a victim also, trust me the words he used is just perfect, 'systemic. I pray you don't experience it. In my case my bag was also a hand luggage, I dint check it in, it was right there with me stowed in luggage compartment of the plane, Infact same scenriao with this person. Trust me I couldn't believe it. As for those claiming he should have gone cashless, well you are all right, but for someone of his calibre I believe he's well acquainted with the cashless policy, however we can't tell the conditions under which he embarked on that trip. And let's be honest especially for those who handle or move heavy cash, there are times when we just have to move them physically. Someone once reported a case of stolen iPad aboard Arik on this same blog. To the person who just fell victim of the theft, take heart, whoever stole it has stolen your problems

    2. Anonymous. I am a frequent flyer myself and I have heard of funny things happening on international routes. Bags get stolen from the carousel, hand luggage stowed overhead stolen or with items missing. It is unfair to accuse anyone much less an organization of systemic stealing without evidence.

      I know Nigerians like to be emotional about matters like this but we need to figure out how this crime is perpetrated.
      I really doubt this posters story because the total sum supposedly stolen is N1.3m and not N1m. Such discrepancy would cast doubt in the mind of anyone but trust us Nigerians to overlook it and say that its not important.
      If we are to believe her, then her story must be above board.

    3. Honestly, mallam I agree with you on this one. The story seems like it was written like someone who writes for a living. Were the metaphors concerning movies necessary? Were you trying to be funny? Well,i don't want to jump to conclusions but it did make me raise an eyebrow. Godspeed, u hope Arik compensates you if your story is indeed true.

    4. Well, for a self acclaimed meticulous and articulate individual, I think you left it all at home or at the lounge before you boarded the plane! Absolutely a fib, with no pictures, I don't buy your 'story'. Simples

    5. I can only giggle as I read your follow-ups. Only a victim will understand. And for Mr Aboki Na Mallam your are not a frequent traveller, maybe you have flown a few times but you not a frequent traveller. How do I know? A frequent traveller would imply you are either a big entrepreneur, top executive, consultant, expatriate.....etc All of such or similar positions come with a sense pride, self esteem, and diginty, and no man having all these 3qualities would bear the I.D, 'Aboki Na mallam' even if it's for the sake of commenting. On that basis, you are not a frequent traveller,especially by air. No offence sir. #psychology

    6. Aboki don know y they hype u as intelligent when u are obviously stupid.... If this article was not clear enough then something many times have u read of complaints from Arik and u come and talk rubbish.. It's ur type who always think they are too wise till tragedy strikes them then they know it can happen to anyone......nonsense

    7. Ern u are a fool... Which pictures? Cos she was anticipating theft?

    8. While you may feel the need to cast aspersions at Aboki Na Mallam, I will let you know that is my real name. Thank you.

      A frequent flyer is not an occupation since you feel the need to ascribe it to certain people. Its a function of the FREQUENCY OF AIR TRAVEL..

    9. And your desire to resort to personal attacks based on your ignorance shows you have nothing to contribute to the discuss

    10. I might be foolish but so foolish as to leave $7000 +N200,000 unattended in an airplane in Nigeria... Maybe it's Zimbabwean dollars! Plus some pea brains like yours sincerely actually buy that fib! What a plonker!

    11. Mamie's protege25 July 2014 at 00:28

      Aboki na mallam, I think that anon made a salient point and if I was you I would take a step back and imagine this happened to yourself. How would you feel when people cast such strong aspersions such as which you and the others have. Truth be told , you can only come to a logical conclusion if you have been in this situation. So if you cannot be objective,( I mean quit assuming and indirectly accusing the poster of being an aspiring pen pusher or day dreamer ) then just pull your duvet over your head and sleep!!!

      Haba!! Not so bright after all.

    12. Waooo it didn't have to degenerate to personal degradation of any kind. What Aboki has analysed is typical of any human being who activates his/her mental scrutiny of information based on 'facts' before processing it. Not everyone is a passive reader u know. So please allow him speak his mind.

      To the poster, well, one too many you would agree. However, considering the amount of monies u claim was stolen here, I thought that your post would end with the attempts that you have taken to retrieve it, or at least to investigate it.
      What Stella has done by publishing it is good, but like she said, many have come here with the same complaints and nothing was done by Arik after they made a few vague calls to the complainants.

      I remember a while back that Mr Kashamu,.amongst many others also raised the same alarm when he lost a huge sum aboard Arik, I think thousands of dollars. Here is a man who commands a lot of authority, yet nothing was done.
      Very embarrassing and annoying. Arik should be suspended until they can account or take responsibility for their passengers' lives and properties whilst in their custody. Do they not have 'contents insurance' in place? Such that would pay for damages and losses of staff and passengers on the job? I tire o.

    13. I agree with aboki. Smart and meticulous thinking. This story doesn't really add up

    14. Mr Mallam you have succeeded in showing 'intelligent' you are. I dint refer to frequent travelling as job, I actually said it's factored on the kind of job, I gave examples and pointed out the prestige that comes those job, and such prestige can answer 'Aboki Na Mallam' as a name. I think you're pissed I analysed quite well. *laughs* did you even think before posting that response,..............' function of frequency of travel' i'll say it again, you are not a frequent or regular traveller, at least by air, maybe by road. or let me put it in words you'll understand, THE FREQENCY AT WHICH YOU TRAVEL BY AIR IS VERY VERY LOW, infact if a Physicist was to rate it, the figure would stand at 30Nano Hertz which is negligible

  19. this is just terrible. arik air had better do something about this issue. d last time i flew arik from JFK NewYork to Naija, it was just one terrible experience, ranging from d poor service, to d rude stewards, not to even mention d smelly dirty lavatory. mtcheew smh. naija things dey always get K-leg.

    1. Why will you ever fly a Nigerian airline on an international route? Bets me actually....

  20. But why fly with 1 million? I don't gerrit...who moves around with $7,000??? When there are banks????????? It doesn't add up!

    1. U are both stupid I swear, I have travelled wih 10,000 dollars from Lagos to Abuja thank God nothin happened.... So. Is u have never done it that means it can never happen? Ple like u ern are terrible irritant.... U don't know doe not mean it don't happen.... U don't know y she moved that much physical cash...

    2. Money laundering is my guess, you guys seem to denigrate a conversation to verbal abuse so quickly, where you abused as a child? There are better ways to carry on a conversation without becoming a knob!


  22. Wow! Sorry o. I NEVER put money in luggage. It is ALWAYS on me. You just have to dress accordingly.

  23. Obara Jesus! this one is just Wow! Ive had my luggage jacked before but i checked it in. Now theyre robbing hand luggages too? Chim o! Odi egwu

    @poster, Visit their head office o! Demand for ya money. File legal papers, put up a video on youtube detailing ur ordeal. do anything that would put them on full blast mehn. Nothing scares a company shitless than bad pr.

    1. Stella these are all lies.
      Wicked pple tryna spoil arik air market!
      That airline is v good!
      They don't steal. Its either pple are being careless with their money or just plain stupid.
      I've been flyin with them for many years!
      If I tel u d amount I carry in my luggage, efcc wud cme and catch me.
      So please confirm all these.
      They are v gud and profeSsional, d onli bad thing is they are expensive.
      That's all.

    2. @anon 3.30pm. Yet another one.

    3. Thunder fire that your stupid mouth 3:30pm.. Cos it hasn't happened to u how dare u cast aspersions on the character of those who have? Are u stupid? This has been a complaint about Arik for a while and u dare to say they are lies.....

    4. Leona!!! Where art thou been all this while. Biko update your blog ehn.

    5. This guy isn't the 10th person I've heard this arik theft from!so it must be very true!

  24. That's how they stole Kashamu's money. Two friends of mine and now this. I just wonder how they steal money placed inside a bag in the overhead compartment.
    This is the reason I never. Carry large money. Credit/visa/MasterCard cards is forever on me

  25. Hehehehehehehehehe! Arik? Leave story. Bunch of bandits.

  26. A thousand flies cannot be wrong. People have been complaing of this Arik thefts and nothing is being done. ARIK management please bring your staff to order they are disgracing you guys. In my opinion, i think they are working together with those at the point where you scan your things before finally boarding otherwise how do they know which bag contains money. I believe the thieves are normally at that point with them and identify which bag to steal from and then follow the whole theft through. This is really becoming frequent. Na wetin.

    1. Flown them locally and they're pretty small planes, so something is definitely untoward here!

  27. 1million nairaz! Just like that?! In this time? Arik should do something oooo.

  28. Arik air, una own don too much o!

  29. incomplete story, @poster u didnt let us know if u had ur luggage by ur side all through till u sat down n placed it in the overhead compartment or u left it somwhere while u tried to reschedule ur flight.... so Pls send in a more detailed story....

  30. Oh wow!!! This is shocking,Arik airline need to do aomething about all this news cos this isn't the first time I'm hearing complains from people,their hostess's are something else has to be extracareful cos the act like they're arranging your stuffs nd before you knw it your valuables are gone.Arik air tht find it difficult to evn paay their staffs.

  31. Wow wow Arik again...Ndi Arik are really thieves..Can you imagine,Poster press charges,don't let it be swept under the carpet o..I HATE ARIK,after what they did to my friend,now this again..1mill no be here ooooo

  32. Can u imagine..

    Pls visit my shoe blog

  33. How do these cabin crew know passengers that have cash in their bags? abi na juju them dey use?
    Something has to be done about this...
    Dear poster,1M is a whole lot of cash oo.You should have reported to their office after creating a scene onboard.
    It is well.


  34. Poster you sef!
    How can you put such large amount of money in your hand bag and then put it in the luggage compartment without proper locks
    You could have put the bag on the floor close to your legs.
    I blame you a bit sha.

    1. I want to believe the poster is a male, hence not carrying any handbag other than the hand luggage. Arik tif tif.

  35. Executive criminals. I wonder how these ppl cope knowing they v just stolen from someone, this is so appalling and something needs to be done fast. Though arik vnt stole from me before but I v seen many complain about this incessant stealing, the best thing to do is for ppl to stop boarding arik chikena.

  36. well, Arik is synonymous with theft.

    Islam and Terrorism, War and Blood shed is quaranic, Here are the Quaran verses:
    Hadith 9:4: Wherever you find Infidels(Non Muslims), Kill them; For whoever kills them shall have reward on the day of Resurrection.
    Hadith 9:50, 57: Whoever changes his/her Islamic religion, Kill Him!
    Surah 9:5: Fight and slay the Infidels wherever you find them, sieze them, confine them and Lie in wait for them in every place of Ambush.
    Quaran 2: 216-217: Fighting is prescribed for you! Islam is all about Violence and Blood shed but muslims in their ignorance and denial will always deny. (lifted quotes) #BrainwashedBigots

    In this realm, i'm EvelKnievel

    1. What do u intend by posting this?start a religious war here? Do u best and leave the rest for God.its not in ur place to say a religion sect is this or that.muslims o,christians o,most of us all are bloody hypocrites who twist the words of d bible or quran to suit our twisted minds.go and wank or something.jobless mofo

  37. Sorry dude. Albeit I have never been a victim of this, but I learnt to always keep my hand luggage in the compartment opposite my seat. This gives me a better overview of my bag and it's contents. I've been doing this - on either local or international flights- and so far still working. This could help you forthwith.

    Again, sorry for the loss.


  38. Hmm...! How do they carry out these thefts in full view of passengers? Or do they also practice hypnosis? And they all look so smart and respectable. Odikwa egwu!

    Maybe people should stop travelling with an excess amount of cash, and the little u decide to travel with, carry on ur person. Let's see whether they'll then resort to picking pockets! Kmt!

  39. Why would you travel with dso much cash in this day and age? Most Nigerian airports have ATMs to withdraw from on arrival. Be wise! YOu already knew there was the possibility of it being stolen on board.

  40. Arik air staff are thieves!!!
    Arik air hosts and hostess are thieves!!!
    Bunch of criminals

  41. One million what??? Bros na wa for you ohh,arik tifi tifi airline for that matter. You should know by now that arik staff has vanishing cream which they rub on their hands so they only need to touch you or your bag and the money disappears! Arik Air: Shame Of Nigeria

  42. Na wah oh!. I am speechless, dis one na double wahala for dead body.

  43. So people have not learnt from other people's bitter experiences with arik airline?
    Poster I'll partially blame you for travelling with 1m cash knowing fully well that the theft stories from arik airline passengers no be here. If ure a woman don't you have a hand bag and if ure a man don't you have a side purse?
    U'll be lucky if ure compensated sha cos I've only heard people complain never heard where arik paid any form of compensation.

  44. This is too much,i have heard stories like this from a lot of people, the owner of arik should be informed of what is going on,and the crew members if that aircraft and any other that has anyone complaining, should be sacked,this is just too,how can they be stealing people,s miney,once u put ur luggage up,u see then smiling and greeting like they are innocent and haven't done anything, Stella please the owner of Arik should be contacted, and this should be on Blogs and newspapers too

  45. I know for a fact that all these people can't be lying and fabricating stories just to tarnish Ariks image.If they claim their staff are innocent of these allegations, what steps have they taken to address it? What drastic steps have they taken? Bloody shame.

    Maybe it is a spirit that boards and steals, hmm!

  46. OMG!!!! This is just too much! Arik na only una dey???? This is terrible. It should be looked into with utmost speed. Gosh!

  47. Eeeewooo! @ Poster, am so sorry but please follow up the case oo. Haba! Too much of Arik Airlines these days. E be like say the attendants get 'third eye'. #Olejatijati

  48. Na wa o. Airk air is now known as a one chance flight, enter at your own risk.

  49. I left Nigeria on the night of 26th of February this 2014 to JFK. I boarded Arik airline with my child
    I checked in 3 bags with one of there staffs after I was thru with customs.
    The Arik staff that checked me in even opened the particular box that I kept my gold jewelry box and I still saw it when I was rearranging my stuffs cos he advised me to put in more things in that particular box so that it will weight the same with others which I did with his help.
    He zipped the bag and I told him to lock it with 0 0 0 which he did.
    After that he weight my bags and tagged them,gave me my tags and asked me for tips, I have him #1000.
    The lady on the counter also asked for her own tip and I gave her #1000.
    On getting to JFK customs point when my bag was opened the my jewel box is gone.
    I ve made a resolve that when I'm back in Nigeria in September I will get the guy arrested cos I no his face and I can pick him out among their staff.
    I made no contact cos I don't want to alert them but when I read this one I couldn't hold it
    I'm very sure Arik ve the list of the staffs that checked in passengers on the night of 26th of February cos I'm gonna make life so difficult for them.
    I ve made up my mind that I will never board Arik again in my life even if they are gonna take me to heaven even tho I still ve my return ticket with them but I'm letting it go.
    I ve resolved to buy our return ticket from a theft free airline and forget about Arik but for that thief, his days are limited cos I sure know his stealing face and I'm getting my Gold back from him and that GOD forsaken airline.

    1. Ma'am please always note that your most valued items are suppsed to be with you. In this case always put your gold in your handbag and hand luggage. Never check them in. In this case, this experience is not just peculiar with Arik but with most airlines. I have flown from ghana to naija on Aero and by the time we landed, her watches which she checked in were gone. Make sure you display there oh but it might not be him, but it must have happened when your bags were passing through their scan machines. That's when most thefts are carried out. Oh btw its staff and not staffs.

    2. *her in this case is refered to my sister.

    3. Omo sorry o buh u got me laughing so hard.My kids are just looking at me like am i Okay.Lol...LMAO @ thieving face and theft-free airline.

    4. You gave him the code to your box?? Oh, wow! It's really surprising to u didn't find your 'jewellery' in it, you're obviously another 'meticulous and articulate individual'!

    5. Truetalk you don't know how it feels when you lost something that you buy with your sweat that's why you are proof reading my write up.
      I did not write with a happy mind cos what I lost on Arik is a box of gold containing different kinds of gold including my children s own.
      So pls stop looking for my typos and face what is Bn discussed, Mr professor your mates are in Cambridge pls move over.
      Generals wife, ,,,,lol
      Ern Hugh, I didn't just gave him, he my daughter was running around and it was distracting me somehow and people were behind me, remember there was a queue so he was kind of sympathetic and rushing me at the same time cos of others.
      He said let me zip the box for you, after which he was about to put it on the scale to weight it I said I still need to lock it, he said oh!!! Sorry let me help you he bent down and I said just put 000and rearrange the nos. I said it to only him and my bag was rolled away.
      I saw him attending to another person, so I felt secured. Thanks

    6. Okay Omo, I take it all back and I guess I was being too critical of your story. I apologise and sorry for your loss, the replacement usually is a better one. I lost my car to armed robbers in 2003 + was fortunate to get away with my life, so it propelled me to get a replacement and a better one at that.. So, Omo, a better box, probably boxes will come and this lost one won't be recalled to your mind. You're alive, well and able, so no worries!

    7. Ashafa says:
      Arik, you have gotten yourself a bad name oo. I once felt so uneasy on their flight allowing an hostess keep my laptop bag in a compartment at the back because mine had been used by another person cos I boarded late. Na wa o

  50. Arik needs to rebrand to OMILA Airways.i will never enter arik for free,on credit or even as a pilot in another re incarnation

  51. Abeg abeg abeg poster go look bush.
    C d way ur words dey flow like say na movie script u dey write.
    Na so u get 1million naira na u nevr ask for BV's account numbers make u share d love.
    Eh since arik dey tiff una money no fly them again na?! Abi them use gun force u to dey buy their ticket?
    U will explain how more than 30 passengers ddnt c d air host/hostess collecting a package from above ur head.
    And u sef, na drug them drug u wey u no ask whoevr dey stretch above ur head into ur bag?
    And d staff don dey use juju to know those who carry money in their bags?
    Abeg go look bush joor. Ur story no gel.
    If u wan fly wit 1million next time hide am inside ya pint

    1. See them. De don land here. Make e de throway im money de dash you card. The ones wey una collect from overhead locker never reach you?

    2. have u shown love to any BV too???? Pot calling kettle black......If u think dis poster lied,,,what about others who have d simila

    3. similar stories about Arik??? Dont sound insensitive to poster's plight,,,abeg....

    4. Stfu Franca Bruno!u no go share money too?awoof kill u!

  52. Sincerely sorry to read about your missing cash... A word of advice though seeing as you travel a lot, now would be a great time to adopt the current cashless policy to avoid having a repeat of 'Now, you see me'... #Just my thought

  53. Hahahaha....i like dis me laughing all through! Sorry about dis wah o! And i Used to think My hand luggage was VERY SAFE up there.sooo shocked right now to think i have on many occassion,removed valuables from My luggage n put in My hand luggage coz i always tot it was d safest place.thanks again for d alert dear.n pele once more.

  54. Hian!And you were quiet and resorted to tell Stella?You did not raise fire and brimstone on there heads when you noticed it abi u don reach ur destination b4 u did? Arik ndi ori. The money don enter serious voicemail oh. Me i de tuck my money bag right under my seat and i still place my legs on top am oh. i no fit shout.

  55. Sad,bt permit me to ask u poster, while u were seated did u notice any attendant come to ur side of the overhead compartment? Cos
    1. U dint check in d bag so it was nt frm checking in d luggage
    2. U meticulously kept d bag above ur seat compartment, did u at any point fall asleep? Or notice an attendant open d compartment?
    3. Was ur bag closed?
    4. Did any passenger on board open d compartment Bfr u stood up to pick ur bag n gt down?
    5. D last place u lodge or stayed in ur many travels did u carry ur bag arnd or left it in d room at some point where d room had to b cleaned n probably it was stolen thr?
    6. U left d airport without reporting? U jus went to ur car n searched it 3times?

    1. E go soon reach ur turn!then u will ask urself these questions.It beats me when people still ask questions like this when over 10 people have complained about this arik air theft. Too bad!

  56. I think it's wen the bag passes thru security scan and they can see the bundles that they now inform the cabin crew people that r in d gang and u become a target.

    I'm sorry for your loss.

  57. nawa oh my phone was stolen Etihad

    be vigilant

  58. media harassment*in sdk's voice*#PeopleAlwaysTryingToLiveLargeOnSdkBlog #AllTheIntroWasn'tNeccessary

    *Prayer For Nigeria in Distress x10 Daily*

  59. Guess Arik Air is leading in the ignominious act of in flight thefts. I still remember Japheth Omojuwa's #ArikWhereIsMyIpad like yesterday. Today, it should be aptly termed '#ArikWhereIsMy1MillionNaira. That's what happens when organizations recruit their staff without doing thorough background checks or conducting integrity checks once in a while to identify staff who have itchy fingers. Sorry sir/ma about the unfortunate incident.

  60. What? Am sooo not surprised...
    I hate Arik..
    Their delays?
    Their services?
    Their attitude??
    Everything is Zero...
    Now theft?
    DF needs to see this, I always warn him not to book Arik whenever we travelling...
    Sorry o @poster...
    Aero, medview all the way...

  61. Cassandra baby24 July 2014 at 15:26

    Hmmmm,,,lips sealed

  62. What? Am sooo not surprised...
    I hate Arik..
    Their delays?
    Their services?
    Their attitude??
    Everything is Zero...
    Now theft?
    DF needs to see this, I always warn him not to book Arik whenever we travelling...
    Sorry o @poster...
    Aero, medview all the way...

    1. Plus if you happen to fly at night, na by force water you musto drink and that their dead bread. If you happen to fly during the day, all man musto drink Frutta. Don't no what they see in that yeye drink.

  63. Sunday 13th july, i boarded from accra to lagos. We waited about 45mins to claim our baggage. It was unusually long. Only for me to get home and unpack, my Folli follie jewery pouch was missing which had my panda knuckle rings, gold earrings and my wristwatch (not rolex but MK). My birthday was in june and my mum just bought me the earrings. Na wa for Arik air o.

    1. Your fault. Keep valuables with you.

    2. Hia!dese people are thieves o!u mean all dese u list dem?!sorry o.

  64. All of them are thieves,from the security guys,to those that check in,to the crew members,that is why i dont tip them no matter how much they beg me,the minister of aviation should also be informed of what is going on this is too much and it happens always

  65. Back to the matter, Arik airline please enough of all these negative brewing of your integrity already...

    *Impeach*in 9ja trending language voice*them all and come recruit more responsible staff who needs the job and know the value of ones customer from sdk blog else you gonna end up in real shit soonest..My two cent!

    *Btw wide eyed is this you??? All those plenty grammars shared above made me to want to stop reading but its
    Sorry about your loss dear

    *Prayer For Nigeria in Distress x10 Daily*

  66. Almighty arik air? I learnt the hard way but I thank God bcos i'm sure never 2 fall thr victim again.

  67. Stella one word of advice follow up this issue but make sure the poster is telling the truth. This has to stop. Let them receive the heat. Enough of this nonsense.

  68. Stella one word of advice follow up this issue but make sure the poster is telling the truth. This has to stop. Let them receive the heat. Enough of this nonsense.

    Na wao this arik theft is becoming is becoming something else, but wait oh, how do they steal this money with nobody noticing them, abi na charm dem they use.

  70. Dear poster.

    You are not well at all. are you trying to say the bag was stolen. i will forgive you for that but that the money was stolen doesn't make any sense. Are you trying to say you have such an enormous amount in your hand luggage and yet you threw caution to the wind.

    I wish i can give you a dirty slap right now with all your experience with travelling yet you didn't know you are suppose to guide your money with so much alacrity lol

    see go jump enter transformer and to the lucky thief o boy maga don pay . this weekend go catch fire for club.

    1. This broke ass looking for freebies all the time is still talking ,If not for ur poor state of mind,what is 1m.U have the right to tell the poster he's not well?u dey crase! I go send u #100 recharge card now! Plenty money without money! Shiorrrr!

  71. But why put such huge amt of money in ur luggage and not in ur hand bag after all the stories we've read abt Arik air? Sorry for your loss but this has entered Voice mail.

    1. Now that's funny, Desire! Your loss inside voicemail? Oh dear me!

  72. Arik owes its staff for months. Maybe these thefts is a way the cabin crew have devised to pay themselves salaries. What a shame.

  73. It's a shame! alot of pple come here to read stories about my country. uk, usa, canada,germany etc and they read this kind of story. it's bad market nah! believe it or not, they will NEVER enter Arik when they come here. if arik lose clients, how will they pay staff? Arik don enter one chance.

  74. My goodness, these comments are sure good medicine for depression. @ Barbie, @anon 9.08PM amd @anon 9.31PM, you just got me almost choking with laughter. Kai una nor go kill person with laff for this blog. Poster sorry o! But I wonder why you chose to say nothing at the airport even when you said you noticed something was wrong.

  75. I'm an Arik Air flight attendant and if there's anything I know, WE DON'T STEAL FROM PASSENGERS. If you're conversant with news, you'd have read on blogs how we've caught several passengers who steal from others on board.
    Even in business class, we've caught passengers stealing 200k from another passenger.
    Your story is fallacious and I call u a rabble rouser! Indeed, so much was stolen from u and u didn't raise an eyebrow inflight? U didn't demand the crew be searched?
    U come to blogs to soil others' reputation without prooff. Did u declare the money to the airport authorities? You're a clown and sick in the head for calling dignified and hardworking people thieves.
    If you've proof, why don't u provide it instead of entertaining the world with your weird imagination of the kind of money you've dreamt of all your life.
    Did u hear of the passenger we caught stealing red handed on a Phc - Los flight last month? No, I bet u didn't.
    I dare u to prove the flight attendants stole your money. I repeat, WE ARE NO THIEVES!

    1. Mamie's protege25 July 2014 at 00:41

      Oh shut up! Seriously, it's not like we were expecting anyone from your end to agree thus is a common occurrence with your colleagues.

      Mrs mouthpiece loudspeaker, how about you read up and see that this is not just a one off occurrence. Can everyone be wrong? So it's now the passengers stealing from other passengers? For you to come her and write this load of bollocks, I wish o could set my eyes on you now, I will rip you to shreds. We are talking about people' s hard earned money and items they have worked so hard to buy and you are here calling their claims bluff. Am ashamed on their behalf and except of course you belong to the group that carries out this act I still cannot imagine why you must sound so defensive and pained.

      Don't worry time will fish you all out. #SHAME

    2. Shut up you are a thief,u all are thieves at the airport,always smiling and looking for a way to steal from a passenger,how come it's only in arik that people complain of their money and valuables getting missing,that's why when am with my handbag and they tell me to put it up I insist under the seat I don't trust cabin attendants,thieves,Stella please take this matter up this is too much, they should be sacked

    3. Thank you o! Something just isn't right with this story!

    4. I haven't seen u people parading any passenger that was caught stealing!the level the theft case is going,by now(if truly the passengers are the people stealing)u would have used somebody as a scape goat!U are not a thief doesn't make the rest of ur colleagues holy!speak for urself dear cos everybody can't be wrong!

  76. stella,
    tiff tiff for flight no be today naa.
    Air France sef can't explain where my wife Q10 dey till tomorrow.funny, we were both on that flight, hurriedly left to catch our connecting flight, only to find out phone was left in the seat pocket of the earlier flight. email sent immediately, calls put through, they never speak anything other than french. had to go back to dre yeye charles de gaulle..... after plenty call call, they couldn't find the phone...make we no too paint Arik black guys.
    Stealing by air line staff not peculiar to Arik Airlines.
    The key is to shine ya eyes.... ALWAYS.

  77. I am telling you that you guys @ Arik are bunch of thieves and I'm sure you know it.
    Awon ole gbogbo.

  78. @July 25, 2014 at 7:15 AM.

    You are a sick fellow. I have been out of Nigeria for years now and i dont need freebies to survive lol.

    Send me your contact and i will wire you money cus i know you need help.



  79. Please don't put the blame on the crew, though Arik has been in the spot for negative reasons. It might even be the syndicate who travel as passengers doing all these pranks. on ex Air Nigeria we have ve even caught a celebrity in such act. & it also happens on foreign airlines,the truth is that we Nigerians should be more carefull about how we travel by air(a lot of us come onboard too loose,lousy & grouchy). No cabin crew no matter how small he/she earns will stoop so low to steal onboard. We can be runs kids but not stealing

  80. It's really very silly of you to label cabin crew who r professionals as thieves that's totally unacceptable and very stupid of you,if Ur money gets missing in d banking hall with customers around wld ur silly self blame the bank workers or have d balls to call d cashiers thieves. Please let's learn to give these guys respect for what they do. People purposely buy business class tickets just so they can steal from other business class passengers let alone a miserable economy passenger like you. If Ur money really got missing next time keep an eye on Ur property,the aircraft isn't Ur sitting room. Don't go around heaping fallacious accusations on innocent people who do their best to male u happy onboard despite the shortcomings of the airline management.

  81. Arik people stole my brother-inlaw's iphone 5s onboard Arik flight from London. He checked the bag in.


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