Stella Dimoko WORDLESS POST.



Sunday, June 01, 2014


Wale shame on you!


  1. What a world...EEE!!!

    1. Unglaublich! E be like say she don sign her life give beast! Otherwise why she wan siddon there dey die silently? Woman if you die there, na you kee yaseff! Na only fly wey hin eye blind dey follow corpse enter ground.

      Pepper ose oku on the move!

    2. She doesn't have anywhere to go?she shld move in wit d man he's cheatin on her husband with na. Dat 'how many times' wale said means she's a consistent cheat.don't get me wrong,I don't support d wale guy o,he acted insane but a wife dat cheats can turn a saint to a devil

    3. D stupid woman deserves to be killed by that man!#rubbish#
      ...she has no where to go?#yimu#shes just a lazy money and comfort monger'.and if beatings is what she chose in exchange for d luxuries,why not,who are we to judge!

    4. Opara mini! What is wrong with people today have you lost your sanity! So because she cheats she should be beaten and left to die. Anyway God help you because reasoning is not only your problem but comprehending as well. How many times the wale guy said meant how many blows or slaps have I given to you. Its sunday and a new month please change your perspective on things. No one deserves to be in that woman's shoes

    5. Opara, will you wish such upon your sister?

    6. Opera "how many times" could be anything. Sickos like dis could hit u for just about anything. He could have a set of rules. Don't speak with ur family in ur native dialect, don't respond to male greetings especially if we are together or else you would get the beating of ur life there n then, men cannot post on ur Facebook wall, don't walk or stand more than a step from me when we go out together, don't walk in front of me, "I am the man, I must lead "etc list is endless. If the rules get broken, I got d beating of my life from the cat till I got home. I personally endured all these but eventually I chose to walk away with my life intact. It was not easy but I did. The woman is in deep, she needs her family to stand by her else she is lost.

  2. Replies
    1. Mr Wale,dats d height of irresponsibility...ahan!ao can u be beating ur wife?...behind d d wheels for dat matter,u no even consider d safefy of u,ur wife n oda road users...den again,some women can bring out d beast in a man...d statement 'how many times' means d wife has been doing somtin repeatedly..dear future mother-in-law,train ur daughter well o,abeg.

    2. All these stupid men that roam the streets. So you beat a woman because she does XYZ multiple times. Ok ladies please, when your husband cheats multiple times poison his food. When he refuses to provide as he should, ignore him completely after all...such can drive a saint to become a devil. Stupid men.

    3. Gbam!!! Yes o, ladies pls poison your husband if he cheats on you plenty times. I agree

  3. Some women have decided to die untop marriage...
    That woman na mumu...your hubby is beating you and you are telling him not to kill you...

  4. No woman should have to put up with domestic violence. Shame on any man that raises his hand to hit a woman.
    Why Do Women Stay In Abusive Relationships? Click my name to read more and share your thoughts.

  5. whoever reported dis incident is insane for not taking any positive action.

    Awolowo way ikeja of all places, dat is always busy filled with passers-by and igbo traders, she should av caused a scene, then people around will teach d wale guy d lesson of his life.
    How dare u allow your fellow woman b treated like dat and u didnt even raise a finger to help.
    i would have broken his windscreen, then police, lastma and civil defence will take us all to God knows where.
    Atleast she should have written his car's plate number, so he can b apprehended, clearly he is a beast

    1. Did you not read what they tried to do? You want them to drag her out and take a stranger home

    2. Shut up,what should he or she have done? Died for someone else's cause? Someone who doesn't want to be saved at that.

    3. You are an ass for writing this trash.. shoo, u open your mouth and allow ignorance jump out, they made an attempt and was shut down by the woman, and in case you don't know, u can't force anyone to accept help if he/she is not willing.. and if they lay hands on the man, he can sue them, u don't act like an animal when dealing with another animal.. and if u read well, the care was locked at first and when the open the passengers' side, the lady refused to come and and instead told 'em to mind their business.. please don't call people insane just because their hands were tied ok.. mr/mrs I can do it, how many people u don help today?

    4. You didn't read the part where she said she opened the door and asked the lady to come down but she refused shut the door and rolled up the windows. How can you help someone who doesn't want help? What if she had alerted people and the same victim would tell the crowd that she was lying and defend the abuser won't she look stupid. Please redirect your bile to the so called victim who didnt need help!

    5. Anon 12:25, you are just an E-diat. Run along with your ediatic self n hide. Mumu

    6. Igbo my people. Men that probably deck their wives at home. They are probably there thinking na wa o, women can provoke somebody.

  6. She said she doesn't have anywhere else to go?
    Ok then, let her remain with Wale until he finally kills her...
    I must stay MARRIED syndrome...

  7. Aunty Stella am also in an abusive marriage,my hubby beats me anytime we av an argument we av been married for 3yrs nd I regret been married to him we av 2 lovely kids anytime I look at dem I cry I wish I can leave dis marriage buh where do I go I dnt av a job,d most annoying tin now is dat he jst gve me an infection,am.typing nd crying,i wnt to leave dis marriage buh scared his mother mite take my kids I cnt leave my kids for anybody coz they r my life

    1. Omg. Silently plan! U be orphan? U no get brothers to beat the bastard up? Gosh
      U women piss me off.

    2. This ur story is very annoying to my eyes.Pls stay in the marriage and keep mute.Ode,u don't have Anywhere to go,u no get family abi. U dropped from heaven. I love my kids? No be who dey alive dey look after kids? Somtin is most definitely wrong wit you.

    3. Like seriously, I hate this 'I don't have anywhere else to go' excuse.
      Where u living under the bridge be4 u met him? If yes, pls, go back there and live in peace than live with a Beast. And women, pls, get something to do and earn some money. I have learnt so much from this blog, all these posts by Stella and people contributing from experience is for us to learn from it, yet some ppl never learns. They will still come again 2mrw under anony and be yarning dust.

    4. Na wah ohh...what is happening to our men?
      Don't you have families that you can run to?..
      3 years in marriage is still very young to be experiencing this kind of a thing....
      Pls,try and get job no matter hw small it is

    5. U don't want to leave d marriage? Have U also thought of him beating life outta U one day or infecting U with HIV? God will guide U. Pele. #myownopinion

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. My dear since you wish to leave that's the first step which is good. Why are you not working? Let's know why. If you can get a job please do so. Don't believe you can't something that will cover the rent and children's school fees and food maybe as some churches in Nigeria do give out food and cloths look for those and plan your exit. In the meantime if you as much as cough and it provokes him stop coughing because from your write up your mother will not support you. So continue planning praying about your exit while you avoid all avenues where he can hit you. Best of luck.

    8. Pack ur things and go,why are u not working even it it's teaching job,when men notice u feel okay not working and you spend while they work,they become vampires..please get a job,,

    9. Bia...are U a learner?my mum too was in an abusive marriage,my father never laid his hands on her for one day......she cooked his food with herbs that will knock him out and she always had kai kai ready for him anytime. ...d man slept till d following day untill he went to work or wherever it is he always goes to.....untill he comes back to another ration...till he died.....and my hubby gave him a befitting burial,good seven mum looks under 30 and am not joking this is someone that was born 1968......abeg live and let live biko!get him drunk biko...let him sleep and leave U d hell alone

    10. My dear, I know it looks very difficult but with determination, the right zeal and lots of hardwork u will get there. I was in an abusive marriage, the beating started from d day I got pregnant. He used to say u cant go any where, u are stuck with me for life. I tot it will stop but no way it continued even after I had our beautiful baby, he will leave d house for days weeks come back with a worse attitude and one day the beating started. He beat me up cos I saw a conversation between my friend and him, he was sleeping with her. My daughter was six months then, she cried all through. I made up my mind that day it was over. I had no friends or family to run to, my job had stopped and was only getting maternity pay+child benefit. I placed an advert online and clients started coming for beauty consultation, before I knew it i rented a shop and now I have 3 locations in Uk and by Gods grace will be branching into Nigeria by december. I must confess it wasnt easy but with the mercy of God and lots of hardwork I am proud to say I made it and just in 3years.I met the most wonderful man ever, yeah I will have one more kid but marriage(mba) no way. Put your mind to it, its better to be alive and caring for ur kids. Mrs O

    11. Don't you have your family? Would you rather die there? Be smart my love. Talk to someone about it! Tell your family about it, tell a close friend about it! The quicker you leave, the better.. Biko, use your brain well. Life is too short to sit down, take all the beatings, yet die on top all the series of beatings again. Take a cue.. God bless you, and give you the courage and strength to save your life.


    12. Where is your family? If you have one, run to them. Your mother-in-law has no right, legal or otherwise, to take your kids from you while you are alive.

      You need to understand that your staying in that abusive marriage is doing your kids more harm than good. Do your collective mental, emotional and psychological wellbeing mean anything to you? Do you want your kids to be twisted from growing up in such a hostile environment ?

      How about you? Don't you think you deserve some security for your life and person? If anything happens to you, your precious kids will still be separated from you forever. You're being beaten, mentally, verbally, emotionally & psychologically abused, your sexual health is also under attack which means he's also cheating on you, for you to be treating an infection. What's left? Death, that's what.

      Please do yourself and your kids a favour, leave now. I'm not saying divorce if you do not want to, but remove yourself from harm's way. Only the living can run. May you find all the help and strength you need right now. Amen.

    13. My dear, marriage is not a do or die affair. Especially when it comes to issues of violence, and did u just say he gave u an infection omg! Don't wait till he giv u AIDS, wy don't u go back to ur parents, or better still find something doing and run d hell out b4 he kills u. It is well wit u. U re just 3yrs into d marriage. PS start planning something. Omoboluwaji

    14. Chim o... @ Ezenwayi's confession

      Buh, seriously leave before you die

    15. Omg @ Ezenwanyi's confession. Oh no !!!
      Stella, where art thou?

    16. @Eze wanyi
      Your mum is 46 and you're 34 or 35.
      So your mum had you at 11 or 12?

      I don't Gerrit o!

    17. I fear who no fear this ezewanyi ,
      She's evil
      I see where u got ur trait from
      So ur mama na 46 while u na 35 shebi?
      U dey lie for Africa !
      Jazz woman!

    18. @Ezenwanyi....hahahahahahahahah.My belle wan open ooo. Laff don deadtt
      Madam u funny
      Back to the mata...@poster u're treating an infection huh? FYI *HIV*is not far me.sometime last week I was at wuse general hospital, wen I saw married pregnant women queing up to get antiretroviral drugs. I give myself brain
      Why are u not working? Even if u no get result to work, save up some and start a small bizness.the lord will bless d work of ur hands.Staying in an abusive relationship/marriage is not worth the trouble my dear.

    19. @ezenwanyi we are starting to see where and how ur brain sickness started. U witness ur mother abuse ur father to death through feeding and drink abuse. Feel sorry for ur life. U need help u need a special post.

    20. @anon 1; 33,how will d special post help ur pathetic existence?feel sorry kwa???am balling mehn......Bwahahahaha. .....

  8. Speechless! Too many perspectives to this, so I would rather just keep quiet!
    How can a man beat a woman?!

  9. First of all, this poster should have gotten the so called wale's plate number...that would have been another sure way of tracking him down since he/she was In a helpless situation to help the woman! @anon12:31, pls social services is ur friend...treat yourself @ d hospital and document it for future purpose! If you want to go the Christian way, talk to your marriage sponsors or your priest...and please pray for your marriage. God will Ans you.

    1. Yeayea, you have a valid point , but the woman in question isn't ready to take a step, and its 'Number Plate' dear.

  10. Men who abuse women are insecure cowardly beasts. It's not just physical violence, emotional assault is also a part of it.
    Methinks that a lot of women see signs that their hubby-to-be have an abusive side, and yet they go into marriage with d person, hoping he will change.
    May God help us women!

  11. Her life , her choice.

  12. Wale, I join Stella to say "shame on u"!
    Even if she tore ur clothes in public, you think hitting her will make you look good? Make u look like a man?
    Don't hit a woman, Wale. Go fight with your fellow men. Weakling!

  13. U don't have a job? U dont have a family? U can't Tk ur children and run away to sm1 they will never find u. Until u die! Then his mum will Tk the kids or another woman will.eventually help u maltreat dem.

  14. Maybe its time to open a women's shelter. This abuse stories are getting too much.

    Meanwhile women do not provoke ur man to the point that he starts beating u then you shout abuse.

    Verbal abuse and psychological abuse is as bad as physical abuse if not worse.

    Sticks and stones may break the bones
    But words break the heart.

    1. Dr. Okey, no matter what a woman does to a man, a man should NEVER hit a woman. Never. He should simply walk away. Leave the house, go visiting, drinking or whatever. He should NEVER hit the woman no matter what. Real men don't beat women.

    2. Men provoke women too. Are you all so weak that your emotions easily betray you. Anything will result to blows. Tuffia

  15. Dear women, if a man is hitting u, look for d nearest escape route, administer a blow or punch or kick to his balls to incapacitate him.
    Then u run for ur dear life.
    Pls don't do it if there's no immediate escape route o...b'cos na dere u go die finish.
    I haff tok my own.
    Iwe na ewem biko!

  16. a man blessedd with two small Agbalumos shud neva disrespect women endowed with big oranges.. ...PROVERBS...

  17. Wale, I join Stella to say "shame on u"!
    Even if she tore ur clothes in public, you think hitting her will make you look good? Make u look like a man?
    Don't hit a woman, Wale. Go fight with your fellow men. Weakling!

  18. Speechless. My advise to some women, pls don't be too quick to make babies. One first, at least for 3yrs, not 2 kids within 3yrs. When u have one child in an eArly marriage you don't need to think twice before leaving.

  19. God forbid such for me. Which kain mumu love be dat one. Ori inu mi ma ba ti ode je.

  20. Shame on them both. Lazy women who open thier hands and fully depend on men lazily refuse to work because their sole ambition is to hook a man.

    Go and work and earn a living, no man was put on earth to take care of your needs

    If a grown woman refuses to come down from a car where she is beaten na her silly choice, who can love her more than she love herself

  21. Nd yet dose of us single wish we were married.Jehovah lord I would rather marry late nd be happy than marry now nd remain sad all my jst tired of all dese tins I neighbout sliced her husband with a razor blade while he was beating her with koboko.dis man does dis almost everytime.wen will women stop taking all dis so pained.d next thing u hear dem say is dis is africa our culture doesnt permit u to leave ur husband.I weak for dis matter.

  22. Wetin concern me. If she dies. We will simply put up dps with RIP and them get on with our lives the next day

  23. The woman is on a mission to die ,she will have somewhere to go when she can't breathe no more.I can't stand dependent women who can't create a life for themselves.Tufia!!! May I not see evil.Just love how ma dad raised me and ma 4 lovely sisters.I pity any man who lays a finger on them and I know .Dem go lock u up troway key cos DPO no go ever dey available to bail u.Money go change hands.shameless viollent cowardly men

  24. Hmmmmm!! Things are happening!! How on earth do all ds happen? I hear a lot n I keep wondering why a lot of woman are passing through. I have been in d marriage institution for 9yrs n 4months, never b4 has my husband beaten, infected me with disease or disgrace me in public. That means I'm just hysterical 4 nothing over his little flaws, when I read all ds I feel blessed, Lord 4give me 4 quarrelling with hubby over his little flaws like hanging out with d boys n staying out late till eleven on Fridays, how flimsy my nagging is.

    1. Sope tie...I av a married friend who has not stayed in d same town wit his wife since dia weddin cos of his work...wen he gets to town on friday,he'l be @ a bar n go home around 11pm to change his clothes n go clubbing,sat aftanun he's hangin out again(wit boys n girls) till late in d nyt n after church on sunday he goes out again,1st tin monday mornin he's on his way to d town wia he works,anytime I tell him to try to spend time wit his wife n kids(one is 2 d oda a few months),he says 'shut up,r u married?u cnt advice me abt family'

    2. @bitchplis. That is not marriage. Na tenant and landlord. Some people have given up on themselves. What a sad life. I dont joke with my happiness.

  25. Any man who hits a woman is a BEAST!!

  26. Captain G.E Asemota,wife batterer,you almost killed Bisi your ex-wife,everyone thought Bisi was the problem now you want to kill your new wife bi girlfriend ,Tina , since dat one wan die for marriage ,she Siddon dey chop free blow from will soon meet your match....old baba.

    1. Tina was aware he beat Bisi na. She probably opened her mouth to ask why Bisi was always provoking him. Toh Tina, say hello to broom that swept the old wife out...broom meet Tina, your new friend.


  27. I read some ignorant comments like Stella is encouraging feminism and perhaps destroying people's marriages/relationships on her blog and I laugh, really? At what age? Cuz you think everything we read on a blog is what we rush home to practise like dumb heads.Most people come here to laugh, gist, relieve the days stress etc.Then again we learn one or 2 things here eg health, motherhood to name a few.

    If my brother catches his wife cheating on him, I will never support him for hitting her, he can kick her out of the house if he is unable to forgive. See this thug beating someone to a pulp cuz she tore a shirt?

    A wise man knows that there are other ways to deal with a woman than hitting her and she will break and beg him...And if as a guy you feel the solution to your problem is hitting your partner, continue and pray you do not end up in jail for murder or manslaughter.Of course with people like you lawyer go chop cuz even where your case is bad, we collect your money and raise your hopes.

    Violence is wrong on all levels whether to a man or woman, I don't care, we are not animals.If Arowolo and many others could turn back the hands of time now, they will act differently.God help us!

    Have a blessed day everyone and special shout out to Generals wife, God bless and keep your baby,amen.

  28. I shock reading this. God please give the woman strength and sense to leave that bastard . God!

  29. Babe when u die in d marriage someone else will look after ur kids for u. Be thankful he didn't infect u with HIV.

  30. Go back to ur parent house or is it when he has finally killed u that u wl know where to go? He took u from somewhere.that's y I urge ladies to always hv what they r doing even if no job yet bt pls hv a certificate at hand for ds kinda situation cos I just can't stand a man beating a woman.ladies too shld watch d way their tongue roll wen talking to their husband nd learn d silent treatment theory.

  31. SHAME ON YOU WALE !!! Those of you women who say they can't leave i say stay there when you end up killed your families will come and carry your body.

  32. Stella domestic violence will continue as long as victims put up with it.. Nonsense. Happy sunday everyone

  33. The kind of thing my father can do nd I'm sure my mom will react d same way d woman did. Tired of this hell hole called hime

  34. Barbaric! When a woman stops depending on a man for every thing, including the air you breathe then we might begin to see the end of DV.
    Yes, the husband is the provider doesn't mean a woman has to become a leech.
    It might not be easy but a woman needs to get something doing no matter how small or if the man refuses that you work save from whatever he gives you no matter how small. It just might come in handy someday.

  35. Let's be kind with our comments, cos it can do further damage to the person involved. That's by the way. While we are dropping comments and giving advice, lets be careful to remember we don't know the full story no matter what. That the Wale of a guy said to ask the woman how many times does not necessarily mean she cheated on him. It could be something else for all we know. If the said woman says she has no where to go probably means she is an orphan. However, ladies who are in abusive relationship or rather women should keep people in their lives who can stand for them as a base in times of trouble & difficulties.

    1. Sorry please but SHUT UP. There is no reason to beat anyone that yo are married to, even if she slept with your father. Are Naija men so pathetic that all they know to do is beat a person in response to issues. Abeg make una clear road. See women even tolerating this rubbish, saying we don't know what happened. When our husbands cheat, do we retaliate like that...Abeg.

  36. Una well so? Stella, put the surname of the Wale oh, abeg. Before people go begin suspect us. No be me oh, Wale plenty for everywhere.

  37. I finished sch like 3yrs ago and sch hasnt released our results.while in sch I was a makeup artist d money I made frm makeover I used some to start selling shoes nd bags,then I got married he rented an apartment and didn't av enough mny to furnish d house so I lent him thinking he will. Pay bac,i was suppose to use d mny to. Rent a shop but till now dat a typing he's not even saying anytin abt d mny,and we argue Bcos he stays out late how can a married man always cum home late,late as in working days 11 Fridays 1am,sat nd sun he's out too,thank u all for ur comments am working on leaving coz I cnt stand it anymore

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. African and Arab Men...cowards that hit their wives.

  39. Same thing I witnessed 3 weeks ago in Dubai ..I went to a store at night to buy somethings,when I didn't get what I wanted I went outside to wait for a friend then I saw one Arab woman sitting..suddenly ,an Arab man with a baby came outside in anger and he started hitting her amids argument..the woman stood up and ran,the man followed her and kept beating her..I was shocked and speechless.well,I couldn't interfere cos the man looked mean.other people saw them too but was when he saw he was attracting crowd that he stopped.i never thought Arabs beat their wives too not to talk of in public.the woman was ashamed.Argh!!! Marriage no be by force o.a lot of women endured the abuse until they were finally be single ain't a crime ladies.

  40. Even God his self knows i hate "Woman Beater".
    Shame on you indeed shameless, irresponsible, stupid wale#SpitsOnYou


    *Prayer For Nigeria in Distress x10 Daily*


    did u say this or were you hacked?

    Ezenwanyi Ibilibi Ogada 1 said...
    Bia...are U a learner?my mum too was in an abusive marriage,my father never laid his hands on her for one day......she cooked his food with herbs that will knock him out and she always had kai kai ready for him anytime. ...d man slept till d following day untill he went to work or wherever it is he always goes to.....untill he comes back to another ration...till he died.....and my hubby gave him a befitting burial,good seven mum looks under 30 and am not joking this is someone that was born 1968......abeg live and let live biko!get him drunk biko...let him sleep and leave U d hell alone

    June 1, 2014 at 1:45 PM

    1. I shock wen I read am too o

    2. Na wa oo. Thought I was the only one that saw the comment oo.

      Hmmmm....lips sealed oo.

      Abeg let me go back to my VIP seat. Sometimes it's good to be an observer.

    3. Ezewanyi is it pregnancy hormones or what???????

    4. Ok what seems to be the problem with ezenwanyis post?? If that's what transpired in her home whilst growing up and she chooses to share it on d net what's d biggie.Ezewanyi am sorry for such a sad childhood cause no child would be happy in such a home,hopefully ur DH treats u better.stay blesses and YES! I love real people!!! Not all these fake anons who only troll peoples input and pour their frustration

    5. Ezenwanyi said it live and direct, she wasn't hacked, I'm surprised stella and some blog visitors are just knowing of her mum's ordeal in the hands of her late dad, she has said it before on this blog. Infact, I've learnt a lot from this blog especially from Ezenwanyi the realest person on this blog and pepper ose oku, their comments and advise is so realistic and straight to the point no sugar coating, and mammie, lmao, don't know what to make of her but I love her, her comments makes me laugh all the time, linda eze, that na case for another day, love her cos she no send anybody message. Choi, SDK blog una doooooo

    6. No be today she begin talk am na

    7. She meant her mom drugged the dad to sleep every night to avoid confrontation and no, I don't think the mom killed the dad ooh... lolz. SDK una can fear. Am not her ooh...*runsout*

    8. Una head dey there Ella ,ami and anon...I ve said it many times here. .....she did not kill him but if she did na so he waka come him life.

    9. Stella!!! Don't be shock. Ezewanyi meant her mum made her late dad sleep with herbs so as to avoid confrontation nt dat she poisoned him. I knw of siblings who put small sleeping tabs for der crying creche so he can sleep off and stop crying. U can't blame a woman for longing for a subtle way to avoid confrontation. Ezewanyi d realiest woman. I hail ooo

    10. Bunch of retarded stupid women from fake mon Ami to all u anonymous. If a man said this about doing it to his wife or mother inlaw you all will cry abuse n death. It's shows the state of mind of most women that comment here. You people need help, ezenwanyi your mother killed your father through her actions direct or indirectly and I am sure she is roaming around enjoying her life with her leg spread open. Nuisance.

    11. Peter mr anon 10:55,go and die!

  42. Ezewanyi, if your mum is 48 how come you have a 20+ year old daughter. Lies Lies Lies.

    1. Sidddon there dey do maths sogbo...I ve a 21,20,19,18,16,14,13,and a six year old...U can now rest in pieces.

  43. Opera mini you are a bastard...May peace depart totally from your miserable dare u vomit the trash u just did? Did he have proof she was cheating? Is the man himself a saint? Even if your wife is cheating do u come to the public and beat her? Bloody goat, u will see only suffering in your miserable life........and for that woman I pray she finds the courage to leave before she dies....u can do much for some one who does not want to be helped.....

    1. Must you lay all these curses on him or her just just to make a point? Take a chill pill abeg

  44. @lovely tess. Women want equality right? then i will beat a woman if she behaves the same way a man i will beat or fight behaves.

    1. Except u don't....beat your fellow man, I mean....

      You don't fight your colleagues at work when you get into an argument with them....

      You don't fight at the viewing centre when the football argument gets heated....

      You don't fight at the club either...

      You even let your side chic get away with a lot of bullcrap...

      .you act like a responsible person outside but show your inner beast with the one person that should see your gentle side.....

      Go learn what being a real man means cos it's evident you have no clue

  45. Haba, Ezewanyi has made this comment before nah, the babe head dey touch wella and she is so real, lol.

  46. At Ezenwanyi's comment; I thought I was the only one that noticed it. But mehn, I liked the part of knocking him out. At least instead of knocking the mama out through beating, make she knock am tru food. Lol. Good idea for the wretched women beaters. Eg na wetin this wale sppse chop be this oh. Hahaha

    1. He was always looking forward to his meal and kaikai mum is not a violent woman but she has a remedy for every situation.

  47. The comments I read here......jeez!!

  48. Ezewanyi u 'wicked'...lolz...she wasn't hacked but am sure its not her personal experience. She shared sum1 else's story...I guess!


  49. i think the Moedele didn't do a complete job instead of tweeting immediately she would have at least copied the plate number of the car.How are we to fish out Wale the wife panel beater now.

    I am a lady witnessed same 14 years ago,i was 16 years a man was beating a woman,a bus conductor actually beating a passenger,i jumped to the scene kicked the conductor in his willy.My dad talks about that my action till tomorrow,the conductor gave me a scar on my arm that i still have till today LOL memory things.when people ask how i got the scar,i just laugh.

    Miss or Mrs Moedele you should have seen she was helpless and would have at least be your sisters keeper by creating a scene and saving her from the beast.May God help us.

  50. I hate DV. SDK,we had a neighbour whose wife had a shop. Whenever they fought the man will move to her shop,pour away d rice,pour kerosene on d bags of beans,smash bottles n generally scatter her shop. She got tired of this n one day na one day,during d beatings,she got hold of an insecticide can n sprayed into his eyes. Wen he fell down,she dragged his prick hard n bit him on his face. She said she was read to die cos d items he destroyed was bought with loan from CWO. Sha,the beating stopped.

  51. Stella go and rest jor! This isn't the 1st time Ezewanyi is saying this.


  52. I have never commented on a blog before but I am disappointed at many of the comments her. Insulting or blaming a victim cannot be the right way to tackle domestic violence. You are not considering the psychological implications of being married to someone who is supposed to love you be the one to demoralise you. And those of you who say it is because women are leeches that is absolute rubbish. My only friend who is in an abusive marriage makes the money. We know that in Nigeria the men usually get the kids in a divorce and this reason alone accounts for at least 70 percent of abused women who remain. Pls we need to stop with the abuse. They need our help. Our orientation as Africans also doesn't help.i once saw a man beat up his wife at mm1 and when I asked people to intervene all they said was na man and wife matter. Broke my heart to see that woman's broken spirit.

    P's to all the single ladies out there I've been married 9 years with two kids and I DO NOT WORK OUT SIDE MY HOME and I could not be any happier. My friends who are happily married are the ones who dated well adjusted men who respected them and treated them like Queens. Pls don't jump into marriage. The end

  53. @Ezewanyi
    Uve said on dis blog dat ure 35
    Now your mum was born in 1968 making her 46.
    So ya mama born u when she dey 11?
    Remembr uve told us ur age b4 o.
    abeg check ur story
    Diaris God oooooo

    1. Don't mind the drama queen and attention seeker.

    2. Chai!!! See painment!!!! Abi una be my mama age mate????haaaaa!!!!!

  54. If only,women could develop the courage to bolt out of abusive relationships before it turns to marriage, SOS comments and posts on madam stella's blog would be reduced.
    how dare you say you have nowhere to go? did you drop from the sky?
    i can say that 99% of women that end up in abusive marriages saw the traits while dating/ courting but na lie, whether it's the urge to marry or na the societal pressure...ladies with their eyes wide open stroll into a lifetime turmoil all in the name of marriage.
    let's have the courage to dump abusive men no matter how long you have dated,no matter what you have achieved together,no matter the amount of plea, cos these abusive men know how to cry and beg. it may not be easy but trust me you will look back and be glad you did. i can't imagine what i'll be passing through now if had not dumped my obsessive and abusive, ex...gaaawwddd *i shiver*

  55. Anon 12.31pm. Just so you know when you 6ft under God forbid! Someone else will take care of your kids. To make matters worst the ll be no chance of you ever recovering them. Be wise.


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