Stella Dimoko PCOS And Getting Pregnant.....


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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

PCOS And Getting Pregnant.....

I know you will say google should have the are right but i am sure you also know the saying about a problem shared........

Blog visitor called me and begged that i let others read this.....please read it

''I am trying to get pregnant but finding it difficult. Recently i was Diagnosed of PCOS ( Polycycstic ovarian syndrome ) and its killing me because the doctor said that it Reduces my chances of getting pregnant as i do not ovulate Regularly due to the PCOS. 

Please i want to ask the ladies in the house  has had this same issue and but have gotten pregnant despite what the doctor says….

Is there anyone who has been through what i am going through?Thank you and God bless.''


  1. Yes I was diagonised of it last year but my doctor gave me some drugs to clear the cyst an after gave me ovulation drug. Although I have not given birth but I hope now that my doctor say that am OK now that I will conceive soon.

    1. I really know next to nothing about trying to conceive. So I'm just going to wish you luck and hope your efforts yield success.

    2. Every human has that of the opposite Xes in em. D higher deposit of a particular hormone makes us exhibit male or female tendencies. In PCOS patients, d Androgen hormone which is male that a woman needs in smaller quantity is usually triggered n produced in higher volumes thereby messing wit d female fertility n reproduction. The Poster hasn't mentioned d attendant symptoms of acne, presence of hair in usual places, weight gain, hair loss on d scalp, depression in her case but I believe she is being managed by a Fertility Expert preferably a Consultant O&G. 

      Let's pray that she gets positive results soon. On her part, she can indulge in these lifestyles. 

      Regular Exercises: regular exercises will help keep her weight in check. Weight loss keeps the hormones in bal. 

      Quit Smoking : women who smoke do have a higher concentrate of Androgen cos smoking increases it's secretion n activity. The poster may not b smoking but this could help any other person. 

      Eat Healthy : consuming foods that r heart-healthy like beans (Yes Beans), vegs, whole grains like corn n co and shud cut back on fried foods, meats and saturated fats. 

      Since PCOS is usually hereditary or present in certain families, younger females who r yet to present clinical symptoms shud seek medical mgt on time if such history exists in their families.

    3. Smtcheeeeeeeewwww!!!.......all these doctors sef everytin be infection?? Even wen una nor see anytin,una go say una see! Smtcheeeeew...u bera reject it in jesus name!!...........OKIJA WIFE

    4. PCOS is not infection madam. It mostly hereditary. Yes I've been diagnosed of it n was placed on metformin 4 months 2 balance insulin in d body. N pls if u knw ure overweight try 2 cut down on it. It ain't easy but u can tk in. I did take in tho I lost it.

    5. U'r brain dead

    6. Attitude Thanks am gonna try 2 egg white therapy too but don't 4get 2 add how painful tube flushing is O. So dey can go prepared.

    7., thanks you got me Doc placed me on anti-androgen fertility drugs" Aristelle"...And I really would like to have more kids....Well, I stopped taking them after I read about the excessive male hormones thing....I just wasn't sure and I didn't want to mess up my chances....Can anymore throw more light on these androgen/anti-androgen drugs please.

    8. Kehinde,please what was your discipline? You know everything about a woman,sex and more... You need to be doing one post every week for the blog so.we can learn you know....

    9. I had to go anonymous on this....I'm a female in my late 20's ... I av never been pregnant I have never had any abortion.... My uterus,fallopian tubes are both ok(I have had transabdoninal and transvaginal ultrasound done on several occasions )....but my only problem is I was diagnosed of premature ovarian failure at the age Of 22 I had my last,normal period 5yrs ago....I have had clomid,used different drugs as prescribed by the gynecologist all I got was break through bleeding at times....I'm not married yet,though I am dating a guy who has been with me for the past couple of yrs..I told him about my issue from the very beginning...
      I cry to sleep somedays, I wonder why me most times
      I was told that I achieved menopause at a very early age.that probably I av an autoimmune disease..I buy sanitary pads out of faith..
      Ryt now I'm praying for God's miracle in my health I feel this internal heat.that they say women attaining menopause experience.. I put a smile on my face everyday....but people don't know my pain......I hope to get married and attempt IVF..and Gods willing I may even have babies without assistance..

    10. Oh dear. Anon 9:24 my heart goes out to you. By God's grace, you will bear your own children.
      What Would You Tell Your Younger Self If You Could? Click my name to read more and share your thoughts.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. See a fertility specialist. loose weight. my friend had it.lost a lot of weight.Dr gave her metmorfin.she had twins.she even got pregnant again with out knowing.

    13. Dear poster, I was diagnosed of same PCOS in 2010/2011. Before I got married I used to see my period every month but then not like the nirmak 28 days circke thingy but one thing was for sure, I would see it mmonthly but after I got married, somehow it started stretching, sometimes it will get to 70 days sometimes 45 days before it comes, so I went to my doc and was told I had cysts in my ovary. It got me really depressed and researching about it on google almost killed me before my time. Was placed on glucophage even though there was no family history of diabetes and nothing positive happened. I would use ovulation strip to monitor my ovulation cos there was no way to tekk exactly when I was ovulating as it usually took over 20 days for me to test positive. It became a challenge cos most times when I was positive, my husband probably was probably out of town.To cut d long story short, we got so vexed and knew it was no one else but the devil so we got all the scriptures concerning childbirth and had it pasted on our bedroom wall so everyday we would use those verses to pray and remind God of His words. We kept doing that and decided to stop visiting the hospitals since nothing positive was coming from there. Towards the end of 2011, for the first time in my entire life, I tested for pregnancy and to my greatest shock it appeared in bold letters "pregnant". I rolled myself on the floor, crying and thanking God cos I didnt know my answers would come that speedily. 9 months after i had a baby boy and 5 months after I took in again and this time its a girl. So I have two lovely kids now all naturally concieved . Presently am guarding against taking in soon since I didnt space the two births so I need a little time to recuperate. That is how much God has blessed me. Am now the one planning how I want it. The reason I have taken time to share this is because testimonies are shared so that people passing through similar situations can stir up their faith, possibly do same things the testifier did to achieve his/her results. You see in life, there is nothing God cannot do. He has d power to restore, recreate, replace.

    14. I have given this testimony on this blog some months 2009 I was told by my gynaecologist dat I had polycystic ovaries.he put me on some drugs and dear no positive result o and I took my mind off d whole tin.sometime in December 2012 I found out I was 4 months pregnant. I was shocked beyond words. It was d biggest miracle I have ever experienced . even my doctor was shocked. In june 2013 I had my baby boy!!! God who did it for me will do it for u in Jesus name,Amen.

  2. Where is Dr Okechukwu?come and do your work even Kehinde Ake,the proffesor of women affairs,I raise nyash for you.....
    Iri too much...

    1. Oriegwu! This one pass me! Ngwa nu o ruo na omeme doctors in the house, help us out. Where
      Dr Okechukwu
      Dr Orela dimple
      Dr power hammer
      Dr Kehinde Ake
      Dr blogger
      Dr X
      Dr Agwoturumbe the native doctor
      Dr Fantesia
      Dr Fred
      Nurse Marisa,all anonymous and non anonymous Nurses, ? M-amie you too join queue! House nurse! Make una help us out.

    2. I've gotten my Google ID *dancing* I can't shout before I become exterminated like pepper.I miss the real pepper Ose Oku. #bringbackourpepper#

    3. Bitch! If is for Abortion, you will start screaming like is an achievement. Now, to help a fellow bv bring life into existence you are calling on the help of others. Murderer, your judgment awaits you wicked house wife

    4. Jeez ur nyash stinks

    5. I stated quite clearly 2 months ago that I will no longer offer medical opinions on blogs. Our people's affinity for self medication brought about this decision.

      Poster you need to work with ur Dr. To determine what the hormonal changes are and what they could lead to. PCOS is a general name but the hormonal changes may result in different outcomes from person to person. Getting pregnant should be the least of ur problems now because you may stand the risk of diabetes, heart diseases etc.


      There are some things about PCOS that are not exactly known so you need to work with the physician.


    6. Dear poster you have to see your gynecologist and have A full work up done..

  3. Ihekire Tony

    When will people forget about what doctors are saying and pay attention to what God said.
    For He said in Exodus 23:26, "No woman will miscarry or be barren in your land, and I will make everyday of your life complete". This is the promise of God to His children. If you are not a Bible believing child of God, please come to Him in repentance today, and this promise shall be yours.

    1. Oga there are some things u have to do yourself... What does d bible say about faith without work...
      U r saying "accept Jesus this and that... AYE OTI BA E FAA RI
      When u see challenges u begin to doubt God's existence.
      @ poster see a good doctor and believe,there is no problem without solution.

    2. Pastor Tony,is it not when someone at least knows what's wrong with him or her before they apply the scriptures?and how will u without seeing the doc?even the bible did not ban the use of drugs and medication o,cos God himself invented medicine by creating the root and herbs that are processed as drugs,and giving humans the wisdom to apply on such.!pls be careful not to delve into religious extremisms,cos its dangerous to ur youthful sane existence!
      Welcome back Tony.

    3. Ihekire now ure taking the Piss. Seriously? You need to shut the fuck up and let people that hav things to say talk. Must you comment on every post? You are seriously beginning to sound irritating and pathetic. Who told you the woman is not seeking Gods Face? Is it not the bible that says "Wisdom is profitable to direct" and "my people perish for lack of knowledge"? If she's seeking knowledge on how to find solution to her challenges,do you know if God can open her eyes to see a vital information or speak to her thru someone's comment? You sound like an attention seeker and very pathetic. Get a life,make something of yourself and stop being stupid! Argh!

    4. I concur with you Tony, God has the final say, he is the God of all possibilities, trust him and believe in his words, you will soon testify.....

    5. Tony try and make out time and search for the pastor vacancy post stella made and see if you will apply. Stop practicing with us here pls it has "do".... There is time for everything!

    6. Tony,after chasing older women and fuckin some of dem,u re here quotin scriptures.well dis ur strategy is workin cos sdkers would have finished u.hope dis ur sudden born again is real sha.medicine after death

    7. U tried to kill urself over a girl.

      Now u spew this balderdash because maka why?

      People should forget doctors abi. So doctors are now satanic. The kind of ignorance that people spew is confusing.

      I dare u to not treat ordinary malaria. I dare u to fast and pray and see if u wont die.

      So why did God create herbs that heal or do u think the balm of Gilead is just a nick name? It was indeed a medical remedy. So what are you saying. ..

    8. sdk first Dota18 June 2014 at 13:48

      Officially in Love with Dr okechukwu!!!!

    9. Stupid dr oke has he said doctors are satanic? You are just a loud mouth and too arrogant for a so called doctor..... Wether we like it or not if u call yourself a Christian u must hold on to what God says as final.... While u have your clinical dingosis that should not be the final say.... Whether u believe or not I have seen people decide to just leave medicine cos they were tired of taking drugs and held on to the word and have gotten their healing..... Maybe tony did not put it well but some people talk like the doctors report is a death sentence or the final busstop..... No it is not.....

    10. Tony,Tony,Tony u better carry that ur believe and childish thinking to somewhere else... Hmmmm

    11. Oh! please sharptappp!!!! All these holiest sanctimonious fools! Its peeps like you that would watch a woman die because of your useless faith after commiting atrocities with your mouth and sleeping around!
      Doctors believe in God also! God also use them to heal the sick! Who gave them knowledge if not God? Issues of spiritual, deal spiritually! Issues of medical, deal medically! BTW, who told you she is not praying?
      It is hediots like this that twists the word of God and watch people perish for lack of knowledge!
      Dr OKe well done for all the info you share with SDKers.

  4. What meds are you using? Clomid has helped alot of women I know.
    Now lemme share the weirdest thing with you.
    When i got married newly I had a twisted mentality that I was going to get pregnant in the very first month (maybe cos it was that easy for me when I was dating) so when I didn't, the pressure started. It became so bad I was no longer making love for fun but just cos I wanted to take in. And the whole anxiety affected me so much that I couldn't even get wet anymore.
    I stumbled on one TTC site (trying to conceive) and read that EGG WHITE, yes!! The egg we eat everyday.
    Heard the white helps women conceive.Heard it helps sperm survive much longer and aids fertilization .
    Just break an egg, seperate the yolk then insert a little of the white part in your vajayjay before hubby enters the place.
    And there were lots of testimonies about its success.
    Na so your babe go try am o.
    But wait ! That same month I had my tubes flushed. Dunno which one of the processes worked or maybe both cos I took in same month.
    So I tell people who care to know about it.
    Flush your tubes and try the egg whites just to increase your chances. You never know...
    PS; the tube flushing process improved my ovulation. Maybe you can ask your Dr about it.

    1. @Attitude, that remedy works like magic. A lot of women have testified after trying the egg white portion. Poster,talk to your doctor and review all possible options. Meds,tubal cleansing et al and above all never stop believing. God says non shall be barren in the land. He has said it all we need to do is believe it.

    2. Wil that place not be smelly afterwards.

    3. Hmmmm #inPattOgar's voice.


    4. Hmmm, it was easy for you while dating? It means you don do D&C tire. God is really merciful.

    5. Gbeborun... na only that one you will see inside the whole comment @ anon 10:58

    6. So dats d only tin yu noticed,y sum people no gree get sense.Dats y most people can't b real.

    7. Egg white does not mean u should go insert d egg white of a fowl (hen).Close to a woman's ovulation d body secretes fluid that looks like egg white, which is a sign that ovulation is about to or has occured.Please don't misinform people

    8. @ejike capable- No it won't smell. Its the egg yolk that smells not the white part. Plus you'll definitely take a bath at night or in the morning so that should take care of it .
      @ Anon 10.58 - Yes.I had 2 abortions and married the same man and God has blessed us with 2 children; a boy and a girl and maybe a third on the way already.SUE ME!!
      Certainly something I regretted doing but seemed like the only option at the time.
      Yes! God is indeed faithful and I dont take it for granted one bit. Ive made peace with him and have moved on and he hasnt stopped blessing me so how does that bother you??? If I check your CV now e fit worse pass !! Judgemental nincompoops like you are the reason why people can't be themselves or reveal certain truths about real life experiences .well, like i care.
      @Anon 12.21- yes ! I meant eggs from fowl, hen, okukor, unen, or whatever other name you know it by. Google is your friend so use it. Its been proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the compositio n of the egg whi te is very similar to that of the eggs produced by females and thats what makes it friendly with sperm thus, it is very helpful to women that are TTC .
      Enuff said mbok ! *gasping for air*
      Una too dey make person talk for this blog.
      Bowing out..........

    9. You try abeg. All these ITK people wey dey form say Na dem holy pass

    10. @attitude,pls help a sister o,sud I boil d egg or just fresh as in raw egg,then will d tin not slip out as I walk from toilet wey I go insert d tin to ma bedroom wey I wan go bd.pity ma condition o.over 3 yrs TTC

    11. Hehehehehe Anon 9.28
      u wan use laugh tear my belle. No sista, u cant boil the egg na. Use it raw.
      It was hard for me to execute too cos I was nervous and all so here's what I did ;
      I bought a syringe ( the ones for injections) used it to draw the egg white and hid it under my pillow cos I was sure as hell that hubby wasn't going to buy the no need to discuss it with him.
      No kidding, at a point I come dey fear make my pikin no come get chicken features o.
      So when he came to bed, of course he went to pee first and that was when I struck !!! Quickly inserted and injected it in my VJ and assumed the missionary position and thank God the bros no try any acrobatics that night- I for no even gree. Lol
      When show end, na dat position your girl maintain till morning o , to allow for all the swimming that needed to be done by the sperms.
      So just map out a strategy that will work for you and dont use too much o before ur hubby go wonder. I think mine asked how come I was soooo wet before even foreplay " abi na piss"????
      Goodluck darling...
      Lmao !!!

    12. @9.28. Use a raw egg, after separating the yoke, use a new one oh, I no fit shout,then when it's time to DTD or BD as in Doing the deed or Baby Dance. release the syringe inside your Vjj. @attitude is flushing of tubes same as HSG cos I don't understand what you mean. @poster PCOS is just a name. Try and take your metformin and drink plenty water as you take it. In short if you are overweight hit the gym asap because most pcos patients are overweight or obese. My 2 cent. # phgurl

  5. Uhnnn PCOS, the very demon itself, I was diagnosed 3years ago, after years of bleeding for months non-stop, to be honest, it's a serious challenge, there are many steps in helping to get pregnant, Clomid, metformin, hormonal injections, surgery to induce ovulatiion, ultimately ivf. Well recently my gynaecologist told me about Femara(its used for cancer patients), I am yet to try it out because no husband yet, PCOS causes serious depression, make me get suicidal, all the beards am growing, my period is painful, inconsistent, so many things, loosing weight is hard work. Damn, am ranting.

    1. Try Metformin dear. It works wonders IF you can tolerate the side effects. It will drastically reduce all these complaints. That's what am placed on by my gynae.

    2. I can so feel what you're trying to describe. I'm in the sixth year of marriage, had repeated miscarriages, tried IVF & lost the pregnancy, and the part that got to me most is the weight loss thing. The doctors keep saying I need to lose weight, I've tried everything - carbs withdrawal, drugs, creams, exercises, shakes, everything short of surgery. The weight has refused to shift, it does get very depressing. I get very very painful irregular periods, that sometimes, it feels like I'll die from the pain. And having to shave off chin hairs? I so hate that. In battling the PCOS, I've been placed on cycles of clomid & metformin interchangeably, guess they worked at some point.

      Poster, my advice? As you work with your doctor(s), with full cooperation from your husband (you can't achieve much if he doesn't cooperate), TRUST completely in God. Even IVF isn't surefire, the team eventually rests the attachment & development of the embryo in God's hands. Do whatever you're required to do medically but stay close to God. Don't get jittery or anxious, that won't help in anyway. Avoid going into depression also. Don't dwell on the issue, engage yourself in things that excite you & live a full life. Your kids will come.

    3. I used Tamoxifen, is that the same as femara? It is also a breast cancer drug, worked for me when I tripled the dose.
      I was weighing 120kg before I conceived my twins, all the PCOS weight dropped off during pregnancy, I think pregnancy sort of reverses PCOS sef. I battled PCOS for 4 years and used all sorts of drugs. Metformin was child's play, only gave me running stomach.Tamoxifen made me ovulate, but I didn't conceive. Clomid gave me irregular bleeding. I did IUI, it failed. God eventually intervened when I tripled the dose of tamoxifen apparently, my weight was affecting the dosage.
      I am due in a few months. My blood pressure and blood sugar are now normal, unlike before I conceived. Infact, my doctor just asks me how are you doing, and gives me folic acid because I am in tip top shape! The twins are always moving their hands or legs when I do a scan, even from 14 weeks.
      God is awesome, everything will come in His perfect time, don't just worry my sisters! You will be the one in a few years exploring birth control options!

  6. my darling..these kind of stories is what im tryin to preach to people abt...
    im at work so my swriting might not be too good bear with me
    Pcos is an imbalance of hormones.iv reseached and researched. i also have fibroids.CHANGE YOUR DIET FROM JUNK FOOD.start eating more living foods, greens, organic juices.if u r abroad look for things like spirulina, wheatgrass.leave rice or minimise more of FISH..clean fish..but just keep eating salads,vegetables(not cooked)..
    first u would start losing weight
    then u see your periods are getting lighter

    IM A LIVING PROOF.i havefibroids..the biggest was about 15cm but when is tarted all the small ones disappeared, teh biggest went to 4cm ..i got pregnant and then it doubled because of hormones but i kept eating raw foods while pregnant and drinking spirulina(very high in iodine--so critical for womens health) and two of the fibroids that came when iwas prgenant disappeared and the big one stopped growing...
    even if u dnt chane anything..jsut add spirulina or wheatgrass or chlorella or barleygrass to your diet or 4 of might feel ill initially dnt worry you are detoxing from all those things..dont stop
    just change 90% of your food s to RAW foods..
    shred carrots,beets,spinach, kale just be creative with foods..if you can use a juicer to do all these, ALL THE green smoothies google for telling you if u stick with this 6 months and remove meat and bread and rice form your diet, you would see a difference and you will get pregnant in Jesus' name:its hard,,even i started my junk food again after i agve birth and all mys mptoms came back so i know its not easy..dnt let anyone tell you its easy..

    Genesis 1:29Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.God did not give us processed food to be eating ...those days tehy were just raw foods,,they hardly cook so they were hardly sick..
    Dont let dctors give u pills they make it worse..doctors only treat teh sypmtoms of these problems,,you need to treat the cause(IMBALANCE OF HORMONES)
    Go for would testify in Jesus name
    Signin out
    IM RAWGIRL..for (Rawfoods)

  7. I was diagonised of the same in April. I prayed & cried. I started my treatment dat same month & am still on it. I believe I will concieve wen d time comes. Be encouraged & keep ur trust on God. Start ur medication too. I told my Fiance abt it & he's been of a great help to me. We will be getting married in November. #True-love still exist#. First time to comment!

  8. And i'm here complaining about having my 2 children through c/section not knowing that some people have more challenging situation. God i'm so sorry for being ungrateful. @sparkle.

  9. I was also diagonised with d same issue and was placed on parlodel and after 2months wowza I got pregnant

  10. gENESIS 1:29
    Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
    im at work so im gonna be strait to the writing ight not be too bear with me..
    Im a living proof my dear.i started with fibroisds,my bigegst was 6 cm and tehn i changed my dear my fibroid shrunk to 4 cm and teh other two went..i became pregnant and of course hormones made them come back but i stayed healthy and two of them disappeared again and the big one stayed at 5cm ..didnt incraese again.. and this is because i was not consistent.DNT LET DOCTORS FOOL YOU.THEY WOULD GIVE YOU PILLS TO TREAT need to treat the CAUSE.
    PCOS IS an imbalance of hormones.tahts just it,
    1.CHANGE OUR DIET TO RAW FOODS,,i know its almost impossible to just change.make 70% of yoru food sto be greens like kale, spinach, leaves taht we eat(uncooked),fruits,Your greens and fruits should be organic if possible
    2.Dump Meat..its a big more of fish but not too much..lEAVE COKE, BASICALLY JUNK,no chicken,nomeat...nothin.ALCOHOL NO NO NO
    3.Eat more superfoods like spirulina(very high in iodine -critical to a womans health), wheatgrass,barleygrass or them they are natural foods,dont let anyone scare yu to takin overdose...THEY ARE FOODS.IF U ARE NOT ABROAD TELL SOMEONE YOU KNWO TO GET YOU SPIRULINA,,IT STINKS I FU CANT STAND TEH SMELL,GET TABLETS..i prefer teh enters your system faster.IF U DNT KNOW THESE GOOGLE THEM
    4. if you can get a juiceR,,all teh better,do smoothies with a blender,,green for recipe..drink for breakfast..drink like you are drinking creative with salads..shred carrots, cucumber, lettuce(organic if poosible).keep dumpin these good thinsg in ur body...
    trust me you would get pregnant in Jesus wouLD testify...iv seen preople whohave changed these with one is taking your money to promise you miracle cure..
    YOU WORK ON YOURSELF..ITS NOT EASY ,even sometimes i slide back,,but my dear you would see a would initailly start feeling ill or you amy not at all..IF YOU DO,your body is cleaning inside out...
    if your periods were heavy tehy wouLD go lighter..
    try this for 6 months you would see a difference

    im signiin out

    Its RawGirl for Rawfoods

  11. and stop waiting for a miracle cure from GOd when we have works on our hands to do ourselves.inform yourself and God will help you

  12. Sister, After trying to conceive for over a year, and going through various tests, i was diagnosed with the same faceless abnormality and given clomid tabs to help increase my chances of ovulating. Crazy as it may sound, i threw them away because i just did not want to accept that report. Now, i am not a fanatic however, i understand that there are facts and there is a truth. i chose the latter. NONE SHALL BE BARREN. The word of God kept ringing in my spirit and i took it up in payer laced with it very strong faith. To the Glory of His Name, i am pregnant and due to deliver a beautiful baby in a couple of weeks. Go with what works for you, only do not give up! All the very best.

    1. Well,ur faith must be as strong as father Abraham's',congrats to u!
      But how many have dat kind of faith?.....dese kind of talks only confuses baby xtains and make dem do hideous things like throwing away their drugs.!!#now imagine throwing away malaria drugs?oh well,i still believe And insist medicine is from God,so taking drugs doesn't mean u don't believe in God.

  13. Hmn, I was diagnosed just last weekend. Felt so bad. Told my bf but he already suspected since he is a doctor. He made me realize that it is not a death sentence. Doctor placed me on birth control pills to regulate the 2 weeks period flow I was having, lol. It is well. I know my God is in control and when I am ready, He will give me my children.

  14. I was diagonised 8yrs ago. Getting pregnant for me with PCOS is the least of my problems. My main problem now is the beards I have grown like a man oh. I hv been forced to become an introvert out of shame. Poster, I was placed on Metformin and after 3mnths, I used clomid for another 3mnths in conjuction with metformin. To the glory of God, I took in and I had a set of twin. My boys are 4 today and my last baby was conceived even without any medication. Don't worry you will get pregnant. Its well!

    1. Please does Clomid really aid in the conception of twins. I really want to have twins so I can close shop.
      You Only Live Once- Do Something my name to read more and share your thoughts.


  15. heres a link taht might inspire you..i ahve archives of them

  16. @attitude...what's tube flushg process?forgive my ignorance ooh..

    1. Ask on my sister, last time I checked no one ever got arrested for seeking knowledge. Besides, knowledge is power.
      Its a process whereby a solution (the fluid is called dye) is pumped into your fallopian tubes to clear out any debris or blockage that may be obstructing the free flow or movement of sperm to its final destination where fertilization occurrs.
      I understand that several reasons may be responsible for blocked tubes.maybe blood clots, previous abortions, anything at all can be responsible and this simple condition leaves some women childless for ages.
      So its usually a good option to explore. Its quite a painful procedure, somewhat like a D & C but most times its worth it.
      Maybe you can read up more articles online to validate this bit. *HUGS*

    2. Why do I love u so much @ attitude? (no homo)

      Mrs J

    3. You are an intelligent woman..

    It's scary to hear things like this when u don't even ve a child yet, God abeg oooh cos i don't want to pass thru this stress.

  18. I was diagnosed with pcos a few years ago in naija. When I got to uk for a check up, there was nothing like that. I am expecting my 3rd baby now.

    Victoria Beckham was diagnosed with pcos, she has 4 children now. So don't worry poster, you'll be okay

  19. i miscarried a baby two weeks ago i had been trying to conceive after my 3years old daughter.during d scan to check if there was no remains in my womb the doctor found a cyst on my right uterus.The doctor i met said i should go on pills for three months so i dont get pregnant soon cos the cyst is small sized and might shrink on its own.But my older gynae said i could try again immediately.Am confused pals,is there anyone dat has experienced this before??

  20. Hmmmm dear blog visitor, I am presently undergoing treatment 4 same. But what u need to know is that it could arise as a result of different factors. In my own case I had (yes had because I have faith that it's all over) hormonal imbalance where my body secretes insulin, but d brain doesn't get any signal that insulin is being secreted n as a result more insulin is secreted leading to hypersecretion of insulin. First my gynae as at last yr it was discovered placed me on several rounds of clomid n HCG injection, but I still was unable to ovulate. Then fast forward to this April, my sister in law took me to another gynae who had my breasts squeezed n found out it was emitting fluid, albeit little. This is known as hyperprolactinaemia( yea I made Google my friend, cz any treatment I'm being placed on I make sure I read extensively about in on d net). D doctor placed me on brimocriptine(2.5mg) for 27 days, started with half of d 2.5mg for 4 nights, n den d complete dose of 2.5mg per night for 21 days or so. I must confess d experience was hell. I also was meant to go on metformin. For d metformin I started with one a day(500mg) for one week n den graduated to one twice a day (ie 1000mg), n then I'm presently on 1500 mg ie 1 thrice a day. And my sister I must confess that the combination of these drugs n of course fervent prayers have helped me, as I'm now able to ovulate though yet to conceive. So my dear keep calm cuz d more u r nervous d more u reduce ur chances to ovulate, cz our bodies r quite sensitive to our moods. Get a good gynae follow his instructions n back it up with serious prayers. The Lord will see u through in Jesus Name, Amen. God bless u dear it is well.

    1. I emit breast milk and it was easy 2 get pregnant. My bf (now my husband was scared I wouldn't get pregnant and told me 2 take bla bla bla) and just lauged and said I would not take that shit. Immediately I got married woala!! I get pregnant. But I know I don't have pcos. There were times I was scared sha cus I had painful preriod but my baby took away of pain.

    2. Then sweetie u were super fertile. And obviously didn't have PCOS.

  21. My dear 4 a woman to marry she have not given birth is a big problem o! Have been married 4 twoyrs now without a issue! Have done so many test!! As am talikng to u am taking native medicine? D only tin left 4 me now is to do ivf but no money 4 dat! U don't feel am b4! No pray make u marry without a child?u go even ask God y me.d worst tin is my hubby is a flirt! Pple will tell me no dey worri again sofa em take cake of u! Hope he no carry d woman come hux? How are mine going to tell dem dat we are having child issue? D native I went to d woman told me dat my womb is dirty n block! Pls I need to take in u guys should put me in prayer? Thinking wan kill my enemy? Should I go 4 clomid or

    1. Dis ur english sef fit block ur womb,kilodeeee? Has ur native doctor been able to help u? Stupidity @ its peak

    2. Hi,pls do not use any native medicine,i tried it when i was trying to conceive n it gave me diabetes,reason being that i was asked to use the agbo with eva wine for a month,2 months after i was diagnosed to have diabestes and still no conception,it was not until i stopped using any drugs and faced my God seriously that i conceived, God gave me a bouncing baby boy this year. Its only God that can do it.

    3. Go to the hospital dear. Get checked and let the doctors ascertain what's wrong with you. Don't take drugs that wasn't prescribed to you.. You can also chexk your tubes and get it flushed if its dirty..

    4. Anonymous 12:57pm your comment is the most insensitive I have ever read on this blog.. U think it's cool to come out and insult others with their problems? It shall not be well with you.... U will seek help and it shall elude you.... Am sure whoever u are your life is miserable.... For this comment you shall seek mercy and weep till you find it....

    5. My prayers for you and many others out there. You all will carry your children. Amen.

    6. But this english is terrible now

    7. "How are mine" instead of "how am I" nigerians sha. We write the way we speak

    8. But this english is terrible now

    9. Anon 12:57 you are really stupid. Native medicine could mean herbs. Ode. Hope you have used your English to cure your bad breath and your body odour. Someone is passing through trying times and all you have to say is this nonsense. You know English language so well and you're using shortcuts. Nobel laureate. Na your forehead dem write English put. Congolese monkey like you.

  22. Pls I need dis story more dan she sef! Have been married 4 twoyrs now!! No issue, have tried many test still nofink! As am talking to u guys now am taking native meds! After d woman set my womb she said my womb is dirty n block? As 4 ovulate my dear I don't even no if I ovulate? So should I try clomid

    1. Pls shut dt dirty gutter u call a mouth & give us breathing space....& u'r even proud to say dis nonsense

    2. Go to a good physician. What is all this crap u r typing? Setting womb??? My God!!!! What ignorance

    3. Ignorance is a disease.. Which one is setting of womb? What makes you think the womb was not already set by God. Please go meet a good gynaecologist so that they can tell you what's wrong with you..

    4. Dr oke you are an idiot.... A total loud mouth who has no manners.... Foolish doctor who has no knowledge of his environment..... Am sure you were not trained abroad so stop fucking form ignorance here.... Local birth attendants do it and it works for some women.... They manual push the womb back with the hands and insert some herbs that flush out a lot of blood..... I have not done it but I know people who have and it works for them.... Educate people and stop talking arrogantly like u know it yourself a doctor yet always rude....your attitude sucks so go stick your stethoscope up your arse.... Irritating idiot..... As for u first anonymous your share of sorrow is coming...fools like u think everyone has the same opportunities in life abi? So everyone must be as informed or learned as you are..... Don't blame you it is blogs that have given all kinds of Mannerless people the opportunity to vent rubbish..... Bloody arseholes

    5. Pls u guys should stop insulting d lady n pray not to be in her shoes, i hv friends who have gone thru d same thg, my dear its not ignorance its desperation,i askd my doc abt "womb setting", "hot womb" and he says deres notn lik dat, .

    6. The attacks on this lady was unnecessary. A lot of people really do not know what to do.

      Please let's help rather than condemn.
      Thank you.

    7. Anony, I see it was ur dream to be a medical doctor and Jamb frustrated that dream. Pele!!! I would have said some meaningful things to u but u r anonymous. ..faceless! ! So I no go waste my time.

      You got it right. I was trained here in Nigeria. UCH to be exact. So while u r sucking, grab a lemon. Anuofia

    8. This quarrel sweet die! I don laff tire. Washing and setting of womb lol.after that na finger waves or rough curls go finish the matter.

    9. Dr okechukwu. I don't really know why I expected more than this from you. I guess it's because I feel there's prestige in the medical profession and doctors should be well composed in certain situations like this one.

    10. Oh dear! Dr Okey and Anon 2:19,.that was quite entertaining. But seriously the lady does not deserve to be insulted. You can only understand what she's going through or how desperate she is if you are childless or had a delay in conception so please go easy on her.
      I pray for every woman waiting on the fruit of the womb, May God meet you at the point of your need IJN. We will celebrate the birth of your babies here on SDK by God's grace. It is well.
      What Would You Tell Your Younger Self If You Could? Click my name to read more and share your thoughts.

    11. Dr. Oke, as a doctor your should know about Womb displacement and The age long Mayan Massage used to 'reset womb'. Medical ART in Ikeja has also adopted it in their Health Spa because it works.
      I reset my womb when a friend who was childless for 10yrs had a baby and took me to an elderly woman who does this thing. After 6 sessions, and a few herbal tea/peppersoup, I conceived. You can Google womb displacement and Mayan massage for enlightenment.

  23. Person wey marry born she never sabi wetin God do 4 ram I swear? I worst part be say my hubby dey flirt? Pple go say liv am sofa him no dey carry am come hux! How I wan take tell dem say see wetin happen or see my pro! I 4 try ivf but d money too much? Abeg make una put me 4 prayer biko? Nkiruka

  24. Pls I need dis story more dan she sef! Have been married 4 twoyrs now!! No issue, have tried many test still nofink! As am talking to u guys now am taking native meds! After d woman set my womb she said my womb is dirty n block? As 4 ovulate my dear I don't even no if I ovulate? So should I try clomid

  25. Madam poster the lord will see you through. PCOS is satanic and demonic not only because it denies women of their kids but because other frustrating things like extreme difficulty in loosing weight,facial hair, painful and inrregular periods and the list goes on and on.Now madam let me advice you, 1st of all never eat anything after 5:30 or 6:00 in the evening,stop eating foods with high sugar content or high carbohydrate content because for those with PCOS insulin production is also a problem which make sugars difficult break down properly,madam exercise is very very important,if you have not started, get on it ASAP,it is extremely crucial.Most importantly relax! and take it easy as God's time is the best.You can also add metformin and clomid to your to take list but I must warn that these should be your last resort when all physical therapy fails because the side effects are terrible and sickenning, you seriously would want to try other outlets first before taking them.Madam most importantly pray,non shall be barren in the land,it may take time like Hannah but you will have the best and last laugh,trust me God is not asleep.You and your husband or partner should enjoy each other and take your mind off kids but do everything I stated above and you will feel good about yourself and enjoy your relationship.Kids would come at the appointed time and there is always option of adoption. Im crying now as Im typing this because PCOS can cause unimaginable suffering and I know,just keep calm and enjoy life .you will soon tell us your babies' names.To encourage you Victoria Beckham has PCOS and shes a mother of four just keep calm all will be well.

  26. My sisters have battled with PCOS for years.

    After observing weirdness in my period....I went for tests and scans.....I got my diagnosis 2 months ago, it bothered me for 1 month but I've pushed it aside for now.

    I will see a gynaecologist when I am in the right frame of mind.

    God bless.

  27. I was diagnosed with pcos this January after DH and i have been trying to conceive for few months,i was depressed and kept thinking I might not be able to conceive bcos,most of this drugs don't work for some. I had to wake up from my slumber and put all my trust on the master planner,the one that said none shall be barren in the land,he said I should put all my trust in him and that was exactly what I did,i make sure I annoit my tommy every morning and night and I decree everything I want and it came to pass,I got pregnant without using any drugs. Am expecting my baby,my miracle. Just put all ur trust in him,he's the ultimate Doctor,his result said I am free from Pcos or whatever it's blocking my womb. I stand firm in his words and they have been working for me. He did it for me he will surely do it for u and all those expecting a miracle. My God is forever faithful

    1. Ur depression was releasing some hormones that made it difficult to conceive. Thats why they say laughter is the best medicine. Happiness releases hormones also. Faith releases a chemical that helps the body function better.

      Best of luck

  28. I don't know if PCOS and ovarian cysts is the same sha but I ve Bn diagnosed of ovarian cysts many years ago
    I took the scan to a doctor and he told me ovarian cysts mostly heals itself and if ur persist it usually takes surgery to correct it
    The doctor asked me what are the symptoms and I told him I had a serious stomach pain with stooping and vomiting ,the pain was on one side of my tummy and I was taken to a nearby clinic somewhere in ikorodu and the doctors said I had appendix which I needed to operate immediately but I rejected it and went for scan where I was told it's ovarian cysts.
    So that's y I went to show another doctor and he told me the cysts is gone if not I won't be standing straight
    Sometimes dome doctors misdiagnose and say whatever suits them, if I didn't leave that first hospital and went for scan on my own they would ve butchered me and claim it's appendix
    I did not even undergo any treatment and when I got married several years later I have no problem getting pregnant, now I'm a mum of 3 healthy children to d glory of GOD. And I'm even on family planning right now.
    What I'm saying is pls when a doctor tells you something seek a second opinion before you accept, some doctors just guess while some don't just know what they are doing,some if these doctors are from the out of hell, half baked lots.

    1. No dear dey ain't Dsame.

    2. Poster while I am inclined to agree that some physicians try to make guesses as to what a patient is suffering from, it is usually in cases where poverty is an underlying disease. Poverty makes people want short cut. Most doctors will require tests to confirm or otherwise.

      If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

  29. I don't usually comment but I felt an urge to do so on this post because it's something have been through and I can help a friend. To all those yabbing Tony Ihekire, God really works wonders. I was diagonised of PCOS some years back in the UK, I went through the treatment but nothing happened for 2 yrs. My period and ovulation were still irregular. Well, I came back to Nigeria and without any medication, my period became regular, I got pregnant and today am a proud mum of a beautiful damsel. I have friends with the same condition who have given birth. So dear poster, you will definitely overcome. Am quite farmiliar with all the medication and treatment that sdkers suuggested but I will advise you to see a specialist because you need to be treated according to your peculiarity. Goodluck darl.

  30. May God answer alll ur prayers@women here seeking for d fruit of d womb. God I thank u for every thing u re doing, been done and will do for me.

  31. My sweet wife had this PCOS condition and could not conceive for years. We went from hospital to hospital,Dr to Dr,town to town, taking clomid to metformid drugs etc without achieving any result. At a time my princess got tired of all these treatments and became depressed. I encourage her to relax, serve God and give God opportunity to work by abandoning all these drugs.She did! To the glory of God of miracle and to the shame of PCOS and Davil my lovely beautiful wife is 34 weeks pregnant today as I write. In fact she conceived barely weeks after her last HSG and scan tests report said that she doest have any chance of conception. So my candid advice to the poster and others is believe in God and what the bible said concerning childbearing. My wife's conception 3 weeks after her scan result said she hadn't ovulated for two years and it was impossible for her to get pregnant proved one thing it pays to worship and serve God.

    1. The omniscience God. The Doctor above all doctors.. The only one who can make the impossible possible.. What a testimony.... She shall have a safe delivery... I love the way you accorded her with so much respect and sweet names.. You are a wonderful husband... God bless your home

  32. Pls what is the symptoms fo this pcos? Cz my own case I av feeling something hard in my tommy, but I do ovulate and I see my period regularly but d stuff is still there and it doesn't pain me , I'm confused here oo

    1. Could be fibroids hon. Are your periods heavy with blood clots?

  33. Eat healthy,spices like Turmeric/ginger help with ovarian cysts.helped me when I had such issues.Best of luck.

  34. The things women go through that's why we should be handled like dresden china.Learnt something but its best for ladies to have general check ups at least once in 3 months and see ur gynae more often than that if u can,its not time wasting like we think in Nigeria but its taking care of you cause if u don't no one will.Nice post stella

  35. Dear poster, you shouldn't depress your pretty head over PCOS. Its a very common syndrome and many women have achieved conception despite being diagnosed with it.
    Your gynaecologist will determine the number and sizes of cysts and then place you on a number of medications to help you manage it.
    These medications include metformin, clomiphene, HCG,LH and FSH shots and vasoprin. The role of vasoprin here is to increase the oxygen and nutrient carrying capacity of blood, promote tissue perfusion and hence facilitate the implantation of the embryo.
    You may also want to try these drugs "fertile aid, PCOS" and "coast science PCOS". Both have great reviews and I have personally seen women - not 2 or 3,many, conceive after taking them. All the best.

  36. Pcos won't stop u frm getting pregnant,it might cause miscarriage sha bt all d same,u can try Metformin nd clomid dey also work bt God is d giver of children nd he'll surely mk u laugh jst like he did 4 me! U r fruitful IJN

  37. FINE FINE LADY18 June 2014 at 13:16

    Poster, i ve no idea of what this all about. But i pray God heals u and bless u with children.

    Let me use this opportunity and Bless God, while dating(now hubby) i did 4 abortions(God has forgiven me so dont judge) none was more than three weeks cos i usually record my periods. Now i am married 7 months ago and about 6months pregnant. At a point the devil came and flash all the abortions i did that God will deal with me during child birth. I told him that this child will come SUPERNATURALLY". i am happy cos everything has been fine, never had morning sickness or nausea. God who did this for me shall do for others who desire it and give me safe delivery. AMEN

  38. I conceived and gave birth to my baby girl last year without any meds. When I realised that I was pregnant, I was soo shocked because I hadnt seen my period in 10 months. So I guess the miracle happened that one time I ovulated.

  39. People are really going through a lot. And here I am thinking I have a problem.
    Forgive me Lord for not thanking you enough.

    My sincere prayers and good wishes are with all the people here who are suffering from one ailment or the other and those looking for the fruit of the womb. The almighty God will heal you all soon and grant you all your hearts desires Amen.
    Just have faith, our God never disappoints.

    1. Here I am asking God y mine is diff while some of my friends get pregnant easily.Am grateful lord. mine is high prolactin was placed on parlodel and clomide 4 3 months I conceived and had twins a boby and girl.
      @poster there is nothing God can not do just hold unto him. Your miracle is on d way. Cheers

  40. Iya ibeji lati Paris18 June 2014 at 15:22

    Check ur email stella

  41. POSTER please don't feel bad .I was also diagnosed with PCOS too after I got married . I actually went for check up 2months after marriage. Immediately my gyn placed me on primolut and metformin . The primolut was to make the period come. Then the last day of my period I was asked to start with clomid for 5days only. My dear I got pregnant that same month. I was so surprised because online many people complained of not getting pregnant on time. My baby is 4months now and I think I'm pregnant again. My dear have a positive mind and take ur drugs as told by your gyn. All the best. You are blessed.

  42. Lord I am grateful for what u have been doing for me in the area of child bearing. Dear poster just relax and believe in God. Take the report of God dat says none shall be barren in the land

  43. Women take in with this all the biggie...

  44. Yes. More women have PCOS than you can imagine. You are not alone. I was diagnosed (or I self disgnosed) since I was not having any periods. I was on provera to induce a period and fertomid to induce ovulstion. (Check with your physician on recommended dosage). I have a beautiful daughter now and got pregnant on the first try.

    There's also a high possibility of multiples!

    Baby dust to everyone trying to conceive.

  45. Ok...I'm personally calling out Dr Okechukwu right now. From your response on this post I must say you are seriously arrogant. I don't blame you sha....its the general attitude common with Nigerian physicians.(I won't call you a doctor because you people do not know the meaning). Did I hear you say the anon that attacked you wanted to read medicine but jamb frustrated him/her?? Buhahhhaaa, the senseless phrase you guys use for other medical professionals. And so I ask you, if everybody wanted to read 'medicine and Jamb frustrated them' like u put it tell me how you would work alone. Mtchewwwww.....Nigerian physicians be acting like demigods most of them can't even make one simple proper diagnosis. Yes I said it, apart from poverty being the reason for cutting corners your colleagues wanna make useless diagnosis just so they won't say he doesn't know what he's doing. Arrogant yourself and find out what your mates outside the country are doing. Sorry everyone.... meanwhile Attitude aba nte afo do owo ukang nnyin so yak nsio uyio uno. ekom dooo

    1. 1Trillion likes for d comment! It irks me to my bones when people who are supposed to be educated open their mouths and spew trash. In this day and age, as learned as u "claim" to be you still think you are superior to a fellow human just because you are a doctor? Newsflash doctors are not the most intelligent people in the world. Yes they save lives but if some other things are not working they would have no lives to save not even theirs. Bottomline every field every skill must work hand in hand for the continuous existence of life as we know it. So Bia heys nor b una holy(in so many different contexts) pass so make we hia word for here biko!

  46. I was diagnose with pcos 7years ago.I am a proud mother of two beautiful children.I will advise the poster to see a good gyn doc.Pcos is not hereditary,try and keep your weight can be a challenge doing that.Do not drink or buy all these poisons called egbo igi from the herbalist.You can use clomid or metformin.Pcos is when you have a perforated ovaries,instead of ovulating egg/eggs.The eggs are stuck in the perforated holes which causes abdominal pains.Please consult the appropriate doc and get closer to God.Goodluck and God bless.

  47. I was diagnose with pcos 7years ago.I am a proud mother of two beautiful children.I will advise the poster to see a good gyn doc.Pcos is not hereditary,try and keep your weight can be a challenge doing that.Do not drink or buy all these poisons called egbo igi from the herbalist.You can use clomid or metformin.Pcos is when you have a perforated ovaries,instead of ovulating egg/eggs.The eggs are stuck in the perforated holes which causes abdominal pains.Please consult the appropriate doc and get closer to God.Goodluck and God bless.

  48. Ok...I'm personally calling out Dr Okechukwu right now. From your response on this post I must say you are seriously arrogant. I don't blame you sha....its the general attitude common with Nigerian physicians.(I won't call you a doctor because you people do not know the meaning). Did I hear you say the anon that attacked you wanted to read medicine but jamb frustrated him/her?? Buhahhhaaa, the senseless phrase you guys use for other medical professionals. And so I ask you, if everybody wanted to read 'medicine and Jamb frustrated them' like u put it tell me how you would work alone. Mtchewwwww.....Nigerian physicians be acting like demigods most of them can't even make one simple proper diagnosis. Yes I said it, apart from poverty being the reason for cutting corners your colleagues wanna make useless diagnosis just so they won't say he doesn't know what he's doing. Arrogant yourself and find out what your mates outside the country are doing. Sorry everyone.... meanwhile Attitude aba nte afo do owo ukang nnyin so yak nsio uyio uno. ekom dooo

  49. Ok...I'm personally calling out Dr Okechukwu right now. From your response on this post I must say you are seriously arrogant. I don't blame you sha....its the general attitude common with Nigerian physicians.(I won't call you a doctor because you people do not know the meaning). Did I hear you say the anon that attacked you wanted to read medicine but jamb frustrated him/her?? Buhahhhaaa, the senseless phrase you guys use for other medical professionals. And so I ask you, if everybody wanted to read 'medicine and Jamb frustrated them' like u put it tell me how you would work alone. Mtchewwwww.....Nigerian physicians be acting like demigods most of them can't even make one simple proper diagnosis. Yes I said it, apart from poverty being the reason for cutting corners your colleagues wanna make useless diagnosis just so they won't say he doesn't know what he's doing. Arrogant yourself and find out what your mates outside the country are doing. Sorry everyone.... meanwhile Attitude aba nte afo do owo ukang nnyin so yak nsio uyio uno. ekom doooo

  50. dear poster, if u can get Inofolic- it's folic acid n inositol in powder (soluble).it's sold in south Africa R250 @ dischem pharmacy or clicks n not off-the-shelf, you'd have to ask for it also get royal jelly

  51. Dr Okechukwu....Is that part of the oath you took? 'If you pay peanuts you recieve monkeys huh. I pity those who live their lives in the hands of Nigerian Physicians.

    1. John Legend, I have noticed you so run along. If u want to quote somebody, try to atleast be accurate rather than misquote me and then take ur argument from ur wrong premise.

      Nobody "reads medicine" so I would never use that phrase.

      And thinking that calling me a physician is an insult is like calling Jonathan, President and thinking u belittled him. I am a physician.

      I see u r educated but not intelligent. If not how come you hastily generalize about Doctors.

      I will see u around but don't forget to swallow Diflucan. That candida seems to have spread to ur mouth.

  52. I haven't commented on this blog for close to 2years now but this post relates very much to me and I was moved to share my experience.
    I was diagnosed in Europe here by my doc with Pcos and I was told that it would be difficult to be pregnant plus I haven't even seen my period in like 8-9 months. I was placed on birth controls and given the leaflet to read about Pcos. I remember reading only the first line which said how difficult it would be to conceive.,so I just bined the leaflet after all I'm not even married.
    I just decided to stop using protection as I didn't know if I was ovulating or not hence the no period.
    One day at work I was feelin dizzy and about to faint.took some rest and was feeling strange and decided to take a preg test just for the sake of it and I was shocked to see preg. I just can't understand how cos I haven't seen my period, plus they said Pcos is hard to conceive plus I wasn't even married.
    with the fear of not going to conceive, I decided to keep the baby and I think it's the best decision I've made. My mum supported me to keep it and even though I'm no longer with the guy, my boy is a gift from God because I don't know how it happened.
    After the pregnancy,period became normal but Pcos is back and I haven't had a period in 4months and to be honest with u,I don't care.
    So I will suggest u remove ur mind and carry on having sex with your husband and that way, the baby will come faster than u think. I didn't take any medication I was just living my life and it happened.With God all things are possible. I will be getting married sometime this year to a new man who accepts my boy and what more can I ask for. Pcos is just a name.

    Blog name will now be Fabmum

  53. Sorry am later. At poster try these three things
    Change your diet to mostly veggie and fruits
    Use yasmin or contraception for 3 months straight if u don't mind waiting that long starting on the first day of your period as far as you are not above 35yrs old
    And go for test especially for androgen, estrogen levels, this will help ur doctor to know what med to prescribe for u.

    As for getting pregant it's very possible.. I have treated lots of women Tht got pregant even with pcos. Just follow ur doctors instruction, don't complicate ur self by drinking concoction or stoping the medications half way. It reduces ur changes yes but atleast you know what is wrong with you. There are some women that haven't given birth for years and doctors still don't know why. Cheer up, try not to be stressed and u will be fine

  54. If u have not seen your period in a while take duphaston 2 tab per day for 5 days u should see your period in the next 5-7days then start the yasmin. Then take the test I recommended above, your doctor will take it from there but please STICK with ur doctor don't take advice from here and there. PCOs is just a hormonal problem and it varies with individual. My reason for having pcos might not be your reason due to hormonal variance.

    Good luck and stay positive

  55. Love u too dear (yes homo) .
    @ cutemumm- thanks doll..

  56. *leave their lives*

  57. Chei.....see stupid ignoramus dem everywhere!! @Dr Oke,,yes a womb can be set!am a living witness to dat...k how abt wen I was preg with my first child nd was bleeding for months....went for an ultrasound nd was told NO baby......den sumone took …………me to one Alagbo woman nd she told me dat dere is a baby........she treated me for like 2months nd I delivered a beautiful baby girl!! Imagine!!! Nd all d ultrasound I did plus diff docs said no baby! Abeg dis knowledge of a tin is vast so u guys should seek it instead of yarning trash..............OKIJA WIFE

  58. Chei.....see stupid ignoramus dem everywhere!! @Dr Oke,,yes a womb can be set!am a living witness to dat...k how abt wen I was preg with my first child nd was bleeding for months....went for an ultrasound nd was told NO baby......den sumone took …………me to one Alagbo woman nd she told me dat dere is a baby........she treated me for like 2months nd I delivered a beautiful baby girl!! Imagine!!! Nd all d ultrasound I did plus diff docs said no baby! Abeg dis knowledge of a tin is vast so u guys should seek it instead of yarning trash..............OKIJA WIFE

  59. Dr. Okechukwu! Those insults were uncalled for, its best not to reply when you feel your profession is being insulted which I do not see any form of insult there. That being said to the idiots that hide under anonymous, I pray you do not experience what these women are going through that's if you are a lady, but if you are a man I pray your wife don't.
    We just feel we are obligated to comment, biko nu if you don't have a reasonable contribution its better when you shut that thing up, read and learn. No knowledge is ever lost.
    Yorubas would say onikaluku loni eleda, mase jeki eleda won shepe fun yin o.

  60. Dear poster I am a living testimony that all things are possible with God. Shortly after I got married I started gaining excessive weight and my periods stopped. I grew darker and my hair was falling offf.In fact I looked like a round ball. Fortunately for me , I lived abroad during that period. I was diagnosed with PCOS. My weight had shot up from 70kg to 91kg. I was placed on metformin, did a minor surgery, laparascopy (can't remember) and ovarian drilling to ensure my tubes were not blocked. After the metformin,I was placed on clomid and during the first cycle I conceived. As God will have it, the nurse that was with me during the surgery was the same age as me and she had the same thing. She advised me that once it works out and I get pregnant, I should wait for 6 months and try my best to conceive again. Like say she be angel......I had my DS in 2010 and my DD in 2011. They are 15 months apart. It took me almost 3 years after getting married. Please stand on 1saiah 49:18 amongst other scriptures. I named my sosn even before he was conceived. I called him forth by faith. I didn't even know when I took in with my daughter. All things are possible with God. And yes, Victoria Beckham has it and she has 4 kids. May the Lord hear your prayers in Jesus name

  61. I've battled ovarian cystadenoma that cost me one ovary and I still have a persistent dermoid cyst and PCOS, yet I still end up having a healthy number of lovely children. Yes, the periods are not regular but I would advise to buy the clear blue digital monitor with sticks and monitor your ovulation periods every morning immediately you wake up, the day the monitor hints that you are likely to ovulate, you have to be on full-time love-making with your hubby for that whole week! And follow this cycle for about 3-6 months whilst also being on daily pregna-care multivitamins which is enriched with folic-acid and other helpful nutrients to healthily prepare your body for pregnancy, fertilisation is bound to occur as long you still ovulate and your hubby has got a healthy sperm count. Most of all, put this in prayer to God as he is the almighty one that makes all things happen!

  62. I had PCOS since 2009, tried all the drugs, for 4 yrs, nothing worked.
    This year, I went herbal o! One Ijaw mama in Bariga reset my womb and asked me to go back and try the fertility drugs, I conceived the same month. I am currently carrying two generals in my womb, who keep me up all night, marching to "God save the Queen!" Lol,
    My advise, Hold God strong, try those Ijaw massages, their major stock in trade is bone setting but some set wombs. God created no one barren!

  63. I totally agree with the speculation that the figures are political and inaccurate. The spread of HIV/AIDS is vast n rather pathetic that some people are choosing to be ignorant about this. is.
    What doctors can do for case 2& 3 is to go through the process with the patient and not just a doctor but also a confidant. It makes the difference. you can as well contact him with this address( you Doc,,

  64. It took me 6 years to have another baby after my first daughter because of pcos. Different gynaecologist prescribed different wonder hormonal drugs. At a point my menstrual cycle stopped because hormonal drugs were contradicting themselves in my body. I will personally advise that the best way to treat pcos is through natural methods. Exercise 5 days a week, eat healthy with alot of green vegetables preferable salads without dressing, the green juice etc. You could read more at But to view and purchase the different herbs you will need someone in the United States to assist. Most importantly be close to God because he is the giver of any good thing and any him can restore health. This is my story.

  65. Well I no wat works for A might not work for B. I had pcos too, was married 2yrs no show. Did hormonal assay, my testerone ws high and progesterone non existent. Dr put me on metformin, clomid and hcg injection for almost 5months no show. Got fed up and decided to go natural. Did edmark shakeoff detox for 3days to cleanse my system off all drugs, I bought ACV by braggs, bought BSM( black strap molases). Took them for a month mixed together in warm water morn and evening. Blended hausa groundnut and ate with banana. I took in dat same month. I'm pregnant @ d moment. Bt one thing I knew was I had given up and decided to stop worrying. When my menses refused to cm out dt month I just felt it was as usual sins it ws neva regular. I waited a week and out of boredom I pee on a stick. I cd nt beliv my eyes. Almost went mad with Joy. B prayerful dear, pcos no b death sentence.

  66. All my gratitude goes to priest obom, for helping to have kids of my own. my husband dumped me for another woman because i could not give him what him wanted most in this life, and it was all his family doing. they were the reason my husband left me for another woman. by the grace of priest obom,i was able to have kids for my husband, concerning my my husband family they were all happy for me at last. i want to say a very big thank you. priest obom, if you are in any kind of problem you can contact him on this email address ( he will put a smile on your face

  67. PCOS is just a name . when i was diagnosed , my world ended but with prayer God set it right. buy apple cider vinegar (the one with cloudy particles in it. take two tablespoons in a glass of warm water each morning and evening. supplement with green chlorophyll and edible iodine. try to walk briskly at least 20mins each evening.CUT OUT ALL SOFT DRINKS,SUGAR AND SUGARY STUFF. reduce consumption of pastries. and within 3-6months your weight would drop and u would kick start ovulation. dont exclude God cos after i did all this and conceived, i had a threatened abortion i held my stomach and took authority in Jesus nama and that was the end of the bleeding.

  68. pls do not be discouraged, I was diagnosed with Pcos 5yrs ago,it has to do with hormonal imbalance,my gynae prescribed chirofol,and also dostinex to reduce the hormone (polactin) which is d root cause of d hormonal imbalance ,pls discuss Ds drugs wt ur gynae,CHIROFOL and DOSTINEX,after taking Ds drugs for seven months,I got pregnant n God be praised,I am mother now and pls do not forget,evrytin is in God's hand n in due time,he will do exactly what he is known for.

  69. My dear u not alone, Dr said that I have and she put me on metiformin drugs after one month then clomid and I got pregnant immediately. And again I must tell u, I am so deep in prayers too, so my dear d combination. Works so perfectly.

  70. I was diagnosed with pcos.....and due 2 have my baby in july....its not a easy road...clomid is d best but it can also hyper stimulate ovaries which isn't good...GOD WILL SEE U THROUHH

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  73. Gooday everybody my name is Mrs Sandra Smith am here to share with you my life experience how this great man called prophet kalito saved me and my marriage.I have been barren for for 10years i had no child since my marriage i have never been pregnant i was a subject of laughter from my neigbours and i almost lost my marriage i was so confused did not know what to do untill i came across this great prophet online and i contacted him at first i was scared weather it was going to work but i just told my self let me give it a try and i did all what the prophet told me and today to my greatest surpise i took in the first time and i gave birth to twins and they were boys and i took in again and another twins this time a boy and a girl
    i want to tell all the women out there who have a similar situation like me that the world is not over that they should dry up their tears and contact this great man and their problem will be gone or are you also having other problems you can also contact this great prophet here is how you can contact him
    Sandra Smith


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