Stella Dimoko Fathers's Day? I Hate It!...Blog Visitor Sad Story.



Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fathers's Day? I Hate It!...Blog Visitor Sad Story.

Today is Father's day and for some,it is a day to show Daddy dearest some love for being there,for some,it takes them down memory lane,to a path that has left them broken.....

''My father denied me the day I was born, (This was 26 years ago)
My parents met and according to igbo culture did introduction‎, before the Wedding my mother was Pregnant and was living with my Father in a HOTEL which he had. 

My Grand Father was Bitter because a hotel is not suitable place to live, this led to bringing my mother back to her Father's house. After 8months of bringing my mother back to her Father's house, I was born. 

My Father was contacted to come see us but he said he wasn't Interested and Never showed up till day, I don't have any link with his people. I have become suicidal and depressed (The feeling of rejection). 

We have been STRUGGLING, it has not been easy, but I thank God. We don't choose our Parents, the mistakes they made affect us and change our view. HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all MOTHERS who struggle day and night to raise their children''

*wow..I feel like asking so many questions but it wont help being your father into your life.
What made your father so angry?....

You are a man,please let go of the hate and start saving up some love for your future kids.stay happy abeg.


  1. 26 years waow! Please forget about it and tell yourself you will be better father to your kids and always be there for them.E-hugs love.

    #Sharon was here.

    1. Sorry don't mean any offence oo. Meanwhile where did your father and your mother meet?? In a hotel?? Why were they living in a hotel?? Was she a hustler in your father's hotel?? Ask your mother some serious questions mehn. Make she talk wetin she do your papa wey make am leave am. Did she fuck your father's friend?? No igbo man abadons his baby boy no matter what except the baby isn't his.

    2. She said her sad owned a hotel and so he probably decided to take a room there. Thats why her grand dad took her mum back. Be sensible and read clearly to decipher meaning pls

    3. Yea I like d questions u asked anon. Mayb ur father's family thought she is a prostitute but dt doesn't give him the right to abandon you dear. Move on n save some happiness for ur kids.

    4. Am ibo and a lady, Oga there is nufin wrong inn d question he asked, no woman go gree say she messed up! They always blame d men! Ask ur mother what she did! Abandon a male child kwa? It happens o but very minute percentage. Some women no be am trust me

    5. What dumb question are you asking? The father had the hotel and they were living there how does that make her character questionable? If he truly is your father then he has no excuse no matter what your mum did.... Just forget he exist and don't send yourself to am early grave cos of an irresponsible man....if U are truly his child karma will visit him one day and he will come and beg your forgiveness..... No matter what any man who abandon his child is irresponsibility personified

  2. Abegooo.... So hapi and opportuned to see my dad alive and kicking. I am hapi to say it was just me and dad all alone since yesterday and proud to say I made his meal from last nyt till dis afternoon... If I don't do it, who will?lol... Hapi Fathers Day Chief Nwanze but the man stubborn small sha... #alinko

    1. Are you kidding me?
      How is this supposed to make the postee feel?

    2. Bia sponge cake kilode?lol.... #alinko

    3. Seriously u don't need to rub yours in his face, totally insensitive.

    4. the dude is proud of his dad,let him dad aint perfect but i love him,i can give him my life. i cnt hate my blood no matter the poster learn to forgive,if you listen to your mom you will continue to hate your dad,ill advice you to forgive both of them,believe that they hv lived their life,it is time to live yours,let your situation shape you into a better your dad,once in a while,dont carry their matter on your head o, some single mothers are bitter and unforgiving and they also unconsciously turn their children that way

    5. You're an Idiot Stanley

    6. You lot should let Stanley be joor.

    7. Naturelle do u read and understand before you comment at all? Does this poster sound like one whoseum has been poisining his mind? Father abandoned him from birth n u are sounding like he n his mother are the ones who don't want to reach out.....abeg dey think and respond based on what is written here not what u think in that your over sabi brain

  3. Chai SDK,I Rili Feel 4 dis guy cos av felt it...I don't celebr8 father's day cos my dad left I nd ma sis wen I was 5 nd ma sis was 3...altho I miss him buh I can't jez c myself searching 4 him ! I despise him

  4. So sorry poster! Some men can be stupid sometimes! Whatever made him reject you and your mother, leave it to God! Don't get stocked in the pain! Let go, move forward! Never give up on your strength! Think of your future and your future wife and kids! Learn and Pour out that fatherly love u never on them! Remember, never let your hurting past draw your future for you! Learn to
    take charge of your future and utilise it effectively! The lord is your strength!

    Pepper ose oku!

    1. Nice comment. .but what's happening to your English? You now gbagaun are no longer pepper o.Tomato ose oku ni

    2. Lmaooooo @ Tomato ose oku!!!

    3. I thought I was the only one that noticed the gbagauns. Saw it on a previous post too. Pepperlicious biko cool o down. Pepper ose oku. Lady with egyptian neck (whatever that means) lol.

    4. Remove d ose na tomato oku lol...d gbagaun no be here oo..."Stocked" kwa? It is well dear poster. Never let wot ur parents did or didn't do affect ur future family. Don't we all hv some story of some sort?

  5. Poster I feel ur pain, everything is going to be alright. Suicidal? Cos of the situation? There are pple with fathers in their lives whose lives are far worse than urs, an irresponsible father will always be whether he's present or absent in ur life! My advice? Move on... it's been 26 years! Hustle hard make a lot of money, enough to make ur mom forget her sorrows! That man will crawl back when he hears how big u guys turned without him. Remember there are so many pple without both parents and they are living happily especially the ones in orphanages. You've got ur Mom that's enough blessing!

  6. My father did not leave my mom,but sometimes I wish he did because it makes no difference to us.there's no relationship with him,no affection nothing whatsoever.whenever I see girls having a great time with their dads it makes me depressed. So here's my advice you don't need anybody in your life who does not need you,look at it this way he could have been in your life and make no impact still..big hug!

  7. Suicidal and depressed? You shouldn't be . remember the kids in the orphanage that don't even know their routes. have a mother who has been there for you. Concentrate on your future .when you make it, he would be the one to look for you and your mother . happy father's day to your mum.

  8. God will continually help u thru d struggles! Be strong. So many questions as Sdk said, but no matter wat, denial of d child is just too terrible

  9. Ehyaa! BV sorry. Its well my dear.

    #FaithfulSalt #CheatingIs ForLosers


    1. Haters commenting under Anonys, Pls don't try to figure me out... U will just exhaust urself . If u can't bear the pain of my dry comments, take a knife and shove it down ur throat.

      Cheers to my haters! Be patient more dry comment is coming.

      #FaithfulSalt #CheatingIs ForLosers


    2. I decided to reply just to pleasure you and massage your deflated ego. Why so defensive? Who cares? Ok, you won, your 2nd message will get you the attention you crave so much. Happy now???
      As if wasting cyberspace wasn't enough. Eeeiiissshhh !!!

  10. Some stories eh. This is clearly the mothers version of events. And to say the truth it has plenty holes.

    But hey, many people grew up with father's and their lives aint any better.

    Dust urself up and pull urself up by the bootstrap. Determine to make a life for urself and be a good father urself.

    So from me to you
    "If ur dick is working and there is juice flowing and u ain't gay...happy father's advance.

    1. Wow ! Just wow ! Im speechless !!! Just reading the stories here gives me the chills. I'm so sorry y'all had to go through so much. What can I say? Life isn't fair you know. I just hope you can all pick up, keep your heads up, and for the sake of your mums who held it down, make a huge success of your lives.
      Know that yout best days are ahead. Prove "them" wrong . No ! You're not a failure cos your dad was cowardly and irresponsible enough to abandon you. Who wants a coward for a dad anyway?
      It is well
      Dedicating "Keep your head up" by Andy Grammer to y"all.
      E-hugs and kisses

  11. My dear, your story will become that of Jason Njoku in Jesus name, amen.

    All you owe yourself and your mother is to be successful. I tell ya, THEY will look for you.

  12. Move on man. Shit happens.

  13. Free ur mind of hate n let God fill it up with love. Sending u loads of hugs n prayers.

  14. Almost my story just dat am 32. Happy fathers day 2 every mother is a father

  15. May be he found ur mum in d hotel.

  16. Move on. He might be looking for you for all you know. If he isn't then that's his headache. Learn the from the situation so you can be a good father to your own children. Life is too short to be dwelling on bad thoughts. Some men should be addressed as "sperm donors " not fathers. My father is one of those people that should be addressed as a sperm donor ( long story). Enjoy your life and make it sweet for yourself. I'm sure there are other people who love you. Focus on them you hear?

  17. Almost my story just dat am 32. Happy fathers day 2 every mother who is a father

  18. The rejection of a parent can affect a child up until a certain point. As a grown man/woman, you can choose to raise from this dark place. Set yourself free and embrace life. Some have fathers that are present in body but absent in every other way. Your coming on this earth is no mistake. Now is the time for you to get yourself together and support your mother in a big way. And fashion in your heart to never abandon your own family. It isn't easy but you must find a way to grow from this for YOUR own good.

  19. Ma dear, lemme tell u ma story. Ma mum told me ma papa was a bad man, dt he abandoned us immediately he heard she was pregnant. N he nau stays abroad n dt she can no longer reach him,i grew up wit dis, in fact ma mama's siblings can rap dis theory any tym dey feel am tryna ask questions. At d age of 24, wen I was abt getting married, ma husband said he wants to meet at least, a member of ma papa's family, again, same story was told n ma mama said she nos Notin abt dem. I hated ma papa 4 deserting me. Nt until a man confronted me, n told me abt ma papa, ma husband n i traveled to Lagos n met ma papa immediately he saw me he was shocked cos he was told ma mama lost d pregnancy by ma mama's broda. We reconciled, n he came 4 ma wedding, he gave me 5m as a wedding present, only 4 him to die 2 months later. Ask 4 d name of ur papa's village, d name of his hotel d address etc go look 4 ur papa, n hear 4rm him. U neva can tell. Cheers

  20. My dad did long b4 I was even born, when my mum was in her forth mnth,am 31 now,very married and I married a rich man... I ve only bought Ahmed tea for him all my life,he won't even pay schl fees, the last tym I was ill, he took the list of my drugs and never came back...

    1. Biko I don't understand. Who bought Ahmed Tea? And who took the drug list? Who is Ahmed?

    2. ???????????????????
      *confused much*

  21. Well my father & his Fam rejected my pregnancy. My fathers brother came to my christening and gave me all my names. I never knew my dad but I have his name. He died 2002 I never cared but I wished I had a father figure tbh but oh well shit happens.

  22. Poster...i don't tink it's any reason to look for self a product of an unyielding father too...and am doin just fine,infact it's bin a motivation for mi to do beta...some fathers r just sperm donors...


  23. I advice you try your best to locate your dad when you see him then you can ask some questions,talk to him man to man. Sometimes our parents are not forth coming with the truth, what your mum told you might not be the whole truth so is better to also hear from your dad to know what really happened. Keep being strong,whatever you pass through now will help you be a better person to your family and kids so don’t give up. I have someone in similar situation very respectful & good guy, i took him as my younger bro and take care of him. If you know your dad’s village or place of resident in Nigeria take a trip and locate him. Who knows he might be trying to locate you too but that should not be an excuse for him not to search for his son for the past years since your parents know each others family. Look out for his family members if you don’t have his address and through them you will locate your dad,for you to have closure you need to see him and ask questions. Goodluck.

    1. Best comment ever. My friend's wife cheated on him and the guy out of anger has left the woman and his children and relocated. He despises the woman and his kids because he feels they might not be his anyways. Sometimes women can do things that makes men turn their backs on them. Poster's mum might not be telling him the whole truth. Which responsible woman will wanna live in a hotel with her husband??

    2. Yeah,as Phil Collins sang 'we always need to hear both sides of d story,what u fed us with is ur mum's version,and from the items' in the story(engagement,hotel,pregnancy,grandfather not happy etc'),i feel there is more to d story and ur mum isn't saying to save her face.
      But whatever the story is,u should remember God is the most loving father anyone can have,so cling to God and cast all ur cares on him and ur life will turn out beautiful!who knows,maybe when u become rich and famous he will show up like in the case of Dellish dat won bigbrother.just hold on and look up!

    3. Whatevet the woman did, a man shouldn't despise his kids. The kids are innocent and deserve to have a bond with their dad. Why should they be punished for their mums sin. Your friend is very irresponsible. Mrs O

  24. Dear poster , ur story was exactly wat I went thru!!! U ve to let go and make urself happy! Am a woman and what I went thru made me hate male figure around me.. I ve forced myself to adapt and change for d sake of my own good, mentally and otherwise!!!! Trust me things will be better and brighter in future, it won't take long... Such is my testimony now!!! God is ur strenght ! It is well

  25. Happy Father's day to my dearest mum,to d fathers that are alive but fail to perform their responsibility as a father and still waiting to eat d fruit they didn't labour for,u re all LIVING CORPSES.

  26. My own father denied me 26 years ago. I am 37 now and I have a step dad I wished happy father's day. I contacted my dad for the 1st time last year. My did not know because she wont be happy about it. I have forgiven him and I even give him allowance.

    What I went through made me a better Man.
    I sold oranges, water, puff puff, Kuli Kuli, mangoes. Lived with maltreating aunties and uncles.

    But today, I am the most successful in the whole family and i bring smiles to my Mama's face. What you go through should make you strong.

  27. Wn I hear stories like ds, I feel very sad 4d kids.. Poster, I'm very sorry, jst try n move ahead and vow 2b a better father 2ur kids. My hubby diddnt hv d best of fatherly luv and a gud example 4rm his dad buh believe me, he always says it, dt wn d kids strt cmn, he'll b d best dad and a beta role model.. Nw I'm pregnant and his vows and determination 2b beta dan his dad eva ws has evn increased.. Jst pray 2God 2help u, dts all I cn say.. And by d way, happy fathers' day 2u poster and cheers 2a beta u in future

  28. Wow! Thot I was the only one with a runaway dad, he left when I was 6 only to show up 19yrs later to say he had another family but thru out the 19yrs we never lost contact tho. All we didn't knw is he is a rich man and lived in luxury with his other family while my mum and us were living in poverty. How cold can a man be?

  29. Stella, Sorry to digress....Nkpi abi na Nky, whateva ur name is....Noone is seeing all ur comments abt me now ooo....This is my last warning to you, i've been ignoring u and I knw dat ur dead brain won't b able 2 figure out why even in a thousand years to come.... wen I go descend on u, e go too bloody, e go be like d coming back of Abija wara bi ekun!...hope u go fit bear am? Be Warned o!!!!!!!!!! Ah! I don dey pirry u sha! Leave me alone now ooo......I warn u reach ooo (mo kilo fun e toh ooo)!!!

    1. U are a real market woman, I feel sorry for any guy dating u or who will date u. Lord have mercy.

    2. Are you a man or a woman otondo?

    3. Can u 4 once sound/type like someone who just served d country? I knw we all come here 2 ve fun, tease ourselves n gossip bt gosh u really ve 2 slowdown on ur barbarism biko. Btw, start replyin now pls cos it just mite b fun.

  30. I will advice you to just follow Jay Moore's advice my dear, meet your dad and hear him out. Communication is very important.

  31. Hmmmm. I feel your pain. While going up, my mum used 2 complain so much that I thought she was so problematic. I didn't know my dad was just a green snake under a green grass. What was my mum's offence? She had girls. When things was rily good with him, nobody eat his money. My mum started struggling, even when my mum's 2 yaears american visa was sent to d house those days, my dad hide it under the bed. My mum was arranging and found it there, he had one stupid story to tell. Thank God I have learnt to be independent, I don't even see guys as anything, I just wanna work . Before I graduated I would give my dad so many misSed calls cos of my fees, he won't even pick. Now he is so sick, he wants every1 2 be around him and doesn't want u 2 go out or run ur daily biz. Forgetting that he abaNdoned us . Even when the even pay rent into his account, he still tell a lie,I dunno whether he wants My mum 2 kill herself. He is just selfish and wicked!

  32. Aunty stella my comments have been conspicously missing,why? and to blog visitor,please still hold on there cause life is not as miserable as we all think! Just continue to love your mum for playing both role and try to locate your father if possible.

  33. I can totally relate to this story. The last time I saw my father was May of 2005. For a very flimzy reason he deserted my siblings and I.But guess what? My mom's brothers took us in and we have never lacked anything. They love and care for us and I see them as my fathers, so dear poster don't be bitter or suicidal trust me it's not worth it @ all. Live ur life and achieve your set goals, some men are just sperm donors. Happy father's day to all responsible fathers and to all mothers running double shift, God sees your struggles and in no distant time He'll wipe ur tears.

  34. My dear poster same here,my father left me nd my siblings at age of 5,while my kid bros was 2 was nt ok for my mother training six children till we all graduated frm father left us nd married another woman.we relocated to village nd my mum neva leave our side till today.jos so lucky to hav dt kind of woman as am married,educated,happy nd my siblings are happy too wit their own progress in I wanna use dis opportunity nd said happy father's day to my one nd only mummy(double madam),may God guide nd protect u nd am wishin u long life and happiness in jesus name amen.luv u mama.cant believe dt I will talk abt dis story one day.


  35. Both my parents gave me away whn I was born to a south african family.and they left me with was pictures n a letter written in yoruba. Groing up was not easy I felt like I was all alone in the world n hated my parents 4 that. I have tried to commit suiside many times bt some1 would always find me n save me. Its 22 years later n I still dnt know who I am .I have so many questions to ask but no one to answer them if I could just c my real mum n dad just once I would b happy. I want thm to know that I am doing great n m educated n have a business of my own and I want to thank them for giving me the oppotunity to have a better life. I cannot leav the mother that raised me now bcoz I am who I am becouse of her and I need to be there 4 her till the end Mrs n Mr Omoniyi your daugter nifemi is looking 4 u

    1. Your story brought tears to my eyes. Always be strong u will find ur folks. Search online like
      Facebook look for people with similar surname keep inboxing everyone if they know anyone with such name in their family. Search through google too u might be lucky. If possible visit Nigeria go to NTA and AiT show ur face ur might be lucky ththrough that source. Goodluck.

    2. They must have been wicked and self centered.... What do u need them for? Why on earth will they not try to trace u? Sorry but I don't see why u should leave this work early cos of them..... Move on and live your life to the fullest

  36. I forgot to add my parents hav 2 sons oluwafemi who is 34 n tosin who is 19 they are in oyo plz I need to meet u guys plz

    1. What are you meeting them for?
      They gave you away to a couple that needed kids and were willin to adopt.
      Now you are grown and successful you are there lookin for your parents.
      Na wa for you. Then the ones that brought u up since nko?
      What are they? Caretakers?
      Be grateful and stay with them. Stories like urs make me reconsider my decision to adopt a kid and raise with my biological kids. Because ya'll grow up and start lookin for who ddnt invest in u. I shd just stick with my kids and not think about helping d society by adopting.

    2. @Bianca she is right to look for her parents even if she need to find some sort of healing in her life. Don't be selfish adopt because u want to not because of what kids will do later. After all she said she just want to see them not for aanything else.

    3. @bianca seconded. What re u lukin 4 dem 4? They gave u away prob 4 a few naira notes n now u sound like ur life ve been in hell witout dem. Hiss pple shud learn 2 seek only dose who want 2 b found jor. Sometimes it's beta 2 live past d sentiments of "BLOOD"

  37. Both my parents gave me away whn I was born to a south african family.and they left me with was pictures n a letter written in yoruba. Groing up was not easy I felt like I was all alone in the world n hated my parents 4 that. I have tried to commit suiside many times bt some1 would always find me n save me. Its 22 years later n I still dnt know who I am .I have so many questions to ask but no one to answer them if I could just c my real mum n dad just once I would b happy. I want thm to know that I am doing great n m educated n have a business of my own and I want to thank them for giving me the oppotunity to have a better life. I cannot leav the mother that raised me now bcoz I am who I am becouse of her and I need to be there 4 her till the end Mrs n Mr Omoniyi your daugter nifemi is looking 4 u

  38. Mine is worse cos I don't even know if am igbo, hausa or yoruba or any other tribe, I just identify wit my mum's tribe(God rest her soul). She never got a chance to tell me before she died and she never told her parents. She was 18 and despite every threat and punishment, she refused telling her parents who was responsible for her pregnancy. She took the secret to her grave. Childhood was tough,went without meals, hawked, struggled to survive but my sweet grand mother held it down, she did her best for me and sacrificed a whole lot to get me to where I am today and here I am at 29, happily married, living my God given life with his abundant, I am a work in progress, I have not gotten there yet but I have since left and God is taking me on a smooth and interesting journey to my destiny and am hoping that someday, my 'supposed' dad would show up and I will kick his ass to the curbs. So my dear, don't lose twice to an irresponsible father, his actions should even be a driving force for u, driving u to survive and surpass. He was a COWARD, now u can prove u are really his son aand be a WORSE COWARD or u can prove that the. Sweat ur mum waters ur life wit all these yrs aint a waste and make something out of ur great destiny.

    Shoutout to all the mothers holding it down!!!!

    1. Hmm, maybe just maybe it was incest? That would be the only reason a woman will take such to the grave. To protect you. Rape or incest

    2. Very possible as anonymous started.

    3. @anon: yes u could be right about me and my late mum, it could be just what u said but I don't care no more, I have never called anyone 'daddy or dad' in life, those words never came out of my mouth. My mum is resting well now in his bossom and I have nothing against her for not telling me. I almost wrecked my life in my quest for a father figure in my life, ended up marrying a rich 58yr old british expat but I woke up one morning and told myself that my life doesn't have to be a mess cos my father is non-existent, I didn't have to throw my youth away because I want to fill the vaccum my absent father left, so I dusted my ass, got a divorce and moved on wit life, 3yrs after I left the marriage, like I mentioned earlier, I am married to the best 32yr old Man God created and am unbelievably happy. My husband has helped me deal wit my 'father-quest',he doubles as my husband and father.
      Maybe someday, I learn the whole truth behind my birth or maybe not, I honestly don't care anymore. Poster I took my time to tell my stroy just so u know u are not alone but I am dealing wit mine better and u also can. Just trust God and the moment u recognise the place of God in ur life as ur ultimate father, u will realise u don't need another father. Goodluck.

    4. You took the words right out of my mouth and am happy u have such a positive attitude..... None of it was your fault, your mum had her reasons and since we don't wear her shoes we have no right to blame her......wish u all the best.....

  39. Am 22 nw, my father has neva given me a dime or cared abt me. Tried to make tins ryt wid him wen I was 16 coz wateva transpired btw him n my mama isn't by biz. Buh the man proved to be sometin else, I jst av to live wid d fact dat I dnt av a dad, n I dnt knw wat it feels like having a father around. God bless my mama, shez d best.

  40. Ewoooooo to all d is well

    1. You should give us your story. When they can sell you for N1 at 13. It will be a tragic story indeed

    2. Lol @sell you for N1 at 13....get ur hands outta ur anus U meanie faggot.
      The tragedy here is U seeking for attention this early monday morning.
      Fuck U!

  41. Just wanted to thank everyone that shared their story about not having a dad in their life. I bet it will mean a lot to the writer to know that he is not alone. I pray that God gives you strength and that one day you will be the best father to some wonderful children and give them all the love that you wished you received from a dad. Love you loads but God loves you more.

  42. Me I had a super father. Reading all these stories I am grateful to my mum and just gave her a big kiss for marrying the type of father I had. I hope you all find peace and move on with your lives. Hopefully your own kids will not be affected by your unfortunate experiences

  43. Wow is a sad 1 but then u hv ur mother to extend both d gifts and wishes to. In my own case am an orphan, 2 me I feel d world should stop celebrating both mothers day & father's day, but now i don't feel it dat much cos I & my hubby are there to celebrate it. Try & get married ur wife will there to celebrate with u.

  44. HMmmmm@ all d stories here o!!! God dey!!!................OKIJA WIFE

  45. HMmmmm@ all d stories here o!!! God dey!!!................OKIJA WIFE

  46. In tears right now cos it's so hard being without a father figure. People called us bastards life was hard and difficult. Couldn't afford junior waec. A science student without a single text book. 001 square meal. At a point my mum distributed the 4 of us to different relatives. I was sexually molested by my aunts husband. The list goes on and on. I've grown up to be distrustful , suspicious always thinking my hus will leave me. We are in a better place now still on the journey. I thank God for his mercies and grace. I just pray for complete healing.

  47. D best tin is to let go, am also 26 nd my mom is d only mother and father I knw, Hapi fathers day mum. I love you so much

  48. my dad tried to use one of his children for money rituals,but we were able to knw b4 hand,we were told by our pastor to go on a 3days dry fasting and on the 3rd day the fasting was supposed to end he had an accident frm his way back frm his occult meeting at 10pm at nite,we went to see him the nxt day at igbobi whr he was taken to and he made a shocking confession.... I cldnt get over it for many bad things he has done but can't type......God bless my mother

  49. You are not alone..Once a friend of mine decided to be the judge when I wished my dearest mother a happy Father's Day and I yelled him off! Mine left us when I was 3 and said the kids will find him when there're grown, people begged my mum to move on and return us to our father or his people but she never obliged them.. Fast forward, 27 yrs later he's demanding for money and still unrepentant! I'm sure he would never have identified with us if my brother and I turned out as street kids, very selfish, shallow minded and wicked. Hits my mum, Cheated on my mum and left her with HBP, decided to,shy away from his responsibilities .. I'm human and I don't know exactly how to go about this...!

  50. i did not have a father growing up either. My father was Hausa and mother igbo so there was no chance of them getting married. The stupid man never once looked for me, Even when i paid my transport to go to his lavish office, it did not bring him closer or ever change his mind about me. If you see him and you see me you would call me the son of my father. Now after years of suffering and enjoying with my mother i am getting close to my dream. I have a job and i look after my mother there is a possibility of running into this Hausa man who i share the same name and initials within a meeting as my company is taking on his as clients. I am ready for that day, but what would be priceless would be to see the hock on his face when he sees how much better i have done for myself all with out him. Happy fathers day Ugboda.

  51. You are not alone..Once a friend of mine decided to be the judge when I wished my dearest mother a happy Father's Day and I yelled him off! Mine left us when I was 3 and said the kids will find him when there're grown, people begged my mum to move on and return us to our father or his people but she never obliged them.. Fast forward, 27 yrs later he's demanding for money and still unrepentant! I'm sure he would never have identified with us if my brother and I turned out as street kids, very selfish, shallow minded and wicked. Hits my mum, Cheated on my mum and left her with HBP, decided to,shy away from his responsibilities .. I'm human and I don't know exactly how to go about this...!

  52. My father's day award goes to my husband - You need to find a way to be happy - if he doesn't care bout you, you should move on..

  53. I can't believe the response to this post. OMG! all these people grew up without a father figure or "irresponsible father". Imagine the kind of men we have in this country. SMH. I challenge all the men here, please take it upon yourself to be a responsible father despite all odds. It might be difficult, but the end is joyous. Shout out to all fathers who stood by their wife and children. May God almighty bless una.

  54. Bianka, dat's so MEAN i tell ya!

    If U hvnt been there, Dont judge her, ok!

    It's her right 2 know who her biological parents re. And I think she deserves to know y she ws given
    out .
    Her relationship with her foster parents no fit change if she finds a parent she never knew 4 22 yrs...let her satisfy her curiousity

    My boss just found out she has a 35 y/o daughter. The same daught.
    dat she was told died when she fell into comma ryt after delivery ....d dota was told d sam tori; we adopted u cos ur mother died after delivery...long
    story sha.

  55. Silly Salt with silly comments. Mschweee! Poster it's well. May God be ur father. He's d best father anyone can ve. Tk it easy u hear.

  56. Pepper d Unquenchable! The "stocked" pepper. kikikikiki. Cos u don gbagaun na only once u comment on dis post abi? After sdker wl be screaming pepper is intelligent, pepper dis pepper dat. I love u pepper but Sdkers love u more. Waiting 4 ur next ogbu.

  57. Agree with you Bianca.
    Please love and take care of the parents who nurtured you. I know you are curious but let sleeping dogs lie.

  58. Although some men are irresponsible and mean, some women are prostitutes. Someone I know discovered 3yrs ago that he was not the father of his son. The boy graduated from the university and was coming to the US to live with his dad. When the immigration told him the boy was not his son, he fainted. He has adopted the boy now. I have seen a lot in this world. Please hear from your father first before you crucify him.

    Again, some women are so selfish that if a man does not want them, they make it impossible for the man to have a good relationship with his children. Please women, leave the kids out of your problem with men . They need both parents. Rose


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