Stella Dimoko US Assistance In Nigeria


Wednesday, May 07, 2014

US Assistance In Nigeria

Thank God?


  1. Good news...Yaaaaayyyy!!!...

    1. Stella my house is round the corner from the embassy, and oh boi, see frisking before getting round the block to enter my own road again oh. But we are enjoying it. Feels safe mehn. I love Americans and their efizzy

    2. Anty stella, stop the detailed information PLEASE!!! Indulge in other means of saving nigeria. #Zombiisntforyou#

    3. Anty stella, stop the detailed information PLEASE!!! Indulge in other means of saving nigeria. #Zombiisntforyou#

    4. Anty stella, stop the detailed information PLEASE!!! Indulge in other means of saving nigeria. #Zombiisntforyou#

    5. Linda Eze goes to schoo, you are as short sited as your mother when she decided to marry your stupid father. How come u are only one not to see Boko is financed by the WEST bc all they wanted was for us to get to this stage to have to eg themn for intervention so they can have access to our oil and find place to export their products from china?? Very soon our currency will change to Nigerian Dollars, see what they spured in Rwanda and they later said "it's Rwandans killing Rwandans", see how they brought Lybia down whose GPA was above the US, they did it to Ivory Coast but when they got to Equatorial Guinea, Theodoro Obiang warned them that he was not complaining. They made Kabilla oF RDC to stab his own dad, was crowned the king by noon and till today, Congo knows no rest, becos of tnhe huge gold and diamond in the CAR, see how they humiliated Bozizze.
      The guys sponsoring Boko are top mnilitary officials getting support from the WEST. We need to tap from their calls to accounts of all their relatives and whores world wide. That is the only means.
      US is going to start opening fire on us bc they are fishing Boko? Howmany years did the war in Afganistan last before they saw Ossama? Why did they not show us his body like Sadam's or Kadaffi's?

    6. Abeg go and seat down mis sunshine!!!! So you prefer the killings and abductions continue and escalate abi? If you had a serious and decisive C in C, who had taken action when necessary, would things have deteriorated to this stage?? All you conspiracy theorists should please have several seats abeg!!!

    7. Nigerians are really funny people. They read meaning into everything America does, should I say its jealousy or just plain stupidity. First it was when Agbani Darego won miss world, I was a little kid then but I remember people talking about how she didn't really deserve it but thah it was just a ploy to get Nigerian oil. Before then, we've been exporting oil, after then we are still exporting oil, no hidden story to it.....
      Now its US giving us some of their men to help find the missing girls and people are already screaming they aren't doing this for love but cos of what they want to get from us, why don't we all say thank you and leave it at that at least for now till they prove otherwise.

  2. Gheghen pentagon....BH better start relocating oo...Surely dia is a God


  4. Good idea.


  5. At what price? Cos I know the US no dey put mouth where there's nothing to gain.

    Click my name for all your celebration cakes n cupcakes, cheers

    1. Wateva it is they will gain,atleast there will be peace in the land....

    2. Thank u sweetheart......I can't believe people can't see US for whom they are.nothing good will come out of this....naija would go backward for sure

    3. And who told u they aren't gaining already. Our own is to bring back the girls nd bring boko haram to justice, they must face d ICC....

    4. There are some Nigerians that are US citizens...if America gains we still call it a win win situation. Most important thing here is to rescue those girls and cut down BOKO HARAM's terror. God bless Nigeria, God bless USA

    5. Naija is backward already. He that is down, needs fear no fall.

    6. Who cares if they stand to gain? Afterall, nothing goes for nothing! As we don dey so, wetin we dey gain? Let them have the oil if they please. All we ask is for some normalcy our government clearly cannot give us.

    7. Didn't you read that they didn't send rescue team. Its all aboutdestroying

  6. Ok!
    Next pls

  7. ''Won't include rescue Mission Personnel'' ???

    What is worth doing@ all isn't worth doing well?

    1. U done see am na. Half loaf is better than none, their soldiers no wan die for 9ja soil. So we should manage the help them offering.

  8. Lets kp our fingers crossed.God pls hv mercy on me.

  9. Whoop!! Such a relief! God please go with them nd direct their way.Amen meanwhile I heard those guys are so cute and hot..*RME

  10. This is wonderful news! By the Grace of God the girls would be brought back alive. I pray for God's wisdom over Jonathan. I have not lost hope in him neither should U... Nonso

  11. Me ill say thank God,nothing the American government can do to us that our leaders haven't done worse,if they wanna take the oil fine, if that will gaurantee our safety in this country, since our safety is now a luxury that can only be afforded by the rich.ill say it is a welcome development

    1. As long as u know its not free of charge

  12. Me ill say thank God,nothing the American government can do to us that our leaders haven't done worse,if they wanna take the oil fine, if that will gaurantee our safety in this country, since our safety is now a luxury that can only be afforded by the rich.ill say it is a welcome development

  13. Cassandra baby7 May 2014 at 18:10

    Nice one,,,,God we thank U oooo,,dalu nnam bi n'eluigwe

  14. Beautiful development!
    I hope they build a BASE in Nigeria.


    1. Build a Base and further attract the attention of the enemies of the States' to 9ja? Haba..........#thinkwiceBiko

      I don't Blame you sha, because your fatt ass isn't sited here in 9ja, you can wish for anything.#Mtchew

    2. Base ke? Abeg I no support that one.

    3. Yomslaw shut your loosed mouth asap!!! What right do you have to insult someone's opinion. I don't blame you too because your fat less ass is tied down wherever you are! Such nerve #hiss.
      You sit in front of your PC/phone/tablet and write up trash. That's why you have the nerve to. Note mind how you address people!!!
      Sometimes I think we deserve the kinda treatment we get in Nigeria from our Govt/leaders. #pissed

    4. This boy with the never closing mouth, do you have to insult to state your point. Phgurl

  15. Ok so what's the catch? What in it for them?

    1. Exactly, trust oyinbo man

  16. We are grateful for their help but we know America don't do cheap business. Matter of fact let them take our oil as long as peace reign in Nigeria.

  17. Stella is dat supose to be a question?..biko let's rejoice beta peeps don land...#bring back our girls or die by fire#

  18. it's obvious Gej can't do it alone anymore, I think it's a blessing. Although USA doesn't help without hidden motives, what can we do?

  19. BH you assholes better run as fast as you can cos no matter where you run to or hide #Americawillknow.

  20. The idea is simple, they will get the intelligence( information needed) but they will not be doing the dirty work, i.e rescuing the girls. We can do that on our own and if we mess it up, no wahala. Thank you sha.

  21. I hope our security agents will work hand in hand with them and not hold anything back. So that this mystery will be solved ones and for all. Like seriously over 300 killed again in over 3hrs raid? Something is not right.

  22. Who is this one asking at what prize??? Will you rather people continue to get killed? So insensitive! even if you have not lost any family member must you be so insensitive? Mtcheeeew. We need solution! We need help!

    1. And u don't know the difference between "price" and "price" ? Madam sensitive, mtcheeeew!

      You obviously haven't a clue how the white man operates.

  23. I would say thank God but no rescue mission personnel?
    Well @least we r making progress

  24. I will say Bless God, as for those asking whats in it for them, the US cannot be worse than our own people and they treat embezzlement with plenty caution. Thank you Obama.
    As for the BH guys be warned Jack Bauer truly is in town... ghenghen

  25. What gives you the assurance that US is not behind BH. Morons you know nothing about international politics.

    1. Idiot, u re d biggest moron to even say that @anon 7:54PM, I can see how much u know about internation politics, stupid idiot.

    2. International*

  26. Some pple are happy abi just wait n see BKH strike more I weep for my country nigeria cos by the time dey start to bomb every state in nigeria it will too ? Is the nigeria troops that are outside for peace keeping mission what are they doing there?

  27. Won't include rescue mission,and team will be based in US embassy?huh?then they didn't come to help us but safeguard their citizens and embassy!we don't need advise',what we need is more hands on deck to fight these terrorists!and to think Obama is African and doing this..hmm maybe they want us to make an offer first.this issue will lead to what I was speculating:'a Greek gift!#fingers crossed#
    Nigerian should know it's only God dat can help us o!

    1. Tank u,only u get d point

    2. Q.B, I must say this.....u are smart. Most people didn't even notice that

  28. Thank God.... At least we can now sleep with our 2eyes closed..

  29. This news is pleasing to my ear.
    whatever their price, I don't care. As long as peace can reign, the blood suckers and evil terrorists can be wiped out. oh! I pray!

  30. U ppl dnt get d point....look again nd see that it says it wont include rescue mission...

    1. Lol @ some comments saying no rescue personnel on mission... what were you thinking??? An American to die for you? Think again. It's our fight not theirs. We need their Intelligence gathering and information that's all. We got our military to go on the rescue mission.

    2. Its better, I think d Nigerian soldiers shld do d rescue, they shld jus do d intelligence report. I wonder what people want? Its so obvious that d Nigerian govt is clueless about ds boko haram nonsense, shld they sit back n watch Nigeria go down cause they are clueless? I don't understand a lot of people on ds blog and in Nigeria generally. If they don't do anything about it d same people complain, now d govt is doing something about it, d same people are still complaining. Na wa oh, how them want take satisfy Nigerians? Yomslaw na to talk with ur wide mouth n uncountable teeth u sabi do!!! Come out n do small intelligence n rescue work na, is it to sit behind ur China phone n comment nonsense? Abeg Nigerians shld take a chill pill n pray things turns out well, as 4 me n my household we are positive abouts this.

  31. It just goes to show the incompetence of our government us needing another. Country's military to do what we d acclaimed giant's of Africa should be capable of....... what a disappointment.......

  32. We appreciate the help but when they finish helping us they should pack their load and go

  33. You people don't understand what they meant by not including rescue mission. They are being careful not to be forward and help to destroy BH directly so the best way is to empower Nigeria counterpart with technological and tactical assistances in recovering those innocent girls. I hope those girls are not hurt in the process of recovery

  34. Y am I not comfortable wit dis arrangement? Bcos USA only work inn countries wia they seek 2 gain a lot 4rm. Watch out Nija

    1. So as you dey so, wetin u dey gain from Naija? Its the price we have to pay for refusing to get it right

  35. This is da best news I've eva heard since jona became president in dis country.. Wat eva thing dey will do to make peace reign let dem do it no matter da price dat is involved... Cos. Jona is capacable of anything.

  36. U people screaming "US should help us, we don't care the prize"...should check the history of US various interventions...and d current conditions of those countries. They (US govt) always leave these countries worse than they met them. They will give u d food u want...but cut off ur hands in return, so that u will never be useful without them (US govt) again. Who wants to bet this?

    1. Yea yea, oilprince, no worry, ur oil is safe. They have not com to temper with your oil.

  37. Whatever, whichever, however dem US wanna do it, wether dem take over 9ja govt i care less.So long as they can help salvage boko haram's terror. As if our so called leaders hasn't stripped us of all our supposed rightful needs/amenities. Whatever the US wants in return for intelligence provided they should take. If our govt had done d needful/d good sense to equip/train the nations security forces we wouldn't have called for assistance anyways.

  38. No wonder some of y'all see sickness and you sit and say someone juju you. No seeking to go to the doctor to get cure, drinking all kinds of 'remedy' until you drop dead with your belief in juju.

    Imagine the virus that BH is in the country and now assistance is being given and yet some are still complaining. You don't think the loved ones of all those who have been killed innocently deserve justice? It's only because those finding fault are not the ones who have been directly affected by this insatiable virus that is BH.

    Some of you want to baby BH and have sat back and watched attacks after attacks for over a year with no move to wipe them out from the country. Now they are bigger and stronger and have hostages, in the form of these young girls and now you complaining about the US and their reputation. What was the Nigerian military doing all these years to make sure things did not escalate to this critical level? All Nigerians are responsible for aiding the growth of these agents of Satan when you sit back and say nothing, do nothing, or demand nothing of your government to protect your people, you are also at fault in this. Accept the outside help, or go join the military yourselves and help in the rescue and combat mission. I am sure the military is accepting draft.

  39. Now they are here i hope dy knw whn to back out. no be say na dm we go kon dey fight mk dem leave. oh God help Nigeria!

  40. Yomslaw I want you to apply caution on this blog.....the way u derive pleasure in insulting people is terrible. You are so are terribly careful.don't overdo the insults on others


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