Stella Dimoko Chibok Abductions - Nigerian Army Mobilises For Sambisa Forest


Friday, May 02, 2014

Chibok Abductions - Nigerian Army Mobilises For Sambisa Forest

SEVENTEEN days after 234 students of the Government Girls Secondary School Chibok, Borno State, were abducted by Boko Haram terrorists and the public outcry that have continued to greet the alleged uncoordinated approach of the security agents to rescue them, a major military operation is set to commence as four different battalions, a little more than a Brigade of the Nigerian Army, have been mobilised. - 

It was gathered that the battalions that will storm Sambisa forest are taking positions around all the access routes into the notorious forest.
The battalions comprised all formations of the Army, including those from Signals Corps, Armoured Corps, Ordinance Corps, Intelligence Corps, Infantry Corps, Artillery Corps, Military Police Corps and the Medical Corps.
Also, fighter jets of the Nigerian Air Force and Police surveillance helicopters have been mobilised and are waiting for the command to begin the joint security operations for rescue efforts of the girls.
The battalions are said to have been positioned in the North, South, East and West of the Sambisa forest so that when the troops move in from all the angles, there will be no escape route for the terrorists.
Owing to the possibily of encountering bobby traps, land mines, ambush and other unknown traps, it was gathered that Air Force fighter aircraft, helicopter gunships and Police surveillance helicopters would carry out round-the-clock missions.
Aircraft and land equipment including air ambulances, vehicles with mobile medical facilities and a considerable number of medical personnel, are said to have been deployed for the operation to ensure that casualties, if any, are quickly attended to when necessary.
Launching offensive
It was gathered that since the forest shares borders with towns in Adamawa, Yobe, Borno and Cameroon, the different battalions would each launch their offensive from these locations.
Vanguard was further told under condition of anonymity, that because of the high caliber nature of the arms and explosives in the hands of the terrorists, the Federal Government had made available to the security forces night vision equipment.
In this regards, specially trained counter terrorist units, anti bomb discovery units, the K 9 Dog units of the Army and the Police, the landmines unit of the army and other specialised units of other security agencies are all involved in this operation.

Speaking on insinuations that most of the girls may have been moved to Chad, Cameroon or abroad by the terrorists, the security source said: “Let us wait and see.
“All I can tell you is that since the incident happened, the borders close to Sambisa have been fortified and a lot of cordon and search operation has been going on. How they would have moved the girls abroad will be a mystery.”

When Vanguard expressed apprehension that a major military intervention involving air bombardments will lead to killing of the girls, the source said: “It doesn’t necessarily follow.
“On the contrary, the terrorists are afraid. They will be fighting to save their own lives. Many of them are cowards who cannot stand the army, that’s why they look for soft targets.


  1. Good one. But too much info made available is still not good. We don't need to know their modus operandi in rescuing the girls so that their counter attacks will not lead to plenty casualties of our men. May God be with them as they advance to the sambisa forest.

  2. And why are they giving out this information?...isn't it suppose to be confidential???..

    1. i wonder that we would applaud them,bah?? Bring the girls back,first.

    2. Maybe because they want them to be ready

    3. Too much information, as if bh dont have access to internets and t.v.

  3. All we are saying #BringBackOurGirls

  4. Anty stella,please use ur anty brain small nao, you cry everyday for the missing girls $ u come to ur blog to give detailed info on how the govt wants to rescue to girls! Are u for or againt the rescue$cry of those girl??????? PLEASE stop giving info as regards the missing girls. This isn't needed. You can have meetings with ur other bloggers so such info could be taking away from here so the socalled bokoharam won't have added informations $ thanks to u pple. Say something positive $ not informative as regrds this topic $ the govt I beg of you.#temmy#

    1. You didn't notice it was culled from vanguard? Please read thru agai and blame who ever divulged such.iformation to the general public

    2. ur a profound idiot...was it stella that interviewed dem n brought it to her peeps jus read n dnt understand?? Ddnt u see d part where she mentioned ''Vanguard''?? wot diff wud bringn it on here make wen d said interview was published on a national newspaper??pls always use ur brain..fool,u jus got me angry dz early morn'g..u telln ha to use her ''aunty brain''..idi

    3. Next tym pls try stay in class, can't u read or is it a must to comment. Infact we tend to throw our manners cos we r behind d keyboard

    4. Next tym pls try stay in class, can't u read or is it a must to comment. Infact we tend to throw our manners cos we r behind d keyboard

  5. These info isn't necessary.... All they need to tell us are they would send in military troup in there.. Not giving us every single detail because the terrorist would now plan ahead... Nigerian need to learn... Osama was taken unaware... Until he was caught,much details wasn't shared

  6. This article shows the problem with Nigeria. its a secret operation yet we are reading about it. We need to acknowledge that this battle is beyond us, and seek for outside help.

  7. How can the army and co announce they are going in, they have alerted them on their mission and definitely boko haram militants will be ready and waiting for them. When Osama bin laden was killed , the mission to kill him was not made public. We woke up one morning to the news. It shows how unserious the Nigerian govt is. What an annoying story. When you want to fight an enemy you dont go announcing your mission. Foolish people. Mrs O.

  8. Stella, such matters especially security details of the army n how they're planning to launch an attack on BH members in Sambisa forest shouldn't be on blogs and the pages of the newspapers. You're only aiding BH unconsciously cos uve empowered them with this info

  9. Shyly and Linda! Thank you oh cuz I tire for these daft people.

  10. Information like this should not be to the public, look @ the case of bin laden till he was capture and killed. The world never heard about it till is death.

  11. This is what i hate! A saboteur has leaked sensitive info about a military op and vanguard has the guts to report it! Later when said op fails they will say the military is incompetent and jeg is clueless! May God help this nation

  12. These people. Just blab,when dey talk like this,they only carry out the rescue in their. Head,if they really want to rescue those girls they would be discreet and boom they will stike

  13. Naija na wa 4 una o.shey d people dey won go attack go wait 4 dem afta all dis confdential infos#naija and dia fake show off

  14. Cos the media asked too many questions . Am really afraid for the poor girls, God pz lead them in this battle. After this mission, the Army shld pz flush out all these useless politicians nd put all of them in jail, bloodd thirsty leaders. @ this point we are no country in d world wud sanction nNigeria if d Military takes over.. Who isn't tired of those FOOLS. Stella post ds comment, am rilly angry and want to rant on.

  15. Abi o, dis nigerian army sef. It shld be a surprise attack now they don't need to give so much info out o. If truly dey are goin dere to save the girls oloun eleda eledumare to ni aye ati orun afun yin se o. Amin. If not I reserve my comments till later

  16. Very d terrorist can plot their attack and escape strategy properly. Don't we have stealth commandos who can get this job done without the public knowledge. After getting this info what stops them (boko haram) from using these girls as defence walls anyway...cos dat may be d primary reason of the kidnap in d first place.

  17. Is it me or does anyone here also tink dis is a whole lot of information to b released on the Internet before the supposed attack?? surely this Pple must have access to the Internet and you have already given them your battle plan firsthand, howz dat supposed to "werk" for you?? Nyway dats just me thinking aloud,, I do dat alot.. buh wat do I knw.

  18. When the U.S. government launched the operation to capture Osama bin laden, there was no announcement. Nobody heard anything until the operation was successful; I don't know the reason for this broadcast. Is it for the terrorist group and their supporters to plan their escape?
    Father in heaven, please send confusion into the camp of these terrorists, and let these girls be rescued alive, Amen.


    1. Thank you Stella for enlightening them.

    2. Stella you self follow, you people ask for info, they have given you info. If they don't Gej is clueless what do you people want?

    3. Stella o! Lol @hopefully they can't read! All those blaming Stella for posting this, it's already in the public domain!

      I say, about time! It took them long enough to pull their thumbs out of their mouths! Only thing is, they have divulged too much info. They might as well have included exact dates and time!

      On the other hand, this could be a decoy. I don't want to believe our elite forces are this daft!
      Time will tell.

    4. Me am confused o, all this names of forces here do we actually have them? Abi they are trying to act 24 for us

    5. Abeg Aunty Stella Ur defence is cheap!! They can't read,as U claim,but their sponsors can!!!

    6. Stella u nor ask? We ask 4 d safe return of the girls not some aeroplane location. Give details of ur mission only when it's done whether successful or not. Dis is part of the clueless d people re talking about. There is a huge diff Btw I am goin 2 n I did n dis is d result. I did n dis is d result is wat we want not I am goin 2.

  20. Too much info revealed,mumus,i believe those people have even left that place to another country,theu are very smart too,see how they revealed all the information, mumus,when Osama was killed it was coded

  21. #YIMU. You are about to carry out a rescue operation and you're giving out info on your modus operandi?? They must think us idiots.

  22. This is what Nigerians want abi? We should pray 4 no girl 2 be in there because they will be killed. Instead of u Nigerians 2 pray and allow the govt mk der plans, u re busy abusing n poluting everywhere. God please save those girls 4 d sake of the mothers.

  23. ohhhh! what the hell is wrong with this country???

    This is supposed to be a silent operation for good end result. why spill before action????

    or they think these guys don't have access to media?

    I wont be surprised at the outcome of this move.

    Stella, shebi it was just yesterday or the day before, you made a post on 'not revealing your plans till they are executed'

    people no just dey hear word.

    Abeg I don taya for Naija.

  24. Big lie! The leaders should stop deceiving us...

  25. Godwin, that's wat I think but people like Qutie will say Gej is not doing anything about it, he is partying and drinking tombo. This kind of info should be classified not in the news for ignorant people.

  26. Stupid people and they are making it public and as they are mobilising so are the BH. Failed set of people.

  27. Even the SEALS that took out Bin Laden weren't aware of their mission until the last minute. Now its as good as you telling Boko Haram that the army is planning an offensive. Wen mission fails, you blame security forces whereas you just acted against the government as a revealin all this crap on your blog. Take precaution wen posting..this issue is meant to be top secret.

  28. Too much information. Which means all na lie. Am sure it is USA intelligence that gave them this and they put it out to d public so that they would be defected. They might even not go sef. All na wash.

  29. What if I tell u guys that the arrmy are fooling us??? That they aint going nowhere? Where in this world have u heard of imfos such as this made public? I put it to u guys that Jonah and co are decieving the nation.

    1. God bless you... That's my thoughts too. They are going no where.. They want to make us believe al hands are on deck while the opposite is the case... So next week,they will tell us they went there and boko harams were more prepared than them and they had to retreat..

      Nigeria govt is just playing with our brains and gullible people are falling for it....

  30. This is just the regular formation for any war. I believe there are secret details which will not be divulged to the public. The Army is not as stupid as most of you are thinking.


  31. I am now convinced that these people are not serious. They are sending a warning to Boko harram 'vacate Sambisa forest! or make a fool of the Nigerian army'

  32. Common sense dem no get,why publicize this or they think bh members don't have sense to counter their attack,una stupid no be small.

  33. This should be a secret for now! Sigh!

  34. this info is just to tell Boko Haram to change location. I guess the army is scared and is just giving info that they won't carry out the operation. Ndi uchu

  35. Anon among all the people commenting,you had to call my name.. Anyway,they can tell us they are sending troops to get out girls but not telling us how they will operate...

    I think this is just a sham to make us believe they are going to do something about it thereby alerting the BH and giving them a cause to counter their own modus operandi...

    Now this is my opinion. You are entitled to yours

  36. this info is just to tell Boko Haram to change location. I guess the army is scared and is just giving info that they won't carry out the operation. Ndi uchu

  37. Aunty stella you shud not av put ds up on ur blog. This is anoda way of having dose boko pple re-inforce. So sad!!!

  38. As much as we Nigerians keep complaining that we need action and info;I personally think the above one listed is way too much and is like giving someone an Examination and placing the answer for them at same time..common;these people are not illitrates as being portrayed and are very much learned than almost all of us..ask urself this;can u produce a bullet for a toy gun no matter how far u ve studied?? And these people produce all kind of bomb and different ammunitions and we keep deceiving ourselves that they are after western education or whateva.Gosh;they don't need any f**cking education but power..this is such a mystery but I can tell u that with the info provided now;they will go for their PLAN B..let's just be careful!!!!!

  39. Am I the only one who thinks that there are no missing girls? There has been a lot of inconsistencies in the story since the girls were "allegedly" kidnapped. 1) How come nobody has dimmed it fit to interview at least ONE of the girls who escaped from their abductors? 2) Why did it take the state Govt almost 3weeks to recant the missing number from 234 to 276? 3) Is it that there are no records in the school to ascertain the amount of students missing? 4) Since I read this news online, I have not read that the parents of the supposed victims were interviewed! Why will the school authority say that the are not certain abt the number missing 'unless' more parents come to report their kids missing? It's just my thoughts o(b4 pple E-slap me), but I feel that someone somewhere is playing on the emotion and intelligence of Nigerians. They want to make the president look very bad. And I have a feeling that these girls(if at all they went missing) will never be returned. I also feel that only the number of girls that escaped were actually the number of girls kidnapped. As I said, these are just my thoughts. I may be right or wrong.

    1. You made sense Nwa beke.
      Let's wait and see how things play out. Anything is possible in Nigeria.

  40. if you ask me, I would advice they don't make their plans known. The US army captured and killed Osama Bin Laden, no one knew until he was killed, so GEJ keep your plans close to your chest.

  41. God will protect them on this battle. They will conquer n our victory shall be to the Glory of God.

  42. Smh. Humans can never be satisfied.
    Seriously peeps you think security personnel are this daft? Give them so credit biko. This is a misleading info.

  43. @last woman standing,dat is exactly what I was thinking o,how can they give out so much info?its looking like a propaganda already!well if it isn't,then I wish them luck!

  44. Well, i think this shd be a "covert/clandestine" action! Viz details made public could put them at risk!
    May God be with them!

  45. Godwin uche, u're so right....Nigeria wil never learn.

  46. Mtcheeew. They just want to mobilise now that the girls have been moved out of Nigeria??…Mtcheeeew.

  47. You people are saying it's too much information right? Yet you wld be the same ones that would say Gej is doing nothing. Pray, tell me, how would he convince you all that he is doing something. You must all think it's easy for him!

    1. By telling us arrangements has been made to rescue the girls and NOT giving us every detail on how they will operate.. Even mentioned how they will block all the areas so they wouldn't escape,OMG...

  48. You all are insatiable buffoons! If they keep silent about their plans, you will CRY Jona is not doing anything! The govt doesn't care etc etc etc! Now they r mobilizing and telling people what they are doing to save the situation and you are still hurling insults at them!

    What a stiff necked lot y'all are! What do you want from them? They are humans biko! I doubt that you will do different if you were in their shoes!


  49. @Anonymous at 5:14
    Why is your life like this, your such a daft human being, who is raining insult on them, why not keep stinking mouth if you don't ve something reasonable to contribute to the growth of mankind

  50. It is rather unfortunate that the Army's strategy has been publicised on your blog like this. It is the height of irresponsibility. It makes one wonder if we really want our girls safely recovered?? Please exercise calculated discretion and a bit of common sense. This is really sad and i would suggest that if you cannot help via your blog, then don't make matters worse. Those girls deserve all the help they can get. Don't ruin their chances. PLEASE!


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