Stella Dimoko PDP Governors Give Conditions For Backing GEJ's 2015 Ambition...What's Your Take?


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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

PDP Governors Give Conditions For Backing GEJ's 2015 Ambition...What's Your Take?

 The Nation Writes that Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governors have given three conditions to back President Goodluck Jonathan’s yet-unannounced re-election bid…..very funny right?

The whispered conditions are:
•allowing outgoing governors to choose their successors;
•automatic second term tickets for those running first term in office; and
•automatic senatorial seats for governors aspiring to be in the Senate.

Although Jonathan is set to emerge the sole presidential candidate of the PDP, all is not well within the party on how to meet the demands of the governors.
Some of the governors are threatening protest votes in their states if they are not allowed to have their way.
PDP National Chairman Adamu Muazu is said to be battling to manage the situation.
Muazu, who is opposed to automatic tickets, has to devise means of accommodating the agitation of the governors.

Nigeria has 36 states and PDP has 18 governors out of the 36.

Some of the governors believed to have senatorial ambition in 2015 or being prevailed upon to go to the upper chamber are

 Liyel Imoke of Cross River; 
Theodore Orji (Abia); 
Godswill Akpabio (Akwa Ibom) ; 
Sullivan Chime (Enugu); 
Martins Elechi (Ebonyi); 
Gabriel Suswam (Benue); 
Emmanuel Uduaghan (Delta);
 Babangida Aliyu(Niger); 
Ibrahim Shema (Katsina); 
Saidu Dakingari (Kebbi); 
Jonah Jang(Plateau);
 Isa Yuguda(Bauchi)

The governors seeking second term are

 Henry Seriake Dickson(Bayelsa); 
Ramalan Yero(Kaduna); 
Ibrahim Dankwabo (Gombe); 
Idris Wada( Kogi)- 
; Acting Governor Garba Umar ( Taraba);
There has been disquiet in the party on the demands of the governors.

what do you think about these demands?
From the list you have seen above…….should these conditions be met by Mr President.

We all know he is going for another term even though he has not announced his ambition….yet.


  1. WTF! Des pple do not want to leave us? Since they have arranged it like this. There is no need for election

    1. Aswear, No need 4 election o.....immagine d list sef

  2. I weep sorrowfully for my motherland....Nigeriaaaa???....I beg we need revolution....enough is enough....Haba....the governors Wey no do anything for their states will go and be senators again and they will have immunity from EFCC again....haaaaaaa kilo de de ke.....

    1. Oya start the revolution i am behind you

    2. Revolution revolution all d time. Most of u insisting on revolution lives in foreign lands. U will all be over there talking revolution. Smh.

  3. I didn't bother to finish the terms and conditions stated by the governors after I read the bit where they asked to be able to pick their successors after their term. I say utter rubbish and nonsense. Wtf??

    This is why Nigeria will never progress, when these fools think that they have a right to the office they occupied after their tenure. In simple terms godfatherism continua.. Which is the major problem that is facing GEJ himself today. The OBJ saga was as a result of this. Is it their father's inheritance or their family throne?

    This is a government by the people for the gademn people. A.k.a demo.. fucking... cracy.. in simple terms. am amazed that they can even make this public, this is an embarrassment to the entire nation. I am more apppalled that it's open for debate. Oh my God!!! Where did the heroes from time past go wrong? They must be moving in their graves. I know GEJ will concede with them because he's desperate for their support. I don't even know what to say again. This is disheartening.

    1. You've said it alllllll

    2. Yes,its clear they are capitalising on his desperation dats why dey are putting out their own terms!and they know they are the only hope he has,its their opportunity to hit him now too,i won't be surprised if some of them start defecting to APC after now cos their wants' ain't met!kai these pple have finished dis country.come to think of it,seee how they are asking to choose their successors,had to pinch myself to be sure dat:isnt there supposed to be an election?ha!these PDP pple have crowned themselves alpha and omega in country,its either one align himself or gerrout the way.

    3. But must he come back? To do what ? What special thing does he have to offer that he has not done all these years? Some1 who wants to work doesn't need all the yrs.Why can't he. Step down? What is in this. Thing call power? GOD I cry 4 my Country .

  4. I have come back again. Stella let's not deceive ourselves, we all know GEJ is up for second term. And quite honestly I do not have a problem with that. As I can't even think of any one who can mount that office right now. However, if we practiced true democracy like everyone else, there are loads of competent people that can emerge as president only if Nigerians practice free and fair elections. And Interestingly, the annulled June 12 elections during IBB has been said to be the most fairest election in the history of Nigeria. Followed by the last general elections that put GEJ into power. Although there was rigging but not as much. But unfortunately today, the competent ones who can rule better cannot stand the chance because politics in Nigeria is not about individual merits and demerits. So let's not even waste time debating this aspect. But within the recycled fools that we are managing, right now GEJ seems to be the only 'fairest of all' that can continue till the next term. Nnamadi Sambo seems non existent because I hardly remember the man or the seat of VP. GEJ is being strategic, I think because of that is the last thing they would like to hear now...his declaration for 2015.
    I suspect that the day GEJ makes it public or starts to campaign officially, that BH will bomb like crazy. Sad but true. Let's watch tho.

    1. You actually just reminded me of namadi. .forgot we have a Vp. .The man is just a figure head leaving only Gej with naijas problems.

    2. Ah ah true talk. Gbam@ Sisi

  5. When will votes start counting in Nigeria? In a sane world who talks about successors as a condition of backing an aspirant for an election.SMH

  6. They are bold enough to request for positions. We live in a democratic society

  7. This is jes 2 show u guyz dt ur votes are not worth more than a chickens left a55. Nigeria is all abt godfatherism. Copied????


  8. RCA is coming back to PDP n he's going for Senate.

  9. The senate has now become a dumping ground for governor. Most of whom did not even lift a shovel in their respective states, just a few of them did well like Obong, Sullivan and Imoke........the rest i really don't know.
    The senate should not become a dumping ground for ex governors. Very selfish people.


  10. The senate has now become a dumping ground for governor. Most of whom did not even lift a shovel in their respective states, just a few of them did well like Obong, Sullivan and Imoke........the rest i really don't know.
    The senate should not become a dumping ground for ex governors. Very selfish people.


  11. Gej is desperate im afraid he is going to accept those conditions,they are looking for war and bloodshed,if people vote dont count,people will kill.thank God my state is APC,pdp is dead and buried in my state.

  12. Dis r d ppl sponsorinq bh. Some of u hv been sayinq d solution to d prob of insecurity is 2 split 4qettinq dat corruption is one cankerworm dat has eaten deep into d fabrics of dis country. N just like insecurity itz also a major challenqe dat needs aqqressive measures 2tackle. Corruption has since threatened our existence as a nation. Therefore we will address it aqqressively by prayinq that God shud kill all dos who say niqeria is their family inheritance. Wat is a man livinq witout d basic necessities of life? Isnt d dead beta? God pls quench all of them. Bcoz we hv rejected them n d voice of d ppl r d voice of God!

  13. This is interesting. And they are not even ashamed to make these demands. Why then do we have to go and register for 2015 election? Well I have made up my mind not to cast one single vote for anybody cos the one I did with my heart, I have not seen any positive change whatsoever. I seriously weep for this country. They don't even know whether they will be alive tomorrow and they have already planned their future to the detriment of the entire country and citizens. Let them keep recycling themselves like newspaper sheets.

  14. Naija don tire mii ohhhhh

  15. This is too greedy now haba...... and they say the youths are the leaders of tomorrow, when will tomorrow reach when our papas over 50 yrs will never leave power.
    Ok Mr President this is my own terms...
    1. I for say make you no go again for second term but am afraid of one mallam taking over& turning d whole country Muslim (we will talk about yours later)
    2. Any gov. dat has been in office for two terms SHOULD not contest for any political positions & he should not be allowed to choose his successor( no be inheritance).
    3. Sir, Please, in the next elections let youths of 35yrs and around contest so we can have fresh ideas and agility. This old men you gave us are beginning to strangle us. They want to enjoy too much b/c d feel their life is nearing the end.
    4. Do whatever is within your power to stop this killings. Invite for external help if necessary so we can always support you again next time. If you can't stop these killings then prepare to retire next year.
    5. Please Mr President always remember your GOD all hope is not lost for this country.

  16. GEJ should accept on one condition, life sentence or death sentence to corrupt officers. He is weak, he will succumb. We cant have a revolution in Nigeria, when we even find it difficult to fight on the internet, behind our phones we cants sign petitions, coming out physically is dead on arrival. Watch this thread, if we get up to 50 comments it would be a miracle.

  17. After reading this epistle,this is all I have to say... LMAO

  18. Politics in Naija ia nothing to write home abt! They've just told u that voting in this country is of no use. The moment their terms are met behind close doors, election 2015 is a mere charade. Thank God it's on vals day...I go dey house dey play luv!

  19. 1st time commenter madam SDK!
    I want to categorically state that there is nothing wrong with those demands, I mean all 3 of them! considering the nature of the people making the demands.
    But, there is EVERYTHING absolutely wrong with the youth of this nation who believe me are going to do everything humanly possible to ensure that these demands are met!
    Someone will ask how?
    1. Many of them will not register to vote.
    2. Those that will register will still vote the ex-govs into the senate and will also vote the. "Chosen ones" into the various govt houses!
    3. Haven done this ignoble act on the election days, the elected personel, they will start their own ignoble acts in office.
    4. Then the same youths will start complaining and calling for a revolution!
    A classic case of doing the same thing and expecting a different result #silly
    For those currently calling for a revolution, we must learn from the Arabs, yes they called and actually revolted but it hasnt gotten them very far afterwards.
    The smart revolution is to vote right #shikena
    Whether the right candidate is contesting on the platform of an unpopular party, APC or PDP, whether the right candidate is popular or not, the faucet origo or chosen religion, all of which shouldnt matter.
    Some are sent to cloud 9 when they hear of the candidates numerous degrees (which doesnt actually mean the person is educated BTW).
    I pray to my father above to grant us the ability to research deeply about the aspirants (esp. the unpopular ones) and above all things the ability to vote right.

  20. Selfish,arrogant ,myopic,wicked leaders! I culd go on and on buh wt use s t?#sighs. EVE E UME

  21. Pick a successor? Na your papa get Government House? Godswill Akpabio be careful before God strikes you dead!

  22. Democracy....NO
    Demonstration of craze.....YES

    Crazy,,, wicked leaders.....
    Anon 9:51am...easier said....what makes you think our votes count at all???the election is just a process and nothing more than that because even before the election,,the winners are already known,,,even the ones who lose the elections already know that every thing is staged and have even accepted to ACT as losers....what a pity!!!

  23. Nonsense! an insult on the word 'democracy'. In fact i am tired of our political issues, it is depressing!

  24. No need of making noise on cyber. Go and register for any party of your choice,day of election vote and make sure you are there when your votes are counted, if 80% of Nigeria youths follow this simple instruction things will change and that is the best revolution. If you say you don't care then no need coming to blogs to complain about lack of jobs,security,electricity. Jonathan and co should be shown the exit door he is BADLUCK to Nigeria and my generation PERIOD.

  25. I hate this fools that want to die in government! Greedy pigs!

  26. They have put so much hunger in the people that they accept any rubbish.please the youths should come and stand up to their country and wot is right and stop all this bullshit that they are doing or better still the military sud come back cus this so call democracy is not working for us.all we are doing is looting,bribing n corruption.

  27. Senior members of a 'Democratic' Party, demanding for automatic tickets; what a contradiction in terms. Corruption has so eaten deep into these men they have become impervious to shame and common sense.


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