Stella Dimoko Marriage Poser On April First...


Thursday, April 03, 2014

Marriage Poser On April First...

At a table in a candle-lit restaurant, a man and woman were having dinner, and the following conversation ensued:

Man: Angel, i love you, will you please marry me?

Woman: (stands up and lands a stinging slap on his face) ''I have waited more than 9 years, i have prayed, fasted, sowed seeds, bought books and listened to tapes, even went out of my way to be nice to every male specie of marriageable age!

I took up new hobbies, watching football and play station. I went to Daystar, from Daystar, i went to House on the Rock, from House on the rock i went to Guiding Light Assembly, Prognosis Christian Centre int'l, MFM, Christ Embassy, Redeemed, from there i went to this present Winners looking everywhere for you.
I went from a size 14 to a size 10, so that when you see me you would love what you see. I left Lagos, went to Abuja, from Abuja i went to Port- Harcourt, then i went all the way to Kano i joined hi-five, from hi-five to Face book, then i went to twitter, i even had a blog on which i ranted, hoping you would show up! For where? I uploaded only my best pictures on Face book, in fact i took photo sessions to look my best, all for you! I attended all the weddings, whether the invitation was direct or indirect!

The next place i was hoping to check was the moon, before you crawled out, crawled out from the house directly next to mine! 
....So it was you all this while. The neighbour i said hello to every morning. Were you trying to destroy my faith? You almost rendered my prayer life useless. What were you waiting for? What sign where you looking for? Did you want to kill me before you revealed yourself?!!!
Now be a gentleman, get down on your knees and put that ring on my finger. 

The Guy replied: APRIL FOOL!

*A lot of men propose to their women and then go cold on them without a reason...April fool does not just happen on April 1st anymore,na everyday now.

Ever found yourself in this situation either as a lady or man?


  1. That's about d cruelest* April fool prank played on

    1. She would surely collapse..evils..too wicked..smh

  2. Lwkmh-o, for real? No! one person can't go all those places just 4 a hubby. Like u said stella april fool is now evryday, u just pulld one, don't bliev it.

  3. Ah! D guy own don finish oo! I go swear for in generation! That joke is way to xpensiv abeg..for som1 that has waited that long..pls playing pranks lik that aint pure abeg! I wouldn't do such nd I have not been in that kinda position b4..don't pray to ever be! @xclucivexter!

  4. Yesso!my man gave me an engagement ring on April first.av bin wearing d ring 4 3days now.i still cnt blieve it yet.its realy beautiful.i thot it was all a joke initiaLly.thot it was a toy ring.av bin avin my bath wit it nd doin dirty chores so dat it can start fading incase it is a fake dear e no gree fade o.m sooo happy.i feel lik I av d most beautiful finger in d world.

    1. Still give d ring one week

    2. You r so funny."most beautiful finger".congrats dear.

  5. She should av made good use of a table knife.
    The woman sef waka.
    Mayb d man no 1 do april fool b4 oo
    But as e recieve d slap 'tawai' e change mind.

  6. dats too disheartening for an april fool mr man.i cld imagine the disappointment on d lady's face.gosh.dats too madam keep searching bt mayb now just b urself nd stop movin frm place to place.he wil find u evn in ur toilet wen d tym s ryt.

  7. Noooooooooo! That was a cruel joke, if it ever happened! And in public too! Some jokes just go too far.

    To your question Stella. It's never happened to me. I wonder why some people find it hard to make up there their minds, though! Indecisiveness is one of my pet peeves, eish!

  8. BLOG ANALYSER: nd the moral behind the story is????. I know the writer wanted it to be a joke, however, I don't see the humour in it.

  9. Men gets scared smtyms afta d proposal..cold feets..doubts and most especially they think about their freedom. Sm women do relax sha afta collecting d engagement ring..they feel like FINALLY ,,Mrs . Smthing don sure pass for me..The point is that both parties should continue spicing up the affair if not ..??

  10. No woman will find this type funny at all.

  11. Mheeen
    dnt want dat to ever happen to me,
    my loud mouthed colleague was beaten black nd blue by agberos today. Cldnt hold back laughter wen i saw d swollen face, and she was still running her mouth ooo...she ld deal wit dem, show dem pepper bla bla...
    Serves her right, atleast person go hear word small

  12. No guy will ever try such wt me cos am a kind of lady evry guy wud want t take home to mama so if u as a guy engage me n turn arnd t say its April Fool, its ur loss nt mine. #teamnotimeforiranu

    1. And you re still single? At your age? Coming here, crying to God to give you a husband this year? Shame on you! Remember the Bible say; "it is not of him that runeth nor of him that walketh but of the Lord that showeth mercy" I hope that sinks into your brain..

  13. Hmmnnn! Its well. The "almost destroyed my faith part" touch me. My faith is gone totally

    1. Eeyah, sorry, don't worry, God remembers us when we least expect.

      Click my name for all your celebration cakes n cupcakes, Cheers

  14. Stella , it has happened to me, after he proposed, few months to wedding the guy changed o! though mine was spiritual'long story for another day' the guy told someone that he was always seeing me in a diff human form in his dream 'animal nature' u see wetin witches turn their self to? During dat period someone was always dragging my phone wit me in my dream, i know no say naa d communication btw me & d guy witches dey try break for their witch coven, naa so d guy stopped calling! Well, God pass them shall sha. my 8sisters are still hoping on God too for marriage.

    i believed the battle is over. this year is our year'Amen!. when our time reach no devil i mean even king of all demon can not stop it.

    1. My dear, the bible says "do not be ignorant of the devices of the enemies"....m"we battle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in the highest places".....
      Have you sat up? Have you decided to face the battle? Take up psalm 31 and invite God to contend against those who contend against you.
      I believe every woman is a wife. Its the woman who chooses her path, either to remain single, remain celibate or be married. No1 has the power to make that choice for you so when the devil tries, you shut him up!!!!!
      You don't need pastor or prophets, you need "you"

    2. Tnx Mrs D.

  15. Is this blog getting more boring or what? hisssssssss.

  16. Lol. EVE E UME

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  18. Itz a joke! Av seen it before..they just chipped in 'April fool'.

  19. Lol... Such a man can kill i swear down.. If such ever happens eh, the girl will need go check her BP later. Choi! Even Obasanjo won't forgive the man if he happens to be the girl...kai, wtf@APRiL FOOL.. Chukwuaju!!!


  20. Ehyah @anon 1:01 it is well, dont loose hope u hear? God is God.

    Dont blv in dis witch woreva tho',
    could be u hv a jealous spiritual husband who doesnt wanna share u wit any other man - U might need a delivance.

    In all, God ll see u thru' hunnybun!

    1. Charismatic which kind mumu u be? U don't believe in witches but believe in spiritual husband? Are they not all demonic manifestations? Na the same papa n mama born dem no diff

  21. @ anon 1:24 Ntooii ...
    kiss my claws .. meowwwww!

  22. Can't even imagine..nah die b dat. ~•.•SDK ADDICT•.•~

  23. LWKM

    kai! that woman represent me die, hahaha.
    Shuo! Na so I for do Oga hubby before snappily saying yes.

    LOL, abi SDK na me in reverse you dey talk about?
    Hehehe, who dash monkey banana.


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