Stella Dimoko Please Pray For This Blog Visitor


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Saturday, March 01, 2014

Please Pray For This Blog Visitor

I dont know what this is about but we could do with some love and prayers.....If you are this person i pray God's healing power touches you......keep hope alive!

I am sick lying in the hospital, running tests, yet the doctors here can't find what is wrong with me, i have done all test, scan, CT, etc, No specific reason y i am ill, so no medication for now.
On Tuesday, i am going in for endoscopy, hope that helps, This have been going on for almost 2 months.

I am tired of crying. I have faith that I am healed by His Words and His Grace.
Now i understand why if we wake up and can do things on our own we should never stop to thank God.

I praise God because i believe whatever my ailment, He has healed me. Health is mine.
I am sorry I came here to whine but I couldn't hold it. I don't know if i should be happy or sad but i thank God for the air I breathe every minute now.
Please take your time to praise God if u read this message, you need it. 
Love you SDK and all SDKers, even my saddest days, these blog never stops to put a smile on my face or make me lol.


  1. Replies
    1. You are healed in Jesus name.

    2. Its well with u in Jesus Name..... I will advice u say the Divine Mercy 3'o'clock prayes it really work pour all ur heart Desires and HAVE FAITH U ARE AKREADY HEALED....... U can google the 3'o'clock I am a living testimony......

    3. Medically there is someting wrong most doctors in nigeria can't diagonise easily wen a frnd had cancer they couldn't see it in nigeria blood cancer

    4. Yes. o, the 3 o'clock Divine Mercy prayer works. I don't joke with it at all. You would get your healing.

    5. Anon 10:57 and 9:18. I am a catholic but i dnt knw much abt the 3 o clock divine mercy prayer can u enlighten me more. Tnk u.

  2. Poster, ur faith will work for u n God will flush out all infirmities hidden from human eyes n make u whole again.... u will come back on d blog to testify... u r in my prayers

    1. Try taking cancer medication. If it works, then you're cancerous but if it doesn't, lucky you. Goodluck with ur tests

    2. God almighty will stretch forth his healing hands upon you and by his strips you are healed.

    3. By His stripes u re healed...He has not given u d spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind..

    4. Nne hw d thing de do you,If you ar addicted to coca cola are healed in jesus name.same happened to me but with constant prayer and taking of water frequently,I dnt feel anything anymore

  3. You are healed in Jesus name. Have faith in God, be strong. The lord is your strength.

  4. By his stripes u are healed IJN

  5. It is well with you poster.

    1. U r a survivor already. God is not asleep, he will grant u perfect healing in due course. Dnt face d problem (woteva ailment it's before u), face d one (Almighty God) who provides solution t all problem dat defies human ability. Study his word his word each day @ specific times n he will lighten d dark paths of ur life. Cheers!

  6. is well with you & by HIS stripes u are healed already. i suggest you do some midnight prayers all alone,,talk to ur creator when everyone is fast works wonders,,i can testify to this.......and start thanking God already for ur healing,,that is faith(evidence of things not seen)....yea,,,wen u think u have prayed/fasted so much and u're yet to get answers.....switch to praises.......

    1. I love ur comment @ sleekreek.. God bless u! It's well!!

    2. Nice comment sleekreek..

    3. Thank You sleekreek,with ur comment I cld guess ur a winner...I have done this so many times n on different situations n it really works.Jehovah Rapha will answer His name to ur situation dear poster n He being d doctor of all doctors,surgeon of all surgeons will take control.get well.

  7. May God heal you dear.

  8. Sorry about ur health @ poster,
    But be aware (even if u are abroad)dat whenever tests start to show nothing and u are still sick,its a spiritual attack and u need to fight it back spiritually!
    Happened to my cousin early last year,she was almost beginning to drift into comma,cant eat sit or talk,was only vomiting blood,yet d doctors couldn't see anything from hosp to hosp!we were advised to take her to a deliverance church,in 3days,she was up and well!it was unbelievable!the pastor said she was scheduled to die (from them witches calendar)but forever God is d greatest!
    NB:for all the free thinkers on this blog,that don't believe such things exist,just keep ur opinions to urself and don't come commenting rubbish on me'!tank u.

    1. Same happened to someone I know. Once you do all those tests and they see nothing, its probably spiritual.
      Just keep praying. It might be difficult for you to fast now but if you have family, you can ask them to fast for you. I also encourage the midnight/3am prayers.
      God is on the throne. So you will be healed in Jesus name

    2. Queen bee, I agree with you 100%.

      Dear poster, there's nothing that happens in the physical that hasn't been decided in the spiritual. Turn to God..

      Oluyomi Odukoya

    3. I agree with you. It may be a spiritual attack. And you need to attack spiritually too. Mountain of fire is a good place to go for deliverance.

    4. Evil arrows go back to your sender,
      witchcraft arrows go back to your sender,
      mamiwater arrows go back to sender
      evil arrows go back to your sender, in the mighty name of Jesus name

    5. God can do all things including ur healing. Its well with u Amen Amen Amen. In Jesus name settled.

  9. U r healed in Jesus Name..

  10. Awww, get well soon darl. You are healeed by His stripes and I like your faith already, God's healing will locate you and you won't even need the endoscopy anymore, amen.
    The devil is a lie.

  11. Eeyah, you r healed in the mighty name name of Jesus Christ; we shall not die but live to glorify his works.

    Click my name for all your celebration cakes n cupcakes, Cheers

  12. Get well soon, God is with you.

  13. Get well soon, God is with you.


  14. James 5:14 - Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

  15. Father lord I just want to thank u for d life of dis person, lord u sd in every situation we shud gve u thanks...lord I call on u dis min to handle every situation, we dnt care to knw whr it's coming frm n wots it's all abt, we r hopeful dat u hv made a way n a solution is here....take control o'lord.....forgive her/him of all sins, ur healing is here,ur healing is now,u r blessed!!! shout it 'say I am blessed! I am healed! I knw no pains! Thank u lord for dis one, I worship n thank u lord 'Amen!

    1. Amen !!
      God bless u poster..

  16. There's no disease that my redeemer cannot heal.the rose of sharon will visit,the shekina glory will touch you,the immortal redeemer will take your pains away,God almighty will visit you,just pray and sleep let the heavenly doctors do their work and by the time you are awake you will look for that infirmity and see it nomore.

    1. You are healed!!!!PS hope u r not taking diet a story somewia before abt that.the moment the lady stopped she got better.its well wth u

  17. Indeed health Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ wealth. Wen we all wake up each day, we shuld tank God for givinm us gud health Ω̴̩̩̩̥ keepin us alive. My dear u r healed by God's grace. U shall live to tell d testimony in U̶̲̥̅̊Ʀ life. Amen

  18. The balm of Gilead will heal you through and through.

    1. God will stretch His healing hand unto u in Jesus name

  19. It is well with you. Receive your healing in Jesus name amen! I give God praise for a healthy life.

  20. It is well with your soul
    Keep FAITH and HOPE alive
    When all else seems to fail
    God proves himself strong
    He Never fails
    May the divine healing hands of God
    Reach you wherever you are right now
    You are healed in Jesus Name!

    1. Dear Poster, I want you to know that God is by your side, he's as close as your ear is to your body. God heals, Doctors take the fee.
      You are healed in Jesus name...get up and walk!

  21. I choose to go anonymous with dis.......Early 2002....i was still an undergradute then.....i had symptoms of malaria,,so i went to d University health center for treatment....dis malaria wasnt getting better instead i was getting weaker by d day....days into d treatment,,d doctor noticed d color of my eye balls changed(jaundice)....fortunately for me,,my parents travelled and on their way back to Lag,,they decided to stop over and just say hello to me......they met me very ill in school,,so ddoctor advised them to take me to bigger hospital for proper dis time,,,i couldnt even stand on my own,,,i was too mum been a medical person and seeing how weak i was got some infusions and i was infused all the way to Lag.did i say we were stopping at intervls if i felt like throwing up and while doing dat i'll be stooling at d same cut d story short,,my parents decided to take me to General hospital,Gbagada cos my mum didnt want to do self medication......after running so many tests i was diagnosed of ACUTE RENAL kidneys were in a bad state......i watched my dad cry like a baby after he went back to d Lab and asked them to explain d test results to him becos my mum didnt want to tell him how bad and critical my condition was......but d doctor in charge of my case then in Gbagada was a christian and she just developed dis motherly love for dear,,i was meant to go for dialysis,,and probably kidney transplant.....but dis doctor refused to admit me instead she told my parents to bring me every morning.....she didnt want to prescrive drugs but my dad insisted.......she told my parents that they should start vigil and she will do same wherever she is and we would see if God will not swing into action..(i never knew doctors like dat still exist).....and that was mum will pray in tears all nite with fasting o and i prayed too on my bed even though i didnt have d strength to stand up and move around like my dad too......i tot i was going to die....but God healed me...i was going to d hospital every morning,,,doing tests every two days and gradually the test started reading normal results again..........Poster,,God is still in d bizness of doing wonders i only u believe and can pray ur way out.....i was away from school for almost 3mths then but God healed me ooo......its been 12yrs now and i have not had cause to go back to GH to complain except to say hello to my second mum (d doctor) there.....yea,,she became a part of our family since then......Poster,,,that same hand that took my infirmities away will work on your body too IJN...(sorry for d long story&d typos.....i was moved to tears when i saw d post)

    1. Hmmn ...let me comment under u as we av somethins in common.
      My sis too fell ill 2 yrs ago...abeg wat test did we nt do...I am a doctor myself n havin worked in was easy to get my consultants to see her. She saw d neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist etc...she also saw my former consultant at FMC ebute metta...all to no avail. She did brain CT, EEG, total body scans, echo, ECG N HOLTER, she did all d blood tests...including TFT n other endocrine screens...for where nothin came up...
      Her symptoms...she wl just start feelin weak al of a sudden, sometimes while playin or gistin wt u...within 10mins she wl nt be able to stand on her feet...we wl hav to carry her like dt to d hosp. ..usu starts at night n wl be so sever dt even if its 3am we av to reach hosp dt night...somtims leavin d 4 young kids at home...and wen we reach hosp all her vitals wl be mornin she wl be very strong n discharged was d most tryin period. Weneva d weakness starts...she wl always feel like she is gonna die (I actually tot of panic attacks bt she dint av any oda symptoms n it dint look like it)...
      Until she had to see one of the consultants at gbagada general hosp who agreed to look afta her bt suggested dey both took it to God in prayers. The lady asked her to fast n said she also wil fast along wt her. So most of her consultations were ofcus reviewin my sisters result n also encouraging her in the Lord.
      Dont get me wrong family has always bn prayin fr my sis even fastinsef bt comin frm the consultant takin care of her helped to allay her fears n made her faith in God stronger. My sis n d coconsultant went thru periods of fastn n prayer n before we knew it...everything fizzled out n for d past one year now she has been free of anything. Somethin dt before she had more than 3 episodes per week.
      Am just guessin it myt be same consultant u met. ...
      And now as a health professional I have learnt that I can be of help to myppatients even spiritually...only thing is I work in d UK and such things r nt allowed at al d same I wl continue to pray for my pts frm now on.

    2. Its possible its d same doctor ooo....that woman is so wonderful,,i wont like to put her name here...wen i go for appointments every morning(always with my parents)...we pray togeda abd read d scriptures and wen we are leaving she would give each of us(my mum,dad and I)bible verses to read and d following morning we will tell her what we read an what we can bring out from those verses.....she practically took our mind off d dad was always in tears(he's very emotional) while my mum was just trying to be strong for us.......i am an only child so u should imagine how my parents there was dis day...i was already getting better then....we went for an appointment that morning and after my dad parked d car...he quickly brought out his bible and was trying to "cram" his own bible mum and I started laughing at him.....we all laughed and joked about it till we entered dis doctor's office....she saw us laughing and without knowing why we were laughing...she joined us in laughing....after we settled down...she told us that while she was praying for me d night before....she asked God why we were still shedding tears anytime we came to her office.....she said she told God that if by the following morning we dont enter her office with smiles....then she will conclude that God is not ready to anwer her dear fear catch me dat day with her level of faith.....and we did not only enter her office smiling...we were actually laughing hard......that day marked the begining of God's wonders on my case ooo.......infact dat woman helped my dad and I more spiritually nd as for my mum...she just found a partner in christ in that doctor cos my mum is very spiritual too.....her faith plus d doctor's faith moved God's hands into action......
      Poster......i am believing on ur behalf that JEHOVAH RAPHA has healed you already and your healing shall be permanent IJN....d egyptians(sickness) that u see today....u shall see them no more IJN......and dis affliction shall not rise again is well...

    3. Its possible its d same doctor ooo....that woman is so wonderful,,i wont like to put her name here...wen i go for appointments every morning(always with my parents)...we pray togeda abd read d scriptures and wen we are leaving she would give each of us(my mum,dad and I)bible verses to read and d following morning we will tell her what we read an what we can bring out from those verses.....she practically took our mind off d dad was always in tears(he's very emotional) while my mum was just trying to be strong for us.......i am an only child so u should imagine how my parents there was dis day...i was already getting better then....we went for an appointment that morning and after my dad parked d car...he quickly brought out his bible and was trying to "cram" his own bible mum and I started laughing at him.....we all laughed and joked about it till we entered dis doctor's office....she saw us laughing and without knowing why we were laughing...she joined us in laughing....after we settled down...she told us that while she was praying for me d night before....she asked God why we were still shedding tears anytime we came to her office.....she said she told God that if by the following morning we dont enter her office with smiles....then she will conclude that God is not ready to anwer her dear fear catch me dat day with her level of faith.....and we did not only enter her office smiling...we were actually laughing hard......that day marked the begining of God's wonders on my case ooo.......infact dat woman helped my dad and I more spiritually nd as for my mum...she just found a partner in christ in that doctor cos my mum is very spiritual too.....her faith plus d doctor's faith moved God's hands into action......
      Poster......i am believing on ur behalf that JEHOVAH RAPHA has healed you already and your healing shall be permanent IJN....d egyptians(sickness) that u see today....u shall see them no more IJN......and dis affliction shall not rise again is well...

  22. is well with you & by HIS stripes u are healed already. i suggest you do some midnight prayers all alone,,talk to ur creator when everyone is fast works wonders,,i can testify to this.......and start thanking God already for ur healing,,that is faith(evidence of things not seen)....yea,,,wen u think u have prayed/fasted so much and u're yet to get answers.....switch to praises.......

  23. Dear poster you have no idea how your words touched me...........if you wake up every morning and can do things on your own ...........
    I pray you find healing to whatever is wrong with you.
    You are healed in Jesus name, Amen.

  24. By his scribes. You are healed.

    1. Lovelani why naw? It's "stripes" not "scribes"

    2. @ poster, My God jehovah over do will heal you in Jesus name, Amen.

  25. Hey poster believe in God. You are healed. Myself I've been having numerous symptoms since early last yr n just not feeling well overall. I've been to all the doctors n hv done different tests but all came bk normal.. I'm also tired of crying. Currently I'm having pain on the right upper quad of my belly and cuz of the pain I can't lay on my right side. I hv done CT scan n abd ultrasound. Everything is normal. My family thinks I'm crazy but I know that something is def. wrong. By God's grace I'm healed.

  26. Hv faith darling, he is with u.
    U re healed by his strips.

  27. The balm of Gilead would touch and heal u of every infirmity. If this is a spiritual attack, it's back 2 sender ijn. u are made whole by d blood of d lamb.Amen

  28. Ohhh.... By his stripes u r healed...#alinko

  29. Surely he hath borne our griefs n carried our sorrows, yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God n afflicted. But he was wounded for our trangressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed. Jeremiah 53:4-5. Say this bible portion with faith n pray before u read this message, u are already healed in Jesus christ name. Its well honey.

  30. May the healing power of Almighty God avail for you at this difficult time, from the crown of your head to soles of your feet. It is well with you!

  31. You're healed in the mighty name of Jesus. Wherever the source of the illness is, I call upon the Holy spirit to locate and destroy it, in the name of Jesus. You shall live not only to give testimonies but to be God's testimony. I don't know who you are or where you're from but I know we are family in Christ, so as my sibling in the Lord, I pray that the angels and saints in heaven intercede on your behalf. Lord our God we bind and cast in your name, for you said whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, father in heaven, in agreement in your heavenly I destroy and send the abyss this unknown sickness. Lord that body is your temple, your dwelling place, your canvass and your property, the devil has no business there, Father your child has called upon you, Lord take absolute control. Let your child live to an old age. We bless your holy name because you have answered, we love you lord because you love us more than we understand. Thank you father. Amen

    1. Amen , Mrs O

    2. Amen ,i receive healing by your prayer , ijn Amen.

    3. I Receive healing by your prayer , ijn Amen.

    4. AMEN. I tap into this prayer also and divine healing is mine and urs also, dearest poster and other afflicted/sick people.

  32. It's well with you poster.don't forget to pray with prophet tb Joshua live on Emmanuel tv

  33. I could do with some prayers and medical advices or maybe someone with a remedy PLS tell.Since 2012 my mum has been dealing with some very strange illnesses, it started after an IVF that went wrong after 23weeks, she had a CS to have them expelled, since then we haven't rested, it started with Spinal headache as a result of the epidural, she went through this for about 5days,it was terrible, it felt as if her head wanted to fall off, lying down was impossible, from that to cold intolerance, a kind of heaviness in her entire body, tremors, INSOMNIA, itching , was so bad then, we tried Medical, traditional and Prayers , early last year she had a little breakthrough after she attended one church, but I had to tell her to leave cause it was so obvious the guy was exploiting the family and honestly we knew he wasn't a real man of God, what! With 6 wives(some not legally married) we left and after sometime, ULcer started acting up again.
    The main problem that has defiled all medical explanation is " a kind of pepperish sensation she's been feeling in her waist region, it usually starts with a rumbling in the stomach, then the pepperish sensation starts from her pelvic down to her waist and back and there's muscle weakness in her legs and arms and also the insomnia. PLEASE blog visitors I beg you , if there's anyone with an explanation and a possible solution please drop it, its so disheartening to watch your Mum cry and all u can do is cry and watch her helplessly, I've browsed and browsed. The funny thing is there's no pattern, there are days when she sleeps well and u will think all is well with her and she's almost her normal self.Our doctors here haven't really been helpful, they keep saying menopause, Ulcer and anxiety, I know it's NOT.all her test came out very well . Thanks y'all.
    Forgive the errors I just wrote then as they came to my mind.

    1. My Grandma exhibited nearly all the symptoms u listed. For about 8 months, all results were clear. In April 2010, she was finally diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Unfortunately, the disease had already spread and she succumbed to the disease on the 10th of June (about 6 weeks after diagnosis). May that not be your portion in Jesus name, Amen! Please take your mum to a good hospital and insist on an mri scan. It is very important. I'm not saying it's the same thing but ovarian cancer, when caught early enough is quite easy to manage. Unfortunately, it's one of the most difficult cancers to diagnose even in UK.

    2. Babes am a doctor n I wl like to advice ur mum to get screened for thyroid(hyper or hypo)...that aside...
      I can almost state cathegorically dt dis is a form of anxiety disorder...nt frm my medical knowledge per se bt fm personal experience.
      It happened to my sister...and it took a long time before even I cld accept dt diagnosis...cos it usually doesnt seem like it.
      And sometimes d patients demselves dont look or sound worried. its Becos der mind has been stressed.
      In d case of my sis was havin a fourth female child. My sis loves her kids so much...she never minds if dey were male or I guess she had a little think abt d fourth one n it stressed her a little bit...and before she knew it...she had dis set of very vague symptoms dt defied any diagnosis...she did all d tests n saw so many consultants... (all des was in retrospect cos like I said it dint sound like it wen it was happening)...
      Now for ur mum...havin a failed IVF is very stressful mentally even if she doesnt look like it or accept it...if at her age she is stl tryin to conceive I want to believe ders is a background to dis d failed IVF myt be d last we did wt my sis...let her see a neurologist n let dem try some anxiolytic wt her...dey cld also screen her for panic disorder...try wont hurt n it myt just be d end of d cycle...I am telling u frm experience...
      Also der r lots of things ur family cld do to relax her mind..surround her wt ppl she wants to see...take her out. Talk to her frequently...let her knw dt having u is more than enough...some ppl dont even have any child at all...let ur fathee reassure her if this is abt culture n havin a male child...find out exactly wat her fears r n why she wants another child...let her speak to ppl she respects...share true life stories wt her dt wl make her grateful for hee circumstances...and also pray wt her...she doesnt need to visit any pastor or priest...av a regular family altar n pray/praise wt her...
      Before u knw it...things wl take a good turn...
      I really hope dis rmbr I avnt seen ur mum n I dont knw d full I pray God wl grant her peace that passes understandn n joy like a river...God help u

    3. it is a serpentine attack ur mum's having and she has to be separated from that snake. I have someone i could recommend. Drop ur number n i'd text u

    4. Anon sorry about ur grandma, we will get the Mri scan done as soon as we see a good hospital, I pray we get lucky, Anon Doc, there's a lot I couldn't put down, that last IVF was her 2nd attempt and she lost quadruplets! We keep hearing it might be more psychological than physical but the symptoms are making it hard to believe and she keep nsistiing she's not thinking, I forgot to add that her vision has been affected drastically too, she doesn't see clearly without glasses now, I'm happy your sister got through hers it's so encouraging, I would adhere to all you've said. 3rd Anon, thanks so much for your concern, I appreciate. SDK thanks a lot. I just told my Mum about everything y'all suggested and she was really happy and surprised that strangers could show such concern(at least now she would know that all the "press press" i do on my phone that she always complaining about has its benefits" lol ) God bless y'all. Amen

  34. It is well with u

  35. Eyah, you are healed in Jesus name.

  36. By His stripes u are healed IJN. Ur faith hss made u whole. D devil is a liar. He has lost d battle over ur life IJN.

  37. My dear thank God you have the strength to type mum is not too fine she just found out she has a malignant cancer the very aggressive type Dat kills fast . She just had a surgery barely a month ago to remove some of the masses. Despite bin a doctor I cried yesterday wen I picked the result of her histology.... but today I'm better I am started priming her to receive the news encouraging her to eat well because she has dried up already she is cachexic.I'm doing all these so Dat by Monday when I tell her she is in a better frame of mind.
    My dear in all these I still thank the Lord..because I believe our latter would be greater than our past.
    Dear poster all you have to do is let go of your stress try your humanely best and leave everything to God.He is our healer.I will pray for you my dear don't be wary God never sleeps....He will supply all your needs too.

    1. "For I know the plans that I have towards you, thoughts of Good and not evil to give you an expected END" untimely death,that can never be God's plan for her, I doubt she's up to 70(God's plan) he even said and more! it is well with your mum and your family, the only tears you will cry this year are tears of JOY. Amen

  38. You are in my prayers.....You are healed in Jesus name Amen

  39. It's well with u.
    Pray until something happens.

  40. Swthrt,d Almighty will do it 4U. His word said dat By His Strip,we r healed. Jst keep praising him and ask Him 4 d 4givness of sins known and unknown. Surely d Enermies will try bt cos d battle is of d Lord, they shall scatter. U shall use ur mouth to Testify d Good work of d MostHigh jst keep praising him.

  41. Its well with u.....ur faith has made u whole.....yes oh.I bless God for life everyday I wake up....*******singing anytime I see another breaking of the day I say thank you Lord,thank you lord.

  42. You are healed dear by His Blood.

  43. The bible says when God created us, he saw that everything he did create was beautiful! ..God is with you, you would live and not die, affliction will not rise the second time, the balm of Gilead has healed you, he has taken your every pain away, he has given you a new life, don't loose faith, continue to pray, ur story is changing..

  44. Oh dear, the lord is your strength and healing is the bread of the children. You are healed in Jesus' name.

  45. I speak life into u right now! Divine health is ur birthright so receive it now IJMN!

  46. BLOG ANALYSER: you are healed in the mighty name of Jesus Amen. I decree and declare good health upon ur body in the mighty name of Jesus Amen. U shall testify of the goodness of God.

  47. The Lord will heal you. This brings back bad memories of my sister that died after being ill for a few weeks. All tests came out negative.

  48. You are heal in Jesus Name!by His stripe U are heal!..
    sickness is not for U...praise God u are heal!!!!

  49. Awwww dear blog visitor, healing is your portion IJN


  50. D great physician has restored ur health, d all seeing eye has seen ur tears, and has made u whole. Amen

  51. May jehovah Rapha d God dat healeth visit u. Prayinq 4u dear

  52. @anon8:14.i concur
    Its only witches and wizards dt doesnt believe such spiritual attacks exist cos dey wnt want d victims t knw there way t freedom
    Dear poster,pls visit a true man of God.
    If u are in lagos me thru stella so i can organize spiritually minded men of God t pray fr u.
    Site na utari apiara Jesus,aga eme ka i di ocha.
    Only believe

  53. Keep praising God!
    Your faith will surely see you through
    He is the great healer !
    By his strips you are healed.

  54. My dear, God is never asleep and He knows what you're going through now. Trust Him to see you through and restore your health. You'll come back here with a testimony soon in Jesus name, amen.

  55. You are healed IJN

  56. poster, the enemies of a man's house are in his household. Household being family and friends. Number one. U have to watch out for those around you, 2. Go on a fast of silence. Take that queue from Joshua before Jericho where all the israelites were asked to keep silent n march round jericho. 3. This is the time to take stock of your life. 4. Whenever the doctors want to do anything on u pray to God that it works according to his will. Losten there is no power but of God and God cannot ordain any power against himself. 5. Watch who u call Jesus with for there is only one Christ. Some peeps have their own jesus. 6. Listen to the word of God like domi radio. Since u can browse i believe u can download it. I can say these because the same happened to me. I had lost a lotta blood, cudn=t walk five steps without nearly falling, cudn't do the things i used n i was fastn n prayn with no result. I was nearly gone. My blood count was 6%. Prayed all we cud but nada. I couldn't even clean my house. One day, we were informed in church that there would br feet washing. I made sure i attended. Remember Jesus washed the feet of apostles for their part in Him to be delivered to them. So when it was time for our feet tobe washed n declarations were being made, i went outside n began to speak what i wanted to happen, focusing my mind on the faith of God. My feet were washed, i was the first person after d ministers. I went and stood aside n began to declare. Then d Holy Spirit reminded of Papa's words to begin to do w@ we couldn't do before. I begam to jump like a Massai. Till today that devil suckn my blood has not returned. I am whole n healthy. U need to be senditive n closer to God

  57. U are healed Insha Allahu

  58. It is well, please pray with faith it works. I suspect spiritual attack.

  59. Your problem is spiritual, if uve done all d tests and still yet d doctors cant see wht is wrong wwith u, I suggest u come to MFM( mountain of fire and miracles ministries, in onike yaba Lagos) d HQ, hurry b4 it's too late. By God's grace you shall be healed. Don't let d devil deceive u or block ur faith in God becos he alone is d master healer! Wish u all d very best!

  60. I'm 26 and I was diagnosed of multiple firbroid...fibroida dAt r quite big already...I'm nt yet married...d only remedy's sUrgery which myt have complications cos of dia positions...or miracle...d bad part is...av nt Bn able to pray abt it..nt dat I dnt wnt to...but smhw av nt...I dnt even knw wat 2 do....I wnt children in d future..I wNt to pray...I wnt faith..I wnt to stop crying..I dnt even know wat...poster u'll B fyn..we'll b fyn....God's still up dere...He's still God

  61. It is well with u in Jesus name.

  62. You are healed in Jesus name, amen. Rose

  63. I wish I can hold hands with you now and pray with you,there is this song i love to sing when things go rough and i don't understand what's going on;i wish you know it....Let the your living water flow oh over my soul,let the holy spirit come and take control, of EVERY situation that has troubled my life,all my fears and worries unto you my Lord, chorus... Father, Father,Father,Father, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, the name of the Lord Jesus,any situation that has made this blog visitor sick,you said in your word that when the enemy raiseth his ugly as a serpent,the spirit of the lord raiseth a standard against them,any where they have gathered and said you will not stand and get well,with the authority in the blood of Jesus, that says by his stripes you are healed, with the authority in that name Jesus,i nolify their plans,i destroy their works,i cancel their judgement,now rise up with the authority of your father and regain your healing in.the name of Jesus.
    He said in Psalm 91 vs 7,a thousand shall fall at their side and ten thousand at thy right hand side, but it shall not come near thee,in.the name of Jesus let.them begin to fall at your side,let them begin to scatter, let them.begin to run recklessly because the your God of battle is at war in the name of JESUS,i speak healing into your body,i prophesy long life into your life,he.ssays he will give his angels charge over your life,to keep you in all your ways, blog visitor fear thou not, nobody can battle with your God,he's the great healer and the greatest physician,he Will fight for you and heal your lands,your are healed and blessed in the name of Jesus.don't worry your God has healed you, always say it with faith I AM HEALED,I AM STRONG!God bless you.

  64. U healed ijn.amen

  65. Dear poster may God heal u soonest! Dnt ever relent in ur prayers! It is d answer to every misery..God be with u alwys.

  66. Dear Poster,

    You are healed by the power in the Blood of Jesus

  67. Poster you dwelleth in the secret place of the most high and you abide under the shadow of the Almighty. You will say of the Lord He is your refuge and your fortress. Your God in Him you shall trust. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers and under His wings shall thou trust. His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid for the terror by the night nor for the arrow that flieth by day. Nor for the pestilence that walketh in the darkness nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday............Because you have made the Lord, which is your refuge and even the most High your habitation, there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling. For He shall give His angel charge over thee to keep you in all thy ways. Ps 91. I leave you under the care of Him that showeth mercy. The Master physician. It is well with you. He shall perfect your healing. Amen

  68. The blood of Jesus Christ has healed you. Amen.

  69. There is a balm in Gilead..The Lord will heal you and make you whole..By his stripes,you are healed in Jesus name..Amen

  70. Your Body is the temple of the Holy spirit therefore illness has no right to dwell in there.... You are healed dear and made well already by the utmost sacrifice the lamb made on the cross of calvary... Just get ready in this new month to "march" out every known and unknown infirmities in you...... In the heavenly dictionary, the word possibilities supersedes every impossibility...... You testimony ain't far anymore from your door step.. L♥√ع you dear


  71. U r healed in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!!! God is always with U , He doesn't forsake His Own and He won't forsake U. Amen

  72. Dear poster, it is well with you. Don't let your faith wither. I can imagine what you are going thru so to encourage you, I'll share my testimony with you and anyone else that could be blessed and encouraged thru this. Here goes: Two years ago when I got pregnant, during my first ultrasound I was told I had uterine fibroids but that it wasn't a big deal cos dey r very common in black women. The fibroids caused me great pain and discomfort for most of my pregnancy but to God's glory I delivered safely. Fast fwd to Dec last year. My period came and lasted for 21 days. It wasn't just flowing but coming in large clots of blood. I panicked and went to see a gynae who after a scan told me that the fibroids were quite large and had to be removed. I didn't want to hear this because that has been my biggest fear since I found out I had fibroids. I had heard too many cases of women dying as a result of complications during the surgery. The thot of it scared me to my deepest core. I refused to do the surgery. Fast fwd to January, a friend came to visit me and said she had to leave early to attend healing service at daystar Christian center, she invited me to come and I just tagged along to support her cos she's got kidney failure and has been on dialysis. In church they told us to lay our hands on whichever part of our body needed healing and pray, so I put my hands on my stomach and prayed. They also annointed us with oil. The nxt day I woke up with excruciating pain in my stomach, I could barely walk but I managed to get myself to the hospital where they carried out a scan and told me I had a complex ovarian cyst. I was in shock cos prior to this, my fibroid wahala had carried me to 3 difft gynaes who did scans and none of them mentioned a cyst. Anyway, I was told the only solution would be surgery cos the cyst had a solid mass which had to be removed and sent for biopsy....hmmmm. The gynae then recommended that the fibroids be removed as well cos they were large and symptomatic. I was given a date to come for the surgery. I prayed like I have neva prayed before, I spent a lot of time praising God and chatting with Him. I always had my game face on but deep down I was terrified. Anyways, I had the surgery which was very successful. The next day the surgeon came to ask if I had been using any medication prior to the surgery. He said the fibroids had all shrunk. He was surprised cos the scan showed they were quite large. Even when he physically examined my stomach the week before, he could feel them and said they were large. They showed me the 'mini devils', they were quite small and shriveled. By the way the biopsy test came out negative. Only God could have done all that for me. He heard my cry and the cry of my family and friends and he answered us. As we all have prayed for you via this blog and as you and your family are praying, Our God will hear us and heal you. He neva fails to come thru, but he will always do it in his own way and at his own time so don't loose hope.

  73. Most times, hospitals in Nigeria lack facilities to detect certain illnesses. I know of many examples. For the person whose mum just lost a pregnancy, let them check her for hormone imbalance. Some of the symptoms you mentioned are similar to that. Tyroid tests ie t3, t4 and ft4 will help see if there is abnormality in Tsh. Fhs test too . Rose

    1. Thanks will do, God bless.

  74. @ poster by d stripes of Jesus Christ.. u are healed.. it is well with you.... just put ur faith to work and believe.... eagerly waiting to hear ur testimony.

  75. @poster do not relent in ur prayers,talk to God wit all ur heart at midnite were. The enviroment is serene,worship and appreciate him,call on the holyghost and state ur case,do all dis in faith and declare to urself I AM HEALED and COVERED WITH THE BLOOD OF JESUS. He is a convenant keeping GOD,read ur bible and sing praises to him,do not allow d devil instil fear in u. I look back in my life and shed tears,not for anytin but TEARS OF APPRECIATION to myy GOD. Dat I am alive today is cos God grace. My life is a living testimony of Gods blessings,the key to this is PRAYER. I have been saying my midnite prayer and fasting since last year till now,so please poster do not give up. Read dis psalms even at midnite ps 18,35,51,91,121,150. God bless u

  76. SDK, thanks a million for posting my comment.
    Thank you everyone for your prayers. God bless you all above your expectations and imaginations. God bless you generously. May God never let any of you and your loved ones go through what I am going through now.
    Stella. God bless you abundantly. Thank you.
    All your prayers made me burst out in tears. I say a big Amen to all your prayers. God bless you all.

  77. @ Poster, I tot of u dis morning while still in bed n dis chapt./vs from d book of Lamentation poppd up. Lamentation 3:22
    U can read or sing it like a song

    The steadfast love of the LORD never ceaseth, his mercies NEVER come to an END. They re new every mornin(2x) great is thy faithfulness, oh LORD!

    Poster,If HIS mercies NEVER come to an end, He ll surely xtend His merciful hand to u @ dis moment & forever

    Let ur soul meditate & blv on it . God is soo merciful dat it's not HIS wish to let u suffer but d enemie's

    All u need to know about God's LOVE
    & MERCIES for u is also in d book of Psalm, chapter 23.
    .....The Lord is my shepherd, i shall NOT want...He meks mi to lie down in green pastures (not end up in sick bed)

    It is well wit ur soul hunnybun!
    Can't wait to read ur WONDERFUL TESTIMONY.

  78. God heal u poster Ib Jesus name . Amen

  79. @ charismatic diva Awwwwwh! That's so thoughtful of you dear... Really shows we are one big happy family here "out of blog ain't out of mind indeed" God bless your magnanimity


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