Stella Dimoko Olu And Joke Jacobs Talk Smittenly About Their 28 Year Old Marriage And The Storm They Sailed Through....



Monday, February 03, 2014

Olu And Joke Jacobs Talk Smittenly About Their 28 Year Old Marriage And The Storm They Sailed Through....


                            THIS INTERVIEW IS A REFRESHING MUST READ

Actors Olu and Joke Jacobs talk about their 28 year old marriage and the hiccups that also made them can learn a thing or two from this must-read-interview as they share their happy and challenging times with Vanguard


Appreciating marriage
Marriage has been good, it has been wonderful.

How I met my husband
I met him at the National Theatre while we were rehearsing for Jero’s Metamorphosis by Professor Wole Soyinka in 1981. I was to play Sister Rubeka  and he was playing the role of Prophet Jero and, at the same time co-directing the play. That was where we met.

What happened when I met him
People  had been talking about him before I arrived the country because he was based in the UK at that time.  Everybody was talking about him, especially Miss Ene, the then Artistic Director of the National Theatre and Dr. Ashiwaju. They had met in England and I guess he would have been the Chiwetel Ejiofor of that time. Just as what Chiwetel is to this present generation, so he was then.

He was one of the top African actors in England at that time, whether on stage or on screen. He was the talk of the town. So, I was looking forward to meeting him; when I finally saw him, he was quite a handsome man. Our first meeting, if I could remember vividly, I went to call Miss Ene to come and watch our rehearsal. They were in a production meeting, and, when I entered the office, the first thing he uttered was, “This is the woman I am going to marry.”

When I left the office, I said to myself, `How can anybody say it just like that?’ He  always insisted that I eyed him every now and then. We started out as very good friends. Four years later  we got married. We met in 1981 and married in 1985.

Courtship before marriage
We started courting before he proposed to me. But the proposal came after four years of our courtship. He proposed to me in Tunisia while he was on a movie set called, ‘The Pirate’, directed by Roman Polansky. I was in a drama school in London. So, I visited him briefly in Tunisia to spend some time with him, and later flew back to England. We have been married for 28 years now.

He had a lovely sense of humour. He was also very passionate about his work. Additionally, he had a very broad shoulder and a very lean body like that of our last child. Basically, the attraction was his sense of fun and style. He really had, and still has a sense of style. You can never find Olu dressed shabbily, it’s not him. I remember the early years of our marriage, after 1993, things got rough with us, after pumping all our money into an investment.
We used to work ourselves to the bone. And it used to upset us that we couldn’t dress the way we liked to. But there were responsibilities to take care of. That was an attraction as well; his sense of style, honesty and high integrity.

What  kept marriage going
Friendship. We are each other’s very close friend. It’s not as if we don’t have close friends outside our marriage, but I think we are both each other’s number one close friend. The other thing is mutual respect, the fact that we both share the same passion about the area of entertainment that we are in. Of course, the various challenges that we’ve faced over the years , we’ve learnt how to surmount them together. At different times when it is necessary, we have both learnt to forgive each other. I guess the sum total of what I’m saying is that God’s grace has been present in our marriage.

People always refer to your marriage as a successful celebrity marriage. What is the secret of  being able to hold on to your marriage  for 28 years and you remain inseparable?

God’s grace has kept us in the sense that even when the challenges come, we’ve been very lucky with the kind of friends that we have had who have been very supportive. They too have their share in making sure that this marriage succeeds.  I have some very good friends and family, definitely good family on both sides.

Key factor for a successful marriage

There has been the contribution of family and friends. We don’t have that many friends really, but the ones we have  are like family, they are very close to us. They’ve been with us from day one.  Our families too have been very supportive, especially, when the children were younger and we had to work. It was easy to take the children to family members while we went about what it was necessary for us to do , knowing fully well that the children were in good hands.

Also we had very challenging times,; I’ll never forget a time, I don’t even know what it was that caused the quarrel, it was a long time ago, and I got so upset. I just packed all my things, took the children with me in the car and drove off and went to my mum. That same day, I came back, my mother drove me back. (laughs). They are both so close, my husband and my mum.

A lot of times when people see the  two of them together, they think she is his mother. Unfortunately, by the time we got married, his mum had passed away, so his late sister was like my mother-in-law. And she was just an absolute gem, she used to call me ‘Olori’ which means ‘Queen’. She had this wonderful way of making me feel extra-special. My sister-in-law never allowed anyone to oppress me. Our families are always so positive, so encouraging….. One good thing about both families is that whenever there is  a need, everybody rises. That’s how we are.

Causes of break-up of marriages

I wouldn’t dare say that I can talk about that, I can’t; because I know that what I have is God’s grace. It would be arrogant to say this is what caused the break up of this person’s marriage. I’m not walking in their shoes. All I can say is that there are things that happen that can break up marriages, but if you can pray for strength to weather those storms and usually when these storms are happening, it’s because there is something good, there is a contention. Marriage is an institution created by God .

As a Christian, I look at it from the Christian perspective. It is a symbol of God’s union with his Church. Marriage is always on the attack; if you remember, even in the Garden of Eden when Eve was found on her own, she was attacked and, when she succumbed, it was easy for Adam to fall. If you can ask for the grace to weather the storm, there’s always something beautiful at the end.
If you’re being physically or mentally abused in a marriage, to be honest, for me, I’d go for separation. Then, we go for counselling and see if the union can continue. With a lot of prayers, it usually does come together. But for me to say this is why marriages break up, I can’t.

Intimacy in marriage

I don’t think it’s possible for you to have marriage without intimacy, because if there’s no intimacy, why bother with marriage? Most people think intimacy means just sex, there’s more to it than that. There’s a meeting of minds, there’s that bonding. Sometime ago, I used to tell him (my husband)  that ‘one of the reasons why I find that I can’t leave you is that the next morning, I’m likely to call to find out how you are’.

There is just this closeness. I really don’t think marriage is possible without intimacy. I think it is very important that there is trust in marriage. Trust can be broken, but it can be healed.  Some people believe in polygamy, I don’t. I don’t believe in sharing. It has to do with what works for you as a couple.

Display of public affection

I don’t think I’d do what I see happens in the West where you see people kissing on the streets. But, yes I can hold my husband, hug him if the situation calls for it.

Combining my duty as a mother, wife and an actress

One, I have had very good role models. I think that’s a key and my first role model was my mum. She was married to the same person all her life, until my father died. That’s over 40 something years of marriage they had. The people who were also my care givers because my mum travelled a lot, like Chief Mrs Olaoye, Mrs Oyin Oladapo, Mrs Laoye and my mother’s sister, Mrs Busola Olumide – all these people juggled being wives, being mothers, being professionals.

One of the things I learnt is to make time for the family, you career cannot supersede the family. The family always comes  first in everything I’m doing. There is what is called prioritising, what needs attention at a particular point. Is it work, family or your husband. They rarely do need attention at the same time, thank God, so you give attention to whatever needs attention at whatever point in time.

There’s one thing I learnt from my mum which is to always have very good back up; your house helps and family members, especially when the children are very young and you are a working class lady. I also learnt that changing house helps is not the best thing to do. When someone becomes your house help, she automatically becomes part of your family. Their problems become yours as well.

You operate as one family, that’s the way I’ve been brought up. And because of that, you are able to function well as a family. My house help has been with us for over 14 years now. I used to have challenges with my drivers, I kept changing them. I had to go to God in prayer asking for a a good driver and the present one has been with us for over five years.

What is it you don’t like about your husband

Of course, we get mad at each other ten times a day.( Laughs). Earlier in our marriage, when we used to snap at each other, it led to sulking on both sides for hours.But now, there is nothing like that any more. We can get mad at each other and the next two minutes we are laughing and talking to each other. If we quarrel and it lasts for a couple of hours, it’s because we want to drive a point home.
There is a beautiful way an actress put it. She said, and I quote, “Within the marriage, there are lots of weddings and divorces,  but what is important is that the weddings should be more than the divorces and then you have a successful marriage.”


Before I met my wife

I was a bachelor. I was living on my own for so many years. I went to England as a bachelor and when I met my wife  I was still a bachelor. Yes, I had some girl friends but not more than one at a time before I met my wife. Unfortunately, they lacked the qualities I wanted in a woman at that time. It was quite easy for me when I met my wife to do away with any other casual friend that I had then.
I closed all chapters with them just to make sure that there was no misunderstanding between my wife and myself. I wanted  to give the relationship I had with her a chance to grow so that interferences would be eliminated.

Love at first sight

Yes, it was the case of love at first sight. Our story runs like a novel. We were doing a production meeting for Jero’s Metamorphosis at National Theatre, Iganmu. I was playing Brother Jero and, at the same time, co-directing the play. Suddenly, the door opened and the lady came in, I looked at her and said, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the woman I am going to marry’.  She just looked at me up and down and left.
Four years later, we got married. That was how sure I was when I saw her and I have never been that kind of sure in my life. I’m not an extrovert when it comes to that. I keep my relationship quiet. But that was how I saw it at the moment when I saw her.


I saw a woman, somebody who stunned me. There was  no explanation, I looked at her and she was just the kind of woman I wanted. I saw her and she was just it and I said, ‘This is the lady I ‘m going to marry.’ After that time, I didn’t see any other girl friend apart from her. And since we got married, it has been same.
The journey 28 years after

We thank God for everything. Like any other journey in life, whether by road, sea or air, you must go through turbulent times as well as smooth times. That is part of life, and that is why it is important that when you decide to marry, you must begin  to think of how you are going to take care of that person. How is that person going to care of you? What kind of person do you want? All these questions you must sincerely and honestly ask yourself.

When you begin to think for two, when you are working you are working, for two in your mind. Whatever you are doing from then on, you are doing it for two. That’s what God wants. He wants unity, He wants the husband and wife to be united. When you are thinking, you are only thinking of your partner who happens to be your best friend. Both of you have to share your plans.
If you are doing something and your wife doesn’t know and if your wife is doing something and you don’t know, it means the relationship hasn’t started yet. If you are keeping money away to spend on other babes, God doesn’t support that, it is the devil that is diving in to divide the relationship and that’s what we must always avoid.

Is there anything you don’t like about your wife?

She used to keep things in mind, I never realised this on time. When you think everything has been forgotten, all of a sudden she reminds you of it. At first, I used to be very upset, and then I realised that I used to be like that. Memory is good, but at the same time, we must make sure that we use it for good. Instead of looking for something bad that she has done, use that same time to look for something good that she has done, then you’ll find that she has not done anything bad, when you compare both. But we exaggerate what we consider bad.

The challenges are challenges and they must come in life. It is very easy to talk about the bad things but the good things are the ones that inspire. The bad things should be remembered in order to warn you to change for the better. Use them for change. My wife is very generous, very kind and caring. If you’re having a problem, she’ll listen and take it up as her own. If you need something and she has it, she’ll give it to you.

I’m very happy with her and she’s my best friend. When you have a friend at home, you want to go home. Wherever you are, you want to finish whatever you are doing and go home. The home is attractive to you and that’s the kind of person she is. Sometimes, when we are working separately, we try to always be on phone with each other two to three times a day. If it is possible on our way to branch and say ‘hi’, have a cup of tea together which we do sometimes and spend the night. Then the next day, she’s off to her station and I’m off to mine. We keep in touch.

Have you starred in the same movie with your wife?  What was the experience like?

Yes, we work very well together. We don’t have problems at all. When we met, we were working together. There were no unnecessary complications. Work is work and play is play. We left our homes so that we can work.

If you are to advise young couples, what would you tell them?

First of all, young people must try as much as possible to avoid too many so-called good friends who always have advice for you. Try and be careful with them. You may listen to them, but weigh whatever they give you. Not all your so-called good friends wish you well. Quite a lot of them want to take over your position. Pray for contentment.
Pray to meet, have and keep your friend. You need the wisdom to see and recognise a friend. Always think for two ( you and your wife). You and your wife first, others can come in later. Even your parents will tell you, “This is your wife, take care of her”.


  1. Inspiration!!
    A sucessful marriage has LOVE and FRIENDSHIP..friendship comes with UNDERSTAND.dear lord,give me the instinct to know my husband when I see him,I don't want to be picking stones and ignore the diamond.if I have met him but didn't know,another opportunity o'lord!and if there is any 'uche onise' in his life,let the heavy power of work load fall upon her so that she can mind her work!AMEN!!

    1. #UNDERSTANDING# rme...error finders,let me

    2. Wow,they still look very much in love,,#d kiss tho lovestruck#

    3. I tap into ur prayer sis. I so much love this couple.

    4. I tap into ur prayer sis. I so much love this couple.

  2. Awww, I so much love this couple and as they rightly said, it is important to have good role models. Having less friends is always wise, not just in marriages. Bless them, this is what I pray also for myself, marital bliss

    Click my name for all your celebration cakes n cupcakes, Cheers

  3. This piece is just Wat I need!!! I'm inspired.

  4. Lagos is my Home3 February 2014 at 11:16

    Beautiful interview and i read it will a smile on my face ....... Love the Jacobs

    1. What is really? Meanie.. cant this be read with a smile? How many celebrity marriages do u know that are this successful?

  5. I love this couple. I respect them. I hold them in high regards. They've had their own share of infidelity too o, yes both of them don fuck outside. but then they are only human. May God continue to bless their union

    1. Fucking outside is very good nah at least there will be no tension in d house

    2. Fucking outside is very good nah at least there will be no tension in d house

    3. @Jemi u r a bloody fool and a big idiot for this lie u type. My thunder strike you.

      So u where there when they were fucking others. Anofia oshi

    4. Make una dey fear God o.. Were you there?

      Oluyomi Odukoya

    5. so you have your facts or you are just one of those sadist in life who can never say anything good about people? dont let your parents messed up marriage delude you into thinking all marriages are the same......calm down and God will help you

    6. The way you people invoke thunder on blogs, if una see thunder, una fit stand? Stupid idiots. Holy Ghost fire consume you and your thunder.
      Someone makes a comment, hus own comment, you come and curse under. Re you 100% sure he's lying? If he's not lying, dont you think your thunder will strike you instead? Silly myopic dull idiot.

    7. Lagos is my Home3 February 2014 at 16:06

      @jemi . You need to fear God ooo , human beans and rice na wa oo
      Those who hide behind the computer and spread lies on the internet, your karma is coming . Well done, clap for yaself .

    8. Anon 1:51 Seriously! D rate @ which pple invoke thunder, lightening brimstone deir ancestors spirits etc on pple dey don't know cos of a comment is some thing else. D couple talked abt ups n downs who knows 4 sure wot dey r talking abt? Not saying dat's wot dey r talking abt we shld tone it down abeg. Den u Jemi I salute u oo! U dey try well well #EyesRolling.
      Dis touched me." Pray for contentment.
      Pray to meet, have and keep your friend. You need the wisdom to see and recognise a friend".

  6. Awwwwwww....I admire this couple like mad....may God continue 2 guide both of them..

  7. Good example of celebrity marriage, am proud of them. May the good Lord continue to keep your home.

  8. Marriages of old where divorce and distance was not an option,Uti you need read this to know how to tackle questions maturedly,i love and respect this couple,Mr&Mrs Olu Jacobs i envy the contentment and satisfaction in both of you,God bless your marriages and other SDKers beautiful couples, its not easy staying happily married.

  9. One Yoruba couple I love.
    They are so unique in their own way.
    The fact that she still bears her maiden name tells a lot about how civilized they both are but they gat nothing on the main man Pete Edochie who has bn happily married for 45 effing years.
    Igbo men do it better.
    And they never flaunt it.

    1. Naturelle Osasere3 February 2014 at 12:29

      Do you know your problem? You are not exposed and you talk like an illiterate too it is a pity that a grown ass woman like you always talk like a child for cheap popularity

    2. M-amie u need to give up on this ibo nd yoruba talk. I think u re too beautiful nd educated for this. Just my tot though... Please grow up!!!!

    3. retarded comment as usual......pete edochie that boring actor....he was only good in things fall apart cos he had the physique .. his acting is dry, same boring expression whether he laughs or cries and he always looks so dirty with his unkempt your retarded, myopic mind ibi men do it better....ewu

    4. Fool... that is all I can call you.... u r nothing more and nothing less. Everytin must be tribalized. u have a very black heart yet u r fair. Na u qoute bible pass for this blog yet u hv no love for others. Hypocrite! Ur kind is the worst!
      I detest you!

    5. Pet bn married for 45yrs?? Wow! Good 1. Buh he looks too young to be married for 45yrs o, well he s igbo...maybe he didn't go to skul. You kno igbos start planning business from secondary skul.
      Jacobs?? Wow beautiful story....... May God continue to bless your marriage. Good 1 too Pete!!

  10. God bless you guys! This is how a marriage should be. The problem is that a lot of people (especially us ladies) only think of the wedding day, forgetting about making the marriage work. These are people who when they took their vows, meant and still mean it. My parents and parents inlaw are the same.. my parents have been happily married for 34 years now. My inlaws have been married for over 36 years. My husband and I God willing are going to be the same. Women should learn to be submissive and respectful, know ur role as a wife and mother. Men should love their wives and look after them while in turn respecting them. Unfortunately these days, most women instead of cooking and keeping home like their mothers and grandmothers (the good ones that is. Lol) they now drink like their fathers. And then u have some useless men who now dress like their mothers! Sad.

    1. shut your stupid mouth......don't ever say especially us ladies....if your mother, sisters and aunties were a problem then say so.......did you ever read anywhere in the bible where God said it was the woman's job alone to make a marriage work? fools, heaping all the blame of bad marriages on women......with all the irresponsible absentee fathers, wife batterers and serial adulterers running riot all over town u still open your mouth to say especially us women.....marriage is a 50/50 contribution and the break down of the institution today is a fault of both parties...alot of men are not schooled on how to keep their marriages everything is about the have a serious role to play cos they are the head of the home but alot of them have become tail, physically and i dare say spiritually.....please make sure you are 100% so your home never experiences any problems.....idiot, keep carrying that victim mentality and we will remind you how useless a wife you are when your husband does ever have an affair....

    2. Anon 2.03pm, why abusing the poster? E dey pain u! Abi u no fit comment without abusing? Did ur husband cheat on u? Did the poster touch a raw nerve? Read wetin d poster write concerning "us ladies". I'm certain u are not included in the ladies sha cos u sure sound like an absolute tramp. Na me, Bose

    3. Ah ah anon y abuse her, is it cos she said the truth oooh we undst cos truth is bitter hehehe gbawe kwa ndu gi ugbua

    4. Ah ah anon y abuse her, is it cos she said the truth oooh we undst cos truth is bitter hehehe gbawe kwa ndu gi ugbua

    5. @ Bose same thing I wanted to say, why the insult? You both have points which the first person passed across, in your reply you could have countered it with your own points with no insults.

  11. They are without doubt, one of the best marriage role models in the entertainment industry. I doff my hat to them.
    May God continue to bless their union, Amen.

  12. I love this couple, God bless you both and yes, avoid too many friends if you want your marriage to last

  13. Ive been married for above twenty six years and I loved reading this piece. Yes, there are storms of life that hit marriages,many weddings and divorces that go through a marriage. Through it all,you still stick together and weather the storm. Marriage is good. If you are blessed with Gods grace on it-you cant find better friendship outside. This piece made inspiring reading...

    1. Above 26 years? Sterling example! wow

    2. Awww tnx madam am happy for u just like my popsy dt dated for 6yrs n v been married fr upto 26yrs, v really learnt a lot.

    3. God's continuous grace and for those of us still in the single digits God's mercy

  14. Wow! I love Olu and Joke Jacobs.
    They just reminded me of the first time I met hubby, he called me his wife and told his friend with him that this girl will be his wife. I got very mad at him for saying that and I stressed him during toasting just to prove a point I don't even know. LOL

    I pray our generation learn to be more tolerant in marriage like our parents and grand parents.
    All these divorce stories are not good. Once all of us have good family values, our society will be better.

  15. Naturelle Osasere3 February 2014 at 12:32

    I love this couple,beautiful and intelligent couple didn't know they have been married for this long.

  16. This is one of the best couples I have ever met. I remember those days at ikeja, when they would sit at the balcony like boyfriend and girlfriend siping their drinks. The man is highly disciplined. The wife is very humble with her ageless beauty. I love them. Rose

  17. Awwwww,nice one.
    Am inspired

  18. God!!! These two Celebrities are just perfect Blue Print to every upcoming marriage esp for the ones in the entertainment industry that always thinks marriage is a contract.. I xoxooxoxo love everything about them including there their acting prowess, vocabularies, maturity, marriage etc...and at same time am praying to God to continue to bless their union and also direct us singles just as he has directed them both to where we shall all meet our better halves*AMEN* @i_ChoPtas_Not

  19. Oh mine! What a read! God bless olu and his wife for this piece. Am insipried. Marriage is meant for best friends. I bless God for u my wonderful husband. Its been a journey and I know God will see us thru.

  20. Stella please more of such stories... I love the write up. Too many unhappy marriages these days that I'm so scared of marriage. Meanwhile my parents will b celebrating 30yrs of marriage next week.

  21. In jenifas voice *my roles models*.......dear lord,please give me an enviable marriage like theirs......I want one that I will always want to rush back home from work.....dear lord,please give me the wisdom and patience to make a good wife,mother and companion....and please teach my future hubby to understand me...I don't want someone that's violent or tied to his mamas apron strings....and I don't want a seperation or divorce......AMEN!

  22. I love this couple, great actor and actress :) i beg dear blog visitors make una no vex for this thing wen i wan talk..hehehehehehehe.. for my head as i was reading, i was praying they will ask them how many times they have cheated on each other…buahahahahahahahaha..#naughtywoman…Lol…just joking. Lol

  23. love them both. may God continue to bless and keep them

  24. Wow Wow Wow!!! I so love dis couple. Azin I love them so so much. Best celebrity couple of all time.
    I love Pete Edochie's story too buh his wife is nt a celeb so we can't say.
    Olu Jacobs, best actor of all time. He wears his roles like cloths!! That man is a born actor! No actor acts KING beta! No actor, None @all.

  25. I bless God for my hubby, its been a journey from d start but I am rest assured because God gave us to eachother. You re my best friend, my lover nd d only man that loved me enough to marry me. Its been a journey nd i know God will see us through. God bless nd keep your marriage Joke Silva nd Olu Jacobs..

  26. Best NoLlywood actor!!!!
    When he plays a wicked role, I feel like just slapping him from d TV, nd when he cries, my oh My. This man is just effing talented!!
    Beautiful story. God please bless my own marriage too. Plssss

  27. Olu & joke u inspire me
    This is marriage
    Not that its not wrking out, we re not compatable, I am divoce. He is emotionally violent

    If una like mk una no learn

  28. Lovely couple. i admire this couple just like my parents. My parents have been married for 53 years still together and very much in love. I ray to God for wisdom on how to manage my home as well. May God bless your home.

  29. Lovely love story...Thumps up to the Jacobs!
    Marriage is sweet and sour..
    Being married to ones bestie is the greatest sweetest union Ever!
    God bless and keep your marriage going strong and counting
    I pray for mine too!

  30. Lovely couple!I like...

  31. For those of you that don't know, they are almost 20 years apart. Joke is way younger than her husband.

  32. Ladies lov lies.They hate u wen u tell dem the truth.You are belittled and considered unsophisticated or unlearned if u are honest.
    A very gd example is Bose...àlárä gbigbonà


  33. I love dis couple, God please give me and my husband d wisdom to keep on growing stronger in love and unity and grant us long life, good health, happiness and prosperity in Jesus name Amen and grant our kids, parents, nieces, nephews, siblings, in laws, long life, good health, happiness and prosperity in Jesus name Amen


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