Stella Dimoko ETISALAT Call...........''Uche Face Your Work Oh,Dont Snatch Another Persan Horseband Oh''



Sunday, February 02, 2014

ETISALAT Call...........''Uche Face Your Work Oh,Dont Snatch Another Persan Horseband Oh''

This phone conversation between Etisalat staff Uche and a customer she called has gone viral and is very funny.....well i dont know who recorded this but Uche called to find out if the customer who just switched to their netwrok was satisfied and the wife who picked the call and pretended to be a worker,waited for Uche to finish talking and then advised her to face her work and not snatch ''anoda persan horseband..''...LMAO!

please listen and LOL!

These pics have gone viral with this phone call.

*Every anonymous Uche on my matter PLEASE FACE YOUR WORK IN JESUS NAME!..lmao


  1. hahahhahahahaha all the UCHES in my boyfriends life,please face your work...all the UCHES gossiping bout me behind my back face your workall the UCHES who are enemies of prgoress face your work..hahahhahahahahha...ucheeeeee

    1. HAhahaha. Omg I laffed for 2days after listening to that customer whAtever call

    2. The mama sef sharp. But i love the way the Etisalat lady handled the whole drama.

    3. D recording has gone viral. Soo hilarious. Every Uche on my matter, na sango strike una down. Usheeeeee face ur work oooooo. Hahaha

    4. Some wives are BUSH and jobless sha. Tufiakwa.

    5. ROFL, Stella how many times did i call u? Face ur work ooo, with all the funny pictures u made of this call. I too gbadun u.

  2. Lmaoooooo. Every Uche against my progress, face ur work oh. This was rili hilarious. Lemme face my work oh so dt I will not snatch another person horseband.lmao

    1. I had to lol, oriairi
      Every uche onise on my matter baba God keep them busy.

  3. but Uche's work is to call people that have etisalat phone lines and check up on them na. Na her work she dey do even though i think its annoying to have customer care line calling you when you dont need them. lol
    The auntie was a lil rude to the young girl sha...The young lady did handle herself well. Nice

    1. Abeg tell dem oo she was actually doing her work nd was cald out for it, now she's about losing her job cos of d phone convo...sad much

    2. Shut up amebo.... Dats how u people carry fake rumours.....did u hear anywhere she is about loosing her job? All have just been taking it for a joke so pls don't add pepper and salt

    3. Hahan @anon loose er job ke? Biko wia did u hear dt from o? Nigerians can.make up story sha, smh

  4. Hahahahahaha na wa o for this our naija sef. So peopls don already do pix for am? Shuo! Small time them go do t-shirt for am too, even music and film. Na wa o

    1. They there na! We gats cash into this franchise like we did "oga at the top"

  5. Wetin ignorance dey do! Iyawo na wa for you o!

  6. Nigerians and their haywire thinking....hehehehehehe I love naija we are sooooooooooooo creative.

  7. While this is funny, its also a major indictment on MTN customer service.

  8. Hahahaha...... Poor uche.....

  9. I don't know what's always wrong with these Uche(s) they would never face their work.....mind u dey come in several names o, cd b Linda or Stella....find d name n go on ur knees and watch God's work. Dese chicks 4get dt a praying woman cn end dr destiny. Nuff said, ma'am husband ur own sef oval o, lol, is ds aw dey call in, m sure d woman is tired of her husband's escapades.....Ushe face ur wrk oooo.

    1. Ha! I no understand this ur comment o

    2. correct itshekiri babe2 February 2014 at 14:54

      Fear catch me I think say na only me no undastnd her yeye comment

    3. Wots she tlkin abt?

    4. U don reach here, me and you know say you understand....UCHEL

  10. I tot u will neva paste it stella.... Sent u dat stuff since fri!


  11. I give it to Uche she was very professional. Kudos to her. And the madam that answered her husbands phone please go and attend adult education. Kai illiteracy na disease.

    1. She deserves some kind of compensation, cus walahi even me I fit just insult the woman, but the uche just tried her best to stay on track...I commend her

    2. Shut up already. U r d uche. Face ur work n allow her horseband worry abt her illitracy. Hoarseband snatcher

    3. To be honest the womN tried her best and even said the man was bathing but UCHE kept pestering. The woman only turned on her when she said we want to find out how he is doing? Who says that? So unprofessional. Nigerian call centres definitely need training. It was cringy

    4. @jim catering service,seriously you need hearinf aids,didn't u hear the part when she said it was nt necessary,like seriously even with the name she ask if she is speaking with blah blah,seriously u don't have sense,

    5. Thank you o jimcateringservice. This uche was just using style to call her boyfriend. Which customer care rep stays on the phone when the subscriber is not available at the moment. The way she kept asking to speak with the man, even asking for the woman's name. It's a shame and etisalat needs to investigate this. Yea right, checking on your customer indeed.

    6. Gosh no wonder some people fail exams ..... Jim catering and this olodo anonymous pls go back and listen to the recording again.....gosh u guys r daft

    7. Anonymous 7:36, u need hlp. 4 cryn out loud she needed to speak with d owner of the phone. I really commend er effort. Shez vry professional cos I knw it took all she had not to insult d. Woman. If d man na womanizer aw e take be er fault? C d wa d geh da tlk sef u go knw sa na posh geh, watin she wan do wit man wa e wife da sound like queen of illiteracy town do?... Abeg d iya should go and mind er shop in balogun mrkt abeg. Mtn too makes such calls too

    8. It is a pity that most people can't make their comments without unleashing insults on whoever expressed their independent opinions. I'm not inclined towards being wordy or verbose especially when making comments on blogs but will make this an exception.
      The "Uche" girl did not exhibit the required level of professionalism associated with a well grounded customer service agent.Firstly,her intro line was very bad if you go back to the recording. The proper way is to first introduce yourself and the company you work for and then request to speak with the owner of the line whose name you have to mention to ascertain if you are on to him. Secondly,when the person that answered the call informed her the owner isn't available,there and then the conversation should have ended on a courteous note.She took it to the extreme by asking for her own name.To what purpose?it wasn't an invitation for interview or a loan recovery efforts that you might want to take note for future reference,that call was just a simple courtesy call. Finally,the tone and pitch of her voice doesn't depict a thoroughbred agent. There was constant drawl on words that it appeared she was crooning. My niece(I just castigated her too for calling my beloved Unilag,"Unilaaag" too) told me that is the tone of a typical runs girl when seducing men on phone. A customer service agent should speak in a concise,friendly and at the same time a businesslike tone.Those who are applauding her for not insulting the woman back are definitely not in that line of work.If she had replied back,the least sanction she would have gotten is a suspension without pay.My conclusion is,that "Uche" girl needs to be retrained.

    9. Anonymous 3: 59 you are a fool and a bloody goat.......pls let me know what your qualifications and credentials are for u she handled the call unprofessionally......u must be a jealous colleague from etisalat.......keep hating dem no go sack her, ewu.....

  12. Every uche onise that doesn't want me to locate my future husband.God pls let them face their work jesus name Amen

  13. Please how did this call leak?

    1. My dear, its d same question i av been asking o, who leaked this conversation?

    2. Recorded it nd prolly sent it to her friend who made it go viral now its gonna cost her her job

    3. We may all laugh about this but it's an indictment on Etisalat's Internal Control. Calls are recorded but Call Center staff don't have access to call logs. This call was leaked by a QA (quality assurance) staff. Probably as a joke to a few staff but now it's viral. Some people may lose their jobs over this. I wouldn't find this funny if I were the customer. Does this mean my calls and other confidential information are compromised? We may all laugh about this. A correct description of this is a serious breach of trust.

  14. LMFAO.

    Uche Onise(workaholic), face your work o.

    Madan no wan hear story.

  15. Lol that was funny. Maybe Uche didn't sound convincing enough that she's calling from Etisalat. Mummy said, he's Baffin right now.

  16. . <=D н̍̊̍̊α̇̇̇α̍̍̊..н̍̊̍̊α̇̇̇α̍̍̊..н̍̊̍̊α̇̇̇α̍̍̊
    > нααα..​нα
    ^ ^ ‎ н̲̣̣̣α̣̣̣̣α̣̣̣.. 9ja will not kill me choi!!! Just now and see what there inventions has put up!!! #proudly 9ja Mehn. @i_ChoPtas_Not

    1. Their*** still lolling ooooooooo @i_Choptas_Not

  17. This is so hilarious OMG!!!Thumbs up etisalat.....Madam even from uches voice,can't u tell she's not d kind of woman that will follow ur hubby?well except he's a billionaire will clearly he is not!!!madam face ur husbands oooo....A lot of women are guilty of dis sort of act....always suspicious.make una no remove food from una husbands mouth oooooo........Live and let's live.....

    1. Wetin this one dey talk?.......Some people are so slow!

    2. How is it clear the man is not a billionaire?

      The madam obviously has been having issues with runzgirls calling her husband. She's right to be suspicious of uche. I've also never heard of any CS officer from any of the crappy telecoms calling customers to find out how they are doing.

      And BTW, Okoya's first wife can talk this way. There are illiterate billionaires, with illiterate wives, but wetin concern runzgeh?

    3. Help me ask d mumu o, I dey suspect one girl whose first name starts with 'L', slow mumu

    4. Goldscent diamond....dey do especially wen u port or wen u don't recharge like before..,,etisalat wld call u to findout aw ur doing or wat d problem is

    5. My dear, Etisalat cs calls their customers. I received their calls like 2wice after I bot their line. This is a form of indictment on other networks

    6. Obviously Goldscent Diamond is just as illiterate as d mama. Wonder if she even ever went to school.

    7. Obviously Goldscent Diamond is just as illiterate as the mama. I wonder if she even ever went to school.

  18. M dead buhahahahahahahaha i love the man's wife.. No need for shout n longtalk she dey gently dey tell am hahahahahahahaha uche face ur work

  19. OMG! Hahhhhhahahhahaheheheheheehhe...this is really hilarious! Uche face ur work..and the uche sef be like yes ma..hahahaha

  20. Na wa oh!Wahala go dey if I dare use this as my PM on BBm as some of my contacts named Uche wil lash our of take it personal!
    Abeg evry Uche callin my horseband ,let d phone catch fire loruko jesu....amin!!!

  21. Even u Uche abi na barrister u be. U know urself. Face ur work and leave my boyfriend for me. Always trying to set me up with my boyfriend. Aproko!!

  22. Hahahahahaahahahahahahaa stella u will not kill me haba this sunday morning #love u die

  23. hahaha this got me cracking up i bet its gonna be the new slogan now i trust my naija peeps.

    Handsome one…….

  24. Lmao.This Uche don suffer

  25. Ushes plenty o, these foolish young girls of nowadays, they would not face their work but would be flirting with people's husbands in the work place, even when the man is trying to avoid, na all manner of tactics dem go dey employ. Gone are the days when beauty and brain was the order of the day, Every Ushe (substitute with name in my inner mind) in my husband's life may heaven give you what would make you not have time but to face your work.

    But Madam husband your own too much o, the poor girl was just doing her work now. You still dey 10th century...cnt stop laughing at Ushe Onise

  26. This is soooooo funny!! Dont blame madam jare. That was how one stupid girl called from DSTV asking to speak to my husband. Told her i was his wife. She now coyly asked for his e-mail address(oloribu) I dressed her down big time. Before you know it, den go begin send naked pictures to our husbands. Awon omo oniranu. All Uche Onise, leave our husbands oooooo!!!!!!!

    1. Exactly dstv can call for africa

    2. Kosi ukoha is dis u??? u come here 2???

    3. Iyawo akeem, they called my husband too o and the stupid girl was asking for house address, I quickly snatched d phone from her and gave it to her hot, wetin dstv customer care rep won take house address do, she said she needs it so she can come and verify some things, I just hissed and hung up. The next day I went to their office n gave r a gud warning.

    4. my own case na my number we use subscribe 4 d DSTV, but with hubby's name. So whenenver dey call asking 4 my hubby, I firmly tell them its his Mrs. N dey just go straight 2 d point. Ndi ala! Anaghikwam achikwa oooo!!

    5. We re. Jobless housewife!

    6. League of paranoid wives.

  27. I haff die o with laughter.

  28. Stella, abeg I'm tired of laughing.. Uche, you too, face your work.

    Oluyomi Odukoya

  29. Stella, abeg I'm tired of laughing.. Uche, you too, face your work.

    Oluyomi Odukoya

  30. Stella I just bliv al dis celebs read blogs mehn cs toke just tweeted abt dis immed afta ur post saying y is she just hearing dis.

  31. Very funny audio, d woman dey too insecure

    Hot Entertainment Gist

  32. How dd dis conversation get out of etisalat's company embarassin the poor gal. #Chai!

    We Women sef n jelosy #Smiles

    I no the numba of customer care agents dat call me on dia personal lines after a complaint.
    Some even toasting u wile attending to ur complaints sef.

  33. Lmao..... this 'Ushe' has suffered

  34. Buahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…….Crazy!!! Lol

  35. Is this for real hahahahhahHa

  36. Iyawo na her work she dey do ooo hihihihihihi

  37. Lol@ mtn don't use to call pple anyhow',abi now etisalat sef which kain over familiarity be dat.

  38. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I'm dead, Uche face your work o

  39. Dis's really funny I must say, uche face ur work oooooo

  40. Dat Uche gurl nids a promotion sef wit d way she handled d woman..i dnt tink i hav dt kind of tolerance or patience. Bur illiteracy is a disease sha! Smh

  41. Very funny,"uche face ur work don't call pple's husband"...

  42. Buh Uche no talk anytin bad na MADAM HORSEBAND OWNER, i pray God to let u know the real UCHE in ya horseband wa o 4 naija the diaspora sm phone firm call too to know if u r satisfied wit their service.Stella abi na lie?

  43. This is just too funny !! "Uche , face your work o!" Can't believe the level of insecurity Madam has. Haba!

  44. Evidemtly, this woman is a stark illiterate and has been having issues with her husband about extra marital affaris. Uche was very professional to the last second. This kind of call from customer service is a normal stuff in developed country and the earlier the uneducated wife gets used to it the better or else she will get high BP.

    1. Which developed country? They always ask you if you are free to talk or have few mins to spend. If you say no, they hang up. Why was UCHE forcing the poor woman, even after she said the owner of the phone was taking a bath.

    2. They don't hang up please. If you are in the UK for instance let those PPI people call you or those pay day lenders then you will know how far. Once you say "Sorry it's not a good time then they will bombard you with texts messages. I am a victim of this. So insistence is part of customer services, for all you know she might just be working on a commission based role so don't blame Uche o!!

    3. @jimcateringservices,WTF is wrong with o sha tenu mo bathroom,we don hear,now I see why u r so uptight,ur husband is probably banging his secretary,am nt surprised with this ur nagging attitude,jeez women you married this man because you love and trust him except una do corner corner marriage,oh n u tink a phone call will stop him 4rm cheating if that's if he is anyway,Use ur head,All Your comments are disgusting

    4. Illiterate or not, the woman didn't suspect anything until the girl started asking for nonsense. If uche maintained that she was calling for porting reasons, better, not to say we are calling to check up on him. Are you his caretaker? That's when the woman asked check on him for what? There is professional lingua for customer care reps and checking on him is not one of them. The woman even asked for her name so she can pass the message and the uche kept blabbing rubbish. When can I call back? She really should face her work, If one customer is not available move on the the next. Husband snatcher oshi.

    5. Please anon 2.55pm can you just define the word illiteracy?Because of the affectation or the local accent in her words,then you concluded she is a "stark illiterate".

  45. I applaud Uche for the way she handled the issue, 'Uche face ya work' lol

  46. I don laugh die. Especially when the woman spoke Yoruba and said "Awon etisalat boshe man pe oko oloko. Uche welldone o". Uche obviously didn't understand, she now said "yes ma". LOL
    @ Iyawo Abdulraman, answering your husband's phone when he is "baffing" and forming FBI, SMH for you
    @ Ushe... pele, but you handled this very well. it's part of facing your work oo
    My beloved Naija, there is always something to laugh about!

  47. "Uche onise,face your work oo..don't come and snatch another person's husband o"...hahahhahahaha


  48. Stella face your work ooo....lmao :) :)

  49. It's a prank call. I have another one from MTN with the same voice talking to "Mr Sule" where Mr Sule asked for "caller tune of awurebe and burial ground" instead of blackberry phone. They are both prank calls and nice ones!!!

  50. Hahahahaha! Uche Onise,pls face ya work b4 this Mama go make "Work to face U". Lol!!!!

  51. Every Uche Onise planning to spend this Val with my Bobo ps face ya work oh, if not "fire from above" #prayers#

  52. Hahahahaha! Uche Onise,pls face ya work b4 this Mama go make "Work to face U". Lol!!!!

  53. Mehnnn this is hilarious...funny peeps prostituting in d name of customer care. That's exactly how one funny faced girl that works with Visa fone the one @ shoprite kept calling my bf every night to check how his line was doing, even when she saw him with me. The girl kept asking him every night she called about me. Will find out her name and report her soon.

  54. This uche was completely out of line. First off after introducing yourself, you ask who you're speaking with. She had already started the convo before asking for madam's name. Secondly if she didn't know if the owner of the phone was male/female (which is quite stupid) how then did she begin to address the person as "he". Thirdly if the person is unavailable, you either leave a message or just say thanks and move on, you don't begin to ask when you can call back because you want to check on him. I know their type very well, same thing bank staff especially one almost owning a whole street

  55. This beats all the Saturday and Sunday laffs put together....hilarious!!!

  56. Baby Oku in the house2 February 2014 at 21:16

    Illiteracy is a big disease so is insecurity among us women. The insecurity caused when a young lady rings your intimate lover or husband is high among married women because of the sugar daddy syndrome.

  57. hahahahahahaha so funny, I have cracked my ribs

  58. Naija can make people popular ooo, chai

  59. Why was Uche asking for Madam's name? Not only once o. UCHE FACE YOUR WORK OOO!

  60. I heard this thing yesterday and all i can say ILLITERACY IS A TERRIBLE DISEASE.....Uche said nothing that one could have actually used in accusing her for "horseband" snatching but that woman's level of reasoning and thinking was just terribly annoying.......and sincerely i applaud Uche for her patience,,,not everyone can be that patient with someone with a low level of reasoning(though the possibility of Uche insulting the woman in her head cannot be ruled,,,she never spoke harsh thruout the conversation.......very funny though....make the woman go rest one place jare....

  61. uche was quite considerably professional in handling the issue.
    what i keep wondering about is how the conversation got leaked out.

  62. But has anyone thought that this could be a scam call ? cos for the call to leak from Etisalat office into the public is a security threat to all of us.


  63. The woman sounds like an old fat wife that her horseband has probably turned to a home decor. What a pity, the real uche onishe on her case will not even address her this way.

  64. The woman sounds like an old fat wife that her horseband has probably turned to a home decor. What a pity, the real uche onishe on her case will not even address her this way.

  65. Na wah oo Uche you too go and face your work oo lolz

  66. @3:09 feb 06 your QA is spot on.

    That call should have been closed at the point when the lady said owner of the line was not around. Staff should be retrained on call handling skills.


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