Stella Dimoko I Have Been 'Messing' Non Stop Since I Birthed My Baby...See Me See Wahala Oh!


Friday, January 03, 2014

I Have Been 'Messing' Non Stop Since I Birthed My Baby...See Me See Wahala Oh!

'' A happy new year to you n my SDK family. 

I really need help from mothers and doctors alike. Am a first time mom with an adorable son u i have a problem. Ever since i gave birth i have been emiting terrible foul smelling gas. ......

It comes very frequent even after visiting the white house. 

I have a 3 month old son and am scared of the kind of foul smell he keeps breathing from me. Most times d useless MESS comes at the point am breastfeeding. Thank God for the friendly and considerate hubby i have, he simply laughs and makes a joke of the smell 

This thing started a few weeks after i gave birth, it went away and came back but ds time its taking forever to stop. Dont know if its my body or diet or....God knows what.

 Please i need help cos i fear for my son. Blog visitors ,please help me. Am simply tired and fed up with this. 

Thanks stella for posting. I love you. Muahhhhh



  1. Lol@ White House. But not everyone got a White House at home, me I have a blue house lol. Well I think you need Iya agbamola's Jedi. Just 2 shots of it n the problem is over.

    1. Sweetheart enjoy the joy of motherhood.
      As for you farting mayb you should look into what u consume.
      Cut down on diary products,if possible protein as well.
      Trust me,it would stop.
      Congrats on your new baby.
      I love babies

    2. @poster,,na u cause am naw,,y u no sitdown 4 hot water well well??? Anyway,,go to d nearest iya alagbo shop!!!

    3. Lol @ the caption.

      I never born so I can hardly give advice.

      I guess you'll have to watch what you eat.

      Ask your Obstetrician too.

    4. So since 3monts you haven't seen a doc?and your hubby dey look you.stop sending you medical issues to blogs!go see a f*ucking doctor.

    5. Dis one no b mata of not sittin inside hot water,if na dat one na her tohtoh go dey mess,bt dis one na yansh,I'm a mother of 3 and it happened 2 me,dis udah we use to cook our peppersoup and nsala contributes 2 it,u're still on omugwo,gv urslf say six mnths,it'll stop bt if e no stop by den begin pray mayb na 4rm ya village,lol bt seriously,it'll cause 4 alarm,my mother inlaw used 2 say it's perfume,dat me and my baby will b fresh by d smell,dat even her dat is takin care of us go fresh,she said my daughter carry go,no store am 4 belle ooo,so dat u no go wound,fire dey go I dey urside,no fear and me sef go balance dey release d tin. Abeg! No go any agbo place,remember u're breastfeedin.

    6. Sit on hot water regularly,it helps

    7. It is actually wrong to sit on hot water, disinfected and salted warm water better. Then the gassing might be that you are lactose intolerant at the moment, cut down on dairy products(eg milk) and you will see the gassing will reduce and won't smell as bad.

  2. Dis is serious o.

    : Being alone weakens your body. Having friends strengthens your body by 75%."

  3. Your system is Contaminated.
    Take some detol,kerosene,add a little salt to it. Stir it well.
    Take a tea spoon three times daily.
    Do this quickly cos I don't want u to suffocate your lovely baby with that horrible smell.
    I can even smell it from here.
    Don't forget to thank me later

    Lepa shandy
    (can't comment with my blog name from my device again. Witches and wizards at work)

    1. Haba!!!!!! Na u be d real winchy winchy! Kero and dettol*long hiss*

    2. So ths is the secret recipe that has been making u so bitchy. Enjoy
      Poster see a doc, but I don't think anytin is wrong with u, maybe u changed ur diet after u gave birth

    3. Am nt suprised d witches and wizards are after u... Smh.

    4. It's rather unfortunate dt u'ld give a fellow woman dis kind of advise. Don't worry, am sure u don't any kids yet, maybe by d time u have one, u 'll be poo-ing non stop dn U'll know dt dis ur comment is really stupid!

      As for the lucky mom who has bn favored by God, it's nothing to be ashamed of, see ur doc and watch what u eat.. d herbs might not be 100% suitable cos u r breast feeding (whatever u take in, d baby also takes)..

      Mrs J

    5. Lepa Shandy is this really you?

      I know you are trying to be sarcastic but this is a little extreme.

      **why don't you create another account?

    6. @anon: you need to be slapped in your southern region!!! What rubbish.

    7. Like seriously I always read ur comments u dis lady but I don't reply but I can't help it today, did u just suggest sumone shld take kero? Nd u think its funny? Omg! U need jesus dats all I can say to u.

  4. Hahaha. This one don pass be careful oh!

    1. Madam it happened to me also, my baby is 11 month now, I use to gas out like mad, I went to the Gp and he said it will stop, which it did after a while, drink lot of water and reduce milk and carbonated drinks. And did u ve pregnancy hypertension if yes dn, don't worry it will stop.

    2. I don't av a baby yet so I can't advice y but I can just say this reduce ur dairy products intake...sometime last year I was farting non stop for 3 months...lolz..lata found out d culprit was the cheese I religiously eat every morning with mi bread and d powder milk I chewed every night..i was addicted..

    3. And yeah d smell was overwhelming...lolz

  5. Plssssss dont take d dettol, kerosene etc advice. Deadly!!!!!!

  6. The problem is your diet. Drink Lots of water and yes it helps a lot cos your stomach is simply dirty. If it persist then seee a doctor urgently. Since you a bfeeding mother, woldnt want to tell you others that might affect the breastfeeding and your baby.

  7. You have been poisoned. Drink 2 bottles of palm oil daily for 7 days and always recite back to sender as you drink it.

    1. 2bottles of palmoil?????ur sick

    2. 2bottles of palm oil???ur sick

    3. Princess Charming3 January 2014 at 19:08

      2bottles of palm oil kwa? I think you need jesus. Ppl like you take any little thing na juju. Smh

  8. Lmao ma mum wil sai ts too much sugary stuff one tks,she gvs I and ma siblings traditional med to deworm us(according to her) mayb d poster shuld try t

  9. Its most likely ur diet,I had same issues after my 3rd baby (I craved coconut like madness and took lots of it) but now its gone so chek ur dieT ...dats my 2cents opinion

  10. Detol and Kerosene?????? Smh...Are u this wicked??! 😳😳

  11. Dear talk to ur doctor.
    Pls sdkers wats d best cream to use on my 1 month old baby's skin for her to have a clear, soft and smooth skin, someone said olive oil, Vaseline mixed with baby oil, pls wat do mothers here suggest, I want to maintain my baby's fair skin, and pls is ac good for 1 month old baby and thirdly how do I clean my baby's tongue cos it's white

    1. Eya!! U sound like a first timer.
      Natural products are better my dear. Use olive oil. Its so good. U can also try shea butter (in its natural state).

      Direct ac is not good 4 babies. Never allow the baby 2 face the ac. Let it b low all the time. Mind u babies don't like heat 2.

    2. Mustella baby range

    3. shea butter is great buh for the smell tho buh if u can ignore that its great. I gav birth to my dota in an ac theater d doc sed there was nothin wrong with it buh I think it shuldnt b in excess cos now she wont sleep wen its hot.for d white tongue I used glycerin mouth wash mixed with a little warm water and pls be very careful while using

    4. Ordinary baby cream is ok...or do you want 2 start bleaching her tender skin?....AC is ok,always cover her up and don't face the AC towards her cot.......hope u hv given her a Pneumonia can do that in a general hospital like LUTH.its cheaper there...Use a clean wet wash cloth to clean her mouth....To the Poster,abeg watch what you eat biko...

    5. @Anon 5:32am. Apply Ori,okume(English name: Shea butter)get it from those yoruba women in d market.make sure it hasn't been mixed. Then as for the white tongue; use warm water & a baby napkin(those small 4 corner baby napkin ,some mums use it as a baby handkerchief 2 wipe their body when they perspire. If u have 2 use AC in ur babies room then it should b low & endeavour 2 wrap her with her cover cloth(duvet).

    6. For the skin, if you want to go all natural, shea butter mixes with original coconut oil will do. Shea butter or coconut oil alone is still ok.
      If you can get original coconut oil to buy, good else you can make yours yourself. I made mine myself anyway when i had my first baby.

      AC: Not good at all.

      Tongue : cotton ball moistened with very clean water or very soft towel moistened with warm water will do it.

      #You can get tips from google.

    7. Its -30 degrees in some parts of Canada and babies thrive there. There's this myth about not putting on the AC when there's a baby in the room. As long as the baby isn't cold and well covered, enjoy AC dey go.

    8. You can use E45 cream, its really nice. What I use on my children. As for d white tongue clean out your babys mouth with cotton wool n a drop of glycerin. Not d glycerin dem dey use rub body ooooo! Congrats on your baby. As for d new mum messing up n down pls see your doctor stella dimokokokus blog isn't a medical room ooooo. All d best. Yinks.

    9. Use olive oil mixed n shea butter,dts wt I use n ma skin does glow

    10. Madam pls I beg u wit God a month old baby doesn't need cream o...u only wanna cause d child to have a very terrible body odour use ur olive oil or kernel pomade madam don't let ppl deceive u biko nd btw wat did ur mum ask u to use ni or ur mother inlaw?

    11. Anon 7;35am,glycerin 4 1 month old??? Hmmmm plz ooo......
      Plz woman,use either smachd tomatoes on baby face towel or jst d towel wit warm wter,as 4 d skin excpt u get original shea butter(ori) don't use it......u can also try chicco products,its very nice n mild on babies skin.

    12. Try sebamed product for the baby as for d ac its ok but not too much. Richwifey

    13. Glycerin fr a month old baby is a NO NO!dts so harsh..pls dont do dt..use Ori(shea butter) for ur baby,dts wot i use.its vry gud...n for d AC,as long as d baby isnt directly unda it n its nt too high,carry go!!

    14. Please do not use glycerine for your baby. I take God beg you nii.
      Warm sterilised water and cotton wool or clean muslin squares or face towels should do the trick. I remember walking into boots once to buy glycerin and innocently mentioned to the pharmacist on duty I used it to clean my 6 month old baby's tongue. She refused to sell it to me and said "I wonder why we Africans keep using glycerin on our babies ". She is nigerian too. She even told me never to mention that I use glycerin to clean my baby's tongue or i could be in serious trouble lol.

      I guess it's cos somehow babies would end up ingesting the glycerin no matter how little. Also remember to wash your hands be for cleaning baby's tongue and don't forget the water should be sterilised. Simply boil water and allow to cool. All the best.

  12. Madam stop bothering ursef ova nothing.
    Olorun oo kole iso(God neva built a house for fart)
    Do it anywia(but discretely), anytime n anyday
    Its an evidence of a gud life.
    Enjoy it wile it lasts.
    And plz don't be stingy, share it with ur hubby n baby #Cheers

    1. Olorun oo kole iso! Aka mess no get toilet!

    2. Lol!! Pinkshell ur crazy

    3. Lol!! Pinkshell ur crazy

  13. Please Nigerians, when you have a health problem, go see a doctor. Don't go on blogs asking people on ASUU break medical questions.

    1. Me sef I tire. Why they can't just go see the doctor is what I don't understand.

  14. "After child birth, the muscles of the anus and other nerves nearby may be damage,. Making it difficult to hold wind in".

    Dr Margaret Stearn.

    * it usually occurs when you have big baby or prolonged Labour. *

    I thought about you adding some sweet smelling powder to some tissue = to muffle the sounds and eliminate the smell.


    1. Yes my baby was very big @ birth

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. That smell isn't healthy for the still growing respiratory system of your baby. Help yourself and your baby by seeing a doctor immediately,this isn't a joking matter at all. You probably need to detoxify your system too but discuss extensively with a qualified medical doctor first. Good luck.

  17. I think it has to do with the expansion of your private parts during the delivery process. It usually happens if the birth method is natural. I remember my Mum used to tell me if you dont sit on warm water mixed with detol and much salt you just be 'messing' around! I think it isnt late yet; you can still do that. It really helped me; my smallest baby weighed 3.5kg! The first was 4kg, with the tearing of my birth carnal. So, pls do something before it will become more embarrassing to you.

    1. Ya!! This is right. Do this quickly. B4 its 2 late.

  18. lol but I feel you dear. It will go . Don't go using drugs tho if you breast feeding

  19. smh*lepa shandy someone is asking for help nd all u cn do is mk a joke about it put urself in her shoes nd help her out.... Anyway ma i tink u shld see a doctor.

  20. You need a deflatulent, go into any pharmacy and ask for relcer its gonna help you not sure if you can use pro biotic for bloated tommy but I advise you go to a standard pharmacy eg healthplus or medplus. And next time walk into a pharmacy for consultation its very free

    1. Please don't use any medicine while breastfeeding without consulting your doctor

  21. I really don't know, maybe it comes with the breastfeeding or from what you take in into your system.

  22. See the pic. Like person wey get warapa! Hahahahahahahahaha. When I'm pregnant my mess is on a greater level. Everybody dey run for cover. When I have my babies it's just as bad. If I release the pikin go frown face but I don't care. In all I give thanks. People dey hospital wey dem never discharge because them never mess.

    1. na true u talk wen I had my baby it was tru a c-section. the doc say i must mess befor I drink 1 cover of bottled water after 4days mess no gree show com and see crying buh I thank God say eventually 1small mess show. All will be well

    2. Mrs Lagbaja from NYC3 January 2014 at 10:54

      Lmaooo, u sure are a clown, my ribs are hurting, LWKMD!!! YEPA, E gbami o.

  23. Well it happens to some ppl after birth, heard the cause shod be the way Ɣ☺ΰ were treated during your *omugwu* lol

  24. Why don't you complain to your doctor? If its a sign of an infection, it will be good to catch it early. Its not advisable for you to take local concoction since you are breastfeeding.

    1. Na wa o! So everything na infection 4 9ja now bah! Kai! Ignorance is really a disease

  25. It's normal after delivery for some people and will vanish on its own, do not take any drug and for the horrible smell,that's due to high protein in your diet but isn't bad because you need it for your baby since you're breastfeeding. All the best dear.

  26. Could it be excess milk dat u r consuming,mayb u should try reducing d quantity of milk u tk, jst saying

  27. Did u have ur baby thru a C-sec? Cos I remember that's wat happened to my aunty wen she had her twins.

    Well, hv u tried complaining to ur Gyn or u r jst planning to wait it out? Several ppl here will come wit diff remedies but rem dat every body's system is diff.

    Go for an authentic medical check up. I'm sure they will fix you.

  28. Its normal'll stop soon but try as much as possible 2 always close ur legs wen sitting,it helps too.......altho u shud hav been doin dat immediately after delivery but itts not too late. Pele


  29. Dear poster I think air must hv entered ur body see a dr its not normal
    When I had my first child thesame thing happened to me
    Be contous of the way u seat
    Always close ur legs
    Hope u re doing baby friendly
    It's neat, cheap, N stress free.
    I did for my 3kids
    Welcome to motherhood


    1. Madam, abeg keep ur "baby friendly" opinion to urself. Some cases just warrant dat u feed d baby wit formula

  30. D best tin 4 u now is 2 sit on hot water add dettol n salt into d water n sit on it twice daily. Cause I ve som1 wit dat problem,it was after she gave birth 2 anoder baby dat was wen it stopped cause nobody advice re on wat 2 do. Pls do it quickly b4 is 2 late. As 4 d lady wit a mth baby pls do not use ac 4 re n us baby cream or olive oil 4 re.

  31. $y dear am still a single, and unmarried girl and I av never had a baby but I will suggest that u find a calabar or akwaibom woman, maybe a neighbor and tell her abt it, den she will enter the bush and get assorted and different leaves for you she would mix it, pound it and wash out the water then she'll instruct u how to pump it into you system to wash out the dirts in it cos the truth is u need to detoxify, ur system is kinda dirty, and pls stop messing for the poor baby mbuk, tnk God for ur understanding hubsband doh'....try what av suggested ok or reach me by mail ('t forget to thank me ltr..............PS my mum's Calabar, and das why and how I know all this

  32. Anons 5:32,use glycerine. 2 wash re mouth.

  33. Hehehe. I just love Julit!
    And the person who said Nigerians should go to the doctor and stop asking people on ASUU strike questions is so on point. I'm sure you want to hear from other mothers that have had a similar experience but pls see a doctor first.

  34. It happened to me 2. I had a big baby 4+kg. It eventually went away although my mum kept telling me to sit on a hard surface regularly. The things that happens after childbirth that no one mentions... Talk to ur gynae if u are that worried.

  35. This one na Eya pple.Eya has gone on leave so they brought thier matter here.
    Poster sit on kitchen stool, I heard it also hlps.

  36. LMAAAOOOOOOO did you eat soured beans???? Plus soured moi moi? LOOOOOL ! Your stomach is dirty ooh.

  37. Haaaa, Stella , you and your captions lmao !! Anyways poster, watch what you eat, though there is nothing wrong with you

  38. Lol. Never heard of that before. Lol.

  39. After birth u left ursef opened.n u sat carelessly wit ur legs opened n u knw after giving birth evrywer is opened so u r immuned 2 infections of diff kinds well d prob is I dnt knw d solution buh ds s definetly d cause coz u r a 1st timer buh ur mum ws supposed 2 caution u during d omugwo sori sha

  40. Pls see ur doctor nau....

  41. Dear poster take ur issue to MFM there is nothing prayErs can not solve, LOl. On a serz not go see a gynaecologist.

  42. Aunty stella, there is nothing like 'messing'. Its called 'fart' if some1 farts, air is forced out of their body through their anus. Fart is also a Noun. Wink.

    1. Shut up ITK! It's clear u don't understand English otherwise u'll know what she meant by putting the messing in an inverted comma. Mschewww! Oversaabi

    2. Lol
      Dont mess with Texas

  43. The muscles of your anus might have be damage.
    My dear you are not messing its just your vagina you need to start using hot water and dettol on it,get a very good towel dip it inside a bucket hot water then place it on a stool and sit on it. Avoid setting on a sofa, always sit on a stool.
    Don't mind my plenty story biko

    1. U're right u need hot water and dettol make sure u always sit on stool

  44. Nne go c ur doc may b there is inner tear 4r d birth dey did not c

  45. Am a virgin and am having nipple discharge. Doctor prescribed some drugs, I have finished d dose but d liquid is still coming out. Wot do I do plsssss.

  46. Poster its very normal.when I had my son I had d same problem.simply check wat u are lots of fruits and drink plenty water.stay away from diary food and milk.

  47. Sweetie,dnt mind blog visitors asking u 2 see ur Dr. Doctors cnt give advice like: pressing ur tummy wt hot water after delivery. U can only get advice from experienced mothers.
    1. Cut down on ur milk in-take.
    2. Sit on a bucket wt hot water n dettol wt salt,let d steam enter ur vagina n anus. Its helps in firming.
    Try dese,I'm sure dey ll help.
    God bless u.

  48. Use Shea butter mixed with olive oil for your baby and you will not regret it It is what i have used on my son since he was born and everyone keeps remarking on his clear and beautiful skin.

  49. Nice One Darling, definitely love your post and advice for the farting nursing Mother.

  50. The truth is, the diet our Mothers place us on post childbirth in Nigeria are really unhealthy. This is the reason why we add on so much weight after delivery and struggle with it. we are made to consume very high calorie diets which we are unable to burn, u are made to eat every 5 mins all in the name of "you are breastfeeding'. your messing situation has to do with nothing but your diet. your nursing mother diet. what you are eating is what we don't know. but what you are eating is the cause of your mess.

  51. I think u have GERD happens to some women after child birth, avoid acidic foods. U can browse about it

  52. Don't think its a big deal though...
    Truly, people de find mess make dem discharge them from hospitalo. Funny but very correct esp after c.s
    Cut down on your milk intake as well.

    Anon on baby skin worry, my mum always brings palm kernel oil whenever she comes for omugwor. At first I frowned at it, cos I felt it was soiling my baby's clothing but when I saw the wonders it works, I got some dark baby clothing and kept up with it. Good for cold, good for beautiful skin. Really nice.

  53. @ all of u saying glycerine for a 1 month old is not good did u read what she wrote @ all? She sed NOT THE GLYCERIN FOR BODY OH! What she means is glycerin with borax. It is meant for new borns and infants. Some babies have oral thrush and that's what it's meant for. As for what u use on the baby's body. Just use E45. And when u r taking ur baby under the sun, use seba med sunscreen for babies. Nigerians don't believe in using sunscreen but it is very important. Good luck!


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